167 cm what should the weight be. Normal weight and height for women: ideal ratio. Calculation of weight by height and age

“We live in society, we play society.” From birth, a person finds himself in a complex environment with its own laws and rules. When a little girl is given a Barbie doll and told that this is the ideal for a girl, most parents do not think that they are zombifying their child.

Modern media imposes a certain image of an ideal figure, forcing most women to strive for this dubious conformity. Is this necessary? What weight should I be and at what height? Is excessive thinness normal and how can such weight loss affect a woman’s health?

First of all, when “going on a diet” you need to think about the medical aspect of this decision. There are certain medical standards for matching a person's height and weight.

These indicators vary for different body types.

Initially, you need to determine what type you are, and based on this, calculate the ideal weight for your figure. With the thumb and index finger of one hand, grab the wrist of the other. If your fingers are not just closed, but you can close them freely overlapping, then you have a thin-boned or asthenic physique.

This is the same physique that we are told about on TV and we see on the covers of magazines. Women of this type are characterized by thin bones, long legs and underdeveloped muscles, tall stature and low weight. At the same time, “Barbie” does not have to go on any kind of diet, even with a high-calorie diet, the weight of such women can increase very slightly, because energy expenditure burns all accumulated calories.

If the index finger and thumb are closed, as they say, end to end, it means that you have a normal or normasthenic physique and you are very lucky, because you can easily control your weight and have the correct body proportions. In order to get better, it is enough to increase your diet a little, and to lose weight, do a little exercise.

The picture becomes a little more complicated if the fingers were not closed. This means that you have a large-boned or hypersthenic physique and you have to work harder to achieve an ideal figure than asthenics and normasthenics. You are characterized by: broad bones, broad shoulders and chest. You have to exercise more and limit yourself in nutrition; achieving and maintaining your ideal weight comes with great effort.

So, having determined your body type, you can begin to calculate the ideal weight for your figure.

Ideal parameters

The normal weight index is not the same for men and women. For women: 18-24, and for men: 19-25. If your body index is less than the indicated indicators, it means you are underweight or underweight; an index exceeding the indicators indicates overweight or obesity.

Let's move on to the calculation. The simplest way to subtract from the height value for a normal physique is 110, for asthenics -115 (or minus 10%), for a large-boned physique - 100 (or plus 10%). The method is reliable only for women with a height of more than 170 cm.

Let us give the calculation for a height of 177 cm.

Normal body type: 177 – 110 = 67

Small boned body: 177 – 115 = 62 or 67 – 6.7 = 60.3

Big boned body: 177 – 100 = 77 or 67 + 6.7 = 73.7

To obtain your weight index, divide your own weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters.

Here are the calculations for a height of 177 cm and a weight of 55 kg.

55/(1.77*1.77) = 17.56

The weight index turned out to be below 18, which allows me to gain a little weight.

Another method is more related to the average density of the human body. A person who is 152.4 cm tall should weigh 45 kg. For every subsequent 2.45 cm, 0.9 kg is added and 10% of the weight is added to the final result. Such complex calculations are due to the fact that the original formula corresponded to other units of measurement of weight and height.

Let's do the calculation for a height of 167 cm.

As a result, we find that for a height of 167 cm, the ideal weight is 55.4 kg.

It is easiest to carry out calculations for a normal physique. With this ratio of parameters for women, waist size is equal to height minus 100.

Each person is unique and weight is as individual for each of us as our face. A healthy person is always beautiful; you shouldn’t lose your health in pursuit of Barbie.

I’m 20, weight 70 with a height of 167, I don’t think this is normal, I tried to lose weight and it doesn’t work...

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I'm 12, height 167, weight 68, I want to weigh 52 kg. How to lose weight? Preferably quickly

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I am almost 14 years old, height 167. My weight is 52-53 kg

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I am 22 years old, your weight is 72.2 kg with a height of 161 cm

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I’m 25, after 2 births I gained a lot of weight, my height is 168, I pulled myself together, my weight was 88, now I’m 70 kg, but I still have fat, so in the process, up to 60 kg, proper nutrition, and fitness to help

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I’m 27 years old, weight 70 kg, height 167.. starting to lose weight

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I’m 22, my weight is 100 kg, I don’t know what to do, tell me what to do after the second birth, I put on a lot of weight, I dabbled in smoking, but then I abruptly quit when I got married

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Only PP! My brother’s wife weighed 110, had been fat all her life, and then suddenly she took control of herself. Now she weighs less than me (65 kilos!). She was so interested in it all, she studied it so much that now she teaches PP!

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Do exercises in the morning, run, eat less bread and sweets, still have body wraps, drink more water)

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I am 35 years old, height - 167 cm. My weight is 85 kg. That's a lot. After the first birth I gained 6 kg. After the second, I gained another 11 kg. I want to lose 20 kg with the help of fitness and a diet of 1500 Kcal/day.

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I am 23 years old, I weigh 44 kg at 167 cm. I lost weight after giving birth, but I can’t gain weight.

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I'm 22. And everything is the same as with you. I can't get better.

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I am 34 years old, height 167 cm, weight 86 kg. For me this is a lot. I'll start with active games outside with children.

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I am 30, my height is 167 cm, and my weight is 52 kg. I always gain a couple of kilos in winter, how many calories should I consume per day to lose a couple of kilos?

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I’m 38. Height is 167, weight is 63. It’s too much for me, I feel normal at 55-57. I don’t plan to lose weight, but now I’m excluding gluten from my diet, or more precisely, products containing it.

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I am 25 years old, height 167 cm, weight 56 ​​kg. I want to quit smoking, but I was worried that I would gain more kilograms than is allowed for my height. Now I see that I have 14 kg in stock, I can be calm)

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I am 30 years old. With a height of 167 cm, weight 67 kg. BMI = 23.67, that is, the weight is normal, but I feel “heavy”. I want to get rid of 5-7 kg. Please advise how this can be done without exhausting diets?

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I am 40 years old, my height is 167 cm and I weigh 111 kg. Despite my seemingly considerable weight, I look good, and most importantly I feel vigorous and healthy. Do I need to lose weight?

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With a height of 167 cm, I weigh only 48 kg. I really hope that I can gain at least 5 kg. Now I try to eat only vegetables and boiled chicken, quit smoking, and take up fitness. The result is obvious!

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I am 24 years old, I have never had an ideal figure, but after the birth of a child the situation has worsened significantly. It is very difficult to say goodbye to 3 extra kilos... Has anyone had a similar problem?

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I'm only 28, but I already have problems with excess weight. With a height of 167 cm, I weigh 82 kg. My index showed 29.4, which means I am overweight. Now I'm losing weight by leaps and bounds.

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As we know, there is no limit to perfection. This is especially true for standards of female beauty. Many young ladies are especially concerned about the question of what the ideal height-to-weight ratio should be. To get closer to the ideal, girls torture themselves with various diets and spend many hours in gyms.

However, not every young lady is able to immediately answer the question of what weight should be if she is 170 or 158 centimeters tall. Here you will have to do some calculations. There are different methods.

What should be the ratio of height and weight

Honestly, the norm of weight and height for women is a very individual indicator, because there are many additional parameters. For example, some people have a so-called wide bone, while others have highly developed muscle mass. To find out about growth, all this data must be taken into account. Also, measurements will be quite approximate for those who have not yet finished growing (teenagers), as well as for women who are in an “interesting position.” In these cases there is no need to talk about ideals at all.

How to correctly determine your height

The first step is to correctly measure your own height. To do this, you need to stand with your back to a sheer wall and lean against it. You must have at least five touch points:

  • back of the head;
  • protruding parts of the blades;
  • buttocks;
  • calf muscles;
  • heels.

If at least one of these points does not touch the wall, then you are standing incorrectly. In this case, the measurements cannot be considered completely correct.

Place a flat plank, ruler or book on the top of your head and ask someone to draw a line where the object touches the wall. Now, using a measuring tape, measure the distance from the floor to the mark. The result can be assessed as follows:

  • 150 cm or less - short stature;
  • 151-156 cm - below average;
  • 157-167 cm - average height;
  • 168-175 cm - tall;
  • 176 cm is very tall for a woman.

Special tables will help you find out what your weight should be for a height corresponding to your measured height. However, this result cannot be considered completely correct. The fact is that not every table takes into account all the necessary parameters.

Body types: what are they?

The proportions of weight and height in women depend on many parameters, for example, there are three types:

  • Asthenic. Another name is thin-boned. People of this type have very thin, long and fragile limbs. Their height is usually above average. They also have rather narrow hips and shoulders, as well as a small chest. Asthenics most often have an accelerated metabolism, so they are quite thin. If people of this type begin to eat a lot, then the weight will increase very slowly. They say about such people: “a boyish figure.”
  • Normosthenic - normal. Such young ladies are the luckiest, since everything in their body is proportional: the bones are of medium thickness, the shoulders and hips are quite wide, and the waist is much narrower in comparison. The metabolism of this type of woman is moderate. With a normal diet, all kilocalories are completely consumed, but you should not overeat, as there is a risk of quickly ruining your figure.

  • Hypersthenic - wide bone. This type of person has rather wide and massive bones. Externally, this is clearly visible: wide hips and shoulders, short neck and legs, massive chest. This guy had the worst luck. The metabolism of such people is slow, and with incorrect nutrition, weight will be gained at lightning speed.

Since the norm of weight and height for women depends primarily on their body type, it is necessary to determine it correctly. This is quite easy to do. To do this, you just need to measure the circumference of your wrist. Since this is the only part of the body on which fat is practically not deposited, such measurements can be trusted. So:

  • 16 cm or less - you are asthenic;
  • 16-18.5 cm - you have a completely normal build;
  • 18.5 cm or more - you have a wide bone.

Leg length

In addition to the correct ratio of weight and height, for a beautiful figure it is also important to have good proportions. Since height mainly depends on the length of the legs, this parameter is also important. Of course, the length of the legs is quite difficult to correct; you will have to be content with what nature gave.

Usually they occur in asthenic young ladies or women of normal type. The legs should be measured from the floor to the protruding mound (if there are no problems with weight, then it is clearly visible).

For a figure to be considered proportional, the length of a girl’s legs must be at least half her height. It is customary to consider the parameters at which the length of the legs is more than 1/2 of the height by several centimeters:

  • 2-4 cm - for hypersthenics;
  • 4-6 cm - for a normal build;
  • 6-9 cm - for asthenics.

If nature does not spoil you with long legs, then this deficiency can be corrected by wearing high heels.

Age also needs to be taken into account

In addition to these factors, it is also necessary to take into account the woman’s age. The fact is that the weight norm for a height of 175 will be different for women who have celebrated their fiftieth birthday and for twenty-year-old girls. This is due to the level of metabolism. The younger the girl, the taller he is. Accordingly, the standards vary.

How to determine the correct ratio of your weight and height

For this, there are many different formulas and tables that take into account different factors. Which one to choose is up to you. To determine your ideal weight for height yourself, you can use, for example, Brock’s formula. The calculation will be quick, but quite approximate. To do this, you just need to correctly measure your own height and subtract 100 cm from the result obtained in centimeters. This will be the desired weight.

As you understand, the norm of weight and height for women calculated in this way is very approximate, because the calculation does not take into account either the body type or, in fact, the age of the person. Therefore, to correct the result, you can safely subtract another 7-10%.

Quetelet's formula

Those who are interested in the norms of weight and height for women can use, for example, Quetelet’s formula, which takes into account all the necessary parameters. The formula is not too complicated, anyone can apply it:

  • M = 0.75 x (P - 150) + 50 + (B - 20) : 4.

All the letters here are intuitively clear: M - body mass; B - age; R - human height.

To do an additional check, you can also calculate BMI (in the English version of BMI), which stands for or in another way. This is very simple to do:

IR = B: P 2.

The letters, of course, indicate weight and height, respectively, only in this case height must be measured in meters. Depending on what number you received, we evaluate the results:

  • 18.5 or less - you are clearly underweight, you urgently need to gain a few kilograms;
  • 18.6-24.9 - your weight can be considered normal, there are no medical indications for losing weight;
  • 25-29.9 - sad, but your weight cannot be called normal, so for good health and a beautiful figure you still need to lose a couple of kilograms;
  • 30-34.9 - you have clear signs of first-degree obesity; if you do not want to have many health problems, then immediately go to the gym;
  • above 35 - second degree obesity; Most likely, in the near future you will need the help of a doctor, since at this weight your health deteriorates significantly;
  • above 40 - you simply need the help of a nutritionist; you are unlikely to be able to lose weight on your own.

Weight and height norms: table for women

Since all the ratios of the parameters of the human body have long been calculated by nutritionists and simply caring enthusiasts, you can determine your personal ideal weight using one of the many ready-made tables. To get the most accurate result, choose tables that take into account the largest number of parameters. When using them, it is worth remembering that the data for men and women is most often different, so be careful.

There is another very simple and affordable way to determine whether it’s time for you to lose weight. You need to divide your waist size, measured in centimeters, by your hip size. If the result obtained is less than 0.8, everything is in order, you do not need a diet. Those with readings ranging from 0.81 to 0.84 should think about their diet. Well, for those who have this figure greater than or equal to 0.85, it’s time to see a nutritionist - you are obese.

Everyone who is losing weight is interested in the question of normalcy. What weight is considered normal for yourself? There are a number of formulas that you can use to determine the extent to which your body weight corresponds to one or another statistical average. After all, all these formulas are based on the average person. Therefore, when resorting to them, one must clearly realize that any formula for normal weight is conditional.

In reality, each of us has our own individual genetically predetermined value of optimal body weight, which depends on the totality of innate structural features of tissues and organs of the body as a whole.

For example, there are three body types - asthenic (thin-boned/ectomorph), normosthenic (normal/mesomorph) and hypersthenic (broad-boned/endomorph).

To determine your type, you need to measure your wrist circumference.

  • Less than 16 cm - asthenic;
  • 16-18.5 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 18.5 cm - hypersthenic.
  • Less than 17 cm - asthenic;
  • 17-20 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 20 cm - hypersthenic.

In addition to body types, each of us is programmed to have a certain weight. This program is activated by the mother during pregnancy. It is believed that if she gained excess weight during pregnancy, then the child may have difficulty controlling body weight in the future. Over the course of our lives, we also lay down a different program with our wrong ones. When losing weight, many are faced with the so-called balance point or set point, when they use healthy methods, and if they succeed, they cannot maintain it.

For example, you weighed 90 kg, lost weight to 55 kg, want to lose another 5 kg, but no matter what you do, it doesn’t work. At the same time, even taking a break from the diet and small holidays, you do not gain more than 3-5 kg, which you then easily lose. You may have reached your point of balance, and overcoming it may cost you dearly. When the body is under constant stress, and dieting, training and high demands on oneself are constant stress, the risk increases. It is important to listen to yourself and your body's needs.

If you do not take into account the individuality of the body and physique, then in approximate calculations you can use the following simple formulas (author P.P. Broca, 1871):

For men

(Height in cm - 100) x 0.9 = ideal weight.

For women

(Height in cm - 100) x 0.85 = ideal weight.

There is another formula that can be used for both men and women:

(Height in cm - 100) = ideal weight.

Example: If your height is 152 cm, your weight should be 152 - 100 = 52 kg.

There is another formula:

Height in cm x Bust volume in cm / 240 = ideal weight.

Example: (155 x 96) / 240 = 62 kg.

Do not forget that it is still necessary to take into account your body type; women naturally have more fat than men.

Therefore, you can use the following data to determine your ideal weight:

For men

Height, cm Body type
Thin (asthenic)
155 49 kg 56 kg 62 kg
160 53.5 kg 60 kg 66 kg
165 57 kg 63.5 kg 69.5 kg
170 60.5 kg 68 kg 74 kg
175 65 kg 72 kg 78 kg
180 69 kg 75 kg 81 kg
185 73.5 kg 79 kg 85 kg

For women

Height, cm Body type
Thin (asthenic) Normal (normosthenic) Wide bone (hypersthenic)
150 47 kg 52 kg 56.5 kg
155 49 kg 55 kg 62 kg
160 52 kg 58.5 kg 65 kg
165 55 kg 62 kg 68 kg
170 58 kg 64 kg 70 kg
175 60 kg 66 kg 72.5 kg
180 63 kg 69 kg 75 kg

Ideal weight formulas help you figure out how long you can lose weight. However, it is important to understand that two people with exactly the same weight can look completely different. The point here is not about height or body type, but about body composition - the ratio of muscle to fat. Look at the photo.

Adipose tissue is more voluminous than muscle tissue. That's why the girl on the left looks curvier than the girl on the right, even though they have the same weight. And that’s why it’s so important to strive not so much to lose weight, but to strengthen muscles through strength training and.

What should your weight be if you are 167 cm tall? How to calculate it correctly? This article talks about what is the normal weight for a height of 167. It contains a lot of useful information.

The ideal weight is the one at which a person feels comfortable and comfortable and does not feel heaviness in the body. However, despite this, it is also necessary to know what the ideal weight should be for a certain height.

Because to some extent it should serve as a certain guideline. Knowing your ideal weight, you can set a very clear goal for yourself, which you need to strive for.

Naturally, the question of what the ideal weight should be is primarily of interest to women, because it is the fair half who is trying to get rid of extra pounds and make their weight ideal. To correctly assess your weight, you need to weigh yourself only once a week and it is better to choose the morning for this purpose, because it is at this time of day that you can most correctly determine your weight.

When determining the ideal weight, it is worth using various calculation formulas, and also when calculating using certain data, such as height, age, and in some cases, a person’s physique. To determine the ideal weight, it is necessary to take into account and compare all these parameters.

When calculating ideal weight, as a rule, the formula of the famous French anthropologist Broca is used, who proposes to determine the ideal weight of a person, taking into account his height and subtracting one hundred from the result obtained. It is the resulting figure that is considered ideal for a person’s weight. Thus, we can conclude that the ideal weight for a height of 167 centimeters will be 67 kilograms. Naturally, this formula does not take into account a person’s age, his physique and many other factors, but it can be used as a guide for determining ideal weight.

There is also an excellent way to determine normal weight by body mass index, that is, by the value that shows the correspondence of a person’s height to weight. To determine the ideal ratio, you can use the formula of the famous Belgian sociologist Kuttle. According to his formula, to calculate the body mass index, you need to divide a person’s weight in kilograms by his height in meters squared. If the obtained value is in the range from 8.5 to 25 is the norm, all other values ​​require adjustments, either towards increasing or decreasing weight.

Many scientists believe that it is best to determine ideal weight based on the body structure of each individual person, because only in this case can you get the most accurate and correct result, as well as determine the amount of muscle tissue and the percentage of fat present. Depending on the different proportions of a person's body, as well as existing parameters, two people with the same weight and height can look completely different. It is also worth remembering that muscles are much heavier than fat, which is why if a person has a muscular body, then he weighs much more.

To determine a person's physique, it is worth using the person's wrist circumference because this is usually the only sure-fire method. The circumference of the wrist is measured in centimeters, but if the value is less than fifteen centimeters, then this indicates that the person has a thin physique, if this indicator lies in the range from 15 to 19 centimeters, then the person’s physique is normal, but if the size of the wrist circumference is more than nineteen centimeters, this means that the person has a large physique. You can also clasp your wrist with your thumb and forefinger; if there is a margin left in the girth, then the person has a thin physique; if the wrist is clasped end to end, then this means that the physique is normal; if you cannot grasp the wrist, then the person has a large physique.

Naturally, when taking any measurements, you should not take the results obtained too seriously, because the determining result is not a certain body weight, but, first of all, a good appearance, as well as excellent health. To achieve the ideal ratio of a person’s height and weight, it is necessary to bring the body into a normal state and switch to proper nutrition, as well as exercise.

If the height is 167, the ideal weight will be approximately 67 kilograms, however, if a person does not feel comfortable at this weight, then some adjustment is allowed, both towards decreasing and increasing weight. The permissible value can vary within several kilograms.

To achieve an ideal weight, you need to learn to eat right, you also need to exercise regularly, and completely eliminate stressful situations from your life. To quickly get into proper shape and improve your figure, you must definitely play sports and also adhere to a normal diet.

Also, to determine the ideal weight, a certain formula is used, based on which it is necessary to subtract 110 from a person’s height and this will result in an ideal weight, this means that the weight norm for a height of 167 centimeters is 57 kilograms. It is worth noting that this formula is quite simple and it is not worth judging the ideal weight so harshly, because it is also worth taking into account such parameters as the structural features of the human body, as well as his height and age. All this should be taken into account because it is clear that the ideal weight of a girl and a man should naturally differ and a man’s weight should be slightly higher.

That is why leading nutritionists say that the ideal weight can only be calculated individually for each individual person, and when making such calculations it is worth taking into account the person’s height, constitution, appearance, age, as well as the existing thickness of the skin fold. For each specific person, the individual ratio of height and weight will be its own.

Naturally, as a person ages, his weight increases slightly, which is why when calculating the ideal weight, it is also necessary to take into account the age of a particular person. If a person is less than forty years old, then it is necessary to subtract 110 from his height in centimeters, but if he is more than forty years old, then it is worth subtracting one hundred.

Also, the ideal weight of a person is determined taking into account his physique, that is, if he has a thin physique, then another ten percent must be subtracted from the result obtained, but if he has a large physique, then another ten percent must be added. If a person has a normal physique, then there is no need to add or subtract anything to the result obtained.

With a thin physique, a person has rather long limbs, a thin hand, a long and thin neck, and the muscles are quite poorly developed. As a rule, people of thin build are light in weight, they are unusually active, and even with increased nutrition they are not prone to obesity, because they lose excess calories much faster than they accumulate them.

With a normal physique, a person has a beautiful, proportional figure, and the main parameters of the body are distinguished by the correct ratio. If a person has a large build, then they differ in that he has fairly wide and heavy bones, short legs, as well as a massive and wide chest, shoulders and hips. Such people are most prone to obesity and they have to be especially strict about their diet, and they also need to constantly exercise to keep their weight in a normal state.

It is worth noting that with a height of 167 centimeters, a person’s weight can fluctuate upward, because a slight deviation from the ideal weight is allowed and this will be quite normal.

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