What do hickeys on the neck mean? How to get a hickey and how to get rid of it. How to leave a noticeable mark on your partner's body

Hickey is one of the side effects of lovemaking. This feature occurs quite often when it comes to passionate couples. The main feature of hickeys is that they can remain on the body from 5 days to 2 weeks. Agree, such prospects are not very bright. Therefore, the question becomes how to get rid of the hematoma or disguise it. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

How to cover up a hickey on your neck

  1. You cannot come to work or school with such marks on your neck. For 5-15 days, while the hickey is still there, use effective ways to disguise it.
  2. Choose a foundation that will harmonize with the skin tone on your neck. Apply it not only to the hickey, but also to some area around the hematoma.
  3. If the consequences of a hectic pastime occurred during the cold season, wear clothes with a collar or a scarf. A turtleneck, a sweatshirt, or a shirt with a stand-up collar will do.
  4. If you have no contraindications to visiting a solarium or sunbathing, take advantage of this. On a tanned body, the hickey will not appear so clearly.
  5. Those with long or medium hair are advised to wear their locks loose. Do hairstyles that highlight your face and at the same time cover your neck.
  6. You can resort to tricks and use a transfer tattoo, mehendi or other services of this type. Apply the design over the hematoma.

Medicines for removing hickeys

  1. Currently, many medications have been developed that can remove a hickey in a short time. Such formulations should contain vitamin K and heparin.
  2. This ointment affects the skin, constricting blood vessels. As a result, redness is significantly reduced. It is important to apply the composition according to the instructions, otherwise you may harm the skin.
  3. As an alternative remedy, you can use iodine solution. The composition perfectly activates blood circulation, eliminating the damaged area. Apply the product with a classic mesh.

Folk remedies to combat hickey

The means at hand are no worse than ointments in coping with the consequences of a stormy night. You will find all the products listed in your kitchen.

  1. If you find a hickey almost immediately, use any product from the freezer.
  2. Arm yourself with ice cubes and wrap them in plastic wrap. Apply to the damaged area of ​​skin and wait until you feel cold.
  3. This will prevent bruising or make it less noticeable. Cosmetic ice works in a similar way, only it does not need to be wrapped in film.


  1. This method is similar to the previous one. It is suitable for cases where the hickey can be identified immediately.
  2. Prepare the slurry: sift the baking soda, mix it with filtered water at room temperature.
  3. Apply a thick paste to the site of the suspected hickey and wait 5 minutes. A bruise may appear, but it will be less pronounced.


  1. To carry out the procedure, you will need medium-sized young potatoes. Wash the root vegetable and pass through a grater. Apply to the hickey site and secure with gauze. Wait half an hour.
  2. You can also try adding half the potatoes without using any paste. Do the manipulations 3 times. Apply fresh compound each time.
  3. There is another way to get rid of a hickey. Squeeze the juice out of the potatoes. Soak a bandage folded several times in the mixture. Treat the affected area with patting movements. After drying, repeat the procedure 3 times.


  1. Some claim that you can get rid of a hickey in a short time using classic white toothpaste.
  2. To do this, simply apply a thin layer of product to the skin and wait until it dries completely. After this, wash off the paste.

Aloe vera

  1. In the fight against such situations, aloe extract has proven itself well. To do this you will need a fresh plant stem.
  2. Squeeze out the gel. Mix the pulp with a small amount of alcohol. Blot with gauze and apply to the hickey site as a compress. The procedure must be done several times.


  1. A piece of raw beef will help in the fight against a fresh hickey. The method has worked well and is worth a try.
  2. Cut a piece of cool meat and apply it to the hickey. Wait about 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every hour.


  1. Table 6% vinegar will help you get rid of a fresh hickey.
  2. Rub onto damaged skin. Repeat the procedure periodically.

Cosmetic methods for removing hickeys


  1. To hide a hickey on your neck, you will need foundation in two tones: one to match your skin color, the other lighter. Treat your skin with your usual lotion to remove oily shine.
  2. The foundation must be distributed over the entire neck and décolleté area. In the area where the hickey remains, use a product with a light shade. Powder the final result.
  3. Keep in mind that to achieve maximum effect you will need a foundation with a thick and oily base.


  1. Some experiments have shown that rubbing and massage can help get rid of a hickey. To do this, you can use your fingertips or a soft toothbrush.
  2. It is important to understand that manipulation must be carried out with extreme caution. Otherwise, you risk only aggravating the situation and expanding the lesion.
  3. An alternative is a contrast compress. To do this, you need to alternately apply hot and cold wet cloth to the hickey site. The effect should appear after a few tries.

If you don’t have the time and energy to remove the hickey, try to hide it using improvised means. The duration of this type of hematoma depends on the degree of damage and other aspects. Even in the most successful scenario, the hickey will remain on the neck for at least three days.

  1. Sweater. In the summer, this option will not be relevant. But it’s just right for winter. If you don't already have a turtleneck sweater, it's time to get one. A knitted attribute will not only hide the consequences of violent pleasures, but will also complement your image.
  2. Decorative cosmetics. There are cosmetics called concealers. They are designed to disguise skin defects, such as purple spots after acne, dark circles under the eyes, etc. To hide a hickey on the neck, choose a green-colored concealer. Apply it only to the damaged area of ​​skin and rub well. You can apply foundation on top. The method is not suitable for long-term masking, because after 4-5 hours the cosmetics begin to wear off.
  3. Shawl/scarf. We have already talked about these camouflage methods a little higher, but it makes sense to dwell on them in more detail. The scarf is suitable for girls; it can be worn on the head or tied around the neck. Men are advised to wear a scarf. It looks great in the cold season and emphasizes the jawline. Don't forget the main thing - these attributes hide hickeys on the neck well.
  4. Band-Aid. Not only women, but also men are concerned about the issue of hiding a hickey in a very visible place. A regular adhesive plaster will help you. Stick it on and tell everyone that you cut yourself with a razor during the corresponding procedure. Girls will have to use their imagination. Refer to the area of ​​skin burned by the curling iron or iron.
  5. Shants collar. If you are ready for drastic camouflage measures, use a collar that is designed to treat the neck. It is sold online and in medical stores. Of course, you will have to shell out a tidy sum and come up with a plot that will make those around you believe that you really injured your neck.

To get rid of a hickey, try the method that suits you best. It is strongly not recommended to use all methods at once. Otherwise, you can significantly damage the skin and increase the affected area. If you do not take any measures, the hickey will go away in 5-15 days. It all depends on the degree of tissue damage. Try not to let this happen in the future.

Video: how to quickly get rid of a hickey

I'm riding in a subway car - three young students, a boy and two girls, are standing nearby, talking animatedly about something. You didn’t have to look too closely to see a nice hickey on one of the students’ necks—an obvious mark from an inept kiss. It didn’t occur to the girl to hide this consequence of crazy petting, or maybe she perceived her hickey as a good reason for pride in front of her competitors? Look, they say, envy - my neck is being sucked! However, let's put the 18-year-old fool in her place and explain to her, at least here, that appearing in public with such a mark is a real shame for a woman.

From time immemorial, demonstrating one's abilities and needs in the sexual sphere was strictly taboo for a woman, but we will not appeal to the long past - especially since there is a very widespread mythology on the Internet in which it is believed that we live in a completely different time, " new" era, and no previous regulations apply to this era.

We must explain to the younger generation, whose parents obviously do not have the slightest desire to talk to their children about the rules of behavior in society, that a hickey on a girl’s neck is exactly the same as drops of spilled semen on the dark dress of presidential intern Monica. Showing a hickey on your not yet fully formed body is tantamount to asking your colleagues, voiced throughout the office, to lubricate your rectum, cracked from non-trivial intercourse, with baby cream. A hickey is the same disastrous shame for a girl as getting married after being deprived of her virginity. A hickey is the same irrevocable step towards falling into the abyss as a suck.

A hickey is an equally loud signal for the notorious parents of a young harlot. Mother and father are required to examine their child 2-3 times a week until reaching adulthood, and a parent of the same sex as the child must continue to conduct a thorough inspection, checking the most secret corners of the offspring’s body. A hickey on a girl’s neck should automatically entail a noticeable slap in the face and a subsequent scandal, during which the daughter is obliged to give comprehensive explanations about the appearance of a vacuum hematoma. The girl has no right to go to bed before she names the name(s) of the flukes and the reasons that prompted her to allow herself to be sucked in.

As a result of a tough conversation, the girl must understand that, firstly, in public a person must look neat, well-groomed and clean, including from an ethical point of view. Secondly, it’s worth explaining to the sensualist with examples that a hickey looks as ridiculous as, for example, a guy with a penis protruding from an erection in trousers - those around him have the right to know nothing about each other’s intimate life. Finally, thirdly, the girl should be explained that a hickey in such a prominent place can be left either by an incompetent teenager or by a scoundrel whose task is to discredit a woman. In both cases, the victim of a hickey exposes herself in an unfavorable light: either the public is non-verbally informed that experienced adult men do not fall for the girl and she spends her time in the company of random incompetent losers, or that she is simply stupid, trusting scum.

Thus, we have established that a hickey is an indelible stain on a woman’s reputation. Yes, there are those among the ladies who believe in the possibility of starting life from scratch - finding a new man, making noodles for him, turning from a hetaera into a respectable mother of a family, but miracles do not happen! Having once stumbled and sullied their honor with a hickey, not one of them can ever be cleansed of either the humiliating moral stigma or the contemptuous glances with which men see off a woman with the mark of a prostitute on her neck.

The hickey is done in order to show everyone around that this person is only yours. Maybe you also want to “tag” your loved one? You just need to know how to give a hickey. In this article we will talk about how to put a hickey correctly.

What is a hickey? This is a bruise that appears as a result of kissing accompanied by sucking or biting. Due to the fact that blood vessels burst, redness appears. After some time, the redness goes away and the hickey turns brown.

What guides a person when he wants to get a hickey?

A hickey is given to a partner in a fit of emotion. This is a sign that this person is only yours. Anyone can give a hickey; it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman.

Don't give a guy a hickey without permission. With such a mark on your neck, it will not be very convenient to show up at your workplace, especially if it is a university or school; it will be embarrassing if your relatives who are older than you see you. Not everyone wants to be the center of attention, and even for such an occasion.

It’s not so easy to hide a hickey from prying eyes, so make sure in advance that the person doesn’t mind. Please also take into account the fact that a person may experience pain, which can simply ruin the whole romance.

The right moment is needed for this action. There is no need to immediately attack the person. First, kiss your partner as you usually do, and then you can start kissing their neck. You need to start with gentle kisses, and then add a little persistence. And only when you understand that the person has completely relaxed, can you begin to carry out your plans.

It is necessary to warn the person about what you want to do, look at the reaction, and only when you are sure that the partner is not against it, you can proceed.

Where is the best place to leave a trace of your kiss? The most suitable area of ​​skin for this is on the neck.

However, not every person will be pleased to walk around with a hickey on their neck, and if you know that your partner will not be very happy with it, do not put a hickey in a visible place.

For example, you can leave a mark on the back of your neck; girls can easily cover it with their hair.

How to put a hickey on your neck? In order to make a hickey, you need to press your lips to your partner's neck. Under no circumstances should you frown.

Start sucking the skin, just don’t hurt your partner, because the skin area is quite tender. In order to leave a reminder of your kiss, you need to suck the skin for 25-35 seconds. Don't forget the following conditions:

  • no need to bite the skin;
  • if 35 seconds is too much for you and you are not confident in yourself, stop for a while, and then start sucking again. Don't stop until you are sure that the goal has been achieved;
  • pay attention to salivation, not every partner will be pleased when your saliva flows over the body;
  • After completing the process, place a few very gentle kisses on the same place.

Wait until a hickey mark appears. It will become visible after 7-15 minutes and its color will be bright pink.

If you are unhappy with the result, you can repeat the hickey in the same place.

There is no need to be forceful if your significant other does not want to continue. Not every person likes this. Perhaps your boyfriend or girlfriend simply doesn’t want his friends and acquaintances to see the hickey at work or school. You shouldn't force a person.

Using foundation and a layer of cosmetics can hide the mark.

It is necessary to select a product that matches your skin tone, otherwise the disguised hickey will be even more noticeable. If the hickey is too large, professional cosmetics will be required.

You can hide a hickey with a scarf. A neatly tied scarf around your neck will successfully hide the mark. The hickey can be hidden by hair or the neck of a sweater if it is cool outside.

You can cover the mark with adhesive tape. Under the bandage, the wound will heal much faster and will hide from prying eyes. But the sealed mark will attract attention, and someone will definitely ask you what happened. Think over your answers in advance, for example: “I burned myself with a curling iron or styler,” “I taped a pimple,” “The cat scratched me.”

What contributes to the rapid healing of a hickey?

Use an ointment that is designed to treat bruises. You can apply something cold.

  1. You don't need to bite your loved one's skin, you don't want to cause him pain.
  2. Carefully hide such marks from others, because dad definitely won’t approve of them on his child’s skin. It is advisable not to get hickeys in the summer; they cannot be hidden under clothes.
  3. If your partner likes light nipping, you can indulge him, just don't overdo it.
  4. Be very gentle and your significant other will have a lot of fun.
  5. If you are not sure whether a person will like such a mark on the skin, then it is better to ask in advance.
  6. If your significant other asks you to stop, do so.
  7. If you feel pain, ask your partner to stop.

There are people for whom a hickey is simply a meaningless word, but for passionate lovers it is a real manifestation of feelings. For young people, a hickey is a whole problem, since not everyone knows how to do a hickey correctly.

The word “hickey” refers to a passionate kiss, after which a small bruise remains on the skin. To be honest, this is not that full of love and tenderness sign of attention from a partner on the lips, called a French kiss. This is a bruise on the body.

Correct hickey

First, you should find out what types of hickeys exist, and only then we’ll figure out how to do a hickey correctly.

An ordinary hickey is done using lips. But there are craftsmen who know exactly how to give a hickey using teeth. After such a manifestation of feelings, there will be such a strong bruise on the body that it will resemble a vampire’s kiss.

There are people who can be called real " virtuosos of hickeys" Such masters have perfected their technique: they leave not just bruises on the body, but tiny pictures. Many owners of such drawings try to keep the photo as a keepsake, since this is a very unusual decoration. Often, girls specifically ask their partners to leave them similar traces of manifestations of passionate feelings and ask them to teach how to properly make hickeys in order to make a reciprocal gesture.

In our society, it is not customary to talk openly about sex and expose your feelings and their traces in public. The best hickeys are placed in a place that is easiest to hide under clothing from prying eyes. This is especially recommended for people who have children, because it is too early for them to know about such things.

So, how to do hickeys correctly:

  1. Try to avoid tooth involvement.
  2. Partners should be relaxed.
  3. To make a hickey, you need to carefully grab a small area of ​​skin with your lips and gently suck on it for about 30 seconds. After such an impact there should be a bruise.

The meaning of hickeys

Girls, as a rule, hope that a hickey, like other gestures, is a symbol of love and passion. However, not all so simple. Such a bruise on the body can be a clear sign that your partner is a very rude person, with whom serious problems in communication and in bed may arise in the future. But it can also be the other way around - the partner is simply a passionate person who does not know how to restrain his emotions.

What does it mean? There is no consensus about this sign, so people come up with their own meanings. The most common meanings of a hickey:

  1. A hickey is a kind of signal about a partner’s sexual desire.
  2. This is a shameful mark, indicating that the lady who has it is a person of easy virtue.
  3. Many girls believe that a hickey is a symbol of disrespect.
  4. Guys leave a hickey to let others know that this girl is not alone.
  5. A mark on the body can mean love.

Teenagers are most often interested in the question of what a hickey looks like and how to make hickeys correctly. Today there is a lot of useful information on the Internet that peers and parents will not tell you about. Photos of how to properly make hickeys are very popular on the Internet.

A hickey is a type of hematoma, and therefore is associated not only with the manifestation of love feelings. Although it is worth noting that the visual manifestation of “wild passion” is considered by some people to be completely acceptable, a kind of source of pride.

There are different types of hickeys, most often we encounter an ordinary hickey. It is performed only using the lips. A more complex and long-term hickey involves using teeth, in which case it feels like meeting a novice vampire. Some lovers of complex hickeys are ready to leave a whole constellation of “traces of passion” on their partner’s body.

How to leave a noticeable mark on your partner's body

The hickey remains on any part of the body, because the capillaries of the blood vessels are located under the skin throughout the body. Those areas where the skin is very thin and delicate are more prone to hickeys than others. This is primarily the neck, then the inner side of the arm, thighs.

How to give a hickey to a guy or girl? You need to touch your partner's skin with your lips where you decided to make a hickey. Then open your lips and take in a small area of ​​skin with your mouth. By taking in air with your mouth, you create a vacuum in a certain place, as if “sucking” blood through the skin. There is no need to help with your teeth; you can injure your partner and bite through his skin. For about half a minute you need to use a “vacuum” with variable force, a kind of gentle pushes. That's all - the question of how to properly place a hickey can be considered closed.

When will a hickey appear? Not immediately, about 10 minutes should pass until a red spot appears - the first sign of a hickey. After some time, the blood will drain through the capillaries and the redness will go away, but if the vessels burst, then in a day a magnificent trace of a hickey will appear in the form of a round bruise. This is what they actually call a hickey - this bruise.

How are hickeys perceived?

The question of whether it is beautiful to walk with such a mark is considered very controversial. Depends on who will see these traces of passion. Many believe that such a mark will indicate a unique affiliation to the one who left it. Therefore, men are more likely to leave hickeys, sometimes on very intimate parts of the body, which confirms their “chosenness”.

Women rarely express gratitude to a man for such a “reward” as a strong hickey; in female society this is a sign of vulgarity. If the hickey is multiple and located not only on the neck, then the girl will be ashamed to appear on the beach or in the gym with such “orders”.

It's sad that such a hickey has all the signs of a bruise - it will last more than a week. First, the purple hickey will turn bluish, then purple; it not only causes moral discomfort, it really hurts.

So the passion can be cosmic, but the hickey must be neat and approved by the partner!

How to put a hickey on your neck?

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