Should I wash my face or the Truth about Moidodyr. How to wash your face correctly: useful tips If you wash your face often

Beautiful skin is the dream of the entire fair half of humanity. What water is better to wash your face so that your face does not age? You can learn about proper skin care and what kind of water you should use for washing your face in this article.

Regular washing in the morning - can it really be harmful? Many women are surprised by the appearance of wrinkles on their faces: after all, I wash my face and apply cream - why wrinkles? It turns out that this must be done correctly and listen to the advice of cosmetologists.

Taking care of facial skin is a favorite pastime of all girls and women. The condition of the skin plays a huge role in the beauty of the face: you want it to be smooth, without rashes, and have a beautiful natural shade. But not every woman can boast of such wealth. This issue especially worries women on the eve of the holidays: the desire to be beautiful at the New Year's banquet is natural for the fair half of humanity.

How, with the help of regular washing, can you preserve beautiful skin or, conversely, improve its condition? To figure out which water is best to wash your face with, you need to know how it affects the skin. After all, water can be different: hard and soft. Hard, in its composition, is too enriched in minerals and contains magnesium and potassium salts. For the skin - it is a strong irritant. After washing with such water, irritation and peeling of the skin begins. To avoid such consequences, the water must be softened or washed with melt water. Boiled water or water with the addition of tea soda becomes soft and does not harm the skin. If, by nature, a woman’s skin is highly sensitive, then add milk to the water and wash with milky water.

Which water is healthier: cold or hot? Cold water when washing acts on the vascular system of the skin, narrowing it. Because of this, the skin is poorly supplied with blood and oxygen, and becomes dry and pale. The first wrinkles appear: this means that the skin becomes flabby. The conclusion suggests itself: cold water is harmful. It is especially bad to wash your face with cold water before going outside and in the winter season. It is advisable that the water be at room temperature. Many people are very keen on moisturizing creams. But this can also be harmful: on cold days it causes hypothermia and skin irritation. Therefore, creams should be greasy and should be applied an hour or forty minutes before leaving the house. This will protect the skin and maintain its elasticity. But everything depends on the climatic conditions of life. In hot zones, washing with cold water in the morning is even recommended. Due to the heat, blood flows more strongly to the surface of the skin, cold water has a cooling and strengthening effect. Before going to bed, it is recommended to wash your face with warm water so as not to irritate the skin and not deprive you of sleep.

It is interesting that hot water also harms the skin and leads to the appearance of wrinkles on it. Although hot water washes away oil and dirt from the skin well, you should wash your face with it very rarely. After washing with soap, the skin becomes irritated, dry and red. Once a week you are allowed to wash your face with hot water and soap or shaving soap. It will not harm any skin: neither dry nor oily. But such a frequent procedure is undesirable. It turns out that both cold and hot water are harmful to the beauty of the skin. How to decide: what water to wash with?

The best option is warm water, with a temperature no higher than 35 degrees. But, after warm, you should rinse your face with cool water. Daily washing should be done with water at room temperature, soft or softened with baking soda. Try to rarely use soap: it irritates the skin. Only people with oily skin can do a good job of soap: cleanse them of germs, dry them slightly and get rid of emerging pimples. For women with normal or dry skin, soap only causes harm and aging of the skin. After all, soap has a pH level of 9, while in humans it is 5.5: now it is clear why it is irritating.

Cosmetologists recommend that women wash their faces with mineral water. For example, Borjomi water is very useful for people with oily skin. It is fashionable to notice the effect of washing with mineral water within a month: the skin will become elastic, the oily sheen will disappear, and the pores will narrow. When buying water, you need to pay attention to what well it comes from and what minerals it contains. This matters because everyone's skin is different and the effects may be negative. If mineral water is not suitable, then it is worth making a special herbal infusion based on it. For dry skin: pour a few tablespoons of dry mint or birch leaves into boiling water. Let the infusion brew and use for washing or irrigation. In the warm season of the year, the infusion is poured into a bottle with a spray bottle, and the face is irrigated with a herbal decoction in mineral water. For people with oily and combination skin, pour chamomile or calendula flowers into hot mineral water. The finished broth can be poured into molds and frozen. Use to wipe your face. The effect of such decoctions is amazing - it’s impossible not to notice. The skin becomes younger, becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out. After all, herbs contain many vitamins and enrich the skin with them and have a beneficial effect on it. To get more benefit from the procedures, you need to select the herbs that are needed to solve problems. For example, you need to whiten your face or cleanse it. Chamomile will help relieve inflammation, mint will refresh. By rubbing your face with a piece of ice from mineral water with chamomile, facial wrinkles will disappear on your skin and it will become smoother. Yarrow will make your skin feel velvety. Water for washing your face should be beneficial, not harmful.

The method of washing with milk has been known since ancient times. After all, milk gives the skin many necessary elements: protein, calcium, vitamins, minerals. Milk fat is quickly absorbed into the skin, making it elastic. In order to wash your face with milk, you don’t need a whole jug. Just moisten a cotton swab with milk and wipe your face and neck with it. Excess can be removed with a clean swab. Such washes will be of great benefit to those women who have dry facial skin. Milk is not suitable for people with oily skin. They will need sour milk. Washing with yogurt or kefir will reduce the shine on the skin and refresh it. Some cosmetologists recommend adding aromatic oils to milk. Or use ground oatmeal to wash your face, which enriches and cleanses the skin like a scrub. But every time you perform a morning or evening wash, you need to apply a nourishing cream. Night cream may be moisturizing, but day cream is not. On cold days it can damage your skin. All methods of washing can be used by women, but preference should be given to the one that will help and improve the skin. The constant use of decoctions that are beneficial for the face will give a visible result - literally, it is obvious. The main thing is not to be lazy and brew herbs.

It would seem that washing is a simple thing, but it also requires attention from women. After all, taking care of your skin is a woman’s beauty and self-confidence!

Do you want to have healthy, fresh and glowing facial skin? Wash your face every day. However, do it in the right way so as not to harm the skin, thereby causing inflammation and irritation. If your skin is prone to acne and dryness, learn how to properly care for it.


Wash your face every day

Wash your face with warm water. Pin your hair up and wash with warm water. Using hot or cold water can cause irritation, but warm water is gentle on your skin without causing redness or irritation.

  • You can apply water to your face with your hands or use a towel soaked in water.
  • Moisturizing your skin before using a cleanser will make this process easier. Plus, you won't have to use too much cleanser.

Apply cleanser or soap using gentle, circular motions. Use a very small amount of product that suits your skin type. Remember that you don't need a lot of soap or cleanser to wash your face. Apply it to your face in circular motions. Massage your face for a minute.

Exfoliation is an essential step in your skin care routine. Exfoliation is a deep cleansing that removes dead skin particles from the surface of the skin and opens the pores. Perform this procedure every few days and your facial skin will look fresh and glowing. Using a facial scrub or towel, scrub your skin in circular motions, focusing on the driest or oiliest areas of your face.

  • However, remember that everything is good in moderation. Exfoliating too often can irritate your skin. Exfoliate only a few times a week and avoid putting too much pressure on the skin. On days when you don't need to exfoliate, simply skip this step when you wash your face.
  • You can make your own face scrub using what you have on hand. Mix 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon water or milk.
  • Rinse off the foam with water and pat your face dry. Use warm water to rinse your face. Make sure you rinse off all the foam. Use a towel to pat your face dry. Do not rub too hard, as this will irritate the skin and encourage wrinkles.

    Use a facial toner. If you want your skin to look smooth and even, use a facial toner. Apply toner with a cotton swab, paying special attention to areas where pores are enlarged.

    Finish the entire process by using a moisturizer. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Moisturizer helps protect skin and keeps it youthful and radiant.

    • If you wash your face before bed, use a night moisturizer.
    • If you will be going outside, use a moisturizer with sun protection factor, preferably SPF 15 or higher.

    Wash your face with acne-prone skin

    Wash your face twice a day. You can do this in the morning and evening. By washing your face in the morning, you refresh your facial skin and cleanse it of bacteria. When you wash your face in the evening, you remove sweat, dirt and makeup from your skin. However, do not wash your face more than twice, as frequent washing dries out your facial skin.

    Use a cleanser that suits your acne-prone skin type. Conventional cleansers can only make the problem worse. Chemicals, alcohol, and oils can irritate your skin and clog your pores even more. Choose a tool that will help you solve your problem.

    Do not exfoliate. Many people with acne make this mistake. Using a scrub can only make the problem worse and cause even more inflammation. If your skin has acne, it needs special care. Even if you exfoliate, use products that won't cause further damage to your skin.

    • Instead of a facial scrub, use a washcloth and rub your face in a circular motion.
    • Never use a brush if your skin is acne-prone.
  • Do not wash your face with hot water. Hot water can cause facial skin to become irritated, red and inflamed. Therefore, wash only with cool water. Also, avoid steaming your face as this may make the problem worse.

    Gently pat your face dry. If your skin is acne-prone, avoid using a terry towel. Buy a soft towel that you can simply blot your skin with. Wash your towel as often as possible to avoid introducing pathogenic bacteria.

    Use moisturizer. If your skin is acne-prone, it will cause your pores to clog quickly. Choose a cream that can be used for your skin type. If you decide to use an oil-based moisturizer, you may want to test it on a small area of ​​your skin. Apply the cream and wait a few days, evaluate the result. Now you can decide whether to use this cream or not.

    • Aloe soothes irritated skin and gives it a healthy glow.
    • If your skin is very oily, don't use moisturizer at all, or only apply it to areas where your skin is dry.

    Wash dry skin

    Wash your face once a day. If you have very dry skin, wash your face no more than once a day. Do this in the evening before bed to remove makeup from your face. In the morning, simply rinse your face with warm water or wipe with a damp cloth. After this, apply moisturizer.

  • Use a gentle soap or oil as a cleanser. Choose the right cleanser to prevent your skin from becoming even drier. A dry skin product or oil will be suitable for your skin type.

    • If you are using oil, simply wet your face with water and apply oil (almond, olive, jojoba, coconut, etc.) on it. Use a tissue to wipe your face in a circular motion, then rinse off the oil with warm water.
    • If you decide to use a store-bought product, please note that it should not contain lauryl sulfate or laureate sulfate. Sulfates dry out the skin greatly.
  • Very often you hear advice: do not wash your face with soap! It is even proposed to completely eliminate contact of facial skin with water. Are these types of tips helpful? How to properly cleanse your facial skin so that it is not only healthy, but also remains young and beautiful for a long time? Dermatologist-cosmetologist Elena Ovsieva told Pravda.Ru about this.

    Without cleanliness, any effort to improve your appearance will be doomed to failure - this is an axiom. Proper cleansing of the facial skin can eliminate the need to use many creams, and a fresh and radiant face almost does not need decorative cosmetics. Cleanliness is also a requirement of civilization: for those who live on a desert island with pristine nature and do not go down to the subway every day, you can refuse to wash your face. Everyone else will have to take facial skin hygiene seriously and responsibly, otherwise they will end up with a stale complexion, acne, “blackheads,” and early wrinkles.

    Is it possible to wash your face with soap? It is widely believed that soap is the main enemy of skin beauty. Let's figure it out. “Soaps are made from a chemical reaction between fat and lye,” explains "Pravde.Ru" dermatologist-cosmetologist Elena Ovsieva. – Having an alkaline base, soap can disrupt the acid balance of the skin. And it is necessary for the “life” of beneficial microflora, which protects the skin from dangerous microbes. Frequent washing with soap can actually make your skin prone to infections. In addition, this can cause dry skin due to an imbalance in the hydrolipid balance.”

    But it turns out that not everything that we are accustomed to consider soap is such. As the cosmetologist notes, the lion's share of the soap that we buy in cosmetic stores is solid synthetic syndet.

    They are more “delicate” than ordinary soap, they have an acid-base balance of pH 5.5 - just like our skin, which is why they are often advertised as cosmetic soaps and beauty soaps. Their task is a thorough and tonic cleansing. To reduce the risk of irritation, you can choose products labeled “for sensitive skin” - these syndets are more gentle on the protective hydrolipidic film of the skin.

    Are they suitable for facial cleansing? “It’s still better to cleanse your face with a special lotion or milk, depending on your skin type,” advises Elena. – But if you, for example, are very tired and you do not have the strength to reach cotton pads, it is better to wash your face with soap and water than to sleep in cosmetics, dust and dirt that have accumulated during the day. If you feel tight after washing, simply apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. I will add that the feeling of dryness can appear not only due to the use of soap, but also from hard water.”

    In general, it is better to cleanse your skin not before going to bed, but as soon as you come home from the street. During the day, decorative cosmetics mix with sebum and dust, and this environment is a real paradise for the growth of bacteria. Free your skin from impurities, allow it to breathe and recuperate.

    Do you need to wash your face after a day at home? Your apartment is not sterile, the sebaceous glands are not lazy to work, bacteria do not sleep. If you do not pay attention to this, after a few days the surface of the skin will become uneven, the pores will become greasy and very noticeable, and the face will become dull. And a simple evening wash with soap, foam or gel accelerates cell renewal at night, so in the morning you wake up refreshed and prettier.

    Golden rules of cleanliness

    · If you just need to wash your face after sleep, it’s better to use water without soap. · Dry skin – for daily cleansing and removing makeup, choose a product in the form of a cream or emulsion. · Oily skin – a cleansing gel that does not contain oils, which foams when interacting with water, is suitable and is easily washed off. · Normal skin – the choice is great: cleansing mousses, gels, creams, foams, emulsions. The cleansing procedure should be pleasant and comfortable, focus on your feelings. · Sensitive skin - be especially careful. If your cheeks become red, irritated and flaky from the slightest contact with water, not to mention soap, Galina Ovsieva advises contacting a specialist who will recommend products and preparations that are suitable for comfortable and proper cleansing of your delicate skin. · Deep cleansing from time to time any skin type needs. But, as the cosmetologist notes, recently these procedures have become so popular that many have become overly interested in them. “Frequent exfoliation leads to the opposite effect: the skin begins to flake and may become oilier,” warns Ovsieva. Conclusion: scrub dry skin once every two weeks, normal skin once a week, and oily skin every three days. Curdled milk, whey, natural juices of fruits and berries, if the skin tolerates them well, can become natural substitutes for cosmetic scrubs.

    To keep your skin fresh and youthful for a long time, you need to know what is the best way to wash your face and how to do it correctly. No cosmetic product can completely replace washing, so they still remain an important element of daily facial care.

    How to wash your face properly

    Before washing your face, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Select the appropriate water temperature. There is a myth that you need to wash your face with cold water to close your pores. In fact, the ideal water temperature for this procedure is room temperature, comfortable.

    You can wash your face with chamomile decoction

    Take your time. Gently massage your face with the cleanser and then rinse it off with water.

    If you use foams, gels and other soap-based products, wash them off with water several times. Residues from these products can clog pores. There is no need to wash your face with a sponge, it is too gentle for that. For the same reason, do not overuse the towel. Choose only soft towels and lightly blot your face with them.

    Apply cream immediately after cleansing to retain moisture.

    There is no need to overuse washes. Two or three times a day will be enough. And finally, never go to bed without washing your face. Always cleanse your skin before going to bed, even if you didn't leave the house that day.

    How to wash your face at home

    Washing with soap is a thing of the past. Women who take care of themselves know that they should not wash their hands with hand soap. To do this, you can use purchased foams and gels, or you can choose inexpensive improvised means.

    • Chamomile decoction. The best solution for oily and sensitive skin. There is no need to rinse it off with water.
    • Milk. Its beneficial properties for the skin have been known since the time of Cleopatra. 2-3 minutes after washing with milk, the skin should be rinsed with water.
    • Honey. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in a liter of warm water. There is no need to rinse this product off. Don't worry, the skin won't be sticky, on the contrary, it will be fresh, clean and radiant, with a light honey aroma.
    • Decoctions of cereals When cooking rice or oatmeal, drain some water and use it to wash your face. These decoctions are good for toning the skin.

    It is not necessary to opt for any one of the described means. You can alternate them, your skin will only be happy with such variety.

    Now you know what to wash your face with. Wash your face regularly and do it according to all the rules. Only well-cleaned skin will look healthy and well-groomed.

    A clean and well-groomed face is a sign of a self-respecting person. Healthy skin looks smooth and elastic, it is beautiful without any additional tricks, but maintaining it in this condition is not so easy.

    There are many factors that affect the appearance and can worsen even the best skin. Among them there are those that do not depend on us (for example, weather and temperature conditions: wind and frost, and dust).

    But a person’s inherent ignorance of the measure or abuse of special care products can lead to disastrous results.

    The same “success” can be achieved if you wash your face incorrectly. After all, keeping your skin clean is the most important condition for proper and effective care. Many environmental factors contribute to skin pollution; sweat, dust, sebum and dead cells of the stratum corneum regularly accumulate on its surface. As a result of this process, the pores become clogged, which makes it difficult for the sweat and sebaceous glands to work. Sebum and sweat will not be able to be released normally, dirt will form in the grooves and a favorable environment will be created for the development and activity of microbes. The latter, in turn, lead to inflammation, skin irritation, dullness and sagging skin, and uneven complexion.

    Main and priority skin cleanser There was always washing. Even in childhood, we heard about the importance of this process, but few people pay due attention to the correct execution of the procedure. Few people even know the correct procedure: so, first of all, you need to moisten the entire skin of your face with water and start applying soap from the chin, moving to the nose, middle of the forehead, cheeks and neck.

    For heavily soiled skin, it is recommended wash with soap and water and a sponge or washcloth. The friction caused by these products promotes effective cleansing by opening the pores of the sweat and sebaceous glands and removing dead cells, dirt and sweat.

    Hot water is the best way to get rid of dirt and grease, but this type of washing has its own pitfalls: hot water increases blood flow by dilating blood vessels, while reducing the natural resistance of the skin. Therefore experts They advise you to wash your face really hot water once a week, the rest of the time, making a choice in favor of warm or room temperature water.

    Why is it necessary to use soap at least occasionally? Because it has an excellent effect on the oily lubricant of the skin, dissolving it, removing dirt and dead cells. The surface layer of the skin swells when exposed to soap, as a result of which the cells of the stratum corneum are rejected, peel off and fall off. The soap suds released during this type of washing wash away and take with it all the accumulated dirt. However, do not forget that soap not only cleanses the skin, it dries it out considerably. In general, the more alkali a soap contains, the better the cleansing effect and, thus, the less gentle it is on the skin. You can choose “Baby soap”, since it contains the least alkali, but it is not recommended to use it every day. Overdried skin threatens the appearance of peeling, itching, etc.

    If you want to slow down the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands and, as a result, reduce skin oiliness, improve blood circulation and increase the overall tone of the body, we recommend washing your face with cold water. This type of washing is best done in the morning; it makes the skin more elastic and resistant to various types of influences.

    Simple, it would seem washing process requires mandatory knowledge of some subtleties and important rules, one of which is related to. After all, it is known that oily, combination, dry and normal skin need different methods of cleansing and react to care in their own way. With incorrect manipulations, poorly selected products and insufficient attention paid to facial skin care, it is possible to change the type of skin itself, which threatens the appearance of unexpected and serious problems.

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