Getting your nose pierced – is it worth it? (The whole essence of the procedure). How to do a nose piercing at home How to do a nose piercing at home

Nose Piercing Tools: nose tube, needle stopper, piercing needle-catheter No. 18.

Nose jewelry: nose hook, ring, barbell, circular.

Treatment before nose piercing: We treat the puncture site with a special antiseptic wipe or chlorhexidine digluconate. You also need to clear your nose of mucus, and immerse the earring in an antiseptic solution for 15-20 minutes (95% alcohol, disinfectant solutions).

Nose piercing location: You need to ask the client to wrinkle his nose (an expression of disgust). Place a dot in the depth of the emerging fold - this will be the puncture site.

How to pierce your nose

The puncture of the wing of the nose is performed either without a clamp at all, or using a fenestrated oval clamp. The master uses a spatula, cork or tube as a stop for the needle, inserting the instrument into the nostril. The nasal tube is inserted so that it is under the markings. The puncture is carried out from the outside in, until the needle stops. After this, the needle should be removed and the catheter removed from the nostril. After puncturing the tail part of the needle, the decoration is installed perpendicular to the plane of the wing of the nose. In order for its loop to take the correct position in the nostril, adjacent to the plane of the wing of the nose, the needle should be pulled, pointing it upward.

After nose piercing

Care after nose piercing: The healing of the puncture and the formation of the channel takes 2-3 months, after which you can change the piercing jewelry. It is recommended to apply chlorhexidine bigluconate to the puncture area and decoration 2-3 times a day for four weeks.

Provide the client with instructions for caring for the piercing site.

Nasal septum cartilage puncture

Special tools: needle stopper, tubular clamp, clamp and clamp for rings, needle-catheter.

Earrings: ring, rod, circular, plastic bracket. For the first puncture, professionals install a special bracket made of acrylic or titanium in the shape of the letter “C”. The nasal septum is an active reflex zone, so any touch of a barbell or ring causes a strong “itching” sensation. A lightweight plastic bracket, the ends of which are directed along the nasal septum, does not interfere with putting on clothes and allows you to avoid complications during the formation of the canal.

Treatment before the procedure: treat the puncture area with hydrogen peroxide. Nasal discharge and tears are a natural reaction to irritation in the nasal septum area, so be sure to offer the client tissues before the procedure. Dip the earring with the unscrewed ball into an antiseptic solution for 15-20 minutes (95% alcohol, disinfectant solutions).

Place of puncture: skin fold between the movable and fixed cartilages of the nasal septum.

Piercing technique: To puncture the septum, there is a special tubular clamp that allows you to firmly fix the puncture area between the cartilages and make a mark with a marker.

To avoid injury, the needle exit must be blocked with a spatula, plug or tube. After the puncture, the needle is removed, and the end of a ring, rod or plastic bracket is inserted into the catheter hole. Next, use the decoration to push the catheter out of the puncture and close the decoration.

Healing of the puncture and formation of the channel takes 2-3 weeks, after which you can exchange the bracket for jewelry (ring or barbell). It is recommended to apply chlorhexidine bigluconate to the puncture area and decoration 2-3 times a day for two weeks.

Care instructions after nose piercing

  1. Do not remove the earring for 4 weeks.
  2. In the first 3 days after the puncture, refrain from visiting the pool, bathhouse, or swimming in reservoirs.
  3. Every day, morning and evening, for 4 weeks, treat the puncture site with a special antiseptic or chlorhexidine digluconate. The product must be applied so that it reaches the needle entry and exit points, as well as into the canal. During processing, it is necessary to scroll the earring and move it in the channel.
  4. You cannot treat the puncture site with alcohol - tissue burns may occur.
  5. After a shower, sports activities, baths and swimming, treat the puncture site additionally.
  6. After 4 weeks, you can remove the earring and exchange it for another piece of jewelry.
  7. Remember that when visiting the sauna and solarium, you must remove all metal jewelry. Until the canal heals, refrain from visiting the sauna and solarium.
  8. If redness, swelling around the earring, pain or discharge occurs, you should immediately remove the jewelry and contact the specialist who performed the piercing.
  9. Do not purchase jewelry of dubious quality, as poor jewelry material can lead to inflammation of an already formed canal.

Possible undesirable consequences of a nose piercing

  • There is a risk of infection in the wound (especially with low immunity).
  • Possibility of damage to the nasal septum during puncture (especially puncture with a gun and placement of a needle earring).
  • The risk of chronic rhinitis due to constant contact of saliva with metal.
  • S-shaped nostrillas with a physiological bend are preferred. Direct nostrils often injure the mucous membrane of the nasal septum.
  • Risk of nerve damage during puncture (with changes in motor and sensory functions).
Author of the article Team of professionals AYUNA Professional

The question of whether it hurts to pierce your nose is asked by every person who wants to decorate their body. The disadvantage of piercing is pain not only during the puncture, but also during the healing of the wound. But different areas on the human body and face have different degrees of innervation. An equally important role is played by the method of puncture - manually or with a pistol, as well as the use of an anesthetic.

Features of nose piercing

Despite its popularity and apparent simplicity, nose piercing brings some problems. Nose piercing is the most popular type of piercing not only among women, but also among men. There are several ways to pierce and wear jewelry:

  • The standard method is to pierce the wing of the nose. The earring is inserted into the hole in the helix area of ​​the right or left nostril.
  • Nasal septum. A puncture of the cartilage, as well as the tissue located under the nasal septum under the tip of the nose.
  • Tip of the nose. Vertical or horizontal soft tissue piercing.
  • Bridge of the nose. Piercing a fold of skin in the bridge of the nose.

The procedure should only be carried out by a professional under absolutely sterile conditions. Before the start of the session, the specialist must inform about contraindications to the puncture:

  • acute course of diseases;
  • the presence of skin diseases;
  • severe disorders of the immune system;
  • blood incoagulability;
  • the presence of sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • diabetes mellitus in an insulin-dependent form;
  • chronic diseases affecting the functioning of internal organs;
  • taking hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.

Important! It is prohibited to hide the presence of any pathologies, as this can cause serious complications.

Earrings that are installed at the puncture site must meet certain requirements. This is very important, since the jewelry interacts directly with the wound. You should choose those decorations that:

  • amenable to sterilization;
  • easy to care for;
  • made of hypoallergenic material;
  • have a simple removal mechanism;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • have an aesthetic appearance.

With the right choice of both jewelry and artist, problems should not arise.

Does it hurt to get a puncture?

The most sensitive area is the nasolabial triangle. For most, even the slightest impact on the mucous membrane and skin of the nose and upper lip provokes reflex lacrimation and severe pain.

For some, the puncture procedure is completely painless. It all depends on the individual pain threshold, so it is simply impossible to say exactly what a person will feel. The skill of the person doing the piercing is no less important.

Is it possible to reduce the pain?

It is possible to reduce the pain of nose piercing with the help of regular ice. To do this, take ice cubes, wrap them in cloth and apply them to the skin where you plan to puncture for 3-4 minutes. After this time, if the nose is numb, you can pierce it. If there is still sensitivity, then hold the ice again.

The key factors are nose piercer skill and decreased anxiety. The level of anxiety is reduced by the fact that the master does everything correctly. It is important to contact a trusted and reliable salon:

  • the room must be clean;
  • all instruments, swabs, gloves must be disposable;
  • Buy jewelry only in vacuum packaging and, after opening, sterilize it by placing it in an alcohol solution for several minutes.

If the client has an increased feeling of anxiety, then you can take a non-narcotic sedative of natural origin, for example, Glycine or Valerian. Drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited, as alcohol tends to thin the blood. This causes bleeding.

Use of anesthesia

To reduce sensitivity, topical anesthesia is used. This method involves local application of an anesthetic to the tissue. Akriol Pro is a new cream for this type of anesthesia. But most often it is not needed.

Instructions for use read:

  • apply the cream in a thick layer to the skin area;
  • cover with a bandage, press the edges tightly so that the cream does not come out from under the film;
  • wait an hour;
  • remove the film.

After this, you can begin your nose piercing session.

How to get rid of pain after the procedure

Most infections occur due to dirty hands. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands with soap and water before touching your piercing.. The wound should be washed with soap and water. If swelling and pain are observed, you should take Ibuprofen. But if bleeding occurs, then this drug should not be taken, as it will increase the bleeding. It is better to take Paracetamol together.

Aspirin should not be used because NSAIDs prevent platelet aggregation and prevent blood clotting. Once the bleeding stage has passed, the best remedy is Ibuprofen. If necessary, as soon as the swelling goes down, replace the earring with a smaller one.

Caring for a puncture and possible consequences

The recovery period for a perforation site depends on its type and complexity. The fastest way to restore a wound is on the wing of the nose, which takes about 4 weeks. Other types need a longer time - from 6 to 8 months. But it is important to know how to properly care for a puncture and what to treat it with.

The rules for caring for perforation are as follows:

  1. Do not touch the puncture site with dirty hands to avoid infection.
  2. Treat the wound with a cotton pad soaked in saline solution. Apply compresses until the crust disappears.
  3. Doctors advise putting drops containing sea water into your nose. Great options are Aqualor or Otrivin.
  4. Carefully blot the perforation area with napkins, as the towel may catch on the earring.
  5. To speed up healing, lubricate the punctured area with lavender oil.
  6. It is forbidden to peel off the crust, otherwise you may get an infection. This will cause complications.
  7. The earring can be removed only after the wound has completely healed.
  8. Cosmetics should not be applied to the piercing site.

In the first six months, it is not recommended to remove the earring for more than a day to prevent the puncture from tightening. The hole is tightened depending on the characteristics of the body. Hook piercings should be worn as late as possible to allow the wound time to fully heal and form.

If you do not follow simple rules, a nose piercing can cause complications. They can also occur if the puncture technique is not followed. The most common are:

  • nerve damage;
  • the appearance of permanent otitis media;
  • severe bleeding;
  • acute inflammatory process in cartilage;
  • damage to the nasal septum;
  • inflammation of soft tissues;
  • damage to the mucous membrane by direct nostrilla.

Inflammation of soft tissues is accompanied by swelling, increased temperature, and compaction at the puncture site. In this case, it is necessary to seek qualified help and receive competent treatment.

If we consider the question of whether it is painful to pierce the nose, then it all depends on the human body. Much depends on the pain threshold, the skill of the nose piercer, instruments, pain relief and, of course, psychological attitude. Many people claim that a nose piercing is no more painful than an ear piercing. But to avoid complications and suppuration, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene..

Since professional nose piercing is expensive, you may decide to do it yourself at home. To do this, it is enough to find out how the piercing is done and follow the rules of hygiene. If you are not afraid of pain and are willing to take risks, then try piercing your nose yourself. However, keep in mind that a professional will most likely do it faster, better and without unwanted consequences.


Part 1


    Imagine what you want your piercing to look like. There are different types of nose piercings. Choose which one you want to make. If you are doing your first piercing yourself, it is better to choose the option with a ring or a regular stud. Imagine what you will look like with this piercing so you don't have any regrets later.

    Buy some jewelry. You can choose a stud, ring or barbell. Look for something suitable in jewelry stores, tattoo parlors or gift shops. If you know exactly what you want, then look on the Internet. It is important to choose the correct size, length and thickness of the product. To begin with, it is better to choose a ring or earring of a small size. The decoration must be new and sterile. It is not permissible to insert previously used decorations.

    The skin on your nose should be clean. If you get a piercing near an inflammation, you may get an infection at the piercing site. So if you have a rash of one kind or another on your nose, wait a few days or weeks until it goes away. During this time, wash your face using a special pore cleanser or scrub.

    Prepare your needle. The needle must be new and in complete packaging. You must be sure that no one has used it before you. It is most effective to use a small diameter hollow needle: 20G (0.9 mm) or 18G (1.0 mm). The diameter of the hole in the nose should correspond to the diameter of the jewelry you choose. After making all the preparations, remove the needle from the package. Make sure it is sterile before you pierce your skin.

    • In principle, the piercing can be done with a safety pin, pushpin, earring or sewing needle. But keep in mind that you yourself may not sterilize the selected instrument well enough. Accordingly, the risk of infection is much higher. If the tool is not sharp enough, you can damage the tissue, and the process itself will be much more difficult and painful.
    • Once you take the needle out of the package, do not put it anywhere. If you must put it down, use a clean cloth or sterilized container.
  1. Pierce your nose. While looking in the mirror, place the needle against the mark you drew. Take a deep breath and quickly pierce your nose. You will feel pain for a moment, but it will not last long. The needle must be inserted perpendicular to the surface of the skin so that it slips through the tissue of the nose.

    • Remember that the faster you pierce, the faster it will all be over.
    • It is important not to push the needle too far into the nostril. If you are piercing the side of your nostril, try not to insert the needle too deeply - this is very unpleasant and painful.
  2. Immediately insert the ring or stud as quickly as possible. The hole you make will begin to close as soon as you remove the needle, as the wound will already be healing. In order for the jewelry to fit perfectly in the hole, the wound must heal around it. If you delay with this, the piercing will be ruined!

Part 3

Piercing Care

    Treat the piercing twice a day. You can use sterile saline, hydrogen peroxide, or mix water and soap in a 1:1 ratio. Treat the puncture site twice a day. To do this, soak a cotton swab or cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the piercing for a few minutes. The puncture needs to be treated outside and inside the nose. If you inserted a ring into your nose, then twist it slightly when doing the treatment.

    Be careful not to get infected! Clean your piercing regularly. Be sure to wash your hands before piercing and do this before each treatment. If you sterilize all the tools you use before getting the piercing and carefully clean the piercing site, you have nothing to worry about. However, if after a week the puncture site is still red and painful, then you may still have an infection. In this case, consult a doctor immediately.

    • It may be worth treating the wound with antibacterial soap and ointment like Neomycin to prevent infection. This will help avoid inflammation. Do not forget that if you do not regularly treat your piercing, you will likely have to take strong antibiotics that are expensive and of little benefit to the body.
  1. Do not remove the jewelry for a long time. If you take it out for more than a few hours, the puncture may become longer. The skin of the nostrils heals very quickly and may have to be pierced again if the nail cannot be inserted. Do not change the carnations for at least three months.

    Consult with professionals. Visit a piercing salon and find out everything that interests you. Politely ask the artist for advice on how best to do the piercing yourself. Even though you won't be getting your piercing done at their shop, they'll likely give you some good advice. If any medical complications arise, be sure to consult a doctor.

  • If you think that you have an infection, then do not remove the “stud” so that the inflammation does not spread under the skin! If the condition does not improve, consult a doctor.
  • If tears come to your eyes, this is normal. Just blink more often and continue what you started.
  • Your nose will be red and sore for a few days after you get the piercing. This is a completely normal reaction. If redness and soreness do not go away after one or two weeks, then you need to consult a doctor. There could be an infection in the nose.
  • Do not treat your piercing with tea tree oil, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or other harsh antiseptics. Use only saline solution or a high-quality antibacterial soap without fragrance.
  • Do not use alcohol on your piercing as it will cause the piercing site to dry out and become crusty.
  • If you apply ice to your nose before getting a piercing, the area will become numb and sensitivity will decrease. However, keep in mind that the skin will harden and will be more difficult to pierce.
  • If you don't have a special clamp, you can replace it with a handle with a small indentation at one end. The handle will help you avoid pricking your finger when inserted into your nose. Although it is still better to purchase a clamp.
  • Focus on the movement of your arm, not the pain. This way you can distract your mind and subconscious.
  • Don't "play" with the decoration. Although it is believed that if you twist the jewelry, the puncture will heal faster, this is not so. In reality, you will only tear the wound, delaying the healing process.
  • To distract yourself from the pain, suck on a lollipop or some candy.


  • If you don’t understand something or have doubts, then it’s better to go to a professional piercing salon. It may be better not to save money and use the services of a specialist who will do your piercing professionally.
  • Don't share needles. A used piercing needle, even after it has been sterilized, can transmit AIDS and other infections. Never share a used needle - not even with your best friend!
  • Think carefully before getting a piercing so you don't have any regrets later.
  • Be extremely careful! Only pierce your nose with a hollow needle that has been sterilized in an autoclave. If you pierce your nose with a safety pin, pushpin, earring or sewing needle, there is a high chance that you will get an infection, since you are unlikely to be able to sterilize them correctly. In addition, they may not be sharp enough. When puncturing, you will have to apply more force, which can cause ruptures and will be much more painful.

How is the nose pierced?

People began to pierce their bodies many thousands of years before our era. The first mentions of piercing are found in various rock paintings of the ancient peoples of Eastern and African countries. In developed European countries, the attitude towards piercing was initially ambiguous - a pierced nose meant the stigma of slaves, dishonor, and a sign of belonging to the aristocracy. And only from the end of the last century did the fashion for hippies and piercings come to Russia. So how do you get your nose pierced?

Nose piercing options

There are several options for how to properly pierce your nose:

  • Piercing one of the wings of the nose (this is the most common method, as it is considered one of the most painless);
  • Piercing the nasal septum, which separates the nostrils from each other (this procedure is very painful, since there are many receptors in this area of ​​the nose);
  • Piercing the bridge of the nose (this is a very complex and dangerous method of piercing the nose, so it is not particularly common).

Essential Nose Jewelry

Each method has its own decorations:

  • For the wing of the nose, decorations are used in the form of a bar, at one end of which there is usually a beautiful pebble, and the other end is curved in the shape of a hook;
  • For the nasal septum, rings are used either with a ball in the middle or without it;
  • To pierce the bridge of the nose, use a decoration in the form of a barbell, at both ends of which there are beautiful stones.

Nose piercing process

When piercing the nose, it is necessary to comply with all sanitary standards, since in essence this is a minor surgical operation. The best option is to get your nose pierced in a specialized salon. Firstly, there will be no hassle for you, and secondly, a specialist who will pierce your nose quickly and painlessly will give all the necessary recommendations for caring for the puncture until it is completely healed.

If you really want, you can do this procedure yourself, but it is best to choose a piercing of one of the wings of the nose. You do not take much risk, since there are not very many blood vessels on the nasal wings. So, how to pierce your nose at home? We will tell you how to pierce the wing of the nose, since this type of nose piercing is the most popular.

  1. To pierce your nose, it is best to choose a cool time of year, when there is less dust outside. You yourself will not sweat too much and thus will not interfere with the sweating process.
  2. Prepare in advance everything you need to pierce your nose:
    • sterile surgical gloves,
    • sterile cotton wool,
    • a needle (preferably from an IV, as it is very sharp and has a long tube (catheter). Moreover, it should be the same diameter as the decoration),
    • 100 ml. alcohol,
    • decoration.
  3. It is better to do without anesthesia, since giving yourself an injection in the face is problematic and dangerous. And besides, you may be allergic to anesthetic drugs.
  4. Before starting the piercing procedure, treat the gloves and needle with alcohol. Place the jewelry in a container with an antiseptic, and thoroughly treat the nostril with a swab or cotton wool soaked in alcohol.
  5. Turn out the nostril as much as possible, bring the needle to its inner side and make a puncture with a sharp movement.
  6. Slowly pull out the needle (the catheter should remain in the nostril), and then, putting one end of the jewelry into the catheter, pull it out too. The decoration should seem to be sucked into the hole and fall into place.
  7. Wash the puncture site completely with alcohol and check that the clasp of the jewelry is screwed on properly.

Once you have your nose piercing done, it is important that it stays in place. To do this, try to carefully remove clothes over your head and use a towel with caution. Try not to catch a cold so as not to get a runny nose. Until the puncture wound heals, it is better not to change the jewelry. The puncture site should be treated with chlorhexidine or miramistin twice a day (calendula tincture may also be suitable). The puncture itself will heal in about a month, but for six months do not remove the jewelry from your nose for more than a day, otherwise the puncture will heal.

Now you know how to pierce your nose at home, but to have a better understanding of this procedure, watch the video of how to pierce your nose.

Agata Vasnetsova

Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.


If you decide to decorate the most prominent part of your face with a beautiful earring made of gold or silver, then before getting a nose piercing, find out about the necessary preparation, features of wound care, its treatment and other issues related to the piercing. The procedure should be taken seriously to avoid unsuccessful attempts and not to harm your body with such intervention.

How to pierce the nose

The tradition of decorating the nose with earrings in our country appeared not too long ago. The first to decide on such an experiment with their appearance were the rebellious youth. Today, this type of piercing is actively used by girls and boys. If you decide to decorate the most prominent part of your face with an earring, then you just need to decide on its type and the place where your nose will be pierced. There are several ways to pierce the nose: in the wing, septum, on the bridge of the nose.

Nose wing piercing

One of the most common ways to decorate your face is to pierce the wing of your nose. It is considered safe and can be performed on the left, right, or both nostrils. Healing with proper treatment takes 4 to 6 weeks. Sometimes a hole is made on the side at the highest point of the wing. This option is painful and does not heal well. For decoration with this piercing, you can only use a small earring, for example, a carnation.

Septum piercing

When a piercing is made in the nasal septum, the piercing is called a septum. It is often performed through the tissue underneath the cartilage or through the cartilage itself. The pain may only last for a moment, so a septum piercing does not require the use of painkillers. With proper wound care, it will heal in 6-8 weeks. The septum is decorated with rings, rods and half rings.


When the septum is pierced vertically downwards, the puncture is called septril. The procedure requires a lot of experience and caution, since the puncture can catch the cartilaginous septum. Such an error will significantly slow down the healing process of the wound and increase the risk of complications. Septril piercings are characterized by pain. A barbell is often used to decorate a piercing.

Piercing bridge

Translated from English, bridge means “bridge.” A bridge puncture is performed on the bridge of the nose, in its upper part. At eye level, a puncture is made through the soft tissue, without touching the cartilage. The bridge can be made horizontally or vertically. This type of piercing is considered extreme piercing. For decoration, it is appropriate to use a barbell in this place.

Nose piercing with a gun

You can reduce the likelihood of an inflammatory process, negative consequences and complications, and make the procedure as painless as possible if you pierce your nose with a gun. According to reviews, to pierce the nose of a man or woman using such equipment, the master will need only a few seconds. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about dust or contamination getting into the wound, because using the instrument guarantees sterility. Sometimes the use of a gun is not suitable due to the large thickness of the puncture site.

How to pierce your nose at home

In beauty salons or offices, nose piercing will be done painlessly, without the risk of subsequent infection. If professional services seem too expensive for you, and you are not afraid of bacteria, bleeding and inflammation, then you can try piercing your nose at home. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene rules and act according to the following instructions:

  1. First you need to buy a nose piercing. Jewelry is sold in jewelry and souvenir shops in Moscow and other cities, tattoo parlors or online stores. It is better to choose small-sized products made of titanium, polycarbonate or stainless steel. If an allergic rash appears after the puncture, remove the jewelry and consult a dermatologist.
  2. There should be no blackheads, ulcers or acne on the skin near the piercing site. For any inflammation, postpone your goal. Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses and poor blood clotting are also contraindications to the procedure.
  3. It is better to carry out piercing with a special new needle, corresponding to the diameter of the jewelry. It is quite acceptable to use an ordinary sewing needle, earring, catheter or safety pin if the tool at hand is thoroughly disinfected and thoroughly processed.
  4. Sterilize all tools and decorations. To do this, dip them in alcohol and then boil them. Place the prepared tools on a clean towel. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wear sterile gloves.
  5. Draw a dot with a marker in the place where you plan to make a puncture.
  6. Treat the skin area with alcohol. An ice compress can be used to relieve pain. As the skin cools, it will become less sensitive, but thicker and more difficult to pierce.
  7. Insert the needle perpendicular to the surface of the skin at the marked location. Do it in one motion, if you have a clamp, use it.
  8. Insert the earring as soon as possible before the wound begins to heal.
  9. Until the wound heals, stop smoking, alcohol, hormonal drugs and aspirin. Carefully care for the wound: wash the piercing with chlorhexidine or miramistine liquids on both sides, apply the drug levomekol. Do not use cosmetic Vaseline.
  10. If after 10 days the inflammation has not gone away, the redness does not go away, crusts continue to appear, the discharge is yellow or green, then the piercing should be removed. It is better to pull out the earring while exhaling so that it does not get into the lungs with air.

Where to pierce your nose

You can express your individuality and highlight the brightness of your appearance with the help of different nose piercings. Where to pierce your nose is a purely individual decision. Jewelry can be placed parallel to the lips or perpendicular to their line. Modern techniques allow you to make holes for jewelry in the following ways:

  • piercing only the skin;
  • piercing skin and cartilage;
  • piercing the entire wall of the nose or both nostrils.

Nose earrings

When choosing decoration, you should focus on the location of the channel. If the nostril piercing is done high, then the nose earring cannot have the shape of a ring; only a stud will do. Rings and bars are suitable for piercing the center of the nose. For the wings of the nose, nostrils, labrets or tunnels are used, for the septum - half rings, rings, bananas, rods.

To prevent your pierced nose from becoming inflamed, you should carefully select the material from which the product will be made. Piercers recommend using surgical alloy, titanium or bioplastic. After the canal heals, the earring can be changed to silver, gold, platinum or even wood. Products are sold with different clasps; the nose ring can be decorated with both diamonds and ordinary glass.

Nose piercing price

If you decide to get your nose pierced, go to a specialized salon. Read reviews about it, sign up for a consultation to check the cleanliness and conditions for the procedure. The cost of piercing often depends on the package of services provided (medicines, jewelry, professional work, preparation). How much it costs to pierce your nose in Moscow depends on the salon, the professionalism of the artist, the complexity of the work and other nuances:

Video: nose piercing

Nose piercing photo

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