Why are there negative thoughts in my head? Bad thoughts in your head: how to get rid of them? The influence of bad thoughts on life

Bad thoughts appear in your head for a variety of reasons. They can sit in the subconscious for a long time and interfere with a normal life. Therefore, they must be driven away. Let's learn how to get rid of bad thoughts in several ways.

The influence of bad thoughts on life

Negative thoughts are very difficult to control. They prevent you from resting and do not give you peace even in a comfortable environment. This can cause deterioration not only in mental health, but also in physical health. A person becomes irritable, absent-minded, suspicious, hot-tempered, and more and more new diseases appear.

Also, constantly thinking about the bad takes up too much time. Although it could have been spent on really important things. A person gets stuck in his experiences and does not move forward. Thoughts are material. Negative thoughts only attract troubles and realize fears.

“Don’t take bad things into your head or heavy things into your hands,” - this is what people say, and for good reason. You need to free your head from pessimistic thoughts, and not overload yourself with physical labor in order to maintain your health. And bad thoughts always entail dire consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to get rid of negativity.

Reasons for bad thoughts

Every anxiety has a source. It must be determined in order to understand how to proceed. Very often negative stories from the past interfere with life. A person experiences guilt (although it may be far-fetched) and constantly worries about this.

For other people, negativity becomes a character trait. They are also called complainants. They love to do soul-searching and have been pessimists since childhood.

Negative personal qualities also poison life. This may be self-doubt, in which any event or decision becomes a test. Suspiciousness can be viewed in the same vein. In such a person, anything can put anxiety in his head, from a news report to the conversation of random passers-by.

Of course, the source can also be real problems that a person cannot solve. Waiting for the outcome is what makes you nervous, imagining not the most optimistic scenarios in your head.

But religion explains in its own way why there are always bad thoughts in your head. It is believed that the cause of obsessions and experiences is evil spirits, demons. They need to be fought in an unconventional way - through prayer.

Let's look at several techniques that psychologists recommend using when bad thoughts arise.


The first step to solving a problem is to understand what is causing your anxiety. The reasons can be very deep, so it is better to visit a psychologist. But you can try to cope on your own. To do this, on a piece of paper you need to write all your fears in two columns: real and fictional, and then opposite each one - his decision, that is, what needs to be done so that the anxiety does not come true.

For example, how to get rid of bad thoughts about an open window or an unturned stove? Every time before leaving the house you need to double check this action.


Often negative thoughts appear due to unresolved problems. If a way out of the situation can be found, then you need to act. Bad thoughts about the problem will go away as soon as it is resolved. But, unfortunately, many are often accustomed to complaining and doing nothing to change the situation. If you are reading this article, then this is not about you. You are definitely ready to act, and everything will work out for you. You just need to identify the source of the anxiety.


Not all problems can be solved; sometimes nothing depends on the person. For example, a relative or friend is hospitalized and is fighting for his life. In such a situation, it is quite normal to worry. The solution is to accept negative thoughts. You need to realize what you are actually experiencing, and there is nothing unusual about it.

Are bad thoughts creeping into your head? Accept them and live with them. But you don’t need to give them free rein, otherwise they will take over the behavior. It is better to observe negative messages from the outside, without subsequent reaction to them. The essence of this technique is action, not savoring thoughts. So do everything you can and leave the rest to chance.

Removal and replacement

This method will require a little awareness and understanding of your emotions. As soon as you feel negativity appearing in your head, immediately remove it, as if you were throwing garbage into a bin. You need to try not to get hung up on thoughts, not to develop this topic, but try to forget about it. The best assistant in this matter will be substitution. The point is that you need to start thinking about something pleasant, positive, or at least neutral.

With this technique, there is no need to figure out how to get rid of bad thoughts. They are not fed, but replaced by other events. Each time it will turn out easier and better. And after some time, consciousness will begin to use this method automatically.


It’s not for nothing that they say that the morning is wiser than the evening. Sometimes it's best to postpone your thoughts until later. For example, if you can't sleep because of bad thoughts, promise yourself that you will definitely think about it tomorrow. If the problem is not particularly serious, then the brain will easily agree with this proposal. Most likely, in the morning the negativity will no longer bother you and will even resolve itself.

This is a very simple but effective technique. It can be used in many situations. There is no point in thinking about something that will become insignificant in the future. Realizing this makes it much easier to get the negative things out of your head. For serious problems this method will not work. It is better to find solutions for them.


Bad thoughts suddenly appeared in your head, what should you do then? It is necessary to suppress the desire to be upset as quickly as possible so as not to develop an unpleasant topic. To do this, you need to put aside all your affairs, count to thirty and take five deep exhalations and inhalations. The brain needs time to comprehend the subject of thought, so as not to make irrational conclusions and unreasonable actions.

If the anxiety still does not go away, then repeat all the steps. If possible, go outside and take a short walk. This will allow you to put your thoughts in order and even distract you from negativity.

Reduction to the Absurd

You can try the completely opposite technique. On the contrary, you need to completely immerse yourself in bad thoughts and consider what bad things could happen as a result. It is most effective to imagine the most. Use your imagination, use exaggeration, make your thoughts vivid.

For example, you need to pass an important interview. It is clear that many people have bad thoughts at such moments. Imagine in vivid colors what kind of failure might await you. The head of the HR department, as soon as he sees your resume, starts screaming loudly and throwing tomatoes. You decide to escape such shame and run out of the office. But then the cleaning lady throws a wet rag at you because you trampled the entire floor. Out of surprise, you fall, get up and run again. And then you are kidnapped by aliens and taken to another planet.

Absurd, isn't it? But it is precisely this kind of exaggeration that takes away the power of negative thoughts. You just have to try it to be convinced of the effectiveness of the technique.

Wording on paper

Psychologists also recommend putting all your bad thoughts on paper. They need to be written down in detail, in all colors and details. The more often we formulate experiences, the less often we return to them. This means they will bother you less and less. Bad thoughts written down on paper should be considered a completed stage, so the piece of paper can be torn or burned.

Sometimes it is more effective not to destroy records. In some situations, it is better to fill out two columns on the sheet - negative and positive thoughts, so that you can compare them later. The first records negative experiences. And in the second - pleasant. It could also be some positive attitudes. For example, “I am smart”, “I do a good job”, “I am a wonderful wife” and so on.

You can write down only your own good qualities and place it in a visible place (on your desk or in the bathroom). As soon as bad thoughts appear, immediately look at this list to remind yourself of the good.

Positive social circle

Pay attention to what kind of people surround you. Think about whether among your acquaintances and friends there are those who evoke negative thoughts. If you count even a few such people, then you shouldn’t blame yourself and upset yourself even more. Whatever the true reason for the behavior, relationships with these people are harmful to mental health. Experts recommend temporarily avoiding these individuals. If during this period your mood and well-being have improved, then it will be better to end the relationship with them.

You should not stick with people who constantly insult, ridicule, or disrespect your hobbies and time. It’s better that you have one friend, but a positive one, and you don’t have to think about how to remove bad thoughts. Cheerful people always bring back good memories, lift your spirits and charge you with positive energy.

There are also universal methods that perfectly help cope with bad thoughts. Psychologists also recommend actively using them. They bring feelings into balance in cases of mild anxiety, and in more complex cases they only enhance the effect of the above techniques. Their main mechanism is distraction. Perhaps these methods will be familiar to many from personal practice.

Positive music

Scientific research has proven that you can drown out bad thoughts with the help of a pleasant melody. Therefore, determine for yourself the best music channel or wave on the radio, and also create a playlist of positive songs in your gadget. As soon as you feel that disturbing thoughts are penetrating your consciousness, turn on the music loudly and cheer yourself up.

A favorite hobby or activity will help you take your mind off your fears and anxieties. This can be any activity that brings pleasure (dancing, singing, riding a bike, handicrafts, reading books, growing flowers and much more).

Some people get rid of stupid thoughts by doing dirty work - cleaning the house. They start washing dishes, floors, dusting, cleaning closets, and so on. Of course, positive music will brighten up an unloved task. This way, bad thoughts will receive a double blow and disappear in one moment.

Physical exercise

Sport is an excellent way to get rid of bad thoughts. Physical activity relieves adrenaline, unloads the nervous system, and therefore relieves stress well. In addition, with regular exercise, a beautiful, toned body will be a pleasant bonus. Such psychological relief, combined with awareness of one’s attractiveness, increases self-confidence and reduces the number of reasons for concern. Just don't overload yourself. We must not forget about moderation and proper rest, so as not to leave room for negative experiences.

Proper nutrition

It is drinking and food that give us the resources and strength to exist. An unbalanced diet, hunger or lack of fluid depletes the body and leads to fatigue. It is she who creates the conditions for worry even about a minor matter. Therefore, it is important to eat healthy food and drink healthy drinks (fresh drinks, freshly squeezed juices, compotes, green tea and clean water). In moments of sadness, you should treat yourself to food antidepressants: chocolate, raisins, bananas, hazelnuts and whatever you like. Psychologists say that delicious food also drives away bad thoughts.

Appeal to God

Prayer helps religious people get rid of bad thoughts. Only sincere appeal will become a powerful weapon in the fight against evil spirits. Prayer will establish an energetic connection with the deity and drive away inner demons. Only here the moment of humility with what is happening is important if you are not satisfied with certain circumstances. If the problem is despair or despondency, then you need to turn to higher powers with gratitude. If you are offended or angry at another person, you should forgive him yourself and mention his pardon in prayer.

It is not necessary to know famous texts to receive help from higher powers. It is enough to sincerely address and express everything in your own words, then you will definitely be heard.

Now you know how to get rid of bad thoughts if they visit you. You can use psychological techniques, universal techniques, or prayer if you are a religious person.

There is a type of people with a penchant for self-examination. Psychology believes that people who can visualize any thought are the most suspicious.

There is a tendency to imagine the most terrible pictures. People replay situations in their heads that do not exist in reality.

Not every topic evokes such a reaction. People who fear for their health shudder every time they feel a stabbing sensation in their side, imagining themselves on the operating table with peritonitis.

Bad thoughts visit every head: everyone has moments of hopelessness and apathy.

Even people who are not prone to soul-searching sometimes get stuck in cycles and cannot independently stop the painful cycle of sad pictures in their heads.

There are proven ways to help get rid of dark thoughts.

There are two versions of what is happening. From the mystic side, it is a matter of unclean forces that have taken possession of the mind. A kind of devil, whispering bad things in your cockroaches’ heads.

The second version is a real problem that provoked a closure of the cycle of thoughts. Thoughts return to the bad, like a boomerang.

Psychologists believe that there is always a real problem that is masked in memory. A person may not be aware of the causes of fears - they simply appear.

Bad thoughts and fears, forms and causes of occurrence:

Form of manifestation Cause
Anxiety, unconscious worry A person exhibits such symptoms when the body is overtired and the nervous system is overstrained.

The reasons are positive and negative. Unexpected joy causes the same reaction. The person does not realize the reason, but feels nervous.

The general formulation is overwork. Physical, mental or emotional

Apathy, depression, sharp aggressive reaction, depression A symptom typical of girls during PMS, people with unstable hormonal levels, and those who have experienced severe stress.

A reaction to stress that happened months ago may only appear now.

If the cause of stress did not send you into an emotional knockout, you held on for a long time, but now every little thing causes a surge of emotions.

Accumulated emotions must be released, otherwise they have a bad effect on the nervous system.

In the intervals between aggression and complete apathy, a person experiences anxiety and is tormented by bad thoughts.

Obsession with the problem People often worry about their health during check-ups and tests. Suspiciousness provokes fears.

Having donated blood for HIV, a person may not eat or sleep, imagining his own funeral. He may be a virgin; no adequate cause for concern is required.

Fear is caused by possible consequences. The chain is built like this: I donated blood, I may be sick, it is necessary to analyze how to live if I am sick.

The problem is various events: a series of layoffs, meeting parents, litigation, conflicts

How to stop beating yourself up and drive away fear

Understand the reason for the fear. If you understand where fear “grows legs” from, meet it face to face.


  • Imagine the situation: what are you afraid of? Mentally challenge her to a duel.
  • Go on the offensive: what will happen in the worst case scenario? You will die? Let's reveal a secret: everyone will die.

    People are born and die, no one gets out of here alive. Humble yourself, go with the flow.

    You are alive today - do not waste your life on empty fears. Changing jobs is not a disaster, nor is the departure of a loved one.

  • Imagine the situation in the smallest detail. In a hundred years there will be no one alive now.

    Think about the problem from this perspective. Everything can be survived: people have experienced more serious problems.

  • Now exhale - you have been where you were mentally afraid. Is it worth shaking with fear?

Important! Remember: there is nothing to be afraid of in our lives. Let go of the situation. The enemy is defeated - there is no more fear, the circle has opened.

Without knowing the reasons for fear, but you have experienced a lot of stress, you should put things in order in your life:

  • Remove irritating factors: What is bothering you? Change your job, leave your unloved man, change your apartment or even your city.
  • Give yourself a break: take a vacation, even for two days.
  • Take light sedatives and monitor the state of your nervous system.
  • Play sports, it relieves emotional stress.

The most powerful prayer for obsessive thoughts

Prayers help put your thoughts in order. Read any prayer in moments of fear.

The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”, “May God rise again” and “Our Father” helps well.

There is a special prayer for fear:

“Lord, why have you multiplied the cold? Many people rise up against me, many people say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in his God.

But You, Lord, are my Protector, my glory, and lift up my head. With my voice I cried to the Lord, and He heard me from His holy mountain.

I fell asleep and fell asleep, and arose, as if the Lord would intercede for me. I will not be afraid of the people around me who attack me.

Arise, Lord, save me, my God, for you have struck down all those who are at enmity with me in vain: you have crushed the teeth of sinners. Salvation is the Lord's, and Your blessing is upon Your people. Amen".

Psychologists advise writing your worries down on paper. Write down in a column all the bad things that have happened to you lately.

The list may include events that happened years ago. Write down if they bother you.

Now start with the minor ones: think about it, find a solution. Move on to topics of concern, analyze the situation, and evaluate possible outcomes.

This method will help you understand yourself and understand what is bothering you. Get your head in order. Bad thoughts, like worms, start where there is dirt.

Do some spring cleaning in your thoughts and your fears will have nowhere to hide. Psychologists do the same thing in their sessions - they help clients put things in order.

Useful video

We often suffer from obsessive negative thoughts. We poison our lives by chasing these harmful thoughts in our minds, and we cannot break out of this vicious circle. By doing this, we greatly harm ourselves, as we attract bad events and circumstances into our lives. And negative thoughts have a negative impact on your health. But there is also good news. We can't get rid of bad thoughts just because we don't know how to do it correctly. Read this article, adopt the techniques that suit you, and you will no longer be bothered by bad and negative thoughts.

Bad thoughts creep into your head, and you ask yourself the question: “What to do?” A healthy lifestyle will teach you how to get rid of bad thoughts using simple but effective techniques. Go!

✅ Method No. 1 - Solution.

As a rule, negative thoughts come from unresolved problems. It's simple! If the problem is solvable, then solve it and thereby rid yourself of bad thoughts. If it’s not solvable, then accept it (but more on that below). It all depends only on you, friends.

Some people enjoy complaining about life, feeling sorry for themselves and constantly chasing depressive thoughts in their heads, but do nothing to correct the current situation, which resulted in

If you are reading these lines, then you belong to a different type of person. You prefer to find rather than engage in self-flagellation. And it is right! Just figure out what caused the bad thought. And then change something in your life so that there is no reason for such thoughts. By eliminating the problems and circumstances that bother you, you will solve the question “how to get rid of bad thoughts” - they will simply stop visiting you.

The essence of this technique is not to savor negative thoughts, but to act. Don’t sit still, create, change the reality around you - and there will be no reasons for bad thoughts or there will be significantly fewer reasons. It's simple!

✅ Method No. 2 - Removal + Replacement.
For this technique (as for all others) we need a little awareness. As soon as you realize that bad thoughts have crept into your head, then remove them without delay. There is no need to dwell on the negative, just forget it and don’t develop this topic in your mind. As they say, a holy place is never empty, so we need to fill it with something. It’s best to put something positive (or at least neutral) in place of a negative thought.

The main thing is not to fight a bad thought, but to immediately drown it out with other thoughts, without giving bad strength and without feeding it with your energy. In fact, we need to distract ourselves from negative thoughts, stop stressing ourselves out, and simply switch to more joyful thoughts.

Each time the “removal + replacement” technique will give better and better results, and soon you will not notice how you will begin to use it automatically, easily cutting off the negative and replacing it. After all, it is impossible to think about the bad and the good at the same time, our consciousness always tries concentrate on one thing. Take advantage of it!

✅ Method No. 3 - Bringing it to the point of absurdity.
When you discover bad thoughts, immerse yourself completely in them and purposefully bring them to the point of absurdity. For example, you are worried that you won’t be able to get a job. Then you need to imagine in vivid colors what kind of failure awaits you at the interview. Use your imagination!

Imagine how a hiring manager immediately rejects you in a rude manner. He makes scary faces, throws tomatoes at you and swears. You decide to leave this chaos, and you almost succeeded, but it didn’t work out that way. The insidious cleaning lady jumps out from around the corner with a wild scream and spanks you with all her might with a wet rag. Because of all this bacchanalia, you fall down the stairs. And while you were at the interview, your house burned down, so you can rightfully call yourself homeless. And then aliens kidnap you and conduct experiments on you. Now you are a human cockroach.

Normal? This is completely absurd, but such exaggeration helps take away the power of a negative thought. Just try it!

✅ Method No. 4 - Acceptance.
Sometimes it is useless to run from your obsessive thoughts. For example, when we worry about the life and health of people close to us. In this case, there is nothing left but to accept these negative thoughts.

Realize that these thoughts are what you are actually experiencing. After all, this is normal! Accept these negative thoughts for what they are and agree to live with them for a while.

Don't let these intrusive thoughts control your behavior. Be aware of the presence of these thoughts, but do not act according to their rules. Observe bad thoughts as if from the outside, without allowing them to take over you.

Do your best, and the rest is not in your power. When we accept what we cannot cope with, it often stops bothering us.

Remember, friends, that negative thoughts only have power over you if you react to them.

✅ Method #5 - Write down your negative thoughts.
Another effective method getting rid of bad thoughts in your head. Write down your negative thoughts on paper, on your computer or smartphone. Write them down in detail, in colors, in detail. For the more we write about our experiences, the less often we return to them later, the less they bother us in the future.

Consider each entry as a completed part of your life. All this has already passed and turned into history. Leave all the negativity on paper or in an electronic diary - and start without annoying thoughts. Everything will work out!

Method #6 - Think about it tomorrow.
Despite its simplicity, it is also a fairly effective technique. If you are tired of fighting negative thoughts, for example, those that prevent you from falling asleep, then tell yourself: “I’ll think about it tomorrow!” If the bad thoughts are not particularly serious, then your brain will agree with this proposal. As they say, in the morning everything becomes clearer and clearer. And there is a high probability that in the morning the negativity will simply stop bothering you. Or you will get a good night's sleep, and with new strength you will find ways to solve problems. Or even the problem will solve itself.

Guys, this technique is applicable in other situations. The main thing is to get rid of bad thoughts at least for a while. New opportunities or circumstances may open up in the future, meaning your negative thoughts will simply become meaningless. Why then think about something that will not matter in the future? That's right, there's no need. Realizing this, it is much easier to throw negativity out of your head. Well, then it’s a matter of technology.


“How to get rid of bad thoughts?” — each of us probably asked ourselves. Let this article serve as an assistant in resolving this issue. There is no point in using all the techniques: we are all different, so one method will suit some people, while another will be effective for others.

It is important to remember that by getting rid of negativity, we dramatically improve its quality. There is more happiness, joy, and love in life. More and more favorable circumstances come our way. And all this is thanks to a change in the way of thinking, namely, getting rid of bad thoughts that previously constantly annoyed us and ultimately brought nothing but trouble. Away with negative thoughts, just be happy! And please share your methods of getting rid of bad thoughts.

More on the topic:

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxiety yourself 10 ways to get good mood Whatever happens, everything is for the better How to get rid of laziness forever: simple ways and advice from psychologists

It's all in the thoughts. Thought is the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. Therefore, the main thing in self-improvement is to work on your thoughts.
L. Tolstoy

The Club has repeatedly received letters with the question: “Sinful, obsessive, bad, evil, terrible, terrible thoughts are creeping into my head... I’m going crazy, I’m already exhausted, they’re poisoning my life, I’m already sick of them, to the point of tears...”. What should I do?

As a rule, these are consequences of internal troubles, once received psychotraumas, problems not resolved in a timely manner, difficulties with self-esteem, life roles, which creates

Often, obsessive thoughts cannot withstand close scrutiny. Any introspection, analysis, dissection leads to their weakening and elimination. They are like mangy dogs who rush and bark at passers-by without the slightest reason, because they like to pester people, and the more people are afraid of them, the more brazen they behave. But if you shout at her, especially if you pick up and throw a stone, she will immediately run away with her tail between her legs.

Obsessive thoughts are afraid of the “light”, publicity, publicity. If you share these thoughts with a loved one, they may immediately evaporate. This is what is called crying into your vest. That’s why sincere, heartfelt stories to strangers, for example on trains, are so popular. The other extreme of this technique is when people abuse it. And as they say, they load their friends and relatives with their spiritual rubbish left and right.

In the book“Secrets of a successful life” by V.F. Kaloshin has a chapter: Thought management is an effective means of achieving happiness, health, success...”

Karen Casey “Change your thoughts, change your life. 12 simple principles"

Igor Kudryavtsev “The power of thought. Find the state of "PEACE" - your source of health, peace and joy"

Sally M. Winston Martin N. Safe “Getting rid of obsessive thoughts. A Guide to Coping with Stress and Anxiety"

Take control of your own mind

Instead of simply accepting your mental images, you can gain control over them by changing submodalities. The best way understanding how submodalities can change your thoughts is a game. Play with them. Imagine that you have a remote control in your hands.

Exercise: PLAYING WITH IMAGES Take your time on this exercise. Take breaks between stages. You may find it easier to do this exercise with a friend or colleague.

1. Let's start with a new image. Remember a happy moment in your life: a party, an event, or a moment when you were praised or given compliments.

2. Become aware of the formed image.

3. Is it in color or black and white?

4. Make it colorful, adjust the colors, make the picture brighter, deeper, more distinct.

5. Notice how your feelings have changed.

6. Now remove the colors and make the picture black and white.

7. Notice the change in your sensations.

8. Bring color and brightness back to the image.

9. Now move the picture: move it far, very far so that it becomes barely visible.

10. Now bring her back figuratively, closer to you. Place it directly in front of you.

11. Do any sounds pop up in your memory? Maybe you hear other people's voices?

12. Make the sound louder... And even louder... And more...

13. And now - quieter... Gradually turn down the sound until it disappears completely.

14. Now turn up the volume again so you can hear all the sounds clearly again.

15. If you are “dissociated” (that is, you see all of yourself inside the memory), try to “associate” (that is, put yourself into the image, relive everything as before).

16. If your picture is still, turn it into a movie. Let everything start moving.

17. Now stop the image, bring it closer to you, try to see bright colors, hear loud sounds.

18. Notice your feelings.

19. Can you point to the image? Where is it located: to the right, in front or to the side of you?

And now that you have played with this image, think about something that is unpleasant for you. Which changes increase positive feelings and which decrease them?

By understanding how the manifestation of thoughts in images, words and feelings affects your mood and behavior, you will immediately have at your disposal the most valuable tool that will allow you to become the master of your life. You will learn to translate this “code” into other thoughts and ideas. Your images of the appropriate size, shape, color, proximity and volume will begin to evoke good and positive feelings in you.

You will learn to get rid of sad and dreary thoughts, anxiety, lack of motivation and other negative manifestations at your own discretion.

Getting rid of negative images

If I come to your house in the evening, turn on your TV and start switching channels in search of something interesting for myself, a very serious problem will arise in your life. Will you sit quietly and watch my actions? Will you accept the fact that every evening you will be at home with a reminder of something you would rather forget?

Most will answer this question: “Of course not!” But in fact, we all do exactly this. We store in our minds images of what irritates and torments us most. Some create real films - bright and impressive. People relive terrible moments in their lives over and over again. And then they wonder why it suddenly became so bad for them!

I want to please you: there is a very simple way to get rid of such thoughts and images using a “remote control”.

Exercise: RIDING NEGATIVE FEELINGS If this is your first time doing this, don’t choose a memory that is too traumatic. Once you get used to it, you will be able to work with more serious problems. Remember some minor disagreement. Have you noticed that you are replaying this event in your head over and over again? Remember my TV example: why do you do this again and again? Why are you watching this unpleasant movie if it doesn't make you feel good?

1. Return to the unpleasant moment.

2. Understand where the image is placed.

3. Is the picture color or black and white?

4. Do you hear any sounds?

5. What is the size of the picture?

6. Is there a border around it?

Fine! Now let's change the image:

1. If it was in color, make it black and white.

2. Squeeze it.

3. Turn down the volume so you can no longer hear voices.

5. Squeeze it, turning it into a point.

6. Now imagine that you take a brush and paint it white.

7. Make it indistinguishable.

8. Notice how your feelings have changed.

Positive mental images cause positive feelings, and negative images cause negative feelings. Close and vivid images enhance sensations. Remember this and you will gain control over your feelings. Images that lack color and are located far away are less intense and therefore have less of an impact on your senses.

Our internal ideas (or images) influence our feelings. In NLP terms we call this our state. The condition has a direct effect on physiology. That's why happy people have good posture, and when depressed our shoulders droop. Internal representations, state and physiology are interconnected and influence each other. This is why happy people attract good luck to themselves, while unhappy people invite problems. Your condition affects what happens to you.

Switch your feelings

Feelings, sensations and reactions in our body can be caused by a variety of stimuli, and not just our thoughts. The connection between stimulus and response is called anchoring. In other words, environmental factors - sounds, smells, melodies or thoughts - cause a certain reaction in us. This reaction can be happiness, sadness, nervousness, anxiety, confidence, delight. The reaction occurs automatically, you cannot control it unless you understand what is happening.

Anchors surround us everywhere. As soon as we hear some music, we are overcome by a certain emotion. Music near an ice cream stand can bring back childhood memories.

Smells cause especially strong reactions: the smell of perfume can remind you of the excitement of a first date. But the smell of food that you were once poisoned with can cause a very negative reaction. Similar automatic reactions occur in humans throughout the day.

Anchoring is one of the most popular NLP techniques. It is easy to master and highly effective. With its help, you learn to transfer yourself into any state of your choice - as if by magic.

This connection was discovered by the great Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov conducted experiments on dogs. Every time the dogs were given food, they began to produce saliva. Pavlov began ringing a bell at every feeding. Very soon the dogs learned to associate the sound of the bell with feeding.

And then just one sound was enough to salivate - without any food. The dogs did not see the food, did not smell it, but saliva began to be released. Their bodies automatically responded to the sound, even if they were not hungry.

NLP uses the same principle to create anchors, but this time the connections and associations are formed consciously. Creating anchors allows you to change feelings and transition:

From a state of doubt to a state of confidence;

From slowness to motivation;

From apathy to boundless energy;

From a state of stress to a state of relaxation;

From anger to peace;

From melancholy - to happiness;

From fear to courage.


Close your eyes - read all the instructions in advance so you know exactly what to do, or have a friend read them to you as you do the exercise.

Squeeze your thumb and middle finger - for this exercise, choose the hand you write with.

1. Find a suitable place, get comfortable and completely relax.

2. Remember a time in the past when you felt absolutely happy and satisfied.

3. Close your eyes and go back to that moment. You need to see what you saw then, hear what you heard, and feel what you felt.

4. Become aware of everything you see. Make the picture bigger. Make the colors brighter, stronger. If you heard something at that moment, make the sounds louder.

5. Make the picture even bigger. Bring her closer to you.

6. If you see yourself in this picture (dissociation), then imagine how you rise from the chair and merge with your image in the picture.

7. Be yourself and enjoy repeating a happy moment.

8. Focus on a time when you felt truly happy.

9. Continuing to admire the picture, realize at what point in your body this feeling of happiness arises.

10. Identify where the feeling originates. Make it spin faster, spread throughout your body. Happiness should cover you from head to toe.

11. Continue in this manner until you feel that the delicious sensation has reached its peak.

12. As this feeling intensifies, squeeze your thumb and middle finger. Squeeze them very tightly. With these fingers you hold the feeling of complete happiness.

13. Now relax. Relax and open your eyes. Come back to reality.

14. When you want to feel that amazing feeling again, all you have to do is squeeze your thumb and middle finger.

Do this exercise several times a day to make your happiness anchor more powerful.

You can enhance the sensations associated with this anchor by remembering to squeeze your thumb and middle finger in those moments when something good happens to you: when you watch a comedy, listen to an interesting program, have fun with friends, receive a compliment from loved one.

The NLP technique described above is used with the kind permission of Richard Bandler.

Once you master this anchor, you will be able to create positive feelings automatically. To do this, you just need to squeeze your thumb and middle finger. You can create other anchors for yourself - read appendices 10, 15 and 18.

“Oculomotor” relief from problematic thoughts and conditions.

Advice from Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Sergei Kovalev from the book “Self-correction of a “lame” fate. How to take correction of your destiny into your own own hands" The book is in our “Love, family, sex and about...”

This book is an encyclopedia practical advice using NLP.

It is based on eye movements and the connection that arises between them and the corresponding modes of brain functioning. The presence of this direct connection was first proven by NLP specialists. But they probably forgot to mention the possibilities of feedback (if a certain mode of brain operation sets the position of our eyes, then changing their position allows us to change the mode itself).

Therefore, the merits in creating the independent psychotechnology of “oculomotor reprogramming” are attributed to a specialist in a completely different field - the American F. Shapiro. She was prompted to create this psychotechnology by a vital necessity: at the age of thirty-six, a woman was diagnosed with breast cancer. After surgery for the disease, Shapiro, a literary scholar by training, was unable to get rid of nightmares and daytime fears and anxieties until she discovered that she could significantly reduce them by intensively moving her gaze in different directions. After much experimentation on herself and others, Shapiro unveiled her psychotechnology, which is now known as eye movement desensitization (EMDR).

The complete scheme for using EMDR is as follows (according to: F. Shapiro “Psychotherapy of emotional trauma using eye movements”).

1. Think about your trouble and focus on an image that represents either all of it or the part that is most traumatic for you. It is desirable that this image include a full VAKD (backstory), although this is not necessary.

2. Identify or formulate statements that are characteristic of your negative self-definition, that is, the negative self-esteem thought that accompanies this trouble (or that you learned from it), for example: I am powerless.

I can't do anything. I'm nothing. I can't succeed. I am not worthy of success.

3. Create a judgment that will reflect your positive self-determination regarding this trouble, that is, what should be present in your consciousness and unconsciousness instead of the negative self-esteem in which you are stuck, for example: I have the necessary resources. I can do a lot. I am a person worthy of respect. I may very well succeed. I am worthy of success.

4. Rate your own belief in this new positive self-determination on a seven-point scale, where 1 is “I do not believe at all” and 7 is “I completely believe.” Do not be surprised that your score is within 1-2 points - this, alas, is how it should be for now.

5. Now, on a scale of ten, rate the level of your own anxiety about the original trouble. Here, 10 points will correspond to the maximum concern, and 1 point will correspond to the minimum. Again, don’t be surprised by the score of 8-9-10 points. It shouldn’t be otherwise, because this same nuisance is firmly stuck in you and doesn’t want to go anywhere without outside help. But a rating level of 3-4 points indicates that you are doing nonsense - this can be dealt with without EMDR.

6. Now take the final step in preparing for eye movement desensitization. Determine the optimal speed and amplitude of your eye movement using your own (or better yet, someone else's) hand. The “point of fixation of the gaze” will be two closed fingers - the index and middle. Make this assessment for

Horizontal eye movements

"diagonal" movements ("Big Eight"):

Vertical (8) and horizontal (8),

Movements in a circle (O)

7. Remember the VAKD of your trouble and, thinking about it, do a series of 24 eye movements. Start, for example, with horizontal ones. When you finish the series, get everything out of your head and take a deep breath in and out. Then return to the image and examine:

What you are now experiencing about this image;

What you now think about your trouble. Then rate your level of anxiety on a scale of one to ten. And repeat all of the above until the level of anxiety about trouble decreases to an acceptable level for you. There are no exact standards here, but scores of 2-3 points are close to a sufficient level.

8. Now focus on imagining your chosen positive self-definition (just think about it) along with (simultaneously) the memory of your trouble (its image) and continue the series of eye movements until the belief in this most positive idea reaches the level acceptable to you level (usually 5 points and above).

9. Finally, after the positive self-determination is sufficiently established, holding both it and the image of trouble, examine whether there are any unpleasant sensations or tensions remaining in your body. If any are found, focus on them and implement them. required amount a series of eye movements until everything goes away: both these sensations and what “pops up” while you work through them.

Pay attention to one very important point: with the help of EMDR (more precisely, through eye movements), you can quite easily reprogram yourself to new beliefs. This will be very useful to us in the future, but for now we will turn to phobias.

Another psychotechnic:

Crossing (colliding) anchors. Let's move on to perhaps the most important of the hypostases of anchoring - the technique of crossing anchors. Tell me, what happens if you mix red and yellow? That's right - orange. What if you mix cold and hot? Warm. If you put the bad and the good together? Absolutely right, the result will be something neutral.

It is this principle of “mixing” two opposing neurological processes that forms the basis of the very powerful technique of colliding, or crossing, anchors.

1. Sit back, think about a time when you were especially confident, full of creative energy, or just healthy (pick one).

2. Anchor this memory on your right knee with light pressure from your right hand. Make sure you anchor at the moment when you are experiencing the memory most intensely.

3. Now remember any situation from your activity in which you showed uncertainty, felt lethargic, or were simply sick (also, for now, choose one that is most appropriate). Set the anchor with your left hand on your left knee.

4. Using both hands, press both anchors simultaneously. As a result, the two behaviors will collide in the same place and time, so that it will be neurologically necessary to integrate them. Resource and non-resource behavior (state) will merge, causing your brain to look for new opportunities in a situation that was previously perceived as problematic and/or change the state from unhealthy to healthier.

5. Now imagine a problem situation in the future. If your work has been successful, you will find that it is much easier for you to become resourceful in a given situation (as you imagine the situation, signs of a resourceful state will appear). And be sure that later you will be able to really experience “resourcefulness” when you find yourself in a corresponding problem situation.

Again, returning to the “end-to-end” example, I can hint to you (in fact, it’s time for you to specify, that is, to “tie” the techniques “to the terrain” yourself), that if you anchor your own straightforwardness, and then “cross ” her with flexibility of behavior (no matter where, at least with your children), then at a minimum, noticeably reduce this very tendency of yours to “frontal” interactions.

In order for you to properly master this very useful procedure, I will give you a description of the methodology (technique) for installing linked anchors, which describes in more detail its main (procedures) technical aspects (according to: S. Knight “NLP Guide”).

1. Determine which unproductive condition you are going to work with. For example, this could be a state of anxiety, despondency, uncertainty or disappointment.

2. Imagine that you are experiencing this state, and establish an anchor by touching the knuckle of the same finger of the other hand with the index finger of one hand. Repeat to make sure the anchor is effective. Please note that this condition should be short-lived.

3. Also define another, transitional, state. It could be a funny memory or just something that requires concentrated thought (say, just mentally replaying your phone number in reverse).

4. Select a desired productive state, such as one in which you feel completely safe, calm, or confident in your own abilities. Relive the situation in which you experienced the selected feeling. When the intensity of the feeling reaches its maximum, set an anchor by touching the middle finger of one hand to the knuckle of the same finger of the other hand.

5. Test these anchors by following these steps:

Engage the first anchor.

Use a transition state.

Turn on the second anchor.

If the anchors do not work, repeat the installation processes.

6. Now use both anchors at the same time. You will feel some confusion, as if two states have merged into one new, mixed state. If the first unproductive state still has a strong effect in the new mixed state, then return to point 4, select a more intense state and re-install the anchor. Check again. You may also find that the situation will improve if you turn on the productive state anchor a second or a couple of seconds before the unproductive state anchor.

7. Now imagine a future situation that in the past usually led you to an unproductive state. What happens when you imagine this future situation? If the folded anchors work, then this unproductive state will no longer occur.

However, I cannot help but warn you against a certain danger associated with the technique of crossing anchors. The fact is that we algebraically sum positive and negative quantities, which is why the result can be the most common zero. Suppose, for example, that you decide to use this technique to the situation of your fear of dogs, for which they decided to take advantage of your obvious love for cats. Having anchored these two states, you “turn on” both anchors at the same time, after which you discover the following curious thing. You really are almost no longer afraid of dogs, and this, as they say, is a plus. But at the same time, you have become noticeably less fond of cats, and this can already be considered as a kind of disadvantage. So in the process of reprogramming it is necessary to ensure that the power of the positive anchor is noticeably greater than the power of the negative anchor, and that it itself (the positive anchor) touches something not too important.

However, this danger is rather illusory and easily overcome. I mentioned it only so that you do not get into trouble and do not fall into sad bewilderment about the relativity of your successes and their consequences. After all, firstly, in order to gain flexibility of behavior in a situation of communication with equals in status (this is an example), in the worst case, you will somewhat lose this flexibility in a case similar to that used in the resource experience. In all other cases, your flexibility will remain. Moreover, it is very likely that it will recover quite quickly in the situation that served as a resource.

Secondly, purely technically, to enhance the impact of resource anchors, you can simply crossbreed several times according to the following simple principle. If the first time, for example, you only achieved a decrease in straightforwardness, again anchor this decreased factor of self-sabotage, and cross it with another resource experience of behavioral flexibility. And so on until you achieve the desired level of success factor.

And thirdly, no one forbids you to take advantage of another opportunity, which consists in indirectly and repeatedly resourcing the qualities and states that are necessary and useful to you “in life.”

In his interesting and useful book “Self-correction of a “lame” fate. “How to take the correction of your destiny into your own hands,” Professor Sergei Kovalev, gives not only advice on how to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and states, but also how to replace non-ecological thoughts, beliefs, and behavior with environmentally friendly ones:

“Review the statements listed here and mark any that you think would be difficult to believe if applied to yourself. Re-read statements that you cannot defend wholeheartedly.

When you have done this for all the statements that you question, pick one and ask yourself: why? Write down your reasons. Use your imagination to go back in time and try to find out why you cannot “affirm” yourself. Whose voice do you hear? What words do they say to you? What shapes do you see? What gestures do you use? The ability to validate ourselves inevitably has its roots in how other people validate us, and vice versa.

It will be difficult for you to replace a negative statement with a positive one. However, if you believe that this can be changed, you will eventually come to believe in yourself.

I am me, and in the whole world there is no one exactly like me.

I am unique.

I own everything that touches me - my body and everything that touches it.

I am in control of my mind, including all my thoughts and ideas.

I own my eyes, including the images of all observed objects.

I own my feelings, whatever they may be - positive and negative. I may like some and not like others, but they are still mine.

I control my mouth and all the words I utter, pleasant or rough, right or wrong.

I am in control of all my actions towards others or myself.

I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears.

I own all my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes.

Because I am in complete control of myself, I can ultimately recognize and use myself to act in my own best interests.

There are things that puzzle me and others that I don't know yet. But as long as I am friendly with myself, I can look with courage and hope for solutions to puzzles and ways to learn more about myself.

Whatever I look and sound like & any given moment is unique and authentic to me.

When I think about how I looked and sounded, what I said and did, how I thought and felt, I can throw away whatever I want. I can keep what turns out to be relevant. I can invent something new to replace what I discarded.

I can see, hear, feel, think, speak and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to derive meaning and order from the world of people and things outside of me.

I control myself, therefore I can change myself.

I am me and I am good.

I forgive myself for any mistake or wrongdoing towards myself. I forgive all the wrongs that other people have caused me.

I accept responsibility for my own life and affirm that no one has power over my decisions without my full consent."

Another effective psychotechnique of NLP “Swing”,

Albina Chaikina writes in detail, with a description of all the subtleties, in her book “The Main Psychotechnics of Highly Effective People.” The book is in our “Love, family, sex and about...”:

The first after her (Alka, who got rid of overweight and became a statuette) Pavel Morozov, our designer, went to the nlpers. He had long wanted to quit smoking, but nothing worked for him. They conducted a corresponding session with him - and since then (and four months have passed) he stopped poisoning himself with nicotine. Further along the beaten path, the rest rushed into NLP: one got rid of the fear of dogs, another stopped being irritated with her husband’s relatives and saved her family, Ira Smirnova managed to overcome asthmatic attacks in her 15-year-old son, another wave helped us and our friends, relatives and acquaintances overcome impotence, alcohol addiction, passion for slot machines, such “cute” habits as nail biting and nose picking. Some even stopped stuttering and overcame their fear of heights.

It was clear that we had access to very powerful, accurate, virtually fail-safe technology, thanks to which we could solve a bunch of different issues! The further I went, the more interested I became in the swing method. I started studying the issue and dug into the principles of NLP. I really wanted to tell as many people as possible about the technology.

Swing step by step.

1. Definition of the situation. We formulate something undesirable that we would like to get rid of, be it a habit, fear, phobia, addiction, etc.

2. Determination of secondary benefits. We analyze what our “bad” behavior allows us to achieve, what motives, besides the obvious ones, underlie it.

3. We analyze how secondary benefits can be achieved differently. Here are the options (three for each benefit).

5. Environmental check: we check whether giving up “bad” behavior will harm the client.

6. Definition of stimulus. We find what exactly triggers “bad” behavior. We check the association of the stimulus - we look at it “from the situation”.

7. Presentation of the stimulus on the internal screen. Creation of the initial picture.

8. Working with a stimulus using two submodalities: zooming in and out of the image, zooming in and out, making it flat and volumetric, colored and black and white, sharp and blurry, bright and faded.

9. Definition of self-resource. We create an image of ourselves as having overcome “bad” behavior: what should I look like when I no longer have the characteristics of what I want to get rid of. We check the dissociation of the image: I want to be like this, I like this resource-I, I strive to become like this. But so far I’m not like that - a picture from the outside.

10. Representation of the resource self on the internal screen. Creating a picture without a background (with a blurred, undefined background).

11. Connection on the internal screen of two pictures - the stimulus and the resource self. The image of the stimulus is full screen, with such submodalities that it evokes maximum emotions; the image of the resource self is very small, unclear, in the lower right corner of the internal screen occupied by the image of the stimulus.

12. Carrying out a swing. Very quickly (on the count of “one”, on a snap of the fingers, a wave of the hand) you reduce the image of the stimulus and remove it from the screen, and increase the image of the Resource Self to the size of the screen (submodalities work so that this image makes the maximum impression on you).

13. Look at the image of the Resource Self, then clear the screen (for example, open your eyes).

14. Swing four to six more times.

15. Checking the results:

Stimulus presentation. Again, on the internal screen, you try to imagine the stimulus - as in preparing for a swing. Its outlines this time should be fuzzy and blurry.

Fitting for the future. Imagine situations in the future in which you could theoretically exhibit “bad” behavior again. Can you imagine yourself abandoning previous stereotypes and abstaining from corresponding behavioral patterns? If yes, then the swing was successful.

Here's how the Internet can help.


Pixelthoughts is a service with which you can immerse yourself in a 60-second meditation and relax, clearing your thoughts of negativity and obsessive problems.

All you need to do is enter “What’s bothering you?” in the field. (What's bothering you?) your problem, and then press the “Done” button and watch how the glowing ball, along with your problem, moves away from you to pleasant music.

In the upper right corner of the screen there is a small square, by clicking on which you can expand the main page of the service to full screen. This will allow you to fully immerse yourself in what is happening. To exit full screen mode, press the Esc button on your keyboard.

At the very end you will be asked to subscribe so as not to miss the release of other projects.

For those who prefer to solve their mental problems on their own, in our “Love, Family, Sex and About...” there is a section And in it there is a large shelf of books dedicated to NLP.

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