A boy turned into a girl is a story. The transformation of men into women. Sex-change operation. Rising transgender star from Canada

Yesterday, a parade of the LGBT Association was held in Riga. With the first three letters of this abbreviation, in principle, most of us are familiar. But the last letter - "T" (transsexuals) - is a rare case ... Firstly, it's just rare. And secondly, they rarely get in touch with the press...

"Marina" is a conventional name. The photo is also not published for obvious reasons. But she will answer the questions of the club members.

Reference: Transsexuals are people whose gender identity does not match their physical gender. According to statistics, the number of suicides among transsexuals reaches 40%. Gender reassignment is a long-term preparation, a complex and expensive operation.

Marina is the son of a military man. More precisely, the former son. In 2006, she underwent sex reassignment surgery, becoming a woman from a man. Such a transformation has its own category: MtF - a transsexual who changed gender from male to female. Marina has two children, one of which is genetically her own, who was conceived when she was in a male body. The second is the child of a woman with whom she has an official marriage. whom she married while still a man. According to the documents, they are an officially registered same-sex family.

Marina realized her problem quite early, at the age of 10 ...

I did taekwondo for seven years, hung out on the street. After all, if you want to become a girl, being in the body of a boy, you start to look cooler than other guys - you are actively involved in sports, you go to a military school. In an attempt to throw bad thoughts out of your head, you begin to fight with yourself. Then, in the period of 18-20 years, the moment of acceptance began. Because it got to the point that you were sitting at work, and the thoughts “everything about this and that”, some kind of literally paralyzing state. It really makes it difficult to just focus on even the most mundane everyday issues. Many at this stage jump out of the window.

When I decided to have a sex change operation, I wrote a letter to work - I then worked in the field of information technology. Received an answer: we do not care about this topic, if necessary - change the floor! They only said to warn the accounting department when it would be necessary to send money to a new name ...

After 6 years, according to Marina, she maintains excellent relations with many colleagues from previous jobs.

Former colleagues-acquaintances learn?

There is a well-known IT company in Riga, where I worked as a man, but where I had to leave (the year of sex change is “fun enough”, and it is better to spend it at home). Two years later, which I worked remotely (for the Americans), I was again invited to work. There were several colleagues that I worked with while in a male body. Then we worked together for another two years ... And they never found out that I was the one ...

But still there are those who know ... How do they feel?

In principle, everyone who is aware of my situation is quite simple about this. For example, one colleague from a previous job calls me - so and so, you need to “make a website”. I tell him my story. He: “How interesting! But a website needs to be made. Well, come on, I say, let's do it!

Is everyone so tolerant?

I'll give an example. I have friends who are members of the New Generation Church. They go to anti-prides, with might and main cover that “all this is not from God” and so on ... At the same time, we greet them very well, we can sit somewhere, periodically exchange children's clothes. Here, as in politics: when a person is in the crowd, he is in the crowd, and when he is in person, one on one, then there are no stereotypical problems in communication.

With relatives, of course, there were still those problems. Constantly on “he”, then on “she”. But over the course of three years, it settled down. With parents it was easier, with a brother it was more difficult. My brother, an officer, then served in prison, was afraid of problems in relations with the wards. Through the Internet, I found in Russia some kind of prison authority who had served many years in prison, and asked him a direct question. He said: no problem, it's not your brother who changed the sex. He is not responsible for you. I printed it out and took it to my brother.

I wonder how the convicts could find out?

Those who are sitting know everything very well about everyone. If they want to know something about someone, they will find out.

What period was the hardest to go through?

The most difficult period was the period of deception. To my inner dissatisfaction with myself, I began to lie. It was very embarrassing. If I knew that I would go to the end, I would not start a family - why do people, in fact, soar the brain? I thought things would be different. But more or less, without much loss, I got out of the situation.

The transition was not easy. Hormone therapy changes the distribution of body fat. Everyone constantly paid attention to me: long hair, dressed like a guy, some kind of female breasts are visible. Seven years passed from the first pill to the operation. I fooled the family for a long time, saying that this was some kind of internal disorder.

How did the child take it?

My daughter was still at an age when it was still possible to tell a fairy tale about a prince who turned into a princess.

Did your daughter tell this story to anyone on the side?

Told! But I have no right to put pressure on the child. Over time, I decided that let it go the way it goes. Well, if you think about it, the child will tell, mommies-grandmothers around will start to whine. And what are they talking about? That she supports a family? Raises two children? What a bastard! I’m not a freak, I’m not an alcoholic, I don’t go to shoot packs of men. To be honest, there is not much to discuss. I lead an honest, respectable lifestyle, guests come, I have good friends. Although to the fact that the story of the transformation of the pope into a "princess" will crawl out indefinitely. I'm ready. What to do about it? What happened, happened.

How did your wife take it?

We lived like hell for a couple of years. But over time, things calmed down.

- But still lived in hell for two years?

Naturally, we fought. There was no “come on, honey, go, change yourself whatever you want.” We went to get divorced a couple of times, however, we didn’t get there - we were too lazy to get to the city. Now there are many points of distraction - family, children. We run a joint business. Not more. Any emotional things? I don't even know what to say about this. It is difficult to say something about this.

Most transgender people who have gone through a gender reassignment procedure hide their past. The attitude in this case is: “You had an illness. Now there is no. Why tell everyone about your illness?

After all, there are women who cannot give birth. And how are they technically different from transsexuals? Even gynecologists do not distinguish! It depends, of course, which surgeon you get to - if the operation is done well, you can’t tell. If a man is some kind of cunnilingus specialist, he may notice some difference. If you're not an expert, you won't notice.

- Are you a believer?

Agnostic. But my parents would like to baptize me. I don't think I did anything wrong. If I go to confession, it will be difficult for me to find a vile thing worth repenting of. I didn't do anything wrong to anyone.

- What do you think about gay marriages, are they needed?

Why is everyone jumping up and down about gay marriage? Okay, let's call it relationship registration. I know a lot of same-sex pensioners who live together. In their life they never thought to sleep with each other and engage in some kind of "sodom and gomorrah"! But they support each other, live. In fact, this is a family, a partnership.

Allow it - and everyone who wants to register such a relationship will join there. If the state believes that homosexuality brings some kind of depravity, unstable relationships, then registering the relationship will contribute to the permanence of the relationship. From this point of view, it is beneficial to the state.

- In terms of close relationships, who attracts you more - women or men?

I can easily start a relationship with both a man and a woman. I tried with men both before and after surgery. After - it was much better! But life with a man does not appeal to me. I was a man, I understand men very well, what drives them. For me they are an open book.

Plus - I have an extremely high standard of requirements for a man. He must be smarter than me, and those are hard to find! There is a certain set of qualities in men that I respect. For me, this is such a “sea captain” - a person who can lead me. Maybe I'll find one more.

- And what about the wife?

She doesn't rule it out either! She can do anything too! We have freedom in this regard. And when there is freedom, you always think whether to use it or not. Now, if something were banned, then, of course, I would like to. The Forbidden fruit is sweet. And here - please, as much as you like. The most interesting thing is that when you say: "Please, as much as you like" - then "as much as you like" does not happen.

Modern medical technologies are amazing and can solve almost any problem of mankind. Procedures and surgeries that seemed like a fantastic invention a couple of decades ago have now become commonplace and are performed in many clinics at least once a week. For example, the transformation of men into women is a reality of our days, namely, a common surgical intervention that is incredibly popular.

Indications for the operation

Sex reassignment by surgery is usually performed in two cases. An indication for such an operation is anomalies in the development of the fetus during fetal development, when a child is born with underdeveloped genital organs. Or the psychological disorder "transsexualism", characterized by a discrepancy between sexual self-determination and the physiological sex received from birth. In the first case, they try to carry out the operation as early as possible in order to give the child and his family a full life. The situation is much more complicated with adult patients.

The transformation of men into women is a serious operation, entailing lifelong adherence to certain rules, and also associated with significant health risks. And if the claim that many people who have changed sex die earlier than they could be attributed to myths, there are real problems. This is infertility, sexual inferiority in some aspects, the need to carefully monitor your health and take hormonal drugs throughout your life. In addition, the operation is irreversible, so those who want to do it should establish themselves in their intention and prove its sincerity and the need for intervention by doctors.

Preparatory stage

In civilized countries, before going to the operating room, the patient must be observed by a psychiatrist for at least two years and regularly come for scheduled appointments and examinations. This preparation option is optimal, during the conversations the specialist will try to determine the causes of the problem, tell you in detail about the planned operation and, perhaps, offer alternative ways to reconcile the body and mind. The transformation of men into women does not take place in one day, sometimes the complete transformation is delayed for 3-5 years. It is also important to know about this for everyone who wants to change their gender. Among other things, changing gender will require considerable material investments, several operations are usually performed, and medicines are not cheap. Therefore, before deciding on such changes, you should weigh the pros and cons.

The transformation begins!

Sex change from M to F is considered a simpler procedure than turning a woman into a man. The operation requires not only preliminary psychological and moral preparation, but also physical. The initial stage of the transformation is a course of hormone therapy. The drugs should be taken for approximately one year. The exact duration of treatment depends on individual indications. Most often, already during the course, the plastic surgeon recommends the patient to try on a new image. Often during this period, secondary plastic surgery is also performed. Depending on the initial complexion of the patient, plastic surgery of the breast and face, liposuction or implantation in the buttocks, thighs and other areas can be performed.

Sex-change operation

As soon as taking hormonal drugs has led to the desired indicators, you can plan the main operation. The transformation of men into women consists in the removal and formation of new ones. The possibilities of modern plastic surgery are extensive. Female genital organs can be created from the biological material of the patient, including the "unnecessary" - the removed penis and scrotum. A certain percentage of patients prefer to get rid of only the existing sex characteristics obtained at birth. However, most people who decide to take this step prefer to get new genitals after a sex change.

Recovery period

One of the most popular problems among patients who have changed their gender from male to female is the narrowing of the vagina. The human body is so arranged that all foreign materials are rejected by the immune system, and all wounds are healed. To prevent this phenomenon, it is recommended to regularly use medical dilators selected by the attending physician. These are special medical devices that have nothing to do with toys for adults. Sometimes some ointments and other healing agents may also be prescribed. After sex reassignment surgery, the patient must take new hormonal drugs. Removing the testicles reduces the amount of naturally produced testosterone, but it is impossible to start the production of female sex hormones (estrogen) in the male body.

Living with a new floor

Every person who decides to change their gender must understand that not a single operation will help him fully approach those who were born with the “needed” set of chromosomes from birth. Plastic surgery can change the external sexual characteristics. However, can a man be considered a woman from birth, forced to take hormones in the form of tablets until the end of his days, is a big question.

Sex reassignment does not involve the creation and implantation of internal genital organs, since such operations are currently impossible to perform. Accordingly, the "new woman" will not be able to have offspring, she will never know what menstruation is. As far as maintaining erotic sensitivity, many sex changers claim to enjoy intimacy. Doctors also say that the sensitivity in the genital area does not disappear after the operation, however, the "woman" created through plastic surgery will never feel what her friend, born with this sex, feels.

There are enough disadvantages of surgical sex change, but it’s still worth recognizing that for some people this is really the only way to happiness and harmony. Doing this type of operation is only for those who are confident in the correctness of their decision and are not afraid of possible difficulties.

When I switched to the first year of university, a terrible disease was discovered in my body. I slowly withered and from me, a sports guy, only 52 kg of meat and bones remained. my mother is the owner of a chain of restaurants and my treatment was the best in Russia, we could afford it. A month ago, my mother contacted German doctors who practice a new medicine that acts almost at the genetic level and has a positive effect on the entire body and not just on the lesion. the next day the flight, an ambulance at the airport, the treatment began on the same day, I hardly remember all this under painkillers.

My head didn’t work. Opening my eyes, I habitually lay without moving, afraid to lose consciousness again, but surprisingly, I felt pretty good, only turbidity in my eyes and weakness. The mood began to rise, almost going to die all the same!

Mom, as always, burst into the ward to see me, how she lost weight, red tear-stained eyes. But only I see it, for everyone else it is a very sexy brunette: 39 years old, slender legs, firm ass, flat stomach, high breasts of the third size and a fantastically beautiful face.

Sasha, Sasha! - my mother ran up to me and carefully sat down next to me, from an overabundance of feelings, my mother was silent and did not know what to say.

Your son is on the mend, we will be discharged in a week, approximately May 23 - the doctor said with a clattering accent - I will leave you.

Yes, thank you - my mother did not even turn around, she ate me with her eyes.

We chatted about everything, the weather, Germany, restaurants, I just didn't like my mother's eyes, too scared.

What happened mom? I am on the mend, and I feel much better now than before arriving here.

Maybe then about the problems? Mom tried to smile.

Well, no, if it concerns me, then lay it out right away!

Sasha, you understand, your illness and this medicine were in conflict in the body and there were very strong changes ...

I feel my arms and legs and I can move them, there is no pain, what happened then?

Your male hormones have begun to be replaced by female ones, in simple terms, you are now a girl ... - Mom blurted out and looked at me with a mixture of pity and pain.

With weak hands, I lifted the blanket under it, I immediately saw a girl's strong breasts, not inferior in size to my mother's. I looked at my hands, there was no hair on them, the brushes became much smaller and more elegant.

I slowly lowered my hand under the covers and fearfully began to explore my body, absolutely smooth, tender elastic chest, flat tummy, and then... I didn’t find below my penis, a plump pussy, in which a small clitoris was hidden.

I silently stared at the ceiling.

Ma, leave me alone, please - I said with a groan.

Mom silently walked out the door, carefully closing it.

The world turned upside down... who am I now? strange girl or boy with breasts and no dick? how to continue to live? become a lesbian or will I be drawn to guys? I can't even imagine it.

looking around, I noticed a small mirror on the tembochka next to the bed. seizing it, I carefully examined my face: the features of the face softened very much, the eyes became a little larger, or is it because of the long eyelashes, I wave them like the wings of a butterfly. almond-shaped eyes of an oriental type, greenish pupils with small blue speckles, my eyes looked at me through the mirror with fear and great surprise. if I saw a look like that on the street from a girl, I would drop everything and stay to protect the lady from whatever happens.

a thin snub nose gave me a very perky look, especially the barely noticeable freckles on it. lips ... before they were not so full and juicy, opening my mouth I drove air back and forth through it, lifting and lowering my chest with all my might with small dark nipples, which in the cold of the room became very tense without the warmth of the blanket. my smooth and soft stomach was covered with goosebumps, and below, all the hair disappeared, and I looked with pain at what had become of my pride. walking my hand from the face, neck, nipples and stomach, lingering a little on the tender pubis, I boldly lowered my hand below.

full labia gently met my fingers and, agreeing with their imperiousness, let me into the warm inside. slightly wet, the clitoris stood out from all the softness and constantly strove to get under her fingers.

Removing my hand, I turned on my side, my butt became much larger, elastic, moderately soft and very prominent. I became a girl...

after three days of tantrums, I began to calm down, a couple of days later my mother brought a bunch of underwear and I learned to put on a bra and tried to get used to the strip of thong between my buttocks. no, I categorically did not like this feeling and I settled on shorts, clasping and lifting my ass. My mother is a golden person, steadfastly withstood all my psychos and tantrums, but taught me all the girly subtleties, the period of menstruation, eyelashes, lips, underwear and much more.

finally the flight to his native country. on arrival home, we had a snack and my mother suggested going shopping, all the same, now I need a lot of clothes and we went on a trip to boutiques and shops.

in the very first store, I was terribly shy and my mother herself chose skirts, tops, tights and underwear for me.

Is this what you like? - Mom asked, holding out some airy light blue set of panties, bra and stockings.

I don’t know - I stretched out already red from embarrassment - he’s not too ... girlish?

Sasha, you measure and you will see what suits you.

under my mother's gaze, I sighed and, grabbing the ill-fated set, went to the dressing room. there I completely undressed and clumsily began to pull on light blue striped stockings. I must admit that they looked very cute and nicely fitted the skin. when I was pulling on the second stocking, groaning, the curtain moved aside and there appeared a seller with a pile of various underwear and clothes

Here, measure this and this, it will suit your figure very well.

I didn’t immediately realize that I was standing naked in some stockings in front of a young guy, blushed terribly and covered my hands in which I held the panties of their stomach.

the seller laid out the clothes and greedily devoured my boobs and thighs with his eyes.

Or when he left, I was able to breathe calmly and try on underwear further. after that moment, I completely calmed down and with pleasure tried on even very revealing clothes that did not hide either my ass or a high and strong girlish chest. we went from store to store, replenishing the already large collection of clothes, jewelry and cosmetics.

when they came home, my mother hurried to work and left me alone, it was evening and I went to bed.

when I woke up, I found myself sleeping on my side, my hand was under my head and the other between my legs, with my fingers I felt the soft labia of my new girl's body through my panties. pulling my hand towards me, I slid my fingers over the fabric of tight-fitting panties, warm from the heat of my body, and stretched sweetly in bed. I should take a shower, the apartment is warm and I sweat a little.

Throwing back the blanket, I got up and decided not to get dressed, following an old habit, I stomped to the toilet. Mom was not at home, apparently putting things in order in her restaurants. after the cleaning, I went to the shower, took off my panties and adjusted the temperature, directed streams of warm water at myself. oh, what bliss, to luxuriate in the morning under warm water. having foamed a washcloth, I began to lather my body, walked over my arms, voluminous breasts and gliding over my stomach washed my legs and smooth pussy. the water from the shower washes away all the foam from me, leaving cheerfulness. putting my hand between my legs, washing off the foam, my fingers walked along the labia, they gently missed my wet foamy hand towards them. soooo, a small warm hole and a little near the peas of the clitoris, passing through it with the pads of my finger, I felt the pleasant sensations from which my hands trembled, the vibration was transmitted to the clitoris and I screamed in a thin girlish voice in surprise and pleasure.

quickly removing my hand, I saw that a transparent thread of my juices stretched from the very bottom of the abdomen to the fingers of the hand. wow, my new body is turning on even faster than when I was a guy. from pleasant sensations, my head was slightly dizzy, as if in a fog, I left the bathroom and began to dry myself. large breasts swayed and water dripped from them, flowing from long hair. can you cut it like a boy? thoughts flashed through my head. and then get used to this hair.

Wrapping myself in a huge, blanket-sized towel, I headed to the kitchen. while the kettle was boiling, I cut myself sandwiches. The vile towel constantly flew off me. tired of wrapping myself, I threw it off and cooked it further naked, everything would be fine, but again these boobs, then hang down, then dangle from side to side, I’m still not used to being a girl, and will I get used to it? the absence of a member still bothered me, although less than the constant struggle with the boobs, which I did not pay attention to in the hospital, mostly lay and moved little, they only rolled over me when I got up or tossed and turned.

it’s me now they will fuck, I can’t imagine that they put a member in me. Or worse, suck him off. I thought while drinking tea and eating sandwiches. After all, I always took out my dick and, infinitely proud of its size, stuck it somewhere in some kind of girl. but here everything is different, I will lie on my back, spread my legs and a guy or a man will puff over me. I thought hard and, according to a new habit, putting my hand on my chest, gently massaged it. Or get up with cancer, you also need to bend over, so the butt looks spectacular and it’s more convenient to fuck me. Brrr, I don’t even know what to think, it doesn’t seem pleasant, but it seems to be the way it should be. In general, what are these thoughts about how they will fuck me? I want and there will be no one, I will become a lesbian, a titted partner will caress my charms with a soft tongue, stroking my hips and smooth legs with her hands. My hair didn’t grow anywhere except my head, apparently it’s too early or a side effect of the medicine, but if you single out this thing, from which the hair stops growing, you can get rich!

so, I remembered, caressing her tongue, stroking her hands, and then I caress her with my tongue and stroke her ass and crumple her boobs, it is necessary that they be big. And then she takes out a strap-on, puts it on for herself, and I kneel and stick out my ass towards the big and black .... Stop! something carried you to the wrong steppe. maybe enough thoughts about my ass, pussy and mouth? can anything more fit in it than sandwiches? I went to the big mirror in the hallway and opened my mouth. a girl with wet, disheveled hair and an open mouth shot at me from the mirror. damn it, I thought, yes, I myself would put such a cheek on my cheek, and what a modest look. from such thoughts and reflections I blushed and my hands began to tremble again.

Not knowing where to put these damned hands and moving them around the body, putting them on my hips or folding them under my chest, I did not immediately notice that something was slowly flowing down my leg, tickling and cooling the skin on my hips, apparently I had already managed to get excited, or thinking about sex , either when he crushed his chest or in general all together. I need to go for a walk to freshen up. A thought flashed through my head. The city will cheer me up, all these cars and all that. Nodding to myself, I walked over to the linen closet. I won’t think for a long time, the panties will be shorts, I didn’t like the thong right away, the sensations are not the most pleasant, the usual ones too, so shorts are the best option. black panties tightly fitted my ass and I reached for the bra. for the first time without a mother, I put on this horror on straps, after tormenting for about ten minutes, I freaked out and threw them to the other side of the room, then I can’t fasten them, then I’ll pinch my skin, and if I fasten it, I can’t fix my chest normally, well, fuck them! that it’s easier there, it’s hot outside, plus 29, I won’t go in shorts, but the sundress is the best thing, I should get used to the women’s, my mother will call me to the restaurant, and like a fool I’ll come in jeans and a T-shirt and there you need a dress. so, I'll start with a sarafan.

The light fabric pleasantly cooled and my legs felt very good, nothing warmed, the edges of the sundress were above the knees, I stopped feeling the round cut on the chest and the dress itself after a minute. The mood improved and combing naughty curls ran out the door, not forgetting to grab a purse with all sorts of women's stuff and impatiently waiting for the elevator, trying to escape into the fresh air.

The street received me with a friendly rumble and a light wind that cooled me so pleasantly. after a little thought, I went to a cafe, I had to eat normally, sandwiches were not enough for a long time. I enjoyed everything, the smells of the street, the cars passing by and blowing air over me, and the response smiles of the girls I smiled at. Yes, what can I argue, I generally smiled at everyone, on the one hand everything is awry for me, and on the other, let me be a girl now, but I’m alive and well, and let everything else roll into tartar! after a while, I began to notice both the smiles of the guys walking towards me, and their greasy looks at my legs and boobs. It’s unusual to feel like this, when I was a teenager my dick just didn’t fall, especially in the summer, when the girls dress, it would seem, in one underwear and a piece of fabric in the summer, now I’m also dressed, the skirt sways in the middle of the thighs, opening the view on strong and lush legs and chest swaying in time with the movements.

I wish the girls looked at me the same way when I needed it so much. Although It wouldn't hurt me even now, the excitement didn't go away and only increased from the nipples rubbing against the fabric of the sundress. I wonder if they also stare at my ass or not? without hesitation, I "accidentally" dropped my purse and, without bending my legs, bent over it. I did it in vain, the chest, which the sundress did not hold but only covered, pulled me to the ground, almost jumping out of the cut on the sundress, I sharply put my hand on it and, unable to keep my balance, fell to my knees, painfully knocking my knees on the asphalt. Crap! I had time to shout out, as I was already standing cancer in the middle of the street, quickly jumping up, I began to shake off the dust from my knees and the edges of the sundress with one hand, holding my naughty boobs with the other. I tinker with them. I thought in annoyance.

Straightening up, I turned around and saw a man, he did not take his eyes off my priests, unceremoniously looking at her, blushing, I turned away and quickly ran into the nearest cafe. After a quick snack, I went to the park, there was a feeling that all the guys were looking at my chest or ass, as if imagining how they would have me and in what positions, front and back, lifting up such a short skirt and tearing off my panties, sweeping away the last barrier between my pussy and their hot and hard cocks. putting my hands on my hips to pull me and ... phew, I seemed to feel it, the treacherous hands trembled finely, the trembling even spread to my legs, I sat down on the first bench that came across, the edges of the dress pulled up and my ass sat right on the hot bench. How do the girls handle it, huh? between me and the bench, only the fabric of thin panties, which were already wet from my juices and began to irritate the skin, rubbing the wet edges of the thigh. Clutching my purse, I waited for the trembling of the body to pass.

You feel bad? how can i help? A shadow hung over me, shielding me from the sun. I looked up, it was a tall young man in a tracksuit and with a player, apparently a local runner, in training.

I... no, thanks, everything is fine, I barely mumbled, quickly lowering my eyes.

Here, drink some water, it will become easier - the guy said with confidence, holding out a bottle, into which I clutched at a straw like a drowning man and nervously unscrewing the cap began to eagerly drink warm water.

Thank you, I said more confidently, it's just hot outside.

Do not drink a lot, it will only get worse - the guy sat down next to me - leave it to yourself, it will come in handy.

having calmed down, I uncertainly raised my eyes, carefully examining the interlocutor, the athlete’s strong legs, loose shorts, a T-shirt that does not hide the guy’s good figure and arms, a pleasant smiling face, the young man’s gaze often jumping from my face to chest that often rises from my breath. embarrassed, I again stared at my legs, tightly squeezing the havet bottle of water in my hands.

Well, my knightly duty is done, by the way, my name is Vadim

Umfhh... - I mumbled, trying not to think about where he was looking.

It sounds convincing - the neighbor on the bench laughed - I won’t interfere, see you - he cheerfully got up and began to look at my boobs from above, which made me blush even more.

I silently nodded and was left to sit alone on a bench, in panties wet with excitement.

this is not the case, I thought, why am I embarrassed then? already caught in my throat ... something is wrong with my hormones, I get excited from the mere thought of sex, I can already squeeze my panties. with these thoughts, I ate in the thick bushes fenced with trees in the park and ran my hand between my legs, through the wet panties I felt my labia swollen with desire. lowering my panties down, I tried to remove my juices with a torn leaf in order to at least somehow reach the house and change them. After failing to wipe it properly, I touched the clitoris and squealed subtly, I was struck by an electric shock! Yes, I didn’t even finish even once, but then I accidentally touched a hard and excited clitoris once. my legs trembled and I fell on all fours, resting my trembling hands on the soft earth. barely overcoming myself, I tried to get up, but it didn’t work out, my legs were trembling with excitement and my hands were shaking and refusing to obey, I fell on my ass. Out of the corner of my vision, I saw a man peeking through the bushes behind me.

Go to hell, goat - I shouted angrily, trying to pull up my panties.

as he said against the wall. the man came out and walked towards me, looking at my hands frantically straightening panties

Everything will be fine - he said in a quiet and trembling voice - do not be afraid. he quickly approached me.

I tried to get up and drape away from him, but my foot touched the root of a tree and stretched out on the ground. the second attempt to get up, standing on all fours, I felt like they took me by the hips and pulled me sharply towards me. My mouth was covered with a hand, the hem was lifted up and a callused hand was shuffling around my bare pussy. The male finger abruptly entered my ass so hard that it hurt, I could only moan, writhing in someone else's grip. hand removed from my priests and felt how hard he was jerking off. jerking again sharply, I freed myself and tried to run away, but he abruptly grabbed my leg and pulled me towards him, put a tense member with a red and huge head to my mouth, at the same time masturbating him.

Suck, come on, come on, he hissed through his teeth, moving his pelvis towards my mouth.

I clenched my teeth and mooed in pain, he grabbed my hair and his cock poked into my face, opening his lips but not penetrating into his mouth because of his clenched teeth. he masturbated more and more furiously, I rested on his legs, trying to push him away, but my new body was much weaker than before. with a sharp exhalation, he finished on my teeth and face, quickly thrusting his flaccid member into the tanks, he got up and ran away. I sat booty on the bare ground, pulling my legs up to me and without thinking I found a bottle of water and began to drink, not immediately realizing that my mouth was in sperm and the first sips were mixed with his cum. moving away a little, I washed the sperm in my face and somehow put myself in order, throwing out my underpants, which only hindered my escape and, in general, everything infuriates me. called a taxi to the park and sitting there in the bushes waiting for a call from the dispatcher.

in the taxi he felt himself already protected and silently looked out the window. the taxi driver in the rear mirror looked at the nipples that stood out through the thin fabric of the sundress, but I did not notice it, in front of me was a thick, tense cock with a large and red head shooting sperm at me. having paid, I got up and thought, if only the driver did not notice the trace of my juices left on the seat. staggering gait, I went to the entrance door.

Closing the door behind me, I yelled "mom", in response there was only silence. throwing off my dress and throwing it into the laundry basket, I was left completely naked, but full of determination to end this condition. he ran into his room, turned on porn and, shuddering with pleasure, masturbated the clitoris. wow!, I thought, screaming with pleasure, more! I watched porn with greedy eyes, only paying attention not only to the actress's tits, but also to the member of the actor, a hard-working guy who was furiously pounding the blonde.

with a loud and drawn-out howl, I finished, shuddering all over and slowly rolled down from the chair, where I saw a comb with a thick, smooth handle, and without thinking about anything I grafted it into my hot pussy, from the secretions of which both my ass and the seat of the chair were wet. began slowly, squeaking with pleasure. I lay on my back, legs apart and slowly drove the comb into myself, gradually increasing the pace until waves of orgasm washed over me. At the same time, I heard the door open and, in order not to scream from orgasm, I quickly pulled out a wet and such a pleasant comb and put it in my mouth. rolled over on his side, curled up and with a comb in his mouth, shuddering from the remnants of orgasm, I mumbled, enjoying, and in front of my inner eye was a member of the actor, pouring sperm on the partner's ass. oh, girls have their advantages, I thought, but what a thrill ... mom's footsteps were heard at the door.

To be continued))

guys, my mail [email protected] write reviews, errors and how you would like to see the continuation, I'm waiting))

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