Open lesson for certification of preschool teacher. Teacher certification: preparing lesson notes An example of assessing a teacher’s written work

Certification is an important event in the professional career of a teacher. And although holding an open lesson is an exciting moment that requires significant effort in preparing and conducting it, without such events life would be too measured and calm. A teacher is a creative profession that requires confirmation of the importance and effectiveness of its activities not only from students and their parents, but also from colleagues. Participation in certification provides an opportunity to receive such an assessment of one’s work, gives strength and shows new goals to strive for.

Theoretical aspects of preparing and conducting an open lesson for certification

Open lesson - an obligatory part of the work of the methodological association (MO) of any educational institution. The teacher conducting such a lesson demonstrates to his colleagues some new ideas or technologies in the educational field or shares his accumulated experience, illustrating it with the results that students have successfully achieved.

Conducting an open lesson is a necessary stage of teacher certification

How is the certification lesson assessed?

During the certification period, it is necessary to conduct at least 2 open classes. Each such event will be assessed by representatives of the certification commission (experts). The teacher conducting the classes demonstrates his professional level, ability to work with children, competence within the proposed topic, as well as knowledge and application of regulatory documents. Representatives of the certification commission present at the open lesson evaluate its conduct in the following areas:

  • Organization of the lesson.
  • Didactic activities of the teacher.
  • Educational activities of the teacher.
  • Professional and personal characteristics (portrait) of a teacher.
  • Characteristics of the study group.

Representatives of the certification commission evaluate the lesson according to a number of criteria and compile a description of the teacher

Determining the level of quality of lesson organization

The quality of the lesson organization is determined by the following criteria:

  • Compliance of the topic of the lesson with the educational program and work plan of the kindergarten.
  • Compliance with SanPiN, safety regulations and labor protection. Before starting classes, the teacher must check the serviceability of all equipment, especially electrical equipment, lighting fixtures, the correct arrangement and marking of furniture, the presence of room thermometers in the premises and a first aid kit, cleaning and timely ventilation of the premises. His clothes must comply with the requirements of SanPiN (be clean and neat, do not have sharp pins or hairpins, and do not wear high-heeled shoes). Shoe covers must be provided for guests.
  • Taking into account the age characteristics of children and the correct distribution of time during the lesson. When organizing an open event, temporary standards for the duration of educational sessions for preschool children should be taken into account. When using video equipment and ICT in class, SanPiN standards are taken into account.

    When conducting physical development classes for different age groups, the requirements for group size and duration of classes must be met. If the lesson takes place in the pool, the length of time the children stay in the water is taken into account.

  • Optimal selection of equipment for conducting classes.

An open lesson should include physical exercises or outdoor games

Evaluation of the teacher’s didactic activity

Assessment of this side of the teacher’s work in an open lesson includes:

  • Conducting a lesson based on the principles of didactics: clarity, consistency in the presentation of the material, systematicity, clarity, connection of the presented material with life, individual approach.
  • Fulfillment of the set objectives of the lesson.
  • How optimal are the selected teaching methods and their mutual combination.
  • Correspondence of the lesson structure to the age and development of children.
  • Taking into account the load on children’s memory and their mental work.
  • The use of reproductive and creative activities of pupils.
  • Techniques for increasing children's motivation.

Didactic features of open classes in kindergarten

Depending on the didactic goals, open classes are divided into:

According to the method of organization, classes can be different, for example, a travel lesson, a competition lesson, a game lesson, a conversation lesson, a quiz lesson, etc.

The professionalism of a teacher is also manifested in the ability to choose a topic and structure of a lesson in order to show their best qualities in their work.

Table: features of the structure of an open lesson for preschoolers of different groups

Age Form of work Introductory part of the lesson Main Summarizing Predominant type of motivation Methods used, features of conducting classes Type of communication in class
Junior groups
  • Individual,
  • subgroup.
  • Surprise moment
  • gaming motivation.
The explanation is carried out simultaneously with the teacher’s activities.Negative assessment is never used (the child’s participation is assessed).Motivation in the prepared lesson material.It is necessary to take into account an individual approach to children at home.Family.
  • Individual,
  • subgroup,
  • frontal.
  • artistic word,
  • visual methods,
  • gaming motivation.
  • Explanation as an independent part,
  • individual work.
An objective assessment, but from a fairy-tale hero.A fairy tale hero is often used.
  • When working out the results, multiple exercises are used.
  • Verbal, visual methods and techniques.
Family and business.
  • Individual,
  • subgroup,
  • frontal.
  • Conversation,
  • connection with previous experience,
  • artistic word,
  • visual methods,
  • educational motivation.
  • Explanation,
  • experiments,
  • search questions,
  • individual work.
The leading role is played by the storyline of the lesson, the character is used less often.
  • Verbal and visual methods,
  • tasks to develop independence,
  • individual preparation for classes,
  • organization of the workplace.
  • Individual,
  • subgroup,
  • frontal.
  • Conversation,
  • connection with previous experience,
  • artistic word,
  • visual methods,
  • educational motivation.
  • Explanation,
  • experiments,
  • search questions,
  • independent work.
Performance evaluation and various types of analysis.Games with rules attract people, cognitive interest manifests itself, which displaces gaming motivation.
  • The predominance of verbal methods,
  • development of voluntary behavior,
  • preparation for class,
  • organization of the workplace.

Open lesson for teacher certification in the first junior group of kindergarten

From the first days of a child’s stay in the junior group, they begin to teach him correct behavior during classes: take his place, sit quietly in the correct position, listen to the teacher’s instructions, not disturb others and answer with the teacher’s permission. Until the kids get used to these rules, you don’t need to pull them back too often, but you should definitely praise them when they follow them.

The duration of an open lesson in a junior group is no more than 15 minutes

GCD classes are organized in such a way that children gain knowledge in the process of directly perceiving the actions of the teacher and by performing some simple exercises during the lesson. The duration of NOD in the first junior group is short (10–12 minutes, maximum 15). A series of classes, similar in structure and equipment used, is devoted to studying one topic.

Each lesson is structured in such a way that it includes performing several (2-3) exercises of the same type. In the given example it is:

  • finding circles of red, yellow, blue (studying primary colors);
  • onomatopoeia and development of fine motor skills;
  • learning to pronounce the sound [u].

The entire lesson is conducted in a playful way; motivation is built into the structure of the lesson, the brightness and clarity of the equipment.

Table: summary of an open lesson in the first junior group (fragment)

AuthorMykalkina M.P., teacher at MDOU No. 203, Chelyabinsk.
Subject"Spring days"
TargetTo promote the development of children's cognitive activity, enrich their ideas about spring natural phenomena.
  • Form ideas about spring natural phenomena: it has become warm, the sun is shining brightly, buds are swelling on the trees, leaves, grass, and the first flowers are appearing.
  • Teach children to distinguish primary colors and answer the teacher’s questions, activate adjectives: red, blue, green, yellow.
  • To cultivate the sound culture of speech: correctly pronounce the vowel sound [u], correctly pronounce onomatopoeia - drip-drip.
  • Develop the ability to imitate a given image.
  • Develop imagination and creativity.
Materials and equipment
  • Image of a steam locomotive and a “button” in four primary colors (red, blue, green, yellow);
  • “cloud” layout;
  • musical instrument - triangle;
  • diagram “To whom the sun gives warmth”;
  • layout “Spring Meadow”;
  • bird - whistle;
  • umbrella open;
  • basket with sweets.
Progress of the lessonQ: Guys, look, guests have come to us. Let's say hello to the guests. (They say hello). Look how the sun is playing with its rays today (in the group, add “golden” rays to the sun). The sun is happy because spring has come to us.
  • The sun is frolicking merrily
    Near our window.
    There was a knock on our door
    Real spring!

Let's say hello to the sun and smile at him:

  • Hello, bell sun!
    Kind, radiant and so pure.

Guys, the sun gives us warmth, it warms us with its rays. Warms trees, bushes, birds, animals. It warms all living things on earth (Talking about this, the teacher shows the children the diagram “To whom the sun gives warmth”).
Guys (the teacher approaches the “cloud” model), in the spring it rains when the sun hides behind a cloud (the teacher’s assistant takes a triangle and starts playing).
Oh, it’s starting to rain, run under my umbrella and we’ll recite a poem together. (Children tell a verse about rain).<…>
Shall we play with the rain? (A triangle sounds). Prepare your palms.

  • April suddenly began to rain - drip-drip-drip (children tap their fingers on their palms),
    And you walk through the puddles - so-so-so (they trample).
    The wind rustles the leaves - sh-sh-sh (rubbing palm against palm),
    The rain began to pound harder - drip-drip-drip (children tap their fingers on their palms),
    Soon the rain became a downpour - drip-drip-drip (children quickly tap their fingers on their palms).
    The rain became quieter again, “drip-drip-drip” and stopped.

The sun has shone again and is calling us into the forest. Snowdrops grew in the forest. Shall we go and admire them?
What will we go on? Can we go on a steam train? Look, we have it. (Shows a model of a steam locomotive). Here is our locomotive, but it has no wheels. Can a steam locomotive run without wheels? You and I need to attach wheels to it. Look what kind of locomotive we have? (Red). Let's find the red wheels and attach them to the train.<…>
The teacher and children form a locomotive and repeat the sound: Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu!
The locomotive approaches a clearing with flowers.
V.: Guys, admire the first spring flowers - these are snowdrops. How beautiful they are. Green grass has already appeared. The first leaves appeared on the trees. The birds are singing loudly. This is how beautiful spring is! Oh, look, there is a basket under the tree.
Let's see what's there? Candies. This is, guys, spring sends sweet greetings to you!

Open lesson for teacher certification in the second junior group of kindergarten

Classes in the second junior group are an organized form of education, during which children develop the skills to listen to the teacher’s instructions and explanations, work on assignments without disturbing their neighbors, be active and show interest in the subject being studied. At this age, the child’s activities become purposeful. Children are already beginning to control their desires and actions. The teacher directs their desire for independence and activity in an organized direction. This allows a gradual transition to learning that uses independent work of preschoolers aimed at solving specific problems.

With pupils of the second junior group, the teacher must pronounce all actions and show them by example

Explaining the material and using visual techniques should help the child complete tasks and acquire new skills. Preschoolers of this age treat the words of an adult as addressed to them personally, therefore, when giving instructions, the teacher calls the children by name. Directions and explanations should always be clear, precise, short, understandable and interesting for students. If a complex task is set, it is divided into several stages, the implementation of each of which is controlled by the teacher.

As an example, we offer a summary of an open lesson in the second junior group on developing in children the ability to listen to a work of art and remember its plot “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” (author - Irina Yushchenko). A similar lesson can be conducted for certification for the first qualification category.

Open lesson for teacher certification in the middle group of kindergarten

Children of middle preschool age differ from toddlers in their higher mental activity and degree of perception of information. Their attention span increases and imaginative thinking begins to form. Children 4–5 years old are able to perceive a greater amount of information. The duration of classes increases to 20 minutes. Depending on the type of activity, both group and frontal classes can be conducted. Classes are aimed at obtaining or consolidating new knowledge, improving skills, and developing personality.

In the middle group, the time for an open lesson increases to 20 minutes, and the pace of activity accelerates

When conducting an open lesson in a middle group, the teacher should take into account the increased curiosity of 4-5 year olds.

Table: example of a summary of an open lesson in a middle group (fragment)

AuthorPrelovskaya E., teacher of the children's school "Zemlyanichka", p. Obukhovka, Belgorod region.
Name"Travelling by car"
Program tasks
  • Intensify the use in speech of special terms that characterize opposite parameters of quantities, weight, taste, temperature and other properties of objects and phenomena.
  • Reinforce the use of learned concepts: “wild - domestic animals”, “domestic animals - poultry”.
  • Fix the names of modes of transport.
  • Recognize geometric shapes in symbolic images of objects.
  • Improve counting skills within 4.
  • To consolidate in the minds of children the relationship between numbers and digital symbols.
  • Intensify the use of prepositions to indicate the location of objects in space and relative to oneself.
  • Improve your painting skills.
Materials and equipment
  • An envelope with a letter, a map, cards of different colors numbered from 1 to 5;
  • car (the chairs have a cover in the shape of a car);
  • toys - animals;
  • book;
  • numbers from 1 to 5;
  • cards with images of geometric shapes;
  • subject cards;
  • magnetic board;
  • painting “Fairytale courtyard”;
  • cards with images of animals on magnets;
  • boxes with toys;
  • sheets of paper with geometric shapes drawn with a candle;
  • paints;
  • brushes
Introductory partV.: Guys, we have guests today. Say hello. (Children greet those present).
Look what happened to our group? Favorite toys have disappeared. You did not remove them, and Baba Yaga stole them, we will rescue them. (They open the envelope, find tasks from Baba Yaga on cards in it, examine it). Look, there's something else here. (Takes a letter out of the envelope.)
We get into the car and drive into the forest. (Music sounds).
Children use cards to remember and consolidate the names of modes of transport (land, air, water).
Main partRefer to cards.
V.: Well, let's go? Then let's go. (Music sounds).
  • Game “Who is the odd one out and why?” (They find an extra animal).<…>
  • Island of "Geometric Shapes".
    There is a book of “Geometric Figures” on the table; each page shows a geometric figure. Scattered here are pictures with images of objects similar to geometric shapes.
    Assignment: arrange the pictures on your own pages.
    The teacher gives tasks to find the figures according to the description.
  • Physical exercise.<…>
  • Game "Make no mistake!" (place the animals according to the teacher’s description).<…>
  • Baba Yaga meets the children, checks the assignments and gives one more, last one. "Magic Drawing"
    You need to paint over sheets of paper on which geometric shapes are highlighted. Children call them.
Final partBaba Yaga praises the children and returns the toys.
V.: Well done! It was also very interesting for me to travel with you, I hope that now you will always put your toys back in their place.

Open lesson for teacher certification in the senior group of kindergarten

In the older group, the duration of the GCD lesson increases to 25 minutes, while the volume of information received and the pace of activity increase. The lesson begins with a repetition of the material, which is usually carried out in a playful way. Game exercises are also included in the main part of the lesson. Such exercises not only increase children’s knowledge on the topic, but also stimulate thinking, improve concentration, and create a good mood. For this age group, you can use combined tasks aimed at performing several tasks simultaneously, using material from different sections of the educational program.

An open lesson can be timed to coincide with a holiday

When organizing the lesson, it is taken into account that 5-6 year old children cannot perform repetitive actions and maintain the same posture for a long time. Changing tasks should include a change in the type of activity and, if possible, a change in body position. When answering questions, the child can not only stand up, but also approach the teacher’s table or other equipment and show the correct solution on a poster or magnetic board. All this makes it possible for preschoolers to get some motor relaxation. In the middle of the main part, a physical training session is required. It is desirable that its content corresponds to the main topic of the lesson.

In the older group, an open lesson is often made complex, which shows the different facets of the teacher’s professionalism.

As an example, we offer a summary of an open lesson on the FMP “Five Keys” in the senior group (author - Olga Grigorieva). Educational objectives of this lesson:

  • develop knowledge of numbers from 1 to 5, basic geometric shapes;
  • development of design and spatial thinking skills;
  • development of communication skills and interaction with others.

Open lesson for certification of a teacher in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

The duration of the lesson increases to 30 minutes. At each lesson, new material is studied and the material covered is repeated. The use of verbal techniques for presenting material is increasing. Preschoolers' answers should include completeness in the construction of sentences. A child of this age can complete a simple task as explained by the teacher without showing an example. For more complex tasks, visualization techniques are retained.

Pupils of the preparatory group are able to independently perform various tasks

In order to increase the motivation of students, elements of competition are introduced into an open lesson, riddles, didactic games, and interesting handouts are used. Depending on the didactic goals, all types of classes can be organized.

In the preparatory group, children often use independent work.

For example, you can familiarize yourself with the lesson notes for certification in the preparatory group "Journey to the Land of Knowledge" on FMP, development of logical thinking, attention and memory (author - Adel Shaemova).

Video: certification lesson in the preparatory group

Feedback on an open lesson in kindergarten for certification

Writing a review of a lesson you've watched can be challenging. Meanwhile, every teacher needs such documents when preparing a personal portfolio. In the review, experts note the strengths and weaknesses (if any) of the lesson, pedagogical findings, pace, methods, types and forms of tasks, and the general atmosphere prevailing in the group. The professionalism of the teacher, the style of pedagogical communication, his ability to include preschoolers in work, captivate them with activities, and an individual approach to students are assessed. You can also focus on the relevance of the topic of the lesson, the chosen means of revealing it, the activity of children, reflection, etc.

The review of the open lesson highlights the most striking moments and skill of the teacher

Feedback on an open lesson should have a clear structure:

  1. Introduction: where and when the lesson was held, with what age of children, number.
  2. Description of the goals and objectives of the lesson, means and methods of achieving them.
  3. Description of the advantages of the lesson, the skill of the teacher.
  4. Suggestions, recommendations for improving the lesson, what you should pay attention to.
  5. Conclusions.

In order to further improve the teacher’s professionalism, feedback on an open lesson may contain recommendations on the nature of the methods and technologies used, the characteristics of interaction with children, etc.

As examples, we suggest looking at several similar documents:

  • Feedback on organized educational activities on cognitive development (Alykova M.V.).
  • Feedback on a music lesson.
  • Feedback on an open lesson in the senior group (Glushkova O.).

When preparing and conducting an open lesson for certification, a teacher should take into account that an open lesson is simply a well-thought-out, carefully planned lesson with children, similar to those that every teacher conducts daily, and participation in certification is a new step in improving one’s professional skills.


correctional and developmental classes
in the senior speech therapy group
MDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 131"
Kirovsky district of Saratov

Goal: 1. Development of auditory and visual perception
2. Development of attention and memory.
3. Development of thinking and speech.
4. Development of general and fine motor skills.

Soft toy “Bee”;
Plastic insect toys, paper butterflies;
Subject pictures: bee, grasshopper, ladybug;
Cards with drawn insects;
24 pictures (4 for each child) depicting insects, fruits...;
plates, sheets of paper, pencils, envelopes.

Progress of the lesson:
Children enter the psychologist's office and greet the guests. Pictures of insects (butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, grasshoppers, etc.) are pasted and attached to the walls and tables. The psychologist asks:
- Children, look around! What do you think we will talk about today? (about insects).
- What insects do you know? (butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, ants, etc.). Well done!
- Now go to the board (children stand in a semicircle at the board).
- Look, I have a picture attached here. I will now tell you about the object that is depicted there. Listen carefully and guess who we are talking about:
“People call these insects hard workers, busybodies. The insect is painted yellow and black, its wings are translucent. This is a very useful insect, it pollinates flowers, gives people honey and wax” (this is a bee).
- That's right (the picture is turned upside down).
- Now look who came to visit us (showing a soft bee toy). Let's play the game “Remember the Words”. I will tell you words, and you remember them, and when you catch a bee, tell me these words.
1. wasp, mosquito, beetle, fly, ant.
2. bee, butterfly, dragonfly, beetle, wasp.
3. fly, caterpillar, ant, wasp, beetle.
4. grasshopper, bumblebee, butterfly, ant, bee.
5. mosquito, fly, cockroach, beetle, wasp.
6. bumblebee, cricket, grasshopper, caterpillar, beetle.
- Well done!
- Do you want to play another game? (yes, we want). The game is called "Find out by description." I will describe some insect to you, and you think and tell me what insect I am talking about:
- There is a head, an abdomen, four wings, six legs; flies and buzzes (beetle).
- There is a head, a long abdomen, four colored wings, six legs; flies from flower to flower (butterfly).
- There is a head, an abdomen, four wings, six legs, it collects nectar from flowers (a bee).
- There is a head, an abdomen, four transparent wings, six legs; harmful insect (fly).
- There is a head, an abdomen, four transparent wings, six legs, a long sharp proboscis (mosquito).
- There is a head, a long abdomen, four wings, six legs; jumps, chirps (grasshopper).
- Well done! Now, let's go to the tables with you.
The children sit at the tables. I draw a figure on the board: 13 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 1415.
- Guys, look carefully at the drawing and try to remember it. Then take a simple pencil and a piece of paper and draw what you remember.
Children look at the figure for 10 seconds, then the image is erased and the children draw from memory.
- Well done! Now put the pieces of paper and pencils aside and we will do gymnastics for your fingers. Repeat after me:
- I am a cheerful cockchafer,
I know all the gardens around,
I'm circling over the lawn,
And my name is Zhu-zhu.
(children clench their fists, spread their index finger and little finger to the sides (mustaches) and move them).
- A bee sat on a flower,
She drinks fragrant juice.
(children extend the index finger of their right hand and rotate it, then do the same with the finger of their left hand).

Guys, each of you has an envelope in a plate. And in it there is a picture of an insect. Take it, look at it, now turn it over. You see - it is divided into several parts by lines. Take scissors and cut the card into pieces along the lines (children cut the cards).
- Fine! Now assemble the picture from the parts (children complete the task).
- Well done! You have divided the whole into parts and reassembled the whole from the parts. Now put the picture back in the envelope and put it on the edge of the table.
- You still have sets of 4 pictures left in your plates. Please take them and look at them. Now everyone will tell me which picture in the set is the odd one out and explain why. And everyone else listens carefully and corrects if something is wrong.
- Well done! You did a good job on this task. Now, let's leave the tables and stand in a circle. Imagine that we are on a lawn where butterflies flutter, bees fly, and grasshoppers chirp. Let's play the game "Pretend to be an insect." At my command: “Bug” - you fold your hands behind your back and start buzzing - “zhzhzhzhzh”; on command: “Mosquito” - you start squeaking like mosquitoes - “zzzzzzz”; on the command “Butterfly” - you use your hands to depict how a butterfly flies. So, let's start!
- Well done! We had a great time playing together. Now, let's remember what we did today, what games we played (children list what they remembered in class).
- Well done! I liked the way you worked. They were very active and attentive. Our lesson has come to an end and we will go to the group.

Natalia Slovyagina


Last name, first name, patronymic: Natalia Aleksandrovna Slovyagina

Year of birth: born 1977

Place of work: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Verkhnetroitsky Kindergarten

Position: teacher

Education: secondary specialized, 1995. Youth Education Center Tambov Home teacher

Total work experience: 11 years

Teaching experience: 10.5 years

Teaching experience in this educational institution: 10 years

Validity period of the last certification: 03/05/2013

2012 – 2013 academic year

Section 1

Documents for the certification procedure

(See the expert opinion in the presentation)

Section 2

Mastery of modern educational technologies and methods and their effective application in practical professional activities

2. Knowledge of modern educational technologies and methods and their application in practical professional activities

The educational program of our multi-age group is based on the implementation of the program “Rainbow: Program for the upbringing, education and development of children from 2 to 7 years old in a kindergarten” T. I. Grizik, T. N. Doronova, E. V. Solovyova, S. G Jacobson, etc. and we also implement the following modern educational technologies in our work:

“Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children,” ed. N. N. Avdeeva, R. B. Sterkina, Knyazeva O. L.

Technology Result of using technology Prospect for the development of MBDOU in connection with the use of technology

Developmental education Comprehensive harmonious development of personality. Preparation of the educational base for schooling, higher quality of education. Parents' satisfaction with the work of MBDOU. Transition to new educational standards

Project method Going beyond the scope of subject content Providing pupils and their parents with the right to solve social problems within the capabilities of the kindergarten

Technology of game education High level of development of pupils, strengthening of health-saving aspects of upbringing and education Instilling interest in pupils in knowledge and increasing motivation for learning

Information and communication technologies Use of programs related to working on a computer and video Design of classes using ICT teaching tools.

Health-saving technologies High level of development of students, strengthening of health-saving aspects of upbringing and education. Preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Improving the quality of education and upbringing and maintaining the health of students.

The use of health-saving technologies and methods for improving the health of children recommended at the federal and regional levels in the educational process.

Health-saving technology is a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his learning and development.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education

in relation to a child – ensuring a high level of real health for a kindergarten pupil and nurturing a valeological culture as a set of the child’s conscious attitude to human health and life; knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it; valelogical competence, which allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior; tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance. In other words, the goal of health-saving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle.

During preschool age, there is intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. The steady trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children and an increase in the number of children with developmental disorders that has emerged in recent years dictates the need to search for mechanisms to change this situation.

My use of health-saving technologies increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms value orientations in parents and children aimed at preserving and strengthening health, based on statistical monitoring, I make the necessary adjustments to the intensity of technological influences, and provide an individual approach to each child; I create positive motivation among parents of children. As a result of the work carried out, the level of children’s health increased; one child’s absence due to illness was:

YEAR 2009 – 2010 2010 – 2011 2011 – 2012

Techniques for children's health

1 Mode optimization

Organization of children's lives during the adaptation period, creation of a comfortable regime for different ages

daily teachers throughout the year

Organization of motor mode

Physical education classes for different ages 3 times a week by teachers Throughout the year

Gymnastics after nap, for different ages, daily, teachers Throughout the year

Walks with the inclusion of outdoor games for different ages daily teachers Throughout the year

Sports leisure for different ages 1 time per month Teachers, music. manager During the year

Eye gymnastics for different ages During physical exercises. minutes teachers Throughout the year

Finger gymnastics for different ages 3-4 times a day teachers Throughout the year

Breathing exercises in a playful way for different ages 3 times a day during morning exercises, while walking. After sleep caregivers Throughout the year

3 Improvement with phytoncides

Garlic and onion snacks for different ages Before a walk, before lunch cook

Aromatization of premises (garlic bouquets) for different ages During the day, every day Junior teachers

October - April

4 Hardening taking into account the child’s condition

Air baths (lightweight clothing, clothing appropriate to the season)

mixed age



During a year

Walking in the air

mixed age

daily educators

During a year

Walking barefoot on the grass

multi-age daily educators

June August

Walking barefoot along the “health path”

mixed age

daily educators

During a year

Games with water for all ages

While walking. During classes, teachers

Rinsing the throat with boiled water for different ages

After every meal, teachers

ml. teachers Throughout the year

Medical and health work

"Revit", ascorbic acid for different ages

1 time within 10 days Teachers, m/s FAP December-February

Conclusion: during the reporting period, the number of days of attendance in the group remained stable. Effective factors that influenced the reduction in morbidity are:

Application of health-saving technologies in the educational process;

Diet regime and hygiene, balanced diet;

Personal hygiene

Organized and independent motor activity of children.

The use of game-based learning technology in the educational process

I use gaming technologies as the leading activity for preschoolers. Learning in the form of a game turns out to be interesting and entertaining. Children develop imagination and the symbolic function of consciousness, which allow them to transfer the properties of some things to others, orientation in their own feelings arises and skills of their cultural expression are formed, which allows children to be involved in collective activities and communication. Preschoolers' interest has increased and they are happy to play outdoor games.

and didactic games, both in class and in free play activities. They became more dexterous, flexible, attentive, observant.

Using the project method in the educational process

I use the project method of organizing educational activities. I set the topic and goal of the project based on the children’s problems that have been studied, develop a plan for moving towards the goal together with parents, and involve specialists in the implementation of the relevant sections of the project (specialist music director). After drawing up a project plan, we collect and accumulate material, conduct classes, games and other types of children's activities. Children do homework. As a result, we organize and conduct a presentation of the project or an open lesson.

Results of projects implemented in working with children

Increasing the efficiency of the learning process;

Activation of children's cognitive activity;

Participation of parents in the educational process of kindergarten;

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

Use of ICT in the educational process.

1. In a dynamically changing world, constant improvement and complication of technology, informatization of the education sector is acquiring fundamental importance. Accordingly, the education system makes new demands on the upbringing and training of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that should contribute not to replacing traditional methods, but to expanding their capabilities. In the modern world it is difficult to stand still; ICT is firmly integrated into the educational process of preschool institutions. Using a computer provides the necessary assistance in my work:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes, parent corners, groups, information material for the design of stands, mobile folders (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with scenarios for holidays and other events.

3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers

4. Preparation of group documentation (lists of children, information about parents, diagnostics of children’s development, monitoring of program implementation, etc., reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but just type the diagram once and then only enter the necessary changes.

5. Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational classes with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

6. The use of digital photographic equipment and photo editing programs that allow you to manage pictures as simply as taking photographs, easily find the ones you need, edit and display them;

7. Using a video camera and related programs (a fundamentally new way to view, store and share all video material; you can quickly create simple films by adding titles, transitions between scenes, background music or voiceovers to the video);

8. The use of the Internet and digital communication centers in teaching activities, for the purpose of informational and scientific-methodological support of the educational process in a preschool institution, as a search for additional information for classes, broadening the horizons of children.

9. Design of booklets, business cards of the group, materials on various areas of activity.

10. Creation of media libraries that are of interest not only to teachers, but also to parents.

11. Use of a computer in the office work of a preschool educational institution, the creation of various databases.

12. Creating email, maintaining the preschool educational institution website.

What benefits do parents get from a group site?

Firstly, they have the opportunity to monitor the life of the group;

Secondly, receive information in the form of pedagogical advice

Thirdly, the site allows you to get to know teachers better (their hobbies, interests, pedagogical views)

This is very relevant at the present time: parents are not always able to bring their child to kindergarten themselves; they usually pick up their children from a walk; parents are often in a hurry and do not have time to read the information in the group. And at home, together with your child, it is always interesting to look at the group’s website, look at new photos together, listen to the child’s message about past events, get advice, and keep abreast of the group’s events. Parents listen to the advice of teachers and participate more actively in group projects and events.

Our preschool educational institution has a DVD player, tape recorder, TV, and computer.

Opened its website:

I developed a presentation of the “Game Library” project (performance in Tver at the festival of creative ideas, presentations “Our kindergarten”, “Holiday - Birthday of the group” (Exhibited on the kindergarten website)

Introduction of ICT into the educational process of kindergarten

1. allows you to increase the perception of the material by increasing the amount of illustrative material;

2. when creating a unified database of methodological and demonstration materials for teaching, the teacher has more free time;

3. the use of multimedia presentations provides clarity, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;

4. allows you to stimulate children’s cognitive activity and participate in the acquisition of new knowledge; (use of presentations)

5. using a computer and a tape recorder, you can simulate such life situations that are impossible or difficult to show in class or to see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of animals, nature, the operation of transport, etc.);

6. classes using information and communication technologies encourage children to search and cognitive activity, including searching the Internet independently or together with their parents;

7. high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children;

Computer advantages:

1. presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest among children;

2. carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers;

3. movements, sound, animation attracts the child’s attention for a long time;

4. has a stimulus for children’s cognitive activity;

5. provides the opportunity to individualize training;

6. in the process of working at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence;

7. allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life.

For my work, I use Internet magazines “Modern preschool education: theory and practice”;

popular science magazine “Obruch”;

website “Everything for kindergarten.,

“Education of preschool children in kindergarten and at home”, “Festival of Pedagogical Ideas” you can watch and learn from experience in conducting interesting classes.

on the website “Kindergarten. ru" in the family and children section provides information about the physical development of children, about the basics of child hygiene, about the importance of children's games in the educational process, about the labor education of a child, about the organization of holiday matinees in kindergarten and about many other things.

The pedagogical library provides access to a constantly growing collection of literature on pedagogy, its applied branches related to the upbringing and teaching of children. Popular and scientific publications, textbooks, and articles are posted here.

Head of MBDOU Vehnetroitsky Kindergarten___Smirnova A. I

In order to obtain complete information about the individual characteristics of children’s development, I use monitoring of the child’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the program “Rainbow: Program for the upbringing, education and development of children from 2 to 7 years old in a kindergarten” T. I. Grizik, T. N. Doronova, E. V. Solovyova, S. G. Yakobson, etc.

The main task of monitoring child development is to identify the individual developmental characteristics of each child and, if necessary, outline an individual route of educational work to maximize the potential of the child’s personality.

Monitoring of child development is carried out using the method of observation, conversation, and criterion-based diagnostic techniques.

Head of MBDOU Vehnetroitsky Kindergarten___Smirnova A. I

Section 3

Results of students’ mastery of educational programs and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements

Information about the results of students mastering educational programs and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements (see in the presentation)

Achievements of students at competitive events. Participation in competitions, tournaments, festivals

I take a responsible approach to organizing competitive events at various levels. I actively work with parents - the first assistants to the teacher in organizing and conducting all kinds of events. The competitions “Dining for Birds”, “Skillful Hands Know No Boredom” and others held in kindergarten showed that our children and their parents are creative people.

My students are active participants in the annual regional exhibition “The world around us through the eyes of children” and the Nightingale festival. We took part in the “Winter Fantasy” projects and in the “Fairytale Land” landscape project (territory improvement. D/s).

Head of MBDOU Vehnetroitsky Kindergarten___Smirnova A. I

(For copies of orders, see presentation, see presentation)

Dynamics of the number of students (pupils taking part in competitions, exhibition festivals, etc.

Availability of prize-winners and winners of competitions, festivals, exhibitions, etc. (see presentation)

Help - confirmation

This is given by Slovyagina N.A. to the teacher of the MBDOU Verkhnetroitsk Kindergarten in that those who took part in the competition “The world around us through the eyes of children”, in the festival “Nightingale”, in the review of family newspapers “For a healthy lifestyle”, in the action “Christmas Stars” children are pupils of Slovyagina N.A.

Head of MBDOU Verkhnetroitsky Kindergarten___Smirnova A.I.

Organization of studio and group work by the teacher.

I organize additional education through the work of the “Young Wizards” club with children of the older subgroup of different ages.

The work is carried out in accordance with administrative documents and the approved program of additional education.

The club program is designed for one year of study.

The number of classes is 37, held once a week.

The main goal of the circle is to arouse children's interest in unconventional methods of drawing and modeling.

Coverage of children is: see presentation

Head of MBDOU Vehnetroitsky Kindergarten___Smirnova A. I

Help confirmation

This is given to the teacher of the multi-age group of the MBDOU Verkhnetroitsky Kindergarten of the Kashinsky district of the Tver region Natalia Aleksandrovna Slovyagina, in that she organizes additional education through the work of the “Young Wizards” circle with children of the older multi-age group

Head of MBDOU Vehnetroitsky Kindergarten___Smirnova A. I

Extract from the order

No. 30 dated 08/31/2011

About plan approval

Works of the Art Studio

for 2011-2012 academic year


Approve the work plan of the Art Studio

Appoint teacher N. A. Slovyagin as the head of the Art Studio.

Extract from the order

No. 75 dated 08/31/2012

About approval of programs

additional education

for 2012-2013 academic year

In order to improve the quality of education and satisfy parents' requests for educational services


Approve the program of the “Young Wizards” club

Appoint teacher N.A. Slovyagin as the head of the circle.

Head of MBDOU Vehnetroitsky Kindergarten___Smirnova A. I

Section 4

Contribution to improving the quality of education, dissemination of one’s own experience

personal contribution to improving the quality of education based on improving teaching and educational methods

I systematically improve the quality of my professional activities. Completed short-term training at GBOU DPO TOIUU under the program “Modernization of preschool education” for 72 hours, registration No. 20

Every year I engage in self-education according to a personal creative plan, which provides for the study of regulatory documents, familiarization with new methodological literature, teaching aids, and new methodological technologies.

I conduct open classes: see presentation

Participation in professional competitions

Feedback from the head of the MBDOU Verkhnetroitsky Kindergarten, Antonina Ivanovna Smirnova, about the work of the teacher Natalia Aleksandrovna Slovyagina

When communicating with children, the teacher adheres to the principle: not next to or above, but together with the child (creating conditions so that the child wants to do this)

The main line of behavior: do not pull the child up to pre-known standards, but coordinate your expectations and requirements with the task of maximally developing the possibilities for the child’s personal growth noticed during communication. Subordination to one’s pedagogical goal of maximizing the creation of conditions for the development of the child’s creative personality and the disclosure of his potential.

View the child as a full-fledged cooperating partner.

Ways of communication: understanding, acceptance, recognition of the child. sympathy and empathy for the child (empathy). Empathy is a professionally significant quality of a teacher’s personality. If the teacher does not have empathy, then there cannot be a person-centered approach.

Result: the teacher himself is open, capable of growth, and shows interest in the profession. The effect of upbringing is manifested in expanding the degree of freedom of the child, his abilities, rights, and prospects. Conditions are created and stimulation for the development of individuality, personal qualities, assistance in the child’s self-expression, in the formation of his self-concept, pedagogical support. thinking and will are not constrained by fear of failure or ridicule, children are liberated and show their talents.

1. Section 1. Form of the Expert Opinion assessing the level of proficiency in modern educational technologies and methods.

2. Form of the Expert Opinion on the assessment of the results of the teacher’s professional activities.

3. Form Final expert opinion.

4. Section 2. Proficiency in modern educational technologies and methods.

5. Results of using modern educational technologies.

6. Diagnostic cards.

7. Section 3. Results of students’ mastery of educational programs and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements.

8. Certificate on the results of students’ mastery of educational programs.

9. Achievements at competitive events.

10. Certificate – confirmation of participation in the “Fairytale Country” project.

11. Copy of the order of the education department No. 174 dated September 28, 2011.

12. Information on the dynamics of the number of students taking part in competitions.

13. Certificate – confirmation that the children who took part in the competition are students of Slovyagina N.A.

14. A copy of the order on the results of the exhibition of children's art.

15. A copy of the order about the results of the exhibition “Skillful hands know no boredom.”

16. A copy of the order to conduct an inspection of family newspapers.

17. Copies of diplomas and certificates.

18. Organization of circle work.

19. Certificate – confirmation.

20. Extracts from orders.

21. Section 4. Contribution to improving the quality of education

22. Certificate of posting your own experience on the website of the education department of the Kashinsky district administration.

23. Certificate from the education department of the Kashinsky district administration about the presentation of their own experience at the RMO.

24. Copy of the annual plan.

25. A copy of the certificate of participation in the competition “Teacher of the Year 2010”

26. Copy of order No. 188 dated December 17, 2010.

27. Copy of diploma

28. Copy of marriage certificate

29. Copy of certificate of advanced training

30. Copy of advanced training certificate

31. List of open classes

32. Participation in the activities of methodological associations

33. Participation in professional competitions

34. Copies of orders on the results of competitions

35. Copies of letters

36. Copy of the award order

37. Copy of the certificate of the education department

38. Feedback from the manager

39. Application

40. Abstracts of GCD using modern educational technologies

41. Projects implemented in kindergarten

42. Notes of open classes at RMO

Abstract of an integrated educational activity in the senior group “Journey to the Glass City” Currently, the use of educational technologies in pedagogical activities has become relevant. Integration of educational areas. In this summary, I tried to show how you can build a GCD using several technologies: socio-game technology, developmental education technology, technology for the development of dance creativity, health-saving technologies. Also integration of educational areas such as communication, cognition, artistic creativity, music, research. I often build educational activities with children on socio-game technology, integrating different educational areas. This technology helps children learn to communicate effectively, retains children’s attention and cognitive abilities, makes the educational process more exciting for children, and helps them develop an active position, independence, and creativity. Purpose: To introduce children to the properties of glass: smoothness, transparency, fragility, waterproofness, colorability, melodiousness. Objectives: Educational: expand and systematize children’s knowledge about glass objects, features of glass and glassware; develop the ability to see the inconsistency of phenomena and solve problem situations. Developmental: develop auditory attention, creative abilities, non-standard thinking in visual activities. Educators: cultivate the ability to maintain a conversation, express your point of view; to cultivate neatness and respect for things, Equipment: Glass objects (perfume bottles, vases, balls, pebbles of various shapes), sticks for checking the ringing of glass, a glass glass, colorful plates, puzzles in envelopes for each child, colored cubes, cotton swabs , gouache of different colors, recording music by B. Savelyev “The Multi-Colored Game”, music remote control for flight control. (rhythmic mosaic by A.I. Burenina), fantastic noises, equipped chairs for flight. Progress of GCD: I. Organizational moment.

The lesson takes place in a pre-prepared hall, a place for flying to the glass city, a laboratory, a gallery. Q: Children, today we will take a trip to the glass city, and we will fly on a plate. Please take your seats on the flight. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Q: I turn on the music remote (Fantastic music sounds and we take off) We landed safely in the glass city. There are two boxes on the table. Q: I wonder which box should I open first: the big one or the small one. Children approach the teacher and offer their options. Q: Do you also want to see what's in the boxes? Children (D): Yes. Q: open the big box. Meet Steklysha (a glass mug, she came to us from the glass city. It’s our turn to open another box. Meet Steklysha (a small glass glass, he is also a resident of this city) They invite us to their city to talk about it. In : Do you guys want to meet the inhabitants of the glass city? D: Yes V: Glass asks you to guess what the inhabitants of the glass city are made of. Here is a riddle: On the windows it’s simple, But in the bottles it’s colored, It doesn’t run, it doesn’t pour, But if you hit it, it will break. (glass) Q: Glass invites you to the glass city.

Q: And here are the inhabitants of the glass city (children look at the glass objects on display). They are all made of glass. Tell me who lives in the Glass City. Children name objects: vase, sugar bowl, bottle, vial, bowl, glass, mug, etc. Q: Glass invites us to the glass laboratory to find out what kind of glass it is and its properties. Children approach the tables. Experimental activities. Q: There are glass glasses in front of you, take them in your hands. Tell me, guys, what does the glass feel like? D: smooth. Q: glass is smooth, this is why people like it, it’s pleasant to touch, and smooth, beautiful products are made from it. The teacher puts a colored wooden cube into a glass. Q: Guess kids what’s in my glass? D: Cube. Q: Do you guys see the cube? Why? D: yes. The children explain. Q: Indeed, all objects are visible through glass. The glass is transparent. This is the first property of glass. Q: You have glasses, how do you know the glass glasses are clear? Children put the prepared cubes into glasses. Q: Tell us what properties your glasses have. Children make up sentences with the word transparent. Q: What do you think people make of glass using this property - transparency? D: windows in the room, windows in the car. Teacher, come here guys, what do you see on the table?

Q: Guys, it turns out that glass can be colored. It may be stained. This is another property of glass. Look, there are colored products in the Glass City. Children name objects made of colored glass and their color. Q: Name which products can be called fragile. Children name glass objects and their properties. Q: Let's think about how to handle glass objects. Children tell us that glass products need to be handled carefully, not thrown, and carried carefully. Q: So the residents of the Glass Town are afraid if someone drops them and breaks them. Fragility is also a property of glass. Didactic game "Glass Puzzles" Q: Let's see in the laboratory what can happen to a glass product (the teacher shows parts of the image). And if we collect these parts of the picture, we will find out what was depicted. Children collect parts of the image into a single picture and tell what is shown in the picture. Q: Come on guys Q: Guys, your glasses are empty. What can you pour into your glasses? D: Juice, water, tea. Q: Let's check if this is really the case. Pour water into your glasses. Is water spilling from a glass? D: No. Q: Of course, the glass is waterproof. What kind of glass products can you pour water, tea, juice into? Children call: cup, vase, bottle, bottle, etc. Q: The properties of glass do not end there. Want to learn about another property of glass? D: yes. Q: Listen (the teacher knocks glass rods on the walls of glass objects).

Q: Are your glasses also melodic and sound? Take pencils and tap the glasses yourself with a pencil. Musical orchestra B: the glass plays and produces a melodious sound. Let us create a musical orchestra. Children create an orchestra. Q: Name which products can be called fragile. Children name glass objects and their properties. Q: Let's think about how to handle glass objects. Children tell us that glass products need to be handled carefully, not thrown, and carried carefully. Q: So the residents of the Glass Town are afraid if someone drops them and breaks them. Fragility is also a property of glass. Didactic game "Glass Puzzles" Q: Let's see in the laboratory what can happen to a glass product (the teacher shows parts of the image). And if we collect these parts of the picture, we will find out what was depicted. Children collect parts of the image into a single picture and tell what is shown in the picture. Q: Children in the glass city live very happily, the glass invite us to dance. Dance creativity. Children dance to the music of Savelyeva “Multi-colored game”, rhythmic plastic program “Rhythmic mosaic” Artistic creativity. Q: Steklyasha and Steklyshko have prepared a surprise for you. They invite you to their gallery (children look at stained glass paintings). You can draw on glass. Real artists learned about this and began to paint on glass. So Glass and Glass invite you guys to draw on glass and add to their gallery.

Q: Guys, there are glass canvases and glass glasses in the gallery, some children will draw on glass canvases, and some children on glasses. Children paint over the ready-made templates and complete the drawing as desired. Remember how to handle the glass sheet carefully, move and turn it carefully, and do not make sudden movements so as not to drop or break it. Q: We will paint our canvases with gouache and different colors. Agree on who will paint with what color. Exhibition of paintings in the gallery. Q: Steklyasha and Steklyshko were very happy to introduce you to the residents of the Glass City and give you glass pebbles of different shapes. “Properties of glass” so that you do not forget them and the properties of glass. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. B: we go through and take our seats in flight. (Children return to kindergarten) Reflection: Where were we? What properties of glass have we become familiar with?

GCD for OO “Cognition” (formation of elementary mathematical concepts) “The Tale of the Frog Princess” Purpose: To teach children to solve arithmetic problems on addition and subtraction. Continue to strengthen your knowledge of numbers. Practice orientation in space and on a sheet of paper. Clarify your understanding of geometric shapes. Develop logical thinking, attention, creative imagination. To cultivate a love for Russian folk tales and a desire to help. Material, equipment. Toys: forester, bear, hare, drake, frog, chest, lock, keys, hoops, numbers, flannelgraph, envelope, map. Handout: geometric shapes. Preliminary work. Reading the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”, working according to the diagrams. Children enter the hall. Vosple There are many fairy tales in the world. Children love fairy tales very much, everyone wants to be in them and help the heroes. Guys, do you want to visit a fairy tale? Name fairy tales that have numbers in their titles. Two greedy bear cubs.

Three Bears. Three piglets. The wolf and the seven Young goats. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs... Scream There is a chest in front of us, And there is a lock hanging on it, In order for us to get into the fairy tale, we need to pick up the key. Game “Pick up the key to the lock” Play We open the chest, We find ourselves in a magical world. Fairytale music sounds. What kind of miracle? What a miracle? The map is on the bottom here. Now we will unfold the map and we will all find ourselves in a fairy tale. They unfold the map of the “Far Far Away Kingdom” and examine it. Game “What is where? "Ivan Tsarevich appears. Thank you guys for finding the map. With it I can free my frog princess. Scream

Guys, let's help Ivanutsarevich, and the map will help us find and disenchant the frog. Remember that trials and difficult tasks await us. You are ready? Then we look on the map where we need to go. They approach the forest, a forester is sitting on a stump. A magical forest stands on our way. The tops of the fir trees reach to the sky. A forester lives in this forest. Actually he is a kind old man. But those who do not fulfill his tasks, He turns them into stumps. Forester let us through your forest. Lesovik Complete my task, I’ll miss it. Blaze Guys, are you ready to answer the forester’s questions? Lesovik What time of year is it now? What are the winter months? In what month does autumn end and winter begin? What day of the week is it today? Well done guys, you did it, I let you through my forest with my task. Vosple Thank you, forest man. Let's open the map and see where we need to go next.

They approach the bear. Hello, Mashenka the bear. Why are you not cheerful, why did you hang your head? Bear How can I have fun here? I came out of the den and looked around at the threshold. But you can’t find friends. They fled, scattered. We did exercises together, and then played hide and seek. Let's find friends for the bear and he will have more fun with them. Make animal figures from geometric shapes. Working with handouts. Game “Collect Animals” Music plays. Children work on the floor. Bear Thanks guys. Helped me find my friends. Now I won't be bored. Move on, the path is open for you. We open the map of what awaits us ahead. They approach the hare, there are not tall indoor plants. Voskl Gray bunny sitting

And he’s shaking under the bush. Don't be afraid, bunny, help us now. Tell us the way. How can we find a frog? Hare You need to go over the bumps. And there, somewhere under a bush, there is a small envelope. You will find problems in it. You must solve them first, I will show you the way then. Game “On the Bumps” Jumping in circles with numbers from 1 to 10. They bring an envelope. Solve problems. 1. Once upon a time, a neighbor’s friend came galloping to the bunny’s place for lunch. The bunnies sat on a tree stump and ate 5 carrots each. Who's counting, guys, is dexterous? How many carrots did you eat? (10) 2. With his nose in the air, the Hare carried 6 carrots, He tripped and fell - he lost 2 carrots, How many carrots did the hare have left? (6) Hare

Thank you guys for solving the problems, you need to move on. Cry Goodbye, dear hare. They move on. There is a river on the way, we need to cross it. A drake swims along the river. Guess, you guys, how can you cross the river? (building material of different sizes lies near the river) Drake Well done, guys. They built a bridge. We can move on. Vosple Ivantsarevich, here comes the frog. (takes the frog in his hands, music sounds, a transformation occurs) Vasilisa the Wise appears. Vasilisa the Wise Thank you, dear friends, I am glad that you found me. Ivan Thank you guys for your help. Make friends with mathematics, accumulate your knowledge. Scream

This is the end of the fairy tale. And you guys are great, you helped Ivanutsarevich find Vasilisa the Wise and completed all the tasks. Abstract of the GCD on FEMP in the preparatory group “Let's Help Captain Goose” Currently, the use of educational technologies in pedagogical activities has become relevant. In this summary, I tried to show how you can build a GCD using several technologies: socio-game technology, developmental education technology, elements of correctional technologies and health-saving technologies. I often build educational activities with children on socio-game technology as a combination of gaming and society. This technology helps children learn to communicate effectively, makes the educational process more exciting for children, and helps them develop an active position, independence, and creativity. Abstract of the GCD in mathematics in the preparatory group “Let's help Captain Goose.” Goal: Systematize children's knowledge of elementary mathematical concepts. Objectives: 1. Continue learning to compose object silhouettes from geometric shapes using and without a model.

2. Strengthen the ability to measure the length of a segment, find an extra figure in a row, and perform a graphic dictation under the guidance of an adult. 3. Develop fine motor skills and spatial concepts. 4. Development of the processes of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, intellectual creativity in the course of joint activities. 5. Develop the ability to hear and listen to each other, make joint decisions, receive positive emotions by doing pleasant things for others. Equipment: non-melting ice floes of Lake Ice, the boat SplashSplash, Captain Goose, a carpet plotter "Larchik", a set of figures for drawing up the silhouette of a sailboat, sheets depicting the silhouette of a sailboat, a plan of the path (segments) from the Devil's Mountain to Lake Ice, an image of a row of non-melting ice floes (for each campaign, samples of animal silhouettes, checkered sheets for graphic dictation. Progress of GCD I. Organizational moment. The song “True Friend” is playing. Educator: Guys, what is the song about? (about friendship) And what is “friendship”? (children’s answers ) Guys, friendship is a wonderful feeling. We have a wonderful mood when real friends are around. Let's show how friendly we are. Exercise “Friendship” Turn to your neighbor - smile at your neighbor; Turn to your neighbor - shake hands with your neighbor; Turn to your neighbor - hug your neighbor; I, you, he, she - together a friendly family II. Introductory part. On the carpet, the teacher and children notice Captain Goose, who is standing on the shore, and the boat SplashSplash is standing on the drawn river. Three flags are missing on the boat. Educator: Captain Goose, why are you sad... What happened to you?

Captain Goose: I decided to go on a trip around the world on my ship, but then a north wind blew in, tore the flags from the masts and carried them away. And for SplashSplash to swim, he needs all the flags. Educator: And you don’t know where to look for them? Captain Goose: I know, but I need help. Instead of flags, the north wind brought a letter. From the letter I learned that Baba Yaga had the flags. She will return them to me if I complete her tasks within a certain time. I'm worried that I might not be able to cope or not have time. III. Main part. Educator: Guys, can we help the Captain? On each ship there is a cozy camp where sailors relax. And in order for us to complete the tasks faster, let's divide it into campaigns. Now each of you will take a piece, find a table with a picture of a sailboat of your color, and each campaign will make a sailboat. Division into campaigns. Children make sailboats out of figures on the tables, sit down and raise their hands in a “house” (they have finished completing the task). Educator: Now each campaign will choose a captain (the children consult and choose a captain for the campaign). Let's see what task Baba Yaga sent: “Captain Goose, measure the length of each section of the path from the Devil’s Mountain to Lake Ice. The numbers are the code to the lock behind which you will find what you need.” 1 task “The road from the Devil’s Mountain to Lake Ice” Each campaign is given a plan and a sheet with empty cells. Children measure segments of the path with a ruler and enter numbers in the empty cells - this is the code by which we open the lock and get two flags. Educator: I continue to read B.Ya.’s letter. “Dear Captain, you have approached the magical Lake Ice, on which melting ice floes float. I sent them. But not just to admire them. You need to find the right pieces of ice to open the next lock. Task 2 “Find the extra piece of ice” Each campaign is given a sheet with a row of ice pieces, on which the children lay out the pieces of ice on their table. You need to find the extra one. Three collected pieces of ice are the code to the lock. We get two more flags.

teacher: Guys, I think that B.Ya. is so harmful because she has no friends. Let's make friends out of ice floes for B.Ya. And since she lives in the forest, animals will be her friends. Maybe B.Ya. will become better? Based on samples, children in campaigns collect animals from ice floes. Educator: I’m reading the last assignment. “Now, Captain Goose, try to find the key to the third lock. And then you’ll get the next flag.” Guys, in the next task there will be a lot of stress on the eyes and we need to prepare them. Gymnastics for the eyes. BRIDGE We close our eyes, these are the miracles. (Close both eyes) Our eyes rest and do exercises. (They continue to stand with their eyes closed) And now we will open them and build a bridge across the river. (Open their eyes, draw a bridge with their gaze) Let's draw a wheel. Is it easy? (They draw a wheel with their eyes) Let's look down, look up. (Eyes look down, look up) Great success awaits us all! (Show surprise with your eyes) Let's turn right, left (Move eyes right and left) Let's start studying again. Task 3 “Graphic dictation” Under the dictation of the teacher, children perform a dictation and at the end receive the image “Key”.

Educator: Let's check if the key fits the lock. (there are three flags behind the lock). IV. Final reflection. Captain Goose: Thank you guys! Now I can go on a trip around the world! Educator: Have a good voyage, Captain Goose! We will ask you to visit B. Ya. and give her the animals that the guys collected. Captain Goose: Okay, I will fulfill your request. I’ll definitely visit B. Ya. Maybe she really will do less bad things. Educator: Guys, you are great. Helped the captain. What helped you in completing your assignments? Captains, maybe you can mark the children who did it better and faster? Campaigns, and your captains were indeed real captains, experts in their field Synopsis of the plot-role-playing game “Supermarket” Purpose: Program content Educational tasks Teach children to coordinate their own game plans with the plans of their peers. Train children to implement game plots. Consolidate knowledge about the functioning of the store Developmental tasks Develop interest and respect for trade professions Develop dialogical speech Educational tasks Cultivate a polite, friendly attitude towards people around you and each other.

Administrator. Q What does an administrator do? D - Maintains order in the hall and helps sellers. Q - What do the cashiers do? D - They sit at the cash register and check out purchases and take money. Q - What is the security guard doing? D – guards the store. Q - And the director? D is the most important, responsible for everything. Let's assign roles and prepare our sales floor to receive customers. Distribution of roles. Q. Who is the cashier? What will you need? Q. Who is the director? What will you need? Q. Guys, do you all remember the rules of behavior in the store? Children's answers. Q Who are you? D – we are buyers. Q What do buyers do? D buy. Q – What do customers need to bring to play? D – Wallets, bags, children, strollers. Q. How can I get to the store? Q. Let's assign roles and prepare our sales floor to receive customers. Distribution of roles Q. Who wants to be a cashier?

Q. What will you need for the role? Children's answers Q. Who wants to be salespeople? Children's Answers Q. What will you need for the role? Q. Who wants to be an administrator? Q. What do you need for the role? Children's answers Q. Who wants to be a security guard? Q. What will you need for the role? Q. Guys, who are you? Children's answers Q. What do buyers do? Children's answers Q. What do customers need to play? Children's answers Q. How can you get to the supermarket? Children's answers Q. Guys, do you remember the rules of behavior in the store? Children's answers: B. You will go to a new supermarket on a free bus, please take your seats. The music of Igor Krutoy is playing. Director. Hello! Welcome to our supermarket! Administrator And now we are in the store. All products on display:

tea, sweets, sausage - my eyes widen. Come and buy it. Give the money to the cashier. Buyers disperse into departments. Evening has come in our city. The working day is over. Shops are closing. Everyone gets on the bus and returns to the kindergarten.

“The open lesson for certification “Playing Wizards” is presented on the website in the form in which it was demonstrated to the commission, i.e. with all the attachments: lesson notes, photographs of aids used in the lesson, video material - the “highlight” used during the lesson classes, musical fragment.

The lesson was presented to members of the expert commission during the certification procedure for the highest qualification category in October 2010.

Received high praise.



228-826-386 Shatalova E.P.

Open lesson on environmental education for preschoolers

(middle group)

Topic: “Playing wizards”

Program content:

Create a holistic idea of ​​water as a natural phenomenon, its significance in nature and in human life;

Teach children to answer questions correctly;

Expand knowledge about animals living in water;

Develop coherent, dialogical speech, selecting definitions, verbs, grammatical structure of speech, correctly coordinating nouns and adjectives;

Enrich your vocabulary with words: laboratory, filter, develop imagination, fantasy.


- “magic wand”, pointer;

Educational picture on the theme “Who needs water”(Picture 1)

Didactic game “Amazing Circle” with a set of pictures(Figure 2)

Experimentation Corner(Figure 3)

- “mood screen”(Figure 4)

Tape recorder, audio recording “Sounds of Water”(Annex 1)

TV, video recording “Applying dirty water to children”(Appendix 2),

"Bringing clean water to children"(Appendix 3)

Cups of dirty and clean water (20 pieces), gauze, cotton wool, napkins;

Preliminary work:

Conversation on the topic “Water in nature and human life”;

Examination of illustrations, observations in nature;

Reading works of fiction: N. Ryzhova “Magic Water”, A. Vvedensky “Song about Rain”, N. Zabolotsky “On the River”, K. Chukovsky “Fedorino Mountain”, “Moidodyr”;

Composition of the fairy tale “Merry Droplets”;

Learning nursery rhymes, guessing riddles;

Didactic games “Magic Umbrella”, “Seasons”, “Collect a Picture”, etc.;

Experimenting with water.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.) – Guys, today we will go into the wonderful world of knowledge. We learn a lot of new and interesting things. We will do this with our Znayka, who has prepared tasks for us, they are in this wonderful chest. Znayka has a magical laboratory where miracles happen with water, sand, and air. Miracles are not an easy matter, miracles are made by wizards. Do you want to become wizards? Stand in a circle. I will take the “magic wand”, I will say the words, and you will do what I say.

Chiki - chiki - chikalochka,

Turn around yourself

Turn into wizards.

(Children perform)

The teacher touches each child with a stick.

Our game is over - turning. Now you are wizards!

IN. Places a medal with the image of a wizard around each child's neck.

IN.: Sit down on the mat, it's time to complete Znayka's first task. The teacher takes out the envelope from the chest and reads the letter:

“Dear guys, I ask you to listen to this tape and determine what sounds you heard.”

V. includes the audio recording “Sounds of Water”. Children listen and determine.

IN.: Well done! Today we will talk about water, who needs it and why. Listen to the poem “Magic Water”:

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

It's boiling on your stove,

The steam of the kettle hisses,

Dissolves sugar in tea

We don't notice it.

We can't wash ourselves without her,

Don't eat or drink,

I dare to report to you,

We can't live without her!

You agree that you and I simply cannot do without water. And Znayka prepared an interesting task for us.

The teacher takes an envelope from the chest and reads the assignment:

“Dear guys, you completed the first task, you correctly guessed that the audio cassette contained the sounds of water. And now you must tell who needs water and why you can’t live without it.”

V. leads the children to the visual aid “Who needs water.” Children take turns talking about how water is needed by humans, birds, animals, insects...

V. asks leading questions.

IN.: It's time for the third task. Let's see what our Znayka has prepared for us this time.

V. takes out an envelope and reads:

“Guys, you correctly told who needs water. And now I offer you the game “Amazing Circle”. Place the pictures so that it becomes clear who lives in the water.” (Children come to the table, sit down, choose the right pictures and attach them)

Brief conversation: fish, starfish, seahorses, crayfish, dolphins live in water..)

IN.: Well done, you did a good job with this Znayka task. And now I suggest you rest. We all go out for physical education.

Physical education minute:

How nice it is to swim in the river! (swimming movements)

Bank on the left, bank on the right (turns left and right)

River with a ribbon in front (stretching - arms forward)

There's a bridge at the top - look. (Stretching - arms up)

To swim even faster,

We need to row faster.

We work with our hands

Who will keep up with us? (Swimming movements)

And now it’s time, brothers,

We all need to return to Znayka. (Walking in place)

V.: Now let's see if there are still any tasks from Znayka in the chest. (Takes out an envelope and reads):

“Dear guys, I bring to your attention a video letter. Look at the TV screen." (There is a plot on the screen: the water asks the children for help - to make it clean again).

IN.: It's time to make miracles happen. You need to purify the water. Transform from dirty to clean. If we do this, we will prove that we are real magicians. I would like to remind you that people do not always behave correctly in nature - they pollute water in rivers and lakes, thereby harming not only nature, but also their health.

The teacher takes the children to the laboratory. They sit at tables where there are glasses with dirty water, cotton wool, gauze, and an empty glass for each child.

IN.: How can you purify water?

(Children's answers)

IN.: I will help you. Water can be purified through a filter. (Children repeat the word filter) For us it’s water and gauze. Together with children, he carries out cleaning through a filter (cotton wool, gauze). (During the experiment, the melody of water sounds)

IN.: Show me your cups, let's see if the water has cleared up?

Clean water has been received. All the water in the world cannot be purified as we have done now, so it is necessary to behave in such a way as not to pollute it. I hope that when you grow up, you will behave correctly in nature and teach others to do the same.

Hold hands, hug each other, smile at each other. You have proven that you are real wizards and have completed all of Znayka’s tasks. Now it's time for us to become guys again. V. takes the magic wand and says:

Chiki - chiki - chikalochka,

Help me, magic wand,

Turn around yourself

Turn back into guys again.

Result: V. - What did you do today?

What did you like?

Children reflect their impressions on the “mood screen”. The teacher gives an assessment, marking each child.

IN.: Goodbye! See you soon!

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