Felt flowers in flowerpots. Felt cactus in a pot. Pillow with felt flowers

This decorative felt cactus with a bright flower can be a wonderful decoration for your table. It can also be used as a pincushion. Making a cactus in a pot requires minimal sewing skills.
Here's what you'll need:

  • Felt material with a soft structure in dark green, black, sand colors.
  • Small pieces of felt in rich colors (bright yellow and pink) for the flower.
  • Threads in beige, black, marsh shades.
  • Needle for sewing or embroidery.
  • Scissors.
  • Simple pencil, chalk marker.
  • A piece of cardboard.
  • A small amount of holofiber.
1. Print and cut out the cactus and pot templates.

2. From beige felt, cut out one piece for the pot: base, bottom and rim. From black felt, cut out a circle with a diameter of about 8-10 cm to imitate the ground.

3. From dark green felt, cut out 5-6 identical parts for the cactus. Make one identical flower piece from pink and yellow felt. Make a stripe for the middle of the inflorescence of any bright color.

4. Take the wide rounded piece (the base of the pot) and connect its short edges. Sew them together with beige thread using a butt or overlap stitch.

5. Take the bottom of the pot, sew it to the base with an overcast stitch (or over the edge).

6. Take a narrow rounded strip and sew its short sections end to end. Then wrap this part around the top of the pot and sew along the inner contour. To do this, lay a finishing stitch in the form of a dotted line.

7. Then join the top edges of the pot and the rim using an overlock stitch or any other stitch you desire. Straighten the pot, give it a beautiful shape.

8. Cut a circle from cardboard the size of the bottom of the pot. It is needed for stability.

9. Place a cardboard circle at the bottom of the pot. Check if it fits well with the bottom in size.

10. Move the black circle towards you and pass a thread along its entire edge.

11. Pull the thread, put holofiber inside.

12. Tighten the thread, secure the tie with several stitches and a knot. Using your fingers, form a rounded piece with a smooth spherical surface.

13. Take out the pot. Place a ball simulating soil into the pot. If it doesn't completely fill the space of the pot, take it out and put some synthetic litter in the bottom.

14. Place the soil in the pot and level it with your fingers so that it is evenly distributed across the top.

15. Take the green cactus elements. Fold them in twos, sew them together in pairs with an overcast stitch.

16. In the middle of the fastened parts, lay a vertical stitch, piercing the material right through with the needle.

17. Then sequentially attach all the cactus parts to each other, sewing their centers together.

18. Sew the main part of the cactus to the soil, capturing all sections of the base.

19. Make sure that the edges of the plant are distributed evenly over the surface of the ground (you can first pin them down with pins). Place the cactus and soil in a pot.

Flowers in the interior always bring joy, comfort, warmth and a spring mood. So I would like to invite you to make flowers in pots with your own hands, which will not need to be watered, you will just have to shake them from time to time to remove the accumulated dust. Choose any of the options: tulips or roses


Not every housewife has the opportunity to purchase fresh indoor flowers, which require daily care, attention and constant warm room temperature. Some people have to go on business trips frequently, others are so tired after work that they no longer have time to water their indoor plants) But I want flowers), because they create beauty and give comfort to any interior. I suggest you sew flowers and not waste time watering the plants) Speaking of business trips) If you have to travel to Yekaterinburg often, I suggest using the services of a daily apartment rental company. Come in and choose an apartment from economy, standard or business offers. You have the opportunity to rent an apartment without intermediaries, which is much more profitable than staying in a hotel. All apartments in Yekaterinburg are cozy, with convenient layouts, to suit different tastes and budgets)

So, for work you can use felt, fleece, felt or any other fabric whose edges do not fray when cut.

Template for tulips

The flower parts are cut out and glued together with hot glue.

For the stem, you can use wire or wire that is wrapped with green yarn. If you have green crepe or corrugated paper, or floral tape - even better)

We cut out the leaves from green fabric, we need 2 parts sewn together

We simply tie the leaves to the stem

That's all, take any clay pot and fix our tulip in it. We admire the beauty and are proud of our skillful hands)

If you like a rose, watch how to make it

Rose petals are formed from triangles

Roses can be sewn from cotton fabric, as well as from satin, silk, and so on.

Template for rose leaves

I continue to publish simple but very cute ideas for creating handmade gifts for Women's Day on March 8th. You can easily create such decorative miniature pots of felt flowers yourself in a minimal amount of free time. You can involve the children in the work and start preparing for the holiday together with them. Flower pots can be given to a kindergarten teacher, teacher, grandmother, mother, sister, and so on) The decorative composition will look great in the festive interior of a home or office. By the way, have you noticed what flower pots are made of? From plastic cups)

For work we will need:

  • felt or decorative felt in white, pink and red,
  • plastic cups,
  • scissors,
  • threads,
  • needle,
  • acrylic paint,
  • tassel,
  • tweezers,
  • lace, braid and ribbons,
  • floristic oasis,
  • hot glue.

Let's get to work. Unfortunately, there is no color template, but you can copy it directly from the bottom first photo, slightly enlarging the image. We need to cut out 5 flowers from felt, each of which has 10 petals.

We fold the flowers using tweezers, fix them in the center with threads, collecting the part into a bun. Next, we sew all 5 flowers together, as shown in the photo below.

Let's move on to creating a miniature pot. We take a plastic cup and paint it with acrylic paint, in this version the paint is a delicate blue color. While the paint dries, we prepare a floral oasis - cut it to the size of the pot. Cut out a circle from white felt - a lid for the pot.

Decorate the glass with lace or braid. We insert the floral oasis and close it with a white felt lid on top.

We glue our felt flowers with hot glue. If you want the felt flower to be more magnificent and larger, you can add more bundles of cut out templates prepared in the above manner, glue them in the middle with hot glue.

And to finish the work, glue a small bow from a narrow silk ribbon to the pot.

Don’t hesitate, release your muse and create ^_^

The master classes are very simple; children can create bright felt flowers with their own hands (of course, under the supervision of adults). Afterwards, the finished flower can be used as a decoration: decorated in the form of a brooch, hairpin or attached to a hair elastic; as an element of room decor: simply put in a vase or, for example, decorate with decorative pillows.

Let's start with several options for making felt roses.

Felt roses

Which girl doesn’t dream of receiving “a million scarlet roses” as a gift? After all, roses are delicate, exquisite flowers, a true symbol of femininity and beauty. Below are 3 workshops that will help you get your own felt roses.

Simple felt rose

Felt is a material that provides opportunities for imagination and creativity! You can make many interesting and unusual things from it, as well as flowers of different types. This rose is one of the ideas and probably the simplest! Anyone can do it without any special skills.

You will need:

A small strip of pink felt, scissors, a bead and a needle and thread.

Cute felt rose by rolling method

Cut a strip of felt and make a zigzag edge as shown in the photo. It should taper slightly towards one edge.

Roll up the strip, starting from the narrow part and working towards the wider part.

To secure the rose, sew it by making several punctures at its base.

A small bead in the center will be an attractive accent! Just sew it on the top of the flower.

Decide for yourself what will decorate this beautiful and easy-to-make flower!

Two-tone rose

Creating this two-tone rose will give you pleasure, and its shades are the main feature!

It looks realistic, but will take a little longer than the rosette according to the previous MK.

Look how nicely the two colors of felt combine in this rose!

To cut a circle, simply take any round shaped object and press down on the material. Drawing with a pencil on felt is a rather difficult task, but this way everything can be done quickly and easily!

Now simply cut out the resulting circles. Make circles from two different colors of felt and different sizes - large, medium and small, and then cut each circle in half.

Next, work with each semicircle separately. First, take the smallest semicircle and start rolling it, then take a semicircle of the same size, but of a different color, thus continue working, twisting the petals from smaller to larger.

Each petal must be secured with thread.

Attach petal by petal, changing the color each time, finishing the work when you realize that the rose has formed. You can sew a bead into the center if you wish.

Well, what do you think about this flower? Will you try to do it? You will not regret it!

Delicate rose brooch

DIY jewelry is always distinguished by its originality and uniqueness. You don’t have to worry about seeing something like this in a group of friends or at parties. It will always be loved, because it is in it that the warmth of your hands and your creativity have been invested.

The felt rosette looks so realistic and tender that many will envy such a decoration.

To make a rose you will need:

Pink and green felt, scissors, needle and thread.

Draw five circles on the felt (you can trace something round for this) and cut them out using scissors. Make the edges of the four resulting circles wavy, as if they were petals. Take green felt - it will make two small leaves like in the picture.

First, take an even circle and sew two green leaves with a few stitches. Then start working with the remaining circles. Each one needs to be folded into quarters as shown below.

Sew these circles alternately to the middle of an even circle.

Our rose is ready! See how simple it is! It can be attached to a pin or hair tie, decorate your home or gift box. It will always look cute, and, most importantly, it doesn’t take much time to make.

Adorable felt flowers from Purl Soho and Purl Bee

The end of spring and summer is a wonderful time, giving us an abundance of flowers and greenery. Relive your vivid summer memories by creating this floral charm. Use your favorite felt colors that are reminiscent of the last colors of summer.

Look at the variety of colors!

This master class was created Purl Soho and Purl Bee. All rights to the pattern and model are protected by copyright law. Neither the template nor any products based on it may be used for sale. You can find the original master class on Purl Bee. It was translated by me (Anastasia) from English into Russian. Purl Soho and Purl Bee cannot verify the accuracy of this translation, but if you have any questions, they are always happy to answer them in English at

You don’t have to follow the rules, but try to create it yourself, and then you will get a unique unique bouquet, maybe even flowers that don’t exist in nature. And, the most interesting thing is that they are completely simple to implement. If you want to find a practical use for your products, the created flowers can be attached to hair clips, pins or hair ties. And if you like something unusual in the interior, just scatter a handful of flowers on the table and create a summer mood in your home! They will undoubtedly bring joy to those around them and awaken memories of summer warmth even in the winter cold.

In dreams of summer...

Basic elements of flowers

You can vary the prepared flower parts to create unique pieces and have fun. I loved putting together the most unusual flowers and seeing how the colorful pieces fit together. I'll show you three specific flowers that I came up with, but please be free with your creativity.


You will need: three equal parts of a flower in different shades of the same color, one button and a thread of your choice.

Place the pieces on top of each other so that the petals do not match, but look out from under each other. Place the button in the center and sew through all three layers, tying a knot on the wrong side.


You will need:

The inner, largest part of the camellia, the outer part of the flower is slightly smaller, a blank center and matching thread.

First place the larger part of the flower on the table, place the smaller part on it and place the middle of the flower on top. To sew the layers together, pull the thread along the outer edge of the center, catching it, and pull the thread back to the inside.

Sew in this manner along the entire edge of the center.


You will need:

The prepared center of the flower, its main part, the leaf of the flower and matching threads.

Sew the center to the main part in the same way as you sewed the camellia flower, through the outer edge. A green leaf is sewn to the back with small stitches.

Here are a variety of buttercups:

In addition, you can sew anemones from felt in the same way according to the following master class:


I'll give you some practical tips on how to use bright flowers. To do this you will need hair bands, hairpins or pins.

The flower can be sewn onto an elastic hair band; work carefully and take your time. For girls, you can make a flower ring in the same way.

You can secure the flower to a pin with thread as shown in the picture. Make stitches evenly, without piercing the front side with a needle.

Sew the flower to the hairpin, making stitches on the right, left and in the middle. Make sure nothing is visible on the front side.

These are just a few ideas and examples of what you can do with flowers. They can also be sewn together as a garland or attached to a shirt. Get creative and create your own floral charm!

Other felt flowers

Bright sunflowers

Bright sunflowers are associated with hot summers. No wonder their name comes from the word “sun”. These large bright flowers create a joyful mood and give us their warmth. They say that the presence of these flowers in the house brings good luck, which means it's time to make them!

Vibrant sunflowers are so easy to make and so fun. Of course, it will take a little time, but you won't regret it. If you want to make the same flowers as in the photo, continue reading and follow the instructions below.

Start by cutting out a circle from black felt, and then cut out squares from yellow felt - 18 large and 12 small.

Now take one yellow petal at a time, roll it up and sew it to the middle with a few stitches. Continue working around the entire circle, placing them close to each other. Don't worry if you haven't used all the petals if there are some left over. Nobody's counting!

Cut out two circles of black or brown felt, one larger and one smaller. Make cuts along the edges of each of these circles.

Sew a few beads into the very middle. Your bright sunflower is ready! Sew several more similar flowers of different shades and sizes.

Such sunny felt sunflowers

And here is a video tutorial on sewing sunflowers from felt from Elena Volodkevich

Beautiful chrysanthemums

Almost all flowers created by nature can be made from felt. Today it's time to decorate your home with felt chrysanthemums. Although they do not smell, they will bring mood to the house, and can also become an excellent decoration for a blouse or jacket.

This flower is similar in its execution technique to the higher-growing sunflowers

Fabulous? Yes! Cheap? Certainly! Easily? Undoubtedly! Want to make one like this? Prepare squares of three different sizes. You will need about 12 of the largest ones, 10 slightly smaller ones and 7 small ones.

Give each square a petal shape as shown in the photo. You can cut them out the way you want, of course, they won’t all turn out exactly the same, but in nature there are no identical petals. For the base, cut out a circle.

Start sewing each petal with several stitches to the circle, folding them at the base.

Sew the petals close to each other, securing them well. The photo shows a flower with 11 petals.

Start sewing the next row, closer to the middle. Continue sewing the petals in the same way as the first row. The second rad will consist of 9 petals.

For the third row, use about 7 petals, the petals should completely cover the middle.

Take the unused squares and cut them into circles. Make cuts in a circle.

Place the smaller circle on top of the larger circle.

Sew them into the middle of the flower. When you pull the thread, the circles will lower, and the cut parts will rise up and look up.

It’s not a shame to give such a bright flower for a holiday =)

OK it's all over Now! Beautiful chrysanthemums will delight you even in winter.

Video master classes

Finally, you can see “live” the whole process of creating felt flowers

Very quick felt flowers:

An original decorative decoration in Handmade style – felt flowers. It’s easy and fairly quick to do, but it turns out very unusual and beautiful.

Felt, it should be noted, is the favorite material of handicraft masters. How many possibilities it opens up for creating a designer item. Judge for yourself how original a flower brooch on a black dress will look. And in general, on a dress of any solid color. After all, sometimes a small accessory is enough to make the same outfit look fresh and new. You can also use felt decorations to complement the appearance of the box, decorate a postcard or photo album. Felt flowers look original on handbags, hairpins, as decoration for hairbands, as well as in the design of any gift souvenirs.

A few words about what felt is and the reasons for its popularity. Felt is nothing more than felt made from rabbit or goat hair. Felt, in turn, is a non-woven textile. Wool or synthetic fibers can be used as a base. The choice of wool is determined by the peculiarity of its structure. The fact is that the edges of its fibers have so-called “notches”. This ensures good adhesion of the fibers to each other.

Making felt flowers with your own hands is a fun and not difficult activity. And all this thanks to the pliability of the material. It differs in its density and thickness. Felt can be bought at almost any craft store or ordered online. More often on sale there are felt sheets with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm and a size of 30*40 cm, as well as a thickness of 4 mm with a size of 20*30 cm.

At the stage of choosing shades, you can show all the richness of your own imagination. The creative process fully corresponds to the author's concept and imagination, and therefore products can be created in any color scheme. Fortunately, the modern market for handicrafts makes it easy to realize even the most daring ideas. Some people use ready-made felt sheets with floral prints. Others prefer to combine the original contrasting colors. The boundaries of this process are determined solely by the taste of the master.

Materials for felt flowers

  • scissors
  • glue for working with fabric
  • pins
  • thread and needle
  • all kinds of beads, beads and buttons of different sizes for decorating flower cores;
  • floss threads, the shades of which should differ by several tones in one direction or another from the original felt color. They are used to decorate the edges of future flowers.

Felt flowers, patterns of which can be found in large quantities in catalogs of online magazines, are usually very simply designed. A regular chamomile template can be used as a base. But the work, made in several layers of contrasting or monochrome colors, takes on a completely different concept. Cut out paper petals. This will be the template. Here are some ready-made patterns for felt flowers:

Let's look at the assembly process using the example of a flower made using this pattern:

First you need to recreate the pattern design directly on the fabric.

Then the edge of each petal is trimmed with a skillful seam using floss or not processed at all.

We place the petals on top of each other from largest to smallest (or vice versa) and sew them in the center to form a recess for the future flower (you need to sew it tightly). And let's move on to creating the core. Place a circle cut out of felt on glue and place it in the middle of the flower.

Sequins, pre-prepared beads, beautiful beads will add originality to the resulting work of art.

Depending on the intended purpose of the product, we attach a pin or sew an elastic band to its reverse side.

We are posting a few more photos of flowers that inspire new creations. Each of these flowers uses French knots as an additional decoration:

The felt flowers presented below are master classes from handicraft masters. These works will help beginners master the simple creativity of creating decorative floral elements.

Felt rose (master class)

This amazing accessory is ready to “settle” on the evening dress or coat of its resourceful owner.

Let's start from the base of the flower. To do this, we will prepare a circle whose diameter will be 10 cm. We cut out semicircular petals along the edges of the circle, gradually moving from the outer edge inward.

The central part is rolled up, thereby forming the core of the future rose.

It needs to be secured with a pin and filled with a layer of glue. After the glue has dried, you need to wrap the rest of the felt around the resulting bud and close the cut from the bottom side.

This is such a wonderful rose that you will end up with!

If you make several roses, glue them to a piece of fabric and sew on a metal clasp, you will get a wonderful brooch!

For clarity, a few more roses made according to a similar principle:

Tsvoric shows how to decorate with felt (music by Key.peter):

Felt violet (master class)

Materials for work:

  • felt (sheets of two different colors: lilac - for petals, green - for leaves)
  • scissors
  • threads, the color of which should match the color of the violet

Let's prepare 5 templates for future petals (diameter - 4 cm):

We take one of the petals in our hands and fold it in half twice. We get a petal in the form of a corner:

Using a couple of stitches we attach the corner to one of the blanks:

We repeat the steps for the remaining petal corners. To achieve the desired neat effect, carefully monitor the direction of the petals (they should be directed in one direction):

At the end of the work, the flower should be thoroughly straightened:

Let's move on to cutting out the leaves:

Sew them together:

Lifting the petal, we fasten the leaves to the base:

We enjoy the result!

For example, you can decorate a headband with such flowers:

Felt chrysanthemum (master class)

The felt strip must be folded in half (widthwise). For reliability, fasten with sewing pins.

On the side where the fold was made, we form identical cuts.

Using matching threads, we sew the strip with large stitches and roll it into a roll, forming petals. We secure it by sewing the layers together in several places.

All that remains is to straighten the felt and form a beautiful flower!

This flower will consist of a large number of petals.

Having cut out rectangles from felt, make a fringe on one edge and round the other. There should be about 20 petals. They should all be different sizes.

We pinch the edge that was rounded and fix the petal with glue.

Forming a flower:

Cut out a yellow strip. We cut it on one side. Then we roll it up and fix it with glue. We get the finished core.

To use a flower as a flower, you need to attach a small piece of felt to the base from the wrong side, and then pin the whole thing together with a pin or metal fastener.

Felt hydrangea (master class)

Materials for the flower:

  • scissors
  • glue gun

It is necessary to cut out 13 felt circles of the following sizes: 1 piece - with a diameter of 3 cm, 12 pieces - with a diameter of 2 cm.

We apply hot glue to the center of each circle and thus form future petals.

We take a large circle and, using a glue gun, distribute 4 prepared petals along its perimeter.

Between these petals we glue the next four. Repeat until the circle is filled.

Pillow with felt flowers

First, cut out the petals from felt:

Using the template, prepare 6 felt circles (diameter - 12cm)

Glue the petals to one of the circles using hot glue.

Gradually add the next row (4 in total)

We create the middle. Fold the circle twice:

Fold in half again:

Trim the end:

Lubricated with glue, we attach the future flower to the blank.

It takes 5 circles to go to the middle.

The result should be such a charming flower:

We decorate the pillow with the resulting flower.

Now comes the fun part! When creating flowers from felt with your own hands, you should take a close look at the various options for their inflorescences and the shape of the petals in nature. It is this observation that will tell the needlewoman the outlines and size ratios of the required blanks.

The beauty of this creativity lies in the fact that absolutely any of the colors existing in nature can be reproduced in felt: delicate, contrasting, and lush multi-colored... You will just need to choose the color of felt that matches the future shade of the product. Then cut out blanks in shape and circles for the future core, first from paper and then from fabric.

At the last stage, you need to assemble all the prepared elements using glue or stitches so that you get a flower. And then, based on our own ideas about ways to reflect images of living nature in art and creativity, we decorate our work with all kinds of available means. This could be embroidery or glass beads or shiny sequins. Everything your heart desires.

For an example of decor, see the master class on creating a “Felt poppy” from Lucky Fox:

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