Holiday greetings in English: Christmas and New Year. Heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Christmas Heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Christmas

In the pre-holiday bustle, do you have no time to write congratulations on the upcoming 2020 New Year and Merry Christmas to your friends and family? We have selected poems that are best suited for this occasion.

Congratulatory poems for New Year 2020 and Christmas

May the New Year and Christmas holiday
They will give you a feeling of magic!
Let the candle light warm the house,
Let the smell of fresh pine be in it!
Let close friends be nearby,
May the family be happy and joyful.

Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
Let the candles light,
Let an angel fly to your house
On this wonderful evening.

Love will come with him,
Happiness and hope
Joy, faith and peace,
Warmth and tenderness.

Let everything go away
It's very sad to think about.
There is a light in the heart of faith
Let it burn quietly.

Don't forget to wish your family and friends a Happy New Year and Christmas 2020 to cheer them up on the eve of the holidays.

Happy New Year
And Merry Christmas!
Let winter bring freshness
And it will decorate everything around!
Freezes the water in the rivers,
Sweeps fields and forests.
Let him create for the joy of people
Magic and miracles!

It's time for wonderful holidays!
Let life be like a wonderful game.
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas
And I wish you a better life for a hundred years!
Let miracles happen all the time,
Let the welcome guests come to you.
I wish you a lot of joy and laughter,
In all matters, great success!
And in your personal life, happiness and good luck.
I believe that it cannot be otherwise!

Let's celebrate the New Year again -
Merry and wonderful holiday,
And then Christmas comes,
Brings love and joy.

Tinsel glitters on the tree,
Fireworks sparkle in the air,
Health, happiness and goodness
I wish you with all my heart!

Your friends and acquaintances will be pleased to receive beautiful words of congratulations on the New Year 2020 and Merry Christmas in verse.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Congratulations to you today!
I wish you good luck,
I wish you grace.

Let there be prosperity in the house,
Understanding and comfort.
Enjoy every moment.
Joy and happiness will find you!

New Year's and Christmas
I wish you a fun celebration
Let your soul be light,
And let love shine like the sun,

I wish you peace, kindness,
Health, joy, luck,
Wealth, happiness, beauty
And a joyful mood!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas in prose

Dear friends! I want to wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Let all adversity and difficulties remain behind, and only good things await you ahead. I wish that on your path in life you meet only kind people who are ready to support you at any time and provide assistance in all your endeavors. May your life in the new year be filled with happiness and good impressions!

Congratulations on the wonderful winter holidays! We wish you not to lose faith in miracles and kindness! May the New Year and Christmas give you a good mood and a feeling of happiness. Let peace and love, mutual understanding and prosperity reign in your home!

Every year people begin to prepare for the New Year and Christmas in advance, make lists, think about what they will need to buy. However, for some reason these holidays come suddenly. And the fuss begins, people run around looking for gifts, forgetting about everything else, and when the moment comes to present gifts, they get lost and don’t know what to say, because they understand that they didn’t have time to come up with a good New Year’s greeting. To avoid such situations, you need to come up with congratulations in advance, and for those who do not have time, do not like to compose, or do not have eloquence, there are ready-made congratulations for the New Year and Christmas 2018.

When the earth is wrapped in a white blanket and people's hearts are filled with joy, a wonderful time comes when miracles can happen every day. May the New Year and Christmas bring magic, may the house be filled with joy and loud laughter, and may all its inhabitants be healthy and happy! And may all the wishes made at this time come true as soon as possible.

Please accept congratulations on the magical holidays - New Year and Christmas. Let them bring with them only the brightest and kindest. We wish you fulfillment of your wishes, good changes, comfort and warmth in the home, as well as happiness and prosperity for the whole family.

During the New Year holidays, it is customary to make plans for the future. Let life change only for the better, let all your plans come true, let all your projects come true, let everything work out in all areas of life and let good luck never leave you for a second!

I want to wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! The most important thing in life is harmony, so, first of all, I wish to find it! Let adversity and difficulties remain behind, and only good things await ahead. I wish that along the way you meet only kind people who are ready to support you in all your endeavors at any time. May life in the new year be bright and filled with good impressions!

Congratulations on the great and long-awaited holidays: New Year and Christmas! We wish that everything that happens in the New Year brings only joy and benefit, that the difficulties are small and the successes are huge! Let inspiration and faith in the best never leave you!

New Year and Christmas are the kindest and most family-friendly holidays! So let them bring only joy, prosperity, love and all the brightest things on earth. I wish that all family members reach mutual understanding, that children respect their elders and delight their parents with their successes!

We hasten to congratulate you on the New Year holidays and Merry Christmas! We wish you to spend them in such a way that good memories warm your soul throughout the year. May all 366 days pass peacefully and joyfully! We wish you the fulfillment of your cherished dreams and the achievement of all your goals!

New Year and Christmas make our hearts beat faster. Let joy, love and the desire to do good settle in them. Let there be peace, mutual understanding and prosperity in every home!

May the New Year and Christmas fulfill your kindest and brightest dreams! Let these holidays pass like in a fairy tale, leaving behind a feeling of happiness.

Congratulations on the wonderful winter holidays! We wish you not to lose faith in miracles and kindness! May the New Year and Christmas give you a good mood, a feeling of happiness, inspiration and give you strength to spend a productive year!

New Year and Christmas are the kindest holidays, when you need to think only about the good, when you need to discard everything old, unnecessary and difficult, and move on, lightly and with faith in the best. I wish that during the new year you will be able to gain invaluable experience and achieve everything you want!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Be happy, inspired, strive to become better and make the world a little kinder! And then love, as well as happiness, will definitely find you!

These beautiful congratulations on the New Year and Christmas in prose can be said at the table, holding a glass in your hands. Or you can write them on cards and put them in gifts, or simply send messages with wishes to everyone on social networks or by email. The most important thing is that the congratulations are sincere and come from the heart, then the recipient will definitely like it. After all, kind words can melt even the hardest heart.

Are you looking for a unique congratulations on the long-awaited holidays? In this collection we tried to collect the most sincere greetings for the New Year and Merry Christmas. If you don’t have time or simply can’t say kind words in person, write an SMS: in the article you will also find short options that are convenient for sending.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to colleagues

It is for colleagues that it is most difficult to find Happy New Year wishes in prose. On the one hand, the words should sound warm and sincere. On the other hand, a delicate, business-like style is appropriate when dealing with colleagues. Choose depending on the atmosphere and relationships in your team.

Dear colleagues, with all my heart I want to congratulate each of you on the upcoming holidays! The past year was not easy for our company: there were many events, and not all of them were positive. However, we overcame all the difficulties with the ease of true professionals, although it often began to seem that luck had completely turned away from our projects.

I would like to sincerely thank you for understanding, supporting, providing timely assistance and actively interacting. I am extremely pleased to work in such an intelligent and friendly team. May only idyll and love reign in your homes throughout the coming year. With coming!

Colleagues, the New Year is already upon us! Let's make sure that the Dog helps us successfully implement all our new creative plans, helps us achieve ambitious goals, and presents us with new achievements and interesting professional tasks. Let the relationships in our already friendly team be built only on mutual respect and the desire to develop, hand in hand along the professional path. And of course, let material wealth not bypass us. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Dear colleagues, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! This year all your dreams will definitely come true, you will be able to easily solve any task. I really hope that, despite the difficult economic situation, all difficulties will bypass our office and our company will become an island of success and stability. I am confident that our careers will grow rapidly and each of us will realize ourselves to the fullest. Happy holidays!

The coming year has many surprises in store for us, colleagues. And the most important thing is that they will all probably be enjoyable! The company can only expect rapid development and success, and you and I can expect financial well-being and a million brilliant ideas and creative projects. During your professional activities, I ask you not to forget about your family and personal life. Let only love, understanding and care for each other reign in your homes. Let's raise a glass to this!

Yes, colleagues, I can’t believe that the old year is already coming to an end. I have pleasant memories of him: we accomplished a lot, we made significant progress, all changes and initiatives were crowned with success. So let the new year at least not lose what we managed to achieve. And at the very least, it will multiply it significantly. Congratulations!

Colleagues, my dears! I would like to wish our team that good luck accompanies each of our beginnings. Over the past year, it has been incredibly pleasant to watch how each of you strives for daily professional development, how every day you change yourself for the better, but at the same time do not lose your individuality. I wish you that during the bustle of work you do not forget about the main thing - your loved ones. Let only love and warmth await you when you come home from work. Merry christmas and a happy new year!

Beautiful wishes for Merry Christmas in prose for relatives

New Year's Merry Christmas greetings for loved ones should be special. We recommend that you do not memorize or write down these congratulations in a postcard, but simply get inspired to say the words sincerely and from the heart on this holiday.

My beloved, I congratulate you on the New Year! May all your plans come true this year, may all your dreams come true, and may your deepest desires come true. Of course, almost everything in this life depends only on ourselves. However, luck will definitely not hurt you; may it be your faithful companion throughout 2018. Let us believe that the most cherished will become a reality. Happy holiday!

My dears, it’s so difficult to find the right words, but I’ll try! I would like to wish you that every day of the coming year, without exception, brings with it only positivity and joy. Let our homes be filled with the light of love and understanding, and let everyone feel infinitely needed and loved. Of course, financial wealth will not be amiss. Happy Holidays, this year will not disappoint!

They say that if you sincerely believe in a miracle, it will definitely happen. Therefore, my dear ones, I ask you to believe in your personal, secret miracle. After all, everyone probably has desires that are not customary to shout about. And I really want each of them to finally come true. Let our star light up along with the lights on the Christmas tree, which will keep love and prosperity in the house. With coming!

We were all waiting for this holiday: everyone believed that that same miracle was about to come true. The chiming of the chimes is truly mesmerizing, because at this moment it begins to seem that your dreams will come true. Opening a bottle of champagne, I want to wish you not to stop believing! This year, my dear ones, your wishes will definitely come true. And let us eat red fish and black caviar not only on holidays, but every day. Congratulations! Do not deny yourself pleasures.

My dear ones, I want to wish you a good fairy tale this year that will definitely end happily. Let there be no gray everyday life in your life, and let every day pleasantly surprise you with its colorfulness and brightness of emotions. Let your usual food be more delicious, your work bring more profit, your vacation be even more exciting, and your feelings for each other deeper. Congratulations!

New Year in our family is traditionally associated with bright emotions, faith in miracles, mystery, and warmth. It seems that this time everything is the same as always: there is Olivier on the table, champagne in glasses, a Christmas tree cozy with lights in the corner... But something has changed: we are taking another step forward, another year behind us. Let's not talk bad about him, let him leave without looking back. After all, we know for sure that this year will be much better! Let's meet the year fully armed!

You can say a lot of unnecessary words, but this year I have only one important wish for you, my family and loved ones. After all, what do we usually want? Of course, good health, crazy love, boundless happiness, unimaginable money, sincere smiles... And all this, undoubtedly, is necessary! But I would wish each of you dreams. If a person does not dream, he does not live. Everyone has their own dream: for some it is a house full of children, for others it is a new foreign car, and for others it is the desire to meet their soulmate or a true friend. So let there be no unconquered peaks. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year greetings in prose for friends

No matter how happy your life is, it will be difficult to call it complete without true friends. If you are going to celebrate the holidays with a group of friends, then choose the best Merry Christmas and New Year greetings.

In the modern world, it is very valuable to walk hand in hand with a person close to you in spirit. I am very glad, dear friend, that you are always there, that with you we can bring millions of crazy ideas to life. And, despite the fact that I am happy about the new, I am seeing off the past year with slight sadness. The memories of him are the warmest: you and I accomplished a lot. Merry christmas and a happy new year! Thank you for being in my life.

I want to dedicate this Happy New Year and Merry Christmas greeting in prose to you, my dear friend. May success and prosperity not leave you in the year of the Dog, may your most daring goal become a reality. In 2018, all your hopes will definitely come true, and you will be able to realize your cherished dream with the help of such qualities as determination and perseverance. Stay so optimistic! With coming!

At these moments, millions of solemn speeches, toasts, and congratulations are heard in every home! Everyone wants to say as many kind words as possible to their loved ones. And I, of course, want to join them. You, friends, are my second family. And I wish each of you at least health and good luck, and at maximum, boundless happiness and undeniable success in absolutely any endeavor. May our friendship remain as faithful, proven and tempered over the years. Everything planned will definitely come true. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! Millions of people are currently trying to navigate an overloaded mobile network. But I appreciate the opportunity to see and hear you here and now. After all, it is so important to be together in the most important moments of our lives. And the most important thing is that in the past year we were there not only in joy, but also in sadness, we steadfastly withstood all the tests. So let this year be even better than the previous one. Congratulations!

Friends! There are only a few hours left and we will hear the cherished chimes. Another year is coming to its logical conclusion. We had something to think about, something to remember and rethink. And even if not everything was the way we wanted it. But this year we have become a little better. We know nothing at all about the coming year. What awaits us, what will happen more - good or bad? In any case, be that as it may, let everything that we have to go through contain only good and bright things. Let there be more smiles, travel, positivity. Let everything be the way we want it. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, dears!

May the New Year bring you:
With snow - laughter,
With frost - cheerfulness,
In work - success,
And in life - hardness.
Let the old year go
And he will take it with him,
All the troubles and adversities,
What do you sometimes have...
And the New Year is coming
With gifts to the yard,
And let it bring happiness.
And joy set:
Wealth and health,
Happy feast,
More good friends
Good luck and love...

May the New Year fulfill all your dreams,
Will bring income and success.
And the business is developing and growing stronger,
May you become stronger and richer than everyone else!
I wish you good and happiness in the New Year,
Reliable investments and partners.
And may everything be fine in the family,
I wish you happy winter holidays!

To all your loved ones - Happy New Year!
May he bring you happiness.
Let adversity leave you
And good things are just waiting.

Let it get closer every day
The fulfillment of all dreams.
Let the gift in your pocket
Santa Claus will supply you with some.

Happy New Year! Let from now on
Everything in life will be fine.
All things are only at the top,
And the soul is always light.

I wish you warmth and health,
Always be with me, please!
I love you with all my heart,
I love you very much.

Let the glasses shine beautifully
Golden shimmer of wine.
And even though we don’t celebrate the holiday together,
But I want to congratulate you.
I want to wish you happiness.
Strong friendship, hot love.
So that in life big and beautiful,
Only golden days bloomed.
Let the frost caress you
Will brighten your cheeks.
Happy New Year, I congratulate you,
Happy year of Faith, Hope, Love.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas 2019

Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
Let the candles light,
Let an angel fly to your house
On this wonderful evening.

Love will come with him,
Happiness and hope
Joy, faith and peace,
Warmth and tenderness.

Let everything go away
It's very sad to think about.
There is a light in the heart of faith
Let it burn quietly.

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas
I congratulate you warmly.
May this year come
He will be kind and carefree.

With the warmth of heartfelt days,
With a fireplace that warms the house,
With tangerine aroma,
In the circle of loved ones and acquaintances.

God bless you with everything.
Let the snow sweep away fatigue
And it will bring health,
So that happiness never ends!

Winter weather again
The holidays are knocking on the door.
Happy New Year
And Merry Christmas!

It’s not for nothing that these days are friendly:
After all, they unite everyone.
Let the blizzard swirl you around
Both fun and success!

January spoils us with joy,
Gives two main holidays,
All that remains is to congratulate them,
May Christmas and New Year,

Will bring dear happiness into life,
And he will gather his family,
After all, it's like nothing else,
Sometimes we need it most!

Merry Christmas,
Goodness and happiness to your home,
And I also wish you prosperity and peace,
So that bad weather does not touch you!

For a successful year,
May all your dreams come true,
Happy New Year, happy new miracle,
Always, always live in joy!

We expect a miracle on New Year and Christmas,
We are happily preparing holiday dishes.
Adults and children - we look under the Christmas tree,
We believe that we will see more than just needles.

We expect happiness and gifts from Santa Claus
Small and large, expensive and sweet.
Let everyone get everything they dream of,
And celebrates the holiday with loved ones.

New Year's and Christmas -
This is a fairy tale, magic.
Since childhood we have been waiting for holidays,
We invite them to come quickly.

Congratulations to you today,
We sincerely wish you,
So that all dreams come true,
To smile more often!

Happy New Year
And Merry Christmas!
These holidays will fill
Heart with good magic!

Let them give you a fairy tale
They will bring love into our world,
To have more in it
Good deeds and kind words!

Christmas and New Year
People love to celebrate!
We celebrated the New Year
Well marked!

So Christmas has come,
My soul felt warm.
I wish you everything
And congratulations again!

It's time for magical winter holidays
It has come again, it has come to us again,
To the great joy of the cheerful children -
The courtyards were covered with crisp snow.

It's time for wonderful holidays -
Christmas and New Year are approaching.
I want to wish you good luck,
And celebrate the New Year with a smile!

New Year and Christmas greetings in verse

Winter, in addition to snow and frost
She gives us a lot of positivity,
Inspires faith in fairy-tale dreams,
And every yard makes it beautiful.

I want to wish you a Happy New Year,
And also Merry Christmas!
Let me leave a wish -
Let your cozy home be bright!

Happy New Year,
And with all my heart I wish,
So that on your Christmas tree,
Instead of holiday animals,
About half a dozen showed off
Half-liter bubbles.
So that Santa Claus is happy,
Squinting a drunken eye,
The most delicious, the sweetest
I treated you to champagne!

Like a fairy tale, sparkling,
White snow tinsel curls,
As if wishing everyone in the world
Only light, love and kindness.

A mysterious new year is coming
In a series of new years without end,
New thought, hope and word
Penetrating into people's hearts.

Let all the secrets become clear,
All goals are submitted to us,
And such days will come,
What all other years have never dreamed of!

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Let it warm the house with warmth,
Let your dreams come true
There will be more kindness.

Life will cover you like snow,
Prosperity, success,
Happiness is already nearby
After all, it lives in the soul!

Blizzards roam outside the window,
The slush was replaced by frost.
This New Year is coming
And Christ is born.

Peace to everyone, warmth and brotherhood!
Achieve your goals!
And not only Christian -
All kinds of love for you!

The bells are ringing for Christmas
And the snowflakes talk about the New Year,
And I send congratulations to you,
After all, we find joy in these holidays,

As a reason to write and call,
Another say “hello”, albeit belated,
With warm words the snow will melt everything,
Look, the snow is already a little melted!

Let the memories of magical days
They bring you mood all year long,
And New Year and Christmas fortune telling
They will give you happy moments.

May all your relatives gather with you,
Let there be only smiles these days,
Your tables will not be empty on holidays,
And the goldfish awaits wishes.

Happy New Year,
And of course Merry Christmas!
It will never be superfluous
Congratulations on the occasion!

And I hope they will be useful,
My wishes,
Let all your dreams come true!
These will be fabulous days!

Happy New Year 2019 - wishes in verses

On this New Year's holiday
We wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that all your dreams
The solution has been found.
So that your health is strong,
The family was filled with happiness
So that you are surrounded everywhere
Only friends!

The old year is leaving,
He will take the path with him,
All the troubles and sorrows,
Sex without cumming
And creaky beds,
An inappropriate headache
Time to pay off debts
Empty wallets
Greedy slanderous clients,
Unloved competitors
Sticks that get into the wheels,
From the brains of other prosthetics,
The woodpeckers that are killing us,
After all, the old year is leaving,
Well, to hell with it, the way goes!

We wish you happiness, love and fun,
And may the New Year bring miracles,
Will give you dreams and fill you with luck,
And it will send you flying to new heights!

Let love warm you in the cold and cold,
And in the heat, the sun gives goodness with its rays!
And everything that everyone dreams of will come true,
And everyone will have warmth in their hearts!

The blizzard scattered, splashed,
A snow scattering of thousands of stars,
And from the edge of the country to the edge,
A bridge stretches above the ground!

It’s like walking along the royal steps
The queen winter is walking towards us,
As new times approach,
Having prepared gifts in full!

And in the sound of cold embraces
Wishing us lots of love!
Only motives from strong happiness
Making your best dream come true!

The world was covered with snow, like a downy scarf,
Once again winter is spinning in a groovy dance.
Congratulations to all of you on a fresh, new year!
May joy come with every new day!

Maybe we didn’t manage to do something during the past year,
But we walked forward, it was not in vain.
Our next dreams and goals await us,
New achievements and friends!

New Year is knocking on the door,
And then comes Christmas!
So let's meet together
And let's have a celebration!

I wish you these holidays
You have a wonderful time,
So that you have enough for a long time
Joy and vigor!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We wish you all the best!
May your whole year be cheerful,
Doesn't bother you at all!

May good luck and luck
They're right on your heels!
Joy may be the mood
You are always welcome everywhere!

Ladies and Gentlemen! In the coming year, I would like to wish you all the best: financial stability, pleasant discoveries, useful contacts, success in your endeavors, great opportunities and self-confidence, and most importantly, good health, without which nothing else matters. Happy New Year!

In the coming year we wish you good health, happiness, mental fortitude, self-confidence and optimism. May your family and friends always be with you, and may prosperity, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish you good health, great personal happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, and the implementation of all professional plans! May the New Year invariably bring you success in the important work you are doing! May your best endeavors always be accompanied by creative inspiration and creative initiative, and may your energy and ingenuity serve as the key to the successful implementation of your plans. I would like to wish you that you will always be surrounded by the warmth and love of your loved ones, the respect of colleagues and friends, and that excellent mood and elation will always accompany your life! Love, kindness and prosperity!

Reliability, stability and prosperity are the key to the success of our cooperation! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the coming year be filled with new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success! And the first lines of all news programs will not be show business news
, and news of your sensational successes! Good luck and happy holidays!

When making plans for the next year, we always hope for the best, dream, and make wishes. I would like to sincerely wish that everything you dreamed of and made for the New Year came true!

On New Year's Eve, somehow we especially believe that our world should become better, kinder, that happiness and success will certainly come to every home and to every family. I am sure that we have the power to give our loved ones the most precious things - warmth, understanding and love!
May the New Year help you fulfill your most cherished dreams, strengthen faith in the future, may success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything! Happy New Year! Happiness, peace and prosperity to you and your families!

Each passing year leaves behind completed projects, new collaborations and pleasant moments. So, this New Year, may new opportunities open up before you, may you conquer new heights. Let your every step, every movement lead you only to the better. May difficulties pass you by, and may good luck help you in all your endeavors.
We wish you happiness, success, luck in life and great creative heights.

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! New Year is a special holiday: it gives hope for happiness and good luck, and brings the joy of new beginnings. The past year has been full of important events and achievements.

In the coming year we wish you good health, happiness, mental fortitude, self-confidence and optimism. May your family and friends always be with you, and may prosperity, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New Year give you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dreams and strengthen your faith in the future. May success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and your goals come true! We wish you and your loved ones good health, good luck and love! Have a good mood and fulfill your most cherished desires on New Year's Eve!

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we all believe that the world will become cleaner, people will be kinder, and happiness will definitely find its way to every home. The first step on the path to a joyful life can be our love and care for our loved ones. May the New Year bring understanding, prosperity and warmth to your family! Let everything succeed and let all bad weather bypass your friendly families! May each of you have your most cherished dream come true and may you become happier every day! Happy holiday to you and your loved ones!

In the past year, there are always projects that were once implemented, pleasant collaborations and good acquaintances. Let all your best memories, victories and achieved goals enter the New Year with you. May new unconquered peaks, success in business and great human happiness await you ahead! May all sorrows and bad weather remain in the past, and may the New Year bring only love, joy and mutual understanding! I wish you happiness, great heights and unearthly prosperity!…

The New Year is not just the beginning of a new calendar, it is new hopes, successes, victories. We look to the future with confidence and we have every reason for optimism - clear and specific plans for socio-economic development, real opportunities for their implementation! May good luck and good mood be your constant companions in the New Year, may the joy of fulfilled hopes and desires never leave you. Let there be prosperity in the house, and peace and love in the family. We wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!

On New Year's Eve, we traditionally take stock of the past year, make plans for the future and always believe that life will change for the better in the coming year. Let 2016 be a year of new creative ideas, professional achievements, and financial stability. With all my heart I wish you good health, peace, love and a wonderful New Year's mood! Happy New Year!

When making plans for the coming year, we always hope for the best, dream, and make wishes. I would like to wish that everything you wish and wish for the New Year comes true! So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, so that good luck accompanies you in business, so that love surrounds and fills you and your home! So that bad weather passes by, and the sun always shines overhead, warming you and giving you a good mood! May this year be full of fulfilled hopes, achieved goals and pleasant discoveries. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
May this year give
A storm of feelings and a sea of ​​passion
Yes, love is a whirlpool.

Many joyful moments
Crushing victories
Travel, entertainment,
The crunch of bills and the clink of coins.

Like the foam melts in champagne,
Let the burden of worries disappear.
May you be successful
It will be all next year!

May the New Year be a lucky star
Will enter your family comfort,
Hastily with the old year
Let all the troubles go away!

And it will bring a lot of happiness,
And all doubts will be dispelled
New Year arrived at midnight!

Happy New Year!!!
We wish you happiness with all our hearts!
To get you through this year
Without sadness and worries.
May New Year's Santa Claus
Will give you a whole cartload of happiness.
Good health to boot,
In everything planned - good luck,
Peace, friendship, happiness, affection,
May life be like in a fairy tale!!!

May the New Year, which is just around the corner, bring you as many ambitious plans and decisions for their implementation, bright creative insights and innovative ideas as possible.
Let the desire to move forward, energy and determination to achieve your goal accompany you all year.
And may that warm home corner, which allows you to recuperate, be the most comfortable, and may those most important people always wait in it, whose eyes look at you with love and tenderness, inspiring you to championship and victory.

When making plans for the coming year, we always hope for the best, dream, and make wishes. I would like to wish that everything you wish and wish for the New Year comes true! So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, so that good luck accompanies you in business, so that love surrounds and fills you and your home! So that bad weather passes by, and the sun always shines overhead, warming you and giving you a good mood! May this year be full of fulfilled hopes, achieved goals and pleasant discoveries.

I want to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! May it bring prosperity and confidence in the future, new acquaintances and happy events! Let him make you happy with every hour and minute, multiplying all the good things! I wish you to enter this new year with a wonderful positive mood, pure thoughts, and confidence in your strength! Let everything that is planned come true! And new thoughts and ideas will appear! Relatives, family and friends will always be your support. And all the bad things will remain in the past!

Ladies and Gentlemen! In the coming year, I would like to wish you all the best: financial stability, pleasant discoveries, useful contacts, success in your endeavors, great opportunities and self-confidence, and most importantly, good health, without which nothing else matters. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! Let's raise a glass of champagne so that everything old and unnecessary remains in the outgoing year. And we will set off on a new journey with pleasant memories, best friends, good health, favorable luck, faithful loved ones - then the road will bring only pleasure, joy and happiness! Happy New Year everyone!

Ladies and Gentlemen! I have the great honor to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! There were a lot of different things that happened this past year, but I hope that you remember the good moments more than the bad ones. Let's leave everything that may upset us in the past. When the clock strikes twelve, we will step into the new year with hope and faith in a better future. May the coming year bring wisdom, mutual respect and understanding. It is important in the new year to believe that everything will be fine. But sometimes believing is not enough, you need to strive for it. I wish you to take care of yourself and those who are dear to you.

I wish that all your dreams come true. May the new year not be stingy for you with joyful moments and new achievements. Let the sun illuminate your families and give mutual understanding and kindness. Live every moment of the new year with hope and optimism. Forget old grievances and believe that there is only love and friendship ahead. Please accept these warm and sincere wishes on New Year's Eve.

Happy New Year to everyone! I wish you new achievements in the New Year, fulfilled hopes and continued good luck. Let your career move forward uncontrollably with giant steps, your health only get stronger, and your closest people delight you with care and love. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The New Year is a fresh start for many. Many will want to live differently from January 1 - without insults, mistakes or defeats. Let these good beginnings come true. I wish this for you with all my heart! Happy New Year!

Friends! Happy New Year!
We all know for sure that this is the brightest, most wonderful, mysterious, undoubtedly beloved, warm holiday! Everyone expects, hopes and believes in something different from the New Year. Therefore, I wish you fulfillment of your wishes in the coming year! May all the most secret things that each of us considers a blue dream come true!

Colleagues! I want to wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you the implementation of your plans, new interesting projects, fun corporate events, condescending and loyal management! Let only pleasant surprises, great news, good luck and success await you in the New Year! Let colleagues, friends, loved ones and loved ones please you with their understanding and support, a reliable shoulder, a faithful hand. I wish you, your family, relatives and our entire team a festive mood, laughter, joy, no sorrows or worries! Let things go well and luck keep pace with us

For Christmas, I don’t want multi-colored lights that illuminate the festive streets, I don’t want bright outfits and noisy parties... For Christmas, I want a smile that will light up your face with joy... I want a little angel who will always be with us and who will be like you and at me. For Christmas I want to give you my heart, because it is where all my love fits.

Let all bad things sink into eternity
Happy last breath of December!
And everything is beautiful, alive
Will come to you on the morning of January!

The last leaf is torn off,
The calendar was taken from the wall.
Congratulations have been waiting for a long time
January is just outside the door.
In the bright lights of the carnival
His hour is coming.
The clink of crystal glasses
Celebration enters our home.
May good luck visit you,
Let inspiration come
Let your life become brighter
To the new year that has begun!

May the New Year
as often as possible,
Happiness is coming your way!

May the New Year be a happy star,
Will enter your family comfort,
Hastily with the old year,
Let all the troubles go away!
Let every day warm you with warmth
And it will bring a lot of happiness
And all doubts will be dispelled
New Year arrived at midnight!

There's just a little time left until the New Year!
Living in anticipation of the holidays,
We hasten to congratulate you - colleagues and partners,
And simply beautiful, good people!
May happiness accompany you in the New Year,
And all your wishes will come true!
For business - profit, success and luck,
Health, love and prosperity in the family!

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the stars fall at night
He will look into your window.
On this wonderful night
You can't live without a smile
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!

Live long, laugh often!
Find the essence of things in goodness.
Let happiness begin in January,
And it won’t run out in December!

With a decorated Christmas tree and toys
And with the New Year's chaos
A noisy holiday comes to visit,
Happy, kind, mischievous!
May you have a happy New Year
Will fill the house with smiles,
Good luck, will bring joy
And all wishes will be fulfilled

May New Year's Santa Claus
Will give you a whole cartload of happiness.
Good health to boot,
In everything planned - good luck!

The old year is passing away
Its last page rustles.
Let the best that was not go away
And the worst will not happen again.

I wish that Santa Claus
I brought you a bag of joy,
Another bag - with laughter,
And let the third one be a success!
Your sadness, your melancholy
Put it in his bag.
Let him take it all
And it will take you further into the forest!

Leave your sorrows to the old year,
Forget worries, grievances, misfortune.
Only health, success and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year!

I want to wish you a Happy New Year
the one next to me!
Who do I need
who is so dear to me
whom I love with all my soul!

I wish you joy and tenderness,
fluffy winter snow-white,
big surprises, entertainment,...
and New Year's adventures!

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