Avoiding red meat can have undesirable consequences. How to get rid of excess fluid in the body Can lead to undesirable consequences

and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;

and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

10 Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

11 Give us this day our daily bread;

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Let me completely surrender to Your Holy will.

At every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that everything is Your Holy will.

In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings.

In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You.

Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone.

Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day.

Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love.

It's better to consult a doctor.

no sign of depression.

And a powerful deep, meridian massage.

And then tea with lemon, honey and cranberries.

What undesirable consequences can result from cleaning the registry using TuneUp? - System software

I use the Cleaner program to clean the registry of junk, but it’s not always enough (sometimes there are still tails of programs that remain.

Dear VB professionals. Recently, from sources of great programming experience, I received information that " and vbNullString are not the same.

What are the consequences of “recursive looping”?

Please help me solve one more problem: If the sum of the prices of goods to be sold is 240 billion rubles, they were sold on credit.

1. What is an “activation frame”? 2. What are the consequences of “recursive looping”? 3. Which condition is mandatory.

Good afternoon. I decided to optimize my PC using TuneUp. It produces this picture. And I think the advice is written there in German.. Maybe someone.

Well, if you're not exactly a butcher.

and to “cleanse” the system of installed software, it’s better to use third-party uninstallers, Revo Uninstaller or My Uninstaller

You can manually clean yourself (cleaning the disk, clearing all TEMP/TMP folders), you can, but it is highly undesirable, especially with constant cleaning, to delete recovery points except the last one or configure special parameters for storing these points

The following folders remain in the HKEY_LOСAL_MACHINE=>SOFTWARE folder: AVAST Software - uninstall program.

I want to clean my registry without using any programs. I'm interested in the following: What should be where and what should not be there.

Hi all. I recently reinstalled Win XP SP3. Previously, there was also the same system. I used tuneup 2013 to optimize the performance of Windows. All.

I have a question - how to remove from the “Create” list those items that are highlighted in red? I removed MathCad itself a long time ago, but these.

Thank you! I began to understand the physical world a little better.

I already understood that the door names an object or thing. More precisely:

  • food and provisions: hamburger, peas, strawberries, grain;
  • tools, devices, equipment, mechanisms: armored personnel carrier, jalopy, starship, carousel, video camera, guitar, screwdriver, nail, gong, grenade launcher, cartridge case, rifle;
  • building or structure: wigwam, stall, fence;
  • dishes, container: fork, colander, saucepan, vase, bucket, canister;
  • clothing and footwear: sandals, pea coat, patch;
  • furniture: chair, table, cabinet, shelf.

Inaccurate matches:

Hello! My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps you make Word Maps. I can count perfectly, but I still don’t understand very well how your world works. Help me figure it out!

Thank you! I'm starting to understand people better.

I already understood that the collective farmer has a relationship with people. More precisely:

  • subject: occupation, beliefs, family ties, ethnicity, rank or title (hunter, medic, Christian, aunt, French, president);
  • characteristics of a person (volunteer, beauty, leader, brunette);
  • anatomy (arm, stomach)?

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Map of words and expressions of the Russian language

An online thesaurus with the ability to search for associations, synonyms, contextual connections and example sentences for words and expressions in the Russian language.

Reference information on the declension of nouns and adjectives, verb conjugation, as well as the morphemic structure of words.

The site is equipped with a powerful search system with support for Russian morphology.

Which can lead to undesirable consequences

4.1.1. During operation, the following main emergency situations may occur:

broken contact wire;

breakage of power and signal wires of overhead lines;

derailment of rolling stock;

the appearance of harmful gases in underground structures.

4.1.2. In the event of an emergency, the electrician and electrician are obliged to stop work, turn off the power from the faulty equipment (equipment, stand), if necessary, fence off the dangerous place and immediately report the incident to the senior electrician or work manager and then follow his instructions to prevent accidents or eliminating the emergency situation.

4.1.3. Workers located nearby, upon an alarm, are obliged to immediately come to the scene of the incident and take part in providing first aid to the victim or eliminating the emergency situation.

4.1.4. When eliminating an emergency situation, it is necessary to act in accordance with the approved emergency response plan.

4.1.5. In the event of a fire, you must:

immediately inform the fire department, indicating the exact location of the fire;

inform the work manager;

notify others and, if necessary, remove people from the danger zone;

begin to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing agents;

organize a meeting of the fire brigade.

4.1.6. When using foam (carbon dioxide, powder) fire extinguishers, do not direct the foam (powder, carbon dioxide) stream at people. If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief or other material and rinse with an aqueous solution of soda.

When electrical equipment catches fire, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, do not touch the fire extinguisher nozzle with your hand.

4.1.7. In rooms with internal fire hydrants, it is necessary to use a crew of two people: one rolls out the hose from the faucet to the place of the fire, the second, at the command of the hose roller, opens the faucet.

4.1.8. When extinguishing a fire with a felt, the flame should be covered so that the fire from under it does not fall on the person extinguishing the fire.

4.1.9. When extinguishing a fire with sand, do not raise the shovel to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.

4.1.10. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 7 m from a live contact wire can be allowed without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the stream of water or foam does not approach the contact network and other live parts at a distance of less than 2 m.

4.1.11. If a person’s clothing catches fire, the fire should be extinguished as quickly as possible, but the flame should not be put out with unprotected hands. Clothes that ignite must be quickly discarded, torn off, or extinguished by filling them with water and, in winter, covering them with snow. A thick cloth, blanket, or tarpaulin can be thrown over a person wearing burning clothes, which must be removed after the flame has been extinguished.

4.1.12. In the event of a fire at the electrical centralization post, it is necessary to:

turn off all power sources using switches on the panel or fuses on the cabinet;

report the fire to the chipboard, DNC and the distance dispatcher on duty, call the fire brigade;

begin to extinguish the fire in the service and technical premises, using the primary fire extinguishing equipment located in the premises.

4.1.13. If you detect a break in the wires of the contact network or high-voltage overhead lines, you should immediately inform the station duty officer, energy dispatcher or train dispatcher, fence off the location of the break and make sure that no one approaches it closer than 8 m. In case of broken wires or other elements of the contact network and high-voltage overhead lines violate the approach clearance of buildings and can be hit when a train passes, it is necessary to fence off this place with stop signals.

It is prohibited to come closer than 8 m to broken wires of the contact network and high-voltage overhead lines, as well as to touch them or foreign objects on them with anything, regardless of whether they touch or do not touch the ground or grounded structures.

4.1.14. If alarm and communication wires fall to the ground while they simultaneously come into contact with power line wires, the electrician and electrician must immediately stop all work with the wires; take measures to stop all movement in the area where the wires fall; report the incident to the work manager or the signal control distance manager.

4.1.15. If a broken wire is detected on a combined overhead line, the electrician and electrician must immediately take measures to turn off the voltage in this area. Eliminate the danger for unauthorized persons passing near the broken wire and report the incident to the work manager or the signal control distance manager.

How to deal with overwork

Overwork is a condition of the body that is caused by too much tension due to frequent stress, anxiety, constant work at the computer, long-term thoughts, etc.

This condition is very dangerous for the human body and can lead to undesirable consequences.


The basis for the occurrence of this condition is the discrepancy between the duration of hard work and rest time. Causes of overwork include:

Signs and symptoms

One of the signs of overwork is constant drowsiness - this is the main symptom. There are also other signs to look out for:

  • fatigue and weakness do not go away even after a long sleep;
  • frequent headaches;
  • inability to sleep despite being tired;
  • emotional disorders;
  • change in facial color or swelling;
  • high blood pressure;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • scattered attention, inability to concentrate;
  • memory impairment;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • redness of the eyeball.

Many signs can be symptoms of other diseases. There are no unique features on the list that indicate a diagnosis. But each of these symptoms is an objective sign of overwork if it manifests itself in combination with others against the background of severe physical and mental stress.

Types of overwork

Overwork can be of two types:

Physical fatigue is the result of strong physical activity which develops gradually. At first, a person experiences slight fatigue and mild muscle pain. Often they do not pay attention to this and continue to lead a normal lifestyle. Over time, the body becomes exhausted and leads to fatigue.

Mental fatigue occurs due to mental and emotional stress. It looks like normal fatigue. A person tries to rest and get enough sleep, believing that it will pass this way. Doctors say that such events will be few. To recover, a person needs to undergo a course of treatment.

Possible complications

Overwork is not a disease. But this syndrome cannot be ignored. The body's defenses, which prevent the development of diseases, are weakened. If you do not take reasonable measures to eliminate this condition, complications are possible:

  • increased irritability, aggressiveness, neuroses, hysteria;
  • digestive disorders;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;


There are preventive measures that require:

  • give up strong medications, such as sleeping pills;
  • use relaxation techniques such as meditation;
  • reduce the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products, if possible eliminate them altogether;
  • visit a massage room;
  • find an interesting hobby;
  • receive positive emotions from communicating with people you like;
  • analyze your fears, determine the necessary actions and perform them one by one.

These preventive measures are general in order to eliminate the cause that led to overwork. Periods of serious stress must be planned in advance and prepared for through training. Mental stress must be relieved through physical activity followed by relaxation.


The principle of therapy is to reduce all stress.

First, you should adjust your daily routine and stop mental and physical activity for several weeks. Depending on the speed of recovery of the body, the doctor will decide on the possibility of returning to normal life.

Domestic problems should be completely eliminated, it is better to spend more time in the fresh air, visit massage rooms. In a difficult situation, you need to do nothing at all for 2-3 weeks, there should be complete relaxation. After a while, you can gradually include walks in the fresh air and moderate physical activity.

Medicines are used only if indicated. These are mainly general strengthening drugs:

  • sedatives;
  • cerebral circulation stimulants;
  • hormonal drugs (in advanced cases).

Vitamins are also prescribed for good functioning of the nervous system and combating fatigue: vitamins C, E, D, group B.

In addition to vitamins, stimulants are used to increase overall tone: tinctures of Eleutherococcus and ginseng. Doctors also recommend using homeopathic medicines. They are plant-based, so they have minimal side effects. In the early stages you can use folk remedies to combat this problem: chamomile tea, rosehip infusion, garlic (3 cloves daily).

A good result will be if you take medicinal baths, adding pine extract, mint, thyme or sea salt.

Overwork usually ends in recovery. You just need to eliminate the cause of its appearance and conduct good therapy.

why are you so illiterate? Turmeric is not a seed. This is the root of the plant!

Well, I wouldn’t say that Skadovsk is developed and cozy.

You spoke so deliciously about coffee. but I can’t afford either one or the other because of the caffeine and cholesterol. .

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Why is pancreatitis dangerous during pregnancy?

Pancreatitis during pregnancy occurs often, since when carrying a child, the load on a woman’s body increases.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process occurring in the pancreas. Under the influence of the enzymes it produces, it is destroyed.

Causes of the disease

Pancreatitis during pregnancy occurs often, since when carrying a child, the load on a woman’s body increases. This is caused by an increase in the amount of processed food and insulin consumption, which is important for the successful development of the fetus. As a result of pancreatitis, the digestion process is disrupted. And this entails an increase in the number of bacteria in the intestines and leads to dysbiosis.

A common cause of pancreatitis is the consumption of large amounts of medications and vitamins by a pregnant woman. They linger on the walls of the pancreas, making it difficult to function. As a result, the enzymes produced by the gland destroy the organ itself.

A common cause of pancreatitis is the consumption of large amounts of medications and vitamins by a pregnant woman.

A common cause of acute pancreatitis is gallstone disease in a pregnant woman. An attack can be triggered by taking diuretics such as furosemide. It is undesirable to make sudden movements, especially during an exacerbation.

The next cause of this disease in pregnant women may be the presence of a virus in the pancreas and reduced immunity.

The main cause of exacerbation of pancreatitis is an enlarged uterus, which compresses the pancreatic duct.

The cause of gland disease can be previous diseases: mumps, viral hepatitis, as well as injury to the organ itself.

The cause of pancreatitis in pregnant women is overuse alcoholic drinks. Chronic pancreatitis in pregnant women is common.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

Attacks of acute pancreatitis usually occur suddenly and are marked by sharp pain.

It is very difficult to establish this diagnosis during pregnancy, because the symptoms of the disease coincide with the signs of early toxicosis, in which the following are noted:

A common symptom of the disease is pain in the upper abdomen, in the area of ​​the heart (simulating angina). Pain with pancreatitis is girdling in nature. Patients complain of discomfort in the upper abdomen and gradually the pain moves to the back (girdling pain). Attacks can vary in intensity and nature.

During pregnancy, there are three types of chronic pancreatitis:

  1. The asymptomatic type is characterized by the absence of clinical manifestations, which complicates diagnosis and timely treatment.
  2. The dyspeptic type entails disorders of the digestive system, nausea with urges, vomiting, diarrhea and flatulence, lack of appetite, and weight loss.
  3. A combination of two types of disease is possible.

Diagnosis of the disease

Pancreatitis - dangerous disease, but during pregnancy its diagnosis becomes more complicated. Timely treatment of any form of the disease will reduce negative consequences.

Not all diagnostic methods can be used during pregnancy.

The disease can be diagnosed in pregnant women by analyzing stool and undergoing ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound). The presence of an excess amount of intestinal microflora, detection of impaired digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins indicate the presence of chronic pancreatitis. An ultrasound will show the size of the organ, tissue density, and the condition of the duct.

Pancreatitis can be diagnosed in pregnant women by analyzing stool and undergoing ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound).

Chronic pancreatitis is an independent disease; if not treated promptly, it can become chronic. The occurrence of acute pancreatitis in pregnant women is rare. There are two types of chronic pancreatitis: primary and secondary. In primary, the inflammatory process immediately begins in the gland itself. In the secondary case, it develops against the background of problems in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

If there is acute pancreatitis and pregnancy, then in the second half of pregnancy it poses a serious danger due to possible complications.

In the chronic course of the disease, patients are concerned about dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and aversion to fatty foods. If the inflammatory process does not affect the entire pancreas, and it is focal in nature, patients complain of thirst and severe hunger. Symptoms such as belching, flatulence, increased salivation, vomiting, attacks of nausea, and often alternating diarrhea and constipation are possible.

In the chronic course of the disease, a pregnant woman may experience loss of appetite.

Treatment of illness during pregnancy

If acute pancreatitis occurs in pregnant women, timely hospitalization is necessary to provide complete and timely assistance. To treat pancreatitis, infusion therapy is used: a large number of special solutions for diluting blood. This reduces the concentration of pancreatic enzymes.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis during pregnancy differs from treatment of the disease in other patients. A woman needs to agree with her doctor on the appropriateness of taking and the amount of each drug.

Doctors often prescribe Mezim and Creon.

In chronic pancreatitis, the functioning of the liver and bile ducts is disrupted, resulting in bile stagnation. The patient needs to use drugs to remove stagnation of bile.

It is preferable to use preparations of plant or animal origin (Holiver, Holosas, etc.).

During pregnancy, any self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences. Throughout pregnancy, doctors do not approve of treatment with traditional methods.


In case of acute purulent form, abscess or phlegmon of the pancreas in pregnant women, there is a need for surgical intervention. Surgery requires early delivery. In the first trimester, an abortion is performed; in the third (after 35 weeks), early birth is recommended.

The timing of early termination of pregnancy is determined individually (depending on the severity of the disease and the duration of pregnancy).

In case of acute purulent form, abscess or phlegmon of the pancreas in pregnant women, there is a need for surgical intervention.

What dangers can there be during pregnancy? The danger of chronic pancreatitis is that there is a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth. In severe cases of the disease, symptoms are possible: increased temperature, decreased blood pressure, and the occurrence of a state of shock. In rare cases, due to the lack of necessary and timely treatment, a woman may die.

Diet for pancreatitis

This diagnosis requires special attention to nutrition. During an exacerbation and to prevent it, it is important for the patient to switch to dietary nutrition. Diet plays a major role in the combination of chronic pancreatitis and pregnancy.

You need to eat a lot of proteins:

For patients with pancreatitis, it is advisable to eat yesterday's bread made from wheat flour or crackers.

Fatty, salty, spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. Reduce the amount of raw vegetables and fruits you consume. For fruits, only sweet pears and apples are recommended.

The patient should eat food in small portions (several times a day).

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

How can people suffering from pancreatitis switch to a healthy diet?

It is advisable to use everything in grated form and steam it.

The presence of chronic pancreatitis in pregnant women causes a lot of trouble to the expectant mother. In the second half of pregnancy, the disease does not affect its outcome. But if pancreatitis is not diagnosed in a timely manner and treated, problems will arise in the fetus: a lack of insulin can lead to various deviations in its development.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of pancreatitis

What physical activities are not harmful for pancreatitis?

What first aid is needed for pancreatitis?

How long do people with chronic pancreatitis live?

If, outside of pregnancy, alcohol abuse is a common cause of pancreatitis, then in pregnant women it plays an important role. poor nutrition or concomitant diseases of the liver and gallbladder, for example, calculous cholecystitis. During gestation, a number of physiological mechanisms occur in the body that are necessary for the favorable development of the child, which can affect cholecystitis and provoke pancreatitis during pregnancy.

Chronic pancreatitis during pregnancy usually manifests itself in the first three months. An important task is to diagnose the disease in time, differentiate it from toxicosis, termination of pregnancy and begin treatment. Timely initiation of therapy is the key to recovery, without complications or harm to the child.

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May lead to undesirable consequences

The money won in court will arrive later, but the tax must be calculated immediately

There is a risk of paying tax on OS if the founder has not paid for the share in the management company

An expensive gift may deprive the company of the right to apply the simplified tax system

Practice shows that receiving income is not always beneficial for a company from a tax point of view (see the “By the way” sidebar). For example, receiving unplanned amounts at the end of the year may deprive the company of the right to apply the simplified tax system. Or a won legal dispute will oblige the company to take into account income in the form of amounts due from the debtor. In this case, you will have to pay income tax, although the actual funds may arrive in the company’s account much later.

Let's consider in what cases the receipt of income that is beneficial for the company in economic terms can overshadow the tax consequences for it.

The company pays tax on the counterparty's fine regardless of the fact of receipt of funds into the account

If the organization wins the legal dispute, it is owed money from the counterparty (amount of receivables, penalties, reimbursement of legal costs). In this case, the company includes fines and compensation for legal costs as part of non-operating income (clause 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, funds due from the counterparty may arrive at the organization’s account not in the current period, but much later. Or, in the event of the debtor’s insolvency, even after the expiration of the statute of limitations, the company will have to write off such debt as bad (subclause 2, clause 2, article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). However, when taxing profits, the organization takes such payments into account on the date the court decision enters into legal force (clause 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 25, 2013 No./2/50749, dated November 1, 2013 No./1/46680 and from 07.24.13 No./29184).

In the event that the parties have settled the dispute out of court, it is necessary to take into account the due sanctions at the time the debtor acknowledges the relevant sanctions (clause 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08.26.13 No./2/34843). The very fact of violation of the contract by the counterparty does not generate tax income for the creditor company in the form of sanctions payable on the basis of the contract. Thus, the financial department in a letter dated August 16, 2010 No./356 noted the following:

«<…>The occurrence of obligations specified in the contract, which are the basis for presenting a claim to the debtor or filing a claim in court, does not in itself lead to the formation of income taken into account on the basis of clause 3 of Art. 250 of the Code."

In practice, confirmation that the counterparty has recognized penalties and fines for violating the terms of the contract is:

Written acknowledgment by the debtor of the debt to pay the corresponding amounts of penalties and sanctions (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 26, 2013 No./2/34843);

Absence of the debtor’s objections to demands for payment of penalties sent to him by mail (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 20, 2005 No./2/5).

Thus, it is safer for a company to charge income tax on the amount of sanctions that the counterparty has acknowledged but has not yet transferred. Especially if he signed an acknowledgment agreement (see sidebar “Attention”).

Unplanned receipts may deprive the company of the right to apply a special regime

The procedure for applying the simplified tax system has a number of limitations. In particular, only those companies whose annual income does not exceed 60 million rubles in 2013, and 64.02 million rubles in 2014, are entitled to pay a “simplified” tax. (Clause 4 of Article 346.13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.07.13 No./2/24984) and the residual value of the property is no more than 100 million rubles. (Subclause 16, Clause 3, Article 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In case of violation of these limits, the organization loses the right to use the special regime and is obliged to switch to paying taxes within the framework of the general taxation regime (clause 4 of Article 346.13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, you will have to pay general taxes starting from the quarter in which the company ceased to be a payer of the simplified tax system.

By the way

Unclaimed dividends do not form non-operating income of the company

If the company for some reason does not pay dividends to participants and shareholders (for example, due to a written refusal of a participant), such amounts must be restored as part of retained earnings. The company does not include these funds in the income tax base (subclause 3.4, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 17, 2012 No./1/91).

Let us note that previously the Tax Code did not provide for such a procedure (subclause 3.4, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2007, clause 2, article 4 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2010 No. 409-FZ ). Therefore, the departments insisted that after the expiration of the statute of limitations, the company had to include unclaimed dividends in non-operating income (clause 18 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and impose income tax (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 14, 2006 No./1/110, Federal Tax Service of Russia in Moscow from 06.22.10 No. 16-15/065026@ and from 06.15.10 No. 16-15/062757@). The courts made the same conclusions (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated December 11, 2009 No. KA-A40/)

Thus, a “simplified” person may unplannedly lose his status (due to exceeding established limits) in the following cases:

The mortgagor organization transfers property to the “simplified” mortgagee to pay off the debt under the loan obligation (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 14, 2013 No./2/42626);

The company paying the “simplified” tax received property from the founder-organization. “Simplified” takes into account income in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of Article 346.15 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Subclause 11 of clause 1 of Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation exempts from taxation income in the form of property received from a founder with a participation share of more than 50%. At the same time, subclause 12 of clause 3 of Article 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation prohibits the use of the simplified tax system for organizations in which the share of participation of other legal entities exceeds 25%. This means that if a company received property from a participant, it needs to increase the base under the simplified tax system by the cost of such property. An exception is if the founder is an individual or another person specified in subparagraph 11 of paragraph 1 of Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 28, 2007 No./2/116);

The “simplified” organization received insurance compensation from the insurance company, for example, in the event of an accident (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 4, 2009 No./2/78, decision of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region dated May 30, 2007 No. A/2007-C09 and the resolution of the Second Arbitration Appeal court dated July 19, 2010 No. A/2009);

An organization that pays a “simplified” tax receives property for free use (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 5, 2012 No./2/84).

Thus, it is advisable for the simplified tax payer to pay special attention to expected income. In particular, draw up contracts in such a way that revenue from various transactions does not arrive in the same tax period. Or provide the counterparty with a deferred payment without appropriate sanctions.


A company may lose the right to the simplified tax system after receiving an advance on a lucrative contract

Companies using a simplified taxation system include advances in the base for calculating the “simplified” tax in the period when money was received from the buyer (Article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). After all, “simplified” people recognize income and expenses using the cash method. The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation in decision dated January 20, 2006 No. 4294/05 and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District in resolution dated May 31, 2010 No. A/2008-3/418 agreed that the “simplified” increases the base for the single tax by the amount of the prepayment during the period of its receipt .

In practice, a company may conclude a lucrative contract at the end of the year, which requires the buyer to make an advance payment. In this case, accounting for the advance in income will deprive the company of the right to apply the simplified taxation system.

To avoid negative consequences, organizations often take into account the advance payment as a deposit under the contract. After all, the deposit is a security payment and does not increase the tax base (subclause 2, clause 1, article 251 and article 364.15 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

But such a step is risky from a tax point of view. Thus, in one of the cases, according to the inspectorate, the company’s unlawful exclusion of an advance payment (as a deposit) from income resulted in the excess of the proceeds from the sale of goods and the loss of the right to use the simplified tax system. However, the courts of all three instances supported the taxpayer (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated November 17, 2009 No. A/2008). Similar conclusions were made by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga District in its resolution dated September 11, 2007 No. A/2006

In some cases, it is risky for a company not to pay tax on the value of the OS it received from the founder

The value of property received from the founder is not subject to income tax, provided that his share of participation is more than 50% and the property will not be transferred to other persons during the year (subclause 11, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, situations often arise when it is risky for a company to apply such a benefit.

The participant has not fully paid for the share in the authorized capital. The Tax Code does not make the company's right to benefits dependent on whether the founder paid for the share in the authorized capital in full or in part. However, local inspectors are often of the opinion that in the latter case the company generates taxable income. Courts, as a rule, do not agree with this opinion of controllers.

For example, the FAS Moscow District in its resolution dated June 15, 2006 No. KA-A41/indicated the following:

«<…>Art. 251 subp. 11 clause 1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation connects the right to a benefit not with the amount of the actually contributed authorized capital, but with the share of the receiving party in the authorized capital of the transferring party, which must be at least 50% and does not require full payment of the authorized capital at the time of presentation of the benefit.”

As a result, the court confirmed that the subsidiary lawfully failed to pay income tax on the funds received from the sole founder, and canceled additional assessments by the tax authorities.

Within a year, the founder ceased to participate in the society. In this case, the inspectors also indicate that the latter must be charged income tax on the value of the contribution made to the authorized capital. In particular, the inspectors made such conclusions in a dispute that was considered by the FAS of the Far Eastern District (resolution dated December 30, 2005 No. F03-A73/05-2/4367). However, the court came to the following conclusions:

«<…>The withdrawal of an individual before the end of 2003 from the founders of the company does not change the legal status of the specified funds as received free of charge and not subject to inclusion in income when determining the taxable base for income tax.”

Consequently, the company justifiably excluded funds received from the founder from tax income.

In these situations, the company could not directly influence the actions of the participant, therefore, when considering cases, the courts did not see direct intent in the organization’s actions. Although arbitrage practice in most cases supports taxpayers; such disputes with inspectors could have been avoided. In particular, many companies agree in advance with the founder on the period for receipt of the disputed property.

ignition leading to fire or explosion;

Derailment of rolling stock;

Fall of a diesel locomotive (diesel train car) raised on jacks;

The contact wire breaks and falls onto a diesel locomotive (diesel train car).

4.2. If an accident or emergency occurs, the mechanic is obliged to stop work, immediately report the incident to the foreman (foreman) or other managers of the depot (PTOL) and then follow their instructions or act in accordance with the emergency response plan approved at the depot (PTOL).

4.3. In the event of a fire, the mechanic must:

Stop work and turn off electrical equipment and test benches;

Turn off the supply and exhaust ventilation;

Immediately report the fire to the work manager (foreman, foreman) and the fire department, indicating the exact location of its occurrence;

Notify others and, if necessary, remove people from the danger zone;

Proceed to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing agents.

4.4. If a fire occurs near the workplace, the mechanic must turn off the power tool, shut off the air supply from the air line to the hose of the pneumatic tool, and, together with other workers, move containers with gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids and substances to a safe place.

4.5. When electrical equipment catches fire, only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers should be used to extinguish it. Do not direct a stream of carbon dioxide and powder towards people. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, to avoid frostbite, do not touch the fire extinguisher mouth with your hand.

4.6. Extinguishing a fire with internal fire hoses must be carried out by a team of two people: one rolls out the hose from the tap to the place of the fire, the second, at the command of the person rolling out the hose, opens the tap.

4.7. When extinguishing a fire with a fire mat, the flame should be covered so that the fire from under it does not reach a person.

4.8. When extinguishing a fire with sand, the scoop or shovel should not be raised to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.

4.9. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of less than 2 m from live parts of the contact network is permitted only with carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers.

It is possible to extinguish a fire with water, foam and air-foam fire extinguishers only after the work manager or other responsible person informs that the voltage has been removed from the contact network and it is grounded.

If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief or other material and rinse with an aqueous solution of soda.

4.10. Extinguishing a fire located at a distance of more than 7 m from a live contact wire can be allowed without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the stream of water or foam does not touch the contact wire and other live parts.

4.11. When a diesel locomotive (diesel train car) derails or a raised diesel locomotive (diesel train car) falls from the jacks, the mechanic must immediately report the incident to the foreman (foreman) or other depot managers (PTOL) and then follow their instructions.

4.12. If you touch the energized broken contact wire of a diesel locomotive (diesel train car) or fall it onto a diesel locomotive (diesel train car), it is prohibited to touch parts of the diesel locomotive (diesel train car) while standing on the ground until the voltage is removed from the contact suspension.

In the event of a fire in a diesel locomotive or diesel train car (when a live contact wire falls on it) and the mechanic cannot continue to stay on it, the mechanic must get off the diesel locomotive (diesel train car). When getting off a diesel locomotive (diesel train car), you should go down to the bottom step of the stairs and, releasing your hands from the handrails of the stairs of the diesel locomotive (diesel train car), jump to the ground. During landing and after, do not touch the ground, rail or diesel locomotive (diesel train car) with your hands.

A mechanic who finds himself at a distance of less than 8 m from a broken contact wire lying on the ground must leave the danger zone in the manner specified in paragraph 3.2.9 of these Instructions.

4.13. If any accident occurs, it is necessary to immediately release the victim from the influence of the traumatic factor, provide him with first aid and inform the work manager about the accident.

"Russian Tax Courier", 2014, N 1-2

The money won in court will arrive later, but the tax must be calculated immediately.

There is a risk of paying tax on the OS if the founder has not paid for the share in the management company.

An expensive gift may deprive the company of the right to apply the simplified tax system.

Practice shows that receiving income is not always beneficial for a company from a tax point of view (see box on page 77). For example, receiving unplanned amounts at the end of the year may deprive the company of the right to apply the simplified tax system. Or a won legal dispute will oblige the company to take into account income in the form of amounts due from the debtor. In this case, you will have to pay income tax, although the actual funds may arrive in the company’s account much later.

Note. Unclaimed dividends do not form non-operating income of the company

If the company for some reason does not pay dividends to participants and shareholders (for example, due to a written refusal of a participant), such amounts must be restored as part of retained earnings. The company does not include these funds in the income tax base (clause 3.4, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 17, 2012 N 03-03-06/1/91).

Let us note that previously the Tax Code did not provide for such a procedure (clause 3.4, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2007, clause 2, article 4 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 409-FZ ). Therefore, the departments insisted that after the expiration of the statute of limitations, the company had to include unclaimed dividends in non-operating income (clause 18 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and impose income tax (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 14, 2006 N 03-03-04/1 /110, Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated June 22, 2010 N 16-15/065026@ and dated June 15, 2010 N 16-15/062757@). The courts made the same conclusions (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated December 11, 2009 N KA-A40/13462-09).

Let's consider in what cases the receipt of income that is beneficial for the company in economic terms can overshadow the tax consequences for it.

The company pays tax on the counterparty's fine regardless of the fact of receipt of funds into the account

If the organization wins the legal dispute, it is owed money from the counterparty (amount of receivables, penalties, reimbursement of legal costs). In this case, the company includes fines and compensation for legal costs as part of non-operating income (clause 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, funds due from the counterparty may arrive at the organization’s account not in the current period, but much later. Or, in the event of the debtor’s insolvency, even after the expiration of the statute of limitations, the company will have to write off such debt as bad (clause 2, clause 2, article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). However, when taxing profits, the organization takes such payments into account on the date of entry into force of the court decision (clause 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 25, 2013 N 03-03-06/2/50749, dated November 1, 2013 N 03 -03-06/1/46680 and dated 07/24/2013 N 03-03-05/29184).

In the event that the parties have settled the dispute pre-trial, it is necessary to take into account the due sanctions at the time the debtor recognizes the relevant sanctions (Clause 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08/26/2013 N 03-03-06/2/34843) . The very fact of violation of the contract by the counterparty does not generate tax income for the creditor company in the form of sanctions payable on the basis of the contract. Thus, the financial department in Letter dated August 16, 2010 N 03-07-11/356 noted the following:

"<...>The occurrence of obligations specified in the contract, which are the basis for presenting a claim to the debtor or filing a claim in court, does not in itself lead to the formation of income taken into account on the basis of clause 3 of Art. 250 of the Code."

The position of the Ministry of Finance of Russia was supported by the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow (Letter dated January 21, 2010 N 16-15/004664.2) and the courts (Resolutions of the FAS Povolzhsky dated July 19, 2006 N A55-1472/06-6, West Siberian dated July 3, 2006 N F04-7697/2005 (24094-A27-26) and Moscow district dated November 28, 2005, November 22, 2005 N KA-A40/11772-05).

In practice, confirmation that the counterparty has recognized penalties and fines for violating the terms of the contract is:

  • actual payment of penalties and sanctions to the creditor (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 26, 2013 N 03-03-06/2/34843 and Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated June 22, 2007 N A56-28963/2006);
  • written acknowledgment by the debtor of the debt to pay the corresponding amounts of penalties and sanctions (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 26, 2013 N 03-03-06/2/34843);
  • absence of objections from the debtor to demands for payment of penalties sent to him by mail (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 20, 2005 N 03-03-04/2/5).

Thus, it is safer for a company to charge income tax on the amount of sanctions that the counterparty has acknowledged but has not yet transferred. Especially if he signed an agreement to acknowledge the debt (see sidebar on page 78).

Attention! A company may lose the right to the simplified tax system after receiving an advance on a lucrative contract

Companies using a simplified taxation system include advances in the base for calculating the “simplified” tax in the period when money was received from the buyer (Article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). After all, “simplified” people recognize income and expenses using the cash method. The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation in Decision dated January 20, 2006 N 4294/05 and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District in Resolution dated May 31, 2010 N A32-25409/2008-3/418 agreed that the “simplified” increases the base for a single tax by the amount of prepayment in the period receiving it.

In practice, a company may conclude a lucrative contract at the end of the year, which requires the buyer to make an advance payment. In this case, accounting for the advance in income will deprive the company of the right to apply the simplified taxation system.

To avoid negative consequences, organizations often take into account the advance payment as a deposit under the contract. After all, the deposit is a security payment and does not increase the tax base (clause 2, clause 1, article 251 and article 346.15 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

But such a step is risky from a tax point of view. Thus, in one of the cases, according to the inspectorate, the company’s unlawful exclusion of an advance payment (as a deposit) from income resulted in the excess of the proceeds from the sale of goods and the loss of the right to use the simplified tax system. However, the courts of all three instances supported the taxpayer (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated November 17, 2009 N A05-14474/2008). Similar conclusions were made by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga District in Resolution No. A65-28954/2006 dated September 11, 2007.

Unplanned receipts may deprive the company of the right to apply a special regime

The procedure for applying the simplified tax system has a number of limitations. In particular, only those companies whose annual income does not exceed 60 million rubles in 2013, and 64.02 million rubles in 2014, are entitled to pay a “simplified” tax. (clause 4 of Article 346.13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 03-11-06/2/24984) and the residual value of the property is no more than 100 million rubles. (Clause 16, Clause 3, Article 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In case of violation of these limits, the organization loses the right to use the special regime and is obliged to switch to paying taxes within the framework of the general taxation regime (clause 4 of Article 346.13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, you will have to pay general taxes starting from the quarter in which the company ceased to be a payer of the simplified tax system.

Thus, a “simplified” person may unplannedly lose his status (due to exceeding established limits) in the following cases:

  • the mortgagor organization transfers property to the “simplified” mortgagee to repay the debt under the loan obligation (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 14, 2013 N 03-11-06/2/42626);
  • the company paying the “simplified” tax received property from the founder-organization. "Simpler" takes into account income in accordance with Chapter. 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of Article 346.15 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Subclause 11, clause 1, art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation exempts from taxation income in the form of property received from a founder with a participation share of more than 50%. At the same time, pp. 14 clause 3 art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation prohibits the use of the simplified tax system for organizations in which the share of participation of other legal entities exceeds 25%. This means that if a company received property from a participant, it needs to increase the base under the simplified tax system by the cost of such property. An exception is if the founder is an individual or other person specified in paragraphs. 11 clause 1 art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 28, 2007 N 03-11-04/2/116);
  • a “simplified” organization received insurance compensation from an insurance company, for example, in the event of an accident (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 4, 2009 N 03-11-06/2/78, Decision of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region dated May 30, 2007 N A60-7975/2007 -C09 and Resolution of the Second Arbitration Court of Appeal dated July 19, 2010 N A17-9745/2009);
  • the creditor forgave the debt of the company using the simplified tax system (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 25, 2010 N 03-03-06/1/657);
  • an organization paying a “simplified” tax receives property for free use (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 5, 2012 N 03-11-06/2/84).

Note. Having received compensation from the insurance company, the “simplified” person risks losing the right to use the special regime.

Thus, it is advisable for the simplified tax payer to pay special attention to expected income. In particular, draw up contracts in such a way that revenue from various transactions does not arrive in the same tax period. Or provide the counterparty with a deferred payment without appropriate sanctions.

In some cases, it is risky for a company not to pay tax on the value of the OS it received from the founder

The value of property received from the founder is not subject to income tax, provided that his participation is more than 50% and the property will not be transferred to other persons during the year (clause 11, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, situations often arise when it is risky for a company to apply such a benefit.

The participant has not fully paid for the share in the authorized capital. The Tax Code does not make the company's right to benefits dependent on whether the founder paid for the share in the authorized capital in full or in part. However, local inspectors are often of the opinion that in the latter case the company generates taxable income. Courts, as a rule, do not agree with this opinion of controllers.

For example, FAS Moscow District in Resolution dated June 15, 2006 N KA-A41/5286-06 indicated the following:

"<...>Subclause 11, clause 1, art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation connects the right to a benefit not with the amount of the actually contributed authorized capital, but with the share of the receiving party in the authorized capital of the transferring party, which must be at least 50% and does not require full payment of the authorized capital at the time of presentation of the benefit."

As a result, the court confirmed that the subsidiary lawfully failed to pay income tax on the funds received from the sole founder, and canceled additional assessments by the tax authorities.

Within a year, the founder ceased to participate in the society. In this case, the inspectors also indicate that the latter must be charged income tax on the value of the contribution made to the authorized capital. In particular, the inspectors made such conclusions in a dispute that was considered by the FAS of the Far Eastern District (Resolution dated December 30, 2005 N F03-A73/05-2/4367). However, the court came to the following conclusions:

"<...>The withdrawal of an individual from the founders of the company before the end of 2003 does not change the legal status of the specified funds as received free of charge and not subject to inclusion in income when determining the taxable base for income tax."

Consequently, the company justifiably excluded funds received from the founder from tax income.

Note. According to the court, the withdrawal of a person from the founders does not oblige the company to increase tax income by the value of the property received from him.

In these situations, the company could not directly influence the actions of the participant, therefore, when considering cases, the courts did not see direct intent in the organization’s actions. Despite the fact that judicial practice in most cases supports taxpayers, such disputes with inspectors could have been avoided. In particular, many companies agree in advance with the founder on the period for receipt of the disputed property.

A.S. Bortnikova

First auditor

4.1.1. During operation, the following main emergency situations may occur:

fire occurrence;

broken contact wire;

breakage of power and signal wires of overhead lines;

derailment of rolling stock;

the appearance of harmful gases in underground structures.

4.1.2. In the event of an emergency, the electrician and electrician are obliged to stop work, turn off the power from the faulty equipment (equipment, stand), if necessary, fence off the dangerous place and immediately report the incident to the senior electrician or work manager and then follow his instructions to prevent accidents or eliminating the emergency situation.

4.1.3. Workers located nearby, upon an alarm, are obliged to immediately come to the scene of the incident and take part in providing first aid to the victim or eliminating the emergency situation.

4.1.4. When eliminating an emergency situation, it is necessary to act in accordance with the approved emergency response plan.

4.1.5. In the event of a fire, you must:

immediately inform the fire department, indicating the exact location of the fire;

inform the work manager;

notify others and, if necessary, remove people from the danger zone;

begin to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing agents;

organize a meeting of the fire brigade.

4.1.6. When using foam (carbon dioxide, powder) fire extinguishers, do not direct the foam (powder, carbon dioxide) stream at people. If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief or other material and rinse with an aqueous solution of soda.

When electrical equipment catches fire, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, do not touch the fire extinguisher nozzle with your hand.

4.1.7. In rooms with internal fire hydrants, it is necessary to use a crew of two people: one rolls out the hose from the faucet to the place of the fire, the second, at the command of the hose roller, opens the faucet.

4.1.8. When extinguishing a fire with a felt, the flame should be covered so that the fire from under it does not fall on the person extinguishing the fire.

4.1.9. When extinguishing a fire with sand, do not raise the shovel to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.

4.1.10. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 7 m from a live contact wire can be allowed without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the stream of water or foam does not approach the contact network and other live parts at a distance of less than 2 m.

4.1.11. If a person’s clothing catches fire, the fire should be extinguished as quickly as possible, but the flame should not be put out with unprotected hands. Clothes that ignite must be quickly discarded, torn off, or extinguished by filling them with water and, in winter, covering them with snow. A thick cloth, blanket, or tarpaulin can be thrown over a person wearing burning clothes, which must be removed after the flame has been extinguished.

4.1.12. In the event of a fire at the electrical centralization post, it is necessary to:

turn off all power sources using switches on the panel or fuses on the cabinet;

report the fire to the chipboard, DNC and the distance dispatcher on duty, call the fire brigade;

begin to extinguish the fire in the service and technical premises, using the primary fire extinguishing equipment located in the premises.

4.1.13. If you detect a break in the wires of the contact network or high-voltage overhead lines, you should immediately inform the station duty officer, energy dispatcher or train dispatcher, fence off the location of the break and make sure that no one approaches it closer than 8 m. In case of broken wires or other elements of the contact network and high-voltage overhead lines violate the approach clearance of buildings and can be hit when a train passes, it is necessary to fence off this place with stop signals.

It is prohibited to come closer than 8 m to broken wires of the contact network and high-voltage overhead lines, as well as to touch them or foreign objects on them with anything, regardless of whether they touch or do not touch the ground or grounded structures.

4.1.14. If alarm and communication wires fall to the ground while they simultaneously come into contact with power line wires, the electrician and electrician must immediately stop all work with the wires; take measures to stop all movement in the area where the wires fall; report the incident to the work manager or the signal control distance manager.

4.1.15. If a broken wire is detected on a combined overhead line, the electrician and electrician must immediately take measures to turn off the voltage in this area. Eliminate the danger for unauthorized persons passing near the broken wire and report the incident to the work manager or the signal control distance manager.

Water retention in the body can be caused by various reasons. It is worth noting that women face this problem much more often than men.

Second (after ovulation) half monthly cycle, hormonal changes due to the use of contraceptives, insufficient kidney function, excessive salt intake and even too little fluid entering the body every day can lead to undesirable consequences. These reasons are the main ones, but not the only possible ones.

To determine what exactly caused the problem, you should consult a doctor and, perhaps, critically evaluate your lifestyle.

Signs of water retention in the body are most often visible to the naked eye. It is worth paying attention to excessive swelling, swelling (even slight) of the face and the whole body, the difference in appearance in the morning and evening. If in the morning your face seems “puffed up”, and by the evening this goes away, you are dealing with fluid “walking” through the body. There is also a possibility of fluid retention in the body if you are trying to lose weight through diets and exercise, but your weight remains the same, although it should be decreasing. In this case, the body gains the missing kilograms from water.

So how do you get rid of excess water in the body? One of the options is quite radical: go to the pharmacy and buy the appropriate medications. They help the kidneys (which are responsible for fluid circulation) cope with their work and at the same time trigger diuretic processes. But you shouldn’t use pills too often, as this can cause banal addiction: your body will forget how to get rid of liquid on its own.

If you want to use a more natural and gentle method, first of all try to determine the reasons for the formation of excess water. For example, this phenomenon is a side effect of most hormonal contraceptives. Or maybe you're chronically dehydrated. Nowadays, few people drink the required amount of water per day. According to doctors, the minimum fluid intake is one and a half liters for women and two for men. However, this norm is not suitable for people suffering from kidney disease. They should separately discuss the amount of fluid they drink per day with their doctor.

Another common option is dehydration due to vigorous physical activity or visiting a sauna. Such dehydration is local, that is, it lasts for several hours after the above actions and causes the body to go into stress mode and accumulate water the first time it comes in. Or maybe you’re just overloading on salty foods, preservatives, and a variety of spices?

Once you have identified the cause, if possible, eliminate it as much as your lifestyle allows. But in any case, whether it can be fixed or not, you should:

1. Review your diet. Salt retains water in the body, so during the period of active relief from the problem, try not to add salt to food at all. Also, remember that many foods contain salt to begin with. In addition to water retention, the main component of salt - sodium - helps to remove potassium from the body, which is essential for our heart.

Water can also accumulate in the body due to the consumption of any alcoholic beverages, sugar (in any form) and preservatives, which are mostly rich in sodium. Conclusion: food needs to become healthier. This will bring tangible benefits to the entire body.

2. Add natural diuretics to your food. A diuretic is a substance that accelerates diuretic processes in the body, including increased sweating. The most famous natural diuretics are watermelon, celery, red, yellow and green bell peppers, green tea, nettle, dill, buckwheat porridge, cucumber, beets. It is worth paying attention to foods that speed up metabolism and the introduction of toxins: carrots, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes. Dried apple peels brewed with boiling water have an excellent effect.

In a word, load up on vegetables. They do not contain salt and help remove excess fluid from the body, partly due to fiber, which cleanses it of toxins.

3. Start taking one of the quality vitamin complexes. Another possible reason for fluid retention in the body is the lack of vitamins and amino acids that we so need. When our cells run out of nutrients, more than necessary amounts of water can replace them. Be sure to pay attention to potassium and B vitamins (their deficiency especially provokes the accumulation of water in the tissues).

In addition, in the process of getting rid of excess fluid, the body will be “flushed”, which means that in addition to toxins, useful substances can also be removed. Therefore, taking vitamins during this period is mandatory for those who do not want to have problems with health and appearance.

4. Drink more water. Remember that it is best not to replace water with other drinks, such as tea, compote, coffee or lemonade. Water is a kind of equivalent of all substances in the body: by adding sugar to your drink, you also retain liquid. For example, lemonades do not quench your thirst at all, because they contain more sugar than the liquid that it “takes away.” Try to switch to clean water and green tea.

Over time, your body will get used to it and will begin to recognize only water as a “real” drink, and then it will be easier for you to give up other drinks. Remember: your urine should always be clear, because this is a sign of adequate fluid intake.

5. Visit your doctor. The cause of your problem may be not only harmless salt in the body, but also serious diseases such as food allergies, hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), hormone imbalance, poor liver, kidney or heart function, and even diabetes. To rule out extremes, visit a specialist and get the necessary tests.

Finally, it should be noted that emotional condition seriously affects fluid retention. Depression, tension and stress contribute to it. Therefore, enjoy life, relax more often and do not keep negative emotions inside.

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