Is it possible to ensure a comfortable old age for yourself? Prosperous old age: how to take care of it yourself in advance. Maxim Raevsky, member of the board of directors of the development company Stroyinvesttopaz

02.08.18 214 543 0

Hopes of T-Zh readers

Strategy #1

Invest in real estate to rent out

Alla Shcherbakova

played enough

“I’m 50. Over the past 12 years, we’ve played with everything we can: mutual funds, shares, savings insurance, non-state pension funds, real estate. We suffered losses in many ways, took out all the money, gave some of it to the children for the mortgage payment, invested some of it in the primary building in St. Petersburg, now we are building a tiny one - 60 m², we are afraid of rampant taxes, anything will come from our state - an energy-efficient house in the Leningrad region, in a good area. We will rent out two apartments and enjoy working and traveling.”

“I’m already living on a pension, almost 20,000 RUR. A week ago, having sold my dacha, I bought an apartment in a new modern building - 25 minutes by train from St. Petersburg - and immediately rented it out. The money will go to his son, since he is now supporting his wife and child. In the future, he will inherit two apartments from me as additional income for his pension.”

“I’m 52, my husband is 46. I receive a pension of 18,000 RUR. A year ago we bought a small apartment in Tenerife, now we are saving for a residence permit in Spain. In three years we will rent out an apartment in Moscow and move to Tenerife. Enough for the basics, maybe we can find a part-time job. I hope everything works out for us.”

Strategy #2

Just save up

Dmitry Krotov

thought about gold

"I am 22 years old. I save 2000 R a month and transfer it into cash dollars. I think this is a good way to save money. The dollar is more attractive to me and inspires more confidence than the euro. There were also thoughts about gold.”

“I’m 28 years old now. I don’t count on a pension from the state at all; I decided to save up on my own. I save with this calculation: my monthly income is 42,000 RUR after taxes. There are payments for a mortgage and a loan, but we don’t take them into account, since I don’t plan to take out loans in my old age. To prevent my income from decreasing, I need to save 7,200,000 R and invest it at 7% per annum in a bank account or in securities. Then my income will be 504,000 R per year or 42,000 R per month.

To save such an amount, it is enough to save 5,000 RUR per month and put it at 7% per annum, which is quite realistic. The maximum rate on deposits is 6.8%, and if the money is invested in shares, the income can be even higher.

Of course, the situation in the country may change several times, for example, inflation will increase or decrease, maybe there will be no country at all after such a period - after all, who could have imagined 40 years ago that the USSR would cease to exist. I am aware of all this, but based on the situation today, my plan is quite good.”

Strategy #3

Choose an endowment life insurance program

Elena Tsygankova

plans to live to 98

“I am 58 years old, I retired 2 years ago, I receive 10,500 RUR per month. Unfortunately, I only learned about endowment life insurance when I was 53 years old. I figured: what if God decides to live to 98 years? Now I have a pension plus income, I’m an individual entrepreneur, my health, thank God, allows it, but what about tomorrow?

I signed a contract for 17 years, annual premiums of 90,000 RUR, a guaranteed insurance amount of 1,500,000 RUR in case of death - our daughter will not have any extra - and if she survives until the end of the contract, she should receive about 3,000,000 RUR. The daughters signed a contract for 33 years, contributions - 18,000 R per year. At the age of 60, without waiting for the Pension Fund, he can safely retire, receiving payments from the insurance company. Plus the state returns personal income tax every year.

This is how Europe and America live. They consider a pension not the social minimum from the pension fund, but what you yourself have accumulated in life insurance during your life.”

Strategy #4

Rely on children

Alex Tyutnev

going to invest in family and children

“I’m 29, I’m saving up for my own country house, where I want to move with my fiancée and work from home remotely, while building a family and a small farming business. I don’t and don’t count on retirement; I try to avoid taxes as much as possible, if possible. I understand that I earn above the regional average, but you still can’t realize gigantic plans for your salary, and you can’t save a lot of money for old age. I will invest in myself and my family, and then, in old age, perhaps the children will help a little, the experience gained will be useful, which will allow me to earn extra money.”

“I won’t live to see my retirement age, but if I do, then my only hope is my son. I’m 37 years old now.”

Strategy #5

Buy shares

Pablito Schmeiler

started with the mattress period

"I am 31 years old. I always saved money, that’s my nature: at first it was the mattress period, then the period of deposits in banks, I was interested in mutual funds and metal accounts. For the last 4 years, I have been putting aside part of my earnings into an IIS brokerage account - it provides tax benefits.

I don’t trade stocks in the traditional sense - I rarely make trades on a “buy and hold” basis. This year I received dividends equal to my two months' income. I sincerely believe that by showing discipline (I add money from my income monthly) and patience (here compound interest comes into play as the eighth wonder of the world), in 10 years I will be able to receive dividend income comparable to my annual income, and then it will be possible to think about early retirement."

“I’m 30 years old, I started saving after my wedding, about 5 years ago. At first there was no particular goal. Then I wanted to buy an apartment, but abandoned this idea and came to the conclusion that I wanted to retire at a certain age and provide myself with passive income.

Bank deposits disappeared immediately, because in the medium term they are losing to inflation. After several months of studying the stock market and its instruments, the choice fell on him.

Initially, I opened an account with a Russian broker in order to receive a tax deduction - I opened an IIS. Then I looked at the subsidiaries of Russian brokers, but dismissed them as unreliable intermediaries between me and the American stock market. As a result, I opened an account with Interactive Brokers. Once a quarter I deposit money there and rebalance the portfolio by buying new shares. I invest approximately 35% of my income.

According to my calculations, I should reach the proper level of passive income earnings at 55 years old. In the calculations I used 4% real return above inflation - this is the average return of the stock market over the last hundred years.”

Strategy #6

Move and integrate into the local pension system

preparing to emigrate

“Personally, I don’t plan to celebrate old age in Russia. I plan to leave here for Canada. What I’m doing right now for this: I’m learning English as quickly as I can; I am confirming diplomas - two of mine and one of my husband; getting ready to learn to drive a car; I treat teeth; I improve my qualifications and receive professional certificates; I read blogs, listen to podcasts and motivate myself in every possible way to continue going in the chosen direction. But I hardly put anything off.

I am planning to immigrate under the Express Entry program, specifically under the branch of the federal program for skilled workers - this program provides for the selection of candidates with higher education.

Where I'm going, pensions for ordinary people start at 65. And there are several pension funds operating there, including some like trade unions. This means that employers pay a pretty penny depending on who and how long you worked for them.

But the most important source of pension is something like our IIS. Starting in the second year after moving, I plan to accumulate 10 to 15% of my income in a savings account. This is in case I lose my job or one of my family members gets sick. In this second year, I will receive training on how to use Canadian investment tools. They are significantly different from ours.

Strategy #7

Trust a non-state pension fund

uses a corporate non-state pension fund

“I expect from the state only a small increase in my pension, which I will save for myself. Since 2017, I have been using a corporate non-state pension fund, all contributions are doubled by the employer, but this is tied to the place of work for at least 5-7 years under the terms of the contract. Also, since 2012, I have been participating in the state co-financing program.

In the event of dismissal and the end of the co-financing program, I will most likely save for a deposit. Later, perhaps, I’ll transfer it from the deposit to a low-risk investment fund. I still have 35 years to work until I’m 65.”

Watching my retired parents, or rather the size of their pensions, I think hard about how to provide myself with something in an amount worthy of me. It seems that we cannot count on a state within the CIS. So, you have to do something yourself! And I need to start now, while I’m 32 years old, have some income and the strength to spin. I used to have thoughts that I would be forever young, forever healthy and do something all the time. I’m gradually beginning to realize that in 20… 30 years, my strength will melt (or dissipate). So a couple of years ago I started doing a little something in this direction. Gained some experience that may be of interest to the respected community. Even if the issue of pensions now sounds insanely abstract to the reader, I still recommend at least a run through. If I had read such material 5 years ago, I would have been significantly richer!..
UPD: in the article I added about the meaning of diversification, otherwise there were a lot of questions in the comments...

As usual, I warn you right away - this is my personal experience, which cannot be stupidly copied. Try it on for yourself and think! And most importantly - act!

Stage -1: non-financial assets

The history of our long-suffering homeland has clearly shown that financial savings from 30 years ago have no value. In particular, my wife (then still a minor girl) had a sum comparable to a car set aside for her book. Afterwards, this money first evaporated, then returned, but in a very modest and fixed amount. There’s not even enough for a normal bicycle... Where is the guarantee that this won’t happen in the future?

Nobody will give guarantees. Therefore, eternal values ​​will always be the most reliable. This health- and this is a corresponding way of life, skills- and this means constant professional development and mastering new skills, relationship- and this is the ability to competently conflict, raising yourself and your children... This applies not only to yourself, but also to your descendants (well, it’s not like school will teach them all this!)

But it's best to combine wisely. After a couple of years of accumulating these same non-financial assets, I saw that no one was stopping me from combining. Moreover, all of the above requires almost no money!

  • health- this is not only gyms and fitness clubs, but also... driving less and walking more, hiking and kayaking, starting a garden where you spend a lot of effort and grow quality food, less hamburgers and cheeseburgers;
  • skills- Internet in teeth and forward! Landscaping my house with my own hands (money doesn’t really allow me to hire people), I learned how to glue wallpaper, repair and build plumbing, electrical too, I built a drainage hole myself (and there was not only shoveling work, but also masonry, pouring above). I’m also gradually learning how to tinker with the car myself;
  • relationship- you don’t have to go to trainings with Kozlov and Norbekov, look around! Maybe you can become softer in some ways at home, in your family?.. You can always help a child overcome fears and self-doubt, and help your friend get out of life’s troubles.

This is a very large topic worthy of separate books, so we will focus on financial assets and those directly related to them (real estate, metals, antiques...). To be fair, I note that I also do not forget the topic of eternal values.

Stage 0: creating your own bank

I am a humble worker of the IT front. I don’t work for a large company, but for a fairly small one. However, there is enough to live on, and there is also free time. Someone else collects bottles, someone works as a loader, someone is the president, and someone else is something else. This, however, is not about ways to earn money, but about the fact that we have cash flow. And since it exists, something can be put aside from it (this idea is very well presented in the very popular book “The Richest Man in Babylon”).

How many? Personally, I decided to stop at 10%.

Why exactly 10% and not 7.35% or 11.82%?
Well... first of all, counting is elementary. I earn, say, 2435 tugriks per month. Of these, I put 243 aside. This is so elementary that I taught it to my 7-year-old daughter, who had never heard anything about multiplication and division at that time.

Secondly, there is some simple mathematics involved. For example, in a month you earn x tugriks Of which you spend 0.9 x and put it off 0.1 x . By the end of the year you:

  • earned 12 x ;
  • spent (12 * 0.9) x = 10.8 x ;
  • saved (12 * 0.1) x = 1.2 x .
Not bad, right? Having slightly moderated your appetites, you received almost 11 salaries in a year, and saved one and a quarter of your salary for the future. By saving money in this way, in 10 years you will accumulate... 12 salaries! Salary for the whole year! You won't be able to work for a whole year! Beautiful!!!

And thirdly - yes, you need to squeeze yourself a little. But, it seems to me, with any income it is possible to limit yourself by a tenth. Personally, I could.

“Secondly” looks beautiful, but we need to make allowances for inflation, all sorts of emergencies, and so on. Then I didn’t think about it yet... Then I generally just put money aside “just in case.” By the end of the year it was necessary to buy something expensive, for which there was not enough money. I thought then - “should I take a loan, or what?..” And then I suddenly remembered - I have it postponed! Let me take a loan from myself! Class!!!

As a result, as it turned out, I created my own bank. When I looked at my savings as a “bank”, all sorts of processes went into my head. And it led to the next stage. But more on that a little later.

How can we sum it up? Begin to discipline yourself to save a fixed percentage of the money you earn.. Why from “earned”? Because there is profit in the form of monetary gifts from investment activities (deposits, debt to someone at interest, etc.). Why "fixed"? Because there is a temptation not to save at all from small profits (“there’s not enough money anyway!”), but from large ones you feel sorry for the toad (“huh! Save so much money???”). And finally - precisely “disciplined”! In the absence of this, all activities will cease to have a long-term effect.

Stage 0.5: consumer loans

It happened a couple of times and I got in. I came out with a firm conviction - you should only get into them when there is no other way!

All sources devoted to the topic of finance give the same advice - first say goodbye to loans, then start accumulating and saving money. This is good if the loan is small, but what if it’s a house or a car? It’s not that simple... However, if you manage to save 10% and pay off the loan, then go ahead! Well, if not, wait with your bank and repay the loan as quickly as possible.

I can’t say anything more on this topic, because I have little experience.

Stage 1: maintaining financial statements

In different places the thought ran through that it was worth keeping such a report for yourself - you earned so much, you spent so much on this and that. The idea always seemed to me not very worthy and important. But one day, when my bank had already started operating, I decided to get into this business. Fortunately, I know Excel quite well, collecting receipts is not difficult, adding up all the expenses for today in my head and transferring them to the computer in the evening is also no problem. So I started running it.

Why do you need a financial report?

  • to stand firmer on the ground. Now I clearly know (or can quickly find out) how much money I spend and on what. And, say, if I decide to transfer to another job, I clearly know what salary I need. And I can confidently say how much money I spent on school, on a car, etc. The same goes for income;
  • organizing finances. Having looked at the report for the first full month, you will immediately see “black holes”. I didn’t have a lot of them, but the topic is relevant for many. If you smoke, then add a column for “smoking” - for a year the amount will turn out to be hefty. If you like to binge drink, the results will also be stunning. If you love bars, women, casinos and a riotous lifestyle, then this also does not contribute to the development of financial well-being in the distant future. By the way - Entertainment is necessary and you can’t deny it to yourself! Without them, it will not be life, but hard labor. BUT! We are talking about streamlining them, limiting them to some justified and reasoned amount - say, no more than 5% of income. And then they will be completely “legal” for you, your conscience will not torment you;
  • visible result of activity. You began to spend less on smoking - but God knows, was it worth it?.. You looked at the statistics - yes, there is more money! You said goodbye to the loan - this is the result! You invested in some enterprise - in a year or two it paid for itself! For example, they used to tell me: “a vegetable garden doesn’t pay for itself! How much do you spend on it! I looked - but not so much! And how much he brings! Sometimes at the end of winter I buy potatoes/carrots/beets; I don’t buy tomatoes at all. How much would I spend buying them for my 4 mouths all year???

What kind of appearance should he have? The question is very personal, because there are a lot of opinions here. There are table options and ready-made software. Personally, I decided to keep the table in Excel and not use ready-made programs. I am pleased with the result, because I am constantly expanding the analysis and statistics for myself. I won’t post it, but I’ll tell you the general principles (I can send it to those who especially want it - write to your personal email).

My history goes by month - the earliest month is on the last page. On top of it there is a section “at the beginning of the period” (how much was at the beginning of the month), then “at the end of the period” (what follows is summed up), then “history” (by sections). Vertically there are columns of “total” (amount), “receipt” (how much came), “expense” (how much was spent), “assets” (deposits, etc., which is not money), “debts” (loans - what requires money in the future). My history sections are “work, income”, “maintenance” (house, car, ...), “children”, “miscellaneous” (gifts, entertainment, household deposits, ...), “investments” (profit and expenses). There are separate funds (more on them later).

Then I began to keep a history of utility payments: “month, year”, “amount”, “gas” / “electricity” / “water” - volume for the current month, actual cost, average volume for the current year, average cost for the current year. It is now interesting to compare the average consumption per year. By the way, here my gas “eats” a very uneven amount of money - in the summer it’s less than 10% of the winter money. And I decided to pay the arithmetic average all year round. If before a strong winter was almost ruinous for me, now I don’t feel the difference.

I also began to conduct all sorts of investment activities - separate pages are dedicated to it.

Immediately I entered the “structure” - one page, where for all months (the last one on top) the ratio “earned/spent”, “assets/cash”, etc. is written. There is also a breakdown in % of income and expenses by budget item (car On average, 12% “eats” me per year, children - only 2%, food - 17%).

The mathematics of calculations is a separate and very interesting story. Let's say I have gas values ​​paid for the year. I look at the minimum (MIN formula in Excel) / maximum values ​​(MAX) and see a corridor where the values ​​go. The arithmetic average (AVERAGE formula) shows me the average value that I had to pay for the whole year to get the correct amount. For some intuitive understanding of the average, the median (MEDIAN formula) is more suitable - rare (albeit large) outliers in the sample of values ​​​​do not have a big impact on it.

It turned out to be a lot of pages. So I made the first page a “table of contents”. From there there are transitions to the necessary pages.

My plans are to create all sorts of beautiful graphics that will delight my eyes.

UPD: why I am a supporter of diversification

Next, I will describe many places and ways where I want to invest my 10%. There are a lot of them there, and they are called the formidable word “funds”. Some will consider it too complicated, and many will ask, “why such complexity? Invest in stocks/gold and that's it! There is no need to invest here, here, or somewhere else - invest in one thing!” Or, to put it more correctly, many people do not understand the meaning of diversification.
Actually, Kiyosaki calls for this. He is against dispersing his financial forces in different directions, he is sharply against diversification. He believes that you need to choose one thing, prepare properly, and - r-time! millionaire. That’s what he, in fact, did (we won’t go into details - how many “r-times” he had and what his condition was).
However, he - Kiyosaki - does not take into account the fact that not all people have a “rich dad” who will teach and advise them everything. He doesn't take into account that not everyone wants to spend all their energy making money. And he also does not take into account the fact that people have children (by the way, he doesn’t have them)... He also forgot that in different countries there are revolutions in the style of the fall of the USSR and changes in currencies.
In general, being a pro in the world of finance is not ideal for everyone. Many people (including me in particular) are much closer to another approach - to live their own lives, and use money as a means of achieving goals. That is, money is not the goal and meaning of life! I want to spend a little time in my life on them and leave the rest for life.
I found a lot of useful information from Sergei Spirin. He has a good blog, “Investor Notes,” where he introduces everyone to the idea of ​​“Asset allocation” - reasonable asset allocation. And the main idea there is to divide your funds into weakly related (or better yet, unrelated) asset classes. That is, diversify as widely as possible.
The picture in the section title (taken from here) clearly shows the advantages of the St. Petersburg exchange over the one from New York before the 1917 revolution. Then it was necessary to pour all funds into Russian shares! Those who did this ended up going bankrupt... Only clairvoyants could imagine the collapse of the entire financial system that existed then.
We also cannot predict what will happen to America, Australia and other world market leaders. Well, that is, someone can, but everyone else can only invest their money in various, unrelated assets - in gold, which can always be sold, in bonds of their country, a neighboring one and some overseas, in shares of companies both your own country and another, in real estate both in your own country and in other places...
This is why I consider different types of investments. I want to protect myself from uncertainty. The price is high, but peace of mind is more valuable.

Stage 2: setting goals

This is a very important stage, which at first seems insignificant and abstract. I felt its importance when the amount set aside became tangible and it was time to decide what to do with it. At first I thought of just keeping this amount on the shelf (then on a card), but then I felt the teeth of inflation. We had to come up with something to protect them.

Now it’s time to agree on terms:

  • earnings- something that is earned through one’s direct labor. You can increase them only by changing your job or, if you are a private entrepreneur, by increasing your turnover;
  • consumption- everything that directly flows out of the budget. This includes loan payments;
  • assets- something that Can sell - and then it will go from “asset” to “income”. Real estate, shares, deposits (with interest paid at the end of the term) are all examples of assets. Rental property is an asset that generates passive income. Sold real estate goes from an “asset” to income (one-time, unfortunately);
  • income- earnings, passive income and sold assets;
  • duty- something for which necessary pay - and then it flows from “debt” into “expense”. Renting real estate, car, loans - these are all examples of debts.

Your debt (loan, for example) is always an asset for someone (for the bank). Your income and earnings are always someone else's expense. Your asset generates income. Your debt is sucking money from your budget. Your income, lying in the bank under the sofa, is a drying up asset, because inflation is chewing on it all the time.

It is obvious that ideally we would like:

  1. get rid of all debts - so that money stops flowing into black holes;
  2. have reliable assets that periodically generate income that exceeds expenses for the same period - let’s say that with your monthly expenses of 1000 tugriks, your rental properties, cars, etc. bring at least 1000 tugriks (or better, more, because . all this needs to be repaired);
  3. also have reliable assets “for a rainy day”, which, when sold, can cover all your current expenses for a certain period - with the same 1000 tugriks per month, have a supply of bank metals or real estate that can be sold for 6000 tugriks, so that half a year can be calm live;
  4. have a reserve of funds that will allow you, with the risk of losing them, to increase both types of assets - for example, have another 100 tugriks per month for investing on the stock exchange, participating in businesses, etc.;
  5. if you have to create a debt (buy a car on credit, real estate or household appliances), then also have an asset that works to pay it off.

Well... these are my dreams. I work with them.

All authors urge us to formulate these dreams in a clear manner. Everywhere they advise you to decide for yourself - something like “over the next 30 years, create assets that generate 1000 tugriks monthly, have an asset reserve of 10,000 tugriks, risk 1000 tugriks monthly. As soon as I reach these numbers, I stop making money.”

Therefore, the task is to create different funds. Each fund has its own minimum, which cannot be crossed, and a maximum, which must be strived for. Once the minimum is achieved, the following tasks can be solved in parallel. Once the maximum is exceeded, the exceeded values ​​are transferred to the next funds that did not reach the goals and maximums.

A kind of line of funds is being created. The “junior” ones are the most modest in size (and in terms of profitability), but they have the highest priority. Having filled them (or exceeded their minimum threshold), you can move on. "Next" are more senior funds. As income grows and free funds become available, you can either improve your standard of living or create new global goals (say, charity in its various forms).

UPD: A group of funds forms a “portfolio of investments.” Let's say portfolio N1 serves for reserve purposes and consists of the most reliable funds (for me this is cash reserves, deposits in reliable banks, banking metals). Unfortunately, in the world of investing, “maximum security” = “minimum profitable.” Therefore, we also need a portfolio of N2 more risky assets - and, therefore, more profitable ones. I prefer dividing into 3 portfolios - the most reliable (often called a “safety cushion”), creating passive income (funds that “make money” are rental real estate, regularly sold assets, etc. - “acceleration zone”) and serving great purposes (to satisfy childhood hopes and adult dreams).

Personally, I am confused by references to specific values ​​of tugriks / euros / dollars /…. There is always inflation, changes in world currencies (anything can happen in 30 years!), and changes in appetites. So I decided to go a different route. In my financial report, every month I have a “monthly expense” figure. From it, of course, “minimum monthly consumption”, “maximum...”, “arithmetic mean...”, “median...” are derived. I take one of them as a certain conventional unit (hence the tugriks appearing in the text).

And then the following comes out - “a cash reserve of at least 1 arithmetic average of expenses for the current year, the Goal is 1 maximum of expenses.” This means that I recalculate my expenses for the current year every month. Let's say that in this current year my minimum expenses are 1,000 tugriks, the median is 2,000 tugriks, the arithmetic mean is 3,000 tugriks, and the maximum is 7,000 tugriks (the real ratio for the current year). If I have less than 3,000 tugriks in cash, then the problem is not solved. When I have from 3000 to 7000 of them, then I can solve larger problems, but I continue to put money here (how much exactly here and how much there is determined separately). When I have accumulated 7,300 tugriks this month and I plan to deposit 1,000 tugriks, then I withdraw 300 tugriks from this fund and invest 1,300 further in the next funds that are thirsty for filling. Every month I control the cash reserve and maintain it at 7,000 tugriks.

Let's say I began to live beautifully and spend more. Now all my numbers are changing - the minimum is the same 1000 (I obviously won’t spend less), the median is 2010 (we still spend more), average-arithm. 2200 (I started buying a lot), maximum 7500 (this month I exceeded my monthly expenses for this year). Now, with my 7,000 tugriks, I no longer reach my maximum, and I also planned to spend 2,000 tugriks on funds. Then I spend 500 on the cash reserve fund, the remaining 1500 on the following funds.

And so on in floating mode. In some years, appetites may decrease (the children have grown up and now live separately) - then a lot of funds are freed up (unless I decide to create new funds). Or maybe it’s the other way around - there’s more and more money, we spend more (or I help children’s families, now we divide the funds among everyone). Then you have to return from the latest funds to the older ones (or lower their additional profits lower in the funds).

UPD: without such an approach, focusing on specific values ​​in specific monetary units, I must take into account inflation for the groups of goods that interest me. At first I thought about maintaining my “consumer basket”. Then I realized that it should be my current expenses - a ready-made basket for groups of goods and services that interest me. As a result, my basket automatically takes into account inflation, changes in interests, and everything else. Therefore it is very convenient.

All this is written down in the financial report along the way and verified against it. Let's say I have expenses of 1000 tugriks, cash 1200. Then 1.2 is calculated in the corresponding cell. Excel can do a lot of things, it does the calculations itself. Very comfortably! However, no one says that this is the only software capable of this - the same OpenOffice Calc, for example. Here is a catalog of spreadsheets.

Stage 3: my goals and their implementation

Consider my current outlook, my long term goals:

  1. "airbag"- creating a reserve for a rainy day. Until I solve these problems, I do not move on and continue to work as a hired worker or private entrepreneur in low-risk areas. I would like to solve the problem in 5... 10 years.
    1. cash reserve- at least 1 average-arithm. expenses. Goal - 1 max. expenses;
    2. stock of deposits in reliable banks- at least 3 med. expenses. The goal is 3 max. expenses;
    3. stock of bank metals- at least 3 med. expenses. The goal is 3 max. expenses.
    4. preparation for the acceleration zone- learning everything I need in the acceleration zone. These are issues of working with stock exchanges, bonds, and real estate.
  2. "acceleration zone"- creation of active income. At this stage, you can quit your hired job, but you must remain a private entrepreneur. The general goal is to have a monthly income of 1 max. expenses. I would like to solve the problem in 5... 10 years.
    1. deposits in risky banks- deposits in highly profitable (and, as a rule, high-risk) banks for at least 2 minutes. expenses. The goal is an annual income of 2 max. expenses;
    2. internal government bonds- investment in bonds of your country, reserve of at least 3 minutes. expenses. The goal is an annual income from coupon payments of 2 max. expenses;
    3. external government bonds- investing in bonds of other (different!) countries, reserve of at least 6 minutes. expenses. The goal is an annual income from coupon payments of 2 max. expenses;
    4. long-term investment funds- investment in low-risk, highly liquid long-term funds, reserve of at least 6 minutes. expenses. The goal is an annual income from coupon payments of 2 max. expenses;
    5. reliable stocks- investment in shares of low-risk, highly liquid, reliable enterprises, reserve of at least 6 minutes. expenses. The goal is 6 max. expenses;
    6. venture funds- investment in medium- and high-risk funds, reserve of at least 1 max. expenses. The goal is 3 max. expenses;
    7. high yield stocks- purchase of high-risk shares, stock of at least 1 max. expenses. The goal is 3 max. expenses;
    8. real estate- real estate transactions. The goal is an annual income of 4 max. expenses.
  3. "high goals zone"- That's it, you don't have to work anymore. There is passive income, there are decent reserves. You can take up lofty and grandiose ideas. Here, division into funds is no longer necessary. Or, rather, the funds here will correspond to your innermost dreams... Say, to visit all the mountains of the world, or to build a free school for children, or to develop environmentally friendly cars, or... or...

Such grandiose goals and dreams (I remind you again - my dreams, not necessarily yours!). This is essentially a long-term financial plan. For now I am in the process of forming a “safety cushion”. My cash reserve is half formed from minimal expenses and is being squandered all the time. But I'm trying to make up for it. My principle now is this: out of 10% of my income, I set aside 1/3 for deposits and bank metals, 2/3 for cash reserves. As soon as the cash reserve reaches a minimum, I will change the strategy - 1/3 will be put aside for it, 2/3 for deposits and bank metals. When all these points reach a minimum, I will begin to develop the funds of the next zone.

At the same time, I do not forget about self-education. Thank God, there is a lot of time, you can slowly study. I don’t want to turn life into a race for a long tugrik; I have other goals and interests. Let it go in parallel, at its own pace. A lot of money came - great, we got a lot at once, there is not enough money - we accumulate little by little. The supply is already being created, so you can live and enjoy life and communication. After all, money is one of the ways to live happily, but it is by no means the goal of life.

Thank you for your attention!

P.S. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Do you also feel sorry for looking at old people who buy bread with their last money and are forced to work, even if their hands no longer obey?

Who knows, perhaps such a future awaits you, because you can’t count on a pension from the state. What if serious health problems arise? It's better to think about this in advance.

How to provide for your old age? You need to work hard and create some assets. This could be anything, from real estate to large bank deposits.

Many will say that even now it’s hard for them to live, and there’s simply nothing to save. It will be even more difficult in the future if you don’t think about it.

A comfortable old age, how to do this?

You will have to think like a successful investor and entrepreneur. Are you still far from retirement? Consider this an advantage.

You don’t have to work all day long to save up a good amount; it’s enough to spend at least a couple of hours a day, gradually collecting small amounts, investing them and scrolling through the money.

Even if we use not the most profitable methods and save money, a huge amount will accumulate towards retirement, but we will not save senselessly. Money should be put into circulation, and until it is enough for an apartment or a bank deposit, it can be used for various purposes.

If at the moment you do not have start-up capital to start a serious business, use.

It will be hard to start, but you won’t have to invest a penny. Even if in a year you have saved up a decent amount, during this time you can come up with a bunch of ideas on how to spin money.

Where is the best place to invest money?

In order for the amount you earn to increase several times before old age, you will have to be active. Reliable investments in real estate require huge investments; accumulating them is simply not realistic, so having earned even a few thousand rubles, immediately put them into circulation.

Here are some options for investing with small amounts:

You have enough time, so don't look for quick ways to get rich. It is better to choose a proven method and receive a small percentage than to take risks. Personally, I will definitely provide for my old age, since I have already earned good money and constantly put it into circulation.

My blog is visited by several thousand users every day, and good royalties come from the game:

I also have a YouTube channel, and more than one, but so far it has not brought any tangible profit. The company also brings me income; they invest money in the work of experienced traders:

The profit is stable, but I am not giving up doing this, but on the contrary, I am developing all sources of income. At the same time, I am always open to new investments, consider interesting options and invest if I consider it necessary.

The company offers a good option for long-term investment. Its organizers launch a real business using the money collected from investors and then share dividends with them.

To provide for your old age it is not enough just to work, you need to use money as a tool to make serious profits. For now, I only invest via the Internet, but as soon as I have enough funds to buy real estate, I will immediately take advantage of it.

I am not a programmer or an experienced trader, I started working with the click sponsor Wmmail, so I wish each of my readers to find the strength to achieve success.

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Axiom: a prosperous old age occurs only among those who prepared for it from a young age. Saving for retirement is good practice even in prosperous America. But putting bills under the mattress is not the answer: money must work. To get them to work, it makes sense to follow seven simple rules. And bread and butter at the end of your days is guaranteed.

Nothing lasts forever, and even a young and energetic manager must be prepared for the fact that sooner or later he will have to retire. It doesn’t make much sense to wait for mercy from your native state: only security officials, deputies and honored retired workers of raw materials companies have pensions on which you can live with dignity. We believe that among the members of the Community there are neither the first, nor the second, nor the third. And if so, well-being during a well-deserved rest is a personal matter for each of us. And deal with this issue, in an amicable way, even before you reach your fourth decade.

American citizens are sophisticated in matters of long-term money management, so they can give a hundred points ahead to anyone. The CNN website guides future retirees on the right path and reveals seven secrets to how to ensure a dignified old age. If your dad's name is not Bill Gates or Ingvar Kampard, and if you are open to everything new, the American experience may be useful in Russian conditions.

Secret No. 1. Imagine in detail and in colors how you would like to live in retirement

Where will you live after retirement? What will you do during your well-deserved rest? Which country will you go to immediately after receiving your pension certificate?

Details, details are important here. To achieve your goals, you need to see them. What color will the tiles on the roof of your house be? What type of wood will be used to cover the floor of your carpentry shop? Which province of Italy will you travel to and what will you order for breakfast on the first day of your stay? All these seemingly meaningless installations charge you to achieve your goal.

Right thoughts generate right actions. Understand it, feel it, write it down and live it. And everything will work out.

Secret No. 2. Compete!

The desire to be better and more successful than others sits in a person at the genetic level. Change jobs to find yourself among ambitious and strong people you want to follow. Declare publicly your plans to ensure a comfortable old age.

This trick, by the way, works surprisingly well when quitting smoking or if you want to lose weight. This kind of “public speaking” obliges us to do a lot and forces us to mobilize. After all, the promise is given to the general public, which means that the chances of getting out of fulfilling the order under a convenient pretext are zero.

Interesting fact. The international financial holding company ING decided to take the desire for competition into account. The company has opened a special website where users can freely and anonymously compare their financial situation with the well-being of 140 thousand other savers. Seeing yourself at the bottom of the “tournament table”, you will certainly mobilize and become more jealous of your savings. The paradigm shift will occur subconsciously: we all want to feel at least as good as other individuals.

Secret No. 3. Use all kinds of “reminders” that will not allow you to deviate from achieving your goal

The effectiveness of this secret, simple in its genius, has been proven by specialists at Yale University. They studied the behavior of savers in Asia and Latin America and noted that 16% of bank account holders saved more money by regularly receiving various “reminders” from the bank about the importance of savings in a person’s life.

This pattern can also be used when accumulating private capital. For example, set messages in your Outlook calendar about the need to replenish your bank account with a specific amount by a certain date. Clear time frames and understandable amounts of money to save are better imprinted in the brain than the abstract “save a lot of money by the time you retire.”

You can do it even simpler: put a photo of your future ranch, where you want to spend your old age, on your bedside table, and look at it at every opportunity.

Secret No. 4. Monitor your current savings situation frequently and respond accordingly

Even experienced investors from time to time make mistakes in assessing the size of investments and in assessing the volumes returned. Don't think about a million dollars. It's better to focus on monthly income figures and compare the amount of contributions with your needs in the future.

Are your royalties keeping up with your appetite? This means it’s time to increase the amount that goes into the money box every 30 days.

Secret No. 5. Become a little rentier

The main type of business in Russian (receiving income from some existing assets and doing nothing at the same time) turns out to be not disgusting to Americans either. Even a small income received from property once acquired makes retirees happier. In their own eyes, they do not stupidly eat away all the money they earn, but compensate for expenses - at least partially.

In this regard, the future pensioner vitally needs some kind of real estate that would be in demand among borrowers. Although, if you have two free apartments in Moscow for rent, you can forget everything that the smart guys from CNN told you. Your retirement will pass in cloudless bliss even without their advice.

Secret No. 6. Calmly accept the possible loss of part of your savings

No one is immune from mistakes and losses. Even if you were Warren Buffett three times over, you won’t be able to constantly increase your capital: something will be eaten, something will be destroyed by the fluctuations of the stock market. Losses are inevitable in the fate of an investor. If you have read books on the topic of investing money, you are well aware of this.

Financial literacy will also help you redistribute your investment portfolio and weather stock market storms in commodity futures or bonds. The main thing is calm!

Secret No. 7. Know how to protect your future financial well-being

Older people are often more optimistic than younger people. This is by no means a manifestation of senile insanity, but simply the result of a restructuring of the brain in accordance with age.

Perestroika, however, can play a cruel joke on you. The effect of a positive outlook on life lulls your guard, and the likelihood of losses if something goes wrong increases. That is why old people are more vulnerable to all sorts of crooks with vacuum cleaners for the price of a slightly used domestic car.

In order not to “get caught up in money”, try to maintain your youth for as long as possible. Play sports, read more. And, of course, simplify your investment portfolio before retirement - for example, shift from stocks and derivatives to currencies, gold and bank deposits.

So that you have something to praise yourself for while drinking juice on the porch of your own house on the lake.

Photo TASS

Apartment: sell and buy a more modest one; let in tenants

The main asset is your own apartment, registered in your name. Owning your own home in old age can provide you with both a roof over your head and an income.

Photo Pavel Karavashkin/Interpress/TASS

There are several options here. The simplest ones are selling or renting out part of the home. What you can do with the difference in money or with the proceeds in general - we will describe in detail below.

For example, a large three-room apartment can be sold while simultaneously purchasing a smaller one and/or in a less prestigious area. At the same time, you can insure yourself and, as an additional source of income in the future, buy another home - the most affordable one-room apartment. Having completed your working career, you will be able to rent it out, sell it, or move into it by selling your old large apartment.

You can also completely sell your home and move in with relatives, giving them part of the money, and making the remaining amount generate income.

You can - and this is quite a common case, as realtors say, to let in tenants - to rent out one of your rooms to one or two students or decent women who come to work.

The main thing is not to lose your home due to a dubious deal! Therefore, it is best to entrust the search for tenants and the execution of a lease agreement to an agency - this minimizes risks. But such income can be unstable - you can lose it at any time if your tenants lose their jobs, do not keep the room clean and tidy, or you do not get along with their characters.

Rent: how to avoid being scammed

Photo Alexey Filippov/RIA Novosti

Here's a common case. A 78-year-old granddaughter and grandfather drew up a life annuity agreement with a notary. According to him, his granddaughter received a third of his three-room apartment. The document stated that the girl would provide her grandfather with food, take care of him if necessary, clean his room, buy necessary things, and if necessary, she would support him with money. For this, she received a share of an apartment worth at least 3 million rubles. The agreement went to the registration chamber, and soon the grandfather’s property was transferred to his granddaughter, along with the responsibilities for maintenance and care.

However, the girl rarely called, and came only once a year. She did not give him the attention that the grandfather was counting on. He did not see any money or food. The grandfather justified his granddaughter: she works, and she needs to rest on the weekends. And then my grandfather had a stroke and fell ill. But even then the granddaughter did not appear. Relatives got involved: they shamed and persuaded. The granddaughter refused, claiming that the agreement was formal and the grandfather did not expect help from her, but simply wanted to give her housing. 2.5 years after the annuity was issued, my grandfather died. The granddaughter did not take part in the expenses of his funeral...

“There are several types of annuity: permanent, lifelong and lifelong maintenance with dependency,” says lawyer Elena Prozorova. “With any of them, ownership of property passes from one person to another person on terms payment of a sum of money or provision of maintenance funds in another form.”

The annuity that single people usually take out is precisely lifelong maintenance with dependents.

Photo ITAR-TASS/Valery Matytsin

After the conclusion of the agreement, the rent recipient is deprived of ownership of real estate (house, apartment, land, etc.), which passes to the rent payer.

In return, he can expect that until his death he will receive dependent maintenance from the rent payer.

“This content may include the provision of housing, food, clothing, care if health conditions require it, and also, in the future, payment for funeral services,” the lawyer lists. “The law does not limit the volume of content, establishing a possible, but not exhaustive list of what may be included in it, that is, the volume of content can be either increased or decreased.”

When choosing this option for yourself, you must be extremely careful and meticulous in listing what exactly the annuity payer is obliged to provide to the annuity recipient.

You can stipulate in the contract a condition on the provision of medicines, on the provision of help with housework, specifying not only its types, but also the frequency of provision - for example, once a week.

The most important thing, of course, is to indicate the provision of housing in the scope of the content provided. And not just housing, but namely the right to live in the apartment that usually single people transfer into ownership in exchange for receiving maintenance.

Because the law does not prohibit the provision of other residential premises or even part of it as housing, thus, the rent recipient risks being “resettled” into a room in a communal apartment or a dilapidated house outside the city.

But the main goal of a person when registering a rent is to live out his days in his home, but with the help of other people who will receive his property for this.

The contract must indicate price the entire amount of dependent support.

When determining it, it is important to know that per month the annuity recipient has the right to receive benefits from the annuity payer with a total value of at least two levels of the living wage per capita, relevant for the subject of Russia where the property transferred under a lifelong maintenance agreement with dependents is located.

The annuity recipient can only rely on what is stated in the contract.

This is why it is important to describe the amount of dependent support provided as accurately as possible. Otherwise, you can lose your apartment and get pitiful crumbs instead.

It is important to understand that, by law, “dependency” can be replaced by simple payment of periodic payments. Let us emphasize once again: if the recipient wants to retain his right to continue living in his apartment, then this must be specified in the contract. Otherwise it's just money. And no roof over your head.

Sometimes people think that ownership passes to the annuitant upon the death of the annuitant, as in the case of a will. This is wrong. The rent payer has the right to sell, donate, or mortgage the apartment, however, only with the consent of the former owner, that is, the rent recipient.

When purchasing such real estate, the new owner also acquires the responsibilities of a rent payer, that is, he becomes a new person who is obliged to provide dependent maintenance to the rent recipient. In a word, under the new owner, the recipient of the rent will continue to receive performance from him.

What to do if the rent payer cheated? You have ceased to be the owner of your home, but at the same time you may remain lonely and unsecured. The one who promised mountains of gold does not appear because he is waiting for the death of the old and lonely one in order to remove the encumbrance in the form of rent from his property right.

“We need to go to court and terminate the lifelong maintenance agreement due to the rent payer’s failure to fulfill his obligations and oblige the property to be returned to the previous owner,” recommends Elena Prozorova. — In this case, it is not necessary to prove the fact of non-fulfillment of the contract by the annuity payer to the annuitant himself, but on the contrary - the annuity payer is obliged to prove that he properly provided maintenance with a dependent. According to statistics, 40% of such contracts are terminated by a court decision.”

It is important to remember that a life dependency agreement is terminated only by the death of the annuitant, not by the death of the payor. That is, if the person to whom the apartment was transferred into ownership under such an agreement dies, the agreement will not be automatically terminated—the apartment will not return. It will become an inheritance after the deceased rent payer, will pass to his heirs along with the encumbrance of the rent, and they will continue to fulfill (or not fulfill!) the obligations under the contract.

Money for old age

Photo by ITAR-TASS/ Interpress/ Petr Kovalev

Let's say you exchanged your apartment for a smaller one in order to save money for old age. How to dispose of them correctly?

“It’s good if you have initial capital for investment, which you can invest in different instruments,” says Oleg Sedushkin, financial advisor at Investment Boutique Shumakov and Partners. “However, even if you have $1,000, in 20 years you can become the owner of quite a substantial capital.”

According to the expert, it is best to choose three areas for investment. This:

1. Bank deposit. Profitability - 5-10% per year in rubles. The deposit amount is from 10,000 rubles, not exceeding that insured by the state (today it is 1.4 million rubles). It is necessary to pay attention that the bank is included in the DIA insurance system.

2. Securities. Profitability – from 10-30% per year in foreign currency. Investment amount – from $1000. You can purchase shares yourself through a broker, but it is more effective to do this through investment management companies, mutual funds, etc. They will form a diversified portfolio of 6-9 securities for you. The portfolio is based on securities from various sectors of the economy - telecommunications, financial, food, retail and others. Every month, the composition of the participants in your portfolio will be rotated - that is, reviewed and purchased for the next month. Your asset manager will replace securities that have shown low or negative returns with shares of a growing company. You should also pay attention to commissions. The ideal option for an investor is a commission only on profits. Other fees—such as management fees—reduce investment returns.

On the plus side. Risks in your investment portfolio of securities of European, American and Chinese companies that are traded on exchanges will be insured by SIPC - the state corporation for the protection of the rights of investors in securities. Insurance is provided up to $500 thousand for each client account. But not all management companies, and especially mutual funds, are part of the insurance system. Pay attention to this.

Of the minuses. Based on the results of the work, the investment company retains a commission of 30% of the profit to pay for its services.

"You have$1000"

Let's say you are 40-50 years old, you have $1000 and you are planning a long-term investment for a period of 20 years.

“We distribute this starting investment amount as follows: we allocate 20% to a bank deposit, and 80% to the purchase of securities,” recommends Oleg Sedushkin. “For bank deposits the yield does not exceed 8%, for securities it fluctuates at the level of 10-30%, so the average annual yield in this case will be about 20%.”

Thus, by investing only $1,000, in a year you will receive $1,200, and in 20 years you will be able to accumulate the amount of $38,000 (at the current exchange rate this will be about 2.1 million rubles). Your monthly passive income will be $635. But if you manage to replenish your investment portfolio monthly by just $100, then in 20 years your savings will reach $262 thousand, that is, approximately 15.7 million rubles at the current exchange rate. And this is already an impressive amount. It will be able to bring you a decent passive income - $4380 per month (!), for which it is better to reinvest part of it again in banks (including foreign ones), real estate, and also entrust it again to a Management Investment Company or Investment Fund.

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