Short cheerful congratulations on February 23 to men. February congratulations to men with humor, short

Following Valentine's Day comes another important February holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day or simply February 23rd. On this day, we women, as on February 14, have to puzzle over original congratulations and gifts for our beloved men. But unlike the same Valentine's Day, the task is complicated by the fact that the number of men who should definitely be congratulated on February 23 is equal to the number of all the representatives of the stronger sex you know. It’s good if you have the time and opportunity to congratulate every man on this day personally, but what if this is physically impossible? In this case, SMS from February 23rd is very helpful - short, funny, funny with humor and beautiful congratulations in poetry and prose. They are ideal for congratulating both your beloved husband and a close friend or acquaintance. Convince yourself of this by selecting an SMS with wishes for Defender of the Fatherland Day from our article today.

Cool short SMS for congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23, 2017

You can choose any SMS for congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, but we recommend starting with cool short options in verse from our first selection. Firstly, such cool short SMS for congratulations on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, are quite universal and suitable for any man. Secondly, such congratulations are quite original versions of congratulations and will definitely not go unnoticed. Therefore, if you want a short, succinct and original congratulations from February 23, then start your search with the options below.

I congratulate you

And with all my heart I wish

Happiness without end and edge,

Sun in the blue sky,

So that luck comes to the house,

So that everything is perfect

And today, and then!

The country knows its heroes

And he doesn’t forget on holidays.

And I congratulate you too,

I wish you good health.

Decent friends, respect

And career advancement!

Be successful always.

I wish for you

Money, happiness and goodness.

Be strong like a wall.

Don't ever get sick.

Twenty third of February

After all, it was not invented in vain -

So that the defenders can

Wish you peace and love,

Happiness, faith and good luck,

Joy, goodness to boot.

Short funny SMS with humor for congratulations on February 23, 2017 in verse

Everyone knows that good humor makes any congratulation more lively and interesting. Short funny SMS with humor for congratulations on February 23 in verse are no exception to this simple rule. By sending a congratulatory SMS with humor, you can be 100% sure that such a wish will bring a smile to the face of its recipient. In addition, short SMS with humor for funny congratulations from February 23 in verse are quite universal and suitable for both colleagues and relatives.

I wish you not to lose your form,

To be on time everywhere and everywhere,

Roll a hundred grams for the holiday

And serve the Motherland with honor!

I want to play with my muscles,

Driving around in a fashionable car

Always with a full wallet,

To be a brutal man.

Let there be no end to the ladies,

Let the crowd follow you.

So that you are always not a scoundrel,

And macho, knight, male.

Let the whole Earth congratulate

Immodest? What's wrong with this?

After all, there is only one life, live it high!

Men's holiday is coming soon

We hasten to congratulate them:

So that you can live and be able to

There was no need to freeze the blood.

Every day so that in the morning

I was able to master more than one...

Not one, not two, not three,

From the right, from the left and from the leg

Open new doors -

Give happiness to women!

Cool congratulations for SMS in verse on February 23, 2017 to your beloved husband

The first man you want to congratulate on February 23 is your beloved/boyfriend/husband. It is he who, in the female representation, is the personification of the main protector in our lives. And the following selection of cool congratulations for SMS in verse for February 23 is dedicated to the beloved husband/man. Of course, one could argue that congratulations via SMS are too simple and superficial for a loved one. But we are sure that cool congratulations for SMS in verses on February 23rd for your beloved man are quite appropriate. For example, such an SMS can be sent to your loved one early in the morning at work or made part of a whole series of congratulations throughout the day.

The husband is always the wife's protection,

Both support and shoulder.

Happy Defender's Day, beloved,

Warm congratulations!

Stay kind, brave,

Fair and direct.

Know that I am endless

You will always be loved.

My beloved, my dear,

Our dear man.

We wish you happiness.

Love us, take care of yourself...

This is what I'm talking about.

Happy Defender's Day to you

Congratulations to the whole family!

I congratulate you

My protector best friend

And beloved husband!

I want to wish you

The brightest days in fate,

New goals and victories,

To live in a world without wars and troubles.

Congratulations in short verses for SMS to a close friend on February 23

Male friends are a special category of close people who deserve only the most best congratulations in verse for February 23. Of course, it’s simply wonderful when it is possible to gather all your friends at one table on Defender of the Fatherland Day and personally give each of them your warmest wishes. But what to do when friends live in different parts of the country or even the world? In this case, congratulations in short verses for SMS to a close friend on February 23 from our next thematic selection will come to the rescue.

I'm from the twenty-third of February

Congratulations, friend, now you

And I only wish you victories,

Live happily, without troubles!

May luck be with you

And at home there is happiness and peace.

And let everyone's dreams come true,

After all, you deserve it!

I hasten to congratulate my friend,

Wish you great happiness,

Peace, joy, goodness.

Please accept my dear friend,

Congratulations from me,

So that there is luck in everything,

God helped all the time.

I congratulate you

Happy special holiday.

Praise is given to him as a protector,

To everyone who is collected in life.

Here's my congratulations to you,

Be always happy.

All dreams come true in time

You have always been loved.

SMS from February 23rd are cool, often funny with humor, congratulations in poetry and prose that should be dedicated to dear men. Such SMS can be sent to both your beloved husband and a dear friend or male colleague. They are great as independent wishes and as additions to the main congratulations and gifts. Don’t forget that on Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, the main thing is to show attention and say a few warm words to men. And it is congratulatory SMS that cope with this task perfectly.

Defender of the Fatherland Day comes in late February and, according to established tradition, is considered the main holiday for men. Regardless of military service and age, February 23 is celebrated by everyone - from kindergarten and schoolchildren to adult representatives of the stronger half of humanity. The most warm congratulations from February 23, as well as wishes of good luck, courage and strength for work achievements. Of course, it is best to respect the “heroes” of the occasion during a personal meeting by presenting a gift and accompanying it with a touching congratulatory speech. However, it may happen that your beloved man or friend will have to celebrate the holiday in another city or in the service - this is especially true for the military. In this case, you can send a loved one beautiful sms on February 23, thereby ensuring good mood and a lot of positive emotions. Take advantage of our selection of cool short SMS congratulations by February 23 - such funny messages will add a touch of humor to the holiday atmosphere and will be remembered by the recipient for a long time.

Cool short SMS for February 23rd to your beloved husband, brother, friend

As February 23 approaches, women prepare not only a generous meal for their beloved men, but also sincere words of congratulations on their “legitimate” holiday. Choose a cool short SMS for your beloved husband, brother or good friend and send it to your phone on the morning of February 23 - we are sure that such a message will be a pleasant surprise and the beginning of a wonderful day. We have selected several short, funny SMS congratulations on February 23 that will bring a kind smile to the faces of our courageous defenders.

How calm we are behind such a back.

And therefore, hero, be healthy and cheerful,

And may you never hang your nose!

The supply of socks for the year has almost dried up,

Cologne sprayed to zero,

Lack of stocks is a good sign,

That the twenty-third of February is soon.

Congratulations on the twenty-third,

Be strong like the wind

Be as beautiful as the ocean

And hot like a volcano!

Be as fresh as the sea breeze

And, of course, only mine!

Short SMS congratulations in verse on February 23 to men

Defender of the Fatherland Day falls in the very last month of winter and is always celebrated with great scope and solemnity. Congratulatory speeches from state officials are heard on television, concerts are held at enterprises and educational institutions, meetings with veterans, and the laying of wreaths at monuments of military glory. According to a government decree, since 2002, February 23 has been declared a day off, so men can spend this holiday with family and friends. Our pages present short SMS messages for February 23 in verse - with such humorous congratulations, the holiday will be remembered for a long time by your beloved man, friend or work colleague.

Even if you weren't a soldier,
You are still a protector
So I wish you health, strong strength,
I see you are trying to be a man!

In life you are a protector, a warrior,
Protect your inner circle
Always worthy of happiness and love,
And kudos, my best friend!

Hold the helm, let the wind howl,

Your wife is with you and your children

On a life ship!

We trust you, our dear

And congratulations on the Twenty-Third!

A collection of funny short SMS for the holiday of February 23

The history of the main men's holiday goes back about 100 years. During this time, its name changed several times, eventually turning from the “birthday” of the Red Army into Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today, February 23, men all over Russia receive congratulations from their beloved “halves” with the kindest words of wishes. If you are wondering how to congratulate your husband or friend on February 23 in an original way, send him a funny short SMS with congratulations from our collection on his phone. Undoubtedly, such a sign of attention will lift your spirits and inspire your beloved defenders to further exploits and accomplishments.

I want to wish men

So that you do not dare to lose heart.

Life without adventure is boring -

We want you to find them.

We want everything to come true for you,

Everything in this life worked out,

Let your dream come true

And beauty comes knocking on life!

On this day, the stronger half
There is a main trump card in stock
That February day when a man
He can command his wife to his heart's content!

It's sad without a man in the house,
It's boring, what can I say!
Without love the heart is empty,
And how can one not love you?..
Let's confess our feelings on the holiday -
May you be happy forever!

Funny SMS messages for the holiday of February 23, with humor to your best friend

Many people look forward to February 23 to congratulate their best friend with a funny SMS sent to their phone. Perhaps yours close person serves in the army - then congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day will come just to the “address”. However, if your friend’s profession is not related to military issues, your funny SMS message will still be appropriate, because February 23 is celebrated by all men without exception. When choosing words of congratulations, pay attention to original funny SMS with a light “touch” of humor - one of our options will definitely suit you.

My friend, February 23
comes to your house,
Wishes you, lovingly,
So that every year
Your money has multiplied
I wish you good luck in love!

My friend, I want to congratulate you
Happy Protective main day of the year.
Come on, we're in a restaurant
Let's celebrate our common holiday!

My best friend! Let me congratulate
Happy International Men's Day!
It’s not a sin to improve our health,
After all, there is only one holiday!!
And I wish for both of us
Clenching my fists tighter,
So that you can live your life like a hero,
May there always be men!

Beautiful SMS for February 23 in verses to congratulate your loved one

For a loved one, it is better to say congratulations on February 23 in the form of a short accompanying speech when presenting a gift. Poems or a few words of prose will be an excellent addition to “traditional” personalized mugs, shaving sets or men's perfumes for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Remind your loved one about yourself by sending February 23 to your phone beautiful SMS congratulations in verse - we tried to collect the most touching words wishes.

The February cold strengthens true characters. And our defenders, real men, have them, better than any cold and frost. And they have everything in order with a sense of humor: without it, they cannot serve in the military service, nor overcome the hardships of army life, and even more so with the everyday chaos. These funny congratulations on February 23 to men with humor to lift their spirits and morale.

Short, funny, humorous congratulations on February 23rd to men

It’s a good tradition to give congratulations on February 23rd to your beloved men. Defenders of the Motherland, their wives, mothers, daughters and sisters deserve the most best wishes. It’s just that the congratulations on the footcloths tire them out by two sheets. They prefer humorous, succinct, amusing and funny ones. A real holiday is not only a celebration, but also fun.

My heartfelt congratulations on the 23rd.

I wish for a Suzuki

So that it was like a tank (you know, with a hatch),

Instead of dry rations - caviar,

And the Maldives and Mallorca,

And a bottle of whiskey!

And with eel sauce!

Not a man, not a son,

Congratulations to the man:

Happy 23rd - it's a holiday!

Let's add some sparkle to the glass!

I woke up early in the morning,

Stretched, smiled,

He aimed his sight - the ranker,

He is the commander in the house.

Raised the artillery

And he hugged his wife.

Took the trench in one battle,

Happy 23rd! Happy Military Day!

Yes, it’s gurgling in the glass, yes, it’s splashing!

Everything is captured and the rear is secured!

May you be fortunate, defenders of the Fatherland!

Your holiday has come - Armed Forces Day!

Don't pour it quietly:

You put your health on hold

When I served my Motherland!

This is your holiday, hero!

He is dear to all the soldiers!

Who was in uniform

He deserved it!

“Frontline” 100 g with friends

And a dugout in Miami!

Like an owner - a super-pilot,

And in the bed there is a flamethrower.

I adore you -

My beloved protector,

All congratulations to you,

Smiles to you, joy

And all the luck everywhere!

What should I wish you today?

Only wear a uniform for a holiday,

Weapons are only for hunting,

Well, maybe we can also shoot at the shooting range,

And if you hear volleys, then it’s fireworks,

And let it be a happy moment.

My defender, I congratulate you,

Always be happy - I wish you.

And I wish you peaceful dreams,

Like a wood grouse in winter,

Let your mother-in-law love football

Father-in-law will give a Citroen,

And the wife will not say anymore:

“Honey, I have a migraine.”

Defender's Day is yours

Put everyone on guard!

With you I am a fairy

Without you - Fiona,

My general,

(I don't judge by the stars on my shoulder straps.)

You gave me happiness

I love you,

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day

I give myself to you.

Once I held a machine gun,

So you will be rich

Let your stash be

Like a pot-bellied ATM.

And in a ceremonial purse,

Let the lava always rustle:

And no one will say anymore:

"Spirit, barracks, military base."

Hours passed, minutes passed,

Your youth has fled,

Today you will remember -

And you don’t need to go to the bathhouse in the trash,

Just let all your loved ones be around.

The orderly does not shout: “Company! Line up! Climb!".

Today we will drink and sing!

There are different successes in your affairs,

In the career, so that, as ordered,

Fly through obstacles.

If there is a guard, then at the crib -

At the nursery where the child lies.

And everything was fine

No, not foam, not socks,

Not underpants with an asterisk,

I'll give you love

My protector, my macho,

Better than all the men in the world

Congratulations, dear!

You wore ankle boots,

And I hung out on the parade ground in the rain,

A hungry ghost was more dangerous than a terrorist,

You have served - everything is clear on your conscience!

And I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Who hasn't smelled gunpowder?

And he didn't wear boots

We will not congratulate him

Let's pour it for ourselves, brother,

And we will be light drinkers -

Of those who drink, they don’t have enough,

And let’s remember how we like the army

Knocked out all the crap!

Happy 23rd, brothers,

Let's be hammers in life!

How beautiful is the sound of an alarm clock

For everyone who heard the cry: “Rise!”

How valuable the air is, lighter, clearer,

Who took off the gas mask with the belt.

Congratulations to everyone on the 23rd,

And I wish you a peaceful life!

Well men, happy 23rd!

Let's celebrate your holiday together,

Let this day be a pleasure,

If you drink, then only without a hangover,

May your wives appreciate you very much,

And they love you like the first time!

And let capital strive upward,

Your face just shines with happiness!

That's it, your razor is broken,

The shaving foam came out

And on the shelf by the sofa

Only two socks left.

Don't worry and don't worry,

There is a package on the table.

There are gifts for you!

Short congratulations on February 23 to men with humor, romance and tenderness

On February 23, congratulations are addressed not only to those who have long been demobilized, have acquired a family, new friends and work. The girls send them to their beloved boyfriend in the Army, the brides congratulate the grooms. This mini-collection of short congratulations is for them.

Let the demobilization belt weaken -

For others my door is closed.

Every day on a calendar sheet

The date has been crossed out. Honey, I'm waiting for you!

Congratulations on the holiday and look forward to

My dear you, I love you. I love!

Don't go AWOL

Don't fornicate with others there,

Don't ask them to stay with you,

I'm waiting for you at home, dear!

I congratulate you on your holiday,

Let's be together - I dream about you!

You're in boots like I'm in heels

You walk with confidence.

You reliably protect someone else's peace -

I will never give our happiness away.

I love you, I want to wake up and hug you,

And I’m trying to bring sleep closer to reality,

I look at our photo again,

And I send you congratulations on the 23rd.

Those who didn't wait won't understand

How my heart beats

Happy 23rd, my soldier,

Look forward to meeting.

Served - I'm proud of you,

And with you I'm not afraid

Neither fire nor water

And without knowing the ford.

My warrior

Love you.

Today is an awesome holiday -

My soldier meets him,

I'll dress up for you like a gingerbread.

I surrender, I'm waiting for instructions,

Grab me - the post will be taken down!

My best boyfriend in the world

The coolest one for me

The sun doesn't shine without you,

I have no life without you!

Congratulations on the 23rd,

And I adore you

Achieve your goals

Don't forget about me!

Happy Defender's Day to you

I really want to congratulate you,

And wish you to forget

About the word "loneliness"

Don't get carried away, don't be sad,

Don't be aggressive, it's better to catch the hype.

Promote your crowdfunding

Stop swiping and go for a walk with me!

I'm allowed to drink today.

Socks? Well, I'll find it myself.

I'll cook you a duck

And I’ll pour some wine for her.

Don't you want something red? – vodka,

And I’ll give you a herring to go with it.

Your holiday, dear, choose

Wow, it'll be March soon

And you will repay me a hundredfold.

Happy 23rd, my beloved,

Congratulations. Pull yourself up!

You hit an unprecedented jackpot,

I took a walk. Now get married!

I took off my shoulder straps and met demobilization,

You ended up in civilian life

The boycott was excellent,

I've more than made up for everything.

I congratulate you, dear,

Happy Defender's Day, my love!

A year has passed - the belt is lower,

Your demobilization is getting closer and closer,

Know that I will return you.

Happy 23rd. I love.

Hours fly and days pass.

Your service is running out.

Be strong, dear, we’ll meet soon,

And I will jump on your shoulders.

In the meantime, I'm sending a postcard

And congratulations on the 23rd!

I'm waiting for my beloved soldier,

I wait, I love and I will wait,

23 is the date: those who don’t wait will not understand.

I'm waiting, counting the days until we meet,

I remain faithful, my dear,

My heart has become stronger

How I love you!

Short congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues with humor

It is difficult to find a team where men and women do not work side by side. And the working community is a small family. And it also has a place for holidays. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, many important and meaningful words will be said, but short congratulations from colleagues in a close, friendly circle will also not be out of place.

How can we live without men?

Without their fancy stubble?

Coats will not be served without them,

And getting out of the car is not the same!

Who will give us a bouquet of flowers,

What about complements? What about the contrast?

Happy 23rd to you - happy men's holiday

We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Our defenders, men,

You are loved by us, appreciated,

You have everything you want:

Intelligence, valor, honor, and an affectionate “hare.”

You are the best thing in the world

Our congratulations to you on the 23rd!

A man is given a proud title,

It applies to defenders!

Please accept congratulations on the 23rd -

You are best. Vivat! Let's pour a third!

Congratulations, no joke.

For us you are both power and strength,

You, that part of the team,

What decides everything and everyone,

We can't do it without you!

Congratulations, praise,

And we wish you to live 100 years!

There's a snowstorm outside the windows,

Howling like a terrible beast,

Only with you, colleagues,

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Congratulations on the 23rd,

We invite you to dance!

You will taste the snacks

And drain your glasses,

We drink and walk until the morning.

Today is your day Hurray!

Colleagues, I want to congratulate you,

Happy holiday - honor upon honor!

Not on my own behalf, but on behalf of the team:

There is no better, more wonderful for us:

Behind you, like behind a stone wall,

And we know that you are a mountain for us.

We appreciate your work and deeds,

Be happy - forever!

Happy Defender's Day, men,

Have a nice holiday to everyone, a friendly feast, warm words and kind, sincere wishes.

Husband Dad Brother Son Uncle Father-in-law Colleagues Boss Happy Defender's Day

We congratulate you, dear defenders,
May your hopes, dreams, dreams come true,
And the dashing days will never disturb you,
Live in a world full of beauty!

You are a real man, no doubt
Intelligent, decisive, courageous, stubborn...
Protector, breadwinner, support and pride,
You have strength, faith, and firmness...

I wish you male happiness:
Enjoy your work, simple bosses,
Success, health, love and good luck,
Be the best in everything and nothing else!

Congratulations on the February holiday of real men! You are the most striking example of such a man - faithful and reliable. May your every day be successful and calm, and may your thoughts be only bright!

On this holiday in February
I want to always be at the helm.
Walk your life's path with dignity,
Don't stumble along the way!

I wish you all men on this holiday,
So that there is a strong spirit in a healthy body,
And so that to gray hair and wrinkles
You have retained your strength and courage.

I wish you to win any fight,
So that your palm is strong.
I wish you friends who are devoted to you,
So that you follow both into the water and into the fire!

You are truly courageous, extremely confident, truly reliable! Therefore, February 23rd, day best men, it really is your holiday! Congratulations, stay yourself!

May this strict February day
The frost doesn't scare you,
Let warmth settle in your heart,
Let your soul flutter with happiness.

Defenders of the Fatherland, today,
We congratulate you only.
We wish you hundreds of wonderful days,
Let the fire in your eyes not go out.

May you always sparkle with happiness,
We never felt the need for anything.
So that even the slightest bad weather can bypass you,
And the blessings brought you rich fruits.

May your soul always be filled with that bright joy, triumph and pride that now, on this festive February day, fills the hearts of all real men.

I want to congratulate you on All Men’s Day,
You have always been an example of courage,
Let everything in the world be within your reach,
And in every matter you will be the first!

I want to congratulate you on Men's Day!
I wish your wishes come true,
And so that you can't find reasons
For sadness or disappointment.

Let everything go well in work and life,
And the coins are always jingling in my wallet,
Let life be a gray run and bustle
The days will be filled with rainbow colors!

Happy February 23rd! Be persistent, achieve your goals, be strong, make your dreams come true! And let every day please you with only wonderful news and the most pleasant events!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
I congratulate you with joy today!
Let the sky above you be clear,
So that you enjoy life, loving!

A holiday is celebrated at the end of February
Our wonderful men.
Whether it's a veteran or a first-grader,
This holiday is the same for everyone!

We congratulate you, our beloved!
We wish you to glow with health,
Brighter, so that life becomes more beautiful,
Worries so as not to know at all!

Congratulating you, men, on February 23, I wish you courage in the heart, health in the body, youth in the soul, in feelings - love and sincerity, trust in relationships, desire for peace and constant readiness to defend the Fatherland and relatives and loved ones.

Alina Ogonyok

From February 23
Congratulations to you.
Let your friends appreciate you
They love and respect.
Be strong, powerful, lucky.
From everyone's efforts - return!

I congratulate all men
From February 23,
So that women love you,
And may you be happy.

Happiness in personal life,
Life is always great
To be able to, to strive, to conquer.
Be a Man. Happy February 23rd!

From February 23
I wish you valor and strength,
And the ladies should go crazy for you.

Happy February 23rd! Create, dare!
If you have problems in life, solve them quickly!
If there are difficulties, overcome them easily!
Drink your cup of happiness and love!

Happy February 23rd to you!
Honor and courage are at the helm!
Nearby is a beloved family.
Let the land be plowed peacefully!
Let the open spaces smell fragrant,
All disputes will be resolved well.

Congratulations on your 23rd!
Let everything be fine.
I also wish you love and joy:
Let there be light in life.

Happy Defender's Day today
Congratulations to all friends!
Let men smile
Their life will be more fun!
Strength, courage, health,
Let everything be done with love!

On the twenty-third of February,
All gifts are just for you,
And may all your dreams come true,
After all, you are the best in this world.

Even though the whiskey is in silver -
You have a holiday in February!
We cordially congratulate you,
We wish you to love forever
Home, family, your country,
To prevent war!

Congratulations to the brave soldiers,
For courage, courage, patience,
Good luck in your everyday work life
And brave deeds to you!

Those who are nearby, at the helm,
The whole country congratulates
Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day!
Let life always make you happy.

Men, congratulations,
May peace reign throughout the entire earth.
And the likelihood of new wars
It will be at zero all the time!

I congratulate all the guys
What kind of country are they standing behind a wall?
Let the enemy fear and tremble,
And good luck to you!

Congratulations to our dear men, lovingly,
Brave defenders of our country.
May the whole planet Earth live in peace
No grief, no tears, no bloody war!

We want to be proud of our men,
Let's congratulate them on the holiday and reward them with love!
We want to be constantly under their protection,
We wish you strength, health and love your life!

Soldier, don't think about war,
Live in a wonderful world.
And if you want to shoot,
Then do it at the shooting range!

For honor, courage and love
Let's raise our glasses again.
And we wish all men
A decent life without sadness!

It's sad without a man in the house,
It's boring, what can I say!
Without love the heart is empty,
And how can one not love you?..
Let's confess our feelings on this holiday -
May you be happy forever!

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