Sections and clubs: do children need them or are they imposed on us by society? Football section What does your child think?

What's happened football section? We are often approached by parents whose children want to play football, but are not ready for a full-time, multi-year education at a football academy. In this case, the section is the best option for sports.

We distribute children by five age groups and offer a real sports mode for those who want to feel like a football player!

Trainings take place four times a week - they are led by the club Academy coaches, who know everything about football tactics and physical activity, and also teach the children discipline and teamwork.

Come play football with us and be part of a big team! We are waiting for you at our stadium!

Features of the Lokomotiv football section:

  • The first trial training is free!
  • Classes are held on the fields of the Russian Railways Arena under the guidance of coaches from the club Academy.
  • Interesting workouts and a real sports regime.
  • Children can feel like part of a big team, become more disciplined and organized.
  • Choosing a time for training: classes are held several times a week.
  • Convenient location: the training fields are located at the Russian Railways Arena stadium, five minutes from the Cherkizovskaya metro station.
  • The most talented guys can get into the Academy of the Lokomotiv football club.

What you need to register for the section:

  • Get a certificate from your pediatrician that your child can play football. A health certificate is presented twice a year
  • See the schedule when your age group practices
  • Arrive as scheduled at any time convenient for you. The first training is free!
  • No need to call to sign up for a trial training session!
  • Payment is made per calendar month - on the 1st day of each calendar month. At the first training session, you must have an already paid receipt. You cannot attend training without payment.

    Please note that our bank details have changed. From 01/01/2018 payment must be made using new details. Receipts with new details are in the small arena

  • If you paid for classes for a month and attended only one training session, all other training sessions will be forfeited. Certificates are not valid. Trainings are not transferred or frozen.
  • We do not accept new students later than the 15th of each month
  • After submitting the documents, we take a photo of the child and issue an electronic pass. Children without a pass are not allowed to attend training.

SECTION is a part of a building or structure, conditionally limited in plan and representing a single whole in space-planning, technical and structural terms

(Bulgarian language; Български) - section

(Czech language; Čeština) - sex

(German; Deutsch) -Section

(Hungarian; Magyar) - szekció

(Mongolian) - sections

(Polish language; Polska) - sekcja

(Romanian language; Român) - secţiune

(Serbo-Croatian language; Srpski jezik; Hrvatski jezik) - seccija

(Spanish; Español) - bloque - section; section

(English language; English) - compartment; bay

(French; Français) - companionship; travee


Part of a low-voltage complete device between two successive vertical partitions (according to GOST 22789-94 ST IEC 439-1-85)

Construction dictionary.


See what "SECTION" is in other dictionaries:

    section- and, f. section f. lat. sectio cutting, dissecting, dividing. 1. Area in Paris and in large cities of France during the French period. bourgeois revolution of the late 18th century. SIS 1954. This side of the harlequinade was discovered in its era by Mr. Dumas: it seemed to him... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Section: Section is the rank of hierarchy in biological taxonomy. Section is a rank level in the musical hierarchy. Section (military unit) is a regular tactical unit in units of the armed forces (AF) of foreign... ... Wikipedia

    - (Latin sectio, from secare to cut). 1) autopsy, dismemberment. 2) department, rank. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SECTION lat. sectio, from secare, to dissect. a) Autopsy, dismemberment of the corpse.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    See part... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. section unit, block, unit; cell, element, cell; section, segment; rank, part; opening, racking, division... Synonym dictionary

    SECTION, sections, women. (Latin sectio cutting, incision, share). 1. A division, an organizational unit within an institution, organization, society or congress, with a certain range of work. Section of scientific workers of the trade union. Sections of the Comintern... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from Latin sectio, cutting division), 1) department of an institution, organization. 2) At congresses, a group of delegates working on a certain range of issues. 3) Part of any structure, device (for example, a section of a pipeline) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    1. SECTION, and; and. [from lat. sectio cutting, division] 1. Component of which l. structures, devices, etc.; node, section, compartment. Sections of pipeline, radiator. Sections of a residential building. Book, tableware village. walls. Wardrobe of two sections, with... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    SECTION, and, women. 1. Division consisting of which no. institutions, organizations, in the work of conferences, congresses. Sportivnaya village club. Sections of the symposium. 2. One of the plots, one of the parts of what n. the whole, for example structures, machines, block 2 (in 3 digits) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (sectio), taxonomic. category, in nerd. nomenclature, occupying an intermediate position between subgenus (below subgenus) and series (above series). S. unites closely related species. Latin name S. (epithet) is usually designated by the name... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    - (from Latin sectio cutting, division) at conventions, congresses, conferences, a group of delegates working on a certain range of issues; department of an institution, organization. Political science: Dictionary reference book. comp. Prof. Science Sanzharevsky... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    section- 1. A section of cable or fiber-optic communication line located between two active elements called regenerators or repeaters (Fig. S 3). Several sections located between multiplexers with addition/selection... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Hello, dear friends!

Many mothers wonder when and at what age they can send their baby to a specific or any circle in general. But many mothers didn’t even think about it; they live well without this kind of activity.

I belong to the first category and I was worried about many questions regarding the choice of a section for my son, in particular: where, when, from what age, is it necessary, will it be interesting for the child? All these questions were swirling around in my head and I started brainstorming when my son was 6 months old. But in general, I thought about it before, but I didn’t have the time or energy for additional activities.

Itaks, is it necessary to take your child to clubs and sections? Let's consider all the pros and cons of attending such events. Let's find out possible options for activities for children aged from one year to school.



Every coin has a reverse side, let's take a look at it:

. But here you can adjust its level. There is no need to drag your child seven days a week to all kinds of clubs. If you notice that your child has begun to get very tired or overtired, give up a busy schedule and attend events less often.
  • Plan It is not always possible to keep track of your child’s school schedule and take your plans into account.
  • Discomfort. If a child goes to a circle that is not interesting to him. I think there is little good here, you will only worsen the relationship even more, develop complexes in the child, and I think you will not often be pleased with successes.
  • Duration of classes also plays an important role. Based on the individual characteristics of the child, you must assess how it will affect your child’s health; you should not overload and exhaust him. According to the principle: “work out longer, sleep better.” Fatigue will accumulate and thereby reduce the performance and overall indicators of activity and mental health of the child.
  • How to choose a club or section for a child?

    The choice of section for a child may depend on many factors:

    1. Your time.
    2. Your wish. The child will have to be taken there or dropped off, then picked up again or waited there, which you will agree is not very pleasant. During this time, you could cook excellent borscht at home. Choose what is more important to you: your child’s time spent well or yours.
    3. Your finances. Currently, all these circles are not cheap, will your budget accommodate the additional expense?
    4. Child's wish.
    5. Child's age. All sections have their own age restrictions.
    6. Territorial remoteness. Some sections are quite far from our residence. Not every parent is capable of dragging through traffic jams to the other end of the city after work, and dragging a child as well. By the time you get there you don’t want to study, although there are such cases. Not all desired sections are available in the city where you live.

    You can rank in any order, since the importance of these things is different for everyone.

    Activities Options

    What does your child think?

    Very often parents do not take this opinion into account at all, because he is still small and cannot adequately assess what he needs now, but we know, we have life experience...

    Actually this is not true. Even a 1.5-year-old baby can already be understood without words: whether he likes such visits or not. Yes, he cannot tell you verbally, but his mood, his behavior should give you, as a mother, an accurate answer.

    Don't relive your life in your child. If you dreamed of going to volleyball as a child, you don’t need to drag your son there. Let him decide for himself.

    The clubs and sections given here are only those that I remembered, in fact there are countless of them, choose the ones that suit you and your child best according to your personal criteria.

    Thank you for reading to the end, was it at least interesting?

    Hope so. Write comments, which sections do you attend with your baby, what is his progress?


    Of course, courses are needed, but without fanaticism, the child should rest and have free time! We go to the basketball sports section and to educational courses on the development of intelligence, everything turned out very well, sports in themselves are a useful thing, and the courses develop memory, attention, the ability to concentrate, not to be distracted, well. and of course develop their horizons! I highly recommend the "presidential school" to Muscovites

    09.20.2013 10:46:35, Ida33

    very useful article. But in general, it’s better to go to clubs and sections more often than to sit at home in front of the computer or TV.

    Oh, life has become difficult not only for children, but also for parents! How to choose, how not to overload, but also not to fall behind your peers - you can break your head))

    Of course, I agree that you shouldn’t overload your child and there should definitely be time to relax, go out and just watch your favorite movie or cartoon))) We have a children’s creativity and art group. My daughter goes to classes on weekends, Saturday and Sunday! This is not an overload for her, but a favorite pastime, so that it doesn’t get boring)))

    09/12/2013 18:22:40, nina7777

    Comment on the article "Chooses and sections for children: benefits and harms. What to do with stress?"

    Circles and sections for children: benefits and harm. What to do with loads? Home > Education > Additional education > Clubs and sections. From this we can conclude that if at first a child can simultaneously attend a dance studio or club...

    About budget mugs. Leisure, hobbies. Child from 10 to 13. My children only go to the budget ones. For preschoolers, even before, most of the clubs in various children's creativity centers were paid, but there are no problems with schoolchildren.

    Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers The fact is that we are not against the studio. We are for clubs, sections and hobbies. I'm rather confused by some moments in this studio.

    A circle is good when there is equipment and special storage places for it. I dream of a school that is more like a home of creativity, where children go to classes in drawing, music, literature, mathematics, and chemistry. Like the House of Pioneers on Vorobyovy Gory.

    Sending a child to a sports section is not an easy task. We have already figured out how to choose the right sport for a child, now we will look at the popular questions that plague many parents.

    Is it possible to combine different sports? And is this necessary?

    It is possible to combine. Another thing is who needs it more: you or the child? You should not overload your child to such an extent that he does not have a single day off. You can try playing two sports over the course of one to two weeks. If it works out and the child likes this regime, then combine it while you can.

    What should I do if I am afraid to leave my child alone during training?

    In this case, you need to either cope with your fears and loosen your grip, or not send your child to sports clubs at all. Excessive care will not lead to anything good. On the contrary, it will deprive the child of independence from a very early age. Moreover, if you do not trust the coach, then there is no need to talk about success here at all. The coach should be a mentor, and between him and you, the parents, there should be complete trust in each other. You can come to the first lesson and watch the training process. And then decide whether the baby will stay here or not. And don't forget to ask him about it! It often happens that parents don’t like the coach for some reason, but the child is delighted with him.

    How to teach a child independence?

    The first step to success is to gradually stop caring for your child. Psychologists say that children need to be given freedom of choice so that they learn to be independent. The simplest example is to give the baby the opportunity to choose what to wear. For example, you select several clothing options in advance and leave the final say to your baby. This way he will understand that his opinion is taken into account, and will not be afraid to express it again. And the same applies to independence in actions. Believe me, the child will quickly learn to change clothes when you stop doing everything for him.

    The child no longer wants to study. Indulge him or force him?

    It is necessary to find out why this happens. Most often it takes a little time and everything will calm down on its own. If, for example, the cause of the whims was pain from stretching during rhythmic gymnastics classes, then you need to explain to your daughter that this will not always be the case, show her the performances of adult gymnasts so that the baby understands what all this is for. But if the situation does not improve over time, you should seriously think about: why such training that only brings tears to your eyes?

    Should you constantly ask your child to show what he has learned? Wouldn't this be too much control?

    It is best if the child volunteers to show you what he has learned. This means that the baby is truly interested in classes. If this happens, do not forget to praise your child, periodically encourage him, and this must be done sincerely. You can also ask your child to show something, but not in the form of a report (“come on, show me what you were taught there”). From such questions, the child will soon begin to withdraw into himself.

    If you send your child to sports at a very early age, is there no turning back?

    It depends more on the wishes of the child. If over time the child becomes so involved in activities that he quite consciously wants to become a professional athlete, then it will be difficult to prevent this. And why bother? If Didier Drogba had listened to his father and quit football, he would not have seen a brilliant career and Champions League gold. It is clear that there is fear: what if it doesn’t work out? But here no one can guess, such is life.

    The most important thing is to determine what you expect from the sports section. If the goal is to win the Olympic Games, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to practice constantly and devote more time to sports than to everything else. If you send your son or daughter to the section just to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body, then do it for your health - just don’t enroll in Olympic reserve schools.

    Is it possible to play sports seriously and still study well?

    Maybe. But it is necessary for the child to understand that learning is important. If he finds interest in studying, if he himself understands that without education it is extremely difficult to arrange his life, then he will find time to study. There are many examples of truly successful athletes who even managed to get a higher education. Take footballer Juan Mata, who has a degree in journalism, or Frank Lampard, who has straight A's, including in Latin.

    If you didn’t send your child to a sports section until the age of seven, then you can no longer count on success in big-time sports?

    It all depends on the sport. For example, it is unlikely that a 10-year-old child who has never done this before will be accepted into professional figure skating. But many sections begin to accept children only at the age of 8-12 years. Among them, for example, biathlon, basketball, volleyball, boxing, rowing. In any case, you can always engage in some kind of sport for yourself.

    If parents are “wooden,” then is it worth emphasizing the development of flexibility in training a child?

    If we are talking about serious sections, such as rhythmic gymnastics, then you definitely need to consult with a coach. He will assess whether the child should start studying. But there are elements of stretching in many sports - in the same martial arts, flexibility is very important. Even if it’s a little more difficult for your baby than for others, why not try to correct the hereditary “woodiness”.

    Do different types of martial arts cause aggression?

    Martial arts have their own philosophy. They don’t teach street fights or instill aggression here. On the contrary, if, say, you observe manifestations of aggression in your son, then it would be advisable to consider martial arts as an option.

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