When the nail comes off. Why do fingernails and toenails fall off? Wrong shoes

You can count a considerable number of ailments in which deformation of the nail plates is observed. Some of them are quite easy to get rid of, while others are not so easy. One of these problems is the detachment of large nails. This unpleasant pathology can not only seriously frighten a person, but also negatively affect the general state of health.

Features of the pathology

So, onycholysis (detachment of the nail plate) is a pathological change in the keratinized part of the thumb, during which it separates from the skin. It can be partial or complete. At the same time, a void appears under the nail, in which harmful bacteria can multiply.

The disease develops quite quickly. For example, within six months a nail can peel off completely. Despite the fact that the disease is the first to be affected, it spreads further over time. Refusal of treatment can provoke complete loss of the nail plate, without the possibility of recovery.

Most often, detachment of the nails on the big toes is diagnosed in men who do not always monitor the health of their feet. Naturally, the pathology must be treated. However, first we need to establish the factors that provoked it.

Reasons for development

If the nail on the big toe peels off, the reasons may be:

Problems with blood circulation in the lower extremities.

Allergic reaction.

Fungal infection of the feet.

Some chronic pathologies.

Eczema or psoriasis.

Acquired or hereditary diseases that are somatic in nature (and in the acute phase).

Traumatic injury to a finger.

Infectious lesion of the finger, in the treatment of which incorrect methods were used.

Abnormal nail growth.

Using uncomfortable shoes.

Taking certain medications or chemicals.

On the big toe (the reasons for the development of the pathological process can only be determined after diagnosis) is a serious problem. It is impossible to delay the treatment of pathology.


So, the presented disease has the following symptoms:

1. A cavity appears under the nail in which air accumulates.

2. The part of the plate that has come off becomes yellow, blue or acquires a brown tint.

3. First, only the edge of the nail is separated, and then the process covers the entire stratum corneum.

It should be noted that in the first stages of development the disease is not accompanied by pain. However, when an infection enters the air cavity, significant discomfort may occur: ulcers develop, pus is released, and bleeding occurs.

Diagnostic features

Detachment of nails on the big toes must be treated, otherwise the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. However, first you need to find out the cause of the development of the pathology.

Diagnosing the disease is not particularly difficult. If there was a finger injury, the patient should tell about it. In addition, the doctor externally examines the separated plate. If necessary, bacteriological seeding is carried out to determine the microflora in the void.

Features of proper nutrition

Do you want your nails to be strong and healthy? Then eat well. The following rules must be followed:

To ensure that your body has a sufficient amount of iron, you can drink a decoction of sorrel, burdock or dandelion flowers.

The lack of silicon can be compensated for with bananas, salt, parsley and salad.

If you lack magnesium, you need to consume milk and meat.

In order for the body to receive a sufficient amount of calcium, you need to eat nuts, cabbage, cheese, seaweed, and vegetable oil. It is advisable to consume animal calcium, as it is easier to absorb. You can get it by crushing eggshells.

Features of traditional treatment

If the nail on the big toe begins to peel off, the treatment will be as follows:

1. If the plate comes off due to a fungal infection, then the drugs “Bifonazole” and “Exoderil” are used for therapy. Moreover, these products are not only for topical use - some of them are sold in tablets for oral administration. Combined treatment from inside and outside will be more effective. Fukortsin is considered a fairly good medicine. You can lubricate your nails with this product up to 4 times a day. Next, 3-5% oxytetracycline ointment is applied to the plates.

2. Infectious and fungal pathologies can be treated using a laser.

3. If the nail has completely peeled off, surgical removal is indicated. In order for the stratum corneum to recover more quickly, it is recommended to use a gelatin solution. You will have to drink it at least 5 times a day, and the therapy itself lasts 3 months.

In order to prevent the further spread of the pathology, it is necessary to cut your nails short once a week and try not to use cosmetic varnishes for pedicures. In addition, you should change your socks daily and use antiseptics (unless there are any contraindications).

Use of folk remedies

If from the skin, treatment can be carried out not only with the help of medications. Traditional recipes will also be useful:

Olive or sea buckthorn oil has a good effect. It should simply be rubbed into the nail plates every evening before going to bed.

Warm baths with sea salt not only strengthen the nails, but also disinfect the resulting cavity. However, it must be borne in mind that the salt must be free of impurities. The procedure should be performed 2 times a day for 90 days.

Detachment of nails on the big toes can be treated using baths with the addition of herbal decoctions. To prepare, take a large spoonful of pre-chopped pine needles and chamomile. The mixture is steamed with boiling water, and then diluted with strong green tea (half). Next, you need to dip your toes in this liquid for half an hour.

Gelatin baths. Dissolve half a teaspoon of gelatin in a glass of water and let it brew for half an hour. In order for the raw material to completely dissolve, the liquid can be slightly heated. Next, dip your nails in the prepared mixture for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a week.

Apple cider vinegar helps eliminate onycholysis. It is necessary to mix it in equal quantities with water and use it as baths. Leave your feet in this mixture for 20 minutes, and repeat the procedure twice a day.

In any case, before using the presented remedies, you should consult your doctor.

Prevention of pathology

Many patients turn to doctors with the question: “The nail on the big toe has come off: what to do?” Naturally, such a disease needs to be treated. But it can be prevented by observing the following preventive measures:

1. It is better to buy comfortable shoes that are made of natural material.

2. Socks should always be clean, and synthetic materials should not be used. It is better to give preference to cotton or linen products.

3. If your feet get wet, they need to be wiped and dried as soon as possible.

4. If a finger is injured, it should be bandaged immediately and consult a doctor.

5. When working with heavy objects, you must wear appropriate shoes: steel toe. This will protect you from injury.

6. If symptoms of a fungal or bacterial infection are noticed, you should urgently consult a doctor, otherwise the whole family may suffer.

7. The toe of the shoe should not put pressure on your toes.

8. After visiting public places for swimming or washing, you must wash your feet well with antibacterial soap and treat your feet with an antiseptic.

Situations in which people's toenails or fingernails fall off are not uncommon. This problem occurs at any age and in the vast majority of cases occurs as a result of injury or fungal infection. But there are other reasons that contribute to the detachment and loss of nail plates. A person who notices a similar problem does not need to diagnose himself. A visit to a dermatologist will allow you to discover the true culprit of the rejection and select treatment aimed at speedy restoration of the nail plate.

As mentioned above, onycholysis (the scientific name for the detachment and falling of the nail from the soft tissues of the finger) has many causes. Experts consider the main ones to be:

  • mechanical injuries of the nail plates;
  • wearing uncomfortable, low-quality or tight shoes (if your toenails fall off);
  • onychomycosis (fungal infection);
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • regular skin contact with chemicals without the use of rubber gloves;
  • low-quality manicure polish.

Mechanical injuries and assistance with them

Nail loss most often occurs as a result of injury. To provoke peeling, it is not at all necessary to press it with a door or hit it with a hammer. It can fall away from the nail bed even after a minor bruise, in which no hematoma is formed and virtually no pain is felt. But most often, rejection of a fingernail or toenail occurs as a result of severe trauma. With them, the damaged plate turns blue or black for several hours, which indicates the development of a bruise in the soft tissues underneath it, and then acquires a yellowish tint, indicating the necrosis of its cells. It is extremely difficult to save a nail in which necrotic processes have begun. After some time, it will completely peel off from the finger and fall off, and a new healthy one will gradually grow in its place.

If a person is not happy about the prospect of walking without a nail for several weeks, he can immediately take measures aimed at preventing its rejection immediately after the bruise. What should you do for this? To prevent the injured nail from falling off, it should be treated with iodine or some other disinfectant as soon as possible after the injury, wrapped with a bactericidal adhesive plaster and contacted to a medical facility. The doctor will make a small hole in the nail plate, through which the blood that has accumulated under it as a result of the blow will be released. This procedure will stop further nail rejection and prevent it from falling off. To relieve pain when a finger is severely bruised, a specialist can prescribe painkillers to the patient (Analgin, Nimesil, Nise, Nurofen), and to eliminate the hematoma and reduce inflammation, advise treating the damaged area with Heparin ointment. The affected finger should be kept at rest for the entire period of treatment.

Wrong shoes

If the nail on the big toe begins to peel off for no apparent reason, a person needs to pay attention to his shoes. The culprits in the development of onycholysis on the feet are often tight shoes or shoes made of poor quality material. In a child, rejection of the nail plate on the foot can occur due to wearing tight shoes from which he has outgrown. This problem often arises among lovers of dress shoes with long toes. When wearing it frequently, the nails growing on the big toes suffer the most. Being in a compressed state for a long time, they become deformed and are forced out of their beds. This process is practically asymptomatic, without causing pain or any other discomfort to the person, so most people notice a problem with the nail after it has partially or completely peeled off, and it is not possible to save it. To put on open shoes, you need to wait until a new one grows in place of the fallen plate, and this process takes several weeks.

Falling toenails due to ill-fitting shoes is a common problem. A person who encounters it needs to stop wearing uncomfortable and low-quality shoes and boots. When choosing closed shoes, you should give preference to models made of genuine leather that do not squeeze the foot in the toes. If a child's toenail has peeled off and fallen off due to tight shoes, adults need to ensure that in the future he does not wear shoes that are too tight for him.

Fungal nail infection

You can lose a nail on your toe or hand due to onychomycosis, a disease that develops as a result of infection of the nail plates by a fungus. This disease is transmitted through spores by contact and can be caught in any place where there is a large crowd of people (in public transport, supermarkets, hospitals, saunas, swimming pools). Not only adults, but also children are susceptible to onychomycosis. The disease has several stages of development. The sooner it is detected, the greater the chance a person has to get rid of it and return their nails to a healthy and beautiful appearance.

How can you tell if a nail that has fallen off has been lost as a result of onychomycosis? This disease has a number of characteristic symptoms, including:

  • thickening, dryness and increased fragility of the nail plates;
  • acquisition of a yellowish or bluish tint by the nail, the appearance of white spots and cracks on its surface;
  • formation of voids under the diseased plate;
  • rejection of the nail from the soft tissues of the finger;
  • dry and itchy skin around diseased nails.

Many people, instead of treating nails affected by fungus, try to hide the changes that appear on their surface under a layer of varnish. As a result of these actions, onychomycosis continues to progress and leads to the fact that the nails affected by the fungus become further deformed and, in one terrible moment, fall off. Whether the nail will grow back in place of the one that fell off depends on how timely the therapy was started. Instead of masking the areas affected by the disease, the patient needs to seek help from a dermatologist or mycologist as quickly as possible. A qualified specialist will explain to him what to do to preserve the nail plates and recommend antimycotic agents that can stop further progression of the disease (for example, Loceryl, Clotrimazole or Batrafen).

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, traditional medicine will help get rid of onychomycosis. If a nail has fallen off and a person wants a new and healthy plate to grow in its place, he can use the following methods:

  1. For onychomycosis that affects the fingernails, it is necessary to make a daily bath for the fingers, consisting of 200 ml of warm boiled water, 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and 5 drops of tea tree oil. You need to immerse your hands in the liquid obtained after mixing the listed ingredients for 20 minutes. Treatment is carried out until a new nail grows on the extreme phalanx of the finger.
  2. If the foot has suffered from onychomycosis, then foot baths prepared from 2 liters of hot water and 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. The feet should be kept in the container with the solution for at least half an hour. Steamed feet are wiped with a dry towel, after which the nails affected by the fungus and the skin around them are generously lubricated with a cream prepared on the basis of celandine. At the end of the procedure, warm socks are put on your feet, which you need to wear for at least half an hour. Treatment is continued every day until a healthy nail plate grows completely.

Other causes of nail rejection

Nails can fall off if a person has any dermatological diseases. These include contact dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, ringworm and other ailments that can only be diagnosed and treated by qualified specialists. Another reason for rejection of the nail plates on the hands and feet can be vascular diseases, in which the blood supply to the extremities is disrupted. The list of pathologies that can lead to the problem under consideration also includes diseases of the thyroid gland, which provoke hormonal imbalance in the body. In the case where the cause of the rejection of the nail plates is any concomitant illness, the person needs to seriously engage in its treatment. If you don't do this, you shouldn't dream of healthy and beautiful nails.

The cause of onycholysis can be the incorrect use of household chemicals. Delamination and rejection of plates is often the result of direct contact of human skin with washing powder, dishwashing liquid, bath cleaners, construction mixtures, etc. To protect your nails and skin from the aggressive effects of chemical products, use them only with rubber gloves.

Representatives of the fair sex may have nails that split and fall off due to poor-quality manicure polish. Inexpensive cosmetics for nails contain formaldehyde, a toxic substance that weakens the nail plate and contributes to its gradual rejection from the bed. Constant use of such products can lead to disastrous consequences, so before purchasing a varnish, a woman should be sure to familiarize herself with its composition. The right approach to choosing cosmetics for creating a manicure will allow her to maintain the health of her nails and never face the problem of their falling off.

Peeling toenails do not look very attractive, however, this is not the biggest problem, since in addition to the unaesthetic appearance, this phenomenon risks turning into quite serious consequences for a person.

What to do if your big toe nail comes off? And why is this happening?

Why does the nail pull away from the nail bed?

If a toenail peels off, the cause may be either an infection or various injuries.

Sometimes peeling of the nail plate is a natural reaction to damage to the nail if a person accidentally hits his finger hard.

However, the nail comes off not only due to severe bruises, but also for one of the following reasons:

  1. Due to wearing uncomfortable shoes. As a result, constant friction of the nail occurs. It is not possible to notice this immediately, but when the problem is discovered, the nail has already begun to come off.
  2. Due to frequent contact with various chemicals. For example, nails sometimes fall off for those people who work at car washes, because there a person constantly interacts with chemicals that harm the body. In general, such a reaction is also considered normal and natural.
  3. The result is a slight blow, when the person does not feel acute pain. Despite such seemingly trivial damage, the toenail still begins to peel off. Moreover, if it falls off after an impact, it is necessary to treat the skin in this area as soon as possible in order to prevent infection.
  4. The use of the most common household chemicals also entails consequences in the form of peeling nails.

In addition to injuries, one cannot help but mention illnesses.

  • One of the most common is a fungal infection (onychomycosis), which is very easy to recognize. It is characterized by such signs as an unpleasant odor, yellowed nails, and severe peeling of the skin around them. Ultimately, nail fungus leads to complete destruction of the nail plate, so it is important to start fighting it at the earliest stages. In addition, do not forget that the fungus is contagious, and it is for this reason that it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect your shoes. It is also mandatory to visit a dermatologist if you suspect the presence of a fungus.
  • It is possible that detachment occurs due to taking certain medications or due to allergies. In both cases, it will probably not be possible to detect any other external signs other than peeling of the nail, and therefore it will not be difficult to distinguish an allergy from a fungal infection.
  • With long-term use of antibiotics (especially those classified as fluoroquinols and tetracyclines), there is also a possibility of this problem. However, as soon as the course is completed, the unpleasant consequences will disappear almost immediately, the nails will no longer move away from the nail bed on the foot.
  • As for allergies, they arise either as a result of the use of low-quality cosmetics, or independently. Women often encounter this problem, because they like to perform foot treatments in beauty salons and use shellac varnish.

Prevention measures

  • To avoid becoming a victim of the aforementioned onychomycosis and to avoid losing your toenails, wear only comfortable, high-quality shoes.
  • Never wear someone else's slippers or sandals, because the other person may have a fungus.
  • In addition, we must not forget about precautions when visiting public places such as a swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse - be sure to wear slippers (preferably rubber ones), and when returning home, treat your feet with a special spray.
  • Using an antifungal spray will not do any harm.

Treatment of nails with medications and folk remedies

When a fungal disease is at an early stage and only a few nails are affected, it is recommended to use suitable remedies as soon as possible.

There are antifungal ointments, varnishes, and even drops. The most effective drugs are Cyclopiroxolamine and Batrafen, as well as Loceryl.

The first two drugs are medicinal varnishes. They are used according to a certain scheme in monthly courses. During the first month, the product is applied to the nails once every two days, and during the second month - twice a week. During the third month and beyond, the varnish is used once a week, exactly until the toenail is completely restored. It is allowed to cover the nails with regular varnishes.

Loceryl is a medicinal solution. It must be applied to affected nails twice every 7 days. The duration of the treatment course is from six months to one year.

In addition to varnishes, there are also peel-off patches. This remedy is used when the nail can no longer be saved. With its help, the peeling nail plate is painlessly removed.

If your big toenail is peeling off, you can also try folk remedies.

  1. For example, at home you can prepare a foot bath with a soda solution. Such baths must be used every day, and they are prepared simply: a tablespoon of soda is dissolved in two liters of warm water, then the feet are steamed in the finished bath. Upon completion of the procedure, the feet should be wiped and lubricated with celandine ointment. Next, the feet are bandaged and warm socks are put on top. You only need to walk in socks for half an hour. After the problem area has softened, try to carefully cut off the affected tissue, as this will make it easier for healthy tissue to grow back.
  2. Apply small pieces of kombucha to the affected nails. The therapeutic compress lasts the whole night, and in the morning the soft nail should be carefully cut off. Treatment with kombucha continues until the nails are restored.
  3. In addition to all of the above, they also use wine vinegar, salicylic ointment, coffee brew, garlic gruel and mint with salt. Lotions made from birch leaves on the nails will also help; a decoction of milkweed can be effective.

In contact with


The aesthetic beauty of hands is not only soft velvet skin, but also well-groomed and neat nails. Carelessness, lack of vitamins, interruptions in the body will lead to weakness and disease of the nails.

Common problem

A common problem with nails is damage, impact, pinching. As a result, the nails become deformed, crack and simply peel off. As with any disease, if medical intervention is not applied at first, it can lead to tragic consequences. So what is the reason for such problems with our precious nails?

You simply pinched your finger, which means you caused damage to the nail. When damaged or compressed, blood vessels rupture and bruising may occur. You immediately feel severe pain and redness of the finger and nail.

Gradually, changes occur in the blood cells, because of this the color of the hematoma changes, taking on a green, blue, even yellow tint. Then the nail may begin to peel off, because the hematoma is not attached to anything.

Knowing and understanding why the nail comes off, you can immediately take action and prevent further deterioration of the nail. After bruising your finger, be sure to apply ice and immerse your finger in running water. Applying a pressure bandage, these simple methods will help preserve your nails.

The most common reason why nails peel off is a lack of vitamins. Change your diet, try to eat more protein foods. As well as iron or silicon, they strengthen nails and create shine. Healthy and smooth nails will not appear immediately; you need to wait for the body to fully recover.

A very common reason why nails come off is filing; it is forbidden to use metal manicure devices, as this causes nails to peel and break. You need to use a nail file with a special coating that does not damage the nail.

Often nails peel off due to fungal diseases. If this disease appears, you should immediately consult a doctor and get tested. Basically, it can be picked up in damp places, public baths, swimming pools.


Traveling abroad with children has become very frequent. It’s difficult to explain to a child that you can’t touch this, it’s contagious. This led to the Coxsackie virus entering Russia. After a while, the temperature rises and the child breaks out in a rash. The symptoms go away, the parents forget, and after 1-2 months the fingernails and toenails come off. The nail plates will come off and new ones will appear in their place. To avoid deformation, the immune system should be strengthened. You will need to take vitamin supplements and maintain proper nutrition. And remember that timely identification of the first symptoms and taking preventive measures will help avoid worsening the situation and save your time, money and nerves. Follow basic hygiene rules and take care of your nails

Before treating a nail plate that is peeling off, consult a specialist. Your health will depend only on you, you need to take care of it. Take preventive measures so as not to cause diseases in your body.

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The discomfort caused by a bruised nail can be quickly eliminated, as well as the serious consequences of this injury can be prevented. To do this, you need to know the methods of first aid for a bruised nail and the specifics of its treatment, described in this article.

Bruised nail- an unpleasant accident that can happen to anyone. In such a situation, it is important to know how to provide first aid and how to relieve pain. Read about how to help yourself with a bruised nail in this article.

First aid for a bruised fingernail or toenail

Bruised nail- an injury that results in bruising and hematoma under the nail plate. No one is immune from a bruised nail, because, as a rule, such an injury occurs for everyday reasons:

  • pinched finger in door
  • falling of a heavy object
  • narrow, uncomfortable shoes

These and other incidents cause not only severe pain, but also lead to the appearance of a blue nail characteristic of a bruise. Immediately after an incident, it is important to provide first aid correctly to prevent serious consequences.

A bruised nail is characterized by:

  • bruise which is characterized by a blue or even black color of the nail plate
  • nail separation(the nail may come off shortly after the injury)
  • painful sensations(sometimes, with severe bruises, the pain can be throbbing and even lead to loss of consciousness)

Immediately after the blow, it is necessary to soberly assess the situation and if symptoms that are not characteristic of a bruise occur seek help from a doctor.

If the blow is not severe and the pain is tolerable, then seeing a doctor is not necessary. In any case it is necessary perform a first aid:

  • apply something cold to the bruise (this can be ice, or, in extreme cases, any frozen product from the freezer)
  • treat the bruise with an antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, peroxide)
  • eliminate pressure on the finger (choose comfortable shoes, do not cover the affected area with a blanket while sleeping)
  • do not warm up the bruise or bandage it
  • If the nail immediately begins to come off, it must be fixed with a bandage

If under the entire surface of the nail there is black hematoma, then you need to see a doctor to prevent infection. The specialist will make a puncture through which the blood will come out and will treat the bruise. Thanks to this, the nail will not come off, and the injury will heal faster.

If the hematoma due to a bruised nail turns black, consult a doctor

For severe, unremitting pain, it is possible use of painkillers. Most often, doctors recommend aspirin in such cases, as well as a compress from a dimexide solution (in a 1:1 ratio with water).

How and with what to numb a pinched or bruised nail for a child?

Very often victims of bruises of the nail plate It is the children who become: due to inattention or neglect of safety measures. Needed as soon as possible provide first aid to the child and try to eliminate painful sensations.

Bruised nail in a child

The first step, as in the case of an adult, is to lower the affected finger in the cold. It is better if it is a stream of cold water, but ice or any cold object will also work. If the pain does not go away, then a similar procedure must be repeated. every 10-15 minutes, until the condition improves.

Only after eliminating severe pain is it performed treating the bruise with an antiseptic. If there is swelling of the tissues of the limb, then it is necessary to make an iodine mesh.

In case of severe bruise, when under the nail plate there is large hematoma, you should immediately consult a doctor who will examine the injury and prescribe the necessary treatment.

How and with what to treat a bruised nail if it has turned blue and black?

Treatment of a severe bruised nail - a matter for a specialist. If the injury is minor, then you can provide yourself with first and subsequent aid at home. If there is no large hematoma under the nail, then its surface treated with an antiseptic and this is where the treatment ends.

In the event that a bruise forms at the site of the injury and the nail turns black It is necessary to release the blood as soon as possible by puncturing the nail. If this is not done, serious consequences may occur in the form of blood poisoning and detachment of the nail plate.

In order to reduce inflammation and relieve pain when bruised, heparin ointment. It is applied several times a day to the nail in a thin layer until complete healing. It is also advisable to use ointments that improve blood circulation damaged area and contribute to the resorption of the hematoma.

There are many recipes for treating a bruised nail plate traditional methods , here are some of them:

  • freshwater(in the form of a dry powder) must be mixed with water and kneaded into an elastic dough, which is applied to the affected area
  • plantain leaves and millennial juice are mixed into a homogeneous porridge and a compress is applied to the nail
  • wine and vinegar mix in equal proportions and add a pinch of salt. Soak a bandage in the resulting mixture and apply it to the bruise.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of soda, add warm water. The affected finger is kept in the solution for 15-20 minutes

Important: If a discharge in the form of pus oozes from the nail or the bruise bleeds, then you should immediately consult a doctor!

Video: Treatment of hematoma under the nail

What to do if the nail comes off, how to save it?

With a severe bruise, the blood vessels located under the nail are damaged. In this case, between the nail and soft tissue a bruise forms, and after blood clotting - hematoma. If the blood is not released in time, then over time the nail will begin to peel off and come off completely. In this case, the new nail will grow for a very long time.

If a nail is bruised, it is necessary to release the blood - otherwise the nail will peel off

In order to protect the nail, it is necessary to stop the bleeding using ice and only then release the blood from under the nail. It is better if a specialist does this, because on your own, without knowing how such a manipulation is carried out, you can make your condition worse.

Often, in order to save the nail, a pressure bandage is applied to the bruise. It's not worth doing this since squeezing the nail prevents the hematoma from resolving and the injury from healing.

If the nail begins to come off, then it is necessary to attach it with a plaster. But save the nail it won't help- if it peels off significantly, you will have to wait until the next one grows back.

When is a bruised nail removed?

Usually, surgical removal of the nail It is performed only in emergency cases, when the injury is so severe that the presence of the nail plate has a negative effect on the damaged tissue. In other cases, the nail that suffered from a bruise trying to save by all means.

Even if the nail itself peels off, it is glued with a plaster so that the damaged tissue is protected by the nail plate from additional injuries and infection.

Remove loose nail sooner or later it will be necessary if he does not leave on his own. When the injury heals, the formation of a new nail begins, and the old one will only be held on by hangnails and cuticle, then you can safely delete it. To do this, you don’t have to rush to the surgeon - you can do a similar procedure at home using a manicure set.

It is better to remove the nail plate in stages, cutting off small pieces using wire cutters. In no case don't tear your nail- this way you injure the tissues of the nail bed.

Bruised nail- a nuisance that can be easily survived if first aid is provided in time and you know how to treat this type of injury. Moreover, with proper care you will you be able to save your nail? and you won’t have to wait for many months for a new one to grow.

Video: How to cure a bruised nail?

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