How to lift your cheeks at home. How to enlarge your cheeks at home or by contacting specialists. We tighten the muscles of the cheeks

Sagging cheeks distort the oval of the face, add age and give a tired, unkempt appearance. You can get rid of the deficiency with the help of plastic surgery or mesotherapy. But if radical measures are not yet part of your plans, try to combat sagging skin with other methods - for example, gymnastics and self-massage.

Assessing the problem

Look carefully at yourself in the mirror. What is the cause of sagging cheeks? Perhaps your skin has lost its tone or the problem is excess adipose tissue. It is possible that the sagging is caused by water retention in the body, causing swelling. But most often the reason is complex. To achieve success in the fight for clarity of the oval face, gymnastics should be combined with a balanced diet. If sluggish skin contributes to drooping cheeks, be sure to include firming masks and wraps in your care program. Buy creams and serums with a lifting effect and use them regularly.

Facebuilding: home set of exercises for cheeks

Learn a few simple exercises to tighten various muscles in your lower face and neck. Do each 5-10 times. Start with one approach, later the number of approaches can be increased to three. Another option is to exercise twice a day: immediately after waking up and before going to bed. Following a diet and regular exercise will help tighten the skin and remove sagging in a few weeks.

Exercises should be done regularly. Give them 5-10 minutes every morning or evening, completing the procedure with self-massage and applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream

Don't be afraid of muscle strain and wrinkles. Modern cosmetology is of the opinion that proper functioning of the facial muscles helps maintain their tone and does not harm the skin.

Start with exercises for the lower part of the face, they will help correct a distorted jawline and get rid of puffiness.

Take air into your mouth and roll it from one cheek to the other. Then complicate the exercise: move the balloon in a smooth rotation from one cheek through the upper lip to the other cheek, and then under the lower lip. Do several rolls clockwise and in the opposite direction.

Take a pencil into your mouth and press it between your lips, extended as a tube. Write numbers or letters in the air with the tip of a pencil, trying not to move your head; all the work should be done by the muscles around the lips. When finished, relax your face for a few minutes.

Do a couple of exercises for the muscles of the lower jaw and neck, they are responsible for the clarity of the jaw lines. Stretch your lips as wide as possible and feel how the vastus neck muscle tightens. Return your lips to their original position. Take your time.

Sagging cheeks: why the defect appears and how to eliminate it

Have you noticed that the oval of your face has changed significantly, your cheeks have sagged and lost their elasticity? Do you want to start a serious fight against this defect, but don’t know effective and quick ways? In our article you will find useful information that will help you become significantly younger and tighten the skin of your cheeks in the shortest possible time!

Sagging cheeks appear due to age-related changes and loss of skin elasticity

What information will you find out:

Causes of the defect and ways to eliminate it

Factors that cause ptosis (sagging tissue) are age-related changes, excess weight, and a sharp decrease in body weight, especially in adulthood.

As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, the muscles weaken and cannot hold the tissues in their normal position.

Regardless of the reasons for the formation of ptosis, it can and should be combated by choosing modern cosmetic or surgical techniques.

The most effective, but at the same time dangerous, are surgical correction methods associated with a long recovery period, complications and the possibility of deformation of facial tissues. They are resorted to in the most extreme cases or after the age of 60, when conventional procedures are no longer effective.

It would still be correct to start the fight with special cosmetic procedures, massage and facial gymnastics that can radically transform your appearance without side effects or unpredictable consequences.

Salon techniques

In order to correct and tighten the skin of the cheeks, modern cosmetology services offer:

  • RF technologies based on direct exposure to the subcutaneous layer of high-frequency electric fields, heating and activating collagen synthesis in them. As a result, the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, puffiness and swelling are eliminated;
  • lifting or myostimulation procedures that allow you to effectively correct the oval and contours of the face by accelerating metabolic and regenerative processes, enhancing the production of collagen fibers, increasing the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • mesotherapy with the introduction of special preparations under the skin that improve all metabolic processes, increase nutrition and elasticity of the skin layer, quickly tightening facial tissues;
  • collagen masks that help increase the elasticity of the epidermis, giving almost instant but temporary results, especially when you need to look great before a responsible event or an important event in life.

Self-massage to eliminate sagging cheeks is performed on previously cleansed skin

How to massage to restore facial contours

It’s great when you have the opportunity to visit a professional massage therapist who is fluent in this technique, but if this is not possible, you can try to perform these actions yourself, at home, which require regular use and some effort.

Massage technique consists of performing the following actions:

  1. cleansing the skin surface and then applying a nourishing cream (fat-based) to it. It is not recommended to use creams with a lifting effect for this purpose;
  2. The beginning of the massage should be in the form of stroking the skin and gentle pinching, not leaving behind hematomas (bruises). The directions of all movements are from the center of the face to the periphery, that is, along the main massage lines;
  3. Next, light patting movements are performed in the cheek area and under the lower jaws with small pinches and rubbing of existing folds. Remember that it is forbidden to stretch the skin too much, otherwise you will get the exact opposite result!

The massage should be accompanied by slight painful sensations, indicating that it was performed correctly. Pressing and pressing too hard can cause bruising and bruising, so don't overdo it!

A set of special exercises for sagging cheeks

These exercises must be performed every day, without exception, for at least a month to obtain the first visible results. By the way, with their help you will get rid of your double chin too!

  1. Sit on a chair, tilt your head back as much as possible and perform circular rotations with your chin alternately in different directions. When performing this exercise, it is necessary that the lower lip captures the upper lip.
  2. You will need to clench your teeth and keep your head straight, trying to stick out your lower lip as much as possible.
  3. Tilt your head slightly forward, then alternately stretch your chin to your right and then to your left shoulder.
  4. Keep your head as straight as possible, lowering the corners of your lips down and tensing the muscles of your cheeks and neck.
  5. Hold a pencil or pen between your teeth and use them to draw various letters and words in the air.
  6. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, cross your arms over your chest, and try to reach your shoulders with your fingers. Then stretch your neck as far upward as possible. Once you reach the highest point, take a deep breath, count to ten and return to the starting position.
  7. Square your shoulders again, standing straight and lowering your head as far forward as possible. At the same time, your chin should be pressed towards your body. Now slowly reach your chin towards your right shoulder, returning to the starting position in the same way. Next, you should slowly tilt your head back, return to the starting position and make the same movement only in the other direction.
  8. Stand straight, form a tube with your lips and pronounce all the vowels out loud, drawlingly.
  9. Cover your lower lip with your upper lip, and then do the opposite. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times.
  10. Lift your face up, opening your mouth slightly and trying to reach as close as possible with your lower lip to the nose area. Do the same number of repetitions of the exercise as in the previous paragraph.
  11. Open your mouth and stretch your lips forward as much as possible, as if smacking them. This exercise is great for relaxing tense muscles. You need to repeat it the same number of times as described above.

If you do these exercises regularly, you will soon see significant improvements in the form of lifting your cheeks and eliminating your double chin!

Video: Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

Lifting, tightening and rejuvenation is often associated with surgery. Many people do not know that there are gentle and environmentally friendly tightening methods that, acting in a biological way, help rejuvenate the face at home without surgical or injection interventions. In this article we tell you how to remove cheeks and create cheekbones using facial exercises.

Why do jowls appear?

First, a little theory, let's look at the reasons for sagging cheeks in the lower part of the face, the appearance of so-called jowls. This knowledge will help us solve this problem in the future.

While a person is young, he does not notice changes, but after 30 years, some facial muscles begin to lose tone, while others, on the contrary, tighten. The basis for age-related changes in appearance is laid at the junction of the upper and lower jaw. In one type of aging people, the muscles in this place stretch, the lower jaw moves forward, upward towards the nose.

In another type of aging, the lower jaw is pulled closer to the upper jaw due to spasm of the jaw muscles, which causes the skin in the chin area and along the contour of the lower jaw to begin to sag.

The main role in the formation of age-related changes of this type is played by stress and psychoemotions.

Another reason for the formation of jowls, sagging and the disappearance of the angle of youth is spasm of the masticatory muscle located on the jaw line of the lower jaw, due to which the skin in this part of the face also begins to sag.

While the body is young, it can independently correct muscle imbalances and maintain facial contours, but after 40 years it needs help in recovery.

How to remove jowls on your face at home

Gymnastics for the face to remove jowls will help you get rid of age-related changes in your appearance. It is unlikely that you will be able to make your cheekbones tighten and remove your cheeks in a week with the help of exercises, but in just a month you will see how your cheekbones have tightened.

We recommend taking photos of yourself before and after each week of classes. To perform the exercises you will need ten to fifteen minutes in the morning and evening. A detailed description and video instructions of exercises for lifting the face and cheeks will help you do everything right.

Exercises for jowls

Cheek puffing

Sit on a chair, puff out your cheeks as much as possible, keeping your lips tightly closed. Hold the air for a few seconds, press on your cheeks with your hands. Feel the muscles tense during the cheek reduction exercise. Repeat the pressure 10 times.

After exercise, you may experience a burning sensation - this may be the release of lactic acid, which tones the muscles or improves blood circulation in places where there were problems with it, so don’t worry.

Lifting the jaws up

Tilt your head up as much as possible, slowly extend your lower jaw. Feel the muscle tension, return to the starting position after 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise in reverse: first push your jaw out, and then look up. Repeat each option 10 times.

Head turns with a kiss

Turn your head right and left at least 20 times. In this case, you need to move your jaw in the direction of rotation.
Close your lips as if you want to kiss someone. Make 10 circular movements in different directions with your lips closed in this way.

Exercises for lifting cheeks and facial contours

Hollywood smile

Stretch your lips into a wide smile. Tighten your muscles during the cheek lift exercise until you feel tension. Freeze for 20 seconds, slowly relax your lips.


This exercise is effective for tightening the oval of the face and chin. It affects all muscle groups at once. Take a pencil and hold it between your lips. Visually draw the letters, or better yet, write the word in the air, carefully tracing each character.

The exercise consists of jaw movements. Keep your head straight and your jaw forward. Make movements as if you are scooping with your mouth.

By doing gymnastics to tighten the oval of your face in several approaches every day, within a month you will be able to raise your cheekbones, remove bulldog cheeks and a double chin.


Special exercises should be supplemented with a massage for bulldog cheeks. Massage movements will disperse lymph and stagnant blood, bring muscles to their relaxed initial state and tighten the skin in problem areas.

Stretching the masseter muscle

One of the reasons for the formation of jowls, sagging in the lower part of the face and the disappearance of the angle of youth is spasm of the masticatory muscle located on the line of the lower jaw.
To relieve spasm and, accordingly, tighten tissues, perform the following exercise.

Before performing this exercise to lift bulldog cheeks, you should apply oil or rich cream.

Mentally divide the jaw arch into two halves. We work with each half separately, fixing the fabrics in the middle.


1. With one hand, secure the triangular muscle (descending anguli oris) on the jaw arch. With two fingers of your second hand, grasp the jaw line: the index finger on top, the thumb under the lower jaw. Move your hand along the jaw line along the masseter muscle to the corner of the jaw, smoothly and slowly stretching the jaw arch (Figure on the left).

2. Change the position of your hands. Now fix the angle of the jaw along with the adjacent masseter muscle and firmly move along the jaw line with the index and thumb of the other hand towards the chin. Slowly and smoothly stretch the jaw arch (Figure on the right).

Dissatisfied face

We make a dissatisfied face in such a way that the corners of the mouth droop, and the muscles located between the corners of the lips and the chin tense.

Place your fingers on the tense muscles and begin to lightly massage them in a circular motion for 30 seconds.

Remove your fingers. Return the face to its original position. We listen to our sensations in the field of massage.

The day after the first massage, the massaged muscles may ache, do not be alarmed.

We do it at least once a day.

In addition to these massage exercises, in order to remove jowls and tighten the oval of the face, you should use Japanese massage Asahi (Zogan).

If you can’t master the massage technique on your own, use the services of specialists. When visiting a cosmetologist, it is recommended to pay attention to Nazarov Biomechanical Stimulation (BMS) apparatus. Massage using this device, using vibrations, relaxes tense and tones weakened muscles, “switches on” the natural production of elastin and collagen by the body, improves blood circulation, promoting rejuvenation.

Contraindications for performing exercises

Simple tightening exercises and massage can be performed by anyone, but there are some contraindications:

  • skin diseases;
  • musculoskeletal problems;
  • postoperative period.

If there are any contraindications to performing exercises to lift the cheeks, cheekbones and chin, you should consult your doctor.

Expert commentary

You can actually tighten up your facial contours and remove jowls at home with simple exercises for the muscles of your cheeks, cheekbones and chin. Such gymnastics restores muscles, improving lymphatic drainage, due to which the skin is tightened, new blood flow is stimulated, intercellular exchange is improved, the epidermis is renewed, and, accordingly, its rejuvenation occurs in an accelerated manner.

Glavatskaya Tatyana Ivanovna, cosmetologist


I am 53 years old, and I can confidently say that there are effective ways to tighten your skin in a natural way. I regularly do facial exercises, perform exercises and supplement them with massages. Don't forget about masks. The result is that I look much younger than my peers.

Irina, Moscow

At 35, I had a lot of problems with my appearance. After stress, lack of sleep and pregnancy, my cheeks noticeably sagged and a double chin appeared. A friend recommended a set of good exercises for a facelift. At first I didn’t really believe in the result, but I decided to try. And I was simply shocked by the result after a month of training! Girls, if anyone has problems with the appearance of sagging, be patient and do exercises. The result will incredibly surprise you!

Alena, housewife

How to remove sagging cheeks: 4 steps towards perfection

  1. Face mask “avocado + honey”

Avocado has a moisturizing effect on the skin, nourishes and increases its elasticity. This component of the mask tightens muscles and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Recipe. To prepare this miracle mask that will help tighten sagging cheeks, you will need half a ripe avocado and 2 tablespoons of natural honey. These ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and the resulting mixture should be applied to the skin of the face, and after 15 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. This procedure is best done in the evening before going to bed.

  1. Face mask “yogurt + aloe vera”

By using a face mask based on natural yogurt, you can achieve an excellent firming effect. This product is ideal for morning use.

Recipe. To prepare this product you will need 4 tablespoons of natural yogurt and 2 tablespoons of aloe juice/pulp. The components of the mask must be mixed well until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then the resulting mixture should be applied to the face with a brush and left for 20 minutes, after which the face mask should be washed off with warm water.

With regular use of this mask, it is possible to tighten sagging cheeks.

  1. Facial exercises

To tighten sagging cheeks, you should regularly perform facial exercises. Such exercises will help make your cheeks elastic.

It is better to perform facial exercises in front of a mirror. To begin, smile broadly at your reflection and hold this expression for 10 seconds. Afterwards, give the muscles a rest and repeat the exercise again, there should be 5 repetitions in total.

Then draw air into your mouth as if you want to inflate a balloon and hold in this position for 10 seconds, then release the air. This exercise for the face should also be repeated 5 times.

The final stage is a facial massage. With both hands, you should perform circular movements at the level of the cheekbones, then go lower, to the middle of the cheeks, to feel the teeth.

  1. Diet adjustments

To get rid of sagging cheeks, it is enough to adhere to a healthy diet and cleanse the body with natural juices from time to time.

You should also reduce the amount of sweets you consume, instead leaning on vegetable salads, nuts and plant-based proteins. Don't forget to drink more regular water, because it helps remove waste and toxins from the body.

So, here are 4 tips that will help restore sagging cheeks to their former elasticity:

1. Homemade masks

If you are against expensive salon procedures, then feel free to try making tightening face masks at home. With their help, you can speed up metabolic processes in cells and restore skin tone.

Honey mask with sour cream

This mask perfectly nourishes the skin and refreshes the complexion. Mix honey and sour cream in equal proportions and apply to the skin for 15 minutes.

Egg mask

  1. Take 2-3 egg whites.
  2. Add a spoonful of honey and apply to face.

If you have oily skin, beat the egg whites with oatmeal. After ten minutes, the mask can be washed off with cool water. Egg white perfectly tightens the skin.

Homemade face scrub

  1. Pour 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal with hot water and add a spoonful of honey, almond flour and yogurt.
  2. Rub thoroughly into the skin and rinse with plain water.

This scrub has a pronounced tightening effect.

2. Proper nutrition

If you want to restore skin tone, you will have to give up salt, sugar, fatty foods, baked goods and alcohol. Excess salt leads to puffiness, and sugar leads to excess weight, which will invariably affect your face as well. Excessive alcohol consumption can also cause poor skin condition. Eat more fruits and vegetables and don't forget about fasting days.

3. Facial massage

Make it a habit to pamper your face with a massage. 10 minutes in the morning will be enough to restore tired skin to its former tone and blooming appearance.

Honey massage

Honey massage should be performed with patting movements. After the massage session, the honey should be washed off and a moisturizer should be applied to the face. This practice helps improve skin firmness and elasticity.

Facial massage with a damp towel

Soak a towel in a decoction of herbs or salt water and lightly pat your cheeks. This massage improves blood circulation and skin condition.

4. Facial exercises

Facial exercises are a good remedy for sagging cheeks.

1. Rotate your head from side to side so that your facial muscles are well tense. Try to stay in this position, then repeat the exercise, alternating sides.

2. Turn your neck in different directions at least 5 times.

3. Puff out your cheeks and vigorously roll the air inside. Then we forcefully release the air from our mouth. We do 10 repetitions.

4. Puff out our cheeks and exhale sharply through pursed lips. We repeat several times.

5. Cover your cheeks with your hands so that your lips are under your fingers. Try to smile and overcome the resistance of your hands. Relax your face and repeat the exercise again.

Simple exercises that can be performed at home can give excellent results: your skin will gradually gain elasticity and tone, and sagging cheeks will noticeably tighten.

You no longer have to spend money on expensive salon treatments. These simple recommendations will help you forget about age and the problem of sagging cheeks.

Why do jowls appear?

In most cases, the cause of the problem is believed to be aging. But in reality there are many different factors.

  • Excess weight is one of the main reasons that quickly accelerates the aging process. Excess fat can also be deposited on the face. As a result, the cheeks sag. To avoid such a situation, it is important to constantly monitor your kilograms and not allow your weight to drop sharply or increase rapidly.
  • Age-related changes are the norm for every person, and women are no exception. Due to approaching old age, muscles lose tone, the amount of collagen becomes less and less, cells are renewed more slowly, which leads to sagging muscles and sagging cheeks.
  • Forgetting to take care of your facial skin (see and neglecting basic hygiene rules, even at 30 years old you can encounter wrinkles and sagging cheeks. Preventative measures reduce the appearance of signs of premature aging.

Preventive measures

At the first signs of sagging cheeks, it is important to take appropriate measures and constantly combat the problem. Only by using various means can the expected effect be achieved.

Among preventive measures, it is worth remembering important rules.

  1. In the early morning you should wash your face with contrasting water. Then wet a small towel and massage both sides of the face from bottom to top.
  2. To tighten your facial skin, you need to focus on your health. Experts recommend resorting to body cleansing, which will allow you to quickly regenerate skin cells.
  3. Review your diet. It is worth giving preference to healthy foods. To ensure your skin always glows with health, you should turn to vegetarianism. In the process of such nutrition, the body will be filled with vitamins, which will allow the skin to be elastic.
  4. With a lack of protein, sagging cheeks can also occur. In this case, you should include nuts and legumes in your diet. You should take special vitamins that contain beneficial components that affect the condition of the skin.

Facial skin needs regular care. Once every 7 days you should do a deep clean using scrubs and apply a nourishing mask. Cosmetics should be used according to your skin type.

You can resort to methods that help restore blood circulation to the cheeks. To cope with the problem, the most effective methods are gymnastics and massage. You should not expect that the problem will go away after the first procedure. Only after lengthy procedures will the effect be obvious.

How to remove sagging cheeks - basic exercises

By doing gymnastics, the muscles of the cheeks can be perfectly tightened, doing them constantly twice a day. All procedures are best performed by women over 25 years of age. Regular exercises allow you to cope with the signs of aging and make your cheeks firmer and the oval of your face toned.

Effective exercises


You should inhale and puff out your cheeks. You should hold this way for 6 seconds and relax. In the first seconds the sensations will not be very pleasant. There may be some discomfort. But to achieve the desired result, you should perform at least 15 approaches. Over time, the discomfort will cease to bother you.


The exercise is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the air in the mouth should be slowly rolled from one side of the jaw to the other.


The peculiarity of this exercise is that the air needs to be driven in a circle, helping with the tongue. To achieve the best effect, do the exercise slowly.


Taking a deep breath, then through the lips, which are compressed, the air must be pushed out. Initially, air can be pushed out through one corner of the mouth, then through the other.


You need to puff out your cheeks strongly, and then try to hold the air while pressing with your palms.


You need to puff out your cheeks, close your mouth with your hands and exhale through them.


The mouth is opened, lips curled into a tube. The lips are pulled forward several times.


Oddly enough, but children's fun, inflating balloons allows you to strengthen not only your lungs, but also your facial muscles. You should inflate one balloon per day.


The head should be tilted towards the chest and then to the left. Feeling the tension on the right side of your cheek, you need to linger for a few minutes. The exercise is repeated for the other side.


The lips are folded into a tube and the tongue sticks out, which needs to reach the chin. The neck muscles will be as tense as possible. You need to stay like this for a couple of minutes.


Those who smile often are not at risk of sagging cheeks. Such pleasant exercises train almost all facial muscles.

Effective masks

If there is no financial opportunity or time for cosmetic procedures, you should give preference to simple masks (more details -, which will make you look beautiful and get rid of sagging hair. cheeks

Egg + cottage cheese

To prepare the mask, you need to take a chicken egg, a tablespoon of cottage cheese, preferably from the market, and the same amount of olive oil. The egg should first be beaten with a whisk, then the rest of the ingredients should be added to it. The mass should be homogeneous. The composition is applied for 15 minutes. It should be noted that the skin must be perfectly clean. The protein contained in the mask will perfectly tighten the skin.

Honey + lemon

To prepare the following composition, you need to take one part honey, the same amount of lemon juice and two parts lemon zest, grated on a fine grater. All ingredients are mixed until smooth and applied to the skin of the face. Thanks to the honey included in the mask, metabolic processes in the skin will accelerate, and the skin will glow with freshness.

Milk + sour cream

This mask is better suited for the winter period and is recommended for dry face types. You need to take three parts of sour cream and one part of milk, mixing them until smooth. In addition to the tightening effect, it will perfectly whiten the face and make age spots lighter. The ingredients included in the composition perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. For oily skin, you should use low-fat sour cream.

The above masks are preventive measures that will not be able to fully cope with the problem. But if you use not only masks, but also massage and exercise, you can eliminate the problem.

Effective massage

The index finger of one hand should hold the skin under the cheek. And with the index finger of the other hand, make movements that imitate a man shaving. The skin should not be stretched. It should be a light massage.

Such actions will relieve muscle hypertonicity and prevent the formation of jowls. To make massage more comfortable, you can apply a couple of drops of massage oil to your cleansed face. Each movement must be performed at least 30 times on one cheek and then on the other.

Why do my cheeks sag?

This problem manifests itself in the fact that this part of the face seems to be pulled down. At the same time, the skin in the cheekbone area looks baggy, and people call sagging cheeks jowls.

What causes them to appear?

The most common cause of the problem is age. It is this that causes the skin to become more flabby and the muscles less elastic.

You can encounter a problem at a young age if you do not carefully monitor the dermis and do not do gymnastics for the facial muscles in a timely manner.


You should think about the beauty of your face in advance - before you encounter an unpleasant phenomenon.

To this end, you need to follow the following recommendations:

Proper care of the dermis will not only resolve the issue of how to lift the cheeks, but also the question of how to lift the corners of the lips, because sagging in one part of the face usually leads to sagging in other areas.

Facial gymnastics plays an important role in preventing and getting rid of existing problems.

Modern methods of getting rid of the phenomenon

Nowadays, women often resort to them.

The most popular ways to lift the cheeks today are:

  • Mesotherapy. The procedure involves the introduction of special drugs through small needles. The injected substances stimulate the production of collagen and elastin;
  • Botox injections. This method has long been used to tighten the skin, including the cheeks, and the result is visible, but short-lived;
  • Bioreinforcement. The method involves introducing a gel containing hyaluronic acid into the dermis. This substance creates the frame of the face and its shape.

Allows skin tightening and plastic surgery. Almost all of these methods assume that you will have to resort to re-using them more than once, and the cost of the procedures is quite high.

But there are other ways to tighten sagging cheeks, and you can use them at home.

Independent fight against jowls: exercises for the face

A good helper in this process will be regular massage, which should be done 1-2 times a day. It must be done carefully, since the dermis of the face is delicate and can be easily damaged.

To tighten your cheeks at home if they are sagging, a method such as facial gymnastics will help.

Here are some exercises you can do.

Mask recipes

They are used both for prevention and for eliminating the phenomenon. One of the popular means through which the dermis is tightened is clay, mostly white.

The substance is used as follows:

  1. Dilute the clay with water to a paste and apply to the face for about a quarter of an hour;
  2. Wash off the mask before it dries on your face, using warm water. You can add ingredients such as eggs, cottage cheese, fruits, lemon juice, and essential oils to this mask.

If your cheeks are sagging, you can use this mask:

  1. We combine 1 tbsp. l. honey and sour cream;
  2. Apply the mixed mass to the face, and after a third of an hour, wash off with warm water.

Natural ingredients from which masks with a scrubbing effect are prepared show good results in getting rid of the problem.

Therefore, here's what you need to do if your cheeks and corners of your lips droop.

In search of an answer to the question of what can be done if your cheeks begin to sag, it is not necessary to immediately resort to plastic surgery or other expensive procedures.

To get started, try methods that you can use on your own.

Do not forget that both prevention and the fight against jowls require an integrated approach and regular use of certain methods.

Gymnastics for the chin and oval of the face: what and why

Over time, unfortunately, we are not getting any younger, the muscles of the face begin to noticeably weaken, lose tone, and the muscle frame simply changes shape. While the surface of the dermis is still elastic and taut, it somehow restrains the sagging of the cheeks, prevents the appearance of a double chin and the final deformation of the oval of the face, but age is merciless and it simply cannot withstand the load. There are many new-fangled cosmetic and even surgical procedures that can help deal with sagging muscles and skin, but they are not available to everyone. And not every representative of the fair sex is ready to resort to such operations.

An additional bonus to the exercises for tightening the oval face is that you don’t have to spend a penny to get a great result. It will become noticeable within two weeks from the start of classes. Honestly, it doesn’t take much time; it’s enough to spend ten to fifteen minutes in the morning and evening to get significant changes in your appearance.

Today there are many methods and techniques of facial gymnastics, and how to reduce the oval of the face can be quite difficult to figure out. Let's try to figure out the most popular and effective ones, but first you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of training, so as not to cause harm, but to actually achieve significant results.

Rules for performing exercises for facial contours

It’s rare that a modern girl doesn’t use decorative cosmetics, so any manipulation of her face should always begin with washing, so that dirt, dust and bacteria do not penetrate the pores during exercise. This can be done in any way, from the usual washing with water to removing traces of cosmetics with special means.

  • Most exercises are performed in a sitting position. Your position should be extremely comfortable, but you need to sit straight, your shoulders are relaxed, and if your hands are not involved, it is better to put them on your knees.
  • All proposed exercises, from any chosen complex, should be done slowly and leisurely, tensing the necessary muscles as much as possible.
  • Ten to fifteen minutes of practice per day will be enough not to overdo it, but to get good results.
  • It is recommended to do the exercises so thoroughly that you feel a slight burning sensation due to the release of lactic acid.

Another useful tip is that those exercises that involve throwing your head back should be done with extreme caution. Few modern people do not suffer from age-related salt deposits, osteochondrosis and other similar diseases, and sudden and prolonged loads on the area at the base of the cervical vertebrae can lead to disastrous consequences.

Universal exercises for the face and neck: the perfect oval

When you yourself understand that you most likely will not accomplish most of what you have planned, then you should try doing exercises to strengthen the oval of your face; even if not regularly, they will definitely not cause harm, but will only help. Of course, it’s worth being consistent and finishing the job, especially since thousands of women have already tested the results on themselves and were very satisfied. This simple and absolutely affordable complex will get rid of premature and unsightly “bulldog” cheeks and eliminate even a hint of a double chin, tighten the skin and give it tone, and form beautiful sculpted cheekbones.

Exercises for the oval face from sagging cheeks

Stand or sit straight, looking ahead, this is the optimal position for performing all the exercises of this complex. Take in more air into your mouth and puff out your cheeks, while trying to close your lips as tightly as possible. Fix your position for a few seconds.

Place your palms on your swollen cheeks and press lightly until you feel the muscle tension, then release. Repeat pressing on your cheeks twenty times, if at the end you feel a burning sensation in the muscles, this is normal, it means lactic acid is being released, which is what was required. For those who are planning to tighten their face shape, the exercises are just right, and the video below will help you figure out the details.

American smile: lips, cheekbones and cheeks work

Gymnastics for the oval of the face implies regularity of exercises, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for the result. However, after ten to fourteen days you will definitely notice how your face changes, becomes fresher and younger, and its contours acquire clarity and beauty. Purse your lips tightly and, without exposing your lips, try to smile as widely as possible. It is necessary to stretch your lips in a smile until you clearly feel all the facial muscles. Freeze for a few seconds.

Pull your lips forward, gathering them as if to blow a kiss. Fold the tube, closing your lips as tightly as possible, while stretching your head forward while your body remains in place, and freeze again for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise two dozen times.

We tighten the muscles of the cheeks

In order for the gymnastics to tighten the oval of the face to work, do not forget about constant tension and fixation of each movement. It is necessary to freeze for a few seconds after each action in order to work the muscles well. Fold your lips as if you were about to say the letter “O” and hold in this position. Tighten your lips as much as possible and press them against your teeth.

Move your tongue in a circle, first along the left and then along the right cheek from the inside, as if doing a kind of massage of the internal surfaces. You can write letters or symbols, you can make patterns and ornaments, the main thing is that at this moment you clearly feel the tension.

Chin, neck, lips: working on ourselves

It wouldn’t hurt to include in this universal complex also exercises for the oval of the face and the double chin, that is, just so that it never appears in your life or disappears from it forever. This is a complex and multi-step exercise, so you should read the instructions very carefully on how exactly, what and when to do, and be extremely careful, since it involves throwing your head back, which we have already mentioned.

  • Sitting straight on a chair, raise your head up, look at the ceiling, and stretch out your lips like a tube, as if you are reaching out to kiss someone. Freeze in strong tension for a couple of seconds and relax.
  • Tilt your head, smoothly moving the top of your head in semicircles, either to the left or to the right shoulder. Freeze at each extreme point, clearly recording the movements.
  • Throw your head far back, and then return it to the starting position again.

If you do everything regularly and correctly, then in the second week you will already be able to notice significant results. However, this is just a basic universal complex, and there are also special exercises aimed at training certain muscles. You should never stop there, you should always move forward so that even at fifty you look like you were twenty-five.

Gymnastics for the oval face: video and comments

To perform these exercises, you need to sit comfortably and place your hands on your knees. You need to keep your back straight and your shoulders back as far as possible. This will completely eliminate the hint of a double chin, tighten the cheeks and create beautiful and clear cheekbones, which is what many modern girls and women strive for.

  • Lift your chin as high as possible, without throwing your head back, but keeping it straight. At the same time, try to push your lower jaw forward as much as possible, and make movements with your eyes as if you wanted to look behind a high obstacle, for example, behind a fence or wall. Do not forget to record body position and muscle tension at all extreme points.
  • Place your little fingers on the corners of your lips, and place the rest of your fingers along your cheekbones. Fingers should only lightly touch the dermis without injuring or putting pressure on it. You need to clench your teeth tightly, and move your lower lip forward and stick it out as far as possible. At the extreme point, fix the position for three to five seconds and relax. Repeat up to ten to fifteen times until you feel a distinct burning sensation.
  • Position your fingers almost as in the previous exercise, but move them slightly downwards, touching the corners of your mouth with your little fingers. Forcefully stretch your lips into a smile without opening your mouth, then stick out your tongue and stretch it down to your chin. Relax and repeat all over again, only stretch upward, towards your nose. Twenty repetitions of the movement are required.
  • Sitting straight and looking in front of you, place your folded fist on your chin and begin to slowly move your lower jaw even further down, while at the same time offering resistance with your fist. At this time, the tongue should be pressed tightly against the palate, or even better, press it with force until you definitely feel a strong tension, and possibly a burning sensation.

In order to significantly increase the effectiveness of any exercises for the oval of the face, the guidance for which is most easily obtained from the video, try to first perform five to six repetitions, eventually increasing this number to twenty, or even thirty. But keep in mind that it is also not recommended to overdo it, as this can be harmful. One more thing needs to be remembered - it is better to take care of your own face at twenty years old, and at forty to remain as beautiful and young, than to start exercises when it has already become necessary. Although you can achieve results in any case, it is not without reason that many women, and men too, today do similar gymnastics, celebrating excellent results.

« How to tighten sagging cheeks? – no, this question is not always asked to plastic surgeons by elderly ladies. In the modern world, a trend of premature chronoaging has emerged, when women of absolutely any age encounter its manifestations equally often. A young and even slender girl with a double chin and a “swimming” oval face is now far from uncommon.

Why is this happening? First of all, free radicals have a detrimental effect on the natural turgor of our skin. And we encounter them every day, without even knowing it.

They are synthesized in high concentrations with ultraviolet radiation, haunt us in environmentally unfavorable regions, which are now almost all large cities, and enter the body with running water.

But they are not the only ones responsible for the premature onset of our old age. Aggressive household chemicals, many food products and additives are indirectly to blame. Nutritional reasons are also extremely important - poor posture, physical inactivity, stress, bad habits. Let's figure out what to do if your cheeks sag and the oval of your face deteriorates at a young or even mature age.

Eliminate the basic causes of aging

The first and most important step towards achieving long-lasting youthful and fresh skin is a review of your own regime, lifestyle and nutrition. These factors are literally necessary in the victorious battle for eternal beauty.

Very rare women, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day and, without looking, eating two cheeseburgers from McDonald's, can boast of excellent skin condition. This is the exception rather than the rule; moreover, these same units have simply amazing hereditary data.

Even if genetics has generously rewarded you with beauty and attractiveness, you need to take care of it from a young age, so that at the age of 40 you don’t wonder how to get rid of sagging “bulldog” cheeks. Of course, gravitational ptosis is a more than natural and inevitable process, but still, by providing proper decent care for your face, you can easily neutralize and soften its manifestations.

Why do our cheeks sag? There are many reasons for this, and we have mentioned only a tenth of them. Despite widespread progress and a constant increase in life expectancy, high technology and the benefits of civilization only complicate “ beautiful side"of our life. But don’t despair – you have the power to change everything! And this can be done without contacting a plastic surgeon or qualified cosmetologist.

Looking for the causes of the problem

As we have already noted, it is better to start full and comprehensive self-care at a young age. Optimally – from 25 years old. But if the signs of old age have already set in, you can quickly “heal” them yourself. The main thing is to show sincere desire and real fighting tenacity. After all, you have to go on the warpath with the most inexorable thing - time.

If the skin of your face is sagging, and the unfortunate double chin is already visible in the lower part of the jaw contour, the moment of truth has come - and right now you should take maximum care of your skin in order to avoid the progression of such unpleasant phenomena and mitigate the existing “symptoms”.

You don't have to have large sums of money in your bank accounts to ensure excellent care. Global rejuvenation can be achieved through simple procedures that are accessible to everyone at home. But before we move on to their practical implementation, let's analyze what could cause premature old age in your case.

Sagging cheeks at an objectively young age may appear for the following reasons.

Gravitational ptosis

It usually affects women who have crossed the threshold of 40-45 years, but now it also occurs in very young people. And this suggests not only that you may be unlucky with heredity.

Flabbiness of the skin and its sagging are a direct consequence of the weakening of the muscular-aponeurotic complex. Our face contains more individual muscles than our entire body. And they definitely need to be strengthened, like other parts of the muscles.

Judge for yourself - if you start pumping up your abs, and even achieve the coveted abs, but soon give up the exercises and start eating exclusively fast food - what will happen? Of course, your cubes will quickly become overgrown with fat, and they will definitely stop pleasing your eye with their relief.

The situation is similar with the face. By forgetting to strengthen our muscles, we artificially atrophy them, which leads to such undesirable consequences as “bulldog cheeks.” To get rid of them, it is important to do local exercises and massage on a regular basis.

Reason 1: bad habits

A lot has been said about them, and we do not want to repeat ourselves, especially if we turn to moralizing. Let us only note that the majority of women who have crossed the threshold of thirty years of age consciously and voluntarily give up smoking and limit alcohol not at all out of concern for their own health, but because of the awareness of the deterioration of their appearance against the background of addictions.

Reason 2: incorrect posture

Look at people who hunch over and keep their head down all the time. We can almost guarantee you that most of them have a double chin and a blurred oval face. Why? Because their facial and neck muscles are constantly in an unnatural state. Keep this in mind and start working on your own posture today!

Reason 3: excess weight

There is also not much new to add here. Subcutaneous fat tissue seems to displace muscle tissue and make it feel “extra.” That, accordingly, atrophies, and fat lumps reach lower and lower to the ground, complemented by an unattractive double chin.

Reason 4: plenty of sun

If you abuse artificial or natural insolation, without bothering to protect the delicate skin of your face from ultraviolet radiation, it stops receiving nutrients. It loses its natural elasticity and tone, quickly fades and becomes weak, lacking elasticity.

Massages and exercises

If you have eliminated all possible nutritional causes of your sudden aging, but your cheeks remain in their original place, it’s time to do their local “warm-up”.

Express exercises to eliminate sagging cheeks:

  • Rotate your neck to the left as far as possible to feel significant tension in the skin. Stay in this position for 3-4 minutes. Repeat in the opposite direction;
  • Turn your head to the right, extend your lips, and make movements with your mouth as if you are vigorously trying to chew a stretchy food like toffee. Do this for 2 minutes, then lower your head and repeat. Return to the starting point, and then do all the steps on the other side;
  • Turn your neck alternately left and right, as quickly and energetically as possible. Count up to 15-20 times;
  • Raise your head and turn it to the left. Make a movement as if you are trying to pull your lower lip over your upper lip. Repeat with your head down and turn to the right. Continue with the exercise.

Saggy cheeks - how to remove them this “beauty” out of sight - we’ll talk to you today on the website Some girls don’t seem to be plump, but their faces are not “slender.” Or sometimes, after sudden weight loss, the cheeks do not retract, but droop.

You get so-called jowls, or bulldog cheeks, which look completely unaesthetic, especially if you are young.

What to do if your cheeks are sagging?

A set of measures will help give a more aesthetic appearance to your face. This is a series of cosmetics, as well as exercises. But first things first.

Homemade masks that you make every other day may be useful. At the same time, apply the prepared mixtures to your neck - the skin of this area also needs care. Now you can find many recipes. They contain rolled oats, cottage cheese, eggs, essential oils, and yeast. The components allow you to tone and “tighten” the skin..

Exercises to remove sagging cheeks

The path to beautiful cheeks is not so easy, keep in mind right away. It is enough to do these exercises more than once or twice. They should be performed daily for 20 minutes in the morning and the same amount in the evening.

What will be the result:

  • skin tightening without a knife,
  • improving the tone of not only the skin of the cheeks, but also the skin of the chin,
  • prevention of the second fat fold on the chin.

These are the exercises:

Another technique can help remove sagging cheeks. This is a fairly powerful Japanese massage technique. It is used to rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck. Of course, during this massage the cheeks are also tightened.

We must immediately warn you that the hand movements during this massage are quite intense. It can become painful. But it turns out to renew the skin, strengthen its turgor and improve blood circulation. All this will give renewal and even a rejuvenation effect.

How to get rid of bulldog cheeks with exercises?

Bulldog cheeks are those that sag at the bottom. In this case, the exercises should be done exactly those that are aimed at the lower area of ​​your cheeks. Here are some of them:

  • overlap your lower lip with your upper lip, and then vice versa - and so on for 10 approaches,
  • lift your face up, open your lips slightly, while trying to point your lower lips towards your nose – also 10 times,
  • open your mouth, stretch your lips forward and blow a kiss - also 10 “kisses”.

Now - as promised - recipes for some masks for sagging cheeks.

How to get rid of bulldog cheeks? Make masks!

Do you want to tighten your cheeks and improve the shape of your face? Then make yourself a mask with egg white. Separate it from the yolk, beat lightly using a whisk for this purpose. If your skin itself is dry, add a spoonful of honey. If you are oily, it is better to include steamed rolled oats flakes in the mask. Ready! Now apply the product to your entire face, except for the eyelid area, wait for it to dry - about ten minutes will pass. Now rinse with contrasting water. First warm, then cool.

Do you need to tighten your cheeks and at the same time nourish your facial skin? Then here's another recipe for you. Make a mask with sour cream and honey. Take both ingredients in equal parts, just mix and apply on your cheeks. After this, rinse with warm running water.

A special scrub mask will help get rid of bulldog cheeks and generally give your facial skin more tone. Steam two large spoons of rolled oats flakes with boiling water, then add a spoonful of aromatic honey to this mass, the same amount of yogurt, preferably natural, the same amount of almonds, but chopped. Massage your cheeks in a circular motion, you can do it all over your face and even the neck area – it won’t do any harm. After that, just wash it off.

Another remedy - you can make a tightening mask for the cheeks with clay. Choose any one - first read the properties on the box. You can take pink, black or white. Dilute the powder not just with water, but with lemon juice and a spoonful of honey. Achieve a mushy mass. Apply to the face in a not too greasy and not too thin layer. Wait until the clay layer dries. But you don’t have to wait for it to dry completely, otherwise the mask will begin to draw beneficial moisture from the skin cells. To wash off this mask, use either warm or cold water.

So, now you know that “losing weight on your face” is also possible. You just need a competent approach so that such weight loss does not lead to an unsightly effect in the form of jowls. Be the envy of your friends and don’t be afraid of unexpected results, because now you know little tricks on how to get rid of bulldog cheeks.

Eva Raduga - especially for - a site for those in love... with themselves!

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Discussion: 4 comments

    The face forms the muscular frame of the upper body. For example, by rotating your fists in the armpit area, you feel the tension in your facial muscles. By straining the muscles of the neck, we feel the work of the facial muscles, etc. Working only with facial muscles is extremely insufficient to form the relief of the face. At a minimum, the shoulder girdle should be connected to the neck. Success is guaranteed by the design of the human body, the interaction of its parts, sometimes distant ones.


    My grandmother taught me that the best lift for sagging cheeks is a mask made from raw egg whites. Tightens the skin on the face and removes even deep wrinkles on the forehead. You need to apply the protein with cotton wool three times. When the first layer has dried, apply another, then another. You can hold it for an hour if you have time. It is advisable to lie horizontally without a pillow until everything “tightens.” Rinse with warm water and wipe with an ice cube of chamomile infusion. Try it...the effect is amazing!!!


    1. Helps with saggy cheeks?


      but is this a temporary effect?


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