What is Cydonia and where did the Face on Mars come from? “The Martian Sphinx” made a new riddle: Martian face

Sphinx on Mars

Possessing powerful spaceships, the aliens, apparently, could leave some traces on neighboring planets. The photograph of the “sphinx” on Mars is widely known. Earthlings saw it for the first time on July 25, 1976. When it arrived from the American Viking, a sensation was immediately born. However, scientists assured journalists that this was a “bizarre play of light and shadow,” and in the photograph taken a few hours later nothing like that was visible in this area. Journalists joked that “a few hours later” it was night over Sidonia (the name of the Martian valley where the “sphinx” was discovered), and it was really impossible to see anything there. But, however, for some time this topic received the imprint of an “unhealthy sensation” and was not seriously discussed. This photo has long remained a cute curiosity for pragmatists and a symbol of faith for lovers of everything unusual.

Some time later, one of the journalists tried to find a second photograph in the NASA archives, which had nothing on it, but the photograph “wasn’t there.” After much back and forth, NASA admitted that the site had not been re-surveyed. This happened in 1993.

Sphinx and pyramids on Mars

But even before this, the news was continuous.

First, two employees discovered in the NASA archives several photographs from a completely different series, but of the same place, and it turned out that there was no need to talk about light and shadow anymore: the “face” is visible when shooting from different points and at any angle of the Sun above the horizon . Its exact dimensions were announced: the “sphinx” is 25 km long, 2 km wide and about 400 m high.

Using special software, the photographs were enlarged and the face became even more human-like. Moreover, it turned out that fifteen kilometers from the “Sphinx” there is a pentahedral, very regular shaped pyramid. And if the “sphinx” is now interpreted not as a play of light and shadow, but as a “joke of the relief,” then scientists have not been able to obtain any meaningful commentary on the pyramid.

Meanwhile, work with the Sphinx continued. It was filmed several more times, and a stereo image was built using a computer program. The nostrils and necklace, which were previously considered simply interference when transmitting photographs to Earth, did not disappear at all; moreover, the program added to the image the pupils of the eyes and teeth in the slightly open mouth!

Soon, photographs of the area approximately 25 km from the “Sphinx” revealed clearly visible several more regular tetrahedral pyramids, surprisingly similar to the ancient Egyptian ones. Three more pyramids were discovered a little later in the Deuteronilus area. It turned out that their sides are built in the same proportions as those of the earth's pyramids, and represent the golden ratio. The largest pyramid is ten times larger than the Cheops pyramid. Some strange lines stretch between the pyramids, and some researchers suggest that these are roads.

In 1997, the American Mars Global Surveyor station entered orbit around Mars, and new photos appeared, in much better resolution than before: 4.3 meters per point, that is, 10 times higher quality than the image obtained from "Viking".

But the photo did not contain any new details of the mystery; moreover, the “Sphinx” itself disappeared. Not to mention the pyramids, with which so many hopes were pinned. In place of the already legendary “face” there was only a small mound. But soon there were those who disagreed with this result of the shooting: they began to claim that the “face” could not have disappeared. After all, calculating the height of the relief based on the cast shadow showed more than three hundred meters. In the last photos there was simply no such a large hill. There was not even anything to give rise to an illusion from. After numerous disputes, NASA experts were forced to admit that software filters were used when processing the photo, and all image details were suppressed. It was also recognized that this was done on purpose.

It was decided to re-photograph the Sidonia area. On April 8, 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor flew by at 20:54 to capture the “face.” The resolution has become even better: already 2 meters per point. That is, if there was an object the size of a truck there, then it could, if not be seen, then at least be identified.

New photographs showed that the “sphinx” had not disappeared anywhere, and all the assumptions about the “necklace” and “teeth” turned out to be true. Americans now regularly photograph the Sphinx, but for some reason they are silent about the pyramids.

Among the latest Martian sensations, it is worth mentioning a stone removed by the rover with a square hole, similar to those made in instruments for placing handles in them. NASA posted this image without any comment (you can see it on the Internet at: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpegMod/PIA05103_modest.jpg).

But even these sensations were not limited to the discoveries on Mars. One of the supporters of the artificiality of the “Sphinx”, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences V. Avinsky, in the almanac “On Land and at Sea” for 1983, reported an even more amazing fact. He was able to discover a photograph that captured it about 15 miles from the Viking probe, at 22.7 degrees N. latitude, 48 degrees west. etc., fragments of an all-metal ship and a clearly visible groove drawn by it in the Martian soil.

His theory caused controversy, but no one was able to convincingly refute it. However, very soon a perfectly smooth ring with a diameter of several kilometers was discovered between the “Sphinx” and the pyramids on the surface of Mars. Old assumptions immediately came to life that the pyramids (these were the versions expressed about the pyramids on Earth) are landmarks for landing spaceships, and the ring is the cosmodrome itself. It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, but it is covered with dust, and it is worth recognizing that in any case it was not used in any way for several thousand years.

And just recently, lucky American researchers discovered that the Martian “sphinx”, it turns out, is not alone! In a completely different Martian region - in Utopia - they managed to find his double in photographs, having approximately the same dimensions, the same symmetrical face and the same pageboy hairstyle. Both “Sphinxes” also have a number of other details that are the same. So there can be no talk of a random play of chiaroscuro. Was there life on Mars?

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The optimism of supporters of the existence of life on Mars was brought back to them... by the same Viking photographs that so recently seemed to have buried their dreams. Only one of them has become widely known - a “photo portrait” of a strange Martian formation, very reminiscent of a woman’s face.

On July 25, 1976, the disappointment and despondency inspired by the lifeless landscapes among the operators at the Mission Control Center was so great that they, with almost complete indifference, captured this image, number 35A72, received from the Viking. A huge female face looked at the operators from the surface of distant Mars. So what? I still remembered the example with “channels”, I had a vision of straight lines on the red planet, and now I saw a woman, apparently due to fatigue.

Almost immediately, at a press conference held on the same day, NASA officials dubbed the unusual “face” in the image a “bizarre play of light and shadow,” assuring that in the photograph taken a few hours later, nothing similar was visible in this area.

Subsequently, independent researchers, not without malice, noted that “a few hours later” it was pitch black over Sidonia and there was really nothing left to see there. Moreover, in the archives it was never possible to find other photographs of Sidonia taken shortly after frame 35A72. And only 17 years later, in 1993, NASA managed to obtain official recognition that such a photograph never happened at all.

But a few years later, in 1979, another (incorrectly registered and placed in a completely different folder) frame of the same area, numbered 70A13, was discovered, taken 35 days after the first from a different angle, under different lighting, but just as clearly demonstrating human facial features. However, this discovery happened without any publicity, since in 1976, through the efforts of NASA, the public obediently swallowed the version of the “play of chiaroscuro”, the story was forgotten, and the strange shot was successfully buried in the archives.

The glory of the discoverers has fallen Vincent Di Pietro and Gregory Molenaar, who was working at the Space Flight Center at the time. Goddard. They found 10 images of the area they were interested in. This:

Image number Meters per pixel Times of Day
35A7247.13 morning
70A1343.42 morning
561A25162.7 morning
561A27162.7 morning
673B54226.02 morning
673B56225.7 morning
753A33232.82 noon
753A34232.51 noon
814A07848,86 low resolution
257S69821.24 cloudy

Using special software, they were able to obtain an enlarged and more detailed image of the “face,” which made it even more human-like. In addition, having increased the clarity of the images, they discovered another mysterious structure on the ground - a five-sided pyramid of a very regular shape 15 kilometers from the “face”.

Inspired scientists naively believed that their discovery would be of interest to NASA, but they came across a more than obvious reluctance of the agency's leadership to discuss signs of intelligent activity on another planet.

The head of the Viking program, K. Snyder, the same one who leaked the valuable photograph, did not hide his irritation, saying that “the discovered image is just rock formations that have taken on bizarre shapes as a result of the play of light and shadows.” Soviet academician Sagdeev warmly supported this idea, saying that there will be no new self-deception, such as happened with the channels. They also did not refrain from studying photography at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. According to the candidate of geographical sciences R. Kuzmin, “it’s all about oblique lighting, the light of the low-lying Sun casts shadows from ordinary tubercles, and as for the nostrils and the necklace on the face, these are ordinary interference that arose during the transmission of the image to Earth!”

Indeed, according to the laws of probability theory, the insidious play of light and shadow can suddenly create any image, one on the entire planet, right down to the inscription “Hello, earthlings.” But if this is not a real image, then you just need to change the direction of the lighting and the whole effect will immediately disappear.

However, 35A72 and 70A13 were made on different turns and the sphinx did not disappear! Having received two photographs in their hands, American specialists began computer construction of a stereo image. For some reason, the nostrils, necklace, and other points that were considered interference did not disappear in the new image, but the computer confidently drew the pupils of the eyes and even the teeth in the slightly open mouth!

By 1981, Di Pietro and Molenaar, having achieved nothing at NASA, published the book “Unusual Objects on the Surface of Mars” on their own. This book gave rise to a whole movement of independent researchers of Sidonia, who made a lot of discoveries over the subsequent years, including about two dozen “correct” objects, the relative positions of which are subject to curious mathematical patterns.

One of the most important roles at this stage was played by the work of the person who joined in 1985. Brand Carlotto, a highly qualified specialist at Analytical Sciences Corporation, professionally engaged in cleaning and restoring images from X-rays, remote sensing footage and satellite photographs. The methods of fractal image analysis developed by Carlotto, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in a variety of applications, convincingly confirmed the highest degree of anomalousness and “unnaturalness” of the Martian “face” and other objects of Cydonia.

The "Martian Sphinx" is by no means the center of the region called Cydonia ( Cydonia). It is located approximately 15 km. north of the mathematical center of Cydonia and inclined approximately 30 0 relative to the Martian meridian.

In those days, it was still very difficult for us to compete with America in the field of computer graphics, but the solution found by Samara scientist Vladimir TYURIN-AVINSKY was liked for its simplicity and clarity even overseas. Thanks to working with a plasticine copy of the sphinx, he achieved just such a form in which the effect of resemblance to a human face did not disappear in any lighting. Now it has become possible to estimate the approximate size of the giant. The length from the chin to the hair is 1.5 km, the width is 1.3 km, the height from the desert surface to the tip of the nose is 0.5 km!

As you understand, it is simply impossible to find anything like this on Earth. No,” the skeptics said again, “such a giant can only be built by a very powerful civilization, but it is not on Mars, and if it were, then why would it need a statue that can only be seen from Space? And the Sphinx again became a coincidence, only now not of light and shadow, but as a result of the weathering of rocks. With a certain degree of stretch, one could agree with such a statement if this were... an isolated case.

If the image of a woman’s face somehow immediately caught the eye, then attention was paid to the structures located 7 km from the sphinx a little later. Structures is an understatement; Tyurin-Avinsky counted as many as 11 pyramids (4 large, 7 small) in this place, an entire “city”! They don't look like the results of volcanic activity or anything else. If these are just volcanoes, then there is no visible crater, lava flows on the walls or around them, and these volcanoes have too regular a shape: three-, four-, pentagonal, sharp edges and a peak. About 10 years have passed since his research; computer technology has come a long way during this time, so what entire institutes once worked on has become possible for just one programmer. The specialist who had to be contacted with this request processed the image, and... now one of the most powerful computers to date shows a three-dimensional image of the Acidalia Planitia on Mars. Almost all the most daring forecasts were confirmed.

Moreover, instead of 11 pyramids and buildings, 19 appear on the diagram, “road” lines and a strange round platform appear. The “roads” are clearly not just laid out randomly, two of them approach the pyramids, and three immediately converge to the circle in the center of the “city”. The dimensions here are amazing: the largest central pyramid is almost ten times (!) larger than the famous Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. If the pyramids are at least somehow close and understandable to us, then the purpose of the “circle” with a diameter of a kilometer can be debated ad infinitum: a cosmodrome, a training ground, an accelerator-type laboratory, a filled-in crater, the central square of the city?.. Judging by the abundance of suitable “roads”, the last option is the most preferable. Again, based on the fact that two “routes” stretch to the “pyramids,” we can say that they were not used (or were used not only) as religious buildings and tombs (the roads to the Egyptian tomb pyramids have long been overgrown).

This is how we imperceptibly began to use past tense verbs. Indeed, there is no doubt that the “city” was built a long time ago and is currently uninhabited. How is this known? Judge for yourself: large meteorites do not fall on the surface of the planet very often, but in the photographs of the “city” you can see at least two direct hits of such meteorites on the left large pyramid and at the crossroads of the “roads”. Neither one nor the other was restored, probably because there was no one to restore it!.....

Everyone was waiting for new photos. And so In 1997, the American Mars Global Surveyor station entered orbit around Mars.

In September, the camera shutters opened and the automation took its first test pictures...04/5/1998 at 12:39 - PST "Mars Orbital Camera" installed on the "Mars Global Surveyor" successfully photographed the Cydonia region, and received images of the "Martian face" of a high permissions. The image was transmitted to Earth on Sunday. It was processed by Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS) at 9:15 a.m. and, along with the raw image, was transferred to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for release on the Internet. The image was taken during the spacecraft's 220th close approach to Mars. At that moment, the Face, located at approximately 40.8°N, 9.6°W, was 444 km away from the spacecraft. The "morning" Sun was 25° above the horizon. The image has a resolution of 4.3 meters per point, i.e. 10 times higher than that obtained from the Viking.

Yes... There were no new details of Martian architecture in the photo. Moreover, on the surface of Mars there was not even something that even skeptics believed in the existence. Of course, the most ardent critics did not admit the presence of real roads and pyramids in the sands there, but they also agreed that on Mars there is “something resembling a sphinx, roads and pyramids.” But the fact of the matter is that even this did not turn out to be on Mars. In place of the “city” photographed by the Vikings, there turned out to be ordinary rough terrain! Instead of a sphinx - a small hill!

Looking at this image, it is quite clear that typical news headlines on this topic looked something like this: “NASA wipes face off the surface of Mars.” The humor is that these words can be taken literally. The experts from the space agency seem to have gone a bit overboard in the hasty processing of the image, so that a hill more than 300 meters high (this is reliably known from measurements of the shadow in the Viking images) began to look like a cluster of hills.

When the deliberate distortion of a digital photograph using computer manipulation was proven by independent experts, the JPL space center was forced to officially admit this fact, as evidenced by the corresponding comment on JPL-NASA website. This confession states that the photo was put through low-pass and high-pass filters before being released to the public. As you know, a high-pass filter preserves the outline of the object and suppresses other details in the image.

To establish what this photograph might actually look like, three specialists professionally involved in computer graphics and image enhancement independently took up the matter: Boris Starosta, Mark Carlotto and Mark Kelly. The programs used for restoration do not adjust the image to the user’s tastes and assumptions, but “simply” calculate how the same image looks at different intensities and angles of illumination. Since all the specialists used different programs, the more convincing was the result they obtained, showing the clearly artificial origin of the “face of Mars” (on the left is a negative photo of JPL, where the details appear in more contrast; in the center is the result of the restoration of the Starosta; on the right is Carlotto’s result; Kelly’s result is presented computer animation on the website of astronomer Tom Van Flandern Metaresearch.com.

Due to the great excitement surrounding the “Face,” it was decided to re-photograph the Qidonia area. On April 8, 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor at 20:54 (UTC) flew so that it could capture the Face, located 165 km away and at a distance of 450 km. The resulting photo has a resolution of 2 meters per point. (If there were objects the size of a regular passenger jet on Mars, they would be visible at that scale.)
The new photograph "Faces" covers an area of ​​3.6 km. The sun illuminates it from the lower left.

You can judge for yourself whether there is something there or not. Moreover, now you can

"Odysseus" continued to study Cydonia. On April 12, 2002, new photographs were taken of this remarkable area. They are in good agreement with photographs of the same area taken by Viking (70A11+70A13) in 1976 ().

And I will end this page with a photograph of the “face on Mars” taken by Odysseus on 04/12/2002. But this is not the end of the story.

Looked from the wrong side

Once again, scientists are trying to prove that the mountain located on the Acidalian Plain of Mars and commonly known as the “Sphinx” or “Face” is nothing more than a mountain. And there is nothing supernatural about it. The fifth attempt was recently made. But it did not bring the desired result. Quite the opposite.

The “face,” previously similar to a human one, suddenly acquired features characteristic of aliens from outer space. After all, this is roughly what aliens look like, familiar to earthlings thanks to portraits distributed by ufologists: huge eye sockets, tiny noses and mouths.

Images of the artifact, which has long attracted the attention of, without exaggeration, the world community, were transmitted to Earth by NASA's automatic Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter station at the end of April 2007. It is equipped with a HiRISE high-definition camera that allows you to take amazingly clear photos. Recently, specialists from the University of Arizona participating in the research created a website (http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/), on which they began to show pictures obtained from Mars to everyone. “Face” is on one of more than 7 thousand already posted. Number: PSP_003234_2210.

Comments, alas, are stingy. Like, this is an image of a weathered bump that became famous because of its resemblance to a human face. And the similarity, in turn, arose thanks to low-quality photographs taken by the Viking-1 station in 1976. And period - as if a new, high-quality photograph is no longer interesting. It’s as if nothing catches your eye there.

Looking ahead a little, I will say: there is a suspicion that NASA and the Arizona researchers who joined the agency staged a “provocation” on purpose. And the supernatural effect did not arise by chance. But in the end the following happened. For some reason the photo turned out to be posted upside down. I checked - all previously available images of the mysterious region of Mars were presented rotated 180 degrees. They were always looked at only from one side. And then suddenly they showed me the other one. The Sphinx naturally disappeared. But the “Alien” appeared with an equally interesting face. Attentive lovers of the anomalous will not miss this.

Is your imagination running wild? Yes. But no less than those who for decades saw in the “Sphinx” the man-made intervention of Martians, which supposedly indicates intelligent life on a neighboring planet in the distant past.

Legendary bump

On July 25, 1976, the American Viking 1 spacecraft photographed Mars - specialists were choosing landing sites for future expeditions. Among others, a photograph of the Kydonia region, located on the Acidalia Plain, came to Earth: with that very “unevenness”.

The legend says: when scientists saw the artifact, they hid it under a veil of secrecy so as not to worry the public about aliens. And only one brave renegade - a certain computer expert named Vincent Di Pietro - risked making the photo public three years later. Since then, other experts, of course, in order to hide the truth, have been fooling the people, proving that there is nothing man-made in the “unevenness”. And the main opponents - ufologists - insist: on Mars there is a “Sphinx”, with a face similar to its Egyptian counterpart. Moreover, the “irregularities” a little further away are pyramids built by someone.

In reality, no one was hiding anything. The photograph taken from Viking 1 was published a few days after its appearance - on July 31, 1976. The official NASA press release that accompanied it has been preserved: in it, the NASA people themselves point out that in the center of the image one can see a “rock formation” about one and a half kilometers across, “which resembles a human head.” True, they stipulate that “it was formed thanks to shadows that create the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth”: during the shooting, the sun's rays fell at an angle of 20 degrees to the horizon.

Google Virtual Map of Mars is an Internet application that is very similar to Google Earth, the map of Mars is also made on this engine. This color map of Mars is nothing more than a 3d topographic map of Mars. This gives us an idea of ​​the heights of the area. This Google map of Mars also lets you switch between visible and infrared views in real time. The switch buttons are in the upper right corner.


In Google Maps of Mars, you can move up, down, left, or right using the arrow buttons in the top left corner of the screen. To zoom in and out of the Google Mars map, simply move the tool's slider. It is also on the left side.

This map of Mars, based on images from the Mars Odyssey probe, is a mosaic of images obtained from orbit.

If you're wondering why Google Mars maps are clearer in infrared, it's because the planet's clouds and dust are transparent to infrared light.

Additional features

In the search bar, you can look for objects that interest you, for example Mount Olympus - Olympus mons and read its description and detailed photographs. To return to the map, press "Backspace". There is also a search for pre-selected groups: spacecraft, mountains, volcanoes, craters, canyons, etc. To do this, click on the corresponding link to the right of the Google icon.

Topographic map of Mars

Pyramids and Face on Mars

If you don't know how to Google Mars pyramids, it's pretty easy. The Google Mars program allows you to quickly search. You can view the coordinates on Google Mars, but searching for them does not work.

Region Cydonia

Cydonia, some translate as Cydonia, is a plateau located in the northern hemisphere of the planet and famous for the fact that the numerous hills of this region, according to the first images of the Viking 1 orbiter, resembled the Face (by the way, Google Mars, allows you to see in one click), the Sphinx and pyramids.

Subsequently, more detailed images of the Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft (the Google Mars service also uses their images) showed that these hills have nothing to do with the activities of supposedly intelligent representatives of the planet, and what previously seemed quite meaningful figures appeared in the form normal Martian landscape. However, interest in these formations does not fade and therefore pyramids on Mars are quite easy to find on Google Mars. Just type Cydonia in the search bar and switch to infrared mode. The Google satellite map of Mars shows the Face and just below the pyramid. We hope that with Google Mars you will constantly discover new finds for yourself.

The Google coordinates of the Mars pyramid are as follows - 40.75N, 9.46W. By the way, the Google planet Mars pyramid coordinates allow you to calculate the coordinates quite easily, just select the object you are interested in and the necessary information of interest will appear in the drop-down menu.

Valles Marineris

Valles Marineris is the longest and deepest canyon in the solar system. It is a companion to the tallest mountain in the solar system, Mount Olympus, which is also located on the red planet. This couple demonstrates what extremes can be found using Google Mars online. To search for a valley, just type “Valles Marineris” in the map command line.

Valley dimensions

The Valles Marineris is about 4,000 km long and 200 km wide, in some places the depth reaches 7 km. It runs along the equator and covers almost a quarter of the planet's circumference, or 59% of its diameter. The Google map of Mars shows that the Valles Marineris system is a network of interconnected depressions that start in the west and Google shows this well. Noctis Labyrinthus or “Labyrinth of Night” is considered the beginning of the Valles Marineris. The canyon passes through various areas of chaotic terrain (ridges, crevasses, and plains mixed together) before ending at the Chryse Planitia basin.

The most common theory for the formation of such a huge canyon is that it was formed by stretching of the surface layer. The theory is confirmed by erosion and destruction of the rift wall. Rift valleys usually form between and during the formation of two mountain ranges.

History of discovery

The mighty canyon is named after NASA's Mariner 9 spacecraft, which first photographed it at close range in 1971-1972. Mariner 9 was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet, ahead of the Mars 2 and Mars 3 missions.

Valles Marineris on Mars has been the focus of many scientists' attention due to its geological past. It indicates that Mars used to be much wetter and warmer. If you are looking for interesting places on Google Mars, then this valley is rightfully in the TOP5.

Software updates

In 2012, the Google Mars program was significantly updated. The reason for this was that by that time there were as many as three orbiters circling the red planet in orbit, continuously imaging the surface in different ranges and with different resolutions.

Much of Google Mars' content is now captured by the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The Google map of Mars has a pretty good resolution - 6 meters per pixel - this is significantly better than most of the images of our Earth in Google Maps (about 15 meters per pixel) and significantly exceeds previous photographs of the planet.

Telescope in orbit

The latest Google Mars map shows individual areas of the surface with a resolution of 25-30 cm per pixel! This is thanks to the HiRISE camera, which is installed on the MRO satellite. The HiRISE camera is actually a telescope with a main mirror diameter of 30 cm! Despite the monstrous detail, it will take many years to completely map the planet with such resolution, so scientists are interested in the most relevant regions of the planet and the work sites of the Mars rovers, of which there are now two (Curiosity and Opportunity).

A collection of photographs captured by the HiRISE camera

To view in full screen mode, use the button at the top right.

Do not forget that such bright colors of the planet are due to the fact that the camera captures part of the infrared range. Images obtained using different filters and wavelengths are necessary to identify various surface features and mineral deposits.

Google Mars has paid a lot of attention to Gale Crater. The new version of Google Mars shows fresh satellite images in a gray scale, so they are easy to distinguish from old ones and remember that these are not artifacts of Google Mars, despite the fact that quite a lot of interesting objects were discovered on the Google Mars map.

Lava tubes on the surface

Quite interesting formations are collapsed lava tubes - channels that are formed during the uneven cooling of lava that flows from the slopes of the volcano. So the virtual map of Mars allows you to look not only at well-known objects, but also at quite rare geological formations. However, the Google Mars map is just high-detail images, so we recommend Google Mars 3D maps, which quite well convey the feeling of being on an alien planet. I’m especially pleased that recently it has become possible to watch Google Mars in Russian. So the Mars Google Mars application is not only a good visualization and technology demonstration tool, but also a whole multimedia entertainment center that allows you to make exciting trips around the red planet.

3D view

The Google Mars 3D map allows you not only to explore the planet, but also to make a virtual journey, because the relief map of Mars conveys the surface of the distant planet much more realistically. In 3D mode, users can enjoy a bird's eye view of the surface of the planet, and Google's 3D map of Mars makes it possible to virtually move to the most popular objects, consider the “Face on Mars” and Olympus Volcano.

This view from the Google Mars satellite was obtained using NASA's modern Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Express, as well as from the Mars Odyssey spacecraft.

A little about the planet itself

After Earth, it is practically the only place in the solar system that could shelter people. But there are many things we must overcome on the red planet.


The orbit of the planet of the “god of war” ranks second in eccentricity in the solar system. Only Mercury's orbit has a greater eccentricity. At perihelion it is located at a distance of 206.6 million km from the Sun, and at aphelion 249.2 million km. The average distance from it to the Sun (the so-called semi-major axis) is 228 million km. One revolution of Mars takes 687 Earth days. The distance to the Sun changes depending on the gravitational influence of other planets, and the eccentricity can change over time. As recently as about 1,350 million years ago, it had a nearly circular orbit.

At its closest point, it is located approximately 55.7 million km from Earth. The planets come closest to each other every 26 months. Due to the vast distance, a trip to Mars will take 10 months to a year, depending on how much fuel we use.


Mars is very small and the global topographic map of Mars shows that its area is very small. Mars is only 6,792 km across, about half the diameter, and only 10% of the mass of Earth. Google's satellite map of Mars allows you to view the planet as if you could stand on its surface. Mars, but unfortunately does not convey to us that we would experience only 30% of the gravity on the surface of the Earth.


Mars, like all the planets in the solar system, has an axial tilt of about 25.19 degrees. This tilt is similar to Earth's, so it has seasons. Martian seasons are longer than Earth's because the year on Mars is almost twice as long as the Earth's year. The dramatically varying distance between Mars at aphelion and perihelion means its seasons are out of balance.


One day on Mars is only a few minutes longer than on Earth. You can adapt quickly. Another advantage is that the tilt of the Martian axis is very similar to the Earth's; it is a pity that the online map of Mars from the satellite does not show this.


But Mars has a very inhospitable environment. It is only 1% of the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. It consists mainly of carbon dioxide. You won't be able to breathe in such an atmosphere. Night temperatures can drop to -100°C, even in the height of summer at the equator. A high-resolution interactive map of Mars shows the huge polar ice caps at the planet's poles.

One of the most important problems is the planet’s lack of a magnetosphere. Here on Earth, radioactive particles from space are deflected away from the surface, but on Mars there is no protection.

Finally, I recommend watching the popular science film The Mars Underground.

Aerospace engineer and President of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin dreams of sending humans to the red planet in the next 10 years.

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> > > Pyramids on Mars

Consider pyramids on planet Mars: description of surface features, first discovery, high quality photos, face of Mars, theory of ancient civilizations.

Conspiracy theorists believe that two large-scale structures on the Martian surface were created by aliens. We are talking about the pyramids on Mars.

There are people who believe that the Egyptians received their knowledge from the Martians, and there is evidence on the territory of the Red Planet - ancient pyramids. On YouTube you can even watch a video with pyramids, whose height extends to 5 floors. Below is what the pyramids on Mars look like in photos.

The structures were first noticed in images taken by Curiosity. Although an exact study has not been carried out, there is every reason to believe that these are ordinary rock formations.

Strange shapes flashed in a video from a user signed as “Martian Archaeology.” He has a huge list of videos showing ancient cities and even towers located on the territory of Mars.

Under a specific image of the Red Planet, he wrote: “After 200 days of delays, bureaucratic tricks and censorship, we managed to get a picture from the rover showing the pyramids.”

Pyramids on Mars and pareidolia

We are talking about the psychological effect when we see species familiar to us in random forms. It's like looking for rabbits and birds in the clouds, which sometimes leads to funny incidents. It happens that people see religious symbols or “faces” on Mars.

Of course, the Martian photos with the pyramids led to people calling for people to give up the search for microbial life and go study the Martian civilization. You can study a map of Mars with bizarre pyramid formations and faces on the surface of the planet.

Some have called for NASA to give the cameras to UFO researchers because they are finding much more evidence. In addition, they believe that the agency is carefully cleaning up most of the images to hide evidence of life on Mars from us.

Last year, the YouTube channel ParanormalCrucible found the pyramid in another image of the rover from 2015.

Was there a civilization?

Last year, John Brandenburg (a physicist) stated that there was a Martian civilization, but it was destroyed by another race in a nuclear war. He believed that this was genocide, and the Martians were divided into Sidonians and Utopians.

What evidence? Back in 2011, a researcher said that the red color could be evidence of a thermonuclear explosion. He believed that there was a lot of thorium, uranium and potassium on the surface, which means we are looking at a real radioactive spot. He also finds examples in the atmosphere in the form of nuclear isotopes, reminiscent of hydrogen bomb testers.

The operators of the Curiosity rover received a lot of blame because they didn't want to take a few more pictures. Internet gurus believe that the perfect shape of the pyramids hints at the intervention of intelligence, rather than a trick of light and shadow.

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