How to secretly confess your love to a guy. How to confess your love to a guy. What you need to be prepared for when you confess your love to a man

You definitely know the answer to this question. Yes, you know how to confess your love to a guy, doing it in such a way that he immediately understands everything without further explanation. But this answer is not always obvious. I will tell you about several interesting options and... help you find the most correct one!

When you're the best

First you need to prepare. A declaration of love is also a kind of work, which means negligence and frivolity are inappropriate here! However, there is also unnecessary seriousness. It's important to find a balance. Here I would suggest the only correct, in my opinion, option: be yourself. And be your best self.

Like this? I'll explain now. The fact that you are good in yourself is already clear, let’s not dwell on that. But even this beautiful creation can be improved. Your declaration of love begins with the fact that you become interesting to him:

  1. You develop common hobbies.
  2. You find a lot of topics for communication (to do this, sometimes you will have to delve into new areas of life, take an interest in what he is interested in, comprehend his world - this is not easy, but very exciting!).
  3. You can do something that will interest him - skydiving, going on a hike, saving an old lady... everyone has something different.

The most important thing: at the same time, you must remain yourself. You shouldn’t completely dissolve in his world. Otherwise, by the time you figure out how to tell a guy that I love him, there will be little left of you - he will simply not be interested. But if you become part of his world, while maintaining your individuality, you reserve the right to be different, to be unpredictable, and even to have some aspects of life that are inaccessible to him...

Who knows, maybe you won’t even have to look for a way to declare your love. He will tell you this himself.

It's possible. That's how it was with me. I remained myself, although at some point I still had to go to the climbing wall and make a heroic climb. It was just a step (well, well – more than one, and not an easy one at all!), but it played its role. It wasn’t me who said “I love you” first.

How to say “I like you” without dying of embarrassment?

He still didn't say those words first? It's time to act. It is women who know how to confess their love to a guy if they are shy and don’t know what to say.

So, here is a simple sequence of actions that can lead to success:

  1. The words “I love you” are the main ones, but you shouldn’t start with them. Say more delicately: “It’s so great to discuss everything in the world with you, and that’s why I love you!” Or: “What would happen if I told you that I love you?” Usually these phrases are enough to shed light on his true attitude towards you. You will see the reaction, understand how he feels... Then you can act according to the situation.
  2. Men love compliments. I heard somewhere that there is a golden rule: “10 compliments - and he’s yours.” It works, but not with everyone. However, its advantage is that it never (never!) harms. Say that he is reliable, brave, interesting, funny, stylish... That's already five. Come up with the other five yourself, we still have different guys! It will work, I promise!
  3. Get to the main point. Look into his eyes. It's hard, I know. But this is necessary, because a declaration of love is the moment from which trust begins, and without trust, future relationships are impossible. Look into the eyes and...
  4. ...Speak at last! Those same words.

Scary? Yes a little. But if you go through the first stages with hints and compliments, then it’s already clear what to expect. In fact, the answer to the question of how to tell a guy that I like him will be suggested by the guy himself. Simply by your reaction to your first steps.

How to confess your love to a guy so that he remembers it forever?

Everything described is a fairly standard path, and now I propose a creative one. Original personalities are not interested in simply explaining themselves. They need the brightness of events and feelings.

I suggest:

  1. Sending a letter of recognition is the simplest way, but it is also the most romantic. And his plus is that at the moment when he reads the cherished words, you will not stand next to him and blush. Of course, you can write in poetry, but only if you know how to do it. If not, elegant, direct and honest prose will be much better than clumsy rhymes!
  2. Write “I love you” in different languages ​​and leave this “text” in a visible place. Suitable for those who study foreign languages ​​and are interested in this topic. He will immediately guess who acted so creatively and... will answer.
    Sing. This is generally the best answer to the question of how to confess your love to a guy beautifully! If you both love karaoke and go to such clubs together, sing a song for him. If you are a professional singer (or just learning), record a separate track and give it to him. There was a case in my life when a young man was not in love with a girl. And then she sang for him and... at first he didn’t understand anything, but a couple of days later he was the first to confess his love.
  3. Draw. Paint on the wall (just don’t vandalize – there are suitable places for graffiti). The same colors are used on the poster. Chalk on the asphalt. Following from the plane in the sky... It’s all about what’s available to whom. But in general, a drawing or inscription, designed in an unusual way, is never forgotten and very easily wins the heart.
  4. Speak through other people. Oh, not through your best friend. Although this is also possible, it is still the last century. Does he listen to the radio? Arrange to have your confession aired on air. He loves some musician, and this musician is just coming to the concert? Try to get through with a request, it’s quite possible. Strangers, especially famous ones, are most often willing to help with such things. You know how to confess your love to a guy in an original way, and they are ready to be mediators. Is it true. It's worth just trying!

Whatever method you choose, remember the main thing. More precisely, three main things:

  • You can't be annoying.
  • You cannot demand an immediate answer.
  • You can't consider yourself insignificant.

With the first one, it’s clear - who would want a relationship if explanations and love phrases are constantly being showered on one’s head, and the girl is just following on their heels? With the second, in fact, the same: the young man may simply be stunned or unprepared. This doesn't mean he doesn't love you.

My boyfriend (hmm, actually already my husband), for example, decided to take a step only a month after we met. Not because I wasn’t in love, but because I was embarrassed too! So it's worth giving him some time.

The third “no” is the most important. You are the best. This is undeniable. You have the right to love and talk about it. You have the right to receive feelings in return. And you have the right to be upset if you suddenly don’t receive it. Remember this when you are looking for a way to confess your love to a guy if you are shy. Did he refuse? Is he not ready? Didn't he plan a relationship?

It's sad, but not a tragedy. And most importantly, this did not happen because you are unworthy. No! You are worthy. I don’t know how exactly you will explain your feelings, but I know one thing for sure: you are worth reciprocal tenderness, you are 100% worth it.

Return love to you! Thank you for your attention.

I will be glad to answer in the comments!

No matter how long you've known the guy you like, talking to him and taking the first step towards a relationship will always be an exciting experience. It is very important to behave sincerely and speak simply and directly. You don’t have to come up with a cunning plan to confess your love to a guy, just be brave and be yourself.


How to confess your love for the first time

    Wait for the right moment when the guy feels happy and satisfied. Perhaps the guy is now having problems at school, at work, in his family, perhaps he cannot understand himself. In this case, he is unlikely to be ready for a new round of your relationship. Of course, there is almost no ideal moment for such a conversation, so you shouldn’t hesitate too long. Just watch him and wait for the time when everything in his life will be relatively calm, without stress and irritation. This will be the right moment. Keep in mind that there are very inappropriate times for such conversations:

    Find a quiet place where you can be alone and talk. Perhaps there is a place somewhere nearby that reminds you two of something good? You can choose the place where you went on your first date or some cafe where you celebrated the anniversary of the relationship (or the date “two months of relationship”, “six months of relationship”). Any quiet place will do, where you can be alone with him and talk calmly, so that no one will distract you or interrupt you.

    • Invite him for a walk or ask him to help you with your homework. You can simply invite him to chat for a few minutes.
  1. Everything should happen naturally and from the heart. Don't try to create a romantic atmosphere, because you are not a couple yet. In addition, your efforts may have the opposite effect. Only your words and feelings matter. So don't overdo it! Speak from the heart, do not try to make your speech pretentious and pompous.

    Close your eyes, take a deep breath and say:"I love you". In the end, this is the only and most important thing left to do. Just gather yourself, close your eyes, count to three and say it. It's not so important how you say it, the words themselves are much more important. Look into his eyes and smile. Be yourself - an honest, amazing and sweet girl. Remember, the simpler your speech, the better. If you feel shy, try saying one of the following phrases:

    • "I'm in love with you"
    • “I want you to know that the last few months have been the best of my life. I feel happier every day. I love you"
    • "I have something to tell you. I love you".
    • Hug the guy, kiss him on the cheek and whisper in his ear: “I love you.”
  2. If you can't meet soon, you can confess your love in a letter, by phone or through a voice message. If you can't meet in person but can no longer hold those strong feelings inside, it's okay if you can't say "I love you" when you meet. It is preferable to confess your love in person, because this way your words will mean more, because they will be supported by your voice and expression of emotions. But you can achieve about the same effect even from a distance. Instead of texting or messages with emoticons on a social network, spend time writing a letter by hand (as a last resort, you can send a letter by email). The main goal is to express your feelings in this letter. It doesn't have to be long, just write from the heart.

    Find a way to show your feelings without words. You don't have to say "I love you" to show your love. Many people find these conversations difficult. If you want to tell someone how you feel, but are hesitant to say these three words out loud, there are other ways:

    Don't take up all of his personal space. It may sound strange, but a man will be grateful to you if you just don't bother him. Remember, no matter how close you are, each of you should have personal space, only then will your relationship bring you joy. You shouldn’t constantly show your care and attention; sometimes the best way to express your feelings is to give the person freedom.

    Even if you are upset, be sincere. You can’t just say the phrase “I love you” and think that you have gotten rid of all your problems. Remember, even the happiest couples have disagreements. Learn to resolve problems rather than run away from them to save your relationship. Do not think that by such behavior you are destroying your relationship or taking back words of love when you begin to sort things out. You are simply showing your love, but in a slightly different way.

    Tell your boyfriend words of love not out of a sense of duty, but because you want him to know how you feel. Remember that these conversations are different for everyone. Some say “I love you” at the end of every phone conversation, and some only say “I love you” at special moments. So don't worry about how often you should confess your love. Also, don't worry about how often you hear these words from your partner. All people are different, and, in the end, you can express your feelings not only with words!

    • It is very important to say words of love at the moment when you really feel in love, otherwise they lose their magic.

How to accept his answer

  1. Make it clear right away that you don’t expect the guy to reciprocate. You can pause after these words, smile and change the subject. Explain to the guy that you said these words because you want him to know. You can even tell him that you don't expect a reciprocal response so immediately, show that you don't mind if he needs time to think and understand himself. The less you put pressure on him and try to get him to like you, the higher the likelihood that he will reciprocate your feelings. Not right away, but after a while, when he thinks about everything and understands how lucky he is.

    • Speak for yourself. Your phrases should begin with “I” (for example, “I realized that I love you”). If you start saying “we” instead of “I,” this conversation will make the guy a little tense.
  2. Once you've said everything you're going to say, just listen to what the guy has to say. Very often, guys are simply afraid to express their feelings because they don’t want to be dependent on someone. Therefore, you need to remind him once again that you can be trusted. Be a good listener, learn to read between the lines and support him, don't rush into questions. Before asking any questions, wait until the guy finishes. Don't take everything he says to heart. Once you've told your guy how you feel, be patient and listen.

    • There will likely be some awkward silence, but there's nothing wrong with that. The guy will be a little surprised and will need time to digest this news. When you're together, you don't have to talk about anything. You can just be silent.
  3. Give the guy time to process the news. Just because you don't ask him for an answer doesn't mean you don't put pressure on him. If a guy disappears somewhere for a couple of days, don’t worry, most likely he is really very puzzled by the situation and is trying to think things through. If you start pushing, chasing him and trying to get closer to him, you will scare him away.

    Continue to treat him like a friend, regardless of his reaction. In this way, your relationship will be strengthened. Even if your feelings are not reciprocated, do not blame yourself - you did everything that depended on you. If the guy smiled and reciprocated your feelings, do not rush and come up with names for your future children. Declaring your love is only the first step, remember this. Be sincere in your feelings.

    • Try to speak up immediately if you are not satisfied with something, so that discontent does not accumulate.
    • Now you no longer need to tell him every day about your feelings. Show your love with actions!
  4. Respect his decision and answer without reasoning. After all, expressing your feelings is the only thing you can do. You are not responsible for his feelings towards you and cannot influence them. Don't try to fight something that doesn't depend on you. If your feelings are not reciprocated, just forget about it and move on. In fact, saying words of love is not so easy, so you may as well be yourself.

How to find the right time to talk

    Think about why you want to confess your love to a guy. Love makes a person happier. But words of love cannot be thrown to the wind until you are sure of your feelings, because they carry great meaning. This does not mean that you have to prove and explain your love as a thesis. If you are not sure of your feelings, do not confess your love to a person. And if you do decide to confess, think about what you expect to hear in response to your confession.

    Spend more time together. Walk, talk, do something interesting. Before confessing your love to a guy, spend time together and evaluate how good you two are. Observe him and try to evaluate his feelings for you. He might like you too. However, do not rush into a relationship right away, just enjoy, enjoy spending time together.

    • At the end of the day spent together, you can confess your feelings to him. It's normal to feel uncertain and worried. But you want to know if your feelings are mutual?
    • Watch him. How comfortable is he to be alone with you? If you see that a guy is experiencing some discomfort, you should not confess your love to him so immediately.
  1. If you are unsure of your feelings and cannot understand this situation at all, talk to your friends. Most people are afraid to confess their love because no one is sure of the other person's feelings. In the end, it all has to come down to this conversation someday. Even if you are very worried, try to be as frank as possible.

  2. Before you confess your love to him, make sure that he likes you. Even good friends can be shocked when they hear the words “I love you.” You have been thinking about this situation for months, but for him it is very unexpected. Imagine yourself in his place. Let's say you have a friend you like. And suddenly he unexpectedly confesses his love to you. Of course, you would be surprised and would not immediately find what to answer. So don’t rush to admit your feelings, first scout out the situation. You can tell him one of the following phrases:

    • “I wanted to say that I really really like you.”
    • “I have a lot of fun with you, these months have been the coolest!”
    • “Listen, let’s go somewhere together for a change?”
  3. Wait a few more days before taking action. Sometimes emotions are so strong that we become confused about our feelings. If after a few days you still get a knot in your stomach when you see him and you constantly want to blurt out “I love you,” chances are you really do love him. Don't be tempted to tell anyone how you feel. Enjoy the rush of love these few days. Make sure it's a really strong feeling. In a few days, when you are definitely confident in yourself, you can take the first step towards a relationship.

    • If after a few days your feelings begin to fade, most likely it is just affection, not love. The feeling of love does not leave us for a long time.
    • Before you take any action, evaluate your relationship. What stage are you at? Friendship? Romance? Even if you are confident in your feelings, but now you are in a friendly relationship, you cannot just confess your love to a guy, it can overwhelm him. First you need to prepare it.
    • Don't be afraid to be spontaneous. Planning is a good thing, but when it comes to love, don't make long speeches, be sincere and speak from the heart.
    • Invite him to spend time together, but do it yourself. You shouldn't ask someone else to arrange a date for you.


    • If your feelings aren't mutual, don't speak badly about this guy. In the eyes of other people, you will appear jealous and rude.
    • Prepare yourself mentally in advance for the fact that the guy may not share your feelings. But remember that this is not the end of the world. Declaration of love is not given to everyone, because every man is afraid of losing his freedom.

If you are in a long-term relationship, but have not yet had time to declare your love, you can do it first.

If you don’t know at all what he feels for you or you are just friends, I don’t advise you to confess your love.

This is much deeper and more serious and a completely different degree of responsibility, compared to “I like you,” you know?

You can just choose a moment and tell him directly: “I like you”, “I like you as a man” and other variations - without manipulation or...

Less effort

Of course, a man will not “grab cupid” over a juicy steak or while falling down with a parachute if he does not experience anything at all. But everything else gives a good trigger for him to open up to you too.

I offer several options for confessions so that you have a choice.

Recognition options

1. Creative

Creativity is very feminine. When you create something for yourself, it is very valuable: you spent time, thought about it, you invested a part of yourself. It's great and nice.

Paint a picture, a poem, if you do pottery, make something out of clay.

It’s cool if you can do it very personally: draw an episode of your story, rhyme (if you can write poetry) snippets of memories...

But remember: easy affection takes one bad sonnet to die (Elizabeth Bennet said).

2. Artistic

You can make a beautiful video in which you confess your love to him.

This is convenient because you can be creative on camera - there are a lot of takes, and there are also options to creatively appear in the frame. It could even be a video clip of him. only in how to present it and design it.
In addition, it is still easier to say about love on camera than in person. And the main bonus: this memory can be viewed as many times as you like, and even shown to children.

3. Romantic

If you are an Assol at heart, and all this seems too simple and banal to you, do something original (but without going overboard).

For example, you can close an “old” letter with words of love in an entourage bottle, and, as if by chance, find this postcard with yours.

And, of course, so that after reading he understands who it is from and to whom it is addressed.

4. Adventure

Have you seen "Amelie"? If your man loves searching and you and he are regulars at quest rooms, organize a “love quest” for him.

A few clues, unusual riddles, the answer to which only he knows - and now he finds a note with your confession.

6. Brave

What about simpler?

In general, it is not necessary to include any rituals under recognition. This is all you do first.

What is more important is not how you confess your love, but to whom - and what follows after that.

You can declare your love ingenuously and intelligibly - just say about it while walking with a man somewhere along the embankment. Or even write a message if you're too shy.

Are you ready for anything?

Before declaring your love, play out several scenarios for the development of your dreams in your head. He may be happy, thoughtful, dumbfounded, hug you or say “I’m sorry.” Are you ready for any of the scenarios?

Accept the idea that not everything in life happens the way you think it should. Especially in love.

You can think about it, but his answer in your head is unlikely to coincide with the real one. Just learn to accept the consequences of your decisions.

And take action! And remember: attempt is the main indicator of interest; one action develops you better than ten thousand thoughts.

Don't be afraid of feelings
Ksenia Litvin, psychologist Growth Phase.

Modern rules of society do not prohibit a woman from showing her emotions openly. If earlier it was at least indecent for female representatives to take the initiative on their own, now there is nothing unusual about this. Having gotten rid of the prejudices imposed by society, the female half of the planet's population has acquired freedom, which gives her the right to independently say something nice to a man. So, to a man? The information from this article will help you open your soul without waiting for inspiration, since a complete list of different confession options has already been prepared.

Why talk about your feelings?

Very often in life situations arise when a modest or undecided man torments his lady with anticipation, without taking any steps towards serious action. In this case, the optimal solution would be to take the initiative into your own hands and choose your own words of love. This decision will help clarify the situation and give certainty to the relationship.

Number of ways to declare your love

Each person is individual, so it is impossible to thoroughly count all the options for the manifestation of a bright feeling. It all depends on personal desire, imagination and outlook. In addition, many people use various services to declare their love. So, we can say that the budget is also important. But if you have limited funds, you can get by with just words. Maybe someone dreams about it, but doesn’t dare say it.

Possible options for brave girls

In the absence of complexes, the task is reduced to a minimum: it is important to choose the right place for confession and make it. If a woman is wondering how to beautifully confess her love to her partner, then it will be extremely useful to use the tips below.

  • It is necessary to be especially careful when choosing a location. It is possible that the couple will celebrate this particular day every year as a sentimental moment in the relationship and tell their grandchildren how it all happened. This could be a cozy restaurant or cafe, an evening walk or a romantic dinner at home. Under no circumstances should you do this while watching television or a concert event. It is important to tune in to the right mood and provide the environment so that the confession is heard and correctly perceived.
  • Put yourself in order to back up your words with your appearance, focusing on the hope of reciprocity.

How to overcome fear and admit your crush

Quite often in society there are situations when a girl says: “I’m afraid to confess my love.” In this situation, effective methods come to the rescue when it is morally difficult to express all the words face-to-face to the object of love.

Options for the shy and unsure of themselves

  • Write On paper you can express words of love without an ounce of embarrassment and without holding back your emotions. This option is most suitable for girls whose written language is better developed than oral. Being in a familiar environment and having gathered your thoughts, it is much easier to concentrate on the importance of the moment and not forget everything you want to say. Initially, you can practice on a draft, choose a soft and voluminous font so that the recipient of the message enjoys reading what is written.
  • In the age of information technology, we should not forget about mobile devices. which make life much easier and also help maintain communication at a distance. A cell phone can become a real guide. How to be the first to confess your love to a man? You can simply write him a sweet SMS that will pique his interest. During the ensuing correspondence, it is necessary to smoothly move the topic in the right direction, and then begin to take active action. The result will depend on the partner’s intentions and mood.
  • Voice mail and social networks. If a girl is afraid of getting nervous during an important step, you can use various instant messengers or applications to send voice messages. It is important to think through each proposal and confidently press the “Send” button.

Examples of beautiful confessions

In order to make the desired impression on your loved one and answer the question “How to confess your love to a man?”, it is recommended to select a confession in accordance with the level of the relationship, the age of the partner and other individual circumstances. Below are sample options for expressing feelings to a young man or man. You can use them in their original form or supplement them with your own thoughts, as well as modify them at your own discretion.

Ready-made texts to express your feelings

  1. We haven’t known each other for long, but during this time I realized how close in spirit you are to me. This connection means a lot to me. When we part and you are not around for a long time, I go crazy from separation and want to snuggle up to your shoulder as soon as possible. You are the dearest. For your sake, I am ready to do anything and want to walk all the roads of life with you.
  2. Before, it seemed to me that I had never truly fallen in love. But you changed the whole world around. There are kilometers of warm thoughts in my head that I want to give only to you. During separation, I go over the moments of our dates in my memory and my soul becomes so warm. You have become the closest and dearest. Thank you for beeing.
  3. At night I can’t sleep because thoughts about you don’t give me peace. I just love you.
  4. If you read this text to the end, you will find out that one good girl loves you. He loves you so much that he simply cannot imagine his life without you. This girl is me.
  5. I will always remember the day we met. It was then that I gained the wings on which I still fly today. You are my soul, my world, my breath. Thank you for making my life brighter and more interesting. I love you.
  6. I always miss you. Even when you are a couple of millimeters away from me. I will always miss the time we spend alone. Let me enjoy your presence, and in return I will give you my love and tenderness.
  7. Your kisses are space. These sensations take me to an unknown galaxy from which I do not want to return. You give me unforgettable touches, I want to experience them endlessly. I love you with all my soul and heart.
  8. I don't need stars from heaven - they are absolutely useless on Earth. I don't need a car, because I just love walking with you. Do you know what I want? Mutual love. I have already given you my heart. If you want, it will stay with you forever.
  9. There are so many words for showing love, I read a lot on the topic “how to confess your love to a man.” It's true, it's true. Yes, I take the first step and take the initiative. But I'm not afraid of being considered banal. I'll just say: you are everything to me.
  10. I want to turn into a little raindrop and quench the thirst of your expectations. I want to be the moonlight that illuminates your path. I want to be snow and melt in your tender palms. And more than anything in the world I want to be your favorite girl. I can make you the happiest man on planet Earth, I promise.

How to confess your love to an older man?

A grown man has probably already seen a lot in life and it is difficult to surprise him. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that your partner is delighted. To do this, it is recommended to use the surprise effect. For example, just call in the middle of the working day (after making sure that you are not distracting a busy person from important matters) and say pleasant words to him, informing him of your feelings. If the partner is focused on reciprocity, then you should expect a positive reaction that evening. You can also surprise a respectable, older person with a sudden, breathy confession in your ear during a regular dinner in a restaurant. Another option: send a courier to his office with a heartfelt message. Also a surprise could be a note carelessly left on the table (in a place where he will definitely find it as soon as possible).

Extreme methods for the experienced

Creative individuals approach their work with all responsibility and often think about how to confess their love to a man in an original way. Firstly, it should be interesting for the partner, and secondly, it should not be banal. To achieve this goal, this form of game is ideal - a quest. You can organize it yourself, or you can contact the relevant companies. The main prize and end point is a meeting with your beloved and verbal recognition or a written message in a bottle or case.

How to confess to a man? When words are not enough and the idea of ​​writing letters is no longer attractive, you can use graffiti on the walls or banners. The location should be convenient for viewing in an area where your loved one will definitely see recognition.

For those who are interested in sports, you can use a method that will be enhanced by the release of adrenaline into the blood. For example, declaring your love during a joint parachute jump or at the finish line of conquering a high mountain.

Possible mistakes to avoid

If you seriously think about how to confess your love to a man, you can find many nuances that are worth paying special attention to:

  • It is important not to worry and tune in. Embarrassment and embarrassment in such a situation are inappropriate.
  • Don't put your head down. Try to catch the eye and look directly into the eyes of your partner.
  • Don't gesticulate. Extra movements are distracting.
  • Do not examine your surroundings. Imagine that there are only two left in this world.
  • Do not laugh, so as not to give the opportunity to think that everything said is just a joke.
  • Go to the main thing, omitting the details. The masculine gender does not like unnecessary words.
  • Stand or sit straight, do not let the topic change. Sometimes a man can grab hold of body movements: “Are you cold? Let's get out of here.” To avoid this, you need to take a relaxed posture.
  • How to confess your love to a man? Think in advance about how and what to say. In case of force majeure and forgetfulness, it is important not to get confused and express feelings in your own words.

Behavior in case of a negative reaction to recognition

Situations are different, and women’s declarations of love are not always welcome. The correct position in such circumstances: gratitude for the opportunity to express your feelings and give certainty to the relationship. After this, you can think about how to change your life for the better.

It has been a tradition since ancient times that a man should take the first step in relationships between the two sexes. However, the desire for equality between men and women completely overturns the usual picture of the world. Among other things, the question is often asked: “ How to confess your love to a guy?. Is it necessary to reveal your feelings first and if so, how to do it correctly?

How to confess your love to a guy first

Definitely, this can be done if you are sure that the feelings are mutual, you have been together for a long time and everything is already clear without words. Then recognition can definitely become a holiday. It is worth arranging it if a man, due to his indecision or other characteristics, hesitates with this matter. If the relationship is just like that, then you can choose any of the many methods and make an unusual confession.

  • Have a romantic evening by preparing the dishes yourself.
  • Place a note with secret words in your jacket pocket.
  • Organize an exciting game for him, a real-life quest with tasks and movement around the map. And the logical outcome will be the discovery of a treasure with a letter of confession.
  • If you have certain skills or talent, you can compose poetry or dedicate a song to your lover. Such recognition will definitely remain in memory.

But, we repeat, it is better to do all this if you want to please your lover, whose reciprocal feelings you can no longer doubt.

But how to confess your love to a guy with whom not everything is so obvious is a different conversation. Because in this case, saying words of love directly can only ruin everything.

Therefore, here you need to show your true nature - feminine and do everything very carefully and unobtrusively.

It's good to use ambiguous phrases for this. So, by saying: “You are so cheerful, that’s why I love you!”, you will be able to hint about your feelings without being too frank, and a compliment won’t hurt. The guy either won’t take these words seriously or will see a hidden meaning in them. In principle, it depends on what he is experiencing.

You can also confess your love to a guy with both glances and gestures. So, you just need to look into the eyes of your counterpart while a love song is playing. Or just look at him soulfully while dancing. The main thing is that in this case everything that you want to discover becomes clear. But nothing is said directly. This is the most suitable image for a girl - mystery and inaccessibility. It is clear that all this is shattered as soon as you tell her about your love first.

Again, you can take or hug your hand in such a way that a lot will become clear. But again, nothing concrete.

How to confess your love if you want clarity

Advice about mystery and hints may seem impractical to some. Well, or it happens that various tricks do not help at all. And it remains unclear whether the guy has reciprocal feelings or whether all the torment is in vain. I would like to clarify the situation. Well, then go ahead.

Just before you confess your love to a guy, you need to decide for yourself whether this is really the right person. And are the feelings really that strong? It’s worth imagining, only without one-time points, what will happen if he reciprocates. Imagine to the smallest detail the immediate future together. And also not to brush it off and imagine a negative reaction, so that you can still be prepared for it.

Determination has not disappeared, now how to confess your love to a guy? Just go up to him and tell him how you feel. Without floridity and vows to love forever. Boldly, but it has a right to exist.

Another option is to write a letter. And it is even permissible to make it anonymous. Perhaps, based on the guy’s behavior after reading the message, you will even be able to understand a lot for yourself.

An SMS or note with a signature or again from an unknown fan is another simple option. This already depends on the girl’s courage and determination.

And now a little about what to do after recognition by the addressee has been received. There may be several options, but the main ones will be the following. He will reciprocate. And a breathtaking romance will begin. Everything is clear here and no further advice is needed. The second option is that the guy will be indifferent. Before declaring your love to a guy, this option has already been considered. Therefore, there is no point in causing a tragedy. Life doesn't end there. And a negative answer is also a result.

Now you can no longer waste your mental strength on torment, thinking about whether you love or not love. The picture has become clear and you can relax. And very soon new feelings will brew. Who knows, maybe they are already mutual.

To summarize. How to confess your love to a guy? It's better to be unobtrusive and not direct. But if you really want specifics right now, then you can do it head-on. However, you should be prepared for any answer, even not the most pleasant one. Well, if there is mutual sympathy, you can confess your love beautifully, in an original way, and as often as you want. After all, in this case there are never too many such desired words.

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