What month is better to get married, horoscope for marriage, favorable time, church prohibitions. Wedding in November: signs and favorable days What day in November is favorable for a wedding

Useful tips

Planning a wedding in 2019? Do you want to choose the most successful day? Do you want to know which beautiful date is best in harmony with the lunar rhythms this year? Then this lunar wedding calendar is for you!

The selection of successful dates begins with the lunar calendar, however, the Moon is not the only source of information, because the main significator of relationships and marriage ties is stillplanet Venus, taking into account the position of which is extremely important when choosing a date for marriage.

Lucky days in 2019 for a wedding:

If you have the opportunity to choose a marriage date within a year, it is better to start by looking at position of Venus, which is directly responsible for marriage, relationships and love. Venus moves quickly and transits one sign in about 3 weeks. The best signs for her will be the following:

Fish (from March 26 to April 20, 2019) – best days according to the Moon: 6 (after 16:00), April 7, 2019;

Taurus (from May 15 to June 9, 2019) – best days according to the Moon: June 7, 8, 2019;

Scales (from September 14 to October 8, 2019) – best days according to the Moon: none.

The following signs will be neutral for Venus:

Sagittarius (from January 7 to February 4 and from November 2 to November 26, 2019) – the best days according to the Moon: 2 (after 17:30), 3 (before 08:30), 6 (after 14:00), 7, 15 (from 12:30 to 14:30) November 2019;

Capricorn (from February 4 to March 1 and from November 26 to December 20, 2019) – the best days according to the Moon: February 6, 7, 11, 3 (after 10:30), November 27, 30, 8 (after 10:30), 9 (after 12:30) December 2019;

a lion (from July 28 to August 21, 2019) – best days according to the Moon: 8 (from 12:30 to 18:00), 11, 12 August 2019;

Read the month descriptions below for details.

The worst days in 2019 for a wedding:

When choosing a date for marriage, you should avoid any defeats of Venus, especially from malefics - Mars and Saturn, but you should also avoid days when Venus approaches negative aspects with other slow planets.

Venus will be amazed this year in the next days, therefore they are the most unlucky for marriage:

Also, you should not get married near eclipses - this is a bad sign: the marriage can end very quickly and very badly. These are the dates:

Church wedding calendar 2019

How to use the lunar wedding calendar:

1) Determine for yourself in what month (or months) you would like to register your marriage, and find out when and on what days there are registrations at the registry office. Some lucky dates according to the lunar calendar may fall on weekends or holidays. Therefore, it is better to exclude in advance the days when the registry office is closed, or ask about the possibility of employees traveling to register a marriage outside the registry office.

2) Look for the most successful days among these days. If there are none, look at the acceptable days for a wedding. Consider also the time, because in some cases the second or first half of the day, or even several hours a day, can be successful!

3) If you don’t find anything among these dates, look at neutral days.

4) On unfavorable days of the month, it is better not to set a date, since on these days there are unfavorable aspects of the Moon or Venus, which indicates that the marriage will either be short-lived or problematic.

5) Acceptable wedding days according to the church calendar (indicated in this calendar) may fall on unlucky days. If a wedding is the most important moment for you, and painting at the registry office is already secondary, then coordinate the wedding date with successful and acceptable days for marriage. If on the contrary: a wedding is an addition to the painting in the registry office, then you can choose any of the dates allowed for weddings. Painting and wedding can take place on different days, but still, if possible, do not sign on unfavorable days!

Beautiful dates 2019 for a wedding: are they so favorable?

Many newlyweds choose a wedding date solely because it looks attractive: repeating or alternating numbers, holidays or memorial days, and so on, but these dates may not coincide with those selected using electional astrology.

Here are a few the most successful beautiful dates of the year, which you can choose for marriage and which will bring you good luck:

01.01.2019 19.09.2019

08.08.2019 29.09.2019

19.05.2019 11.11.2019

09.09.2019 19.12.2019

Only a professional astrologer can choose a good date for marriage for your couple personally, who, in addition to the election chart, will also build personal horoscopes each spouse and even a map at the time of meeting (if the date is known), which also shows the development of the relationship.

Remember that without taking into account successful personal compatibility indicators building a harmonious marriage is very difficult, however, knowing where problems in relationships come from, it is easier to deal with them. If partners have poor compatibility and they don’t want to work on harmony in the relationship, no ideal marriage date will have any effect!

To order a marriage date during 2019 using personal horoscopes, follow the link in VKontakte group.

If you have any questions about the lunar wedding calendar, you would like to clarify a certain day or find out what lunar rhythms are in effect, where Venus is located and what aspects the planets have on this day, ask in the comments under this article.


: No

Acceptable days for a wedding : 1, 2 (after 12:00), 10, 11 (before 17:25), 15, 25 (after 9:00), 28 (after 12:00), 29 (after 17:30), 30, 31 January 2019

Acceptable wedding days : 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30 January 2019

: 5-9, 12-14, 17, 19-23, 24, 26-27 January 2019

Not bad days for marriage - April 6 and 7, 2019(Saturday and Sunday), when the Moon will be located in the sign of Taurus and will be in its waxing phase.

When Venus is in the sign of Aries, she will be too impulsive in her choices, so at this time it is better to avoid very quick marriages. After April 20 there are also acceptable days for marriage, but they will still be less successful than dates until April 20, 2019.

Beautiful dates:

04.04.19 – This date is unfavorable for marriage, since the Moon is located in a weak position for it - in Aries, and it is also damaged by the weakness of the last lunar day in the month. It is extremely unfavorable to get married on a new moon, since the marriage can quickly fall apart, and the partners will not have the patience and strength to maintain a harmonious relationship.

19.04.19 – this date cannot be called successful for marriage, although it is beautiful, since it is a full moon day, which is extremely unfavorable for future relationships in a couple. Also, the Moon will be in Aries, an unlucky sign for marriage. You especially shouldn’t enter into a hasty marriage on this day - disappointment is guaranteed!

Lunar wedding calendar 2019

MAY 2019

The best days for a wedding : No.

Acceptable days for a wedding : 12 (before 15:30), 19, 20, 21 (after 18:30), 27, 31 (after 09:00) May 2019

Acceptable wedding days : 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31 May 2019

Unfavorable days for marriage registration : 1-11 , 13-18 , 22, 23-26, 28-30 May 2019

In the middle of the month - 10, 11 and in the first half of June 12, 2019- an extremely unfortunate configuration with the participation of the Moon will be observed: therefore, a marriage concluded these days may turn out to be unsuccessful, full of quarrels and various restrictions.

Venus in June 2019 also will not be located too favorably, especially in 20th of the month when marriage is also not very recommended. There are especially dangers for alliances concluded from 20 to 24 June 2019, when Venus completes the tense configuration with Jupiter and Neptune: In such a marriage, respect may be lost, and partners will deceive each other.

The very end of the month is not very successful, although the dates June 28 and 29, 2019 can be chosen only as a last resort. These days are approaching solar eclipse, which indicates a not very successful period for marriage.

Beautiful dates:

06.06.19 – on this day the Moon will move through the sign of Cancer and after 17:00 it will become “single”. In general, the sign of Cancer is not very successful for marriage, so this day fell into the unfavorable category, but the last aspect of the moon is a harmonious aspect with Venus, so it can be chosen if one of the partners is a widower.

19.06.19 - Unlucky day. The Moon will be completed in an opposition configuration with the participation of Saturn, Mars, Pluto and Mercury; such a marriage can turn out to be quite tense and difficult.

Wedding day according to the church calendar

JULY 2019

The best days for a wedding : No.

Neutral days (as a last resort) : 4, 5 (before 09:30), 13, 22 (before 11:30), 26, 27 (after 09:30) July 2018

Engagement : No.

Acceptable wedding days : July 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 2019

Unfavorable days for marriage registration : 1-3, 6, 7-12, 14-21 , 23-25, 29, 30 July 2019

Best dates for a wedding in 2019


The best days for a wedding : 6 (after 14:00), 7, 28 (before 14:00 or after 15:30) November 2019

Acceptable days for a wedding : 2 (after 17:30), 3 (before 08:30), 11, 15 (from 12:30 to 14:30), 18, 22, 23 (after 12:00), 24 (from 15:00 to 16:30), 27, November 2019

Acceptable wedding days : November 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 2019

Unfavorable days for marriage registration : 1, 4, 5, 8-10, 12-14 , 16, 17, 19-21, 25, 26, 29, 30 November 2019


In November, Venus will move mainly through the sign of Sagittarius, this is its neutral position, so marriages these days are quite acceptable. November 24, 2019 at the end of Sagittarius she will meet Jupiter, who has been visiting this sign for about a year. This conjunction is quite favorable for events such as weddings, but November 24, 2019 The Moon will also be afflicted by Mars, so the best time for marriage is from 15:00 to 16:30.

Another date when it is a good time for marriage is November 28, 2019 before 14:00 or after 15:30. At this time, the Moon will move through the sign of Sagittarius, then through the sign of Capricorn. Venus will make a favorable aspect to Uranus, so the marriage will definitely not be boring. Besides November 28, 2019 Venus will already be in the sign of Capricorn, which indicates stronger marriages.

Beautiful dates:

11.11.19 – this day is generally not bad for marriage, the position of the Moon in the sign of Taurus promises a strong marriage and prosperity, moreover, this is the time of the waxing Moon, although it is near the full moon. Due to the proximity of the full moon, it was not included in the list of the best days.

19.11.19 – unlucky day – change of lunar phase. Although the Moon makes favorable aspects to Venus and Jupiter, it is better not to choose this day, as it is not suitable for important matters.


The best days for a wedding : 3 (after 10:30), 8 (after 10:30), 9 (after 12:30) December 2019

Acceptable wedding days : No.

Unfavorable days for marriage registration : 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10-14, 17, 18, 20-23 , December 24-30, 2019

VENUS: in the sign of Capricorn (until December 20, 2019), in the sign of Aquarius (from December 20, 2019)

MARS: in the sign Scorpion

Another one is expected in December. fifth eclipse this year which will take place on the new moon December 26, 2019. That's why days from December 24 to 30, 2019- the most unfavorable for marriage this month.

Venus, following the sign Capricorn, will encounter on its way Saturn and Pluto, which will also not be a particularly good period for a wedding - December 10-14, 2019.

More successful days for marriage will occur at the very beginning of the month - December 3, 8 and 9, 2019(Tuesday, Sunday and Monday). December 3, 2019 Venus will make a harmonious aspect with Mars, and the Moon will approach a harmonious aspect with Venus. In addition, the sign of Pisces promises a strong connection based on love and care.

Beautiful dates:

12.12.19 - this is not a very good day for marriage: Venus will be under siege between malefic planets - Saturn and Pluto, it is better not to choose this position.

19.12.19 – this day can be chosen for marriage and engagement, but it is better after 13:00, when the Moon is in the sign of Libra. However, Venus on this day will be weakened by the last degree and is preparing to change sign, so this day can be chosen only as a last resort.

Have a wedding in the summer.

It is more convenient to have a wedding in the summer for practical reasons: The wedding can be celebrated in any convenient place, a cafe or open-air restaurant in nature by ordering a catering restaurant. The bride can appear in all her beauty without wrapping herself in a jacket. Summer is the most popular time for marriage. It’s warm,


1. The bride can wear any dress, even a very open one.
3. Variety of fruits. Fruit prices are falling, so the wedding table will be cheaper.
4. In summer, you can choose any place for a wedding walk.
5. If you are not going on a honeymoon after the wedding, then you can simply go on vacation out of town.


1. Prices become the highest. This applies to wedding salons, hairdressers, makeup artists and other service industry workers.
2. Summer is a time of fierce rivalry between couples. You need to have time to occupy the hall for the desired day, choose the best toastmaster and, of course, submit an application to the registry office for the best time.
3. In traditional places where wedding couples will walk, there will be many guests, brides and grooms. You will have to pose for the photographer quickly, without staying in one place for a long time.
4. Some potential guests are going on vacation.

Have a wedding in the fall.

In general, autumn is a good time of year for weddings. Especially September and early October. Slush and dirt begin after this time, so you need to keep this in mind if you want to celebrate your wedding in the fall.


1. The bride can choose an open wedding dress without thinking about the cold weather.
2. Cheap fruits.
3. Cheap bridal bouquet, large selection of flowers.
4. The holidays are ending, so you can invite everyone you wanted to the wedding reception.
5. Falling prices for almost all wedding services.


1. Late autumn can bring you slush, rain and cold weather.

Winter wedding - Play a wedding in winter.


1. Winter is a period of discounts. Prices for banquet halls in cafes and restaurants are immediately reduced. Prices for presenters, hairdressers, and makeup artists are being reduced. A wedding procession in winter also costs much less.
2. Sales begin in bridal salons in winter. The bride can buy herself a dress at a big discount. During this cold season, bridal salons are replenished with an assortment of dresses. Unlike the summer months, there are no queues at wedding salons, so all the seller's attention will be focused on you.
3. No queues at registry offices. Without any fuss, you can apply for the date you need and choose a time that suits you.
4. Photos from a winter wedding will be incredibly beautiful. Good photographs are taken against the backdrop of fluffy, snow-white trees.
5. There is an opportunity to get married on Valentine's Day - February 14th.
Our ancestors in Rus' believed that the best period for weddings was from Christmas to Maslenitsa. They also called this period “wedding”. You too can have a winter wedding, the main thing is to know all the pros and cons of such a wedding.


1. Because of the cold, you will have to wrap yourself in warm fur coats or jackets; the bride will cover her festive outfit. There will be no opportunity to walk around the city much.
2. If there is a sudden thaw on your wedding day, then you will have to walk through puddles and dirty brown snow.
3. The registry office may suddenly close for repairs.
4. Epidemics of influenza and colds. You or your guests may suddenly become ill before your wedding.
5. Prices for flowers are high, the assortment is much lower than in the summer months.
6. Vegetables and fruits become significantly more expensive, which may affect the financial component of your menu.
7. A wedding before the New Year will be very expensive. Prices at this time soar to incredible heights!

Have a wedding in the spring.

Early spring is not a very popular time for weddings. Very few couples agree to walk through slush and dirt in their beautiful outfits. But, starting from the first Sunday after Easter (“Red Hill”), spring becomes pleasant and is considered the best time for weddings. It is better to get married from Krasnaya Gorka to Trinity. The time after Lent is considered one of the best for weddings. Nature comes to life, grass appears, leaves bloom on the trees, the mood is conducive to love.


1. There are no obstacles for long walks around the city and photo sessions. Newlyweds don't have to worry about getting their outfits dirty.
2. Starting a family in the spring is a good omen.


1. The queues to submit an application to the registry office are getting longer. And it’s not a fact that you will have a good time.
2. Increase in prices in wedding salons, as well as for all attributes of pre-wedding preparation.

Now we have looked at all the seasons in which weddings can be played. Considering all the pros and cons, you can choose the time of year that is most suitable for your wedding. And then the only thing left to do is choose a month!

Liana Raimanova

Every year the number of couples who do not want to get married during the hot summer season increases. There are reasons for this - in the autumn-winter period, the queues at the registry office are noticeably shorter, and honeymoon trips are much cheaper. If you have chosen November for marriage, we will tell you how to celebrate perfect wedding, taking into account folk signs and recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Signs of a November wedding

If now hot summer days are considered the best time for a wedding, then in ancient times young boys and girls preferred to get married late autumn, when the entire harvest has been harvested and the hardships of labor are left behind. November, filled with Orthodox holidays, was considered one of the most popular months for weddings. This frosty month is associated with many folk signs about a marriage concluded in November:

  • A man who decides to get married immediately after his engagement in November will get a beautiful girl as his wife and build happy marriage.
  • An interesting sign is associated with the first snow in November. When the first snow-white flakes fall to the ground, the girl should run across it barefoot. This will allow you to become young the only woman for your chosen one.
  • Any precipitation on the wedding day is a good omen. Be it rain or snow, your married life will be happy.

Photos of a wedding in November

  • If the day turns out to be cold and frost suddenly strikes, the newlyweds should expect birth of the first child.
  • Wind is considered a bad omen. People say that the wind at a wedding in November foreshadows the betrayal of one of the newlyweds.

The young man can make a future marriage successful on his own. To do this, the future spouse must leave the house, taking with him a leaf of any tree and a branch of rowan. If you meet a girl on the way, give her an unusual “gift”. If you meet a man, you will bring prosperity to the house.

Favorable days for a wedding in November

When thinking through the details of a wedding ceremony, many couples turn to the lunar calendar, which can tell good date for the celebration.

According to astrologers, the choice of a particular date can affect married life

The lunar calendar of favorable wedding days for November 2020 recommends getting married on the following dates:

  • November 2. Marriage will be lasting for spouses who have a realistic understanding of the difficulties of family life.
  • November 5. The union concluded on this day will be filled with romance and tenderness.
  • November 7. A wedding ceremony is recommended for couples who have been in a relationship for a long time.
  • November 9. The day will be ideal for marriage. However, problems may arise with organizing the celebration.
  • November 14. The best day for a wedding: the newlyweds and guests will be happy, and the family will be strong and friendly.

Wedding in November

  • November 16. There will be harmonious relationships in the family, but it is better not to organize a magnificent celebration on this day.
  • November 17. A husband and wife will go through life hand in hand, respecting each other's opinions.
  • November 19. A happy marriage is guaranteed to a couple who has made an informed decision.
  • November 24. The spouses form a strong family, and the celebration will be perfect.
  • November 28. An easy marriage, devoid of strife and negativity.

An extremely unfavorable day for registration at the registry office or wedding is November 26th. The future family may suffer from ill-wishers who want to destroy the union, and spouses may eventually become disappointed in their partner.

Planning a wedding in November

Planning a November wedding is not much different from planning a summer event. However, the bride should carefully think over the image, choosing a tight wedding dress that will prevent the girl from freezing. The outfit can be complemented with a light fur cape and warm gloves.

It’s difficult to find bright, contrasting landscapes in November, so ideas for a November wedding photo shoot will have to be drawn from the weather conditions. If the first snow falls, you need to start shooting immediately. Scarlet rose petals look gorgeous against a snow-white background. In the forest you can find colorful rowan trees that will decorate your photo. A popular idea is to use colorful umbrellas.

The November bride's bouquet should consist of flowers in bright colors. To create a seasonal composition, use asters, freesias, and gerberas. Autumn bouquets are often decorated with decorative cones, small rowan branches, and artificial leaves.

Photo of the bride's bouquet at a November wedding

The main problem of a November wedding is choosing a place for the celebration. We suggest celebrating the marriage in the following places:

  • Cozy home environment. This option is suitable for couples who want to get married modestly without spending fabulous sums on renting a room.
  • Wedding in a cafe or restaurant. If you have chosen a high-level establishment, then you will not have to worry about the decoration of the hall. In addition, many establishments have full-time musicians.
  • Holidays at the dacha. An incendiary party with barbecue and a sauna will help guests warm up on a chilly November day.

A girl who decides to get married in November has a lot of autumn decorations at her disposal. The main thing is to think through the holiday scenario, choose a warm room and don’t forget about the wedding rings.

Where to go on your honeymoon in November

Colossal advantage of a November wedding is that during this period trips to warm countries are relatively cheap. By contacting a travel agency, newlyweds will be able to choose the ideal option for their honeymoon.

For an autumn honeymoon it is better to choose a warm country

Rainy Europe is suitable for newlyweds who want to admire famous sights and appreciate the architecture of large cities.

If spouses want to relax on sandy beaches and enjoy the warm sunshine, you should listen to our recommendations:

  • Thailand. In Thailand, you will find exotic excursions, delicious food and the services of Thai massage therapists, who are rightfully considered masters of their craft.
  • Dominican Republic or Cuba. It is in November that the hot season opens in these countries.
  • Maldives. The Maldives is considered a paradise for lovers. As a bonus, tourists will receive hundreds of offers from hotels offering discounts to newlyweds.

Where to go on your honeymoon in November

Depending on the budget allocated for the honeymoon, young spouses can fly anywhere. The main thing is to choose a country with a warm climate, which will allow you to take a break from the chilly autumn cold.

10 April 2018, 18:29

Marriage is the first and one of the most important events in the life of a young family. Everyone wants this day to go smoothly and calmly. Therefore, in addition to the main wedding worries, it is worth choosing favorable days for marriage and finding out whether you can get married in 2021.

Wedding according to Feng Shui

To select a favorable date for marriage according to the eastern horoscope, there are 4 groups of animals:

  • Horse, Tiger, Dog;
  • Goat, Rabbit, Pig;
  • Rooster, Snake, Bull;
  • Dragon, Rat, Monkey.

If one of the spouses was born in the year of the Snake, and the other in the year of the Goat, then they should unite their hearts by marriage in the years of the Ox, Rooster, Rabbit, and Pig. In this case, it is better to choose dates 1,2,3,12 and 21.

When is the best time to get married in 2021?

The happiness of a family depends on the people who marry. However, there are so many different beliefs revolving around the wedding celebration that, willy-nilly, you will listen to them.

Folk signs and beliefs

For a long time, people have believed in all sorts of omens, especially when it comes to health or happiness. There are a huge number of superstitions related to weddings that need to be correctly interpreted. So, for example, you should never drop wedding rings, this indicates the breakdown of the marriage. A wedding is in May, which means “they will suffer”, many have heard, but what about the other months:

  • January - to be widows;
  • February - live together;
  • March – live in another country;
  • April - happiness will not last long;
  • May - witness betrayal in your own home;
  • June - whole life is like a honeymoon;
  • July – fickle love;
  • August - the husband will be a friend and lover;
  • September – calm peaceful life;
  • October – difficult family life;
  • November – wealth and happiness;
  • December – strong and strong love.

Russian traditions say that not only the month, but also the day of the week is important: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - to be rich, healthy and happy, and Thursday and Friday - to experience difficulties in family life.

In addition, you should also choose dates wisely. The 13th day of the month is considered the most unlucky, and 3,5,7,9, on the contrary, carry family well-being. Bad dates would be February 29, June 11 and July 16.

In addition to the combinations of day and month, it is worth taking a closer look at the weather conditions. Rain or snow on this day is considered a good sign, promising prosperity, and strong wind or storm means that the marriage will be windy.

Chinese horoscope

When choosing a wedding year, the main thing will be the character of the animal ruling at a given time. According to the eastern calendar, 2021 will be the year of the noble animal - the White Metal Ox. A calm color and an iron character are the two main features of the coming year. Slow, hardworking and self-confident, requires decisive actions. Children born this year will be obedient, balanced and ready to take responsibility from an early age.

Astrological forecast

A combination of many factors: the phase of the moon, the time of its rising and setting, the location of the planets can predict with accuracy to the minute whether a given time is favorable for marriage.

Church holidays

It is believed that celebrating a wedding is prohibited during Lent and great holidays. The exceptions are Christmas, Annunciation, Easter and Dormition.


This science deals with numbers and their combinations. Scientists are sure that any event is subject to a combination of numbers. This way you can calculate how favorable the date of marriage will be. To do this, you need to sum up all the numbers of the wedding date; an odd result indicates a favorable day. Each resulting number has its own meaning:

  • unit – family comfort and enrichment;
  • two - the marriage will not last long;
  • three - short-lived fun, betrayal is likely;
  • four – sadness and resentment throughout life;
  • five – life in harmony and pleasure;
  • six - a long and successful marriage;
  • seven – the desire to know each other and have a better life;
  • eight – financial well-being;
  • nine - a successful marriage.

You can analyze not only the wedding date, but also the birth dates of the spouses. This way you can not only calculate a favorable day for the celebration, but also the compatibility of two people.

Year following leap year

There has long been a belief that a leap year is unfavorable for starting a family. However, a lesser known fact is that the two years following a leap year are considered the year of the widow and widower. Signs predict the premature death of one of the spouses or the breakdown of a marriage. In addition, the sign says that from 2004 to 2041 you cannot get married, as this will lead to lack of money, poverty, abortion, birth down, childlessness and other ailments. Despite all these omens, if two people love each other and are confident in these feelings, then there is no need to wonder whether it is possible to get married in 2021. The main thing is not to doubt and go together until the end.

Moon calendar

The lunar calendar is the position of the Moon relative to the constellations of the Zodiac signs. More than 6,000 years ago, people began to notice that the position of the Moon affects human behavior, his condition and the world around him. Changing each code, it shows on which days it is better to connect each other with family ties. The phase of the waxing Moon is considered the most successful, as well as in the signs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra, Pisces. Venus in the sign of Taurus is considered the most favorable moment when it is better to get married in 2021. It is better to avoid days of lunar and solar eclipses, because they are considered unlucky. Experts are sure that no matter how well the newlyweds treat each other, a wedding on unfavorable days is simply doomed to the early loss of a spouse, infidelity or childlessness.

Marriage is a happy day in the life of young people. In a family, the most important things have always been and will be love, care, and mutual understanding. And if all this is present, then you can be sure that no signs can deprive it. However, if there is a chance to increase the likelihood of a successful marriage by listening to popular beliefs, then why not take advantage of it? Whether to get married in 2021 is up to you to decide.

Look video on how to find out the year of marriage by horoscope:

Lunar wedding calendar for November 2019, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the zodiac signs, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days for wedding celebrations. The lunar wedding calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of what the Moon is at the moment. The lunar wedding calendar for November 2019 will be able to assist you in planning your wedding date and help you determine favorable wedding days. In the Lunar Wedding Calendar for November 2019, various events have a certain effect on the wedding and future married life. By choosing the most favorable day for your wedding, you can avoid some unpleasant moments in marriage, as well as find harmony with yourself and your partner. Favorable days for a wedding in 2019 should be chosen based on the zodiac sign in which the moon is located at the time of the wedding. The lunar day and phase also matter. General by month, choose from us.

Is it possible to have a wedding in 2019?

The patroness and mistress of the year will be the Yellow Earthen Pig (Boar). The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) will be a good time for marriage. Sincerely loving, faithful people who get married in 2019 will receive a happy family and find happiness. If the marriage is concluded with selfish motives, family life will bring disappointment to the spouses: the Pig does not tolerate hypocrisy and will punish for it. For couples who have known each other for more than 3 years, a wedding in the second half of the year is suitable. If your acquaintance lasts less than this period, it is better to get married in the first half.

How to determine a favorable wedding date in 2019

Signs, superstitions and folk beliefs. From time immemorial, people have been guided by superstitions, signs and beliefs, trying to predict what is in store for them in the future. This is everyday experience that was accumulated by previous generations and their ancestors. There are many similar predictions on the topic of weddings, which often come true. It is very important to interpret them correctly. An inexperienced person in this matter may draw the wrong conclusions. Chinese horoscope. In this case, a special role is played by the characteristics of the ruling animal, its main character traits, habits and habits. In 2019, the Pig (Boar) will sit on the throne of the ruler. Family for the ruler of this period is the most subtle matter. The animal calls for an understanding that the personal happiness of each person directly depends on the degree of strength of the rear, which is ensured by the care, love and respect of all family members. Astrological (zodiacal) forecast. Many criteria are taken into account here. This is the characteristic of certain lunar days, and the phase of the queen of the night - the moon, and its location relative to the planets, and its distance from each zodiac sign.

The timing of moonrise and moonset also plays a role. The cyclic change in the location of this celestial body can predict to the minute how favorable a particular time is for marriage. Calendar of church holidays. In Christianity, there are dates of great celebrations on which it is strictly not recommended to celebrate a wedding or hold a wedding. Among these dates we can highlight the Great and Nativity fasts, the Annunciation, the Dormition, the Presentation, Easter, and the Beheading. The ban on marriage also applies to other fasts, as well as well-known church holidays. Numerology. A fascinating and precise science that is based on numbers and their various combinations. Experts in the field of numerology are sure that any life event, especially something as important as a wedding, is subject to numbers. Having accurate calculations, a person can understand when it is better to get married so that it is long-lasting and happy. Attention! The numbers of the month that are not included in the list of lucky and unlucky days are considered neutral for celebrating a wedding.

8 - Friday, 10 - Sunday

Favorable lunar days for a wedding in November 2019

3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 28

Neutral lunar days for a wedding in November 2019

1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 27, 29

Unfavorable lunar days for a wedding in November 2019

14, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30

The most unfavorable days of the year

To avoid problems in your future family life, refuse to get married on unfavorable dates. In the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, it is dangerous to get married from January 1 to January 6. The 22nd and 23rd of this month will also not work. Of the February dates, the 2nd and 20th days of the month are not suitable for starting a family. In March, the 2nd date is unfavorable. Not suitable for weddings on April 4, 24 and 25. Don't get married on May 22, 23, 29 and 30. If you want to have a wedding in the summer, do not schedule a special event for June 18, 19 and 26, July 27, August 20 and 24. In September, the 17th, 25th and 28th will be bad choices. Of the October dates, the 17th, 20th and 24th are considered unfavorable. Do not schedule a November wedding on the 14th and 21st days of the month. You should not get married on December 17, 19 and 26.

Favorable days of the week for a wedding in 2019

Let's consider all the days of the week, and start with the first - Monday. So:

  1. Monday. This day is ruled by the Moon. This planet patronizes the creation of a family hearth and helps to share everyday difficulties. Therefore, a wedding on the day that opens the week promises a comfortable, cozy atmosphere in the newlyweds’ home, and a quick addition to the family. It’s a pity that for some reason the registry office decided to make this day a day off.
  2. Tuesday. Definitely a bad day for this event. All because of the planet of war - Mars, which took control of the 2nd day of the week. An alliance concluded on Tuesday will bring quarrels and disagreements to the family.
  3. Wednesday. It is ruled by Mercury, which means that relationships between young people will be rather restrained and cool, more rational than romantic.
  4. Thursday. The day is ruled by Jupiter, the sign responsible for luck. He is supportive of any endeavors, including starting a family. In addition to the fact that it will protect the family in the first years of life together, when people are just adapting to each other, it will also ensure financial well-being.
  5. Friday. On this day, Venus reigns - the patroness of lovers. The life of a young couple married on Friday will always be mutual understanding and harmony.
  6. Saturday. Regarding weddings, it is not very favorable, although celebrations are mostly scheduled for Saturday due to the fact that the day is a day off. Saturn, ruling this day, threatens suffering and poverty. To somehow protect yourself better, break the holiday into stages - register at the registry office on Thursday or Friday, and organize a feast on Saturday.
  7. Sunday. The Sun took this day off under its protection. This means that family life will become a continuous holiday, and the children will be wonderful.

Influence of the Moon according to Zodiac signs

So that in 2019 not only the wedding, but also the subsequent life of the spouses leaves warm memories, attention should be paid first of all to the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located at one time or another. In second place in importance in choosing the date of the celebration are the lunar day, and after it - the phase. The zodiac constellations, of which there are a total of 12, are characterized by a tangible influence on family life. Conventionally, the signs can be divided into 3 categories: favorable for a wedding (Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Libra); neutral (Scorpio, Aries, Gemini, Leo); unfavorable (Capricorn, Virgo).

Each constellation has the following characteristics:

  • Aries. The most difficult period for spouses getting married in Aries will be the beginning of family and everyday life, when everyone will claim primacy and leadership. However, over time, the confrontation between lovers promises to fade away, in which their accumulated experience and ordinary human wisdom will help them.
  • Calf. If you take a couple and send them to the altar on a day under the auspices of Taurus, you can discover the formula for obtaining a truly ideal union. Everything will be here: joint creative hobbies, home improvement without quarrels and scandals, and successful raising of children. For fabulous happiness, both partners will need to do very little: devote enough time to the object of their affection, attend various events with him and start a common business.
  • Twins. Both spouses will be active, sociable and have similar hobbies: travel, fun, music, etc. Important for maintaining a stable relationship will be the ability to understand at the right time that the partner is tired and wants to gather strength in solitude. In such situations, the spouse will need to support his significant other. Then everything will be alright.
  • Cancer. This sign is a real winner in terms of the number of marriages concluded under its influence. This is explained quite simply: brides and grooms know that the constellation will protect them from hypocrisy, lies, betrayal and misunderstanding. There will always be many loyal friends next to the couple who will surround them with holidays, bright impressions and the necessary support.
  • A lion. A fire sign is able to fill the life of spouses together with enduring tenderness and passion, fueled by constant creative endeavors. Over time, the home of lovers can turn into a real “family nest”, where parents will coexist with their children and grandchildren on the principles of respect and mutual understanding.
  • Virgo. Relationships that have acquired legal force under the auspices of Virgo risk falling apart due to domestic conflicts. Here, endurance, self-control and the ability to turn negativity into a joke should become faithful companions of lovers. These are the qualities that will help you cope with emerging problems.
  • Scales. If the bride and groom long for romantic, elevated and even extravagant love, this constellation is what they need. The couple’s relationship will only become more tender and sensual, and the partners themselves will be forever bound by ties of kinship and intimacy that no test can destroy.
  • Scorpion. A wedding that will take place in 2019 under the influence of Scorpio will result in constant trials of jealousy. However, lovers will be able to overcome omissions and quarrels thanks to the strong psychological relationship that exists between them, as well as honesty and openness. The birth of a baby who will unite parents around a common cause will also help strengthen relationships.
  • Sagittarius. Love formalized under the sign of Sagittarius will be distinguished by special trust between partners. Over the years, the spouses will not get tired of each other, because their main occupation will be joint self-improvement. It will allow you to open new, previously unknown horizons in your soul mate. As a result, such a couple will show others how love and friendship can and should be done.
  • Capricorn. The union, legalized in the constellation Capricorn, risks falling apart over time. Most likely, both partners will try to dominate and also restrain their emotions. Here there will be a place for respect and work on some common cause (housekeeping, raising children, etc.), but not true love and care.
  • Aquarius. Relationships concluded under the auspices of Aquarius will become a model of fidelity, trust and sincere friendship between spouses, built on the basis of similar, sometimes unusual and eccentric, interests and hobbies. The couple will be distinguished by their hospitality and readiness to come to the aid of their relatives and comrades in difficult times. After the birth of the baby, parents will most likely put some of their usual activities on the back burner, but even this will not separate them.
  • Fish. A wedding celebrated in 2019 under the sign of Pisces will mark the beginning of a period of enduring tenderness, devotion and spirituality in the lives of the spouses. The apparent silence of the partners will actually mean that they have reached the highest point of energetic unity and harmony. These people simply don’t need conversations - they are ready to unconditionally trust their other halves and selflessly make sacrifices for them.

Signs for choosing a wedding day

Many believe that a wedding played in a leap year will have a bad effect on the marriage union - it will not be strong. This is a superstition, and the Orthodox Church believes that marriage this year is no different from solemn ceremonies held at other times. Church canons prohibit weddings only on the eve of special holidays, during Lent, on Wednesday and Friday. Even in the old days they believed that leap year protected brides. Therefore, the initiative was transferred into their hands. Matchmakers were not sent to the girl’s house, but on the contrary, brides came to woo the grooms. Of course, this did not insure against refusal, but girls received it very rarely. During the leap year, even special rituals were performed that were in no way related to the lunar calendar, but it was believed that this would protect the marriage. So, for the union to be long and happy, one of the relatives said during the wedding: “I crown with a crown, not a leap end,” and also:

  1. On the way to church, neither the bride nor the groom should look back.
  2. The bride should wear a dress that covers her knees, then family life will be long, and after the wedding you cannot share your outfit and jewelry with anyone.
  3. Marriage in a leap year will be successful if among the guests there is someone in a high position.
  4. You should approach the wedding scenario in 2019 creatively: choose upbeat music, come up with creative events and competitions.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers believed that certain months had their own characteristics that carried over to marriage. For example:

  • a February wedding will give the newlyweds a conflict-free life;
  • June - will allow you to live a life reminiscent of an eternal honeymoon;
  • August - will make husband and wife good friends and affectionate lovers;
  • September - will provide the couple with a quiet and comfortable life;
  • November - promotes wealth;
  • December - makes it so that love only grows stronger over the years.

Previously, it was believed that a couple created in May would suffer forever, but these days this sign has become obsolete. This is because previously this month meant the start of field work and hard work, so people had no time for festivities. And by that time, food supplies were significantly reduced - what a feast there was! As for successful dates, odd numbers were considered the most favorable - they tried to schedule engagement, matchmaking and weddings on 1, 11, 23, 29 and other similar numbers.

Phases and days of the week

Finally, penultimate in the hierarchy of importance for determining a favorable wedding day in 2019 are the Moon phases. It is believed that the most positive influence on marriage is exerted by: The waxing Moon. Energy tuned to creation promises to result in a long and successful union only if it is sincere, built on love and does not carry a negative destructive goal. First quarter. The renewing Moon is ready to give an additional charge for the development of relationships to those who have tested them over time and approached the issue with maximum responsibility. Full moon. Covered with a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, it is perfectly suited for a wedding. In 2019, one popular sign will continue to remain relevant, which says that an alliance concluded during this period will certainly become full-fledged, like a full cup. If we talk about the days of the week, astrology recommends paying attention to: Friday (under the auspices of Venus, which is favorable to lovers and fills their lives with harmony, mutual understanding and happiness); Sunday (under the auspices of the Sun, which brings warmth and comfort to the family); acceptable - Monday (will allow you to carry passion through time, but sometimes it will simply overwhelm your partners) Important! Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday are considered categorically unfavorable for holding a celebration.

Numerology and wedding date

Numerologists suggest calculating a favorable day for a wedding. The technique is simple: Take the date, month, year chosen for the celebration. As an example: August 09, 2019 We add all the numbers: 0+9+8+2+1+9 = 29. We also add 2+9=11 for a two-digit number, we also add 1+1=2. Let's look at the value of the number.

Number 1. A marriage is friendly, strong, indestructible, eternal, like granite for the admiration of other people. Spouses will always stand by each other, support and please each other.

Number 2. Mutual attraction, love, mutual assistance, acceptance and support of each other, common interests, goals, understanding. The couple will feel like they are in the marriage of their dreams.

Number 3. Does not exclude cheating, but the marriage will not be destroyed because of this. If the spouses are not jealous, then the union will be strong; it is not suitable for jealous people.

Number 4. Marriage with this number promises excitement and passion throughout life, a non-boring marriage. Love and a flame that can burn you will accompany you throughout your life. However, if a couple learns to quickly forgive each other, give in to each other, seek compromises, and the spouses have a sound mind, then mutual concern for the family and its well-being will make this marriage strong and vibrant.

Number 5. Free lovebirds. Marriages with this number unite people who value freedom and independence. The spouses live together, but each has their own field of interests, the spouses do not interfere with each other. However, they always feel the shoulder of their spouse and friend and can rely on each other if necessary.

Number 6. This is a marriage of spouses brought together by fate. They found each other as 2 halves, for happiness, love, prudence, mutual interests and romance. Marriage promises harmony and happiness.

Number 7. This is the number of ideal order, health and wisdom. Under this number, spouses will find security in relationships and an orderly family life.

Number 8. Plans for family life under this number will coincide between the spouses, you will have no disagreements on how many children to have, what kind of house to build, where to go on vacation. This position in the family makes this marriage strong and invulnerable.

Number 9. This number promises unbreakable bonds for spouses in marriage. They will be inseparable, do everything together, make decisions together, experience joys and sorrows together. Spouses will be honest with each other, fair, decent. This figure gives a strong union.

In addition, astrologers and numerologists advise taking into account the birthdays of young people. It is recommended to schedule a wedding after 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 months have passed since the date of birth. It is ideal when the month coincides for the couple. When the birthday falls on Monday, patronized by the Moon, which is responsible for family and family ties, the spouses will become support and support for each other.

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