Tricks of a salt-free diet from Kristina Orbakaite. Kristina Orbakaite's diet: height, weight, menu, recipes, secrets of slimness and beauty Green color? to lose weight

The popular pop diva has always been distinguished by her graceful form. Neither childbirth nor tours with their random snacks had any effect on Kristina Orbakaite’s figure. The singer maintains the slim figure given to her by nature thanks to heavy choreographic workloads and a special selection of products.. However, she resorts to the latter infrequently, but only in those cases when the extra pounds suddenly begin to attack. This happens, Christina admits, and so that the picky eye of the viewer does not notice anything, urgent measures have to be taken. The most effective of them? diet. Orbakaite has several of them in his arsenal and all are very effective.

Green color? to losing weight

Kristina Orbakaite's green diet is based on a special selection of vegetables and fruits. Only their color counts. It has long been scientifically confirmed that fruits with a predominance of chlorophyll are absorbed by the body a little slower than their yellow or red relatives, but without leaving a trace. At the same time, they not only do not settle on the body in the form of fat, but also help remove unnecessary deposits from the body.

As part of such a diet, Kristina Orbakaite included in her diet green apples, grapes, pears . Fruits are consumed mainly raw, with the exception of apples. They can be baked in the oven to avoid the often-occurring feeling of fermentation that is typical for this type of fruit.

Orbakaite’s diet necessarily includes vegetables. The singer uses them stewed, steamed or crumbled into a salad. Christina gives particular preference white cabbage, broccoli and green beans .

As part of the green diet, the use of cottage cheese and kefir . They can be a good addition to salads or served as completely separate dishes.

You can drink water or green tea . Very welcome herbal infusions . There is only one unshakable rule (by the way, it applies to all types of healthy eating): liquids are taken either an hour before meals or an hour after it.

Kristina Orbakaite's recipe for losing weight is simple: you need to eat often (5 times a day), but little by little . The psychological attitude is also very important. No food, even the healthiest one, will bring the desired result if it is consumed in a bad mood or in a hurry.

The menu can be created based on your own taste preferences. Christina, for example, includes the following in her daily diet:

  • for breakfast cucumber salad dressed with low-fat kefir;
  • a lunch portion may consist of stewed cabbage and green beans ;
  • for an afternoon snack, any green fruit in unlimited quantities;
  • good for dinner steamed broccoli and any vegetable salad with soy sauce;
  • no later than two hours before bedtime, another light snack is allowed, consisting of cups kefir with the addition of finely chopped herbs .

The duration of such a diet should not exceed 5-6 days. For each of them, it is better to make a list of dishes in advance. If you follow all the rules, you can lose 3-4 kg.

Oriental medicine helped

She doesn’t hide how much weight Kristina Orbakaite lost for the popular comedy film. At the request of the director, the leading actress urgently had to idealize her already ideal forms even more. To do this, the actress sat on the famous Tibetan diet . Its essence is in reception special drugs that actively cleanse the body of toxins and remove fluids . At the same time, fat is intensively burned. This method helped Christina lose 8 kg! But it must be used with caution and under the supervision of a specialist.

Fresh food + willpower = great figure

Kristina Orbakaite’s salt-free diet also helped her star mother normalize her weight. Alla Borisovna recognized the effectiveness of fresh food when I lost 20 kg irrevocably. Christina herself, who gained a little weight during pregnancy, after giving birth in just 2 months of eating without salt lost 12 kg.

The most difficult thing, both women say, is to decide to completely abandon the traditional flavor enhancer. And this is precisely what it is based on first stage of the diet , during which, due to the absence of salt in food, the body excess fluid is removed and metabolism improves .

During the first seven days, Kristina Orbakaite added 6 meals to her daily regimen. From the diet it is completely excluded fatty meats and fish, flour products (with the exception of bran bread), smoked meats, any preservatives, salty cheeses and sugar. The portions amounted to a volume that approximately fit into cupped palms, without a slide, of course.

In the last three days of the seven-day period, according to the Orbakaite diet, you can only eat boiled egg whites and grapefruit , but not simultaneously, but with an interval of half an hour. Final appointment no later than 22:00. Throughout the week, you should drink a lot of clean, gas-free water, up to 2 liters per day, while following the already familiar rule: an hour before meals or an hour after.

At the second stage It is allowed to add salt to food, but not during the cooking process, but after. By the way, you will have to forget about fried food for 3-4 months. Kristina Orbakaite’s diet completely excludes such dishes. But at both stages it is possible to compensate for the lack of salt with other flavor enhancers, such as herbs or soy sauce.

On her diet, Kristina Orbakaite ate 4-5 times a day. The interval was about 3 hours.

Nutritionists speak unequivocally about the Orbakaite diet: it is effective and, undoubtedly, useful. However, it still wouldn’t hurt to consult with specialists first, in case there are contraindications. If not, lose weight for your health!

Kristina's diet, see how she lost weight

The most popular singer, talented actress, only daughter of the prima donna Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite, never in her life had any problems with overweight. After all, in her youth, Kristina Orbakaite danced at a professional level.

This, of course, contributed to the creation and maintenance of ideal body shapes. But still, before the start of the filming process of the film “Carrot Love”, director put the actress has a goal A little resetweight. With your diet Christina did it successfully with the task at hand. Exists two diet options for Kristina Orbakaite.

The first version of Christina Orbakaite's diet.

Already Not one once in life Christina Orbakaite made a decision observe popular Tibetan. This weight loss system is based on a special nutritional plan that allows you to get rid offrom toxins accumulated by the body and burn a small mass fat accumulations body. T Ibetan is very popular at the present time, but we should not forget that one of its main requirements will be strict health monitoring.

The Tibetan diet is dairy-vegetarian type of diets It is recommended to consume all dishes of this diet slowly, in small portions.

Diet of the popular Tibetan diet.



  • one glass of milk;
  • one small cracker.


  • 150 grams of boiled beans;
  • 200 grams of vegetable salad of tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, onions and parsley;
  • one large green apple or one large orange.


  • a serving of vegetable salad from 250 grams of chopped cabbage with the addition of lemon juice;
  • 150 grams of fruit of your choice;
  • 200 grams of mineral still water.



  • one large green apple;


  • 200 grams of steamed or boiled fish;
  • 200 grams of salad from any fruit and prunes;
  • one large orange.


  • 250 grams of zucchini fried in oil;
  • three tomatoes;
  • one small slice of bread;
  • 200 grams of tomato juice.



  • 200 grams of milk;
  • two small crackers.


  • 200 grams of boiled beans;
  • 200 grams of vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic with the addition of vegetable oil.


  • 200 grams of grated beets;
  • two apples, an orange;
  • a small slice of bread;
  • one tomato or one glass of tomato juice.



  • 200 grams of mineral still water;
  • one small bun.



  • 200 grams of boiled beans;
  • 200 grams of grated fresh carrots with the addition of garlic and vegetable oil;
  • one glass of tea and a small cracker.



  • 200 grams of milk;
  • one small bun.


  • salad of 200 grams of red cabbage with lemon juice;
  • 200 grams of natural yogurt;
  • two green apples.


  • 200 grams of boiled or steamed fish;
  • 200 grams of eggplants with a small amount of carrots fried in vegetable oil;
  • a small slice of black bread;
  • 200 grams of still mineral water.



  • 200 grams of fresh apple juice;
  • one large orange.


  • 200 grams of grated carrots with the addition of vegetable oil;
  • 200 grams of vegetable salad of tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions;
  • 200 grams of still mineral water.


  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • two small crackers;
  • half a glass of strawberries;
  • 200 grams of skim milk or two small glasses of natural yoghurt.



  • 200 grams of milk;
  • two small crackers.


  • 250 grams of boiled or steamed fish;
  • 250 grams of white cabbage vegetable salad with lemon juice;
  • 200 grams of still mineral water.


  • 200 grams of boiled legumes;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • 250 grams of fruit of your choice;
  • 200 grams of still mineral water or natural apple juice.

The second version of Christina Orbakaite's diet.

Second, which the famous actress resorted to, is a weight loss technique that allows you to include all color foods in your diet. Such products include cucumbers, parsley, dill, lettuce, green varieties of apples, zucchini, etc. This has duration of five days, But efficiency its use is quite high; on average, a person gets rid of from 2-4 kilogramsoverweight.

The whole secret of the “green” diet is that all green foods contain increased amounts of vitamin C and many substances that have the ability to kill cancer cells.

Also included in your menu of green vegetables and fruitscolors will contribute to the enrichment of oxygen throughout the body. This diet will help bring it back to normal All metabolic processes body, remove excess fluid and regulate activity gastrointestinal apparatus, and this will help with greater efficiency fight excess weight.

Doctors- nutritionists do not deny the positive effects of eating green foods. They especially allocate various kinds, perfect fit For this kind diets. Nutritionists believe that there is no need to limit yourself to just one serving of healthy food, there should be at least five or six.

Certainly, It's hard to believe that Christina Orbaka for real uses any diets. This one is slender beautiful woman not included in the availability comparison excess weight. But if Christine Orbak sometimes and needs adjustment mine weight then She tries not to make any sudden changes. And this is competent understanding and approach to the issue chosen method of losing weight.

Given the insane popularity Alla Pugacheva, her daughter could live the life of a spoiled star child, whose every whim is fulfilled at once, with the snap of a finger. With the starting opportunities that Christina had, it would seem that she needed to make a minimum of effort to achieve a lot. But she did not take the easy path.

She saw her mother so rarely as a child and spent so much time in the Baltics with her father’s parents, original artist Mykolas Edmuntas Orbakas, that until the age of 4 she almost didn’t speak Russian and even communicated with her mother in Lithuanian. Imagine, Pugacheva speaking Lithuanian! Christina herself told how she communicated with Russian-speaking peers in a Moscow garden, where she ended up at the age of 5. “I opened a book in Russian and, imitating reading, told fairy tales in Lithuanian. The children, with their mouths open, listened to me, the “foreigner,” without understanding anything.”

And at the age of 11 she already spoke Russian so well that Rolan Bykov chose and approved her for the role of Lena Bessoltseva in the film “Scarecrow”. “The film is shot in a gorgeous mixed color palette: streets where flocks of teenagers in school uniforms scamper among falling leaves; and dark rooms filled with bent furniture in old, gingerbread-like wooden houses, the American Los Angeles Times wrote with delight. - And in the center is the main character, who stands out from the crowd, constantly revealing a new side, played by 12-year-old Kristina Orbakaite, who grows from a naive child, touchingly striving to become one of her classmates, into a real person. Christina plays Lena, a fair-haired, reed-thin girl who is new to a small provincial school in one of the towns near Moscow on the river bank. Her face is distinguished by that special simplicity that the artists of the Renaissance immortalized; her clear, direct gaze is stunning. This could be like this Meryl Streep at 12 years old. And, as one might assume, she considers herself ugly.” It's funny that she came up with the title of the film, in which Christina proved that nature had not rested on her.

Kristina Orbakaite in 1979. Photo:

And then, already as an adult girl, she even joked on this topic: “We will soon be filming a sequel to the film - “The Scarecrow Who Sings.”

For most of her childhood, Christina did not see her mother. And I missed her very much. One day, when Pugacheva called her from her next tour, Christina could not stand it: “Mom, stop this tour! Come to me soon!” But the mother convinced the child that her tours were their bread and butter. And they never returned to this topic. During her childhood, Christina’s mother was replaced by her grandmother. Zinaida Orkhipovna Odegova, who was both strict and gentle with her granddaughter. Orbakaite often emphasizes that my grandmother did not have a musical education, but had a surprisingly fine ear for music. She could hear any false note. And when Christina made a mistake while playing the piano, her grandmother shouted to her from the kitchen: “Christina, again, be careful, you played wrong!” Mom’s friends and artistic colleagues compensated for her mother’s absence. Boris Moiseev recalls how Pugacheva once let him and Kristina, then a young girl, go to Sochi for a “walk.” She gave me a whole list of instructions: what to feed, what time to put her to bed. Moiseev carefully wrote everything down in a notebook in order to safely forget it. “We walked with Kristinka, changed hotels,” he recalled in one of the documentaries dedicated to Orbakaite, “which her mother really didn’t like. We were having a blast! But at exactly 12 o’clock, like Cinderella, Christina went to her room - “mom will call.”

Pugacheva. Not Allah

In 1980, the Krugozor magazine, which produced a music supplement in the form of flexible gramophone records, circulated a single (mini-album with 1-2 songs), which began with the words of the announcer: “We are starting this record with a children's song Eduard Hanka"The sun is laughing." Pugacheva sings it. Not Alla, but her daughter Christina.” We can say that this was Christina’s first full-fledged debut on the stage. And in 1983, Christina already sang along with her mother in “Song of the Year,” performing the hit Mark Minkova“You know, it will still happen.”

In 1983, Kristina Orbakaite began working in the dance group “Recital”, which accompanied Pugacheva on tour. She admits that she gained independence, freedom and even financial independence early on. The result of this early independence was an early marriage - at the age of 16, Orbakaite moved to Vladimir Presnyakov, becoming his common-law wife. He, like Pygmalion, sculpted his Galatea from it. It was not so much her mother as her first husband who influenced the formation of Christina’s musical tastes and instilled in her confidence in her own vocal abilities. After all, even the mother, when her daughter took her first steps as a singer, did not really believe in her abilities and always first of all admired her dancing skills. “Now she’s going to sing,” she once said Ilya Reznik backstage, watching my daughter on stage. - Let's leave." But publicly, Pugacheva was always the first to rush to her daughter’s defense if she felt that her little blood was being “attacked.” “Christina was the first in the country to sing in a subtone,” said the Prima Donna. And Christina explained her first timid steps as a singer by the fact that before her eyes there were such geniuses as Volodya and her mother. “And for a long time I couldn’t count myself among them,” she admits.

Kristina Orbakaite. Photo:

Singer, actress, mother, wife

Meanwhile, Christina considers the beginning of her professional singing career to be her performance at the “Christmas Meetings” in 1992, where she sang Nikolaev’s “Let’s Talk.” Later she mastered another creative path - theater. For her role as Helen Keller in the Moscow Art Theater play “Monday After the Miracle,” she even received an award from the Russian Ministry of Culture in the “Best Actress” category. Kristina Orbakaite approached her anniversary with serious creative baggage, which included more than 150 recorded songs, a dozen film roles and three theater works. In her personal life, Christina almost caught up with her mother in the number of spouses. Today Christina has a third marriage and three children of different religions (Orthodox, Muslim, Catholic) from three different men.

Myths and reality

Kristina Orbakaite loves to cook and even surpassed her mother in this.

“When the children were babies, I cooked and cleaned, but now the pace of life is such that the choice is not in favor of home comfort,” Christina admitted in an interview. - But when I have time and the mood (and I don’t think you can cook when you’re irritated or tired - it won’t taste good), when there’s no need to rush, the sun is outside, culinary inspiration - well, at least for awesome scrambled eggs - I can find. To be honest, I can’t make everything tasty. I cook simple food, but I add something of my own to it - spices or new products, and I find it boring to cook “as it should.” I love to cook regular food, but prepared in an unusual way. Then she is a gift."

Kristina Orbakaite with Alla Pugacheva and son. Photo:

After the birth of her daughter Claudia, Kristina Orbakaite lost 12 kg because she was on a diet.
“Exclude salt from your diet! At first, of course, it will be difficult,” Kristina Orbakaite shares her experience. - Everything seems fresh and tasteless. But salt can be replaced with spices. But personally, I’m already used to no salt! Doctors explain: salt retains water in tissues. And with a salt-free diet, the water that causes excess weight goes away.”

After graduating from school, Christina did not enter university because she failed her exams.
“Although I was an exemplary student, I was terrified of exams all my life. Maybe because of this, I didn’t go anywhere after the 10th grade. Just at that time, my mother was suddenly given the Song Theater, and there I began to seriously study dancing and go on tour. Mom was not against this - on the contrary, she always told me that the best institute is the stage.”

Cold Lithuanian borscht

Cold Lithuanian borscht. Photo:


Eggs - 5-8 pcs.
Beets - 4-5 pcs.
Fresh cucumbers - 0.5 kg
Dill, parsley, green onions - only 300 g
Kefir - 1 l
Sour cream - 250 g
Salt, pepper - to taste
Water - 1 glass
Boiled new potatoes - for serving

How to cook:

  1. Boil the beets. This can be done in 2 ways. First: cut into strips, boil and cool (the liquid can not be drained, but added to the borscht). Second method: boil the beets in their peels, peel and cut into strips.
  2. Boil the eggs hard, cool and cut into cubes.
  3. Finely chop the greens.
  4. Combine kefir, sour cream, beets, eggs and herbs. Mix everything, add salt and pepper. Add cooled boiled water.
  5. Place the pan in the refrigerator. It’s good if the soup sits overnight, then it will become more tasty and acquire a rich color.
  6. It is customary to serve cold Lithuanian borscht with hot boiled new potatoes.

Boris Moiseev told our magazine about the recipe for cold Lithuanian borscht. “When I came into Pugacheva’s life, Christina was little. As soon as summer came, Alla sent me on vacation with her. I was her nanny-friend. And he prepared Lithuanian borscht for her. She loved him very much,” the singer said.

Fried zucchini

Fried zucchini. Photo:


Zucchini (cucumbers, zucchini) - 0.5 kg
Flour - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Salt, pepper - to taste
Vegetable oil - for frying

How to cook:

  1. Cut zucchini (or cucumbers) into slices.
  2. Mix flour with salt and pepper. If desired, you can add a little crushed garlic.
  3. Lightly roll the zucchini in flour and fry in pre-heated vegetable oil. You don’t need to put a lot of zucchini in the frying pan at once, otherwise they won’t fry, but will start to stew.
  4. Serve hot, sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.

“Fried cucumbers (zucchini, zucchini) are Alla Pugacheva’s signature dish. “I tried them for the first time in London, when Christina gave birth to Nikita there, and Alla and I were sitting in a hotel room and were terribly worried about her. Pugacheva cooked cucumbers right in the hotel room on a small stove,” Nikita Presnyakova’s grandmother, singer Elena Presnyakova, said in an interview.

Salt is an indispensable ingredient in cooking, but it is also the main source of problems for overweight people, since excess salt retains fluid in the body and slows down normal metabolism.

This type of diet is based precisely on this; even despite its name, it does not at all call for a complete abstinence from salt - only for limiting it.

Kristina Orbakaite’s diet was invented by a doctor from Germany, Gerson Max. At the very beginning of the last century, this doctor helped prolong the lives of many cancer patients, forcing patients to completely stop eating salt.

Experts from our country agreed with the opinion of the doctor from Germany. It is believed that eliminating salt from all dishes helps people suffering from diabetes, painful hypertension, kidney diseases, vascular and heart diseases.

When following a salt-free diet for weight loss, it is not necessary to completely give up salt. Moreover, the sodium contained in salt is a necessary component healthy diet nutrition, which is responsible for removing calcium from the body, an excess of which is harmful. But the body needs the substances that make up salt in different quantities.

In the diet modern man the amount of salt is very excessive - these are sausages, sausages, bread, chips, canned food, salted nuts and many other products. It is believed that a person exceeds his salt norm per day by at least 12-15 grams, and his metabolism is disrupted, causing significant harm to his health.

True, not all nutritionists agree with the effectiveness of this type of diet for weight loss - many of them claim that weight loss occurs solely due to water, and in this case, a person should return to the diet to which he is accustomed, otherwise the lost weight will soon time will return.

There are also studies that have proven that those who completely give up salt and products containing it cannot boast of their health at all, but, on the contrary, are more often susceptible to vascular and heart diseases, since refusal or severe salt restriction can easily cause sodium deficiency in the body. Therefore, you need to adhere to this diet without fanaticism. But, this diet is useful for people suffering from hypertension, as well as people who have a tendency to edema.

During the diet, you will need to avoid adding salt to food, as well as eating processed foods, fast food, and canned food, since salt in these products is present as a flavor enhancer and also a preservative. In fact, the human body needs only up to 5000 mg of salt per day. You can get this amount of salt from any products given by nature. Therefore, there is no need to salt dishes when cooking.

Sodium, which is part of salt, retains fluid in the body, overloading the arteries and blood vessels. After giving up salt, blood circulation improves, swelling disappears, the presence of varicose veins decreases, migraines, hypertension, and cellulite disappear.

Orbakaite's salt-free diet requires a smooth transition. At the beginning of this transition, it is worth trying not to salt foods during the cooking process. It is worth adding salt to dishes while eating. Next, you can try gradually replacing the salt with spices or lemon juice. And only then, when such a taste of food becomes a habit, remove the salt shaker from the table forever.

It is necessary to take into account that you will have to give up many products. In ready-made dinners, canned food, various marinades, broths, favorite cheeses, ham, salted nuts, ready-made sauces and spices, even in butter and sometimes in simple bread there can be too much salt, so you should look at the labels on the packages more carefully. In addition, while in a restaurant, you will need to ask the waiter to have your order prepared without salt.

Your beloved body should finally begin to receive vegetables, fruits, various seafood, low-fat cheese, seaweed, spices without salt, sauces and herbs in normal quantities. It is worth adding lemon juice, cumin, pepper, basil, garlic and onions to salads, and curry or turmeric to poultry and meat. Spices that activate metabolism will also help you lose excess weight.

You can eat five times a day if you want to have snacks. And of course, don’t forget to drink water – at least 4-5 glasses daily.

In the first week of a salt-free diet, you will be able to lose 2.5 kilograms. Sample menu for the week:

It’s worth starting the day with oatmeal porridge cooked in water, tea and pears.

After some time, have a snack with one glass of one percent kefir.

For lunch, you can indulge in a vegetable salad, seasoning it with lemon juice; chicken breast stewed with curry in coconut milk. Also don't forget about water.

For an afternoon snack, you can eat a couple of rye flour breads with cucumber and lettuce.

For dinner, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese, add cinnamon to it and drink spicy tea.

The effectiveness of a salt-free diet is that in the first week you can lose one size in weight, especially if you are aware that human connective tissue can retain large amounts of fluid in the body itself.

In addition, by adding salt to food, a person gets used to similar taste sensations. Therefore, by switching to a salt-free diet, you can experience the taste qualities of familiar dishes in a new way and get much more pleasure from eating.

If you want to lose accumulated fat tissue, then you will have to give up flour, sweets and fatty foods, since they are heavy foods for any body. To achieve the full effect, do not forget that you should not eat fruit before bed. They contain insidious fructose, which is not inferior in calorie content even to sugar.

By The popular pop diva has always been distinguished by her graceful form. Neither childbirth nor tours with their random snacks had any effect on Kristina Orbakaite’s figure. The singer maintains the slim figure given to her by nature thanks to heavy choreographic workloads and a special selection of products.. However, she resorts to the latter infrequently, but only in those cases when the extra pounds suddenly begin to attack. This happens, Christina admits, and so that the picky eye of the viewer does not notice anything, urgent measures have to be taken. The most effective of them? diet. Orbakaite has several of them in his arsenal and all are very effective.

Green color? to losing weight

Kristina Orbakaite's green diet is based on a special selection of vegetables and fruits. Only their color counts. It has long been scientifically confirmed that fruits with a predominance of chlorophyll are absorbed by the body a little slower than their yellow or red relatives, but without leaving a trace. At the same time, they not only do not settle on the body in the form of fat, but also help remove unnecessary deposits from the body.

As part of such a diet, Kristina Orbakaite included in her dietgreen apples, grapes, pears . Fruits are consumed mainly raw, with the exception of apples. They can be baked in the oven to avoid the often-occurring feeling of fermentation that is typical for this type of fruit.

Orbakaite’s diet necessarily includes vegetables. The singer uses them stewed, steamed or crumbled into a salad. Christina gives particular preferencewhite cabbage, broccoli and green beans .

As part of the green diet, the use ofcottage cheese and kefir . They can be a good addition to salads or served as completely separate dishes.

You can drink water or green tea . Very welcomeherbal infusions . There is only one unshakable rule (by the way, it applies to all types of healthy eating): liquids are taken either an hour before meals or an hour after it.

Kristina Orbakaite's recipe for losing weight is simple:you need to eat often (5 times a day), but little by little . The psychological attitude is also very important. No food, even the healthiest one, will bring the desired result if it is consumed in a bad mood or in a hurry.

The menu can be created based on your own taste preferences. Christina, for example, includes the following in her daily diet:

  • for breakfast cucumber salad dressed with low-fat kefir;
  • a lunch portion may consist of stewed cabbage and green beans ;
  • for an afternoon snack, any green fruit in unlimited quantities;
  • good for dinner steamed broccoli and any vegetable salad with soy sauce;
  • no later than two hours before bedtime, another light snack is allowed, consisting of cups kefir with the addition of finely chopped herbs .

The duration of such a diet should not exceed 5-6 days. For each of them, it is better to make a list of dishes in advance. If you follow all the rules, you can lose 3-4 kg.

Oriental medicine helped

She doesn’t hide how much weight Kristina Orbakaite lost for the popular comedy film. At the request of the director, the leading actress urgently had to idealize her already ideal forms even more. To do this, the actress sat on the famousTibetan diet . Its essence is in receptionspecial drugs that actively cleanse the body of toxins and remove fluids . At the same time, fat is intensively burned. This method helped Christina lose 8 kg! But it must be used with caution and under the supervision of a specialist.

Fresh food + willpower = great figure

Kristina Orbakaite’s salt-free diet also helped her star mother normalize her weight. Alla Borisovna recognized the effectiveness of fresh food whenI lost 20 kg irrevocably. Christina herself, who gained a little weight during pregnancy, after giving birth in just 2 months of eating without saltlost 12 kg.

The most difficult thing, both women say, is to decide to completely abandon the traditional flavor enhancer. And this is precisely what it is based onfirst stage of the diet , during which, due to the absence of salt in food, the bodyexcess fluid is removed and metabolism improves .

During the first seven days, Kristina Orbakaite added 6 meals to her daily regimen. From the diet it is completelyexcluded fatty meats and fish, flour products (with the exception of bran bread), smoked meats, any preservatives, salty cheeses and sugar. The portions amounted to a volume that approximately fit into cupped palms, without a slide, of course.

In the last three days of the seven-day period, according to the Orbakaite diet, you can only eatboiled egg whites and grapefruit , but not simultaneously, but with an interval of half an hour. Final appointment no later than 22:00. Throughout the week, you should drink a lot of clean, gas-free water, up to 2 liters per day, while following the already familiar rule: an hour before meals or an hour after.

At the second stage It is allowed to add salt to food, but not during the cooking process, but after. By the way, you will have to forget about fried food for 3-4 months. Kristina Orbakaite’s diet completely excludes such dishes. But at both stages it is possible to compensate for the lack of salt with other flavor enhancers, such as herbs or soy sauce.

On her diet, Kristina Orbakaite ate 4-5 times a day. The interval was about 3 hours.

Nutritionists speak unequivocally about the Orbakaite diet: it is effective and, undoubtedly, useful. However, it still wouldn’t hurt to consult with specialists first, in case there are contraindications. If not, lose weight for your health!

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