Gymnastics “The Birth of a Star”: find the way to yourself. Gymnastic exercises birth of a star for women Women's Slavic gymnastics birth of a star

Maria Guseva

Gymnastics for women “The Birth of a Star”. 27 exercises that give beauty, health, harmony

© Guseva M., 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

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Gymnastics is an amazing, living, sparkling organism. It finds its spread, clothed in all the elements. Somewhere running like a full-flowing river, somewhere blowing a light wind, somewhere burning out ailments and outdated programs with fire, finally, somewhere settling down firmly, as if this is the very earth on which we walk.

Maria Guseva* * *

Three years have passed, and during this time my life, and most importantly, myself, have changed a lot. And now I can answer the question not only for myself - why do gymnastics. My answer is used by those who study with me.

The point is that once you start doing gymnastics, you will no longer be able to live as before. More precisely, there are people who make a lot of effort to keep their lives as usual, and manage to remain the same, resisting, in fact, a force comparable to a storm.

Gymnastics increases the amount vitality women, and living as before, ignoring the signals of her body and external situations, becomes much more difficult for her. And why? With gymnastics, she gains the strength to resolve all this, to ignore and hide everything unpleasant - now she is no longer required.

Anastasia Kuzmina

Thanks to RZ, I quit smoking already in the fifth month of classes, it took another two months, now I don’t smoke at all, and if someone smokes next to me, I don’t care. I have been a smoker for 12 years and have made many, many unsuccessful attempts to quit. At the moment I have been doing gymnastics for 1.5 years and, naturally, I do not smoke.


During my year of gymnastics, I can state the following results: my hips widened, my injured knee first “crumbled”, then came back together, my posture improved, my face somehow changed, my chest at 38 years old felt the same as it was at 20 years old, maximum.

I saw a serious specialist, a chiropractor, he checked my back and said everything was fine. And four months ago I couldn’t walk.

I know why I do gymnastics. I want to be myself. I told everyone this phrase when they asked me what I wanted to be, but until now I vaguely understood its meaning. No wonder, I didn’t feel myself. I was a hanger with many roles and masks attached to it. I do gymnastics in order to remove all this alien, dilapidated, outdated, in order to see myself as I am, to be only myself and live freely, from the light, from the soul, to be alive and do what I really need in of this life, here and now. I won't be late. It’s never too late to see yourself and be yourself. And when you already see and feel yourself, then only your desires remain, the real ones, and to realize them you don’t have to be someone else, trying on other people’s images.

Natalia Smirnova

This gymnastics transforms a woman so much using... fairly simple movements. All the worlds that are presented there not only elevate a woman physically, but spiritually, making her love herself, respect herself, value herself. But... this is such energy. Feminine energy. By communicating with such a woman, a man develops. She charges him with, I can’t find words to describe, energy. And the man, the beloved man, grows. And he gives what he himself can give: his “I”, his strength, his love, his care.

And the eyes, what eyes they become... Yes, looking into them, you simply drown.

And the flexibility of the body... And the absence of complexes and fear of something. We can only wish that all women could experience this state that gymnastics gives them. Thank you thank you thank you.

Satisfied man

Chapter 1. About gymnastics

Preface to Woman

“Your role in life is the Muse of artists and poets, charming and merciful, affectionate, but merciless in everything that concerns Truth, Love, Beauty. You are that fermenting principle that stimulates the aspirations of the sons of men, distracting them from gluttony, wine and fights, stupid rivalry, petty envy, and base slavery. Through poets and artists, you, Muse, must prevent the stream of knowledge from turning into a dead swamp.

I warn you - this is not an easy path for a mortal. But it will not be long, for only young, full of strength women can withstand it.

- If the gods make you happy, you die still young. But if not, then you will turn to the world with a different face as a woman - an educator, a teacher of children, a sower of those sparkles of light in children's souls that can later become torches. Wherever you are and no matter what happens to you, remember that you are the bearer of the appearance of the Great Goddess. By lowering your dignity, you humiliate all women - both Mothers and Muses, and allow the dark forces of the soul, especially the male, to triumph, instead of defeating them.”

I. Efremov. Thais of Athens

I decided to write this book because the time has come. I have been doing gymnastics myself for many years, and many thousands of women have learned about this practice through me.

Through me, gymnastics spreads, this is my path. I write about gymnastics, and thousands of women write in response. Every day I learn new stories and see the beneficial effects that gymnastics has. And... I continue to write. So that as many women as possible learn about gymnastics and can start practicing it!

Obviously, gymnastics is not something that can be described in terms of previous experience. Because there is nothing like THIS gymnastics. NOTHING. There is no other practice that can radically change the life of any woman in 15 minutes a day.

Gymnastics is an amazing, living, sparkling organism. It finds its spread, clothed in all the elements. Somewhere - running like a full-flowing river, somewhere - blowing with a light wind, somewhere - burning out ailments and outdated programs with fire, finally, somewhere - settling firmly, as if this is the very earth on which we walk. And there are also hurricanes, earthquakes, calms - a lot of things happen with gymnastics.

I don't know a single woman who does gymnastics more than a year and could say: “Oh, my life has practically not changed, I came to gymnastics the same as I am now.” Perhaps there are such women, but I don’t know them. I haven't come across a single review like this.

And starting to practice, women are immersed in all this riot of elements, which, in turn, begin to manifest themselves from within. Inside and out. Bringing it into line inner world and life circumstances. And over the years, thanks to this mutual work (both the woman and the gymnastics work, of course), the woman opens up, allowing herself be.

To be anyone, and to be a Woman.

I always say: do gymnastics for your health. In a healthy body healthy mind! If you come to healthy life in a truly healthy body, you won't recognize yourself, your priorities will change. New interests will appear, a new life will appear. New life in a new body!

Whatever you did before gymnastics, if you are reading this book, most likely you consider your body imperfect. People who are satisfied with their body do not read books on the topic of health, they do not look for practices, they have long found their exercises, meditations, and they are not looking for anything else. If you are reading this book, if you are still looking, then you have something to change, something to strive for.

This means, believe me, even as a fitness instructor or an experienced yogi, if you still want to “do something else,” then as soon as you take up gymnastics, and, indeed, do it for a year, your body will change, your thoughts will change , and you won't recognize yourself!

Even if now it seems to you that everything is fine with you and you don’t need to change anything.

Don’t change if you don’t need to, but don’t start doing gymnastics either. Because this practice will find something to change in you, believe me. Just like water, which can be a forest stream, but can also be a mudslide, so gymnastics will fill, refresh you and bring out everything that was so carefully hidden. From my husband, from my mother, from my friend, from my children. Push.

Do you think that you are crystal, that you have nothing to hide? Gymnastics will reveal everything that you are hiding. And he will present it to you. And you will either have to decide, figure it out, or, having seen it, shrug it off and stop doing gymnastics. Perhaps, in this case, it is better not to start.

Women's esoteric practices have existed since the emergence of humanity - our ancestors well understood the differences in the purpose of women and men on Earth. And of course, they do not consist of the notorious “who should wash the dishes.” The mental and energetic processes of our body are truly different from men’s, and not so long ago, before the advent of Western fashion, our ancestors understood this. Every girl, girl, woman brought harmony to her family and was a blessed Goddess!

Nowadays there is a revival of interest in ancient traditions. One of the new trends is women's gymnastics “The Birth of a Star”. Its complex consists of 27 poses and is intended exclusively for the female body. You need to perform no more than 9, and preferably 7 exercises at a time. The whole process takes on average 10 minutes. You can train every day, most importantly at least 4 times a week. If you have any medical conditions, be sure to consult a doctor or contact your instructor. If these exercises are performed uncontrolled, the condition may worsen. Gymnastics “The Birth of a Star” is not a panacea, but a way of self-knowledge.
The author of the course, Maria Guseva, promises that for some time from the moment we start doing gymnastics, unexpected changes will begin to happen to us: you may want to change your style, place of work, environment, you will become closer to yourself and understanding your needs. Well, shall we try and check? As usual, final advice: listen to your body while performing the complex, take care of yourself.

Also take a look here:

Female abs: how to properly pump up a woman’s abs...

Today on the site we will talk about one practice that is available exclusively to women. But first tell me: have you seen how little children sleep? Their muscles are completely relaxed, their postures are natural and full of peace and tranquility.

Over time, a person gradually loses the ability to relax: habitual tensions arise in the body, which become the causes of physical and mental ailments.

A person ceases to feel his body and perceive its signals. The only reason for alarm is, and this is no longer a signal, but a desperate “cry” of the body that there is an urgent problem that needs to be urgently solved.

There are quite a few practices that help you regain the ability to feel your body and free yourself from accumulated physical and psychological blocks.

A special place among them is occupied by the “Birth of a Star” gymnastics.

Origin of gymnastics

Adamovich claimed that he had recreated ancient exercises that had helped Slavic women in pre-Christian times to remain healthy and strong for many years, to maintain girlish flexibility and feminine attractiveness. It is difficult to judge how true this is, since there is no reliable evidence of the very existence of such gymnastics among ancient Slavic women.

But, for example, some poses of ancient female deities surprisingly resemble some body positions characteristic of this practice.

Maria Guseva, being an instructor of Slavic gymnastics, realized that the exercises themselves, without their mystical background, are an excellent, effective tool that has an amazing effect on the female body. She called the new version of gymnastics “Universal women’s gymnastics “The Birth of a Star,” thereby emphasizing its effectiveness for all representatives of the fair sex, regardless of their ethnicity, age, etc.

Features of the influence of gymnastics “The Birth of a Star” on the female body

Actually, “The Birth of a Star” gymnastics is a complex of 27 exercises, equally divided into 3 “worlds”: upper, middle and lower.

There is nothing mystical in this gradation: the exercises of the upper world are performed standing on your feet, the middle - on your knees, the basic position for the lower world is a pose with support on your knees and hands.

At first glance, the exercises seem quite simple. Moreover, they do not need to be performed “until a sweat”: only 1 – 3 repetitions, and for the daily complex of universal gymnastics “The Birth of a Star” it is enough to select 7 exercises at random.

However, the ease of this practice is deceiving. Many women who have many years of experience in fitness or yoga, when starting to practice “The Birth of a Star,” are surprised to notice that their body is not flexible enough and their joints are not flexible enough to easily perform all the exercises the first time.

The fact is that gymnastics is fundamentally different from all types, about which a lot has already been said on the website. Its goal is not to “pump up” muscles or stretch ligaments. Under the influence of exercise, a muscle “corset” is gradually formed that supports the entire body.

As a result, the internal organs occupy a physiologically correct position, and then there is a chain of positive changes:

  • the functioning of the body’s endocrine system is improved;
  • the digestive system works without failures;
  • the immune system is strengthened, colds go away;
  • the functioning of the female reproductive system is improved;
  • the body tightens, becomes more feminine, and often there is a gradual shedding of extra pounds.

There are a lot of reviews about the “magical” changes that happen to women as a result of classes, and what is listed is only a small part of the positive changes that a woman observes in herself. Gymnastics helps everyone solve their own individual problems.

Of course, “The Birth of a Star” gymnastics is not a magical panacea for all illnesses and does not imply refusal of medical care when it is really necessary. Moreover, Maria Guseva and gymnastics instructors strongly advise solving problems comprehensively, without relying only on the healing power of exercise.

Psychological changes

But, in addition to changes on the physical level, internal changes occur with a woman during the “Birth of a Star” gymnastics class.

There are especially many enthusiastic reviews, sometimes contradictory, among neophytes: someone suddenly gets rid of trousers in their wardrobe and feels the need to wear skirts exclusively, someone becomes more restrained and calm, someone, on the contrary, gives vent to their emotions, observes manifestations of intolerance and aggression.

Internal changes occur at a deep level: in the process of this practice, a woman learns to listen to herself, realize her needs and desires, gradually comprehends her place in life and finds directions for her development. Some people find family happiness, while others, on the contrary, find the strength to break off painful relationships; someone changes their field of activity.

It is important that all these changes do not occur under the influence of external factors. The impulse comes from a woman’s inner need, and gymnastics gives strength and energy for change.

Limitations in activities

Having called her gymnastics “The Birth of a Star” universal, the author wanted to emphasize that almost all women without exception can do it. But there are still certain limitations that should be taken into account.

It is believed that women of any age can practice “The Birth of a Star.” Indeed, there is no “lower” age limit. Women of very advanced age are known to perform exercises or practice basic stances of the complex.

Instructors also warn against practicing too hard. You should not perform all 27 exercises of the complex at one time or do more than 3 approaches in each exercise. It should be remembered that “too much is good and bad.” There are cases where too large “portions” of gymnastics led to psychological breakdowns or exacerbation of diseases.

And, of course, those who do not want to change anything in themselves or in their lives should not practice gymnastics, because changes will inevitably happen.

Sooner or later in the process of training, a woman will come face to face with unresolved problems (and everyone has them) and will not be able to live further by simply ignoring them.

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Universal women's gymnastics

    Upper world

    Middle world

    Lower world


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Cards for exercises

How to exercise if you are already pregnant

How to deal with those who have health problems

History of gymnastics

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Introductory article about gymnastics

The human body is a delicate and beautiful mechanism where everything is interconnected, taken into account and verified. A woman's body is doubly beautiful and amazing. From time immemorial, it gives admiration to others and, most importantly, gives life. But, unfortunately, in the modern world, women imitate men in many ways, contrary to their nature. This leads to problems and illnesses. And therefore, today, more than ever, a woman needs a simple and effective practice that takes into account her natural purpose, her characteristics and needs.

End of form

Women's gymnastics “The Birth of a Star” is a psychophysical practice that gives the necessary charge to a woman’s body and soul.

These are 27 exercises, from which the woman herself creates individual complexes (3-5-7 exercises) for specific situations.

The exercises are quite simple and, at the same time, very effective. They are physiological specifically for a woman and take into account the maximum needs of her body. During classes, hormonal glands and lymph flow are stimulated, internal muscles and organs are worked out, blood flow improves, the spine and joints are massaged.

As a result of exercise, hormonal levels are leveled. The body becomes relaxed, flexible and elastic, all organs and muscles acquire physiological tone and, receiving a sufficient amount of oxygen, begin to function at full strength and without strain. Immunity increases, colds and other seasonal “runny noses” stop bothering you. The whole body becomes flexible, pain in the back and joints goes away, the spine is aligned, the nervous system is healed, and posture improves. The figure is built from the inside, with internal muscles, acquiring feminine, seductive and natural contours. Gait and movements become harmonious and beautiful. And also, the condition of the skin, nails, and hair improves.

During classes, a woman connects to a powerful flow of feminine energy. Due to which its own energy is renewed. And her view of the world and way of thinking gradually changes. The female worldview, trust in intuition and one’s own feelings are activated.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the impact of women's gymnastics on the pelvic organs and reproductive system. One of the main causes of female diseases is a tight stomach and poor blood circulation in the “female” organs. “The Birth of a Star” exercises in the best way – stretching, remove tension from the muscles and bring them to a natural tone, improve blood circulation. The exercises also pump up the internal muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and buttocks, and develop the hip joints. The positive impact is noticeable after just a month of training. Intestinal function improves, sexuality increases, and unpleasant and painful sensations go away during menstrual periods. Intimate life becomes brighter, sensuality and sensitivity increase. Increases healthy ability to become pregnant. A woman reveals herself as a woman.

A healthy body is beautiful and full of strength. However, to paraphrase the famous phrase, people can be divided into two types, those who live to be healthy (in other words, work on drugs), and those who need health in order to live a full life, enjoy it and enjoy it. Gymnastics has proven that it is for the second type of person. With 15 minutes a day of thoughtful practice, she produces results that surprise and delight hundreds of women.

P.S. You don't need much to be healthy. It is enough to listen to yourself, hear and not contradict what you hear.

Breath natural, free, without delay.

State contemplative. Attention aimed at one’s own sensations, thoughts, emotions, inside oneself.

Performance. We begin the exercises from the starting position and end in the starting position. For those exercises that are done in two directions: All movements are performed softly, beautifully and smoothly, without excessive effort. The hands move over the body continuously, with little pressure. After performing the exercise in one direction, we return to the starting position, relax all the muscles of the body, consciously relax the perineum, and then perform the exercise in the other direction. After performing the exercises, we also relax all the muscles and the perineum. You can start doing the exercises in any direction. In gymnastics, you don’t have to pull your toes, do any unnatural bends, etc. The exercises should turn out BEAUTIFUL - this is the main criterion. The second criterion is pleasure)). It is recommended for the first time (1-3 months) to exercise 4 times a week, 7 exercises a day, performing 1-3 repetitions of each exercise. But this is not a strict recommendation. The number of exercises, the time of day and the order in which they are performed can be any, feel it yourself.

Attention! If you have serious health problems or significant difficulties in performing the exercises, it is recommended to begin the practice by mastering the starting positions. To do this, stand in turn in the basic positions of the three worlds: first the upper, then the middle, then the lower. Stand in each position for about 1 minute and imagine how the spent energy comes out.

back to the beginning

How to determine your individual complex

Article by Maria Guseva

To start doing gymnastics, you need to choose any 7 exercises from the existing 27.

Then I suggest do this set of 7 exercises for a month (4 times a week) and after a month start adding other exercises. In order to eventually master all 27 exercises (and perhaps add some of your own) and do complexes tailored to the current request-mood-situation-state.

So, today 27 exercises are known. Some of them may seem like “family” to you, while others, on the contrary, may not be to your liking. To begin with, just start doing the exercises that you can pull out and do them for a month.

I propose to start mastering gymnastics by making a personal decks of cards. From this deck, you simply draw 3 or 7 cards (or as many as you want) and do the exercises that you draw. To do this, simply take a regular deck of 36 cards, select 27 and write down the numbers of the exercises: 9 exercises of the upper world (from 1st to 9e), respectively, 9 exercises of the middle and 9 exercises of the lower world. This will give you a 27-card deck that you will use to build your current gymnastics routine.

The first individual set of 7 exercises I suggest you pull it like this.

Divide the deck into three piles of 9 exercises: upper, middle and lower world. Then pull out 2 exercises from each pile. Then mix all 27 cards and draw another card - this will be the main exercise of your current complex, it will also be the seventh.

Then arrange the cards in this order:

Upper world exercise

Middle World Exercise

Lower world exercise

Main exercise (7)

Upper world exercise

Middle World Exercise

Lower world exercise

And do the exercises in this order during the first month of classes. You can also put exercise 7 at the end of the complex, perhaps this order will suit you better.

back to the beginning

Gymnastics exercises Birth of a Star

Upper world

Upper world. Initial position.

Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Feet are parallel. The knees are soft and bent. Make sure your shoulders and hips are in line. Hands are behind the back. Elbows bent so that forearms are parallel to the floor, directed forward. Shoulders back. The hands are bent and do not touch each other (they may touch if it is not possible to direct the elbows forward). The wrists apply light pressure to points near the spine. Tension should arise in the shoulders and arms due to the elbows pointing forward and shoulders straightened (!). This is normal, with regular exercise the tension will go away. The chin is up. You should pay special attention to this by looking in the mirror.

IMPORTANT: In all exercises of the upper world, pay attention to bent knees, they do not straighten when rising on your toes (!), straightened shoulders, pointed elbows and a raised chin. Only the muscles necessary to perform the exercise work, the rest of the body is relaxed.

Upper world. Exercise 1.

We rise on our toes, low (!), keeping our knees bent, our lower back arched, our shoulders back, our elbows forward and our chin raised. Let's go down. We return to the starting position.

Upper world. Exercise 2.

We accept the initial position of the upper world.

We stretch our wrists along the back, and on the sides the hands turn out through the bottom, the hands are in the position with the edge of the palm under the chest. Next, we move our hands with the edge of our palms around our chest, connect our hands with the backs of our hands, and raise our hands higher. Then we connect the elbows and bring the hands intertwined together to a position above the head. Shoulders parallel. The arms are intertwined, the hands are pointing straight up (it’s better to check in the mirror).

We rise on our toes, keeping our knees bent. The body is straight and does not bend forward. Let's go down. We return our hands behind our back along the same trajectory, ensuring maximum possible contact with the body. We take the starting position.

Upper world. Exercise 3.

We accept the initial position of the upper world.

Smoothly shift your body weight onto one leg. The knee of the supporting leg remains bent. We press on the knee with our knee. The shin is parallel to the floor, the toe is relaxed and lowered to the floor. We rise on our toes. Maintain an even body position. Let's go down. Return the raised leg to its place. We take the starting position. Let's do the exercise in the other direction.

Upper world. Exercise 4.

We accept the initial position of the upper world.

Smoothly shift your body weight onto one leg. The knee of the supporting leg remains bent. We press on the knee with our knee. The shin is parallel to the floor, the toe is relaxed and lowered to the floor. We lean forward, bending along the entire spine. The spine is stretched into a beautiful arc. The top of the head stretches upward. Let's look ahead. Elbows point to the floor. The chin is up. We rise onto our toes, maintaining a bent knee of the supporting leg and a deflection in the lower back. Let's go down. Straighten the torso. Return the raised leg to the floor. We take the starting position. Let's do the exercise in the other direction.

Upper world. Exercise 5.

We accept the initial position of the upper world.

Smoothly shift your body weight onto one leg. The knee of the supporting leg remains bent. Press your knee to your knee so that both are on the same line. We press on the knee with our knee. The shin is parallel to the floor, the toe is relaxed and lowered to the floor. We lean forward, bending along the entire spine. The spine is stretched into a beautiful arc. The top of the head stretches upward. Let's look ahead. Elbows down. The chin is up.

We bring out the arm opposite to the raised leg as follows: Without breaking contact with the body, we extend the wrist along the back, turning the hand through the bottom into a position with the palm under the chest. Next, we move the hand with the edge of the palm under the chest, go around the chest, slide the hand up and place the hand behind the back. In this position, the elbow is pointing upward. The palm is relaxed. The shoulder is at ear level, almost pressed against it. Head straight (it’s better to check it in the mirror).

We rise onto our toes, keeping the knee of the supporting leg bent, the lower back arched and the chin raised. The elbow of the other hand points to the floor. Let's go down.

We return the hand behind the back along the same trajectory, ensuring maximum possible contact with the body. Let's straighten up. We return the leg to its place. We take the starting position. Let's do the exercise in the other direction.

Upper world. Exercise 6.

We accept the initial position of the upper world.

Smoothly shift your body weight onto one leg. The knee of the supporting leg remains bent. We press on the knee with our knee. The shin is parallel to the floor, the toe is relaxed and lowered to the floor. We lean forward, bending along the entire spine. The spine is stretched into a beautiful arc. The top of the head stretches upward. The gaze is directed forward. Elbows point to the floor. The chin is raised. Next, we stretch our wrists along the back, on the sides, the hands turn through the bottom and the hands are in the position with the edge of the palm under the chest. Next, we move our hands with the edge of our palms around our chest, connect our hands with the backs of our hands, and raise our hands higher. Then we connect the elbows and bring the hands intertwined together to a position above the head. Hands pass at ear level. Elbows bent. The arms are intertwined, the hands are directed straight up in relation to the body.

All movement of the hands is smooth, continuous, without interrupting contact with the body.

We rise onto our toes, keeping the knee of the supporting leg bent, the lower back arched and the chin raised. Let's go down. We return our hands behind our backs along the same trajectory. We return the leg to its place. We take the starting position. Let's do the exercise in the other direction.

Upper world. Exercise 7.

We accept the initial position of the upper world.

Smoothly shift your body weight onto one leg. The knee of the supporting leg remains bent. We press on the knee with our knee. The shin is parallel to the floor, the toe is relaxed and lowered to the floor.

We stretch our wrists along the back, on the sides the hands turn through the bottom and the hands are in the position with the edge of the palm under the chest. Next, we move our hands with the edge of our palms around our chest, connect our hands with the backs of our hands, and raise our hands higher. Then we connect the elbows and bring the hands intertwined together to a position above the head. Hands pass at ear level. Elbows bent. The arms are intertwined, the hands are pointing straight up.

All hand movements are smooth, continuous, without interrupting contact with the body.

We rise onto our toes, keeping the knee of the supporting leg bent, the lower back arched and the chin raised. The body is straight and does not bend forward. The muscles necessary to perform the exercise work, the rest of the body is relaxed. Let's go down.

We return our hands behind our backs along the same trajectory. We take the starting position. Let's do the exercise in the other direction.

Upper world. Exercise 8.

We accept the initial position of the upper world.

We shift our weight to one leg. The knee of the supporting leg remains bent. Place the foot of the raised leg on the supporting knee. The knee of the raised leg is moved to the side as much as possible. We turn our whole body to the side, behind the knee. We hold the body vertically. The spine does not twist. We unfold the body straight.

We return the leg to its place. We take the starting position. Let's do the exercise in the other direction.

Upper world. Exercise 9.

We accept the initial position of the upper world.

We bend along the entire spine. The spine is stretched into a beautiful arc. The top of the head stretches upward. The gaze is directed forward. Elbows point to the floor. The chin is raised. We rise on our toes, keeping our knees bent, our lower back arched, our elbows on the floor, our shoulders down, our chin raised. Let's go down. We take the starting position.

Maria Guseva

Gymnastics for women “The Birth of a Star”. 27 exercises that give beauty, health, harmony

© Guseva M., 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

* * *

Gymnastics Community:

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Gymnastics is an amazing, living, sparkling organism. It finds its spread, clothed in all the elements. Somewhere running like a full-flowing river, somewhere blowing a light wind, somewhere burning out ailments and outdated programs with fire, finally, somewhere settling down firmly, as if this is the very earth on which we walk.

Maria Guseva* * *

Three years have passed, and during this time my life, and most importantly, myself, have changed a lot. And now I can answer the question not only for myself - why do gymnastics. My answer is used by those who study with me.

The point is that once you start doing gymnastics, you will no longer be able to live as before. More precisely, there are people who make a lot of effort to keep their lives as usual, and manage to remain the same, resisting, in fact, a force comparable to a storm.

Gymnastics increases the amount of a woman’s vitality, and it becomes much more difficult for her to continue to live, ignoring the signals of her body and external situations. And why? With gymnastics, she gains the strength to resolve all this, to ignore and hide everything unpleasant - now she is no longer required.

Anastasia Kuzmina

Thanks to RZ, I quit smoking already in the fifth month of classes, it took another two months, now I don’t smoke at all, and if someone smokes next to me, I don’t care. I have been a smoker for 12 years and have made many, many unsuccessful attempts to quit. At the moment I have been doing gymnastics for 1.5 years and, naturally, I do not smoke.


During my year of gymnastics, I can state the following results: my hips widened, my injured knee first “crumbled”, then came back together, my posture improved, my face somehow changed, my chest at 38 years old felt the same as it was at 20 years old, maximum.

I saw a serious specialist, a chiropractor, he checked my back and said everything was fine. And four months ago I couldn’t walk.

I know why I do gymnastics. I want to be myself. I told everyone this phrase when they asked me what I wanted to be, but until now I vaguely understood its meaning. No wonder, I didn’t feel myself. I was a hanger with many roles and masks attached to it. I do gymnastics in order to remove all this alien, dilapidated, outdated, in order to see myself as I am, to be only myself and live freely, from the light, from the soul, to be alive and do what I really need in of this life, here and now. I won't be late. It’s never too late to see yourself and be yourself. And when you already see and feel yourself, then only your desires remain, the real ones, and to realize them you don’t have to be someone else, trying on other people’s images.

Natalia Smirnova

This gymnastics transforms a woman so much using... fairly simple movements. All the worlds that are presented there not only elevate a woman physically, but spiritually, making her love herself, respect herself, value herself. But... this is such energy. Feminine energy. By communicating with such a woman, a man develops. She charges him with, I can’t find words to describe, energy. And the man, the beloved man, grows. And he gives what he himself can give: his “I”, his strength, his love, his care.

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