What a pleasure to answer. Let's learn how to properly respond to men's compliments. How to respond to men's compliments and respond to their attention

How nice it is when someone says kind words to you, and even emphasizes those aspects that are important to you! Every woman has heard compliments addressed to herself at least once in her life. But not everyone can adequately respond to them. How to respond to a compliment so that both the speaker feels good and you feel good? It's a good question and we'll try to find the answer.

Types of compliments

There are many compliments, and reactions to them can vary. For example, sincere and not very sincere. In the latter case, you are left with some kind of bad taste after hearing the praise. In everyday life we ​​call this flattery. Usually there is a hidden purpose behind it, which is almost always felt in communication.

Nice words can be spoken from different positions: as equals, from above and from below. A man who compliments a woman in the latter way will have no luck. We are not interested in those who feel one step lower. Praise from above usually causes irritation and aggression. And a compliment made on equal terms deserves a positive and sincere reaction.

Sometimes it is difficult for a man to give you a direct compliment, so he takes a roundabout route. For example, instead of “you look great,” he says: “Every passerby turns to look at you!” You can hear notes of anger in this, and this is logical, because he is worried about his own self-doubt.

There are also hidden compliments. It is not always appropriate to say nice things to a person directly. In this case, an atmosphere of intimacy and trust in a relationship is created through indirect techniques: interested questions, sincere comments and natural reactions to the conversation. We especially often encounter this at the beginning of a relationship, when a young man and a girl are a little embarrassed and at the same time pleased to play such a subtle game.

Erroneous reactions

Before we talk about how to properly respond to praise, let’s look at the characteristics of our negative reactions. Some blush from embarrassment, others try to turn invisible. You can react to compliments in different ways, but I want to protect you from the most common mistakes:


Many girls, having heard praise addressed to them, immediately begin to argue with her: “There is nothing special about this!” or “It just happened that way!” Behind this is the desire to belittle oneself and one’s merits, which, at the very least, looks strange and causes awkwardness for the one giving the compliment.


The girl instantly has a desire to justify herself for something good. She starts telling unnecessary details about why some of her traits are admired. For example: “Oh, I bought this dress at a second-hand store for pennies.”


Some women do not respond to a man’s compliments at all, pretending as if nothing happened. It makes sense to do this only when the person is deeply unpleasant to you and you do not want to talk to him. Otherwise, the absence of a reaction hurts even more than its presence in any form.


It is very unpleasant when you praise a person, but he makes a brick face and shows indifference with his whole appearance. There is a feeling that you have given something away, but no one needs it, and disappointment mixed with resentment becomes a natural result.

Excessive enthusiasm

Another extreme to avoid. There is a category of girls who, having heard a few flattering words addressed to them, are ready to do everything for the sake of the person speaking them. But it's not right! Normally, if someone compliments you, they just want to make you happy and don't want anything else from you. If you lose your head and start to “swim”, then you become very vulnerable and accessible to manipulation.

Reasons for incorrect responses to compliments

Everything in this world is natural. The reactions are based on reasons that are associated with personal problems. Perhaps it’s not you: to rule out this option, think about what kind of compliments make you want to tell the person who is saying them to go to hell. If this list includes individual people with their words, then you should think about communicating with them. When you cannot accept praise addressed to you at all, you should look within yourself for the reason.

Low self-esteem

She often finds herself with low self-esteem. You have a strong belief that you cannot be truly admired. Any praise is perceived as mockery and causes the wrong reaction. Usually, the roots of this problem should be sought in childhood, when parents and other adults give little praise to the child, who is still small, and all his ideas about himself depend on the assessments of others. Therefore, you take any compliments with distrust, and it seems to you that you are being deceived. The only way out is to love yourself. This will have a positive impact on all areas of your life.

Low self-esteem logically results in the feeling of awkwardness experienced by a person who hears supposedly undeserved praise. Sometimes, in advanced cases, it even transforms into a feeling of guilt, because it seems to you that you are deceiving others, and they have illusions about you.

Heightened self-esteem

Another category of people, on the contrary, have inflated self-esteem. It seems to them that the achievement that a person pays attention to is a small thing, and they are capable of more. Some even take offense at the praise, saying something like: “Does it really seem to you that this is the most I can do?!” If compliments make you feel these or similar feelings, then it’s time to think about correcting your self-esteem.

Sometimes it seems to us that compliments oblige us to something. If you are praised, then the person needs to give something in return: reciprocal praise, your warm attitude, or even a favor. Usually it’s all due to attitudes that have been ingrained in the subconscious since childhood or adolescence: “in life you have to pay for everything,” “free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap.” You can, of course, return a compliment with a compliment, but there is a high chance that it will not look natural.


Finally, the last reason why we don’t know how to respond to a compliment correctly is suspicion. You decide that the person is trying to manipulate you. Simply put, he flatters you by exaggerating or even inventing non-existent advantages and achievements. In some cases, this may be true, and then your intuition is worth envying. However, if you are trying to find a catch in every praise, then you should think about it. Most likely, it’s all about negative attitudes towards people or the world as a whole. For example, “a man can only need one thing from a woman,” “the world is full of evil.” These thoughts simply will not allow you to be happy, and you need to get rid of them - sometimes with the help of a psychologist.

Action plan

So someone gave you a compliment. This is a man who has liked you for a long time, or a boss who liked the annual report. Drop all obstacles and irrational attitudes and respond to praise. And we'll tell you how to do it.

Believe the compliment internally

People usually say nice things to each other to make each other happy. So, accept this fact! When you hear a compliment about yourself, be sincerely happy to yourself. The person's words may sound false and unnatural, but try to believe otherwise.

You can reassure yourself that even if it seems like your merits have been exaggerated, this is your friend's personal point of view. And he has the right to think so, especially since we often perceive ourselves through the prism of personal defenses and attitudes, and a person from the outside may know better. You have nothing to lose by believing in a compliment, but if you are disappointed, you will get a spoiled mood for the whole day.

Sincere joy

As soon as you accept the compliment, the second stage of the reaction will occur on its own. You look into the eyes of the person who spoke the praise, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back and smile beautifully. He will be pleased to see that you are happy with his words. We'll tell you short story, sent by one of the readers to our editorial office. Standing at the bus stop sad girl, - it looks like she was really tired at work. And then a young man passing by complimented her figure. How she instantly blossomed! There was no trace of fatigue left, and in a couple of seconds she turned into a real beauty. That's how powerful compliments are.


The simplest thing you can do is say, “Thank you!” This is enough for an adequate response to a compliment. No more needed! Although, if a person's praise has had a magical effect on you, you can say something like: “Your words are a real balm for my soul!” Or: “Thank you, I’m really glad you like it.” Sometimes it’s appropriate to joke: “I’m learning from you!”, “I’m following your example.” If there is slight embarrassment, then you should not hide it: “I am embarrassed, but I am very pleased to hear this.” You can add gestures to your words and take the person’s hand or even hug. The main thing is to be natural and positive.

To properly respond to any compliments, realize one simple thing: you have every right to accept them from other people. They say them sincerely and from the bottom of their hearts, wanting to bring you joy or improve your mood.

You have the right to be happy that other people like you or your actions. Well, in order to hear pleasant words addressed to you more often, it’s enough to say more compliments yourself, and they will come back to you in even greater quantities!

Discussion 4

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A compliment seems like such a simple thing, but you need to be able to respond to it correctly. Beautiful words can drive you into a dead end and disarm even the most sociable. How to respond to a compliment without getting into trouble or looking stupid? Let's try to figure it out.

There are different types of compliments

It turns out that they are different. It all depends on who said what to whom, with what intonation and subtext.

  1. Sincerely spoken words, from an open person - this is a real gift. You always feel how he speaks, tensely or simply, easily, from the heart. It is an honest, truthful compliment that is valued most of all; it lifts our spirits, increases our self-esteem, and makes our life brighter.
  2. Unnatural compliment. Such words are spoken for the sake of it when the speakers have certain goals in mind. This text is easy to recognize, it will be routine, intrusive, thrown out of politeness, perhaps it will praise precisely those aspects that you have always considered weak. No one needs such praise; it humiliates.
  3. Hidden compliment, made by a person who is embarrassed to speak directly, but really wants to tell you something nice.
  4. Business, from the boss to the subordinate. This pleasant event will raise the working spirit, but it still needs to be earned.

Even such a seemingly simple thing requires the ability to answer it. The reaction manifests itself depending on the nature of the words spoken.

How not to react?

It starts with understanding that How not to answer:

  • Many, having heard laudatory speeches, begin to deny what was said to them: “What are you talking about, there is nothing special about this!” These are provocative actions that make you praise you again and again. Which can make your opponent feel awkward. Know how to accept praise with dignity.
  • Don't make excuses. You deserve the approval. And this dress that fits you so perfectly, or quitting smoking, which your friends appreciated, is your good work and attitude towards life.
  • Do not neglect, you may offend the speaker. There must be a reaction, even if you are extremely modest and uptight, answer. Smile, at least say: “Thank you!”
  • Don't go to extremes; excessive enthusiasm looks cute, but stupid. Stick to the middle ground.

Yes, sometimes after accepting a compliment, we don’t know what to do with it. There are too many emotions, and not enough.

Reasons for the wrong reaction

To get rid of the listed unnecessary reactions, we will analyze them causes:

  1. The first and most important of them is poor self-esteem. Are you sure, or maybe someone has made it clear that you are not worthy of admiration. Usually, such problems come from childhood, from a lack of parental attention. The habit of not liking myself has remained since then. But everything has changed, you are surrounded by new people who, perhaps, truly love you. Accept the words with firm confidence in their correctness.
  2. And the other side of the coin, man I think so highly of myself that someone else's praise seems insufficient for him, and he is offended, without even trying to hide it. Here you also need to adjust your attitude towards yourself, but only in the opposite direction.
  3. You think that what has been said obliges you - this is not so. You don't have to flatter in return., as the ladies of the court act at the balls, it looks unnatural and not sincere. You have nothing to answer - no need. Just accept what is said.
  4. Your distrust of the speaker may cause the wrong reaction. You look at yourself suspiciously and listen, thinking that you are being flattered too much. Yes, sometimes it's true. An excellent answer to this would be good feeling humor and a sharp phrase.

So, you received a compliment, how to react to it?

How to respond to the compliment “you are beautiful”?

The answer to such a long-awaited compliment should be beautiful. Not all men can speak beautifully, not all girls can respond adequately. Let's try to give the answer of a woman whose beauty was appreciated with a compliment:

  1. Don't convince him otherwise. Make it clear with your answer that yes, I am a beautiful but modest lady, for example: “ Thank you, I’m glad your words lifted my spirits!“You can spice it all up with a restrained smile, but nothing more. This tactic will keep him at a distance, but will not scare him away with the cold.
  2. Don't be afraid to make direct eye contact while answering, this will show that you are open and interested in the speaker.
  3. If you still recognize rude flattery here, laugh it off: “ You overpraised me...».
  4. Don’t be rude, even if these words were said by the person you least wanted to hear them from. For example, the phrase: “ I didn't expect this from you...”, will belittle not only him, but also you. You have to be able to save face.
  5. You are very confused, you don’t know what to say to such long-awaited phrases. Count to yourself to 10, and firmly agree, believe me, you really are like this. But don’t throw yourself on your neck because of the surging feelings, control yourself, phrases like: “ Oh God, tell me something else nice!“may give reason to think that now everything is allowed to him.

What a difficult task it is to respond with dignity to male attention. But once you learn this, it will become easier to behave correctly in exciting situations in the future.

How to respond nicely to a compliment?

There is an art to responding to compliments gracefully. It all depends on the person who decided to “stroke” you psychologically.

  • If this is a close friend, you can even hug her and say with a smile: “ Thank you!»
  • If you are a business partner, modestly laugh it off " I take your example!»
  • If a man turns out to be generous with praise, do not refuse, nod slightly: “ Yes thank you!“This will make it clear that you know about it and others do too.
  • Not only women love praise, but also men. Why not. The answer should be simple and short: “ Yes, thank you, I like my hairdresser too!" Or jokingly: “ I try to look good, but I can't keep up with you!»

It is much easier to react to words from a friend than from a recent acquaintance. And even if you said something stupid and found yourself in an awkward position, sincerity will always help correct the situation.

How to respond to a compliment with humor?

A sense of humor, as unusual as it sounds, will help here, but how would it be without it. The ability to respond in an original way can often impress your interlocutor more than the compliment itself.

  • “I couldn’t be happier!”
  • “And I can also embroider on a typewriter!”
  • You were rude on the bus, remember that “politeness is a thief’s best weapon”: “What a kind look you have, sorry for making you angry!”
  • You can jokingly be indignant: “Why do you look so good today, I can’t do that!”

Don't forget that responding to compliments is difficult, but giving them is even more difficult. Don’t make the speaker nervous when he “blurted out” the wrong thing in your direction; know how to support the person who was trying to please you - this, sometimes, will show your attitude towards him or her better than any answer.

Let's say nice words to our friend as often as possible so that we don't have to ask the question: “How to respond to a compliment?” and we always knew it.

Video: responding to compliments correctly

In this video, psychologist Denis Kostin will give a short lesson on the topic: “How to respond to compliments” and give some tips and recommendations:

But not everyone can adequately respond to them. How to respond to a compliment so that both the speaker feels good and you feel good? It's a good question and we'll try to find the answer.

Types of compliments

There are a huge variety of compliments, and reactions to them can vary greatly depending on the type. Firstly, they can be sincere and not very sincere. As a rule, in the latter case, you are left with some kind of unpleasant aftertaste after hearing the praise. In everyday life we ​​call this flattery. Usually there is some hidden purpose behind it, which is almost always felt in communication.

Nice words can be spoken from different positions: as equals, from above and from below. A man who compliments a woman in the latter way will have no luck. We are not interested in those who feel one step lower. Praise from above looks like a handout from the powerful and usually only causes irritation and aggression. And only a compliment made on equal terms is worthy of a positive and sincere reaction.

Sometimes it's difficult for a guy to give you a direct compliment, so he takes a roundabout route. For example, instead of “you look great,” he says: “Every passer-by turns to look at you!” You can hear the anger in this, and it is logical, because he is worried about his own self-doubt.

There is also such a subtype as hidden compliments. It is not always appropriate to say pleasant things to a person directly - in this case, an atmosphere of intimacy and trust in a relationship is created through indirect techniques: interested questions, sincere comments and natural reactions to the conversation. We especially often encounter this at the beginning of a relationship, when the guy and the girl are a little awkward and, at the same time, pleasant to play such a subtle game.

Erroneous reactions

Before we talk about how to properly respond to praise, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of our negative reactions. Some girls blush from embarrassment, others try to turn invisible. One way or another, you can react to compliments in different ways, but I want to protect you from the most common mistakes:


Many girls, having heard praise addressed to them, immediately begin to argue with her: “There is nothing special about this!” or “It just happened that way!” Behind this is the desire to belittle oneself and one’s merits, which, at a minimum, looks rather strange and causes awkwardness for the one giving the compliment.


The girl instantly has a desire to justify herself for something good. Often she begins to tell no one needed details about why some of her features are admired. For example: “Oh, I bought this dress at a second-hand store for mere pennies.”


Some women prefer not to respond to a man’s compliment at all, pretending as if nothing happened. But in fact, it makes sense to do this only when the person is deeply unpleasant to you, and you don’t want to talk to him at all. Otherwise, the absence of a reaction hurts even more than its presence in any form.


Agree, it is very unpleasant when you praise a person, but he makes a brick face and shows indifference with his entire appearance. There is a feeling that you have given something away, but no one needs it, and disappointment and resentment become a natural result.

Excessive enthusiasm

This is another extreme that should be avoided. There is a category of girls who, having heard a few flattering words addressed to them, are ready to do everything for the sake of the person speaking them. But it's not right! Normally, if someone compliments you, they just want to make you happy and don't want anything else from you. And if you lose your head and start to “float”, then you become very vulnerable and accessible to manipulation.

Reasons for incorrect responses to compliments

Almost nothing in the world happens by chance. All of the above reactions are based on some reason, which, as a rule, is associated with personal problems. It’s possible that it’s not about you - to rule this out, think about what kind of compliments make you want to tell the person who’s saying them to go to hell. If this list includes only individual people with their words, then you should think about communicating with them. Well, in the case when you cannot accept praise addressed to you at all, you should look for the reason in yourself.

Most often, she ends up with low self-esteem. You have a strong belief that you cannot be truly admired. Accordingly, any praise is perceived as mockery and causes the wrong reaction. Usually, the roots of this problem should be sought in childhood, when parents and other significant adults give little praise to the child, who is still small, and all his ideas about himself depend on the assessments of others. Therefore, already as an adult, you perceive any compliments with distrust, and it seems to you that you are being deceived. The only way out is to love yourself. By the way, this will have a positive impact on all areas of your life.

Low self-esteem quite logically results in the feeling of awkwardness experienced by a person who hears supposedly undeserved praise. Sometimes, in particularly advanced cases, it even transforms into a feeling of guilt, because it seems to you that you are deceiving others, and they have illusions about you.

Another category of people, on the contrary, have inflated self-esteem. It seems to them that the achievement that a person pays attention to is a mere trifle, and they are capable of more. Some even manage to take offense at the praise, saying something like: “Does it really seem to you that this is the maximum that I can do?!” If compliments make you feel these or similar feelings, then it’s obviously time to think about correcting your self-esteem.

It also happens that we feel like compliments oblige us to something.

If you are praised, then the person needs to give something in return: reciprocal praise, your warm attitude, or even some kind of favor. Usually it’s all due to attitudes that have been ingrained in the subconscious since childhood or adolescence - “in life you have to pay for everything” or “free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap.” You can, of course, tritely respond to a compliment with a compliment, but there is a high probability that it will not look beautiful and natural. It is much better if you work with these attitudes, for example, by making a list of good “free” things and convincing yourself of the irrationality of the penetration of commodity-money relations into all spheres of life.

Finally, the last reason why we don't know how to respond to a compliment correctly is because we are suspicious. You decide that the person is trying to manipulate you with praise. Simply put, he flatters you by exaggerating or even inventing non-existent advantages and achievements. Unfortunately, in some cases this may be true, and then your intuition should be erected as a monument. However, if you strive to see such a catch in every praise, then you should think about it. Most likely, the whole point is in negative attitudes towards people or the whole world as a whole, for example, “a man can only need one thing from a woman” or “the world is full of evil.” Naturally, such ideas simply will not allow you to be happy, and you need to get rid of them - sometimes with the help of a psychologist.

Action plan

So someone gave you a compliment. Perhaps this is a man who has liked you for a long time or this is a boss who is pleasantly pleased with the annual report - it doesn’t matter. You should discard all the above-mentioned obstacles and irrational attitudes in order to respond correctly to praise. And we'll tell you how to do it.

  • Believe the compliment internally

Did you know that people usually say nice things to each other just to make each other happy? So, accept this fact! When you hear a compliment about yourself, be sincerely happy to yourself. Perhaps the person’s words sound false and unnatural, but try to believe otherwise.

You can reassure yourself that even if it seems like your merits have been exaggerated, this is your friend's personal point of view. And he has the right to think so, especially since we often perceive ourselves through the prism of personal defenses and attitudes, and a person from the outside may know better. Besides, you have nothing to lose by believing in a compliment, but if you are disappointed, you will end up in a spoiled mood for half a day.

  • Sincere joy

As soon as you accept the compliment, the second stage of the reaction will occur by itself. You look into the eyes of the person who voiced the praise, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back and smile beautifully. He will be pleased to see that you are happy with his words. Let's tell you a short story sent by one of our readers. There is a sad girl standing at the bus stop - it looks like she is very tired from work. And then a guy passing by complimented her figure. How she instantly blossomed! There was no trace of fatigue left, and in a couple of seconds she turned into a real beauty. That's how powerful compliments are.

  • Gratitude

The simplest and easiest thing you can do is say: “Thank you!” This is absolutely and completely sufficient for an adequate response to a compliment. No more needed! Although, if the person's praise really had a magical effect on you, you can say something like: “Your words are a real balm for my soul!” or “Thank you, I’m really glad you like it.” In some cases, it is appropriate to joke: “I’m learning from you!” or “I’ll take you as an example.” If there is slight embarrassment, then you should not hide it: “I am embarrassed, but I am very pleased to hear this.” You can dilute the words with non-verbal language and take the person’s hand or even hug. The most important thing is to be natural and positive.

In order to correctly respond to any compliments, you just need to realize one simple thing: you have every right to accept them from the people around you. When they say them, they do it sincerely and from the bottom of their hearts, wanting to bring you joy or improve your mood.

You have the right to be happy that other people like you or your actions. Well, in order to hear pleasant words addressed to you more often, you just need to say more compliments yourself, and they will definitely come back to you in a pleasant way.

A compliment is a word of admiration, praise, a sign of approval and respect from another person. It is always pleasant to accept such confessions, but you need to be able to react to them correctly. We’ll tell you in our article how to respond to a man’s compliment without looking stupid and ridiculous.

Types of compliments

Depending on the content, subtext and situation, compliments are divided into several types:

  • Open, sincere

This is a real gift for a girl. For example, the words “You are beautiful” said or written in a casual message can be considered sincere praise.

  • Hidden

The person really wants to say something nice, but is embarrassed. The phrase comes out with a hint. “The hair suits you.”

  • Duty

“You’re doing great! You look great as always!” such words are not sincere and are spoken out of politeness.

  • Business

This is praise from a boss to a subordinate in a dry, businesslike form. But such words are needed to raise the working spirit and enthusiasm.

  • Sexual

It is pronounced in a playful mood only to the woman you love.

You need to decide how to respond to a compliment, taking into account the type of praise and the recipient of the pleasant words.

The most popular response to praise is a modest “Thank you!” But most men are not happy with this answer. They make an effort, come up with nice words, but get nothing in return. Women should think about how to respond to a compliment in a beautiful, original way so that they can hear them every day.

How to respond to a compliment

You need to respond to praise with a smile; you can look into a man’s eyes with a little irony. Under no circumstances should you ignore a compliment so as not to offend the guy. And if you want to flirt a little with a man, then add a few pleasant words in response.

About appearance

Take into account the following phrases:

  • Beauty is not my merit, but a gift that my parents gave me. I will definitely convey your gratitude to them.
  • Very original, no one has ever said such nice words to me.
  • Thank you, my mood has skyrocketed.
  • Yeah, I'll go save the world.
  • Now fear me. Beauty is a terrible force!
  • Oh, you really flatter me!


There is nothing more banal than a dry “Thank you.” The original expression of attention must be responded to in the same coin.

If a guy appreciates his legs and figure, switch him to other parts of the body.

  • My hairstyle is okay!
  • And the nails, look how wonderful they are!
  • And my cool eyelashes? Forgot, didn't notice?

If you don't like a guy, you can confront him with dignity and originality.

  • Without you I know that the Goddess!
  • I heard Tanyusha say the same thing yesterday!

If you want to continue, flirt, ask for pleasant words.

  • And this is all I deserve?!
  • Yes, your future wife will definitely be lucky!
  • Why did they remain silent? Speak, speak!

With humor

If you feel that the guy is clearly flattering or negative, defuse the situation with laughter or a joke.

1. Parry his praise.

  • Oh, I don’t even know how it all works out so wonderfully for me. I guess I'm a sorceress!
  • No, you're the handsome one, I can't keep up with you. But I'm trying really hard.

2. Praise back in a sincere but funny way.

  • I take you as an example!
  • Very valuable note, thank you!
  • I love and appreciate myself too!

3. Add a few more pluses to his statement yourself.

  • Yes, I am like that, you don’t know me yet!
  • I'm shocked myself!


Communication on dating sites and Instagram requires a girl to know how to respond to a compliment to a man by correspondence. It is on the Internet that women receive a huge number of comments under VKontakte photos and sweet messages from fans. It is advisable to take phrase templates as an example and use them, adding something of your own and being creative.

Sample answers

  • It's a really great photo, but it's not perfect yet.
  • Besides my pretty face, I have a lot of talents.
  • Otherwise, I can’t do that yet!
  • If you're in love, write to me and I'll think about whether to answer.
  • Thank God, at least someone appreciated it!
  • This is me without makeup yet.
  • My deepest gratitude to you.
  • I try to be perfect in everything.
  • I'm still that little angel.
  • You underestimated me, maybe try again.
  • I think so too.

I’m glad that there are people who notice the beauties around them. Comments under photos on Odnoklassniki, VK, Instagram are a public action. It is worth a lot, a person has overcome his doubts, fears, and awkwardness. Even if you don’t like the boy, you don’t need to humiliate him or write nasty things, as they teach on the forums.

Women's mistakes

Unfortunately, not all women know how to accept praise; they don’t know how to respond correctly to a man’s great compliment. And they make a lot of mistakes, which greatly offend their fans.

Here are some examples of the most common incorrect phrases, and try to exclude them from your conversations with the opposite sex:

  • Excuses

Error: I went to the hairdresser yesterday, and usually my hair hangs like tow!
Correct: Thank you, but I always look like this, I still have many advantages.

  • Objections

Error: No, I am not worthy of your words, you are very mistaken
Correct: Thank you, I’m very pleased to hear that!

  • Neglect
  • Ignore

Error: Silence in response, the woman pretends that nothing is happening.
That's right: It's harmful to overpraise me, but I wouldn't mind a couple more such pleasant words.

  • Overreaction.

Error: Oh, really!! You honestly liked my legs!! How amazing! I'm very happy!
That's right: Thank you, you're fine too!

On a note! The phrase “I’ll take it as a compliment” in response to praise cannot be used even as a joke. The man gets the impression that the girl considers him a liar.

How to respond to a friend's compliment

Women often compliment each other to lift their spirits and express friendly feelings. Let’s look at how to beautifully respond to a compliment to your best friend or acquaintance.

Girls don't feel embarrassed or blush when they receive praise from another woman. This is fine. But in response, a friend always expects warm words, a sweet smile or a hug. You can parry with these cute phrases:

  • That's how it is! Love you!
  • I take you as an example!
  • A hundred kisses on your cheeks! Smack!
  • What would I do without you, my joy!
  • And you are a thousand times better, our beauty.

On a note! Accompany your compliments to your loved ones with sweet words: Sunshine, Beauty. This way, your loved one or girlfriend will sincerely feel your warm affection.

How to respond to a guy's compliment

When guys receive admiring praise from women, they get embarrassed, blush, and don’t understand how to respond to the compliment beautifully. Although male psychology is extremely demanding of female assessment, boys are pleased when they are admired and sincerely praised.

Guys can use the following tips from psychologists to avoid looking stupid:

Dryly, but with a smile:

  • Thanks, that's spot on.
  • Thank you, I’ll be glad to chat again.
  • You are very kind.


  • It’s not in vain that I tried, everything is for you.
  • Thank you, I completely agree with you.
  • My mood is high now, I can move mountains for you.
  • Oh, take your time, let's slow down and do it again.

In a foreign language in correspondence:

  • In English – thanks.
  • In Turkish - teshekur ederim.
  • In Italian - grazier.

In addition to verbal ways of expressing gratitude, there are also non-verbal ways. These are facial expressions, gestures, glances. By the way, after very unexpected sweet words, a woman can leave in English, but before that she playfully shrugs her shoulders and bats her eyelashes expressively. And for such gestures you don’t need to undergo special training; every girl naturally knows how to respond to men’s compliments.

If you tell a girl that she is beautiful, she will most likely accept all your other lies as truth.

Unknown American

But really, what is a compliment? Flattery for your own benefit or the truth spoken out loud? It depends. But what is important is not what a man whispers in your ear, but how you react and answer him to this “either the truth or a lie.”

And in general, when receiving a compliment addressed to you, you need to take into account who said it, in what circumstances and in what place. You can melt from beautiful words instantly, but the main thing is not to remain a fool later.

Words spoken with pomposity, poetic grace and excessive sublimity in our time cause bewilderment. Well, maybe some naive girl who has read such poems will find a hidden meaning in such compliments, but in reality such pomposity sounds like a dummy.

A man who gives such compliments most often loves himself. He is bursting with pride that he knows how to charm a woman with beautiful words. And it often happens that he does not notice the woman herself:

    “Your eyes are like two lakes! How I would like to drown in them! And the girl's eyes are dark green. Such “lakes” sound like a joke, because a green lake is essentially a swamp. So drown or get stuck?

    “Cupid’s arrow pierced my heart from the first second I saw you!” - but this is an outright lie. The girl herself had been wooing him for a year, and at that time he was having affairs with other ladies.

By the way, even the words in pop songs praising the beauty of a woman sound absurd. Here's how you like these lines from the chorus and song of the group "Prime Minister":

She has eyes
Two three carat diamonds

Her lips
Two doors to the gates of heaven

If in reality you imagine such a girl with tiny eyes and a mouth like a gate, then what a horror it turns out to be. But for some reason poets believe that such high-flown compliments will be pleasant for a woman.

So, if a guy, trying to charm you, gives you such compliments, then know that this is a narcissistic narcissist. And in the future it will be like this - you will have to cherish his genius, always remaining in the background.

Therefore, if you are not yet enraged by the insincere whining of this “poet,” then just listen tactfully, don’t say anything in response except thank you, and stay away from such a liar. Boring, deceitful, false, abstract!

Such compliments are not as deceitful as those that are pompous. Usually they are done to a woman if something depends on her. For example, if a woman is a boss or secretary for a high-ranking boss, or she simply has some kind of connections. A pleasant compliment about her appearance plus a chocolate bar - and the lady melted.

But if we do not take into account business relationships, a man can also seek benefit in access to a woman’s body. It is understood that during courtship all means are good. And if a woman loves with her ears, then this remedy will definitely work.

The most amazing thing is that a smart man, even if he sees you for the first time, will give a compliment “to the point”:

    "You have an excellent taste! The dress is simply tailored to your figure!”

    “Nice scarf! Perfect for your eyes!”

    “What an elegant ring on thin fingers! Looks great!”

    “What a delicate aroma of perfume! Fresh, just like you!

    “You have nice silky skin!”

Well, I noticed everything, you scoundrel! And the fact that you bought a scarf to match your eye color, and spent a long time choosing a dress with a ring, and rummaged through the floor of the perfume store in search of this perfume.

And the secret is simple: having “scanned” you from top to bottom, this guy was preparing for a specific benefit - to seduce you into an intimate relationship. And at the same time he sniffed and felt.

Strange are those women who immediately begin to explain the nuances of purchases. Or embarrassedly make excuses: yes, I bought the dress at a sale, but the ring is fake gold. Who is pulling her tongue? Thank you and that’s enough - learn to accept compliments with your head up.

Or, as an option, you can give a couple of return compliments. Do you like the man? Tell him he dances beautifully. Or his voice is mesmerizing. Well, a couple has formed, now consider that you “took off” him, and not he you.

There are those “complimenters” who want to punch them in the face in response to his “kind words.” This is a mixture of a redneck and a gopnik.

Imagine: in a nightclub, a drunken redneck approaches you, who considers himself a tough macho, and says: “Hey, girlfriend, your tits are nothing like that. And the butt too! Maybe you can let me rub you?” Well, how to react to this, other than to slap him as hard as he can?

You can, of course, do it this way, or you can limit yourself to the phrase: “Smack yourself, you moron!” By the way, you won’t lie about the idiot, because he can react accordingly: hit you back or loudly curse you.

Therefore, in this case, it is better not to answer anything, but to stay away from this inadequate person. The same as from the “whining poet”. There will be no problems with this or that.

There is an expression: “White lie.” And if you add humor to this “cocktail” and give it as a compliment, then good mood guaranteed, even if it was damaged the day before.

Here are some examples:

    You carefully prepared for a date, but got caught in the rain. Your man met you and was slightly taken aback: his mascara was smeared into dark spots around his eyes. But here’s a compliment: “Wow, a vamp woman! Super! You look so much sexier than a good girl!”

    Same rain, same date, same guy. Your dress is so wet that it becomes sticky. And again a compliment: “Now I can really see your amazing figure! You are beautiful!"

    At the bar you tried to sing Leps' song at karaoke. It turned out terrible. You are ashamed, the audience booed, but the guy sitting next to you said: “Wonderful! Leps definitely wouldn’t have been able to sing so loudly!”

Somewhere there is cunning, somewhere there is truth, but everything is said with such admiration and humor that it is impossible to remain serious. Well, what kind of reaction can there be? Of course laughter. And if you also have a sense of humor, then you will have a wonderful dialogue with cross jokes.

Sincere compliments

Only those beautiful words What your loving and beloved man tells you is truly true. There is no flattery in them, no hint of benefit, it is simply a confirmation of feelings.

Sincerely loving man doesn't notice your shortcomings. And even if they are obvious, he will still turn them into your advantages. And, of course, you should only respond to these words and feelings with reciprocity.

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