Zarema Butaeva biography husband. Why could they be detained?

Who is the most likely candidate for the next special flight to Moscow? Which of the Dagestani officials are being "pushed" by Chechen politicians and what is the connection between the election of the rector of the DSMU and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development? Read the answers to these and other questions in this article.

Almost six months have passed since the resignation of R. Abdulatipov from the post of head of Dagestan. The unexpected removal from office, albeit with a vast field for maneuver, did not allow him to cooperate and clean up the "tails" of numerous wards. As a result, having hastily left the region, he forgot his numerous luggage in the homeland, which, as it turned out, was not indifferent.
Abdulatipov's luggage is, first of all, dozens and dozens of random souls. As we already know, some of this baggage was hastily disposed of by the competent authorities. However, there is still a lot of luggage left, which continues its, to put it mildly, inactive activity to bring the republic out of the protracted crisis. Along with this, there is a firm belief that the team formed in the last five years will be removed from their positions in a rational manner.

In this case, when talking about “forgotten baggage”, there is no address listing of all persons. There are, perhaps, quite a few worthy workers among them. Let's touch on the most hyped personalities from the point of view of the public.

The biggest irritant for the Dagestan media in all this company is the "newly minted" Minister of Property Relations of Dagestan Ekaterina Tolstikova. The newspaper "Free Republic" with its Ghoul in the title role is distinguished by the sharpest attacks against her. “You don’t have to go far for compromising information on Tolstikova — they are in plain sight — in the public domain on the net. So, it is known about her that, having got dirty in corruption schemes at her previous place of work in the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, she was removed from her post due to being involved in a criminal case, which led to a loss of confidence on the part of the leadership. It is difficult to guess what Abdulatipov was guided by when hiring this citizen to work in Dagestan, but there were more than enough reasons to talk about her inadequacy. A considerable period has passed since the deployment in Dagestan, but as time has shown, the efficiency remains conservative at the same time - at a zero level. The benefit of her Dagestan career is numerous and overlapping meetings in the regional Ministry of Defense. Moreover, as it becomes clear from conversations with people who crossed paths with her, the number of meetings here is not an indicator of a large amount of work, but an elementary lack of knowledge. Former colleagues remember and share with each other a variety of pearls regarding Tolstikova. So, at one of the working meetings, she completely inappropriately cut off something like: "Caviar would be black here." Katya screwed up! And considering that she is not local and is registered in another region, we can conclude that in addition to her salary, the long-suffering budget of the republic is also responsible for renting her housing in Makhachkala. And it is absolutely certain that her living space considerably exceeds "Shuvalov's 20 meters." In general, go home, Katyunya!

A practical and visual double of Tolstikova is another lady “pulled out” from Moscow - Tamara Chinenaya. True, unlike the newly minted Minister of Property, her vague past is not reflected in open sources. But in narrow circles it is reliably known, and such information surfaced in the compromising field, that Chinennaya was under the tutelage of the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now the head of the security service of the Dagestan branch of the Russian Agricultural Bank, M. Ismailov. - Agree, a mess and nothing more. In general, a distinctive feature of Abdulatipov's rule is the interference in the politics of the region by many gray personalities. Why was Ismailov Chinennaya? - We answer the question: he was busy collecting compromising evidence on Abdulatipov with subsequent leaks in the media. It is possible that Chinennaya is still someone's recruited agent in the White House. The information, or rather the clue to its solution, lies in the printout of her phone calls. This information has not yet been fully verified and it is not entirely correct to post it in the article.

Women are women, but in the end, both Chinennaya and Tolstikova are fish of a rather small level. A fatter fish, more likely even a whale, is the brother of the ex-head of the region Rajab Abdulatipov - the Gray Cardinal of the Abdulatipov period and an informal "personnel manager". Almost any personnel issue in the republic was carried out not without his participation. Now everyone knows that the promotion to high positions did not take place without his financial interest. The ex-head of the city of Buynaksk Gusein Gamzatov and the former head of the Leninsky district of Makhachkala Gadzhiyav Darbishev can tell about this in more detail. Both did not hide to whom and how much they paid. As a result, both were simply thrown: first, giving a green light, and then suddenly turning on a red one. It is possible that the arrested members of the government, given the spinelessness of yesterday's partners, will unanimously merge it in their testimony. With an extremely high degree of probability, we can say that the brother of Ramazan Abdulatipov is the next candidate for a special convoy to Moscow. Don't believe? - Well, do not believe it. Of the arrested members of the government, too, no one believed in such an end.

Smoothly moving to the cabinet of ministers, we will touch on other persons who have found themselves in their places solely at the behest of the husbands from the Abdulatipov clan. First of all, probably, it is worth touching on the first vice-premier of the government of Dagestan Ramazan Aliyev. In his competence questions of taxation and property relations of the republic. As we know, the first question has practically not moved from the dead center during the entire period of its work. The concept implemented by Aliyev concerned only the least solvent categories of the population. As for the owners of large businesses, they have solved their problems and continue to solve them bypassing the established order. Land and property issues of the republic look no less disastrous here. It is difficult to imagine that a purposeful collapse of state unitary enterprises was carried out without his knowledge. One of the latest examples is the Makhachkala Passenger Motor Transport Enterprise No. 2 ″. In an incomprehensible and impudent way, 7500 sq. m. of land and transferred to a certain citizen Imanmagomedov, who lives in the village. Niklid Tlyaratinsky district of Dagestan. According to sources, and this can be easily verified, he is connected with Aliyev. Today, this entire territory is divided into small plots and transferred to private individuals on a reimbursable basis.
The substantiation of this and other “cuts” lies in the private house of the First Deputy Prime Minister (pictured), which recently came into the view of caustic Dagestan bloggers. There is also information that a cottage near Saratov is also under active construction, from where, in fact, Aliev was invited by Abdulatipov to Dagestan. The corrupt nature of the activities of the First Deputy Prime Minister is easily seen if we compare expensive real estate with the fact that he has never been engaged in business. So, the property just "fell from the sky."

Among the vice-premiers, the person of Bilal Omarov also draws attention. He may not be very popular in the media. - As it is known from open sources, earlier the republican prosecutor's office made a presentation about his dismissal. But, as information on the official website of the government shows, he continues to hold a high position. The former security guard and man of mystery ended up in the government of the republic not by chance. A well-informed source notes that his candidacy was recommended to Abdulatipov by State Duma deputy from Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov. In this regard, it is not difficult to guess whose mission Omarov is performing in Dagestan. It seems that Artem Zdunov in the foreseeable future will order his dismissal due to unsuitability. Exams and tests are not required for this. It is enough just to argue with him the multiplication table.

Among the ministers of the Abdulatipov era, there are also many people with a very vague past. In this number, the most incompetent minister of the entire modern Dagestan era attracts attention. A person who is not only not familiar with the multiplication table, but even, it seems, reads by syllables. Surely you guessed that we are talking about the Minister of Labor and Social Development Rasul Ibragimov. The story of how a young guy suddenly ended up in a ministerial chair is well known in the camp of his countrymen. The story begins with the election of the rector of the Dagestan
medical academy. On the eve of the election of the rector, in January 2016, the notorious owner of the Moscow vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo Igor Mikhailovich Isaev (aka Gadzhiev Ibragim Magomedovich) came out with a proposal to promote his man to the post of rector. The patronage of the desired rector cost a certain amount. As we already know, the candidate of Abdulatipov and Isaev failed in the election of the rector. They did not return the money to Isaev, promising something of equal value in return. As a result, not without the intervention of Radjab Abdulatipov, Khasbula Gadzhigishiev, who had previously bought this position in a banal way, was removed from the post of Minister of Labor. As a result, to work off the amount received from Igor Isaev, his son-in-law, Rasul Ibragimov, was appointed to the post of minister. Nobody says that Ibragimov is a rogue or a scoundrel. He may be a good guy, but only the level of his intellect draws the maximum for the guard of this ministry.

Well known to the inhabitant of Dagestan and Minister of Culture Zarema Butaeva. In order not to be too rude, let's call her the "civil wife" of Radjab Abdulatipov in a vague way. In 2013, when Ramazan Abdulatipov was forming the government, brother Rajab asked to appoint Butaeva as Deputy Minister of Culture. Six months later, she became the head of the Ministry of Culture. The benefit of its activities fell on the anniversary of Derbent. The Naryn Kalu fortress, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, was restored for the anniversary events. The money was allocated from the federal budget. They walked along the line of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Actually, in Dagestan, the work was controlled by Butaeva's department and the Derbent-2000 organizing committee, which was directly related to the arrested Abdusamad Gamidov. Nezavisimaya Gazeta described how this very restoration was carried out: “They did not put rough rubble stone into the destroyed fragments of the fortress wall, as in the “mother” masonry, but freshly sawn brick from the nearest quarry. From above, the masonry was covered with an icteric solution, the seams between the “mother” blocks were smeared with the same solution. According to the observations of the correspondent of the newspaper, the citadel was "rejuvenated" by sandblasting, which led to the loss of the centuries-old cultural layer. Nezavisimaya Gazeta also reported that, according to independent experts, the amount of stolen budget funds for the Naryn-Kala fortress amounted to at least 200 million rubles out of the allocated 610 million.

Approximately the same breed and the former secretary Rabiyat Zakavova, whose professional skills include the ability to quickly brew tea. Selected for the post of Minister of Tourism and Folk Artistic Crafts, she is still marking time and has not formulated how she will develop the Dagestan tourism cluster. The website, which is related to law enforcement agencies, reports that Zakavova is the love interest of Khizri Shikhsaidov. Not to the chagrin of the young talent of the Dagestan show business Munika, who recently gave birth to Shikhsaid's son. In addition, there is nothing more to say about Zakavova, since the activities of the department entrusted to her are zero and it is completely unclear what she is doing there.

The slogan "Purification and whitewashing", which Ramazan Abdulatipov flaunted at the dawn of his leadership, turned out to be the most natural profanation. But the benefit of the philosopher was prematurely torn off from the Dagestan trough and removed to the post of "wedding general." As a result, the circus left, but the clowns still remained. Vladimir Vasiliev, who has already gained respect among the Dagestan people, has a choice whether to send Abdulatipov's luggage after him, or to place this luggage in a storage room. In this case, the places are not so remote.

The prosecutor's office of Dagestan appealed against the decision of the Leninsky District Court to dismiss the lawsuit filed last year by the former general director of the Dagestan State United Historical and Architectural Museum Tamerlana Hajiyeva to the Ministry of Culture of Dagestan for illegal dismissal from his position.

A notice from the prosecutor's office about the revision of the decision "due to newly discovered circumstances" was received by Tamerlan Gadzhiev on Wednesday, August 1.

The son of the former CEO wrote about this on his Facebook page. Zurab Hajiyev, posting also photos of the notice.

Don't get in the way

The reason for the conflict between Hajiyev and the Minister of Culture Zarema Butayeva became both personal and financial issues.

Butaeva's first attempt to get rid of the objectionable general director, under whose authority all the museums of Dagestan are located, began in 2015. Then, without any reason, Hajiyev was removed from the post of general director, in fact, he was fired from his job. But Tamerlan Hajiyev was able to challenge his dismissal in court in the Leninsky District Court on February 9, 2016. In response to this, the Ministry of Culture decided to appeal the decision of the Leninsky District Court to the Supreme Court, but even there, on May 4 of the same year, the court upheld the decision of the lower court.

The lull between Butaeva and Gadzhiev did not last long, exactly three months later, on August 6, Tamerlan was fired again.

Tamerlan Gadzhiev explained the reason for Butaeva's persistence by saying that he stood in the way of Butaeva in embezzlement of funds during the reconstruction of the building of the Dagestan Museum. Takho-Godi and refused to sign documents on the acceptance of the object.

Opening of the Dagestan Museum. Takho-Godi took place in early October, but even then there were comments about the hasty opening of the museum with unfinished work inside the museum, incl. on the arrangement of exhibits in the halls of a two-story building.
At the same time, the very opening of the museum was already considered protracted, because. The grand opening was originally scheduled for September.

As an interlocutor familiar with that situation told RIA Derbent, the hasty opening of the museum was dictated by the personal desire of the former head of Dagestan Ramazana Abdulatipova, who raised the issue of opening the museum in the fall of 2016 as a matter of prestige. The repair work itself was continued after the opening of the museum and was completed only in 2017.

Subsequently, after the opening of the museum, both the Leninsky District Court and the Supreme Court ceased to take into account the arguments of Tamerlan Gadzhiev, incl. previous similar case which he won, and refused to be reinstated.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, such a "blind" position of the Leninsky District Court and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Dagestan in front of Gadzhiev's arguments is due to the fact that Butaeva managed to attract her informal connections to put pressure on the court.

However, after the start criminal investigations in the highest echelons of power in Dagestan, already in 2018, the prosecutor's office of Dagestan drew attention to the museum business, declaring

Rajab Abdulatipov and Zarema Butaeva are the “assistants” of the head of Dagestan for culture as a festival

When Ramazan Abdulatipov, a philosopher by education, came to power in Dagestan in 2013, the residents of the republic were told: “We must not lose sight of our culture… this is what preserves the people.” It was then that serious work began to preserve the people: friendship holidays are replaced by festivals, festivals - by concerts, concerts - by exhibitions, etc. And it does not matter that the level of subsidies in Dagestan is above 70 percent and that no Russian region received more subsidies than Dagestan - 46.7 billion rubles - in 2016. The main thing is that the culture is at the proper level. And, like ancient Greek Atlanteans, two people close to the head of Dagestan, Radzhab Abdulatipov and Zarema Butaeva, hold her on their shoulders.

Made in FMS

In general, "the main ones in culture" have long been indirectly related to it. Butaeva received a conservatory education and taught briefly at the Makhachkala Music College in the 1990s. Abdulatipov in the late 1980s worked for about four years in the Tlyaratinsk regional library. The future Atlanteans of culture met in the Dagestan ... FMS. Rajab Abdulatipov headed the migration service, and Zarema Butayeva worked under him as a press secretary. In 2013, when the acting head of the republic, Ramazan Abdulatipov, was forming the government, his younger brother Rajab advised him to appoint Zarema Butaeva, Deputy Minister of Culture. This was then reported by the "Caucasian Knot", referring to sources in the government. Six months later, Butaeva became the head of the Ministry of Culture. And in September 2016, Radzhab Gadzhimuradovich also put his shoulder to the Dagestan culture. Unexpectedly for the public of Dagestan, the former head of the Federal Migration Service headed the Committee on Education, Science and Culture in the People's Assembly of the new convocation. It is in the State Duma that it is customary to distribute portfolios to writers and directors, where the writer-historian Nikonov chairs the Committee on Education and Science, and the director Govorukhin chairs the Committee on Culture. The Dagestan parliament has its own laws, it’s enough to just be the brother of the philosopher Ramazan Abdulatipov…

Odious shots

Atlantes are Atlanteans, only scandals in the cultural sphere of Dagestan have not subsided since 2013. No less is heard about them than about numerous festivals. Maybe this is because portfolios are given away "for dessert"?
At the end of 2015, Minister Butaeva dismissed the general director of the Dagestan State United Historical and Architectural Museum (DGOM) without explanation. Tamerlana Hajiyeva. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic Hajiyev has been suing the Ministry of Culture for several months. In February 2016, he achieved reinstatement as museum director. However, in March, one of the branches of the DGOM, the house-museum of the Lezgin poet Suleiman Stalsky in the village of Ashaga-Stal, burned down. The investigation was inclined to the version that the house was deliberately set on fire on the night of Yaran Suvar (celebrated by the Lezgins as a spring holiday). However, Minister Butaeva again raised the issue of Gadzhiev's dismissal.

T. Hajiyev

- All my activities ... are aimed solely at defending the interests of the republican museum association entrusted to me,- says T. Hajiyev. But the task of the Ministry of Culture is the same. And the program "Development of Culture in the Republic of Dagestan for 2015-2020" refers to the need to ensure "a qualitatively new development ... of museum business." Is professional staff hindering such development?
Hajiyev still managed to defend his director's chair. And here is the head of the Derbent State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve Kulam Isakov, who, according to him, did not go “with cakes to the Ministry of Culture”, was left without a job in 2013. In place of Isakov, on the eve of the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of Derbent, the minister put an odious personality - Ali Ibragimova. They say that once the Deputy Minister for the North Caucasus Odes Baysultanov, who visited the museum in Derbent, asked about Ibragimov's past job. Hearing that he was the director of the collective farm, he only remarked: "It can be seen".

A. Ibragimov

In an open letter addressed to Ramazan Abdulatipov, human rights activists from the Equality and Justice organization presented a whole dossier on Ibragimov back in 2013. They said that before he led the SPK them. Kazimov and came under investigation for forging documents of the agricultural cooperative. About the fact that he brought the headed SEC to bankruptcy by illegally selling land and other property. “At the end of 2010 ... A. M. Ibragimov drew up deliberately fictitious documents about the damage allegedly caused to the collective farm as a result of the drought, after which he received money from the state in the amount of 10 million rubles. and appropriated. On this fact of fraud on an especially large scale, the investigating authorities of Dagestan initiated a criminal case, "- human rights activists wrote. They recalled that in 1998 A. Ibragimov was tried for hooliganism and that in 2009 one of the "authorities" stabbed him during a criminal showdown. To put it mildly, an atypical biography for a museum worker.
For some reason, the authorities of Dagestan did not hear human rights activists, well, or pretended not to hear ... And soon a new figure appeared in Ibragimov's submission - the director of the Museum-branch of "Battle Glory" Albina Idrisova. According to some reports, she is the wife of that same crime boss Rafik Idrisov nicknamed "Mole", about whose connection with Rajab Abdulatipov "Black List" spoke earlier. This only confirms the version about the criminal nature of the "loss" of millions of rubles during the reconstruction of the main object of the Derbent Museum-Reserve - the Naryn Kala citadel.

Criminal reconstruction

The Naryn Kala fortress, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, was put in order for the 2000th anniversary of Derbent, which was celebrated last September. The funds were allocated from the federal budget. They walked along the line of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The work on the spot was controlled by the department of Z. Butaeva and the organizing committee of "Derbent-2000" headed by the same A. Ibragimov.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta described how the so-called restoration was carried out: “In the destroyed fragments of the fortress wall… they did not lay rough rubble stone, as in the ‘mother’ masonry, but freshly sawn brick from the nearest quarry… the masonry was covered with an icteric solution on top, the seams between the ‘mother’ blocks were smeared with the same solution.” According to Nezavisimaya Gazeta, the citadel was "rejuvenated" by sandblasting, and the centuries-old cultural layer was irretrievably destroyed. “According to the assumptions of independent experts, the amount of stolen budget funds for the Naryn-Kala fortress is at least 200 million rubles out of the allocated ... 610 million ...”,- wrote the publication. Already after the celebration of the anniversary of Derbent, A. Ibragimov, apparently expecting the continuation of the banquet, sought the status of a federal state institution for the museum. “This will give an incentive to… protect monuments at the federal level. And the protection of monuments provides for the allocation of funds for restoration work,”- so he directly stated in an interview with the OTR television channel at the end of 2015.
However, officials from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, related to the restoration of federal monuments, in early 2016 “fell down” on corruption. The defendants in the criminal cases were Deputy Minister Grigory Pirumov, Director of the Department of Property Management and Investment Policy Boris Mazo, Head of the Directorate for Construction, Reconstruction and Restoration Boris Tsagaraev, Director of the Center Restoration Federal State Unitary Enterprise Oleg Ivanov. A wave of arrests from Moscow may soon reach Derbent. In October, RIA Derbent, citing Andrey Shishkin, deputy presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District, reported that the museum-reserve and its director Ali Ibragimov were expected to undergo serious inspections. And there it’s not far to Makhachkala ...

False holidays

So what will the Dagestanis from the reign of the philosopher Ramazan Abdulatipov and his cultural Atlanteans remember - festivals or scandals? Perhaps the second. By the way, the holidays, of which there were actually many, often caused misunderstanding, irritation, and questions among the inhabitants of the republic. For example, why do the Avar events prevail on the cultural agenda of the multinational republic? Somehow: a play about Rasul Gamzatov based on the play by Abdulatipov himself at the Avar Music and Drama Theater; the change of one anthem - authorship of Shirvani Chalaev - to another, to the music of Marad Kazhlaev and the verses of Rasul Gamzatov; opening of the Poetry Theater "From Pushkin to Gamzatov" in Makhachkala. The Avar roots of the head of the republic made their way even in a gala concert dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Derbent ... Or why does the same appointee of the Ministry of Culture Ali Ibragimov allow himself pro-Azerbaijani propaganda while in the position of a Russian official? “It is no secret that Ali Ibragimov serves the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Derbent,”- Milrad Fatullayev, editor-in-chief of RIA Derbent, said not so long ago. The director of the museum is also reminded of cooperation with scientists and TV people who promote Derbent as a “historical city of Azerbaijan”, and drunken tirades on the topic “who is the boss in South Dagestan”. And recently, Minister Z. Butayeva said in an interview with Interfax that an Azerbaijani theater would be built in the ancient city. Such a message is still fuel for ethnic tensions in Derbent.
Well, what can you do, what a chapter - such Atlanteans, what Atlanteans - such a culture ...

This text was published last year. We believe that now law enforcement officers of the republic will pay closer attention to the facts presented in it. Moreover, the case of the restorers, headed by Grigory Pirumov, has already been considered by the court, and the story of the restoration of the citadel in Derbent has not been set in motion.

The brother of the former president of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, Rajab, was at the center of a scandal after news agencies reported that he had been detained at the capital's airport. Rumors about the detention of the former head of the regional FMS were dispelled by the Abdulatipov family, but became the cause of new speculation.

The sensational news about the detention of the brother of the former head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov Radzhab at the capital's airport was reported by Interfax on June 19.

“Rajab Abdulatipov was detained, according to preliminary information, on suspicion of committing a serious crime. He was “taken” by special services officers at the Moscow airport while trying to leave the territory of Russia,” the source said, without specifying what exactly the relative of the former president of the republic is charged with. He added that the defendant is in the Main Investigation Department of the TFR for questioning.

At the same time, several versions appeared about what the arrest was connected with. According to one information, the events were held as part of a global anti-corruption operation in the republic. According to other sources, it was about the investigation into the murder of the former director of a winery in the Derbent region, Nariman Aliyev, and his wife.

But within a few hours, an equally sensational refutation of the information about the arrest came. And first from Ramazan Abdulatipov, and then from the alleged person involved in the investigation.

Not our blood

“In my family, there have never been and never have been, and there will never be people with such abilities for crime ... There has never been in my family!” - this is how the ex-head of Dagestan commented on the information about the detention of his brother in an interview with He claims that law enforcement agencies could not physically detain the deputy at the Moscow Sheremetyevo airport: he is with him on vacation in Gorny Altai.

In the native mountains, the situation is unpleasant (why exactly, the politician did not specify), so they decided to master others - the Siberian ones. True, the former leader of Dagestan, and now the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for humanitarian and economic cooperation with the states of the Caspian region, could not hand over the phone to a relative: “Well, he is not with me. I can tell him to call you."

As a result, Radjab Abdulatipov himself, who received the mandate of a deputy of the People's Assembly of Dagestan in 2016, commented on the situation.

Commenting on the information about the alleged detention, Radjab Abdulatipov echoed his older brother: there are no and never were criminals in their family. In his opinion, rumors of criminal prosecution were spread by unknown people in order to “spoil the mood, spoil the nerves.” The parliamentarian also stressed that he had great respect for the family of the ex-director of the winery in the Derbent region, Nariman Aliyev, for whose murder, according to unconfirmed reports, he is accused. At the same time, he admitted that these stuffing somehow affected both him and his relatives. And the Abdulatipovs have a lot of them, including in the authorities.

Recall that the head of the viticulture and wine-making economy, the Hero of Socialist Labor and a simply respected person in Dagestan, Nariman Aliyev, was shot dead in November 2007 together with his wife in Mamedkala. By the way, thanks to the efforts of this man, a small village turned into a prosperous urban-type settlement. Aliyev was also father-in-law to the leader of the Azerbaijani Derbent clan, Gurban Gurbanov. A number of media, including Azerbaijani ones, reported that Rajab Abdulatipov was interrogated in this case. There was also information about his detention in connection with the murder, but it was quickly refuted by him personally.

“No one stopped me. And I wasn't charged with anything. I work normally. And I was at work yesterday. There were no questions to me from law enforcement agencies. Being the brother of the head of the republic, I am always ready for such provocations. Personally, I have no obvious enemies, ”Abdulatipov then told the Kavpolit publication.

As one of the versions about the murder, a redistribution of spheres of influence in the super-profitable alcohol production market in the republic was considered.

Why could they be detained?

It is known that an anti-corruption campaign has been carried out in Dagestan for several years. Recently, the republic has become an uncomfortable place for officials who have spent the last decade in government positions. In particular, clouds have gathered over the henchmen of the former President of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov.

In February, on suspicion of embezzlement of more than 100 million rubles, the chairman of the government of the region, Abdusamad Hamidov. According to the FSB, in 2013 he built roads to his household and Ramazan Abdulatipov's household at budgetary expense, and also contributed to the theft of funds earmarked for the South of Russia target program.

Hamidov, according to the investigation, provided general patronage to the so-called Directorate of the State Customer-Builder - it was headed by Shamil Kadiev, who is now under investigation. This office replaced five state-owned institutions that were engaged in construction contracts, so that it would be easier to control financial flows through their own person. The "commission" of the former head of government was 5 percent of the annual turnover of the office, according to the investigation. It should be noted that the organization's revenue in the best years was up to 4 billion rubles. Together with Gamidov, two of his former deputies, Shamil Isaev and Rayudin Shakhobas, are involved in the case.

By the way, Ramazan Abdulatipov spoke extremely negatively about the arrests of his protégés. He called the high-profile detentions campaigning. Allegedly, these actions of the security forces spoil the image of the republic and substitute for a real fight against corruption.

Judging by the latest trends, the federals have come to grips with the study of past sins of the Dagestan law enforcement system. On June 5, Magomed Khizriev, head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan (according to other sources, the head of the regional department of the CSS), was detained in Moscow. According to Kommersant, colleagues announced to the colonel that he was suspected of a crime, right in the departmental service building. He is suspected of giving a bribe for approval for the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan. Through a chain of intermediaries, he transferred $ 2 million “up” for a portfolio, a source in law enforcement agencies claims. FSB and GUSB detectives participated in the anti-corruption special operation.

It should be clarified here that Khizriev, based on his functional duties, should have known all the ins and outs about the corruption ties not only of police officers, but also of related services. At the same time, Abdulatipov Jr. headed the FMS for quite a long time.

Political career

Scandals in the Dagestan migration department began several years ago. One of the shady schemes for earning dishonest officials from the migration service was extortion from citizens and foreigners, veiled under the provision of intermediary services. According to the publication "Version", in November last year, an employee of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Passport and Visa Center" of the Federal Migration Service was detained, who, according to the investigation, from February to June 2015 received a total of about 1 million rubles from 670 foreigners for work patents in Russia. The official worked during the period when Abdulatipov's brother was in charge of the service.

However, it is worth clarifying that such corrupt practices were encountered in many regions of the country. The turnover of funds illegally withheld from foreigners can only be calculated approximately.

During the injection of the FMS into the Ministry of Internal Affairs, many high-ranking leaders of the abolished service did not pass certification. After the liquidation of the FMS, Abdulatipov Jr. switched to another type of activity - he was elected to the regional parliament. Here it is worth noting that in matters of reassignment of migrants to police positions, employees of the “police within the police” played an important role.

He was elected to the republican parliament from United Russia and received the post of head of the committee on education, science and culture there. This line of work for Abdulatipov Jr., who had previously worked in law enforcement agencies for over 20 years, looked unusual. Before being elected as a deputy, he headed the regional department of the Federal Migration Service for 10 years before its merger with the commander-in-chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Rajab Abdulatipov received a pedagogical education, and, according to official data, began working as a school teacher in his native Tlyaratinsky district.

He came to the authorities, except for the work of a legal adviser in the district executive committee, in 1995. At 34, Abdulatipov received the post of Deputy Minister of Employment and Labor of Dagestan, in other words, the head of the regional migration service. His brother, the future head of the republic, was elected to the State Duma of the second convocation that year. Subsequently, Radzhab Abdulatipov continued to oversee migration policy in Dagestan in various positions.

According to the income statement, last year he earned over 1.3 million rubles, his wife - 204 thousand rubles. Abdulatipov Jr. owns two rest houses of 399 and 258 sq. meters. In the gratuitous use of the spouses are a residential building with an area of ​​153 square meters. m and another holiday home. According to the declaration, the Abdulatipovs cannot boast of a fleet of vehicles: the only car in the family - Toyota Camry - belongs to the deputy's wife. In 2016, the parliamentarian provided almost the same information. His income for the year will increase by about 300 thousand rubles, and the column about the child disappeared from the declaration.

family business

Ramazan Abdulatipov, who led the region from 2013-2017, has repeatedly criticized officials for nepotism. In an interview in 2013, the politician noted that due to manifestations of clanism, gangs are often born: “One of these municipal leaders tells me: “There are fewer people of my nationality in high positions with your arrival” (Abdulatipovs are Avars; representatives of other peoples living in Dagestan, criticized the head for not allowing their representatives to leadership positions. - site). I begin to list him: you yourself occupy such and such a position, one son, a second, a third occupy there, a brother also sits in a good post, two nephews in another place, and so on. Abdulatipov suggested that he vacate half of these positions for representatives of his people and threatened: “If I hear about this again, I will talk about you already on television, with names and with all your affairs.”

The head of Dagestan himself made no secret of the fact that many of his relatives hold senior positions in government. And he even mentioned this when he opposed the transfer of the mandates of the retired deputies to their sons - Aslan Kazibekov and Pazludin Utsumiev. “I could also nominate my son. He also sits as the deputy head of Kaspiysk, being a candidate of science in local self-government, and is not moving anywhere. The second son left for Moscow,” Abdulatipov said, calling for the suspension of the transfer of mandates. As a result, they received both seats in parliament, but were not elected to the next convocation.

However, a similar situation developed in the new convocation. Rajab Abdulatipov himself was elected to it, as well as the brother of the Minister for Transport and Energy of the Republic, Saigidpash Umakhanov (in March 2018, he was replaced in this position by Shirukhan Gadzhimuradov..

The son of Ramazan Abdulatipov, whom he himself cited as an example, became deputy mayor of Kaspiysk two months after his father was appointed to the region. Magomed Musaev, who headed the All-Russian Exhibition Center in 2004-2009 - according to local media, the son-in-law of Abdulatipov Sr. - received the post of chairman of the executive committee of the Strategic Council under the head of the republic. His nephew Radjab Radjabov headed the Tlyaratinsky district, native to the Abdulatipovs. As a result of an audit by the prosecutor's office, two more nephews - the director of a local children's and youth sports school and the head of a boarding school - lost their jobs due to violations of anti-corruption legislation. And the list does not end there: another nephew, Abdulmuslim Khanipov, served as Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development of Dagestan in 2013-2015.

Nepotism went beyond family ties. In 2013, Zarema Butayeva was appointed Deputy Minister of Culture, who had previously worked for five years under the supervision of Radjab Abdulatipov as the chief specialist-expert of the republican department of the Federal Migration Service. A few months later, she received a ministerial post, which she retained despite the change in the leadership of the republic. Ironically, she stepped on your own rake: in 2015, at the request of the prosecutor’s office, she had to fire her son-in-law due to a potential “conflict of interest.”

Minister of Culture of the Republic of Dagestan

Date and place of birth


1990 Makhachkala College of Music, majoring in Music Theory, graduated with honors.

1996 Astrakhan State Conservatory, majoring in Musicology, graduated with honors.

2011 Postgraduate FGBOU VPO DGU. Candidate of Philology.

Telyakavov Muslim Pashaevich


Graduated from the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute, automation and control in technical systems, electrical engineer, systems engineer (1992); Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow), manager with a degree in State and Municipal Administration (2003).

Candidate of Political Sciences (2003).

Gadzhiev Murad Habibovich

Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Dagestan

Graduated from the Dagestan State Technical University, economist-manager, candidate of economic sciences (1996).

Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Dagestan.

Member of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation.

Mugadova Mariyan Velikhanovna

Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Dagestan

Graduated from the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, director (diploma with honors).

Postgraduate studies at the Dagestan branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, candidate of philological sciences.

Advanced training courses at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (2004, 2009).

Head of the Culture Committee of the UNESCO Regional Office for the Republic of Dagestan.

Mass media registration certificate El No. FS77-68813 dated February 28, 2017. Issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Media. Age restrictions - 6+.

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