What is hijab? Definition, description and photo. Muslim headscarves Beautiful hijab dressing

Agata Vasnetsova

Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.


It is known that the sign of a religious Muslim woman is to hide her body under clothes. This evokes various feelings: curiosity, bewilderment, fear or aggression. Like any mystery, the Muslim hijab often becomes the object of close attention from others. This item not only reflects the religion of the owner, but can also indicate age and level of wealth. The reasons why women adhere to Sharia can be different: compliance with the laws of the country, family or personal choice.

What is hijab among Muslims

In Muslim society, a hijab is usually called a piece of clothing that hides a woman from prying eyes. As the Koran teaches, women who modestly lower their gaze and protect their honor from strange men are pleasing to Allah. True Muslim women must express worship to God: wear a cape, read prayers every day. Even among Arab scholars and interpreters of the Koran, there is debate as to whether the capes should cover the entire woman or perhaps leave the face and hands exposed.

For example, in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, women wear an Abai (a burqa made of thick black fabric through which only the eyes are visible) over their clothes. In some countries, before going out, they put on a niqab, translated from Arabic - a headdress that covers the face, with a slit for the eyes. Muslim women from Central Asia prefer headscarves. Turkish women wear decorated turbans. In most countries, the classic hijab is a headdress that covers the hair and body.

History of origin

The roots of wearing closed robes go back to Ancient Iran. In Persian history and culture, it was considered a disgrace for a woman to leave the house without covering. It was unsafe, because beauty could cause envious glances, even insults. From a social point of view, husbands who are deprived of the opportunity to see other people's women remain more faithful to their wives. This reduces the number of divorces and prevents the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The spacious burqa hid some flaws in the figure and health, and differences in the appearance of the housewives.

Now Muslim women in hijabs can be found in Europe, Asia, and African countries, for example, Tunisia and Egypt. In France, many urban women who profess Islam defend the value of their traditions. The exception is women whose professions are closely related to communication with foreigners. For example, flight attendants and hotel receptionists can work with their heads uncovered and are not subject to general restrictions.

Why do Muslim women wear hijab?

The purpose of the hijab is not only to cover a woman’s body; there is an inner meaning to wearing it. The idea is that it symbolizes purity and purity, serves as a barrier to the outside world, and is an expression of faith. In eastern countries, men and women who comply with the dress code can work together indoors. Paying tribute to traditions and respecting the laws of faith, girls can study at the university and visit cultural institutions.

The appearance of women under the veil represents chastity; entry into the mosque is possible only if they wear a hijab. In devout Muslim families, daughters begin to cover themselves from childhood. There is no clear age limit when a child needs to start wearing a hijab correctly, but at puberty a girl is already shown without a veil only to her family.

Traditions of the East

From the Koran and Sunnah, which clarify some points, information has reached us that Allah required women not to appear naked in front of people who do not belong to their family and loved ones. Sharia ethics prescribes true Muslim women to protect the honor of their husband and family, to wear veils so that Allah will send them his blessing.

In European and Russian society, the issue of banning the hijab in schools and other educational institutions has recently been frequently discussed. It has not yet been possible to formulate a clear answer to this question, because in this matter human rights, the laws of the state and the tenets of faith should be taken into account. Each country resolves this issue in its own way, taking into account political and religious factors.

There is a movement of Muslim women for freedom from wearing the hijab, a struggle against the infringement of human rights. The protest demonstration dates back several decades and is gaining popularity on the Internet. There are certain websites where girls defend their right to appear on the street without coverings. There is a condition in the Koran that a woman can refuse to wear a hijab; this remains her personal matter, a manifestation of free will.

How to wear it correctly

There are several recommendations for wearing the hijab, reflecting its meaning in Islamic countries. A woman who covers her body can look attractive, yet feel protected from indiscreet glances, and adherence to the tenets of Islam will be fulfilled.

  • Clothing should hide its owner as much as possible, leaving only a slit for the eyes. In some countries, it is allowed to bare the forehead, lower part of the face, and hands.
  • The outfit should be loose and not tight around the chest.
  • The use of aromatic products is prohibited.
  • It is better to choose a neutral color that does not attract close attention.
  • Women's clothing must be clearly different from men's; no “unisex” is allowed.
  • It is better to choose fabrics without synthetic additives and dense.
  • An expensive outfit should not be decorated with jewelry and attract attention.

How to tie it beautifully

There are many ways to wear a hijab beautifully and look decent. Even if you are not Muslim, but love to travel or have friends of other faiths, these skills can come in handy. In the modern world, online dating is common, so couples of mixed nationalities often appear. You can also show your respect to your husband, family friend or work colleague with the help of clothing. In some countries, you can tarnish the honor of your family if you go outside without a veil.

You can learn how to tie a hijab correctly from videos posted on the Internet, or by studying literature. The top scarf can be pinned under the chin with pins or brooches; draping by hand at the back of the head is allowed. The long end of a wide silk scarf can be worn untucked if the owner is short and wants to appear taller. Eastern taste is influenced by tradition and modern popular Western fashion.

What is the inner scarf used for?

According to the laws of the Koran, it is allowed to open the face, but the neck, hair, and ears must be covered. Muslim women themselves condemn women who cover themselves with headscarves but leave their feet or elbows bare. You should not show off your jewelry; moderation in everything is the main dogma of Islam. An inner scarf or hijab - a cap that is placed directly on the head - will help to hide the exposed parts of the body. It fits snugly to the body and allows you to style your hijab beautifully.

Shades of Muslim headscarf

Every day a Muslim woman asks herself the question of what color scarves to choose, how to combine them with clothes, and what colors will suit her.

  1. It is better to have a basic everyday set of plain scarves in your wardrobe that can be suitable for most occasions. These are neutral shades - white, beige, black and shades of gray.
  2. In summer it is better to use light natural fabrics, and in winter choose dense material. In the warm season, you can please the eye with a floral pattern, but it should not be too provocative. In cold weather, it is better to opt for jewel tones.
  3. You need to choose a hijab that matches your eye and skin tone. Delicate, natural colors are recommended for blondes, and brighter and more saturated ones for brunettes.
  4. A beautiful hijab is obtained with a harmonious combination of shades. You can use a table that is easy to find on the Internet. It presents suitable color combinations that can be used not only in clothing, but also when applying cosmetics.

Wedding hijab

Allah called for modesty and moderation, not to show off one’s beauty and wealth, and called pride a sin. Knowing this, almost every girl dreams of an unforgettable holiday on the day she gets married. Designers of Islamic outfits very sophisticatedly and gracefully solve the problem of how to cover the hairstyle and all female outlines, but at the same time preserve the beauty and solemnity of the moment. Western fashion trends also influence wedding dresses, for example, in recent years there has been a tendency to follow the boho style.

Combining transparent and thick fabrics, lace, beads and decorative sequins, craftsmen create chic dresses that cover the body from the neck to the feet, but emphasize the tenderness and femininity of the bride. The color of the wedding hijab is not necessarily white; shades of emerald, coral and azure are allowed. It is advisable that the color of the cape be in harmony with the groom's suit. .

A significant portion of the articles on our website are devoted to Muslim stories, and it is not surprising that readers receive questions regarding the appearance of women in Islam. Dedicated to clothing and fashion, today we’ll figure out what types of women’s headdresses exist in Islam.

As you apply the information below to your story with a Muslim man, remember that the traditions of wearing Muslim headscarves can vary dramatically in different countries and cultures.

Traditionally, hijab (meaning veil in Arabic) was any clothing that covers a woman’s body according to the canons of Islam. In a broader sense, hijab is not only clothing, but also the dignified behavior, manners, speech and thoughts of a woman in Islam. They said that the woman was dressed according to the hijab. In the modern world, the hijab is considered to be an Islamic women's headscarf that covers the hair, ears, neck, and chest. It is the most common headdress today.

Less popular, but more strict options are:

Niqab- a Muslim women's headdress that covers the face with a narrow slit for the eyes. It consists of three parts: the first is tied on the forehead using ribbons at the back, the second is sewn in front along the edges (to leave a slit for the eyes), the third is at the back and covers the hair and neck. Sometimes a fourth part is added - a light veil that covers the eyes.

Is there some more burqa, veil and burqa, which are essentially synonymous, are a robe or bedspread that covers a woman’s figure from head to toe. The burqa and burqa have a veil (in the burqa it is attached separately); the veil can be either with an open face or with an opening for the eyes.

All images in the text are clickable

A woman wearing a veil and niqab is a normal occurrence in the countries of the Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia) and Africa. A Muslim woman wearing a niqab can also be seen on the streets of Europe, but many countries have bans on wearing the niqab. The burqa and burqa remained only in the most conservative countries - Afghanistan and Pakistan. Therefore, our main attention will be paid to the hijab (scarf).

How to choose the right hijab?

To choose the right hijab, you need to focus on several aspects: facial shape and features, as well as skin color:

1. Women with a square face shape need to soften their facial features by rounding it. Tie the scarf or shawl loosely, revealing the forehead and cheekbones and hiding the chin and jaw.

2. If you have a round face, you need to lengthen it, giving it an oval shape. To do this, open your forehead as much as possible and cover your cheekbones.

3. For those with a long, rectangular face, the site advises to pull the hijab as close to the eyebrows as possible to hide part of the face, and visually widen the face, focusing on the cheekbones and temples.

5. For women with an oval face, any option will suit you.

How to wear a hijab?

Corner and square scarves, stoles and scarves are used as hijab. The hijab most often has a base on which the scarf itself is attached with pins:

a) hijab underscarf - a one-piece hood reaching to the chest with a hole for the face:

b) the simplest and most universal hijab “al-Amira” (hijab al amira, amirka), consisting of two parts or a cap with a hood, one covers the hair and ears, the second covers the neck and chest:

b) a bonnet or a stripe in the form of elastic lace (lace hijab band):

The base is made of cotton, silk or viscose and can be of very different colors and textures, or decorated with various prints, embroidery, and rhinestones.

For a Muslim woman, the process of tying a hijab is akin to a kind of sacrament; girls are taught this art from the age of 5-7, and the way a woman ties a hijab today and which one she prefers reflects her mood and desires.

It’s almost impossible to describe in words how beautifully to wear and tie a hijab; it’s better to watch our video collection.

Brooches or safety pins are used to secure the hijab under the chin. In the festive version, hairpins with rhinestones, hoops or necklaces are added over the hijab for decoration.

Hijab styles and shapes(emphasis is purely conditional):

1. Caucasian style. The most conservative, reminiscent of a monastic. Characteristic features are a round head, completely covered hair and often a chin.

2. Egyptian style. Hijab fashion has undergone fundamental changes in Egypt over the past 10 years. The traditional scarf (see photo: without a visor, tied rather tightly and covering the head and shoulders), despite the active use of bright colors and new fabrics, is gradually being replaced by more recent and relaxed options - Spanish, Emirati, Turkish, which will be discussed below.

Additionally, hijab styles vary depending on what social class an Egyptian woman belongs to.

3. Turkish style of tying a scarf. You can see it in the photo below. In the Turkish style, corner and square scarves are usually tied.

Turkish style scarf

4. However, the scarf, tied in the traditional Turkish way, disappears from women’s wardrobes. His place is actively taken turban- the same scarf, only intricately tied. By the way, in Turkish hairdressers, a new service for beautifully styling a turban is increasingly appearing.

5. Turkish women are also actively trying on themselves style of Indonesian and Malaysian Muslim women - bright knitted scarves with a peaked visor. In Turkey, they began to sew a special pocket under the visor into scarves.

6. Gaining popularity in Egypt Spanish way of tying triangular scarves, reminiscent of the hairstyle of Spanish flamenco dancers. The headscarf does not cover the neck like a traditional Muslim headscarf, so some women do not consider it an appropriate way to fulfill Islamic requirements.

7. Emirati style. In the Arabic style, hairpins are used to increase the volume of the hair. Orthodox Sunni ulema greatly criticize the Emirati style of wearing a headscarf, calling it “camel hump hijab” (Khaleeji style hijab). They believe that a heavy wrap on the head causes a woman to hold her head too high, not humble enough...

Below you will find photos of Muslim women wearing hijab in the Gulf style.

How to tie a hijab Khaleeji style hijab

8. Iranian style. Here it is necessary to mention the difference between Sunni countries, where it is strictly forbidden to show hair, and Shiite countries, where such freedom is allowed. Below you see photographs of Iranian women - their hair is clearly visible, which in Sunnism is either prohibited in principle or condemned. Shiites make up the absolute majority of the population of Iran, more than half of the population of Iraq, and a significant part of the Muslims of Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Yemen and Bahrain.

9. African style. Women in Gabon, Ghana, and Namibia wear real turbans, leaving the neck, ears and shoulders completely open. They love large earrings, necklaces and bright makeup.

There are a great many styles of tying a headscarf; Muslim women use all the possibilities of the fashion industry and invent more and more new ways.

And now a few rules and facts related to wearing hijab:

# Islam prescribes that a Muslim woman should wear a headscarf from the moment of puberty (when secondary sexual characteristics are formed). Usually this is the age of 11-13 years.

# The Koran does not require a Muslim woman to hide her face (24 surahs of the Koran, “An-Nur”). The chest, neck, shoulders, hair, ears must be covered - EXCEPT FOR THE OVAL OF THE FACE and hands.

According to tradition, only the face is visible from under the headscarf, but modern and Europeanized Muslim women tie colored hijabs with prints loosely, slightly exposing the hair above the forehead, chin and even neck.

It all depends on the religiosity of a particular society. What is acceptable in Turkey or Iran is considered apostasy in, for example, Oman, Saudi Arabia or Jordan. Large cities and tourist destinations, where the spirit of the West penetrates, are also more relaxed about observing dress codes. Women can barely put a scarf or hat on their head, as long as their hair is covered. A scarf accidentally falling off your head will not cause hysterics.

# It’s very good to have an emergency version of the hijab at home - for cases when a stranger unexpectedly comes to the house and there is no time to secure a long stole. For such purposes, a hijab cape (collar) is suitable; it is very convenient to put on and does not require fastening on the head, it either looks like a circular scarf or has a lock on the back.

# In order to tie a hijab beautifully, take a scarf at least one and a half meters long.

# Choose your hijab fabric according to the season. In the warm season, you can give preference to silk, satin, chiffon and cotton scarves in bright colors, but in winter it is wiser to choose woolen fabrics.

# As for colors, there are no strict restrictions. Choose according to your mood! Even traditionally black or neutral colored niqabs can now be found in the brightest colors.

How beautiful the girls in hijabs are can be judged by these pictures.

If you, dear readers, have any other information about the culture of wearing Muslim headscarves, write to us. If you liked the article, you can also praise us in the comments :)

Polina, a website especially for the site

November 10, 2016

Hijab is the traditional clothing of Muslim women. It is known that Islam imposes strict rules on a woman’s appearance. A woman's clothing should completely cover her head and body, except her face, feet and hands. It should be free so that the outline of the body is not visible. Muslim women's clothing is made from opaque fabrics, the colors of which should not be too bright or shiny. This type of clothing in Islam is called the word hijab, which is translated from Arabic as a veil.

However, in most countries it is customary to understand the word hijab as a traditional women's Muslim headscarf. The scarf is tied in such a way that it covers the woman’s neck, hair and ears, leaving only her face exposed. It is believed that a woman should hide herself from the eyes of strangers, so a Muslim woman never goes out with her head uncovered. Without a hijab, she can only appear in front of her husband and close relatives.

There are countries in which wearing the hijab is mandatory at the legislative level. These are Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iran. Any woman in these countries must wear a hijab on the street, regardless of her religion. This fact must be taken into account, and when visiting these countries, make sure that you have something to cover your head in advance. Otherwise, trouble with the law is possible.

A number of Muslim countries, on the contrary, prohibit at the legislative level the wearing of the hijab in government and educational institutions. These countries include Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

In some countries, women wear a headscarf that completely covers their face -. This scarf leaves only the eyes open. There is also an option in which the eyes are hidden under a special mesh. This type of clothing is called a burqa.

Like any women's clothing, the hijab has hundreds of options. Eastern women have learned to wear a traditional scarf in a variety of ways and beautifully. Scarves are made from different fabrics (the main thing is that it is not transparent), different colors and shapes. In Muslim countries, specialized stores sell truly high-quality goods made from the most beautiful natural fabrics. Such scarves are in demand not only among the local population, but also among tourists who value beauty and uniqueness.

There are many ways to tie a hijab. It is simply impossible to list everything. It all depends not only on traditions, but also on the imagination of the woman herself. Islam does not impose any requirements on how exactly the scarf is tied, the main thing is that it covers what it is supposed to cover. At the same time, the general appearance of a woman should be modest and chaste. A Muslim woman should not try to stand out with the help of a hijab; her appearance should tell others that this is a woman with dignity.

The scarf is tied either directly on the head or on top of a special hat - bonnie. This cap fits tightly to the head and does not allow the scarf to slip off, thereby exposing the hair or neck. Bonnies, like scarves, are made from different fabrics and different colors. To make the hijab look beautiful, women combine the boni and headscarf correctly so that they complement each other.

The scarves themselves are used in different sizes and shapes, they are draped and decorated in different ways. For pinning, bobby pins and pins are used, or beautiful brooches and hairpins.

Let's figure out how to tie a hijab.

First of all, you need to pin your hair well so that it does not come out. You can put a bonny on top.
We bend the scarf along the length by 10 cm. Place the folded edge of the scarf on the forehead. We pull the ends of the scarf back so that they are different lengths. We secure the ends with a pin at the back. This way you get a kind of hat. Then the ends are thrown forward. The short one is wrapped around the neck and secured. The long end is placed on the chest and pinned at the temple or shoulder.

This is the standard and easiest way to tie a scarf.

There is an even more elementary way: the scarf is carefully aligned along the line of the face and pinned under the chin. The ends simply fall down.
More complex methods are based on a combination of scarves of different colors and shapes. For example, a colored scarf is placed on top of a plain scarf and draped in the form of waves. If you use a wide stole for covering, then there are even more options for draperies. The stole can be wrapped around the head several times, while leaving beautiful folds. It can be beautifully draped on the chest and around the neck. A hijab looks very beautiful, draped on one side, or complemented with a braided braid from the ends of a scarf. This braid is placed around the head or simply left hanging.

Here are a few more ways, clearly demonstrated:

There can be a lot of options. In Muslim countries, as well as in Western countries, there is its own fashion, which dictates certain trends. Muslim fashion designers offer their clients a huge selection that allows them to look modern, but at the same time remain within religious boundaries. The beautiful appearance of a Muslim woman also depends on her own taste and skill. The main thing to remember is that hijab is, first of all, modesty and purity.
It deserves a separate discussion, which differs from everyday wear in more refined fabrics and decorations.

It is a veil, a barrier, a veil. This is a type of clothing made of opaque fabric that completely covers the entire body except the face, hands and feet, and prevents Islamic women from trying to please other men. However, in the modern world, the hijab is considered to be the Islamic traditional women's headscarf.

Religion requirement and fashion accessory

The hijab, originally intended to hide female beauty, is today very popular even among representatives of other religions. The modern fashion industry offers a large selection of textures and colors of national Islamic scarves, and many options for tying them make women more stylish and elegant in comparison with the fair sex with their heads uncovered. Islamic girls are taught how to tie a hijab from childhood, since according to Sharia law, from the age of 7-10, as soon as her curves begin to reveal her as a young woman, she will be forced to cover herself, demonstrating modesty.

How to tie an Islamic headscarf correctly

There are many beautiful ways to tie a hijab. First of all, you should take into account that the length and width of the fabric must be at least one and a half meters, otherwise it will not be possible to tie it beautifully. An extra 20-30 centimeters will give you the opportunity to get creative with folds and drapery. The scarf should cover the entire head and chest. Ears, neck and hair should be hidden. Having collected all the hair, you need to carefully lay the scarf on the forehead along the hairline, secure it at the back of the head under the hair, and then in a variety of ways at the chin. For this you will need a beautiful pin or brooch. Since tying a hijab gracefully the first time will be difficult, you should start with the simplest method: tuck the scarf on one side by 10 centimeters, then lay this edge around the face and secure it like a cap at the back, leaving free ends of different lengths. Wrap the short end around your neck, and lay the long end on your chest with soft folds and secure with an elegant brooch on your shoulder or at temple level. It is very convenient to tie the hijab on a special cap, which will hide the hair from prying eyes and will help if the scarf moves.

Some wearing requirements

A hijab can become a real decoration and fashion accessory if you harmoniously choose several shades of different fabrics that echo the main color of the outfit. You should also take into account some ethics of wearing an Islamic headscarf: you should not wear transparent, tight-fitting clothes with it. As for colors, there are no strict restrictions. Even a wedding hijab does not have to be white, with the exception of inscriptions and various symbols. Since you need to tie a hijab both in winter and summer, it is advisable to select the fabric in accordance with the season. Silk, satin, chiffon and chintz scarves in pastel shades are well suited for summer, while darker-colored woolen materials will be preferable in the cold season. Muslim women wear the hijab to show respect and love for Allah, but today this headscarf has become a fashion accessory and has taken its rightful place in the wardrobe of modern fashionistas who do not profess Islam.

The article will tell you in detail about what the hijab is and why Muslim women need to wear it.

In the modern world, where every person has freedom of speech and action, the right to do what he wants, to travel around the world, women occasionally meet, as they say, “from another world.” We are talking about girls who “hide” behind canvases and therefore those around them will never know their hair color, hear their perfume or see their body features.

We are talking about Muslim women who can meet in any city in the world, be it Europe, Russia, the Baltic states or Asia. To understand why they wear such clothes is possible only by learning all the nuances of the Muslim faith. These women have completely abandoned all feminine “advantages”, such as swaying their hips when walking, flirting at work, admiring men on the street and wearing beach swimsuits.

The reason that a woman puts on a hijab is hidden “deep in her heart,” because every Muslim woman devotedly and faithfully loves her patron, Allah. Hijab is a piece of fabric that covers a woman's head. This piece of clothing should hide almost all of a woman’s beauty: youth, smile, pleasant facial features, thin sexy neck, ears.

INTERESTING: The Koran encourages wearing a hijab. However, no matter how much fabric a woman is supposed to wear on her head, if she doesn’t like it, she has the right to “sneak away” from it. Muslim scripture states that true hijab “comes from the heart.”

This statement should be understood as a woman’s voluntary desire to behave correctly, not to give ambiguous signs, hints of free behavior, not to flirt with words and eyes. Muslim women perceive the hijab not only as a sheet of fabric, but also as an “invisible veil of faith” that covers them from head to toe.

Hijab is the behavior of a woman that will not tarnish her husband’s reputation, as well as her “calling card.” Despite the fact that all women's charms are hidden under the canvas, they can still be enjoyed, but only by the husband alone, since he bears full responsibility for his wife. A woman is also not obliged to cover her head to her parents and brothers, children and nephews. Muslims perceive female beauty as a jewel that should be hidden from prying eyes and kept as something secret.

What can others see:

  • Person (in whole or in part, depending on the country and the family's views on the persecution of faith).
  • Hands (some Muslim women also prefer to hide them).
  • Eyes (the only part of the body allowed for viewing).

INTERESTING: In the modern world, it is customary to call a hijab any woman’s clothing that could tell others that she is a Muslim.

When going out, a woman must follow the following dress code rules:

  • Clothing should cover the entire woman, from head to toe.
  • You can open your face (partially or completely), hands and feet (in some cases).
  • Clothing should not be tight to the body, so that the hips, waist and chest are not highlighted in any way.
  • Clothes should under no circumstances be transparent, so that through the fabric it is impossible to see the features of the figure and see the color of the skin.
  • A woman's clothes should not resemble men's dresses
  • Clothes should not be overly bright or eye-catching
  • Clothes should not be saturated with perfume
  • You should not hang ringing or too provocative shiny elements on your clothes.
  • Clothes must be clean and tidy

The advantages and disadvantages of the hijab are difficult to list, because despite the fact that the woman is completely hidden under it, it prevents the sun from frying the body. As a rule, the hijab is made from natural fabrics so that a woman does not feel stuffy and hot in the summer.

Hijab and burqa: the difference

There is a variety of Muslim women's clothing, which has not only different names, but also the reason for wearing it, as well as territorial affiliation. Increasingly, in the modern world, Muslim women reveal their faces by simply covering their heads with a headscarf (hijab), however, in families with a classical and strict religious structure, you can also find a burqa - clothing that completely hides a woman from head to toe.

How to beautifully and quickly tie a hijab on a Muslim woman’s head: instructions, photos

You don't have to be born a Muslim to know how to tie and wear a hijab. Many Slavic girls successfully marry Muslim men and, accepting their faith, undertake to fully carry out their will, serve Allah, and not allow others to tarnish the honor of their spouse.

In addition, women can travel all over the world and therefore, when they get to a Muslim country, they should definitely learn how to wear and tie a hijab. This way, a woman will be able to show honor and respect to local residents, not raise unnecessary questions and not hear criticism in her own face.

IMPORTANT: When tying a hijab, you can completely expose your face, but you should wrap your head tightly so that your hair is securely hidden.

How to tie a hijab:

Video: How to beautifully and quickly tie a hijab on a Muslim woman’s head?

Inventive Muslim women have found and come up with many ways to tie a scarf on their heads to look good and attractive. If you are unable to tie your hijab correctly, carefully watch the video with detailed tips.

Video: “Three ways to tie a hijab”

How to make a hijab from a scarf?

If you are not a Muslim and you should cover your head only when necessary (travelling or visiting Muslims), you do not necessarily need to buy a special piece of fabric to cover your head. You can use your usual scarf or stole (wide thin scarf). Detailed tips and photos will help you tie it on your head correctly.

Why do Muslim women wear a hijab, at what age, what color should the hijab be?

Wearing a hijab for girls from a Muslim family is considered obligatory upon reaching puberty or adulthood (15 years of age is considered). However, the Koran commands that children be taught to pray from a young age: “teach children to pray from the age of 7 and beat them if they do not pray at 10.” The same goes for the hijab; it should be tied to little girls so that wearing it in adulthood would be comfortable.

INTERESTING: The exact age for wearing a hijab has not been established. However, if a girl is going through puberty (the appearance of genital hair or her first period), she should definitely wear a hijab.

Hijab should not be provocative. Most often it is black, but in the modern world you can also find light shades of hijabs, as well as scarves decorated with patterns. In some cases, the hijab is pinned with decorative pins and flowers. You should not hang ringing objects, bells, beads, or anything that will unduly attract attention on your hijab.

How to properly dress and wear a hijab?

Rules for wearing hijab:

  • The hijab opens the face completely.
  • The hijab should be tied so that all hair is hidden under it.
  • If you cannot hide your hair with a scarf, you should wear a special cap under it.
  • The hijab can be tied in a knot or secured with a pin, pin, or brooch.
  • The hijab also hides the neck; if the neck is not hidden, a special shirt or turtleneck is worn under the hijab.
  • The hijab is worn when a woman leaves home and in the presence of strangers (husband’s friends, guests).

Is it possible to wear a hijab at school?

Wearing a hijab is a personal matter for each family. Modern Muslims do not force their women to wear the hijab. However, there are still families who consider this headdress to be evidence of true faith. Wearing a hijab at school was generally permitted if it did not cause discomfort to the child and other students. However, some schools in Russia have announced a ban on the hijab, distinguishing between the educational process and religion.

Video: “Can I wear a hijab at school?”

Is it possible for a Muslim woman not to wear a headscarf?

The question “can” or “can’t” wear a hijab is not correct. Wearing a hijab is not determined by rules and voluntary desire. In Muslim countries with a strict way of life, it is considered a disgrace for a family to be on the street without a headdress. At the same time, in Europe, as well as Muslims living in countries with the Orthodox faith, do not have to wear a hijab, so as not to attract the attention of others. True hijab for a woman is faith in Allah and following the laws of the Koran.

Beautiful girls in hijab: photos

A piece of clothing like a hijab can be beautiful. In order for a woman to look attractive in a hijab, she should tie the scarf correctly on her head, choose clothes and complement her image with details (jewelry, accessories, shoes, makeup). Any woman is beautiful if she is well-groomed!

Photos of girls in hijab:

Wedding hijab: photos of girls

A wedding hijab is an essential element of a wedding attire. It differs from the everyday hijab in its pretentiousness and solemnity. A wedding hijab can be decorated with stones, embroidery, flowers, beads, and lace. Long wedding hijab

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