Test of what I will become when I grow up. Profession test for girls. How to choose a profession yourself

Online profession test: Which profession to choose?

comprises 30 questions| rating 4.1 out of 5 points

Test for applicants. What profession should you study for?
Eleventh grade is a very important period in the life of every student. At this time, you need to decide on the choice of your future profession. Universities today offer a huge number of professions to applicants. Who do you want to be: a doctor, an economist, a designer, a programmer, or maybe a veterinarian? If you find it difficult to decide on your future profession, take our test, we hope it will help you make the right decision!

Psychological test Which profession should I choose? You can go online completely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate it. Happy testing!

Reviews about the profession test:

  • Dayana| Ekatirinburg
    Few questions

  • Julianna| Ternovka
    Good test, helped me a lot

  • Catherine| Feodosia
    The test is good, but I will never go to the doctor or veterinarian


  • Alina| Kharkiv
    I really wanted to become a landscape designer and, based on the test, I was also offered this profession!!! THANK YOU

In addition to the fact that we all have individuality, over time it becomes important to choose our future profession. But it is impossible to do this without understanding what we want to do. Most often, these thoughts visit us from childhood under the influence of adults. They are the ones who ask the questions that make us think about who we will become in the future. At school everything is very clear. The main thing is to study. But future life confronts everyone with a difficult choice, in which it is advisable not to make a mistake. After all, the future of man is connected with this.

Why is it difficult to decide what to become?

Since each of us is unique, it’s worth choosing your favorite thing yourself. But, since decisions have to be made during school years, many advisers try to help with this. Of course, they mean no harm, sincerely trying to give good advice. But sometimes adults don’t understand that every child is individual, and therefore no one else can determine what he should do better than him. It is very good when family and friends listen to children, trying to understand what they need. But it doesn't happen that often.

The second reason why it is sometimes so difficult to understand what to become is money. The financial component sometimes pushes us to choose a profession for which “our heart is not in our hearts,” but it provides us with the opportunity to earn money. But, most often, it is precisely those people who make their choice according to the dictates of their hearts, and not the commercialism of others, who make their way in the material plane.

The third factor that makes it difficult to understand what to become in the future is geographical location. After all, for example, it is difficult to become a sailor or climber if you were born in the desert. On the other hand, with a strong desire to achieve something, a person will always find the opportunity to realize his plans. And in this he will not be hindered by inconvenient circumstances, since the world is quite friendly to those who go towards their goal.

What should you consider when choosing a profession?

What you shouldn’t focus on when trying to understand who to become is discussed above. Now let’s answer the question of what you should pay attention to:

  • An inner voice that, if you listen to it, will tell you the right direction;
  • Career guidance tests that the Internet is full of (the main thing is to take not just one, but as many of them as possible to see which results are more common);
  • Expanding your worldview, because it’s difficult to understand what to become in the future if you don’t know all the possible specialties;
  • The opinion of representatives of the professions of interest, in order to find out from competent people all the pros and cons of such a choice;
  • Your own inclinations, because it is important not only to want to become someone, but also to have the necessary abilities for this.

Now let's look at the main ways to make the right decision.

How to understand who to become?

If you have a difficult choice, you can resort to a number of simple tips.

Forget for a while about the wishes of relatives

This advice may seem quite selfish. But, on the other hand, your whole life is being decided. And, for example, having pleased your parents and entered a certain university on their recommendation, you can then regret it until old age. It is important that the choice does not sound like a child’s whim, but like an adult’s decision. And you have to fight for your happiness. Having mastered a suitable profession, a person will have more opportunities to do something good for his loved ones and take care of them.

Study your hobbies carefully

Very often, hobbies are the key to understanding the question of who to become. After all, the choice of work can be dictated by a whole group of social factors, and a hobby is a voluntary choice. The world is full of opportunities for the realization of the most original and unusual talents. Everyone has the right to find themselves in the activity that suits them best and suits them.

Find out what works best

A person’s capabilities can say no less than desires about a future profession. Especially if the choice of who to become occurs between several types of activities. In this case, it is important to realize that what you like can be done better. For example, you can equally love singing and dancing, but have great abilities in choreography. In this case, it is not right to choose vocals, knowing that you will achieve more in the art of dance. It is better to become a first-class dancer than a mediocre singer.

Dream more often

A person is always free in his fantasies. And the flight of thought can take you in any direction. The main thing is to be sincere with yourself. Understand what you really want. Perhaps then the answer to the question of who to become in the future will not cause problems? After all, many dreams tend to come true. You just need to really want it and start moving in the chosen direction, without fear of difficulties and trials. Because the reward for overcoming them will be long-awaited success.

Imagine yourself in the future

It doesn’t matter how a person takes this very place in life. The main thing is to imagine yourself exactly where you need to be. Calculate everything down to the smallest detail. The size of the office, the view from the window, the color of the furniture, salary and much more. And then begin to build a life route in the opposite direction, from the final goal. And, in the end, having reached the present day, simply begin to approach your cherished dream step by step.

Practice in your chosen profession

Sometimes immersion in the process helps you understand how well it suits a person. Let’s say someone has aspired to become a doctor since childhood. Perhaps through watching themed films or simply to be like someone he respects. Everything looks exciting on screen. But once he looks at the work of a doctor from the inside, it can cause completely different emotions. Therefore, when trying to choose a future profession, it is so important to learn more about it in order to have sufficient information to decide what to become.

Remember childhood hobbies

A person’s character and his basic inclinations are formed in early childhood. By analyzing what you liked to do in the early years of your life, you can find the answer to the question about your future profession. It’s not a bad idea to ask your relatives about this. Perhaps they will remember some details that will be useful in choosing a suitable specialty.

When wondering what to become, you should learn to listen to the prompts of your inner voice. Analyze what works best. It is advisable to draw a clear line between I want and I can. At one of their intersection points there may be a profession that will help a person realize his potential.

For many people, work activities mean a lot. After all, you always want to be the best in your field, receive a good salary and positive feedback from your superiors. Usually, by the time a person graduates from school, he has already decided what he is ready to devote his life to. But it happens that a boy or girl cannot decide on a profession. Or a person becomes disillusioned with his current line of work and plans to try himself in something new.

How to find a job you like?

For most people, the process of choosing a profession occurs intuitively. A person first becomes interested in something, studies this area superficially, consults with his family and then goes to study for the chosen specialty. Or, if the profession does not require a diploma, then he immediately looks for a job.

On the one hand, this intuitive approach is not bad. A person subconsciously already knows what he wants and what he is disposed towards. But still, intuition can sometimes be wrong. After working for a couple of years, a specialist suddenly realizes that his current activities are a burden to him.

Therefore, when choosing a profession, it is better to rely not only on spiritual impulse, but also on rational thinking. For this, psychologists give several tips:

  • Make a list of hobbies. A hobby may well become a business that will bring in money. For example, the list is represented by the following set of hobbies: sports, crop farming and computer technology. In the first case, it would be logical to go to study, for example, to become a fitness trainer. In the second, it is worth mastering the profession of a florist or landscape designer. In the latter case, the choice is even more extensive, ranging from programming to web design. A person who bases his activities on an area of ​​interest to him feels much more confident in his work. He makes more efforts and is more actively interested in new approaches to solving problems. The management will reward such an employee with bonuses and salary increases;
  • Focus on your personality type. For introverts, a quiet job with minimal social interaction is suitable: laboratory assistant, historian, etc. It is better for unsociable people to choose an option with a small salary than to suffer in a highly paid, stressful job. Extroverts are more free in terms of choosing a profession, since almost all positions involve active communication in a team and with clients;
  • Passing tests for career guidance. There are a huge number of them on the Internet. After spending a few minutes, a person will receive a list of professions that suit him.

In this video, psychologist Anna Vecherskaya will give some tips on how to find “your” profession in life:

Factors that interfere with choosing a suitable job

To avoid making a mistake when choosing a job, you need to do the following:

  1. Forget about the prestige or “money value” of the profession . Many people only think about money and the opportunity to show off their work to others. This is an insidious mistake that ultimately contributes to problems in life. Let's say a person got a job in which he saw only a way to earn a lot of money. The first few months or even years he is really happy. He buys a good car, modern household appliances, etc. But after some time, such a person experiences a “breaking point.” He realizes that he is actually wasting his time on something he doesn't like. Work turns into torture, irritability appears, and chronic illnesses may even worsen. The reason for many psychological problems and family quarrels lies precisely in the fact that a person is “out of place”;
  2. It's better not to listen to the instructions of your relatives . As soon as a young citizen graduates from school, relatives begin to “pressure” him from all sides and vying with each other to give advice on which profession is better. A young man should not be guided only by what he is told. Of course, advice is available Make a note, but priority should be given to the dictates of your soul;
  3. Don't be afraid of high responsibility . Some seem to have decided on their desired profession. She suits her character, interests and has every chance of mastering a certain activity. But a person is stopped by the fear that the work will be difficult or responsible. This is typical for the profession of a pilot, surgeon, etc. Indeed, one must realize that the lives of others depend on such a specialist. But if a citizen has strong nerves and feels potential in himself, then he shouldn’t refuse to go to a flight school or medical school just because of this. With practice and learning new skills, confidence will gradually come.

Where to go to work after studying?

After school some straightaway decide to go to work and not waste time getting a diploma. There are several suitable options for them:

  1. Security guard. Although the profession does not seem particularly prestigious, some places pay very well. For example, a security guard in a bank or large company is definitely not in poverty, and even wears a beautiful uniform that commands respect;
  2. Waiter. If you get a job in an elite restaurant, you can receive decent tips, which sometimes even exceed your salary;
  3. Salesman. The advantage is the ability to quickly get settled even in a small city;
  4. Postal employee. What could be easier than delivering correspondence or handing out parcels?

Taking into account the characteristics of temperament

When choosing a job, do not forget about the type of person’s temperament:

  1. Choleric. A person who actively reacts to events and is subject to frequent mood changes. He should avoid monotonous work and find himself where he can show initiative and leadership qualities;
  2. Melancholic. Such people are prone to depression and are very withdrawn. It is better for them to connect their lives with quiet professions, where they need to think more than communicate;
  3. Phlegmatic people. They are distinguished by their balance and slowness. Therefore, they carry out even boring and monotonous work without any problems. But at the same time, they are ready to diligently immerse themselves in the study of complex systems, so they can become good engineers and scientists;
  4. Sanguines. Always full of energy and can find contact with any person. They make ideal teachers and psychologists.

Distance is not a hindrance to work

Let's say a citizen wants to study and go to work as a research assistant, but there are no research institutes or other suitable places in the city. In this case, you should be mentally prepared to move or rent an apartment in another city or even region.

Fear of changing your place of residence should not be an obstacle to a passionate desire to work in a certain specialty. As a rule, all worries about moving quickly fade away. Especially when a person is passionate about his activity.

There is nothing difficult in choosing a place to work. It is enough to focus on your interests, character and not be afraid of difficulties, especially at first.

Video: how to choose a profession (mini-test)

In this video, psychologist Alexander Litvin will tell you how to decide on your future profession, how to understand what you need:

We are all interested in a successful future and each of us asks one question - what profession should we be in life? This topic plays a vital role in a person’s destiny, so it needs to be given special attention.

Making the right choice is often quite difficult. In order to make an informed decision, it is recommended to consider some recommendations.

1. Determination of personal interests and aspirations. You should think about what abilities a particular individual has. You can make a list of areas of work activity in which a person has the greatest interest.

2. Identifying life goals. For example, if the financial side of this issue comes first, it is necessary to study in detail professions that generate significant income.

3. Education. To obtain a leadership position, you must have a higher professional education. If you want to achieve more in life and constantly strive to advance your career, you need to take care of the proper level of training.

4. Comparison of desires and possibilities. There is an opinion that the possibilities of a person striving to achieve his goals have no limits. To quickly get the desired result, it is important to focus on one desire. Don't waste time on fleeting needs that may seem stupid in the future.

There are many recommendations on the topic of choosing a profession. At the same time, statements are highlighted that should not be taken seriously. Among these, it is necessary to highlight the 2 most popular:

Life is a lottery. Only people who were unable to achieve their goals due to laziness think this way. What is planned is not always given easily and simply. It is important not to give up at the first defeat, but to move on;

Life is a project. A person must live as his ancestors planned. If the medical profession has occupied a leading position in a family for many years, it does not mean that every member of this family should become a doctor.

Personal abilities and professional suitability play a key role when choosing a specialty.

Basic criteria for building the future

In order to determine who to be in the future, you need to understand three concepts:

  1. “I WANT” – you love to do it.
  2. “I CAN” – there are possibilities.
  3. “MUST” – the market is ready to pay.

The concept “WANT” is what the person himself wants (interests, inclinations, talents) and implies an explanation of what the individual strives for. These are personal qualities that are individual in each case. A competent determination of professional inclinations plays a key role in choosing a specialty, and in particular who to be. The direction of work activity and the success of training depend on this. It should be taken into account that one “I WANT” is not enough.

The next important criterion when choosing a life’s work “I CAN” is physical capabilities, health status and other market barriers. Why barriers? Because if a person does not have “ideal health” he cannot be a pilot of a civil aircraft. (But he can be the pilot of his own plane ;)

An equally important role is occupied by the concept of “NEED” - this is demand in the labor market. Activities for which the market is ready and will pay money. You need to find out which profession is in greatest demand on the labor market.

And now the main question: what profession should you be in life? It’s simple - success is the intersection of all three criteria: “I WANT”, “I CAN” and “I NEED”! If there is an overlap, why not get educated accordingly?

What to be in life by profession

To make choosing a specialty easier, tests for choosing a profession were created. Their technology is quite simple. The person is presented with multiple choice questions. Based on the test results, the program provides a possible direction of activity in which a particular person can achieve success.

If possible, it is recommended to try yourself in the profession that, based on the test results, suits you best. Practice is especially important in this case. In addition, you need to study the features of the specialty and try to find out all the subtleties that exist in it. Work is something on which a person spends a significant part of his life. Therefore, it is important to choose its specifics in the most competent manner.

Test what to be by profession will help you make the right choice and protect you as much as possible from errors of this type. Testing will help determine your predisposition to a particular field of activity and identify your abilities. All this will allow you to choose a specialty that you will like and will bring you joy.

On our website, anyone interested in a successful future can take a profession test online. Testing will help determine the direction of the most suitable work activity.

According to statistics, the vast majority of people make mistakes when choosing a specialty. Often, many people choose the level of earnings and the prestige of the profession as a guideline, forgetting to take into account that work should bring pleasure and then life will be a joy!

It’s difficult to figure it out on your own, even if you have a lot of interests. After all, you need to know what professions there are: what a person does, what object he works with, and what requirements this profession places on a person. This is what you need to know when choosing a profession.

To tell the truth, there are about ten suitable and pleasant professions for each of us. But you can’t go down ten different paths: you have to choose the most pleasant and most suitable profession.

What determines the choice of profession?

Here we will not open America to you. The choice of profession depends on the interests, abilities, values ​​of the person choosing, age, financial capabilities and family plans, and place of residence. But even if you know all this about yourself, what to do with this knowledge? And how do you understand what profession they indicate? There are two ways: try to diagnose yourself or trust me.

How to choose a profession yourself

Try the tests. There are career guidance tests and there are tests for professions. Try both. There is a 7 step method for choosing a profession. It is not a test, but it helps you understand your desires. You can finally listen to interviews with professionals, read books about professions, and even try to work during the holidays in some company and carefully look at what people do there. And all this can help a lot, but if it doesn’t help, then I will help.

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