Explain what to say when closing your mouth. Is it possible to make up for a missed fast in winter, when the days are shorter? Is Tarawih obligatory?

Followers of Islam are now celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, during which every believer fasts. They live according to the lunar calendar, which means that every year the period of spiritual purification begins at different times, but certainly on the 9th month of the year. In 2018, Ramadan began on May 15 and will end on June 14. During this time, Muslims are prohibited from taking food and water during daylight hours. And only after sunset the usual way of life begins: the family begins to eat.

The holy month was created for spiritual and physical cleansing. Ramadan is honored as a memory of the fact that it was during this period that the first lines of the Koran appeared to the Prophet Muhammad. It is believed that during this period the gates of Heaven are open and the doors to hell are closed, and even the devils are on chains. For a whole month, those who honor Islamic traditions pray more than usual and adhere to strict fasting.

But the day before the onset of Ramadan, you need to prepare. Perform a complete wash of the body and voice your intention to fast. Then say a special prayer and the next morning forget about eating during the day. The main thing is to do good deeds, give alms to the needy and feed the hungry.

Supporters of Islam argue that fasting helps Muslims control their emotions. This way they are freed from everything negative: anger, envy, temptations. The main task of the righteous is to get closer to Allah. Fasting contributes to this in the best possible way, pacifying the soul and flesh.

What time can you eat today during Lent: who is allowed not to abstain

There are some exceptions for certain categories of people who, for objective reasons, cannot adhere to traditions. We are talking about pregnant and lactating women, children under age, sick and elderly people. They are allowed not to fast, otherwise there is a risk of deterioration in their health.

If, due to circumstances, you have to retreat from fasting for several days, then after the end of Ramadan it is important to compensate for these days by abstaining from food and water during the day for the same number of days. Another option is to feed the hungry. At the same time, for the amount that a person usually spends on food for himself for one day. For every day of deviating from fasting, one hungry person must.

Thus, during Ramadan, Muslims eat from sunset to dawn, pray during the day and, at first glance, lead a normal lifestyle. Night hours become a small holiday in such a difficult and important period of life as Lent. For the entire period of the holy month, you need to give up bad habits and under no circumstances lead an intimate life during the day. This is one of the most serious violations.

Ramadan is the holy month of obligatory fasting for Muslims, and it was during this time that the Koran was revealed to people. During this month, millions of people around the world refrain from eating food, read the Qur'an and pay obligatory charity (Zakat al-Fitr). Iftar is an evening meal that begins immediately after sunset. According to the 2009 census, 70 percent of the population in Kazakhstan is Muslim. Iskander Salikhojaev decided to tell how Oraza is kept in Kazakhstan, what they eat for iftar (the evening meal that begins immediately after sunset), and also about how best to observe fasting.

According to the Gregorian calendar there are 365 days in a year, according to the Hijri (Islamic lunar calendar) - 354, so Ramadan goes through all cycles in 33 years, shifting by ten days every year. It is easiest to keep Oraza in winter, when the days are shorter. In the hot summer, when the time from dawn to dusk is approximately 18-19 hours, only the most devoted fast. During fasting, you should completely abstain from daily intake of water and food, as well as from intimate relationships.

Ramadan, bank branch director:

– During my school and student years, I kept Oraza, but recently, due to various circumstances, I have not been able to keep the fast. It is believed that fasting is most difficult in the summer - the time between meals is 18 hours. And although I had health problems (high blood pressure), this year I decided that I would fast.

Aigerim, the wife of Ramadan, prepared manti for Iftar. These are special manti, practically fat-free, dietary. And although Aigerim does not hold Oraza herself, she wakes up every night to prepare saresi for her husband - a meal before dawn. According to the prophet, a fasting person must take saresi, if not with food, then at least with a glass of water, for there is grace in it.

Traditionally, the evening meal begins with water and dates.

“The most important thing is the right attitude,” Ramazan shares his secrets. – I recommend not to drink anything sweet, it is advisable to give preference to water and dried fruit compote. I also recommend eating dates, they give a lot of energy. Fresh salads, which are high in fiber, are also good.

– There is a misconception that you must eat a hearty meal at Iftar. But this is not so, you should not overeat, eat in the usual quantities. Consider yourself simply changing your eating schedule from day to night.

Meilan, shop manager:

– I’ve been keeping Oraza for 19 years. I started fasting as a child, it was not difficult, besides, it was in winter and only 12 hours - from 6 to 18.00. In summer, of course, it is much more difficult in terms of water and heat. But there are no particular difficulties with my current job, since I work in an air-conditioned office.

Meilana's sister made khinkali today.

Before the meal, Meylan reads the evening prayer. Muslims believe that during this holy month the jinn and the devil are bound and the gates of heaven are opened. This helps the believer overcome his own passion and educate himself morally.

Then the eldest daughter Ayat brings him dinner.

– I don’t make any special restrictions when it comes to food; I eat whatever is prepared. Of course, I try not to indulge in salty foods and fish,” says Meylan.

It’s not difficult to hold an oraza; it’s important to have the right mindset and cast aside all doubts. And most importantly, you must pronounce niyat (intention) every day that you are going to fast, sincerely, for the sake of Allah. Niyah is said between night and morning prayers.

Aini, worker:

– I came here from Tajikistan, we have unemployment in our country, and therefore many of our citizens are forced to work on construction sites in Kazakhstan and Russia.

– Oraza in Tajik will be Rose. I have been fasting for several years in a row, now I don’t even remember when I started.

– Our food is usually prepared by the owner of the house where we are doing renovations. But today we cooked it ourselves.

– For Iftar we have fried potatoes, flatbread and watermelon. Watermelon is very juicy, but not as tasty as in our homeland.

– I have a large family in Tajikistan - parents, wife and three children. My youngest daughter was born a month ago, I haven’t even seen her yet. If I were at home on Orazu, my mother would prepare me delicious pilaf and green tea with baklava. But here we have to eat right at the construction site. This is a test we must pass.

– We work for a long time under the scorching sun, and therefore it is very difficult to keep the fast: you sweat a lot and feel thirsty. But I found a way out - I douse myself with water two or three times a day right in my clothes. This is not prohibited, the main thing is not to drink the water. And clothes dry quickly.

Bauyrzhan, salesman in the store:

“I tried to hold Oraza several times, but it didn’t work.” The last time I started fasting was in 2010, but then I worked in a carpentry shop and was very tired, as there was a lot of workload. One day I fainted and was told to stop fasting or I would cause harm to my health.

“This time, I think I’ll succeed.” At first I doubted it, but after the first week I got used to it.

Bauyrzhan’s mother cooked pilaf today and bought tandoor samsa.

– I know that in some Islamic countries, during the month of Ramadan, a special schedule has been introduced for workers - they work half a day or do not work at all. But we have a secular state, so this is impossible - they will immediately fire you.

Vyacheslav (Mahmud), a gas-electric welder, has been holding Orazu for the fifth year:

– In one of the hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad said: “There are two joys in this world. The first is when a person is in a hurry to make iftar, and the second is the reward for holding Oraza.” Oraza is good in everything, it is the mercy of the Almighty, the forgiveness of sins. And it is also very good for health.

– I start Iftar with water and dates, preferably the water should be melted. After freezing, it has a special taste, softer and fresher, like new. It is also advisable to eat talkan (crushed millet), it is very well absorbed by the body, and it is easy for a person to tolerate Oraza.

– The most important thing is with what intention a person holds Oraza. He must understand that he is doing this not because his father or everyone around him did it, but to gain the mercy of the Almighty. When this realization comes, it will be easy to hold Oraza.

Dinara, journalist. Orazu has been holding for more than 10 years:

– Many people are mistaken in believing that fasting only means not eating food. It seems to me that there is a deeper meaning in this - it is spiritual cleansing, summing up and rethinking the results of the year, fighting one’s weaknesses and vices. And most importantly, fasting is maintained for the sake of Allah. If a person performs hajj or namaz for himself, then he holds Oraza for the sake of the Almighty.

During Ramadan, after meals and night prayer, an additional tarawih prayer is performed, consisting of 8 or 20 rak'ahs.

– For me, the onset of the month of Ramadan is a holiday that you look forward to. It is gratifying to see many young people in mosques who come to taraweeh (prayer). It is especially pleasant that now almost all mosques have created conditions for women, and there are separate places for prayer.

Today relatives invited Dinara to auyzashar. During the month of Ramadan, people, even those who do not observe Eid, hold ayzashar in their homes and invite friends and neighbors.

Despite the fact that 70% of the population is Muslim, most people have little understanding of the intricacies of Sharia law. Along with those who fast, those who do not fast are also called, which is erroneous.

In Kazakhstan, it is a widespread practice to give auyzashar on behalf of businessmen, akims, and even the president. It is believed that the one who gives the auyzashar receives a reward equal to that received by the one holding the Oraza. Fasting has great social significance, since at this time wealthy people remember people in need and help them. Many mosques set tables with free food.

Ramadan ends with the three-day holiday of Eid al-Adha. Muslims and their families go to the mosque for Eid prayer. All three days in each house, guests are greeted by generously laid tables. These days, alms are distributed and all Muslims ask each other for forgiveness for past grievances.

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- Rustam Khamitovich, who should not fast?

From an Islamic point of view, minor children, the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers may not fast. But from a medical point of view, it is impossible to keep track of complex forms of diseases - diabetes, stomach ulcers, chronic heart failure, ischemia, vascular disease, thrombosis. Pregnant women can reschedule for a later date. And those who do not have the opportunity to fast or this is impossible for health reasons can feed one person in need every day, that is, give sadaqah fidiyya.

Maintaining a routine is stressful for the body. How and when should you start preparing for fasting so that it doesn’t become a burden?

In Islam, in addition to Ramadan, there is an additional fast called Nafl. Our prophet kept the spirit every Monday and Thursday. To accustom your body, you can fast for several days at the beginning of the month of Ramadan. A person should conditionally divide his stomach into three parts, and not only during fasting. This is the Sunnah of the Prophet. One part is for food, the second is for water and the third is for air. Our food culture is often such that we get up from the table having eaten our fill. Information that the body is full reaches the brain only 20-30 minutes after eating. And in this half hour a person can eat a lot of things. Then, of course, he regrets it. Therefore, you need to get up from the table without being completely full. This is the body’s way of preparing for stress.

Some, as directed by their doctor, must take the medicine three times a day. Is it possible to change the time of taking the drug during a fast?

It depends on the disease. Some medications may be taken twice a day. This year the holiday falls in the summer when the days are long. It may turn out that the drugs can be taken once a day. And if the patient cannot skip taking medications, then the fast can be postponed to a time when the days are shorter.

In our area, fasting people have to not eat or drink for 18-19 hours. What tips should you keep in mind to avoid exhaustion?

A person should drink at least two liters of water per day. A fasting person needs to drink as much water after iftar. Of course, not right away. If the body does not need fluid, it will not become weak. On hot days you need to drink even more. Mineral waters are especially useful. Because in the heat we lose a lot of salt through sweat. To keep water-salt metabolism in balance, you can take a complex of minerals and vitamins during the fast. Water is especially necessary. Thirst will also be reflected in the activity of the heart and blood vessels: the blood thickens, and blood clots may occur. During Suhoor, you must eat or at least drink water. Our Prophet also spoke about the benefits of suhoor.

- What is the best way to eat in order to maintain strength during the day and not want to eat and drink?

As for drinks, drink the same thing you drank before. If you drank black tea before, you don’t need to switch to green, or vice versa. Our brain and muscles need glucose. Therefore, eat foods with carbohydrates. But these should not be fast carbohydrates - sugar and sweets, they will only cause harm. You need to eat fruits rich in glucose. After iftar, you can start your meal with dates or raisins. First or second courses - it makes no difference. The main thing is not to rush into food after iftar. This is stress for the body and creates heaviness in the stomach. It’s not for nothing that during iftar they take a sip of water or eat one date and immediately leave to read namaz. You need to get used to eating little by little before morning suhoor.

Some people feel the benefits of coffee. But although it quenches the feeling of hunger, it causes thirst. Is it possible to drink coffee while fasting?

Coffee is both a healthy and harmful drink at the same time. If the body is weakened, it will aggravate the condition. As a neurologist, I can say one thing: among the nerve nodes emanating from the brain, there are special connections - synapses. Neurotransmitters are located there - they transmit impulses from one nerve cell to another. Coffee stimulates the work of these mediators. And then the person wakes up and begins to feel good. If a person is without strength, then there are already few mediators. The body cannot recover, and after drinking coffee, a person, on the contrary, loses strength.

- How to start the first day of fasting in order to organize it correctly?

I myself try to take a vacation when the holiday starts. This year I’m also going on vacation. Someone could probably take a day off from work that day.

In fact, the first day of the week is the time of adaptation of the body, stress. But this is useful stress. I recently read the words of Mark Mattson, head of the neurobiology laboratory at the US National Institute on Aging. He writes that short-term fasting is beneficial for nerve cells. Cells experience stress; during fasting, ketones are formed, which contribute to the production of energy stations in cells - mitochondria. They, in turn, improve memory. This specialist believes that short-term fasting is useful in preventing Alzheimer's disease. I also recently read about research by biologists at the University of Massachusetts. They write that fasting for 24-48 hours is good for your gut.

Any stress can be beneficial. Our grandparents could not afford to eat as much as we eat now. And what a life expectancy! They had not eaten enough all their lives, and the body was constantly in a state of stress. Uraza is a rest for the stomach, pancreas, and intestines. Such breaks are necessary and important for our body.

Is it harmful to fast during the day and eat at night? Many people are afraid that eating before bed leads to obesity.

I already said this - you don’t need to eat too much. After two or three days, the body gets used to this regime and does not ask for a lot of food. Of course, if you eat a lot, you can gain weight during the fast. I know such cases.

According to the Hazrat, the body needs three days to get used to fasting. What does medicine think about this?

Yes, it takes two to three days. Personally, one day is enough for me to get used to it. The body can get used to anything, the Almighty intended it that way. A person often wants to drink rather than eat. Especially in the heat. During fasting, the body begins to use its reserves - glycogens.

- How to prepare yourself before the fast so as not to suddenly stop the body’s work?

In two weeks, you can give up lunch and replace it with water. You can reduce your food portions and drink water instead.

Is it possible to replenish the mood in winter if Ramadan was in summer? Will this be right?

Allah Almighty commanded in a verse of the Holy Quran:

“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for your predecessors, so perhaps you will be afraid” (Surah al-Baqarah, verse - 183).

Accordingly, fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan is fard for every believer who has reached puberty. The Blessed Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) noted that “Fasting is like a shield that protects from Hellfire. It’s like a shield protecting your life during battles” (Nasai, Saum, IV, 167).

Therefore, it does not matter whether fasting occurs during the hot summer or during the frosty days of winter, it does not cease to be a person’s responsibility, for it is an expression of submission to the commands of the Almighty Creator.

“You should fast for a few days. And if any of you is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at other times. And those who are able to fast with difficulty should feed the poor as atonement. And if someone voluntarily does a good deed, then so much the better for him. But you’d better fast, if only you knew!” (Surah al-Baqarah, verse - 184).

If a person does not have valid reasons that do not allow him to fast during this month, and he does not fast, then this will be a serious sinful act. Leaving your fast during the winter period, where the days are shorter and it is a little easier to keep the fast, without fasting directly during the month of Ramadan, just because it is hot and the daylight hours are very long, is also sinful self-deception.

In such cases, just completing the fast is not enough, but sincere repentance is necessary.

If a person was unable to fast for some good reason, then he must make up for it until the next Ramadan, as soon as he is able to fast. However, it is better if he does not procrastinate, because no one has any guarantee that he will be able to live until tomorrow. Therefore, it is better to repay debts when possible.

In addition, it is worth remembering the following hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):

“Whoever misses one day of fasting in the month of Ramadan without a good reason will not be able to make up for it, even if he fasts for the rest of his life” (Tirmidhi, Saum, 27, Abu Dawood, Saum, 38; Ibni Majah, Syam, 14) .

If, out of forgetfulness, you eat something inappropriate, you will need to make up for it.

“If people knew all the advantages of the month of Ramadan, they would wish it to last a whole year,” the head of the dagwat direction of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Republic of Tajikistan quotes the Prophet’s hadith Niyaz hazrat Sabirov. He spoke about some of the nuances of fasting in the month of Ramadan.

- Who and from what age should keep the fast?

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam, that is, one of the duties assigned to every Muslim by Allah Almighty. The noble Quran says: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may fear God.” Every sane adult Muslim is obliged to fast. It is not necessary for a child, an insane person, or a person who has lost consciousness to fast, since these persons are not able to comply with the instructions. The Prophet said: “The pen is lifted from three people (deeds are not recorded): from a child who has not reached the age of majority, from someone who has lost his mind until he comes to his senses, from a sleeping person until he wakes up.”

- According to Muslim estimates, at what age can girls and boys be considered adults?

- For whom is fasting optional?

For the sick and travelers, fasting is not fard, but if they fast, their fast is considered valid. Also, failure to fast is not fard for the elderly, women in the state of haida (menstruation) and nifas (postpartum state), pregnant women, nursing mothers, if they are afraid of harming the child. In the future, they will need to compensate for these days at a time convenient for them.

- What about those who for some reason did not fast?

As atonement for the inability to keep the fast due to health reasons and if it is impossible to make up for it on another day, a fidiya has been established - for each missed day a minimum of 200 rubles. In case of inability to pay this amount, its obligation subsides.

- Is it true that during fasting it is allowed to rinse your mouth with water?

Yes it's true. During ablution, you need to rinse your mouth. However, you need to be careful about water getting inside. Otherwise, the fast of that day will be invalid and will need to be completed at another time. People often ask whether it is possible to use toothpaste. Abstinence will be more favorable. There is a possibility that the paste will remain in the mouth and get ingested. The Prophet used a miswak (a small stick for cleaning teeth made from the root of the tree Salvadora persica, Arak and some other trees).

In one of his recent posts on Instagram, the Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullin wrote that eating food and sexual intercourse due to forgetfulness do not break the fast. How can this be explained?

It is human nature to forget, anything can happen. Yes, due to forgetfulness a person can eat something inappropriate. For example, a child shares his food with a parent, and the parent eats a small piece. This will not break his fast. If a person does this consciously, then in addition to making up for this day, as atonement he must fast for another 60 days in a row or feed 60 needy people.

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