Should you switch to a raw food diet? Pros and cons. Raw food diet for and against! I am for a raw food diet! Natural natural energy

Is it worth trying a raw food diet, how will the body react to it and how will it end? About this in our article.

Is it worth becoming raw foodist?

Every year, more and more people join the cult of the raw food diet, who are convinced that the raw food diet is the right path to “immortality” and the best way to eat. Is this really true? What are the harms and advantages of this method? Let's find out!

In such a system, products are in no way processed using thermal methods: fruits, berries and vegetables are the TOP 3 products that come to mind when mentioning a raw food diet. People of similar beliefs also consume dried fruits, various legumes, seeds and nuts. Some raw foodists use a "gentle" diet, consuming jerky, eggs and unpasteurized milk, but true followers of this lifestyle replace meat with soy and beans.

Raw foodists are allowed to consume fresh honey, cold-pressed oils, juices and clean water.

Natural natural energy

According to raw foodists, this lifestyle will help get rid of any diseases and live in complete harmony with nature. Is this true, and does such nutrition really benefit the body?

The lion's share of nutrients in food cannot be destroyed by heat and enter our bodies. And the fiber in such products improves digestive processes and helps cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful elements.

It is also worth noting that a raw food diet is one of the best ways to lose weight, since all products are low in calories and contain almost no harmful carbohydrates.


You also need to remember about the harm that switching to a raw food diet promises.

First of all, quickly switching to a new eating habit can cause fatigue, nervousness, and even diarrhea.

Nutritional deficiencies are also worth mentioning. Vitamin B12, which is found only in animal foods, will negatively affect the nervous system and red blood cell production. Hence the anemia and irritability.

It is difficult to say for sure whether it is worth switching to a raw food diet - this is a personal matter for everyone. But the transition to such a way of eating is possible only under the strict guidance of a specialist. Have you decided? Be sure to get examined by a doctor!

Did you know that one of the first preachers (in the literal and figurative sense of the word) of a raw food diet was a presbyter Sylvester Graham- American priest who lived in the first half of the 19th century? According to historians, during his service in States Cholera was raging, and Father Sylvester convinced his parishioners to start eating exclusively simple, natural, raw food, because, in his opinion, the Lord sent the plague to people for one of the seven deadly sins - gluttony. Today, fortunately, cholera is not rampant, and raw food diet is “preached” not by priests, but by nutritionists and adherents of this food system. What principles underlie the raw food diet, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of eating exclusively unprocessed food? Let's figure it out.

A raw food diet is a nutrition system that excludes any heat treatment of foods, be it boiling, frying, drying or steaming. To begin with, it is worth saying that there are five main types of raw food diet.

Vegetarian raw food diet

People who adhere to this dietary system exclude meat and fish from their diet, and sometimes also refuse to eat eggs, but this does not always happen. If a person continues to eat eggs, then only in raw form. In addition, a vegetarian raw food diet implies the presence of milk and dairy products in the diet, of course, unpasteurized.

Vegan raw food diet

This type of raw food diet is considered the most common, despite a huge number of restrictions. Adherents of this type completely exclude dairy products, meat and fish, like vegans, but do not heat food above 40-49º.

Authorized products:

  • Beans (uncooked, of course)
  • Dried fruits (naturally dried)
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Freshly made fruit and vegetable juices
  • Corn
  • Young coconut milk
  • Nuts
  • Purified water
  • Seaweed
  • Seeds
  • Other organic or natural foods that have not been processed.

Paleo raw food diet

This type of diet is also called a carnivorous raw food diet or a “Paleolithic” diet. Adherents of this type of diet almost completely exclude fruits from the diet, but actively rely on almost unprocessed (food cannot be cooked above 40º) eggs, fish and meat, believing that it was raw animal food that contributed to the prehistoric evolutionary development of the human brain.


Ideally, fruitarians should eat only thermally unprocessed fruits of fruit plants and, with rare exceptions, berries. But for the most part, those who call themselves fruitarians also eat raw vegetables. The difference between fruitarians and raw foodists is that they do not eat nuts, legumes and grains.

Monotrophic raw food diet

In simple terms, this is a kind of mix of raw food diet and separate nutrition: at one meal, adherents of this type of nutrition eat only one specific type of food (for example, nuts or apples).

So, we briefly talked about the distinctive features of the types of raw food diet. Now it’s time to figure out what the advantages and disadvantages of each individual type are.

First, let's look at the paleo raw food diet.

Just the description of the principles of such nutrition for me personally - a person who is frightened by the very sight of blood and confused by the smell of raw meat - confuses and stupors. But first, it’s worth noting that paleo raw foodists do not eat meat from the nearest supermarket, understanding the dangers of such an event, but eat exclusively grass-fed meat. What does it mean? This means that the animal grazed in natural conditions, was not fed cereals, and was not fed hormones and antibiotics. Indeed, according to research by scientists from Cornell University, almost no Escherichia coli (E. Coli) is found in the meat of farmed animals. For clarity: for one sick animal that grazed in a meadow and ate grass, there are 300 sick animals kept in slaughterhouses. But the key word here is “practically”: after all, the likelihood of catching an infection still remains, in addition, there are also the bacteria Salmonella and Campylobacter, which are no less dangerous and can cause salmonellosis and other intestinal disorders. The Campylobacter bacterium dies at temperatures above 90º, but since paleo raw foodists do not expose food to temperatures above 40º, therefore, this type of bacteria migrates safely into the human body. These bacteria can even be fatal: young children and people with weakened immune systems (recent flu survivors or HIV-infected people, for example) are at risk. And we have already discussed in detail in previous articles about the hidden dangers of eggs, as well as harmful substances that may be contained in thermally untreated fish. Thus, we can conclude that a paleo-raw food diet is a very risky undertaking that can seriously undermine our body.

Next up is a vegetarian raw food diet, which allows you to eat unpasteurized milk and dairy products (for example, cheese).

What dangers await adherents of this type of diet? According to the results of studies conducted from 1993 to 2005, scientists from the College of Veterinary Medicine (Ohio State) should not consume unpasteurized milk, since 90% of farms have identified pathogens that contaminate the teats of livestock, in particular cows, and, therefore, , milk becomes infected during milking. Here we will meet the already familiar bacteria Salmonella and Campylobacter, which we mentioned above. And cheeses that have not undergone heat treatment are extremely dangerous for pregnant women, we also already wrote about this in an article devoted to fermented milk products: such cheeses may contain listeria, which causes a disease - listeriosis, which can be followed by miscarriage.

Now let's move on directly to the vegan raw food diet (including fruitarianism). And here we can already talk about any benefits for the body.

Let's start with the pros:

  • Indeed, heat treatment, especially long-term, can in some cases partially, and sometimes even completely, destroy many beneficial vitamins and elements. In a raw food diet, such losses are excluded. For example, red pepper, which is known to contain more vitamin C than citrus fruits, loses more than half of its beneficial qualities during heat treatment, since vitamin C is destroyed when heated. Another striking example is coconut, which when fresh is one of the leaders in the content of sodium, potassium and magnesium, but when exposed to temperatures, these properties are lost.
  • Natural, unprocessed foods do not contain trans fats, carcinogens, food additives, free radicals, sugar or salt. Note to people trying to lose weight: among raw foodists you will not find people with a lot of weight, shortness of breath or extremely high blood pressure. Which is a huge plus.
  • The content of dietary fiber, or fiber, in raw fruits and vegetables is much higher than in processed ones. For example, fresh cabbage is a natural activated carbon and lactofiltrum for our intestines due to its high content of those very dietary fibers that are the best absorbents. Fiber also helps our body feel full faster, which, in turn, prevents overeating.

Now we present a number of arguments against:

  • In case of gastritis and ulcers, the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits should be significantly reduced, since our body begins to secrete many times more gastric juice for their processing, which further destroys the injured walls of the stomach.
  • A significant amount of protein is found in legumes, such as lentils or quinoa, which are practically inedible in their raw form.
  • Heating food has its benefits. As a result of heat treatment, some vegetables begin to release antioxidants and substances that are more easily absorbed by the body. For example, tomatoes. When we cook tomatoes - stew or boil - they increase lycopene, a faithful assistant in the fight against cancer cells. During heat treatment, spinach increases the content of three important microelements at once - calcium, magnesium and iron. And in the case of asparagus, when steamed, antioxidants (for example, ferulic acid) are released, which help maintain youthful and beautiful skin. But the most important advantage is that during cooking at high temperatures, a number of bacteria that are found in raw foods are destroyed.
  • Vitamins A, D, iodine, iron and zinc are extremely difficult to absorb from raw food. Proof of this is large-scale research by the German scientist Klaus Leitzmann, during which it was found that 45% of men who have been practicing a raw food diet for a long time have iron deficiency (anemia), and 30% of women raw foodists suffer from amenorrhea. Also, beta-carotene contained in carrots is much better absorbed after prolonged processing of the fruit. For comparison: in its raw form, only 5% is absorbed, and in boiled form – all 90%. This also includes lycopene, an antioxidant found in tomatoes.

Doctors unanimously say that a short-term raw vegan diet can benefit the body: this type of nutrition will cleanse the intestines, lower cholesterol, help you lose weight and transform your skin. It is especially useful to practice a raw food diet in the spring and summer, when the quality of fruits and vegetables inspires confidence. Long-term consumption of exclusively raw food can ultimately lead to a number of diseases. Therefore, it is important to know moderation in everything. And it’s even more important to learn to listen to your body, which is individual for each of us and which knows best what suits it and what doesn’t.

Text: Veronika Kolegova.

Read even more interesting recipes on the blog Alexandra Novikova

12.11.2015 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Dear friends, hello! Vladimir Zuikov is in touch with you. Today there will be a very interesting article: raw food diet for and against. This is a controversial topic. Let's figure out together what are the arguments for the benefit and not for the benefit of live nutrition. At the end of the article you will find a small survey with prizes, you can leave your feedback.

First, I will give important arguments from opponents of the raw food diet, as well as arguments from its supporters. I will present information in the form of arguments and counterarguments. There will be no unfounded information or theories from books. Only important and relevant! Sit back comfortably and let's get started.

Arguments FOR a raw food diet

Let's consider the arguments that adherents of a raw food diet give. The format is as follows: first the argument itself, and then an explanation for it - a counterargument.

1. Raw food is the best food for humans!

Argument. Raw plant foods contain all the necessary nutrients (vitamins and macro-, microelements). Heat treatment does not destroy them, so they are active in raw food and benefit the body. Conclusion: any raw food is better than any cooked food.

Counter argument. Yes that's right. Raw food really benefits the body and is better than boiled food. I have personally been convinced of this for several years now. But raw food must also be LIVE, otherwise the argument loses all meaning.

Live means that the food is not only raw, but also does not contain chemicals, i.e. grown in the most natural way possible. You can read more about this issue. So, otherwise, even the same chemical-laden boiled food is better than the same raw food.

What!? Many of you are probably in a bit of shock right now... How can a boiled tomato from the supermarket be better for your health than the same tomato raw? Some kind of absurdity... Nevertheless, it is so!

Look at ordinary people (omnivores) and you will understand why. They eat mountains of slag, but live better and healthier than most supermarket raw foodists with their eternal crises and constant weakness. Why do you think this happens?

Let me explain more specifically. Raw foodists misinterpret the concept of "raw food diet." Most of them buy low-quality food (in supermarkets, from untrusted market traders). This is where there are a lot of problems with a raw food diet - breakdowns, gluttony, constantly depressed mood, thoughts about food and many other problems.

Guys, a raw food diet should be based on the highest quality products, otherwise it makes no sense. Otherwise, it is better to eat the same foods, but boiled. So at least there will be a little more benefit, because... A good portion of the chemicals in plant foods are broken down by heat treatment. Basic biochemistry, no need to be a genius.

But what now, eat boiled food? No! I'll give you a hint. Read the article about where to get quality products for live food (). Eat raw food wisely, friends!

2. Raw food is healthy and chemical-free

Argument. Raw plant foods do not contain flavorings, flavor enhancers, food colors or other wonders of the chemical industry. And it also does not contain GMOs, unlike 90% of industrial food (meat and all products containing soy and corn).

The harm of chemicals, food additives and GMOs is obvious and proven by many scientists around the world. Official science does not openly admit this, because it is very unprofitable for the economy and obtaining extremely huge profits. Read about the economic disaster that a raw food diet brings with it. You will understand everything.

Counter argument. I completely agree. This is obvious even to a fool. But again, not everything is so smooth. There are also other chemicals that are introduced into plant products at the stage of their cultivation and storage in industrial warehouses.

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to buy quality food, especially for a raw foodist. And in large cities, without knowing the nuances, this is almost impossible. No exaggeration!

That’s why I constantly repeat: make useful contacts with sellers, find hot spots. Your task is to ensure that you buy quality food. Publicly available junk from the supermarket is not food for a raw foodist.

3. Raw food diet is good for your health

Argument. A raw food diet has very good health benefits. The body is cleansed of toxins and waste, excess weight is lost. Diseases also pass, especially chronic ones (obesity, heart disease, joint diseases, impotence, poor vision and hearing). A raw food diet gives health, well-being and longevity.

Counter argument. Yes, it’s hard to disagree with this. Both Pelagia and I personally felt this and continue to feel it. We have never had such health before. It is a fact! What about energy? Her sea! And the performance is simply colossal!

In addition, the body can normally go without food, water and sleep for quite a long time, and this does not require any stimulants or doping. Immunity at its best!

Yes, there are a lot of advantages. But for some reason, for more than half of beginning and not so beginning raw foodists, everything is just the opposite. A constant feeling of hunger and thoughts about food, weak immunity, irritability, drowsiness, zero stamina, only enough strength to walk, objects falling out of your hands... Just sadness. Sound familiar?

Guys, constantly feeling unwell is not normal! You are doing something wrong, this is not part of the transition phase. I can’t say for sure what exactly it is, everyone has their own bugs, they are very diverse and sometimes not obvious.

4. Digestion works like a clock

Argument. On a raw food diet, food is digested quickly and with pleasure. No drowsiness after eating, no heaviness in the stomach.

Nutrients from food are absorbed well and for the most part without the participation of the digestive organs (thanks to enzymes). Thanks to the fiber in raw food, the intestines are easy to cleanse and no smelly farts are formed. Energy is directed to more important needs.

Counter argument. Everything is quite true if the correct microflora is formed in the intestines. But most raw foodists completely forget or don’t know about this. That is why their digestion occurs with an abundance of gases in the intestines, bad breath and constant munchiness.

If you have fermentative or putrefactive microflora, then eating raw plant food only brings you experience of a raw food diet, but not health.

I would also like to talk separately about enzymes, enzymes and digestion. Some fool once upon a time blurted out something stupid about how food is digested on a raw food diet. Some well-known raw foodists also write books about this, and beginners pick it up and teach others. Just tough! Well, okay, we’re not in this steppe.

Arguments AGAINST raw food diet

Now let's look at the arguments of people who are skeptical about the raw food diet. Opponents of a raw food diet sometimes exaggerate and often make ignorant guesses. But sometimes they are still right. Let's find out!

1. Raw food diet is not for everyone!

Argument. A raw food diet has a number of contraindications: age, chronic diseases, health status. But if you are young enough, then a raw food diet can be used as a short-term diet, and preferably under the supervision of a doctor.

Counter argument. Doctors and scientists consider a raw food diet as a diet. This is because they have absolutely no practical experience of such nutrition. Many of them are hearing about him for the first time!

Doctors are trained to treat diseases, and not to prescribe a raw food diet to people. And it’s unlikely that someone who eats boiled food and meat all his life can talk about the benefits and harms of a raw food diet for others. Absurd, friends. How can you trust the words of doctors in this matter? But alas, there are those who believe. These are the realities of life.

In fact, a raw food diet may well be a permanent way of life, and not just another diet. Of course, everything needs to be approached carefully and wisely. Especially for such important changes in life.

And here, friends, I recommend that you do not listen to fanatical opponents or supporters of live nutrition who slow you down or rush you. Read the article about transition strategies and decide for yourself which path to take.

2. Raw food diet aggravates old problems

Argument. When switching to a raw food diet, old diseases, especially chronic ones, worsen. Many people do not feel well on this diet. Therefore, at the slightest symptoms of poor health, you should return to your usual diet. Raw food diet is a diet for young healthy people.

Counter argument. Of course, when switching to a raw food diet, the body begins to actively work towards getting rid of old diseases and toxin deposits.

But think for yourself, is it possible that on healthy food the body will carry all the rubbish that it has accumulated over the years of eating everything in a row? He will get rid of her!

Of course, again, you need to do everything gradually, taking into account your state of health and psyche. There is no need to rush and become a raw foodist in one day. You need to collect information, prepare, and only then move on.

3. Normal raw foods are hard to find.

Argument. Raw foods are difficult to find in a regular store or supermarket. But if you can buy something, it costs more than traditional food. And that's why a raw food diet is only for the rich.

Counter argument. It’s true, raw food products cannot be bought in a regular supermarket. I have already said that they sell mostly chemical food for thoughtless consumers. Raw foodists need to buy elsewhere. Above in the article I already gave a link to where exactly.

As for the fact that a raw food diet is expensive, this is a very controversial issue. It may turn out to be both more expensive and cheaper than the usual diet. It all depends on your ability to find the right traders and know other tricks.

There is another fact here - money is saved on medications and visits to doctors. But you can simply earn more on a raw food diet, because with such nutrition a lot of energy is released that needs to be directed somewhere.

4. Raw foodists lack proteins and vitamins

Argument. Many opponents of a raw food diet, as soon as they come across a raw foodist or vegan, immediately ask the same questions.

These questions are something like this: where do you get your protein and vitamins? And the issue with vitamin B12, which is supposedly found exclusively in animal products, is especially acute. Guys, where can I get raw food B12, where can I get protein?

Counter argument. Friends, opponents of a raw food diet are partly right, but only partly. A raw foodist faces nutritional deficiencies only in one case - with an illiterate raw food diet. There is a lot of stuff here, we write a lot about it on the blog.

If you carefully study our blog, if you have an individual diet, then you don’t have to worry about a lack of something there. You know that Pelagia and I are trying to cover all the important topics and answer your questions regarding a competent transition and a healthy raw food diet in general.

Of course, if you look around, there are failures in the raw food diet, and many raw foodists, indeed, with their illiteracy, face a lack of vitamins in the future. These people return to their usual diet, and this is also a way out for them.

5. Raw food diet is so difficult!

Argument. If the body only needed raw plant foods, it would not react to it this way. There would be no craving for cooked food and meat. There would be no feeling of emptiness in the stomach. A raw food diet is difficult and definitely not for modern people.

Counter argument. The body does not react very well to unusual raw food at first, this is true. Food is poorly digested and poorly absorbed.

And he is drawn to the usual dead products because the chemicals and flavor enhancers in them cause severe addiction. The chemicals penetrated into all cells of the body. And cells always require the food from which they were built. Always!

It is important to understand that even natural boiled food itself is slightly addictive. But it cannot be compared with what is caused by modern supermarket food.

In any case, the addiction goes away over time (after a maximum of 8 months of raw food diet for the most advanced cases). If food addiction haunts you even after this period, if you lapse into cooked food, you are 100% doing something wrong. Write to us, we will deal with you personally.

You should know that the feeling of emptiness in the stomach on live food is primarily due to the old habit of filling the stomach to capacity. Modern man eats a lot, 3-4 times more than necessary. I'm shocked myself! On a raw food diet, you don't need that many calories.

For example, I have days when I don’t eat anything because my body doesn’t need it. For example, in the summer, when it’s very hot, I just drink water, eat watermelons and that’s it. Hunger is a normal state; on a raw food diet it has a different nature. At the same time, neither physical indicators nor mental indicators fall.

Guys, you don’t need to think that a raw food diet is difficult. A raw food diet is very rarely difficult. But it can be difficult if approached incorrectly.

In fact, a competent raw food diet is a wonderful diet for a modern person. Because in our age, many people have driven themselves to a very strong dependence on food. This provokes many related diseases (heart and vascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, stroke).

Alas, some simply have no other choice but to switch to a raw food diet. And whoever has a choice, in 80% of cases this choice is very temporary. The first signs are already there.

This is the truth and reality of modern life. I'm not exaggerating at all. You yourself can be convinced of every word from this article if you look around at the people. How many completely healthy people do you know?

For clarity, go to a place where there are a lot of people: metro, shops, etc. Especially watch middle-aged people. Look at their faces, it's all written there. Illness, suffering, pain... Many girls and boys will face the same fate in 20-30 years. Think about it...

P.S. Dear readers, please provide your arguments for and against a raw food diet in the comments below. The arguments should be based on your personal experience or concerns. Tell us what advantages and disadvantages eating raw plant foods gave you.

We are waiting for your arguments for and against! Leave your reviews, tell us your experience. No goodbyes, see you soon!

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Our expert - nutritionist Marianna Trifonova.

So, maybe we should throw out the pots and pans and join the slender and energetic ranks of raw foodists? Let's try to figure it out by weighing all the pros and cons.

Argument No. 1

BEHIND. In raw food, all vitamins and minerals, as well as special living energy, are preserved in their original form.

AGAINST. Indeed, heat treatment significantly reduces the level of many vitamins. Especially a lot of vitamin C is lost. But there are also substances that, on the contrary, only benefit from cooking. For example, the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which tomatoes are rich in, is better absorbed not from fresh, but from stewed tomatoes. But that's not even the main thing. Worse, a limited range of foods deprives the body of many important nutrients. After all, a person needs not only fiber and vitamins, but also fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and amino acids. Therefore, the ideal balance of raw and cooked food is 60% to 40%, and not like most people: 10% to 90%.

Argument No. 2

BEHIND. Raw foodists do not eat industrially prepared food, full of preservatives, flavorings and other “chemicals”, and this reduces their risk of developing all the diseases of civilization.

AGAINST. Yes, but not all foods are healthy to eat raw. Sometimes it's even dangerous. This applies primarily to water (in particular, spring water), fresh milk (risk of brucellosis and mad cow disease), raw eggs (salmonellosis), fish and meat (bacteriological, infectious and helminthic diseases).

Argument No. 3

BEHIND. Raw food contains a lot of fiber, which removes toxins, improves immunity and intestinal motility, and prevents excess fat from accumulating. And little salt, which is good for the cardiovascular system.

AGAINST. The abundance of coarse plant fiber can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such a food system can increase allergic reactions, because heat treatment of food reduces both the aggressiveness and the amount of many allergens. In addition, eating exclusively raw foods can cause anemia and thyroid problems. An illiterate raw food diet is fraught with exhaustion, disruption of the brain and the body as a whole.

Argument No. 4

BEHIND. A raw food diet helps eliminate toxins and uric acid, therefore it has a therapeutic effect on acne, gout, and rheumatism.

AGAINST. Almost all of the beneficial effects of a raw food diet are temporary. When switching to a normal diet, all the old sores return again. And it’s good if there are no additional diseases. In addition, raw foodists have severe erosion of tooth enamel and a very low level of B12 in the blood (which promotes hematopoiesis and improves the condition of the nervous system).

Argument No. 5

BEHIND. Everything a person needs can be found in plant foods. The deficiency of animal protein is easily compensated for by protein from legumes. Lack of calcium - sesame.

AGAINST. Eating large amounts of raw legumes on a regular basis is not safe! In addition to beneficial substances, beans contain so-called inhibitors that prevent the absorption of vital amino acids. To prevent them from harming the body, before cooking, many legumes, and especially soybeans, need to be soaked for at least 12 hours, and then, filled with fresh water, boiled, bringing the water to a boil. Red beans should not be eaten raw at all, as they contain toxic substances that can only be neutralized by heat treatment. As for sesame, it is an excellent source of calcium, but without vitamin D it is not absorbed, and since this vitamin is not found in plant foods, a raw food diet can significantly worsen the condition of teeth, hair, nails and bones. In addition, when consuming sorrel, spinach, and rhubarb, the amount of even absorbed calcium may be reduced. In addition, the oxalic acid contained in these raw plants causes the formation of kidney stones.

Argument No. 6

BEHIND. A raw food diet gives you an incredible boost of strength, a feeling of lightness and good mood.

AGAINST. This euphoria is temporary. In addition, there are side effects. The most common are a constant feeling of cold (you feel cold even in warm clothes) and the skin of your hands cracking until it bleeds. Also, many raw foodists complain of hair loss, nerve problems and cessation of menstruation in women.

Argument No. 7

BEHIND. A raw food diet fosters discipline and respect for your body. Having started this practice, a person will learn to distinguish real hunger from food promiscuity and will follow moderation in food - after all, small amounts of food facilitate digestion. He will also get used to chewing his food thoroughly (otherwise raw food simply won’t be digested) and not drinking before or immediately after eating to avoid stomach rumbling.

AGAINST. As a short-term measure, such a nutrition system is completely justified. But it can be used for no more than 2-3 weeks, and not in winter. But a raw food diet, like any drastic dietary restriction, is absolutely not suitable for children, people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases and the elderly.

Personal opinion

Nikita Dzhigurda:

—From 1995 to 2002, I was a strict vegetarian, I lived without meat, without fish, without dairy products, without food cooked on fire. This is all good as temporary cleansing procedures for the body and soul. But you shouldn’t switch to a raw food diet forever.

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