Malvinka hairstyle with technique and step-by-step photos. Malvinka hairstyle photo Malvinka Malvinka

Twenty years ago, almost every girl had a “malvinka” hairstyle on her head. It is done quickly and easily, which is always convenient for young mothers. After all, time is running out in the morning, and you need to get not only yourself, but also your children to school or kindergarten. The hairstyle is still popular for the same reason, but has undergone some modernization. This is what we will talk about today.

What is needed for this

To create a hairstyle you will need a certain set of tools that every fashionista simply needs:

  • Massage, fine, round comb.
  • Hairpins, bobby pins, elastic bands, barrettes, ribbons and hoops.
  • Hairdryer, curling iron, straightener.
  • Varnish, foam, mousse or gel to fix the hairstyle.

How to make a “malvinka” with your own hands

“Malvinka” means hair collected in a tail, bun or bun at the top of the head or slightly below. The main task is to remove annoying curls from the frontal and temporal parts of the head so that they do not get into the face.

Every child can simply gather the temple strands with a ponytail at the back, but in order to make a stylish hairstyle out of this, you need to be smart and try a little. Stylists have a completely different approach to this styling.

The principle remains the same, but the basis is a high bouffant and loose hair. Let's move on to practice, consider its classic version.

Classic hairstyle “malvinka” for long hair with photo

  • Start from the top of the head, moving towards the frontal part. Select a strand, backcomb it from the roots, and fix it with hairspray. Then take on the next strand. Our task is to make the voluminous bouffant look like a “pillow”.
  • Now select a strand from the forehead, cover it with a “pillow” with a lift so as to hide it from view.
  • Repeat this process with the entire head of hair in front, leaving long bangs.
  • Immediately fasten each curl with an invisible hairpin at the back of the head. Be sure to fix everything with varnish. You can cover up your bobby pins with a beautiful hairpin.
  • This “malvinka” hairstyle with a backcomb can be an excellent option for a wedding hairstyle.

Careless styling

  • Nowadays, careless hairstyles are popular, so let's look at how to make a “little hairdo” from the distant 90s in a modern style.
  • Gather the hair from the top of your head with your hands.
  • Decorate it in a bun in the middle of the crown, secure with hairpins.
  • If this modern option without combing does not suit you, you can repeat the process using a massage comb.
  • To add volume, lightly backcomb the bun, then straighten it with your hands to give the desired shape.

French braid

The combination of a braid with a “malvinka” is a universal option that is suitable for girls of any age category.

  • Select three identical strands from the frontal part, braid the outer “spikelet” or, as it is also called, a French braid. Finish weaving below the crown. Gather the remaining curls with a ponytail.
  • Use your fingers to straighten the braid sections to add volume. Fix with varnish.

For curly hair

  • If you have luxurious, wavy curls, then making a “malvinka” will not be difficult. It is not necessary to backcomb your hair, and it is not necessary to comb it either. Just gather the temporal and front strands with your hands, casually bring them behind the back of your head, and secure them with hairpins.
  • If you are an opponent of careless styling, repeat the steps described above, using a comb.

Any one always emphasizes the femininity and sexuality of the wearer.


First way

Here is another interesting styling option. It is ideal for those with long, thick hair.

  • Gather your hair at the top of your head with a ponytail and secure with a clear elastic band. Braid the ponytail and secure the end with a clear elastic band.
  • Straighten the braid links with your fingers. If necessary, apply varnish for durability.

Second way

Another great easy styling idea for luxurious hair.

  • Comb your hair back, choose wide temporal strands.
  • Braid one braid on each side, secure its tip with a bobby pin at the opposite ear.
  • At the back, the braids should be positioned one above the other. Look at the photo to understand how it will look in the end.

Third way

  • Bunches can be made above or below the crown. If you wish, you can make two high buns on the sides.
  • Collected temple hair in a bun looks original.
  • Select a strand of loose hair, braid a light braid, straighten its links. Now your styling has become much more interesting.


Don't believe that beauty always requires sacrifice. Sometimes beauty can be restored very quickly and painlessly. Lovers of beauty will enjoy this practical option.


Hair bows look quite original on any hair. You can do this design for medium, short or long hair.

  • Gather the temporal strands at the crown of your head with your ponytail, securing with a strong elastic band.
  • Make a loop from the tail, divide it into two parts.
  • Secure with bobby pins. We wrap the remaining tip of the tail between the bows.
  • If your hair is too thick, then make such a division with a curl of your choice. Secure the tail with bobby pins.


To get perfect curls, styled in a “malvinka” style, you need to divide your hair lengthwise from ear to ear.

  • Secure the upper part with a clip at the top of the head.
  • Divide the second part into strands, curl each with a curling iron.
  • Then hold the curls in your hand for a while until they cool. Fix each curl immediately with varnish.
  • Do this process with all your hair.
  • Then we move the side curls to the top of the head and secure them with invisible hairpins.
  • This hairstyle is event-worthy, so add some jewelry for extra drama.

Beautiful “malvinka” hairstyle for medium hair

Many people love curls, so hairstyles with them evoke admiration not only for the owner, but also for those around her.

  • Curl your entire hair with a curling iron.
  • Select a strand under the ear, braid it, secure it behind the second ear, spreading it around the head like a hoop.
  • Using the same principle, you can make two braids from different sides.

Malvinka hairstyle for short hair

Owners of short hair do not complicate their lives by creating collected hairstyles. But if you try, then even with this length you can create a light, romantic hairstyle.

  • Comb your hair, select a wide strand from the upper left side of your head. Start weaving the outer “spikelet”.
  • Finish weaving it in the middle of the back of the head. Repeat this process with the second side.
  • Secure the ends of the braids with a transparent elastic band, intertwine them and secure with bobby pins.

Video lessons

I bring to your attention an excellent video that shows a master class on creating a chic, high bun in the bun style.

You can admire the work of a master, but doing the same yourself is not so easy. Just repeat after this craftswoman, and you will definitely succeed.

Let's look at an evening or wedding hairstyle with a “malvinka” of chic curls.

Each beauty has several routine styles that suit her. But don’t limit yourself to just them; replenish your arsenal with new, trendy options for a stylish, individual look. Write in the comments which styling is more suitable for you.

Perhaps you have personal ideas, interesting experience in creating designer hairstyles - write, I will be very interested to know your opinion.
1087 10/09/2019 5 min.

The Malvinka hairstyle is beyond fashion and age - it is always appropriate, suitable for girls, girls and women, done for every day and on special occasions (with evening dress The “malvinka” looks very nice when complemented with appropriate accessories – hairpins, ribbons). There are many options for performing a popular hairstyle, among which you will definitely choose a solution to your liking. In this review, we will tell you how to make malvina, what is needed for this, and what styling options are available.

Who is the Malvinka style suitable for?

The main secret of the popularity of the hairstyle is that it suits everyone - you can’t do this style unless completely short hair, and for long and medium-length curls it is just perfect.

Malvinka benefits:

  1. It looks equally impressive on long and short hair, straight and curly, thin and thick hair.
  2. Installation will take you a minimum of time - one minute will be enough.
  3. There is a large selection of accessories on sale for creating formal or business looks - with different hairpins and headbands the hairstyle looks completely different.

Malvinka softens facial features, makes the image more delicate, feminine and attractive. This hairstyle is a great alternative to loose hair.

Hair loose at the back with strands picked up at the front will suit the owner of any oval shape. If you have a narrow face with sharp cheekbones, it is better to go with a backcombed version with slightly curled curls - it will be “softer”. For a triangular, oval face, a smooth malvina is ideal.

Styling tools and products

For voluminous styling, it is best to do it on freshly washed or simply clean hair. There is no need to style your hair after washing. You will also need:

  • comb;
  • invisible;
  • means for giving hair volume;

Styling products

Be careful - they are designed to make the hair stronger, but should not be conspicuous. A little negligence is welcome.

As for accessories, Malvina is unpretentious - rubber bands, barrettes and hairpins will be enough. If you want, you can decorate your hair with a ribbon, headband, comb, brooch, flowers. Accessories with stones complement an evening outfit very beautifully.

Classic malvina

The classic malvina is made using bobby pins - hair tied below the crown with an elastic band is a popular everyday option, but this is not a classic design. Classic requires straight strands and strict adherence to the canons.

Classic styling

To do this setup:

  1. Dry your hair thoroughly (if you just washed it) and comb it.
  2. From the top of your head, start taking narrow strands and combing them a little, immediately spraying them with varnish (you need a lush “cushion”);
  3. The strand that comes from the forehead rises up and is wound onto the finished bouffant, secured with the help of bobby pins. Apply varnish.
  4. Secure the strands with bobby pins and decorate with a hairpin.

When creating a classic little hairstyle, you can use a lot of varnish, since the hairstyle must have the correct shape and hold well.

From classic to trendy '60s style, it's just a stone's throw away. To create a retro-style hairstyle, comb the top of your head well - this will give it volume. The look will be even more luxurious if you curl your locks a little.

Bow styling

– one of the most unusual variations of this hairstyle. Its main feature is that a small bow is made from your own hair. It looks like a hairpin, but... much more interesting.

Hairstyle with a hair bow

To do this setup:

  1. Separate two small strands at the temples and connect them at the crown or back of the head, tie with an elastic band. There is no need to pass the tip of the tail through the elastic band - a knot should remain.
  2. Divide the knot into two parts - that is, two loops.
  3. Place the loops in different directions, widen them a little, and then secure them with bobby pins.
  4. Lift the free end of the ponytail up, covering the middle of the hair bow with it, and secure with hairpins. Excess strands are pulled down.

The fashionable “bow” is ready!

Malvina in binding

Another stylish way to style it is in a binder. To do it:

  1. Apply a volumizing product (preferably on damp hair).
  2. Comb the hair at the back of your head, separating the strands on the sides.
  3. Take small strands from the side strips and secure them to the back of your head with an overlap (the bobby pins are hidden under the bouffant). Repeat 3-5 times (until the side strands “end”).
  4. Carefully spread the overlap - this is necessary to give additional volume.

Done - all that remains is to lightly spray the result with varnish so that it lasts longer and does not fray.

Other modern hairstyle variations

Binding, classic, bow - these, although the most popular, are far from the only ways to create a hairstyle. Today there is a huge variety of malvina options - all you have to do is choose. Among them:

  • - done like a classic styling, but the backcomb should be stronger. Place a bunch of side strands on the top of your head - this will make your hair voluminous. Looks especially beautiful on curly hair;

Retro hairstyle

  • with a rim of flagella - flagella are made from one’s own hair, from which the rim is then formed;
  • a knot gathered at the back of the head - the lower hair remains loose, and can be curled if desired. This hairstyle is suitable as an evening hairstyle - just don’t forget about the appropriate accessories;

Malvina with a knot at the back of the head

  • with a sticking ponytail - a flirty option for young girls.
  • c – secure the side strands with a beautiful hairpin and apply gel or mousse to the curls;

You can decorate your little one the way you want - with braids, weaving, artificial and fresh flowers.

Do you want to look as romantic as possible? Opt for curls. And remember that the side strands should not be compressed too much - they should frame the face and gather into a ponytail under the back of the head, and not act as a headband. Curls look especially gentle when combined with a bow and stylish hair accessories.

To create spectacular curls, use curlers of the right size or any styler. Before you start curling your hair, treat it with mousse or foam.

Video: How to do it for long hair

For an example of laying Malvina, see the video below.


Do you want to make a new one? interesting hairstyle but aren't used to spending a lot of time styling your hair? In this case, you will probably like malvina. It is suitable for owners of straight and curly curls of any length, except very short ones. Thanks to a wide selection of hairstyle options, you can change the style to suit your mood - today you made a braided bun, tomorrow with a bow, the day after tomorrow a classic one, and you always look new. Don't forget about accessories - beautiful hairpins will make your hairstyle complete and delicate or, on the contrary, elegant. Even the little one can cope with the task of doing the hairstyle - after all, to create the very simple option It is enough to collect the strands at the temples and fasten them at the back of the head with an elastic band. Choose bobby pins that match your hair color - in this case they will be as invisible as possible, and your hairstyle will be complete and harmonious.

The Malvinka hairstyle, familiar to absolutely every fashionista, is considered the most beautiful and fastest among current hairstyles. It can be created at almost any length, not only for every day, but also for special occasions.

Malvinka with fish tail

This is the best option for long hair! A hairstyle with curls can be created very quickly, looks simply beautiful and opens up the face.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Curl with an iron.
  3. On the right and left, take one small strand each and twist it into bundles.
  4. Connect them at the back of your head. For convenience, you can use a silicone rubber band, which will then need to be cut off.
  5. Divide the resulting ponytail in half and braid it.
  6. Secure its tip and stretch the weave a little.

Retro Malvinka

This wedding hairstyle looks very elegant. She is incredibly popular among today's brides.

  1. Comb your hair into a straight parting.
  2. Curl the strands with an iron.
  3. At the top of the head, separate a not very wide part of the hair and spray it with hairspray.
  4. Comb gently with a wide-tooth comb.
  5. Lower the comb down and comb the top layer.
  6. Form a little one and pin it with a beautiful hairpin.

Option with bow

Romantic styling is ideal for dates, parties or walks in the park. Believe me, with this styling you will attract all the attention of men!

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Using the fine tip of a comb, separate a section of hair approximately at ear level.
  3. Tie it with an elastic band.
  4. When making the second turn, do not pull the ends out completely - you should end up with a loop.
  5. Divide it in half - you get two parts of the bow.
  6. Pin one part of it to the head first, and then the second.
  7. Lift the tip up, pass it under the elastic band and release it down again. For reliability, secure it with a bobby pin, placing it under the bow.

In the style of Brigitte Bardot

A very simple and comfortable hairstyle that fits perfectly on both long and medium hair.

Malvinka from plaits

How to create a stylish hairstyle if you only have 5 minutes? Believe me, this is quite real!

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Comb the hair on the top of your head at the roots to create a more voluminous hairstyle.
  3. On the right side, take a small strand and twist it into a rope.
  4. Throw it to the left and stab it with a bobby pin.
  5. On the left side, take a strand of the same width.
  6. Twist it into a tourniquet and throw it to the right. Stab it with an invisible one.

From an inverted tail

As you can see in the photo, this hairstyle is very easy. True, in its beauty it is in no way inferior to more complex models.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Use the pointed tip of a comb to separate a section of hair at the top of your head.
  3. Tie it into a ponytail, leaving a few thin curls near your forehead.
  4. Make a small indentation on top of the elastic and turn the ends through it.
  5. Wrap the elastic around a thin curl and secure it under the malvinka.

Malvinka with a hair flower

An ordinary hairstyle can be so beautiful that you won’t be able to take your eyes off it! Here is one of the options - cute, feminine and gentle.

  1. Comb it all back. Separate the hair at the top of your head and tie it with an elastic band.
  2. Divide the resulting tail in half.
  3. Twist a tourniquet from each part.
  4. Twist the bundles together to form one large one.
  5. Fix the tip.
  6. Place the rope in a circle at the base of the tail to create a flower.
  7. Secure it with pins.

Crossed strands

A malvinka with crossed strands looks quite strict, so you can safely wear it for work. If you twist the strands, you will get an elegant hairstyle.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Take a small section of hair from the top of your head.
  3. Comb it lightly.
  4. Lower the comb down and twist the tip into a rope (literally a couple of turns).
  5. Secure with bobby pins.
  6. Take a not very wide strand from the temple on the right side.
  7. Place it on top of the tourniquet, completely hiding the bobby pins. Fasten securely.
  8. At the temple on the left side, take another strand of the same width and place it slightly lower than the previous one. Lock it in.
  9. To be safe, spray with varnish.

Rocker Malvinka

Medium-length hair can also be quickly styled into a stylish hairstyle that will be the envy of everyone around you.

1. Comb it all back.

2. Separate a small strand near the forehead and comb it with a comb.

3. Lower the bouffant back, attach the side sections to it and tie at the back of the head.

4. Separate a thin curl from the ponytail and wrap an elastic band around it. Pin the tip with a bobby pin.

5. From the left side (just below the fry), take another strand and lay it towards the tail. Stab it with an invisible one.

6. Repeat this step for the right side as well.

How do you like this option? Would you have a hairstyle like this?

Invisibility styling

This hairstyle with a backcomb at the forehead can be created even with the help of ordinary bobby pins. It looks unusual and allows you to create a modern image.

1. Comb your hair into a straight parting.

2. On the right side, take a thin strand and tie it with a silicone elastic band.

3. Tie exactly the same ponytail on the other side.

4. “Sew” the distance between the ponytails with two rows of bobby pins, placing them one below the other. The elastic bands themselves also need to be pinned so that they are not visible.

Hairstyle for short strands

You can easily create a little hairstyle even on short strands. Our detailed master class will also help you with this.

  1. Comb your hair in a straight parting.
  2. Take a small strand from one side of it. Divide it into three curls.
  3. Create a loose reverse braid. Tie the end.
  4. On the other side of the parting, take the same strand and divide it into three curls.
  5. Create a loose reverse braid. Tie the end.
  6. Connect both braids at the back of your head.
  7. Raise the hair on the top of your head a little to make your hair look fuller.

Malvinka hairstyle is the ideal choice for creating a very delicate romantic look. This style looks great on hair of any length, and its formation does not require much effort. Today we will talk about the varieties of malvinka - one of the most versatile and popular hairstyles.


Classic version

This styling will fit perfectly into a business, casual or formal look. In addition, it can be formed as on straight lines, and on wavy hair. So, what does a malvinka look like in the classic version?

  1. Part your hair.
  2. Take a few strands from the top of your head, create a backcomb and secure it with hairspray.
  3. Select one side strand on both sides.
  4. Connect the selected parts at the back of the head using a beautiful hairpin.
  5. Loose hair can be left straight, or you can create beautiful curls using a cone-shaped curling iron.

Retro style

In the 60s of the last century, the high Malvina hairstyle was especially popular. Today, such styling can be seen both on fashion catwalks and on celebrity walkways. So, how to create a beautiful 60s look?

  1. Malvina is made in a retro version for straight hair. In order to get the desired volume, select several curls on the top of your head, comb them at the roots, and then secure them with a special gel or varnish.
  2. Take strands from the top and sides of your head and gather them at the back, securing them with a beautiful hair clip.

Original version with harnesses

Today in the fashion industry, unusual is popular funky style. Not only famous designers, but also hair stylists became adherents of the new extravagant trend. The embodiment of this style in hairdressing is a Malvinka hairstyle with plaits.

  1. Separate your hair with a side parting. It can be made straight or diagonal.
  2. Take one front curl and divide it into two sections.
  3. Twist the two halves with a small rope. Secure it with an elastic band.
  4. Form a similar tourniquet on the other side.
  5. Connect and secure the two resulting flagella in the back of the head using bobby pins or a beautiful hairpin.

Stylish option with a knot

This styling will be a great addition to a stylish business or solemn image.

  1. Comb the strands on the top of your head and fix them with hairspray or gel.
  2. Take one front strand at a time and tie them into a ponytail at the back of your head using a small elastic band.
  3. Select one large curl from the ponytail and wrap it around an elastic band. Secure the resulting knot with bobby pins.
  4. Take one side strand from each side and secure it with bobby pins at the back of your head under your ponytail.

With pigtails

Malvina hairstyle with pigtails– universal styling that will suit for any occasion. In addition, it is quite durable and, if done correctly, can last all day. So, how to create an interesting look with braids?

  1. Take a side strand above your ear, divide it into three parts and braid it. Repeat the same on the other side. The braids can be made small or wide (with stretching).
  2. Connect the two braids at the back of your head using a small elastic band or bobby pins.
  3. To create additional volume, lift the hair on the top of your head and fix it with hairspray.

Malvina with a bow looks very impressive and feminine. However, to create such a styling you will need a lot of time and patience.

  1. Take two mirrors and place them opposite each other so that you can see the back of your head.
  2. Select two wide side strands above the ears and connect them at the back of the head with an elastic band so that a small loop remains.
  3. Divide the bun into two halves and secure them with hairpins.
  4. Attach the resulting halves to the rest of the hair using bobby pins so that a beautiful bow is formed.
  5. Select one narrow curl from the ponytail, wrap it in the middle of a bow and secure with a bobby pin.
  6. Please fix the style with hair spray. For creation glossy effect can be applied to a bow special gel.

Malvinka - One of the most popular and simple hairstyles for long hair. In this article we will tell you how to make it more interesting and fashionable.

Any hairstyle looks much more impressive on clean, well-groomed and shiny hair. A half-down hairstyle is a great reason to show off your healthy hair.

Editor's tip: For shine, softness and volume, try with grapefruit extract and vitamins E, C and B5.

Now that the hair is ready for styling, let's look at the original versions of the Malvinka hairstyle.

Malvinka looks best on long hair and medium-length hair, but a very cute hairstyle can also be achieved with chin-length curls ( ).

An original malvinka with a spikelet from the very roots. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Malvinka with scrunchy elastic band

Bulk elastic bands from the 90s, which in English language are called scrunchie ( ), were spotted in the hair of many celebrities and began to take the catwalks and fashion magazines by storm. Not long ago, scrunchies were an example of provincial fashion, but now, by decorating a tall little one with such an elastic band, you will get an ultra-fashionable hairstyle. To make your hair look even more voluminous, curl your hair with curlers, a curling iron, or braid multiple braids at night. This version of the malvinka is suitable for any hair length.

Malvika with a bright scrunchy elastic band. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Malvinka with a knot or pigtail

A braid or knot will help make your hair more complex. Make a regular braid, then braid the ponytail into a neat braid (you can do, for example, a fishtail braid). If you want to try making a knot, do not make a ponytail, but connect the strands by tying them into a light knot and secure it with bobby pins. This hairstyle looks equally good on both straight and wavy hair. To give your hair a more well-groomed and glamorous look, slightly curl the ends inward.

Tall hairstyle and soft curls. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

By the way, a malvinka can be assembled from two braids. Simply braid the strands, which you will then gather into a ponytail, into two thin braids and connect.

Editor's tip: if you want to create a flick on smooth hair and thereby emphasize its shine, try , which smoothes strands, protects ends from split ends and gives hair a delicate shine. The styling will be very impressive!

Malvinka on J.Lo's perfectly smooth hair. The singer uses extensions. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Malvinka with original accessories

A beautiful hairpin or comb will add some flair to your hairstyle. Try making beach curls and decorating your hair , leather cord or ribbon in a contrasting color.

Hilary Duff chose a top note for her half-down hair. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Suitable for wedding or festival .

Editor's tip: help you create perfect beach curls with natural Balinese salt. The product gives strands a beautiful, defined texture without weighing them down.

Malvinka in boho style

This is where your favorite one comes in handy again. ! Disheveled soft curls, a careless half-bun at the back of the head, a few half-down braids lost in the mass of hair- this look will go perfectly with an ethnic style dress or skirt and a leather jacket.

Malvinka with braids in boho style. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

If you try on oversized sunglasses and a shapeless cardigan, you'll get the Olsen sisters' famous bohemian style.

Bohemian style of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Babette on half-down hair

Try an iconic '60s hairstyle. The backcombing technique will help you achieve volume at the roots, like actress Brigitte Bardot.

Editorial advice:Before you start backcombing, apply to the roots. with silk proteins and green tea extract. Lightly massage your scalp to allow the product to absorb and absorb excess sebum.

Babette for half-down hair with stray strands. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Using a fine comb, comb the top of the hair and comb it temporarily forward. Place a special one on the parietal area . Cover the donut with your hair and secure the style with bobby pins and hairspray.

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