Why does everyone tell me that being married is bad? I'm not married well, or I'll give my husband in good hands text

“Here in me are 190 cm of beauty and charm, mixed with intelligence in a purely expressive proportion. besides, I love white burgundy and don’t smoke and really.....well, I really really want to get married. So in a dress, with Tiffany rings, with throwing a bouquet...))) And why does everyone tell me that being married is bad? Why do women stop cumming during sex with their husbands? Why do they whine that all men are their own? It seems to me that they are lying, that they are not married well) It seems to me that they are simply unlucky. It seems to me that they simply blew up at the registry office too early. It seems to me that they did not fully appreciate the beauty of loneliness. Well, which normal person gets married at 18...20...25...and why? They just didn't get fucked enough. And now they tell me that marriage is a thing of the past and there is nothing to do there.”

Our readers expressed their views on marriage

Getting married is not a bad thing, and then you won’t end up in ruins. I am a widow, I want to get married again, but I’m afraid/I don’t know what/that this man just needs a housewife, and he’s also jealous for no reason. People around me, both men and women, like me, without any intimate overtones, I am friendly, but I never cross the line of friendship, but he doesn’t understand this. He probably judges by himself/he cheated on his first wife. Now he is a widower. So I’m thinking... I don’t need house-building - I’m a free person, and I don’t live that long anymore - I want to be happy and pleasant, and not to sort things out.

They hiss at you, don’t listen to them, they are losers, all they can tell you is that it didn’t work out for them, but they also wanted to.)))) But if it didn’t work out the first time, then parachuting is not for you. True, don’t expect that after the wedding you’ve done everything and continue to rest on your laurels, it’s not easy, and the most adventures await you after the wedding, but many succeed in finding a compromise (this very concept, among everyone hissing, causes a storm of indignation - compromise, this is not for them) But life is a complete compromise, good luck to you.

You desire a real, smart and sexy young girl! You are simply unlucky to communicate with women who are disappointed in their marriage. This is easily explained, because happy wives have no desire to tell how good it is (superstition). In addition, our mentality makes women complain more than tell the truth. “To cause envy, you have to have no brains” - the majority adheres to this rule! And, I, as a man, will report to you that seeing the happy eyes of your beloved is a great happiness. And to see and understand what you feel is no less happiness!

And I’m wondering, how can you want to get married? Just get married and that's it? I can still understand when they want to marry a specific person (even if the reasons for this desire are different - love, money, convenience...., but still...), but just so abstractly - for a hunchbacked, lame, fool or a sadist just to have a “dress with Tiffany rings and throwing a bouquet”? And then, where does the information come from that women (!) stop cumming during sex with their husbands? In general, it's kind of stupid...

We are all idealists until trouble touches us personally. And it comes when we expect gifts from life. but we ourselves do nothing for this. Happiness in external and personal life is the result of one’s own efforts on oneself. Sometimes you feel disgusted with yourself when you start looking at yourself from the outside. And what can we say about the person who is nearby? More often than not, we do not want to look at our own imperfections, but try to look at them in our close environment. Hence all the complaints and dissatisfaction with those who are opposite. When people start living together, their communication becomes closer, and more complaints arise. But if you want to have a full life, then learn to see the merits in others and ignore the flaws. This is extremely difficult to do. And this is a common scourge. If we are abandoned, we do not even try to look for the reason for such an incident in ourselves, but blame everyone else for everything. So it turns out that all are “women...” and “men are holy...”.

The afforsha (I mean the original afforsha) is a troll and a show-off. That’s why I won’t contact her))) And if on the topic... getting married early is bad, because that’s what youth is for - to have fun, to try all the good things in life and to understand what you really need. Moreover, when you meet “your one,” you must first live in the same house with him, make sure that feelings do not collapse under the pressure of everyday life. And only THEN think about marriage and children together.

It's scary to get married the first 3 times, then you get used to it

Yulia Shilova

I’m married badly, or I’ll give my husband to good hands

Marriage is like a long sea voyage

where very soon calms become boring and storms are dangerous.

Where you rarely see anything new - the whole sea

yes the sea, everything is husband and husband, every day,

hourly until satiation.

Aphra Bena, English writer and playwright

There was dead silence in the room. I have never in my life wanted to get drunk as much as I do now. Just take something stronger and drink in greedy sips until you go crazy and lose consciousness. Looking at Andrey with a tired look, I felt tears appearing in my eyes, and quietly said:

- Andryush, it’s me, your wife Yulka. Do you really not recognize me? Well, look at me carefully!

Andrey glanced at me and nervously drummed his fingers on the lid of the coffee table.

- What do you want from me? – still nervous, he asked me.

- I want you to remember me.

– I can’t do anything. For the life of me, it doesn’t work.

– You and I have been living together for exactly four years. Our son is the same age.

- Did I marry you on the fly? – Andrey smiled somehow unkindly.

“For love,” I was a little confused, but immediately pulled myself together. “With you and me, everything was just like on accelerated film.” Crazy passion, love, living together. We started living together a month after we met.

- Why so fast?

– It was your decision.

- My? – Andrei was surprised.

- Of course, yours.

- Am I so flighty?

– What does it have to do with whether you are flighty or not? – today I could envy my self-control. “We felt so good with each other that we couldn’t part even for a few hours,” I didn’t flinch. – Literally a month and a half later I found out that I was pregnant. You proposed to marry you. Naturally, I agreed, I loved you very much. We quickly submitted an application to the registry office and began to prepare for the wedding.

Feeling a slight trembling seize me, I closed my eyes and thought that there is nothing worse than devoting four years to my man, having a child with him, giving him all of myself, without reserve, loving him, supporting him in everything, cooking delicious dinners, wash all his things after him, and then suddenly find yourself in a completely stupid situation that you couldn’t imagine even in your worst nightmare, and experience great humiliation from the fact that your own husband now doesn’t recognize you.

– Andryusha, you’ll see: everything will definitely fall into place and you’ll remember everything.

- What all? – Andrey looked at me again.

– Me, my son Nikitka, my family and friends. Please look through our wedding photos more often. Discs, tapes that record how we vacationed as a family. They say it will help you remember everything.

– What if it doesn’t help? – Andrey immediately touched me to the quick.

“This can’t be,” I shook my head.

- Who told you that? Doctors? Are they the smartest and know everything?

– Do you think that all doctors are fools? – I could no longer hide my tears and, taking out a handkerchief, brought it to my eyes.

- No. I do not think so. Just how do they have such confidence that I will remember everything, if they can’t even explain what happened to me.

– Stop calling me that immediately! How many times have I asked to be called not Andryusha, but Andrey. Am I a little boy who goes to kindergarten and not being able to tie your shoelaces?

“I’ve been calling you that for four years.” Very affectionately. It seemed to me that by calling you Andryusha, I was expressing my love and loyalty to you.

– I don’t know what happened during these four years, but I ask you to call me Andrey. You should have put a Panama hat on my head and put me in the sandbox.

- Fine. If this makes you uncomfortable...

– I really don’t like this.

“Andrey, if you don’t remember me, then you can love me again,” I felt the blood rush to my face.

– What if it doesn’t work out?

Andrey's question simply stunned me.

- How is it that it won’t work?

– There is, of course, a saying: “If you endure it, you will fall in love,” but it doesn’t always work out that way. There is another popular wisdom: “You can’t be nice by force.”

“You don’t like me at all?” – I understood that I was asking a stupid question, but I could not help myself from the despair that gripped me.

“I’m not in the shape to like anyone right now.”

“Sorry,” I said and ran out of the room.

Grabbing my purse, I ran out into the street, hailed a taxi and quickly said:

– Restaurant, please, and quickly.

– What restaurant? – the driver did not immediately understand me.

- So there are a dime a dozen of them here!

- Take me to some decent establishment.

- Decent is so decent...

The driver looked carefully in the rearview mirror, noticed my tear-stained eyes and drove me to the very center. Walking into a quiet and quite cozy restaurant, I took out my mobile phone and called my friend.

“Vlada, I’m at a restaurant here,” I quickly said its name and gave the address. - I beg you, please come. I really want to get drunk... I don’t want to do it alone.

- Do you want us to get drunk together?

“I really want to,” I honestly admitted to her.

– Did something happen to you? – my friend asked me worriedly.

– You know that my husband has lost his memory. I no longer have the strength to see him so insane and prove to him that I am his wife. Vlada, come, otherwise I’ll just go crazy. I tried to call you from the car, but you were always busy.

“But I can’t come so quickly.” I need to get ready.

- Get ready. I will wait for you.

Having made Vlada promise to come as quickly as possible, I put my mobile phone in my purse and ordered myself a light salad, fruit and an iced martini. Then she took a few greedy sips and began to examine the man sitting at the next table. The man seemed to sense my gaze, put down his newspaper and looked at me with exactly the same thoughtful gaze. Raising my glass, I smiled nervously and swallowed the tears that came.

“For love,” I squeezed out and immediately added: “So that it causes as little trouble as possible.” If, of course, this happens.

“I can’t keep you company, I’m driving,” the man immediately understood me in his own way, regarding my gaze as an invitation to drink.

I’m married badly, or I’ll give my husband to good hands

Yulia Shilova

Marriage is like a long sea voyage, where very soon the calms become boring and the storms are dangerous. Where you rarely see anything new - all the sea and the sea, all the man and the man, every day, hourly, until satiety.

Aphra Bena, English writer and playwright

There was dead silence in the room. I have never in my life wanted to get drunk as much as I do now. Just take something stronger and drink in greedy sips until you go crazy and lose consciousness. Looking at Andrey with a tired look, I felt tears appearing in my eyes, and quietly said:

- Andryush, it’s me, your wife Yulka. Do you really not recognize me? Well, look at me carefully!

Andrey glanced at me and nervously drummed his fingers on the lid of the coffee table.

- What do you want from me? – still nervous, he asked me.

- I want you to remember me.

– I can’t do anything. For the life of me, it doesn’t work.

– You and I have been living together for exactly four years. Our son is the same age.

- Did I marry you on the fly? – Andrey smiled somehow unkindly.

“For love,” I was a little confused, but immediately pulled myself together. “With you and me, everything was just like on accelerated film.” Crazy passion, love, life together. We started living together a month after we met.

- Why so fast?

– It was your decision.

- My? – Andrei was surprised.

- Of course, yours.

- Am I so flighty?

– What does it have to do with whether you are flighty or not? – today I could envy my self-control. “We felt so good with each other that we couldn’t part even for a few hours,” I didn’t flinch. – Literally a month and a half later I found out that I was pregnant. You proposed to marry you. Naturally, I agreed, I loved you very much. We quickly submitted an application to the registry office and began to prepare for the wedding.

Feeling a slight trembling seize me, I closed my eyes and thought that there is nothing worse than devoting four years to my man, having a child with him, giving him all of myself, without reserve, loving him, supporting him in everything, cooking delicious dinners, wash all his things after him, and then suddenly find yourself in a completely stupid situation that you couldn’t imagine even in your worst nightmare, and experience great humiliation from the fact that your own husband now doesn’t recognize you.

– Andryusha, you’ll see: everything will definitely fall into place and you’ll remember everything.

- What all? – Andrey looked at me again.

– Me, my son Nikitka, my family and friends. Please look through our wedding photos more often. Discs, tapes that record how we vacationed as a family. They say it will help you remember everything.

– What if it doesn’t help? – Andrey immediately touched me to the quick.

“This can’t be,” I shook my head.

- Who told you that? Doctors? Are they the smartest and know everything?

– Do you think that all doctors are fools? – I could no longer hide my tears and, taking out a handkerchief, brought it to my eyes.

- No. I do not think so. Just how do they have such confidence that I will remember everything, if they can’t even explain what happened to me.

– Stop calling me that immediately! How many times have I asked to be called not Andryusha, but Andrey. Am I a little boy who goes to kindergarten and can’t tie his shoes?

“I’ve been calling you that for four years.” Very affectionately. It seemed to me that by calling you Andryusha, I was expressing my love and loyalty to you.

– I don’t know what happened during these four years, but I ask you to call me Andrey. You should have put a Panama hat on my head and put me in the sandbox.

- Fine. If this makes you uncomfortable...

– I really don’t like this.

“Andrey, if you don’t remember me, then you can love me again,” I felt the blood rush to my face.

– What if it doesn’t work out?

Andrey's question simply stunned me.

- How is it that it won’t work?

– There is, of course, a saying: “If you endure it, you will fall in love,” but it doesn’t always work out that way. There is another popular wisdom: “You can’t be nice by force.”

“You don’t like me at all?” – I understood that I was asking a stupid question, but I could not help myself from the despair that gripped me.

“I’m not in the shape to like anyone right now.”

“Sorry,” I said and ran out of the room.

Grabbing my purse, I ran out into the street, hailed a taxi and quickly said:

– Restaurant, please, and quickly.

– What restaurant? – the driver did not immediately understand me.

- So there are a dime a dozen of them here!

- Take me to some decent establishment.

- Decent is so decent...

The driver looked carefully in the rearview mirror, noticed my tear-stained eyes and drove me to the very center. Walking into a quiet and quite cozy restaurant, I took out my mobile phone and called my friend.

“Vlada, I’m at a restaurant here,” I quickly said its name and gave the address. - I beg you, please come. I really want to get drunk... I don’t want to do it alone.

- Do you want us to get drunk together?

“I really want to,” I honestly admitted to her.

– Did something happen to you? – my friend asked me worriedly.

– You know that my husband has lost his memory. I no longer have the strength to see him so insane and prove to him that I am his wife. Vlada, come, otherwise I’ll just go crazy. I tried to call you from the car, but you were always busy.

“But I can’t come so quickly.” I need to get ready.

- Get ready. I will wait for you.

Having made Vlada promise to come as quickly as possible, I put my mobile phone in my purse and ordered myself a light salad, fruit and an iced martini. Then she took a few greedy sips and began to examine the man sitting at the next table. The man seemed to sense my gaze, put down his newspaper and looked at me with exactly the same thoughtful gaze. Raising my glass, I smiled nervously and swallowed the tears that came.

“For love,” I squeezed out and immediately added: “So that it causes as little trouble as possible.” If, of course, this happens.

“I can’t keep you company, I’m driving,” the man immediately understood me in his own way, regarding my gaze as an invitation to drink.

“I would be very grateful if you would just sit next to me.”

- Are you sure about that? Tears on a woman's face are a sign that it is better for a woman to be alone.

– I can’t agree with you.

Slightly confused, the man called the waitress and asked her to bring his freshly squeezed juice and hot dish to my table. As soon as he was next to me, I leaned closer to him and quickly spoke:

“Sorry that I pulled you out of your place, but if you hadn’t sat down with me, I would have simply gone crazy.” My head is spinning. I'm afraid to be alone.

- Why? – the man looked at me in surprise.

“Because lately I’ve been starting to feel like I’m soon going to end up in a madhouse.”

– Just don’t think anything bad. I am not crazy. I've just had so much going on lately...

- And what happened to you? – the man asked.

I ordered a martini again and spoke excitedly, gesticulating expressively.

– My husband’s memory has disappeared.

- How did it disappear? Amnesia, or what?

“It’s actually not clear what happened to this damn memory.” It was all completely erased from him. He doesn't recognize anyone at all. Neither me, nor the child, nor the mother, nor the brother.

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