Husband - sissy: what to do? If a man is a "sissy" - is it forever? sissy advice

Every woman is familiar with this type of men. He is adored by his mother, but at the same time is under her strict control, despite the fact that he has long acquired his own family. She will strive to lead him through life until the end of her days and believe that her beloved child was created only for her. Spouses have a hard time with such husbands. But it is worth remembering that such “sons” can be practical about things and their duties. Even if they go to the grocery store, they will discuss the list of goods with mommy on the way through the phone. What to do? Does an alliance with a sissy have a future? Or does it make sense to stay away from men who are treated kindly by moms?

Good boy

Women are surrounded by different men. Among them there are both individuals with a predatory character, and courageous types. There is also a separate species - these are complaisant, soft and at the same time a little infantile personality. Often, it is sissies that have this disposition. A woman for whom loneliness has become a real scourge is ready to share her fate with at least someone, and certainly not against infantile natures controlled by her mother. Of course, if you make a choice between predators, then the type we describe is a profitable option. But what should the lady prepare for, will she be able to “reprogram” the character of her beloved in her own way and tear her away from her mother’s “tits”? We will understand this issue in detail and learn how to tame a domestic lion. But first, let's learn how to distinguish him from the general crowd of applicants to your heart.

How to recognize a sissy

Let's start with the signs that give out this type even in front of completely inexperienced ladies.

  1. These guys live under the same roof with their mother for a very long time. Unlike others, they do not seek to own their own house or even rent a separate room. They are satisfied with the fact that mommy meets with hot and favorite food since childhood, but at the same time she does not hesitate to interfere in the affairs of an adult man. But for her son, this is a very convenient option. It's okay that he doesn't have the secrets that every adult should have. Everything that hurts during the day will be laid out in front of mommy.
  2. You have a date, a conversation has just begun to “string up”, common ground has been discovered, that very feeling arises, which is the forerunner of a serious relationship. But no - the phone rings and on the other end of the connection there is a person who simply cannot do without a compassionate and caring son. If a man, without hesitation, leaves you alone and rushes home, you have a bright sissy in front of you.
  3. During the conversation, he often mentions his mother. At first, such dialogue may even seem cute. Well, of course, any woman would like to be in front of her child in the same authority in the future. But after a while, she realizes that the whole conversation is a continuous “my mother”. There is a feeling that not three people take part in communication - you, he and mother, but two - mother and son. And you, so, are a free listener, from whom you only need admiration for dishes unknown to you, the purity and talents of the mother of your interlocutor.
  4. A man dependent on his mother is always sure that some woman wants to get him as a husband and manage him. And at the first attempt to take an interest in his plans or find out if he can meet you from work in a couple of days, he will immediately start thinking about escaping. And believe me, at the first good moment, he will go on the run. Why this happens is simple. There is already a female individual who has long suppressed him with her authority and filled his entire personal space with her presence. And there is no place for another lady here, everything is occupied. Psychologists even came up with a special term - sons "married" to their mother
  5. Pay attention to the behavior of your chosen one with his mother. You should not assume that sissies are always ready to “spread out” in front of their parent and please her in everything. A good boy periodically “explodes” and makes scandals that completely independent individuals are rarely capable of. And the reason for their behavior is easily explained. Constant servility, silence, the desire not to upset mommy - this is stress that accumulates over a long time. And the spring, as we know, can jump off at constant pressure. And the desire to quarrel is nothing more than an attempt to relieve tension. Often such conflicts end in serious discord. It may even come to the point that a man leaves home, makes an attempt to start living independently. But a couple of days pass and everything returns to normal. Why:
  • I want to return the former comfort and well-established way of life;
  • sorry to leave mommy alone;
  • financial problems and the lack of their own separate housing.

These moments do not allow a man to decide on his future. He continually postpones the issue of marriage and it may turn out that he marries at a late date. And then, after the death of his mother, since he needs a guiding female hand and comfort.

How to identify a good boy

Now let's move on to the study of the psychological portrait of the "sons". We hope that the data verified by psychologists will help you make your choice.

  1. Mama's son is the true master. He always maintains prosperity, zealously defends his territory and takes care. Such a man runs a household no worse than an experienced hostess. He perfectly selects products, and he skillfully bargains and, as a rule, they are well inferior to him. He also knows what is needed at one time or another, perfectly considers the home budget. The practicality of such men sometimes delights experienced ladies. But there is one But: a diligent owner cannot do without praise from outside for a long time. After all, his mother always paid attention to his efforts and, at every opportunity, set him as an example.
  2. Remember once and for all - mother's sons - this is down to "fingerprints". They are courteous, well-mannered, and will not allow themselves a rude attitude towards a lady. Their mother cooked for herself, in order to feel only care, love and attention from her own child in her old age. She instilled in him from childhood only family values ​​​​and inspired that there is nothing more expensive than a home and family well-being, harmony in relationships and stability.
  3. No matter how hard the son tries to openly show his independence to strangers and express dissatisfaction on certain issues, in fact he treats his mother very respectfully.

By the way, the words “married” to my mother that we mentioned earlier are not an empty phrase. On a psychological level, they really most often fulfill the role of the mother's husband. The son for her is the second half, and he, in turn, is afraid of only one thing - to offend his mother, to become a bad person in her eyes.

Who is she - mother of a sissy

Let's remember - what is the most common family environment for a "good boy". Most likely, this is an incomplete family in which there is no strong hand, the head of the family. This role has long been taken over by my mother, a single woman who has no personal life and relationships. Perhaps she once tried to improve her fate, to have a couple, but at first it didn’t work out. But with the growing up of her son, she completely plunged into his life and sacrificed her interests to his future. Such ladies are often not married, but if there is a soul mate, then this is most likely a kind of family owner, a silent, undeciding creature. The complete lack of authority of the husband entails the same disrespectful attitude of the son towards the father. By the way, this is another reason not to want to bind yourself with the bonds of Hymen. Who wants to eventually turn into living furniture with a domineering wife and her son.

  1. Not having a close connection with her husband, a woman brings up her “beloved” according to her patterns. The boy grows up the way she would like to see her husband in her younger years.
  2. Such a mother has practically no girlfriends. If there are friends, then she rarely meets with them and every now and then looks at her watch. Just about, my son should come from school, return from the institute, from work.
  3. And you should not believe her words that she wants only happiness for her child and is ready to meet with open arms the one that will give her son love and family harmony. In her heart, she is not ready to give the child into “foreign” hands in a few decades. One has only to approach an object that can "encroach" on her beloved child, as it will immediately arm itself with the best weapon - cunning and start a war with the "irritant" of calmness.

So what can a loving mommy do:

  1. Get sick. To attract attention and arouse pity from her son, she may feign illness. Moreover, it may even turn out that she herself believes in her own malaise.
  2. Get into a bad story. He owes the bank, will create a conflict situation with distant relatives or girlfriends, neighbors. And in such cases, as you know, you need support from a loved one.
  3. He will begin to collect gossip, contact friends of his son's passion and fish out strange stories. Unnoticed, the object of the son's passion may appear a trail of admirers, intrigues and impartial love affairs. You should not immediately believe this, and a woman should stop the attempts of a selfish mother to discredit her reputation.
  4. Another way, very common, is to switch the son's attention to another woman. If the matter is already going to the fact that a man "breaks" off the mother's hook, you yourself need to choose a half for him, moreover, that meets the requirements only of the mother. This is how the niece of a girlfriend or neighbor “from below” arises, brought up in Spartan conditions. She sews and cross-stitches, and cooks better than the famous French chef. And her character - she won’t say a word, she’s quiet, she won’t say too much. In short, mom is looking for a silent and uncomplaining creature. Creating such a tandem of a son and a quiet daughter-in-law, she will certainly insist that the children live with her. So, she receives in her power not only a son, but also a submissive daughter. And nothing in the house will happen without her control.

All of the above characterizes an unfortunate and very lonely type of women, in whom maternal selfishness will prevail over prudence.

Psychologists often compare such ladies with the Snow Queen, who had power over the unfortunate but very beloved Kai. She will create excellent conditions for him, her offspring will look the best, eat delicious food and walk only in clean clothes. But this is just an illusion of happiness. For sane mothers, the happiness of a child lies in his happy marriage, official and family solvency.

Why do sissy start a family

It is not surprising that any woman, having studied the character of a "good boy", will ask such a question. He has everything he needs. There will be a desire for an intimate plan - you can visit a friend for whom the issue of marriage is not acute. Then why does he need a wife? There are several important reasons:

  1. Offspring. Even an overbearing mother dreams of grandchildren, to whom she also needs to spread her temper. During the period of bearing the baby, the daughter-in-law will be provided with all the best, including a bunch of "urgent" recommendations from the mother-in-law. But as soon as the baby is born, the daughter-in-law will be set aside as unnecessary. And it is unlikely that a young mother will have the right to insert her voice in the course of raising a child.
  2. Public opinion. Even domineering mothers are unpleasant to constantly hear from the outside - Why is your son not getting married? Is there something wrong with him? Does he have a different orientation? Is he hiding something? Even more indignant about this son. Who wants to be known as not quite an adequate person. Therefore, the issue of marriage is a cornerstone in order to reduce the intensity of public outcry.

As you can see, that in the first, that in the second case, everything looks mercantile. Is there any point in such a marriage? Most psychologists believe that this is a road to nowhere. Over time, everything will collapse, and, sadly, children can be injured. But it was not there. As they say, there are no hopeless situations. So let's find out how to cope in such a marriage and strengthen the union.

What to expect from marriage with a sissy

Decided to marry such a guy - get ready for serious trials. Marriage with such a "good boy" touches only before the wedding, and then not for long. You should not expect that from the very beginning of family life, the spouse will begin to assist in everything, consult, and jointly solve problems. Believe me, if any conversation arises, then this is an insignificant fraction of what he has already managed to discuss with his mother. And to be honest, the decision has already been made by a compassionate and domineering mother. We list the moments that most often bring confusion into married life, and all through the fault of the mother-in-law. You should prepare for them, but as they say, “Forewarned is forearmed!”

  1. He will always end up at his mother's house. She will find reasons to lure her son and will not let him spend time next to his beloved woman in his free time. This is the very rivalry for the love of the main man. At the same time, reproaches will sound more often towards the daughter-in-law. She cooks badly, is a slob, pays little attention to her husband, etc. and so on. Prepare for the fact that no matter what you do, there will be no open approval.
  2. As for the husband, at first he will only be on the side of his mother. Of course, he understands that he is behaving ugly towards his wife. But it is better for him to make a deal with his conscience than to argue with his mother. After all, over the years she has earned a reputation as a true defender of his interests. It is rare that a daughter-in-law dares to go against such a powerful tandem, because the hour is not even when they pounce, joining forces and “crushing” with a long-term union.
  3. It may happen that at some point the son gets excited and bursts into crying to his wife about the inappropriate behavior of the mother. In her hearts, the woman will forgive him and decide that the issue with the dictatorial mother-in-law has been resolved. It wasn't here. Mark the days - a maximum of a couple of weeks, a loving son will already be visiting his mother and eating his favorite mashed potatoes with meatballs and drinking tea with the best cake. From that moment on, their relationship is even stronger, and the daughter-in-law will watch with tears the newly created strong union.

How to start a family with a sissy

It is impossible not to appreciate the resilience of women seeking to create a harmonious and strong family. They are ready for a lot, just not to miss their happiness and change their side too caring and loving son. So, what steps do psychologists suggest:

  1. Be self-sufficient. An established woman who can adequately provide for her life is already out of competition. She will not, like a lamb at the slaughter, be silent and endure all the troubles. In an instant, he will put everyone in their place and at any moment can leave such an alliance. And that the husband is a normal (meaning mentally) man will never agree to lose family happiness because of a capricious mother and will show his character.
  2. Also, a wealthy lady can, without the help of a parent, satisfy the desires of her husband, help the same mother-in-law financially. And the moral firmness of the daughter-in-law that took place will not allow a relative to “take on” a lot. It is for this reason that psychologists note the profitability of marriages of sissies with ladies much older than them.
  3. It is not necessary immediately after the wedding to lay on the spouse all the responsibility for the family. A sudden burden can become an unbearable burden and cause a nervous breakdown, his desire to run back under his mother's wing. Remember - in front of you is a big child who has always had the status of the main person in the family. Start to tame his obstinate temper, but slowly. Step by step, he will begin to get used to the life of a normal married couple.
  4. Don't go overboard with your responsibilities. Mommy's boys don't know what it's like to pay bills, fill out receipts, look up information, and so on. If you decide to do everything on your own without the participation of an active relative, do not give her a chance to participate in your affairs. First, do it yourself, and along the way, and for a long period of time, teach your spouse to do it too. If you want to achieve everything at once, he will immediately run to his mother for help and understand that he can’t go anywhere without her. And this is a wake-up call! A man loves when everything is done for him.
  5. It is necessary, no matter how difficult it may be, . Believe me, this is the main key to creating and maintaining a happy family. Yes, it will be difficult, you will have to agree with what is not nice, and maybe unpleasant. You need to know the basis of the game - the mother-in-law will pull her son towards her with the golden motto “Mom is sacred!”. You can't change it, and you don't need to. Make an ally out of your rival, indulge her words, agree. After all, acting and the ability to manipulate will allow you to save relationships, keep you close to your loved one.
  6. Mother's sons are individuals who love to have all the attention focused on them. And it doesn’t matter to whom the spouse devotes her time, even to children. Of course, not a single normal mother will want to listen to her husband, and not her beloved offspring. Psychologists advise finding a middle ground. And even better, spend all your free time together: husband, wife and children.
  7. Night cuckoo. Well, here the ball is really on the side of the wife. No mother can cuckoo the night cuckoo. Of course, you should not abuse it, because the cuckoo can be replaced. Everything should be done harmoniously, carefully, so as not to scare away the sweetheart forever. But do not look for reasons to refuse intimacy, this is the very thread that will connect you with your loved one during the daytime. Let him wait for the night, let him dream about you, so there will be less and less desire to kill sweet thoughts with a visit to a strict mom.

So, we have given some important tips on how to tame a sissy and win him over to your side. A wise and responsible woman, for whom marriage is an important step, and for life, must be patient and act. If you calmly follow the advice of experts, then you can change not only your spouse, but also the attitude of your mother-in-law. As for the hopeless mother's son, it may not make sense to change his strong connection with the parent. Thus, she will be able to dull her mother's perseverance and, at moments of relaxation of her mother-in-law, lure her husband under her wing.

In communicating with a man, every girl expects behavior from him that matches his age. It is all the more difficult if she comes across a “sissy” on her way, who is strongly dependent on the main woman in her life and does not seek to do anything about it.

"Mama's boy" - who is it?

The close relationship between mother and child is due to nature itself: when born, the baby receives food, warmth and care from her. The older he gets, the more he falls under the influence that prescribes the boy to be smart, courageous, independent of his mother. Not every parent is able to draw the line between trust and total affection in time. It turns out that a "sissy" is an adult with the following set of characteristics:

  1. Psychological attachment to mother. Other women pale against her background, without regard to sex appeal and intelligence.
  2. Delayed manifestation of this character trait. It can be recognized if there is regular communication and a certain level of mutual trust is achieved.
  3. Distrust of the institution of marriage. "Mama's son" seriously doubts that it is worth changing the usual life with a loving mother to get out of the comfort zone with another girl, no matter how pleasant she is to him.

"Mama's boy" - psychology

The folk term has a psychological nature, fully studied by doctors. No matter how old the “sissy” is, whose psychological portrait looks like a symbiosis of a phobia of losing a loved one and. The latter was discovered by Sigmund Freud, who believed that:

  1. Everyone suffering from this disease is like King Oedipus, who killed his own father and married his mother Jocasta.
  2. The boy, as his affection grows, becomes jealous of his father.
  3. When attachment develops into sexual desire, the teenager begins to fear that his father will physically abuse him.

"Mama's boy" - reasons

It is unrealistic to determine who suffers from this at an early stage of dating. If a man has at least some minimal experience of communicating with women, deep down he knows about his shortcoming. "Mama's boy" and his mother are well aware that not every girl will decide on a relationship with such a partner. The reasons for the dependence of the boy on his mother are as follows:

  • lack of communication with peers or their mockery of appearance;
  • the domineering nature of the parent, who does not tolerate a different opinion in the house;
  • expressed approval by the mother of any actions of the child, even fundamentally wrong;
  • the creation by the mother of the illusion of a constant need for her son in all domestic aspects.

"Mama's boy" - signs

For young girls, communication with addicted boyfriends brings moral suffering and new complexes. The older a woman becomes, the more experienced she is and the easier it is for her to figure out who people call "a typical sissy." In contact with the opposite sex, he is given out:

  1. Inability to independently solve serious problems, or even a desire to escape from them.
  2. Bondage and discomfort in everything related to the discussion of family issues.
  3. A huge need for a mother, thanks to which a guy from any topic goes on to discuss the merits of the woman who gave birth to him.

"Mama's boy" - pros and cons

In a man with a similar psychological situation in the family, most girls can only find minuses. The soft character and loyalty to the decisions of the parent are striking. "Mama's boy" in a relationship looks like one big flaw, but you can also find advantages in him:

  1. Romantic nature. Men who have adopted a part of the female nature cannot be insensitive to the subtle mental organization. They are more likely to pick the best perfume or flowers as a gift.
  2. Compliance. This is the easiest way to understand who a "sissy" is, how to recognize him in a man. He easily abandons the point of view that he was convinced a few minutes ago.
  3. Comprehensive care. He will readily come to the rescue if needed.

The other half of the "sissy" should be ready to experience the negative consequences of a man's life with an overbearing mother. These include:

  • lack of initiative;
  • demand for increased attention to oneself;
  • perception of mother's opinion at the level of ultimate truth;
  • shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of a life partner;
  • fear of making decisions.

"Mama's boy" - how to deal with it?

Psychologists believe that such boys do not appear in full-fledged families where there is a place for psychological comfort. Among domineering mothers, women who are disillusioned with the opposite sex predominate. If there is a father in this family, then he plays a nominal role in decision-making. "Mama's boy" is a diagnosis of a person who has felt himself the center of the universe since childhood and realizes that no one will ever guess his desires the way his mother does. The basic principles of a girl embarking on the path of fighting this should include:

  • equanimity when communicating with his family;
  • prudence in taking every step towards rapprochement with a boyfriend;
  • unlimited patience for the period of weaning a man from his mother.

Women's glossy magazines unanimously convince readers of the futility of communicating with such a guy. They are absolutely sure that "sissy" is forever. Psychologists are not so categorical: they think that you can stock up on time and cut the tight knot of communication between parent and offspring. To defeat an influential competitor, you need to:

  1. Abandon open war. Husband can not directly show hostility to his mother. He will not tolerate ridicule and insults directed at her and will run away.
  2. Clearly define the boundaries of personal life. In the absence of direct conflict, it is difficult to delicately set a line that a mother should not cross.
  3. Take into account the experience of others' mistakes. "Mama's son" after the divorce has already made a choice in her favor, therefore, she treats women with resentment and wariness.

A typical situation: Candy period passes, post-wedding romance, and you find that not a husband nearby, but a sissy what to do in such a situation will advise the women's site "Beautiful and Successful".

As a rule, women realize this fact after the registry office, as a man behaves more naturally in marriage. And if at first you were touched by the warm relationship between your beloved and mother-in-law, now you are watching how the reins of government of your family are passing into sensitive hands.

Psychologists note that most often a man's total attachment to his mother occurs if the son is brought up in an incomplete family. These mothers usually powerful women who have not had a personal life.

All their love, tenderness and care are concentrated on the son - the only meaning of life. As a result, the mother cannot let go of her child, because this is the only way to remain a woman. A feeling of guilt arises on the part of the son - my mother gave me everything, how can I offend her now?

As a result, the guy is a sissy, and we have to think what to do.

But mom says...

The danger of such a situation is that your man all his life will compare you to your mother, and you will never reach the ideal in his eyes, whether it be the ability to cook pancakes or love him unconditionally. Sooner or later it will affect your self-esteem.

A man cannot become completely independent; he makes all decisions under the influence, sometimes even pressure, of his mother.

For her part, the mother-in-law will do everything to direct her son's life in the direction she needs, and he will always strive to justify her hopes and aspirations. Is it worth specifying where you and even your children will be in his life?

What if the husband is a sissy? Understand that such mothers - skillful manipulators.

In addition to constant praise, attempts to provide their beloved son with comfort and a well-fed life, they can often criticize their sons, make scandals, and, of course, complain about their health. This reinforces emotional dependency and reinforces feelings of guilt. Of course, ideally, if over the solution of this problem the man himself will work, but for this it is necessary that he recognizes its presence. But there's something you can do too.

No war!

the site warns you against "" with your mother-in-law. This tactic is a failure in advance, with the same success you can simply part with your loved one and not spoil your nervous system. Such situations “psychology: sissy what to do” are analyzed in detail by specialists, and most often the sympathies of a man remain on the side of the mother.

At the same time, if the attacks on the part of dear mother are open, and even more so if she becomes personal, you have to show that you can fight back.

This should in no way resemble a quarrel. Be kind, but direct and calm. And remember that the other extreme - to remain silent and let the situation take its course - will cost you even more. As soon as you stop being “white and fluffy”, immediately move on to the next tip, before the mother-in-law has time to inform her son that your character has “spoiled”, and let her carry the next daughter-in-law 🙂

Yes to politics!

The most difficult thing to learn to do if the husband is a sissy is to skillfully maneuver between her husband and mother-in-law, while respecting her own interests. You will have to discard your directness, stock up on endurance and the ability to manipulate, develop acting skills and start build boundaries for your family.

For example, you return from vacation and you find that in your absence "someone" cleaned all the pans and "tidied up" the cabinets. You shouldn’t pretend that you didn’t notice anything, tell your mother-in-law that you love her very much and are always glad if she comes to visit when you and your husband are at home, but you have a special system for arranging things in the closets, and you rearranged everything to your seats, because it's more convenient for you.

To correct the situation, of course, you need to try to change your loved one. This is the main thing that psychology advises in the question "sissy - what to do?". No need to tell him directly that the mother wants to quarrel you, and even more so to put ultimatums (either I or she).

Instead, change the rules of the game:

  1. Share less with your mother-in-law the details of your life, stop his attempts to report to his mother “what Vanechka ate today”, and what kind of shoes you bought him.
  2. Mommy's sons, as a rule, sit on the neck of their wives, if not financially, then in some area for sure. Let in this area the husband will have his own responsibilities for which he is responsible and which no one else will do except him.
  3. Let the man take as much as possible independent decisions, to which you will push him after discussion at the family council, consisting of you and him.
  4. What if a man is a sissy? Set your own rules! Suppose the mother-in-law has her own standards for relations with her son, for example, every Saturday he has dinner at her place, otherwise she is offended or makes a scandal. And at this time you are walking with your child in the park alone. Let him know that your standard is a Saturday walk in the park with the whole family, because it's time to start your own.

Remember that all this must be done without aggression, so that in no case didn't feel like a rivalry. After all, if a guy is a sissy, he will definitely consult with his mother about what to do in a situation of conflict.

Remember yourself

Psychologists believe that wives themselves help their husbands turn into sissy, and the reason for this is excessive female autonomy. Yes, it's a double-edged sword. If it’s easier for you to do everything yourself than to ask your husband for help, then your mother becomes the object of his concern.

Listen to yourself more, understand what you need, value your interests and your own opinion.

The main thing is not to think that everything will work out by itself, and control your life so that you don’t have to turn to a psychotherapist with the question “husband sissy - what to do”.

Among men, there are such characters that women affectionately call "mama's boy." Recognizing it at first is not so easy. When we are in love, we tend to close our eyes to certain features of a man. Meanwhile, already at the beginning of the relationship, carefully looking at him, you can recognize him as a “sissy”. In our article we will talk about the situation if the husband is a sissy. What to do in this case - more on that below.

Who is a sissy?

There is no clear definition of this term in psychology. However, in a nutshell, a sissy is a person who is very strongly attached to his mother. At a fairly mature age, a serious psychological dependence on the mother can become a problem. It is quite difficult to build a normal family life with this type of men.

Who is a sissy and what are his signs?

Mother is an example in everything

Mother's sons very often listen to their mother. And it's not that they ask her advice. Here the situation is different: her decision is the only correct and undeniable one. Her husband imitates her in everything, not having his own voice.

Constant phone calls to mom

This can become a serious problem if your husband communicates with his mother often and for a long time throughout the day. You sorely lack his attention, he discusses all his problems with his mother first of all.

In conflict on the mother's side

A sissy in a situation of family conflict will always take the position of a mother, and this, unfortunately, is very unpleasant. Even if you think you are right, it is extremely difficult to argue with your spouse.

Mom is always there

You and your husband can live far away from your mother, however, you constantly feel that she is near. The husband calls her, consults with her on all issues, listens only to her. This can be very stressful and cause discord in your relationship.

Can't make a big decision

Think about it, if a spouse, in the event of an acute issue, postpones making a decision, or shifts it to you, then most likely your husband is a sissy. What to do in such a situation? Try to leave the final answer to your husband, after all, it is he who is the head of the family, and let him be responsible for his choice.

Comparison with mother

A sissy likes to compare you to his mother, giving you her as an example. Often, the choice is not in your favor. It is best to stay away from such a man.

These signs and more can significantly poison family life. How to deal with the constant control of his mom, and is it worth it, you ask? Definitely worth it if you love your husband and are determined to win.

a sissy husband is an infantile man who is not able to make decisions and take responsibility, a wise wife can develop independence and a lot of other useful qualities in him if he behaves correctly in a relationship

Women's tricks in communicating with a sissy

Below we will look at a few little tricks for women that will allow you to reduce the intensity of passions in a relationship with your spouse.

Make friends with your mother-in-law

This is the first and most important rule that you must follow. The best way to get to know the enemy better is to be close to him. Love your mother-in-law, because she gave birth to such a wonderful son, you yourself chose him and for some reason you still fell in love. Praise her, let your husband's mother know that her opinion is very important to you. In no case do not resist their meetings - this will only ruin your relationship with your husband.

Turn on the actress

At first glance, the first tip may seem almost impossible. But we are women, and at the right time we know how to be actresses. If the mother-in-law advises you something - listen to her, and even better - do it the way she wants. If something does not grow together - show the mother-in-law that you did everything as she asked, be nice at the same time. Artistic abilities are in every woman, try it.

Be smarter

Create conditions for your husband in which he will have to be independent. For example, separate the solution of household issues - one is responsible for buying groceries, the other for cooking, or paying utility bills. Don't take everything on yourself.

Praise your spouse more

This is very important, because even a little praise will wash away your husband's independence. Gradually, he will get used to the fact that something can depend on him. Perhaps he will like this new status very much.

Come to terms with your position

Psychologists advise - let go of the situation. Fighting the mother-in-law is a useless and hopeless exercise. The main thing that you must understand is that you are now the head of the family, your husband is simply not capable of this. If you are ready for this, then it makes sense to continue living in marriage.

How to live with a husband - a sissy?

The first thing that comes to mind is divorce. Not every woman is ready to share her beloved man with his mother, and this is understandable. In a situation where the husband is a sissy, the main thing is not to forget about your interests.

So that the mother-in-law does not become the reason for your separation from your spouse, try changing the rules of the game using the advice of psychologists.

Personal life is not discussed

Mother-in-law can also be a role model

If a husband obeys his mother in everything, and her opinion is authority for him, this is an occasion for you to try to become like her. Try to be like her in something: in words, deeds, in manners, so you will only bring your husband closer to you.

The farther, the closer

When the influence of the mother on her husband is great enough, the most optimal thing is to leave to live away from her. Best of all - to another city. So your man will grow up much faster.

Unleash your emotions

It is not always possible to keep everything in yourself - this way you will only harm your health. Does something not suit you? Get angry! The husband should know that you are extremely unhappy with his actions. You can discuss the problem on the forum with the same "neighbors in misfortune", it is sometimes much easier to speak out to a stranger. In a dispute with your husband, beware of criticizing his mother, speak only about your feelings.

No manipulation

A sissy often gives out the point of view of his parents for his opinion. If you feel like he really can't think like that - don't be silent about it! Directly ask why he decided so and what are the arguments for this.

In conclusion, we want to say that if your husband and mother-in-law still do not perceive you, and she is always invisibly present in your family, then maybe it is worth letting go of such a man? Or talk directly and harshly with your mother-in-law - there is definitely nothing to lose, let her not interfere in your personal life. You are an adult and self-confident woman, the mother of her grandchildren, therefore you have the right to respect for yourself.

The problem of men, who in their youth did not have a process of psychological separation from their own mother, steadily holds first places in all women's forums. After all, life with such a person turns into a nightmare: not only do you constantly encounter unreasonable criticism of everything that you do from a completely dependent person, but also the very infantilism of the "sissy" sometimes simply infuriates.

So who are these sissy And where did so many of them come from lately? Well, peaceful times lead to an increase in the number of dependent and unadapted people, whose mothers at one time took the opportunity not to let their darling son out from under the mother's skirt, from under the warm mother's wing for as long as possible. If, at the same time, the child himself did not have a sufficiently pronounced rebellious period in adolescence, when there is a separation from the mother at the psychological level and awareness of his individuality, independence, then the young man in this regard does not grow out of childhood and continues to live with his mother under a warm barrel.

Then such Lifestyle enters into a strong habit, and a person continues to live like this, until the very day, as he understands - a 30-year-old (and sometimes 40-year-old) son, who has lived with his mother all his life, it's time to marry. And this infant, an adult man with the psychology of a ten-year-old, is thrown straight into life. His nature rebels, and he wants to restore the former order, subconsciously strives for life as it was before.

He wants everything to be the way it was in parental home, Mom. He, most likely, did not want to get married at all, but "mother said." Or public opinion, traditionally important for this type of people, influenced his decision. "That's right," "because everyone does it," is a typical excuse for a sissy to start looking for a mate.

But in reality he wants to go back to his mother's nest. The style of home decoration should be the same as that of mom. All the food prepared by the wife should be like that of her mother, everything that the wife does not necessarily be studied in the mirror of comparative analysis, and disappointing conclusions will be passed by the verdict to the unfortunate wife, tired of trying to please this capricious child.

But that's not the point terrible. The main character traits can be hidden for several months of communication, and only then the woman begins to notice that sometimes this adult, it would seem, a man, behaves quite typical of a ten-year-old. He requires constant attention so that you follow him on a short leash wherever he goes. He absolutely does not want to listen to what you say, but at the same time he longs to be carefully listened to himself. He is capricious, sometimes arranges natural tantrums with screams and swearing because of mere trifles.

He is very boastful, loves flattery and loves to be admired, even if it is done falsely. He is a tyrant, always formidable for his subordinates, but shrinks into a ball at the sight of his superiors. He can act cheeky and rude, but as soon as his wife is furious at such behavior, he retreats and comes with an apology. In general, over time, an obvious fact appears before a woman in all her terrible beauty: she lives with a ten-year-old.

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