Freud sayings decisions made on emotions. Aphorisms of Sigmund Freud. "Love is the most proven way to overcome shame"

  1. People talk about money matters with the same deceitfulness that they talk about sexual problems. In psychoanalysis, both need to be discussed with equal frankness.
  2. We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.
  3. Ideal, eternal, hatred-free love exists only between the addict and the drug.
  4. My world is a small island of pain floating in an ocean of indifference.
  5. We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of love or his love.
  6. Every man has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires that he does not even acknowledge to himself.
  7. Why don't we fall in love with someone new every month? Because when we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.
  8. Most people don't really want freedom because it comes with responsibility, and responsibility terrifies most people.
  9. Every dream has at least one place where it is incomprehensible, an umbilical cord, so to speak, by which it is connected with the unknown.
  10. The more perfect a person is on the outside, the more demons he has inside.

Sigmund Freud, whose quotes characterize the world and the person in it with the ruthlessness of a doctor and the irony of a philosopher, are especially popular in modern society. Check out the precise, penetrating aphorisms of the great psychiatrist. Perhaps new facets of life situations and understanding of the behavior of others will open.

Sigmund Freud: quotes about women, love and relationships

The Viennese psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud, who stirred up the world in the 19th century with his observations of the manifestation of the unconscious in human behavior and laid the foundations of modern psychoanalysis, was distinguished by a peculiar attitude towards women.

She was not for him the Great Mother, the Goddess. He was far from deifying, revering, chanting her, as it was fashionable to do in literature and painting of that time. For a long time he studied the hysteria of women and came to the conclusion that they are the embodiment of the subconscious. They are driven exclusively by instincts and complexes.

But at the same time, Freud was madly in love with Martha Bernays, an Orthodox Jew. Although she became his wife, he was not completely sure of this until the end. Moreover, Sigmund Freud could not find an explanation for some aspects of female nature. He devoted his research to this.

The father of psychoanalysis tried to explain the mechanism, the nature of love and unravel the mystery of a woman: does she really love, what drives her in love, what women want.

His preoccupation with how to please the lady of the heart, the subtlety of love relationships between women and men, understanding of their nature have been transformed into winged statements that sound both like a diagnosis and like a recommendation to act:

“The great question that I still cannot answer, despite my thirty years of research into the female soul, is: “What does a woman want?”
"He who loves many knows women, he who loves one knows love."
“The husband is almost always only a substitute for the man he loves, and not the man himself.”
“Love is fundamentally as animal now as it was from time immemorial.”
"If one could not find in the other what should be corrected, then the two of them would be terribly bored."
"We choose each other not by chance - we meet only those who already exist in our subconscious."
"A person loves what his 'I' lacks to achieve the ideal."


“It is terrible when two loving hearts cannot find either a worthy form or time for tender words. They seem to cherish tenderness in case of unexpected trouble, when the situation itself will force them to do so. Don't skimp on tenderness."
"A woman should soften, not weaken a man."
"We are never so defenseless as when we love, and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of love or his love."
“In a love relationship, one cannot spare each other, as this can only lead to alienation. If there are difficulties, they must be overcome.
“Why don’t we fall in love with someone new every month? Because when we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.
"Love itself - like suffering, deprivation - reduces the sense of self-worth, but mutual love, the possession of a beloved object again raises it."

Sigmund Freud's maxims about the relationship between women and men reveal the essence of his method: the liberation of nature from the cult of reason and will. Love is a wonderful feeling that requires a gentle and reverent attitude from both women and representatives of the strong half of humanity, wisdom and mutual understanding.

The Austrian psychiatrist was sure that the two sexes should organically complement each other in order to be happy. This is the meaning of love.

Sigmund Freud: quotes and aphorisms about life

Freud is not just a psychiatrist, but also a child of the era of modernism, the time of the dominance of the ideas of Nietzsche, who was famous for his skepticism and cynical attitude towards eternal human values.

The essence of irony in the assessment of important everyday phenomena, which is characteristic of Sigmund Freud, is not to ridicule human delusions, but in a bitter awareness of the tragedy of human existence.

His aphorisms are recipes for a harsh but correct understanding of life, which free a person from illusions, allow him to accept his nature and become happy.

"The task of making man happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world."
"Illusions attract us because they relieve pain, and as a substitute they bring pleasure."
"Nothing happens by accident, everything has a root cause."
"Only the fulfillment of a childhood dream can bring happiness."
"Neurosis is the inability to bear uncertainty."
“The only person you should compare yourself to is you in the past. And the only person you should be better than is you right now.”
"Every normal person is actually only partly normal."

"It is human nature to value and desire above all else what he cannot achieve."
“We live in a very strange time and we are surprised to note that progress is keeping pace with barbarism.”
"A tolerant attitude towards life remains the first duty of all living beings."
"The goal of all life is death."
“A person never refuses anything, he simply replaces one pleasure with another.”
"Envy is destructive."

Read the quotes of Sigmund Freud. Perhaps they hold the key to self-knowledge or the resolution of a difficult life situation. These aphorisms will allow you to better know yourself and the people around you, to understand the motives of actions, their and your aspirations, desires.

Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, neuropathologist - Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in the town of Freiberg, located near the border of Prussia and Poland.

Freud's father was a poor wool merchant, married for the third time to a girl, Amalia, who was fit for his daughter, who gave birth to children year after year. The first-born was Sigmund, special hopes were placed on him, since during pregnancy it was predicted that his son was destined to become a great man.

When Sigmund was three years old, the family moved to Vienna. “Poverty and poverty, poverty and extreme squalor,” Freud recalled his childhood, as well as his studies at the lyceum, success in languages, literature, philosophy, praise from teachers and hatred of peers, leading to tears.

Recognizing Sigmund's abilities, the parents allocated a separate room to only one of all the children. And he did not deceive the hopes of his parents - he graduated from school with brilliance.

Freud's thirst for fame was, to some extent, compensation for the blow he received at the age of twelve, when his faith in the strength and authority of his father was shaken. A stranger on the street brushed a new fur hat off his father's head and shouted: "Jew, get off the sidewalk!" Father stepped off the sidewalk and raised his hat. This humility and humility deeply hurt Sigmund.

After leaving school, Freud entered the University of Vienna at the Faculty of Medicine, since for a Jew the choice lay between industry and business, law and medicine. The former were discarded, given Freud's intellectual mindset.

From 1881, Freud worked at the Institute of Physiology until 1882, where he enthusiastically studied the sexual organs of the eel. "No one has ever seen eel testicles." These were not the sexual organs of an eel, but the beginnings of psychoanalysis.

Until the age of thirty, Freud remained a virgin, he was afraid of women. This bothered him. At twenty-two, Freud let go of his beard for solidity. But his confidence that in life he would do just fine without women was broken. Once Sigmund was splashed with mud by a passing carriage. A pretty woman's head peeked out of the carriage. Freud froze in place: there was such sincere despair on the girl’s face that he immediately forgot about his desire to make a scandal.

The next day a letter arrived from Martha Barnes. The doctor was asked for forgiveness and invited to the ball. There, two absolutely identical girls approached Sigmund, and he could not tell which of them was in that carriage. They were two sisters - Martha and Mina.

In 1884, Freud solemnly celebrated his engagement to Martha Beirnays, but the groom postponed the wedding until he was rich. Freud's courtship was peculiar. They quarreled and reconciled, Freud arranged violent scenes of jealousy, periods of nightmare were replaced by happy rare months of consent, but he could not marry without money.

In 1884, there is a hope of getting rich. Freud brings a little-known alkaloid cocaine from Merck and hopes to be the first to discover its properties. It is believed that before 1900, Freud overestimated the properties of the alkaloid, was cocoin addiction.

Freud needs money. The only way out is private practice. The first clients sent by doctor friends appear.

In September 1986, Freud nevertheless got married, however, he got into debt. Having married Martha, Freud did not forget about her sister. After one of the scandals caused by a fit of jealousy of his wife, the forty-year-old Freud vows not to meet with Mina again. By that time, Freud already had five children. Daughter Anna followed in her father's footsteps and became a well-known psychologist.

In 1895 Freud discovered the method of free association. Free association, as Freud found, led the patient to forgotten events that he not only remembered but relived emotionally. It is this process that Sigmund Freud called "psychoanalysis" when he first used the term in 1896.

“I am already 44 years old,” he writes in a letter to his friend, “and who am I? An old poor Jew. Every Saturday I plunge into an orgy of fortune-telling cards, and every other Tuesday I spend with my Jewish brothers.

The turn to real fame and big money occurred in 1902, when Emperor Francois-Joseph I signed an official decree conferring the title of assistant professor to Sigmund Freud. Exalted ladies, puffing on cigarettes and dreaming of suicide, rushed towards him like a river. Freud worked 12-14 hours a day and was forced to call on the help of two young associates, they were soon joined by others. Freud took a lot for work. In addition, session time was limited to 45-50 minutes.

After regular observations of patients, in 1905 Freud's new work, Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, was published. His theoretical conclusions regarding the sexual nature of man became known as the "libido theory".

In 1921, the University of London announced five great scientists: the physicist Einstein, the cabalist Ben-Baymonides, the philosopher Spinoza, and the mystic Philo. Sigmund Freud was fifth on this list.

When the Nazis occupied Austria, Freud did not leave Vienna. He was threatened by Auschwitz, but literally the whole world stood up for him: the Spanish king, whom he once treated, and the Danish queen were especially indignant. US President Franklin Roosevelt also tried to achieve the deportation of Freud from Austria. Everything was decided by the call of Benito Mussolini, Freud was treating one of his close friends.

Heinrich Himmler offered a ransom option. One of Freud's patients, and then a faithful student, was Napoleon's granddaughter Marie Bonaparte. She stated, "I will pay any amount for a teacher." The Nazi general named the price: two magnificent palaces of the princess - almost everything she had. “Thank God, you won’t be able to take away my grandfather’s surname from me,” Marie Bonaparte said with contempt, signing the papers.

In Paris, where Sigmund Freud was brought, he was met by Prince George and Marie Bonaparte. Under Freud's feet, from the steps of the carriage to the Rolls-Royce, a red velvet carpet was laid, along which Maria's grandfather Napoleon once walked, returning to Paris after the victory at Austerlitz. Tears flowed from Freud's eyes. After staying with Marie Bonaparte, he went to England.

In 1923, Freud was operated on for oral cancer. A terrible prosthesis and excruciating pain make life unbearable. Freud is stoic about illness.

He determined his end himself: on September 23, 1939, Freud's attending physician, at his request, injected him with a lethal dose of morphine. Sigmund Freud died near London, Hampstead. Only his sons accompanied him on his last journey.

Freud's death left 2,300 family letters and 1,500 letters addressed to Mina. They are said to be sensational, but, according to Freud's will, they could only be made public after 2000.

"We choose each other not by chance ... We only meet those who already exist in our subconscious."

"The more flawless a person is on the outside, the more demons he has inside."

“Every person has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires that he does not admit even to himself.”

“A husband is almost always only a substitute for a beloved man, and not this man himself.”

“He who loves many knows women, he who loves one knows love.”

“A person never refuses anything, he simply replaces one pleasure with another.”

"Sexual satisfaction is the best sleeping pill."

"How bold and self-confident becomes one who gains confidence that he is loved."

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

“Why don’t we fall in love with someone new every month? Because when we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.

"At the basis of all our actions are two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction."

“In a love relationship, one cannot spare each other, as this can only lead to alienation. If there are difficulties, they must be overcome.

"A woman should soften, not weaken a man."

"Love is the most proven way to overcome shame."

“We strive more to avert suffering from ourselves than to enjoy.”

"It is human nature to value and desire above all else what he cannot achieve."

"Love itself - like suffering, deprivation - reduces the sense of self-worth, but mutual love, the possession of a beloved object again raises it."

"Only the fulfillment of a childhood dream can bring happiness."

"The great question that has not been answered, and which I still cannot answer in spite of my thirty years of research into the female soul, is the question, 'What does a woman want?'"

The Austrian psychiatrist and neuropathologist has been studying human behavior throughout his life, tracking the reactions that arise as a result of interpersonal interaction. Sigmund Freud's quotes largely reflect his worldview and personal position regarding many things in the world. Most famous are his aphorisms about the meaning and purpose of life. In this article, we will consider the most popular statements that once occupied the mind of a great thinker.

"Being absolutely honest with yourself is a good exercise"

People so often convince others that they are right that behind all these actions they do not notice how they themselves are being deceived. Thinking about your own actions is good for the mind, but can greatly hurt the conscience, because we all make mistakes. If a person is ready to admit his defeat in something, then he will inevitably have to say goodbye to the mask of a generous and decent person.

It is not easy to expose yourself yourself - this is a rather painful process that requires a responsible approach and a high degree of concentration. Few people are able to truly sincerely realize their victories and defeats, to be adequate in assessing their own actions. Quotes by Sigmund Freud reflect the scientist's views on certain problems that exist in society.

"Love is the most proven way to overcome shame"

Sometimes our misdeeds can really be very serious, such that it would be extremely embarrassing to voice them. However, love actually works wonders. It enables a person to repent of committed deeds and never repeat such a thing again. The one in whose heart love for one's neighbor has settled will surely feel liberation from past suffering, torment and fear.

Pure ennobles a person, fills his life with a special meaning. In many ways, Sigmund Freud contributed to the formation of such social thought. Quotes about life emphasize the value and significance of every single creature on earth.

“Every normal person is actually only partly normal”

This question caused numerous discussions and disputes in due time. The concept of the norm is rather conditional, it undergoes changes over time. We are accustomed to perceive generally accepted phenomena as a template that everyone must strictly follow. If someone from our environment deviates from the given behavior, he is called abnormal. In fact, we are all different from each other, but each of us is beautiful and unique in our own way.

You can't put labels on a person just because they don't fit our ideas in some way. This is an extremely wrong approach, leading to the fact that the boundaries of individuality are erased, people stop appreciating themselves and strive to fulfill the will of society in everything. Imposed stereotypes of behavior will never make a person happy and self-sufficient. To become truly free and independent, you need to work hard: work on yourself, grow internally. This is what Sigmund Freud draws the attention of readers to. His quotes and aphorisms are aimed at forming a holistic, uncomplicated view of life in general and its individual components in particular.

“How bold and self-confident one becomes who gains the conviction that he is loved”

Throughout our lives we want to feel our importance and relevance. To do this, the majority seeks to achieve certain results in the field of personal relationships, professionally and any other activity. But only a truly loved one notices one feature: it becomes easier for him to endure grief in the most difficult life trials. It's all about the great She is able to protect a person, give him additional strength to deal with obstacles.

Courage and self-confidence come when a person feels secure: financially, emotionally, professionally. Then any troubles seem like a drop in the ocean, unworthy of our attention. This is what Sigmund Freud says. Quotes funny from him, too, are found quite often.

"The great question is, 'What does a woman want?'"

The fair sex has attracted a lot of attention at all times. Men knew that a lady's mood could quickly change, some of them were famous for their capricious nature. Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand and guess the desires of a woman, the motives of her actions and actions. A man, like a gentleman, tries to understand the intentions of his companion, but it turns out that she is sometimes unable to understand herself, because her emotional state changes very soon. This idea is emphasized by Sigmund Freud. it is filled with somewhat ironic content.

"People are more moral than they think, and much more immoral than they can imagine"

No one is born into the world bad and unworthy. A person can only take on a particular role and try to fulfill it in the arena of life only as a result of his actions. How successful such a “performance” will be depends entirely on him. People often blame each other or themselves for some actions. However, in this world there is nothing absolute and unambiguous. Many exaggerate their virtues and skillfully hide their flaws. Others, on the contrary, tend to notice only the bad side in people and events, and do not see prospects.

Quotes by Sigmund Freud in all cases are filled with incredible wisdom and contain tremendous vitality. If people listened more to such statements, life would bring more satisfaction to the individual.

“We strive more to avert suffering from ourselves than to obtain pleasure”

This feature in our behavior is not as difficult to notice as it seems. People often worry about the little things and dwell on failures instead of just moving in the direction they want. We act too little to realize our dreams, we take false goals for true ones. It is necessary to appreciate every moment of our life in order not to miss its magical signs and gifts, the lessons of fate.

People sometimes become so accustomed to suffering and deprivation that they cannot even think of possible improvements in the situation. Instead of endless worries, you need to think about how to help yourself feel truly happy. The state of spiritual lightness and fullness is the greatest blessing that can only happen. You must learn to appreciate every moment of your existence. Quotes by Sigmund Freud show the tremendous power of human consciousness and its aspirations.

“Why don’t we fall in love with someone new every month? Because when we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart. ”

Any emotional experience is a strong shock to the whole organism. In the case of falling in love, a person is always in strong dependence on the object of his adoration. If this happened too often in our lives, we would not have any opportunity to engage in our own development, the realization of our dreams. All plans and goals would simply be lost behind endless worries about whether the new passion would reciprocate or reject. Love is designed to transform, change outlook on life, make a person comprehend something necessary for himself. If the feeling came to us too often, it would lose its significant value. This idea is emphasized by Sigmund Freud. almost all of him are imbued with unprecedented irony and the truth of life.

“A woman should soften, not weaken a man”

Many couples cannot build harmonious relationships for a long time. One thing must be remembered: trust and affection are formed on the basis of close intimate communication. Not everyone can boast of such a holistic, harmonious union. As a rule, a man in a family is assigned the main role: he must ensure the well-being of all family members, help them build self-confidence. A woman needs to support her husband in everything and be the keeper of the hearth. It is she who most often acts as the moral support that helps a man cope with the difficulties that arise.

But often the wife seeks to take a leading position in the family, and this is a wrong step. After all, in this way she belittles a man, does not give him the opportunity to show himself from the best side and fully develop himself. Sigmund Freud puts this meaning into this statement. reflect his own mindset and attitude towards marriage.

“People in general are insincere in sexual matters. They do not openly show their desires, but hide them behind various masks.

Many of us are afraid to show our true feelings to others. This is due to the fact that many emotions in childhood are taught to hide, and then they do not find a way out. People do not learn how to properly manifest them in relation to each other, hence the emergence of all kinds of problems. This idea is openly expressed by Sigmund Freud. Quotes about sex most strongly expose and misunderstandings.

Freud's aphorisms perfectly demonstrate his attitude to life. The great researcher emphasizes the importance of every day lived and the fact that you need to appreciate the wonderful moments, because nothing on earth is repeated twice.

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