Can there be two pensions? Who is entitled to two pension payments and how to receive the bonus? Why not all northerners are entitled to the northern pension supplement

Only certain categories of citizens have the right to receive two pensions at the same time; others, with the right to receive payments from different categories, are allowed to choose the appropriate option. This is regulated at the federal level. The reasons for each payment must be different. However, to receive both one and several pensions, you must submit a certain package of documents.

Categories of citizens with the right to two pensions

A pension is a regular cash payment and can be provided based on age, loss of a survivor or disability. Typically, pension provision for citizens takes place in one of these directions, however, there are several categories of citizens who receive two pensions in Russia.

The right to two payments can be exercised by:

  1. disabled due to combat injury;
  2. a participant in the Great Patriotic War who received a disability;
  3. disabled people of any group, marked with the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”.

In this case, the state makes old-age payments and additionally accrues. In both cases, we mean the insurance part.

The amount is calculated based on the individual pension coefficient and disability group.

The latter can be obtained both during the Second World War and in subsequent years, regardless of the reason.
If a serviceman received a combat injury during military service, then length of service, age and length of service do not matter for the assignment of benefits in this area. To receive old-age insurance, you must reach retirement age.

Insurance payment and long-service pension

This group of citizens includes:

  • military officers;
  • test pilots;
  • astronauts.

This category of persons is provided with a share of insurance coverage and payment for length of service. If a citizen received a disability during his service, he has the right to choose a pension based on this criterion instead of payment for length of service.

Insurance coverage and survivor's benefits

Some citizens are also granted the right to two pensions jointly for old age (disability) and loss of a breadwinner.

This group includes the following categories of persons:

  1. parents of a serviceman if he died during conscription service or after it due to a military injury;
  2. the widow of a serviceman, if he died during conscription service due to a military injury, and she did not remarry;
  3. family members of a deceased astronaut or pilot.

In this case, it is necessary to confirm the death of the breadwinner and the fact of disability with documentation.

Two pensions for Chernobyl victims

The right to simultaneously receive two pensions is granted to disabled members of their families if the citizen:

  • received or suffered radiation sickness or another disease due to radiation exposure after a disaster or during the liquidation of its consequences;
  • became disabled due to a disaster;
  • took part in eliminating the consequences of the disaster in the exclusion zone.

Detailed conditions for simultaneous payments can be studied in Federal laws or contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund for information. It is he who will consider the application with the attached documents.

Procedure and terms for registering two pensions at the same time

Citizens must submit an application that they are entitled to simultaneously receive two pensions. To do this, you must collect and submit it along with the application in the appropriate form. The sample is provided by the Pension Fund body. First, you should contact a fund employee for advice on whether you can apply for such payments in a particular case and how to confirm your right.

The required package of documents differs for different categories of citizens. However, the application must be submitted with the following attachment:

  • passports;
  • work book;
  • SNILS;
  • salary certificates for 5 years (continuous service).

note: if a person does not have citizenship or is a foreign citizen, then proof of actual residence in Russia is required.

Pension Fund employees must review the application within 10 days. If the answer is positive, payments will be accrued from the day the application is submitted. If desired (it is also possible to link a bank card), this fact must be immediately indicated in the application.

Additional documents for receiving two pensions

Each category of citizens entitled to two pensions at the same time requires a special package of documents. It is important to find out the entire list during the consultation in order to immediately prepare the necessary certificates.

Disability must be confirmed by a certificate from the bureau of medical and social examination.

Such a document is issued after passing a medical examination. Re-examination occurs annually. Based on its results, it is possible to remove the previously assigned disabled group. In this case, the right to the benefit will be lost.

To confirm the right to a person, you must prove your relationship with him or your marriage (for widows).

It is also necessary to provide a death certificate. If the breadwinner did not die, but went missing, then the benefit is provided if there is a court decision confirming the recognition of such status.

In order to confirm not only your civil service record, you also need to submit a certificate with the date of pension assignment, periods of service and other activities.

Terms of payment of two pensions at the same time

Simultaneous payment of two pensions may be provided for a limited period. The old-age payment is of unlimited duration.

Issued only during the time when the citizen is assigned the corresponding category. If he becomes able to work again by decision of the medical board, then the payments are canceled. In some cases, re-examination is not required, since the status of a disabled person is assigned for life.

A survivor's pension can be permanent or temporary. An example of termination of payments is widows of deceased military personnel who remarried.

Note: If there is a right to a pension for several reasons, a citizen in prison receives the due payments to his personal account. The state's expenses for its maintenance are deducted from this amount.

Fringe benefits

The benefit recipient may, at his own discretion, agree to deduct the cost of the social package.

It includes:

  • receiving medications;
  • free pass;
  • restoration of health in a sanatorium.

Medicines are provided free of charge only with a prescription, provided that they are needed to treat a personal illness. Free travel only applies to public transport and does not apply to taxis, including private minibuses.

The right to such benefits is granted to a citizen only from the beginning of the year following the year of filing an application for a pension.

Thus, a pension can be paid for various reasons, but usually a citizen has the right to choose the direction that is optimal for him. Certain categories of the population are given the opportunity to receive two types of benefits simultaneously. However, such right must be proven documented.

All people who have reached retirement age (women 55 years old, men 60 years old) are entitled to assistance from the state - a pension. This is one monthly payment. Because of this, able-bodied citizens receiving a disability pension must choose which pension they want to receive, insurance from the state or disability. But some people manage to get two at once. Types of pensions:

  • insurance upon reaching retirement age;
  • due to the loss of a breadwinner;
  • by length of service;
  • on disability;

In most cases it is impossible to combine them, but in some situations this is provided. This is provided for by law, and there are only three such provisions.

According to Law No. 166-FZ, a person has the right to receive a pension for the loss of a breadwinner and, at the same time, a disability pension or insurance from the state upon reaching retirement age. The following can count on these pensions:

  • Military personnel who served in the army, were injured, and in the event of death, their parents can count on a pension;
  • Widows of military personnel who died in the war due to conscription can receive a pension if they have not remarried;
  • Those participating in the liquidation of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant who received radiation exposure, after which they were declared incapacitated;
  • Close relatives of deceased astronauts.

Many people receive a long-service pension and can count on a second pension, but it is quite problematic to arrange this; we will talk about this below.

Insurance pension and state pension

Some citizens can retire based on length of service; this category includes civil servants, military personnel, and law enforcement workers. They almost always retire much earlier than the established retirement age. For example, military personnel go on a well-deserved rest at the age of 40-45. They receive a fairly good pension, but many still continue to work, only in a different field. At the same time, they remain insured in the pension system. When such a person works, he continues to make contributions to the Pension Fund, so he accumulates pension points and length of service. And when they reach the established retirement age, he already has enough experience and pension points. In this case, you must be at least 9 years old and have 14 points.

Important: years of service are not included in the length of service for receiving state insurance assistance.

Therefore, when a former military personnel reaches the minimum length of service, he can apply for an insurance pension. But he will not be able to receive the full amount. Typically this payment will be 40% of the total insurance pension. Of course, the size of this payment will be small, but still it will not be superfluous.

Disability payments and insurance pension

Typically, a disability pension cannot be combined with old-age benefits. When a person with a disability reaches retirement age, he has to choose whether he will receive an insurance pension or a disability pension. But there are some exceptions when a person can count on two pensions:

  • People awarded the award “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • Astronauts;
  • Military personnel injured during combat, defenders of the Motherland defending the front;
  • Persons participating in the Second World War (Great Patriotic War).

In Russia, several types of pension payments have been approved at the legislative level: for disability, old age, and loss of a breadwinner. Most citizens receive one of the above pensions. But there is a category of persons, their list is strictly defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, who are entitled to two pensions. We’ll talk about this category of citizens, as well as how to apply, below.

Who is eligible?

The law of the Russian Federation stipulates that some pensioners can apply for two types of pensions, namely: insurance pensions and disability payments.

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  • citizens with disabilities after military trauma;
  • WWII veterans and some other categories.

In addition to the above categories, the following may qualify for several pensions:

  • widow of a serviceman.


To assign a pension, several basic conditions must be met:

  1. Reaching age - 55-60 years. But according to current legislation, some professions allow early retirement. Lists of such professions are approved by the government of the Russian Federation. For civil servants, the retirement age will be increased.
  2. Insurance experience – 15 years by 2024. Currently it is 8 years and increases by 12 months every year.
  3. Pension points – 30 in 2025. In 2019, the coefficient was 11.4.

How to get a?

To clarify whether a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive several pensions, as well as their further registration, you need to contact the local pension fund. If such a right is established, monthly cash payments are assigned.

Please note that cash payments will be assigned on the day the citizen of the Russian Federation applies and submits the application.

It is also worth remembering that if a disabled person applies for payments, he will be offered social services (payments are assigned minus them): free medications, travel on railway transport, as well as sanatorium treatment.

A citizen of the Russian Federation can refuse this package. To do this, he needs to write a statement renouncing this social package. This is done within the time limits provided by law.

The right to choose pension provision

According to Russian legislation, today there are several types of pensions; they are assigned and paid to citizens who, depending on their life situation, cannot continue to work.

It is worth noting that citizens of the Russian Federation who deserve a reward for their services can also apply for a pension.

Please note that pension payments can be assigned even if a citizen of the Russian Federation has no work experience at all.

Only a certain category of citizens can apply for and receive two pension benefits at once; its list is strictly regulated by law.

It is worth noting that since 2015, after the approval of the pension reform, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to choose what type of pension they should form - only insurance or together with funded pensions.

Want to know which ones are needed? To do this, you need to follow the link and read the article.

And you can read about how to apply for a pension for military families in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

Insurance pension

The pension under compulsory pension insurance is accumulated thanks to mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund. Payments of insurance pensions are regulated by Law 400-FZ.

This type of pension is established for citizens of the Russian Federation younger than 1967. Moreover, citizens are given the opportunity to divide their future pension into insurance and funded.

If a citizen of the Russian Federation refuses a funded pension, then only an insurance pension is formed. Then the employer transfers 22% to the PF. In case of division, 6% “goes” to the funded pension.


According to Law 166-FZ, there are some categories of citizens who may be assigned two pension payments.

This right can be claimed by:

  • WWII participants;
  • parents of the deceased serviceman;
  • citizens who have become disabled due to military trauma;
  • disabled family members of Chernobyl victims, etc.
If a pensioner falls into one of the above categories, he can count on a disability pension (loss of a breadwinner) and an insurance pension.

To clarify whether he has such a right and to process payments, he should contact the Pension Fund.

List of documents

To apply for an insurance pension, you must contact the territorial Pension Fund.

A citizen of the Russian Federation should prepare the following documentation:

  • application - you can write it to the Pension Fund according to the established template;
  • passport or other document that does not contradict the law;
  • SNILS;
  • documents confirming the existence of insurance experience and other documentation.

Receipt times

As for the deadlines for assigning a pension, the Pension Fund considers the application within 10 days. A complete package of documentation must be attached to the application. The report is kept from the date of submission of all documents.

If all documentation is collected within three months, the appointment will be from the date of registration of the application.

Pension payments are made monthly. The pensioner, at his discretion, can choose the method of receiving money:

  • via mail - with home delivery or collection at the branch;
  • through a banking institution;
  • through special organizations involved in the delivery of pensions (the entire list of similar companies is in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation).

Advantages and disadvantages

When it comes to the right to choose a pension, it is important to understand the basic difference between an insurance payment and a funded payment. A funded pension allows a citizen of the Russian Federation to manage it and provides the opportunity to invest.

A funded pension is similar to a bank deposit, which can bring very good income. But it is worth remembering the risks associated with investing, when you can lose part or all of your savings.

Before you make your choice, you need to understand the pros and cons of both pension payments.

So, the advantages of an insurance pension:

  • state guarantees;
  • The government indexes pensions every year.

Experts include the disadvantages of this approach: the pension is formed at the expense of official wages, which is not always beneficial for individual entrepreneurs and recipients of salaries “in envelopes”.

If you analyze the advantages of a funded pension, it is important to remember:

  • profitable investment can bring high income;
  • this type of pension payments can be bequeathed;
  • the pensioner can change his decision at any time by transferring management to another fund or the state.

But there are also disadvantages to this approach: a high risk associated with receiving a loss from investing, as well as numerous facts of fraud. Each pensioner must decide for himself which pension he will choose, but first he must weigh the pros and cons.


Why doesn’t the pension grow strictly by the indexation percentage? Are all northerners entitled to a pension supplement? Is every woman who has given birth to two or more children entitled to a pension recalculation?

The nuances of pension legislation explained Eduard Vafin, manager of the Russian Pension Fund branch for Tatarstan.

Why does the pension not always grow strictly by the stated indexation percentage?

Insurance pensions, including fixed payments, for non-working pensioners increase every year. For example, since January 1, 2018, they have grown by 3.7%. After indexation, the size of the fixed payment reached 4982 rubles. 90 kopecks per month, and the cost of a pension point is 81.49 rubles. (in 2017 - 78.58 rubles).
But there are also exceptions. So, in April 2017, the so-called pre-indexation occurred, when only the insurance pension was increased by the stated percentage - 0.38%, and the size of the fixed payment did not change. So it turned out that those who tried to multiply the full amount of the pension by 0.38% made a mistake in their calculations. After all, not the entire pension has increased by the stated percentage, but only that part that depends on length of service and earnings.

Why, when calculating a pension, not all periods of study and work are taken into account, but only selected ones?

The fact is that these periods are individual in each specific case. They are taken into account or not taken into account depending on the chosen calculation option. When assigning a pension, Pension Fund employees initially choose the most beneficial option for the pensioner. If a person is not credited for his period of study, then it is more profitable for him to count his period of work. Years of training are usually counted as experience for those who have a low salary level. As for work periods, there are also several calculation options. For example, you can submit a certificate of average monthly earnings for 60 consecutive months before 2002 or information on the average salary for 2000-2001. according to data submitted to the Pension Fund by the employer. When calculating the length of service, full years of work are counted, therefore, if a person worked, for example, 30 years and 11 months, then only 30 full years of work experience will be taken into account for the calculation, and the remaining 11 months will no longer affect the amount of the pension.

Why aren’t all older people with low pensions given additional payments up to the subsistence level?

Because a pensioner’s income includes not only a pension, but also monthly cash payments, including the cost of a set of social services, as well as additional material support for achievements and special merits (DMS) and other social support measures (subsidies, compensation, etc.).

If, taking into account all these payments, the pensioner’s income remains below the regional subsistence level, then he is given a social supplement up to the level of the pensioner’s subsistence level - 8,232 rubles. in 2018.

By law, social supplements to pensions are provided only to non-working pensioners. If a person gets a job, payments are suspended.

Disabled and elderly people have different pension amounts and you can only choose one. Or can someone still get both?

  • disabled people as a result of war injuries;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War, specified in subparagraphs “a” - “g”, “i” of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 5 “On Veterans” of January 12, 1995. That is, exceptions are military personnel, including those dismissed in reserve or retired, who served for at least six months in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army (from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945), as well as military personnel awarded orders or USSR medals for service during the specified period.
  • awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.”
  • In addition, two pensions can be established for the parents of military personnel who died or died during military service on conscription or who died after dismissal from service due to a military injury, as well as widows of military personnel who died or died during military service on conscription, and disabled family members of certain categories Chernobyl victims.

Is every woman who has given birth to two or more children entitled to a pension recalculation? Is it profitable?

Women who were granted a pension in 2015 and later do not need to worry about recalculation - the most profitable option for them was chosen already when the pension was assigned. But those who retired before 2015 can receive points for periods of child care up to one and a half years, but only in two cases. The first is if the woman was not officially employed while she was on maternity leave. The second is if it is more profitable for a pensioner to replace the period of service during maternity leave with a non-insured period of child care.

For one year of care, the first child is awarded 1.8 points, the second child - 3.6 points, and the third and fourth - 5.4 points. Points are awarded for no more than four children.

Recalculation is done at the request of the pensioner from the first day of the month following the submission of the application. The size of the pension increase is different in each case, and an increase in pension is not guaranteed, because the recalculation may be negative. However, there is no need to be afraid that your pension will decrease as a result. After all, if the recalculation turns out to be unprofitable for the pensioner, then it simply will not be done and the pension will remain the same - no more, no less.

First of all, such a recalculation is beneficial for pensioners who have children and at the same time had a low salary or short work experience.

Why are not all northerners entitled to the northern pension supplement?

Residents of the Far North and equivalent regions can take advantage of a grace period for retirement. At the same time, the basic part of the insurance pension increases. People with northern experience enjoy the same rights, regardless of their place of residence at the time of retirement.

A year of experience in places equated to the Far North corresponds to 9 months of work directly in the North. After 6 years and 7 months of work in the North, each subsequent working year brings the retirement date closer by four months. The law determines that northern experience is at least 15 years. For men, five years more is 20 years.

For example, if a pensioner moves from the Far North region to another region, the fixed payment is determined without taking into account the regional coefficient. But an increased fixed payment to an old-age insurance pension or a disability insurance pension is due regardless of place of residence, if a person has worked for at least 15 years in the Far North or at least 20 years in equivalent areas, and has an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or over 20 years for women. At the same time, only residents of the Far North and equivalent areas can choose whether to increase their fixed payment using the regional coefficient or establish an increased fixed payment to the insurance pension.

Why can’t you receive benefits at the employment center and benefits for caring for an elderly person at the same time?

Payment for caring for pensioners over 80 years of age is a monthly compensation in the amount of 1,200 rubles. The elderly person himself receives it along with his pension, and then he himself pays the person who cares for him.

Alas, not everyone is entitled to such compensation. It is paid only to people of working age, if they do not officially work, but only care for a pensioner. At the same time, those who receive unemployment benefits from the employment service cannot claim compensation of 1,200 rubles.

Is it possible to use the additional payment for care to pay a comprehensive service center that provides paid social services?

If an elderly person is being cared for at a comprehensive social service center, it turns out that he is being looked after not by an individual, but by an organization. Therefore, no compensation is due.

Is it possible to present 2-NDFL certificates for each year as confirmation of your income upon retirement?

To calculate the amount of the pension, the salary for any five years of continuous employment before January 2002, or from 2000 to 2001, is taken into account. But 2-NDFL certificates cannot be taken into account as salary certificates, since when assigning a pension, they take into account a certificate of the established form, to which 2-NDFL does not apply.


One of the opportunities for a military pensioner to receive, in addition to military payments for length of service, also civilian ones is the second pension for military personnel after 60 years of age in 2018. This opportunity appeared after the reform of the Pension Fund system in 2015-2016. The second pension is awarded only when a number of conditions are met. Today, up to a million people officially receive two pensions, which significantly improves the standard of living of families. The basic accrual algorithm includes calculation based on individual points.

Can a military pensioner receive two pensions?

At the moment, a pension for military pensioners upon reaching 60 years of age is possible - relevant for those who have retired after military service or service in other law enforcement agencies. Military and civil pensions are issued at the same time only if there is a length of service when contributions were made by the employer to the Russian Pension Fund. A citizen must indicate SNILS to transfer contributions from the employer. General payments for military personnel are accrued not through the Pension Fund, but through the Ministry of Defense.

In order for an elderly person to receive a second pension for military personnel after 60 years of age in 2018, it is necessary to earn a certain amount of experience by continuing to work in civilian positions after leaving service (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Defense). The requirement concerns the availability of official civilian employment and the availability of appropriate payments from the employer. The higher the salary (officially), the greater the chances of receiving a decent second pension. In this case, the total length of service obtained outside of service is taken into account.

The legislative framework

Having studied the legislative and regulatory framework, it is possible to determine the possibility of receiving a second pension for military personnel after 60 years of age in 2018. It is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • 166-FZ is a law on state pension provision for citizens, including the second payment for military personnel, which has been in force since 2001;
  • 173-FZ - the law on currency stability of Russia, which mentions double payments to pensioners - veterans of military service;
  • 400-FZ - the topic of insurance accruals and insurance pension savings is fully disclosed here.

When is it appointed?

According to the law, a second pension for military personnel is allowed only if a number of factors are met. The main ones include:

  • availability of a SNILS registration number, which was indicated to civilian employers for making payments;
  • the minimum age is 60 years (depending on the region, if we consider the Far North, this figure is 55 years for men, 50 years for women);
  • 9 years of experience (since 2015, the minimum experience was 6 years, but increased by 1 year annually);
  • The minimum number of points is 10 (in 2018, then every year the number of minimum points will increase by one value until it reaches 30 points);
  • Establishing a fixed payment (civil) is possible only if there are additional payments through the Ministry of Defense.

Registration in the compulsory pension insurance system

The second pension for military pensioners and its calculation is the prerogative of the Pension Fund. Registration in the compulsory insurance system provides the opportunity to add civil insurance to monthly payments from the state. In order for the recalculation to be carried out, you must contact the regional PF center with a document confirming your identity (including a pensioner’s card). A serviceman can contact multifunctional service centers. Their location and quantity can be found by calling the Pension Fund hotline.

Receiving SNILS

You can obtain this insurance identification number at any PF in your city. You do not need a passbook, certificate or other non-essential documents to visit. There is no need to pay a fee or commission - the procedure is absolutely free. If you have any questions, please contact representatives of the Pension Fund at the contact phone number. To apply for SNILS, you need:

  1. visit the branch;
  2. take the electronic queue number;
  3. approach an employee and ask them to fill out a form to get an insurance number;
  4. receive a statement of completion.

Conditions of receipt

The budget provides a second pension for elderly citizens after finishing their service. The key condition is the availability of a military pension for length of service or disability, and the presence of minimum civilian work experience. Additionally, you must obtain an individual insurance number, which is indicated when applying for a job. To be guaranteed to receive additional payment, you need to monitor your personal pension coefficient. Must be 9 points or more. The military registration and enlistment office does not play a role - all procedures are carried out through the Pension Fund.

Retirement age

Individual registration of the second payment is possible from 60 years of age for a man, from 55 years of age for a woman. At the same time, he/she can end his military career at the age of 45, after which 15 years are given either for rest or for continuing a civilian career (this is how work experience is obtained). Confirmation of work experience is an entry in the labor record and deductions to SNILS, which came from the employer. If a citizen has had entrepreneurial experience, he can apply for a second pension, because when paying taxes, deductions were made to the Pension Fund.

Insurance experience

The minimum insurance period for 2018 is 8 years. Non-contributory service or military service is an exception that does not affect this indicator. Each year until 2024 the minimum value will increase to 15 years. Completion of eight years of civil service is a direct reason for receiving additional payment. A disabled citizen will not be able to receive this additional payment from the Pension Fund. For such persons, there are alternative social supplements for disability if this is the result of:

  • injuries as a result of military operations;
  • man-made accident;
  • liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Minimum number of IPCs

The Individual Pension Coefficient or IPC directly depends on wages: points are formed based on payments from the employer to the Pension Fund. This happens automatically when you submit your SNILS number. There is no need to write a separate application. It is necessary for an elderly citizen to have a coefficient value of 11-12 in order to receive a second pension payment, in addition to the military payment. By 2024, the minimum value will increase to 30. The accrual condition is official employment with a stable and “transparent” salary.

Monthly contributions to the Pension Fund by the employer

A prerequisite for accumulating points is monthly contributions to the Pension Fund by the employer. Deductions are not declarative in nature - all transfers are made automatically through bank transactions for a certain period. The official salary rate is 22%, but changes are possible. List of types of income that are not taxed: travel payments, unemployment benefits (including payments to a dependent), compensation that can be obtained from the state.

How to get

It is not possible to apply for a second pension online via the Internet. This must be done in writing by writing a letter (application) to the regional branch of the Pension Fund. To personalize payments, you need a passport and personal identification number information. After submitting your application, it will be reviewed within two to three weeks. You must attach a work book or a certificate from your place of work indicating your length of service and position to your passport and SNILS. Documents on military service must be submitted indicating the exact dates, length of service, and military rank.

Application for receiving

Pensioner application on the spot, the regional branch of the Pension Fund will do. It is not allowed to send documentation by mail, because only originals are needed. The protocol of the procedure requires compliance with the duration of consideration of the issue. Within two to three weeks, the applicant will be informed of the decision regarding the accrual of the second state pension. Compliance with all conditions will make it possible to immediately receive transfers. The preliminary application form can be downloaded from the official website of the Pension Fund.

Where to contact

You can apply for a second pension to any Russian pension fund. This list consists of the regional PF department at the place of residence, registration or place of actual residence (if there is no registration). In addition to writing an application, you can contact the personnel service at your place of work. The result will be notified directly to the HR department. This can be done through an official representative of the client service of the federal administration of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Application methods

You can find out about the formula for forming the second pension or the possibility of indexing it by calling the contact phone number. To do this, go to the website of the government agency or check the PF hotline number. There are several ways to submit an application:

  • sending via postal service by registered mail to the official address of the representative office of the Russian Pension Fund;
  • transfer through an official representative of the federal management of the Pension Fund;
  • independently submit a written application, providing all the necessary documents of the Pension Fund (including length of service, early release from military service, labor).

What documents are required

To successfully complete the procedure for obtaining a second pension for military personnel after 60 years of age in 2018, the following is required:

  • passport (or other document confirming date of birth, place of registration).
  • work book (it indicates the total length of service, the period of hiring, the period of dismissal, along with the average monthly income).
  • certificates of military service (indicate the place of service, terms, ranks achieved, special distinctions).
  • When changing your last name, you must provide a certificate.
  • if a citizen has one of the disability groups or other benefits upon reaching the age of sixty, then this must be documented.

All necessary data is separately entered into the application form, which is downloaded via the Internet or completed on site. Therefore, it is important to have the originals with you - this is a means of protection against unlawful actions and confirmation of identity. Certificates of the presence of minor children and relatives for whom the citizen is caring may be required. After completing the approval procedure, you can count on payment on a plastic card (if the registration procedure has been completed).

To calculate the insurance portion, military retirees (MPK) need to use the official formula. Initially, it is necessary to calculate the exact number of points (GPC). Annual Pension Coefficient = SSP (total insurance contributions of a citizen) / the amount of insurance contributions, amounting to 16% of the maximum contributionable salary established annually, multiplied by 10 (conditional multiplier): CPC = SSP/SSO

The direct SIC is calculated according to the following algorithm: the insurance part for the same period (without basic, cumulative) / the monetary equivalent of one pension point as of January 1, 2015 (64.1 rubles). From this we can conclude that there is no fixed pension payment for the described category of citizens under current legislation, and all calculations can be carried out independently or by contacting employees of the regional Pension Fund.

Features of accrual

To independently calculate the equivalent of points, the insurance payment, you need to know a lot of details, including economic indicators (inflation, cost of living). Therefore, for accurate indicators, it is recommended to contact the regional branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This will save you from errors when calculating. How is it calculated:

  1. Initially, determine your official work experience in a civilian position.
  2. From the exact official salary, 22% was deducted to funds every month.
  3. Use the calculator to calculate the estimated amount of annual contributions to the state, which are taken into account when calculating the second pension.

Additionally, individual periods of life need to be taken into account. For example, increasing the insurance period due to non-insurance periods is possible while studying at a higher educational institution, as a full-time student. The same applies to the time when a citizen was caring for his own young children (maternity leave) or caring for disabled family members. The valorization procedure increases the pension capital of a military family.

The period of insurance coverage does not include the time when a person took vacation, taking out official sick leave at his own expense (during that period there was no transfer of wages). There are two methods of calculation. Everyone can choose the current method independently:

  • 22% of monthly transfers are distributed between different departments. 6% is necessarily used to repay the pension reserve for pensioners who receive a fixed payment from the state today.
  • 16% can be shared. For example, 16% goes towards creating and accumulating your own SEC. Or 10% goes to the insurance payment, and 6% goes to the savings account.


From January 1, 2018, all pensioners will undergo mandatory indexation of pensions by 3.7%. Considering the low inflation index, this figure is slightly higher than the level of depreciation of the national currency. Working pensioners will not receive a raise in the new year, according to a government statement. Social pensions will be indexed no earlier than February 2018.

In August, a separate indexation of payments to working pensioners will be carried out, as the addition of IPC points for carrying out labor activities. Taking into account the presence of SPC indexation, equating inflation to the level of provision of pension payments, civil payments will be able to be indexed in August 2018. Additionally, indexation is carried out according to the coefficient of earned pension points.

Payment procedure and rules

If a citizen has prepared all the necessary documents to receive a second pension, then he will be informed about the start of payment by the employees of the Pension Fund, where the application was submitted. Upon the death of a military pensioner, his family members have the right to count on a second additional payment to that intended in connection with the loss of a breadwinner. This is possible if relatives do not have any other official income; they have the right under federal law to receive a second payment.

If a citizen of retirement age with military service is alive, then after completing the application and its approval by the Pension Fund employees, the second pension for military personnel will begin to be paid for the next billing period. Receipts go to the card (separately from the one where funds for military payments go). Further indexing will be carried out automatically. For the next consultations, you must already contact the Pension Fund, providing your personal insurance number.

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