DIY wire dragonfly for the garden. How to make a dragonfly from chenille wire. DIY dragonfly from a plastic spoon

A dragonfly brooch is a fairly popular and fashionable decoration that can be seen on the collars of shirts, dresses and blouses of many beautiful women and girls. And all because it fits almost any outfit and adds zest to the image, no matter how it is presented. Today we want to tell you about how to create a brooch with your own hands and what you need to use for this. If you're ready for another handmade master class, then let's go!

DIY dragonfly brooch: step-by-step master class


  • rhinestones in the form of a drop of medium diameter (variscite, Swarovski crystals or any other stones are suitable)
  • Czech or Japanese beads
  • a piece of genuine leather (can be replaced with high quality leatherette)
  • a handful of pearls and beads of any size and type
  • multi-colored sequins (they should be chosen to match the main color scheme of the product)
  • small brooch base
  • thread and needle for beads
  • sheet of cardboard
  • glue moment


In this way, sew the entire bead in a circle. Upon completion of the work, the number of beads must be even.

  1. After this, cover the pebble with another layer of beads, only of a different shade.
  2. Now you can make the dragonfly's eyes. To do this, from the total mass of stones and rhinestones, you need to select two identical medium-sized stones that will act as eyes. They must be sewn on the widest side of the stone, positioned next to each other.
  3. For greater beauty, trim them along the contour with white beads.
  4. Then you need to add a little volume to the dragonfly. To do this, you need to sew 2 more rows of beads on top of the dark row of beads, placing them between the two beads of the previous row. To do this, you need to string 1 bead onto a needle and attach it to the future decoration, indenting one bead forward. In this way, sew on 2 more rows of beads.
  5. The end result should be something like this:
  6. Cover the wings with beads of a brighter shade, using the same “back stitch” technique.

  7. Next, you can show your own imagination and decorate each wing the way you like best. Here you can use both large crystals and very small beads. The main thing is that it all holds firmly and has a presentable appearance.

For example, a dragonfly's wing might look like this:

First you need to sew on the first stone, decorate it with beads, then the second and then the third.

  1. Now the almost finished dragonfly needs to be carefully cut along the contour and compacted with cardboard.
  2. To do this, you need to attach it to a thick sheet of paper, outline it and cut the cardboard so that it is a couple of millimeters smaller than the product itself. After this, firmly glue it to the base of the future brooch.

  3. After this, glue the dragonfly to a piece of green leather, making sure to place it face down so that the brooch on the reverse side also has a presentable appearance.
  4. The final stage is to sew the edge of the product along the entire contour using a back stitch. The result should look like this:
  5. And the final touch is to glue the base for the brooch to the underside of the dragonfly. It is best to use cement glue for this purpose, allowing it to dry for at least 6-10 hours.

After this, your homemade brooch will be ready to be attached to absolutely any surface, be it a blouse, bag or thick jacket.

Video lesson

Well, for those who like to follow the process of creating handmade jewelry “live,” so to speak, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a detailed video tutorial on how to make a dragonfly from beads and rhinestones:

We hope you liked this idea and you will definitely make a similar decoration for yourself. Tell us in the comments what outfit you would like to wear with this cute dragonfly brooch?

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5 cool ideas for creating a dragonfly with your own hands.

DIY dragonfly from a plastic spoon

For this option, dragonflies will need:

  • colorful disposable plastic spoons
  • plastic transparent document folder
  • pair of plastic eyes
  • glue gun
  • permanent markers.

Cut out the wings from a plastic folder and color them with different colored markers. Glue the wings to the spoon using a dab of hot glue. Glue on the eyes, add a smile with a marker and the dragonfly can take flight.

DIY dragonfly from scrap materials

This option for creating a dragonfly is perfect for autumn crafts, since natural materials will also be used here. Will need:

  • chenille
  • various beads
  • maple seeds
  • scissors

Fold one edge of the chenille, place two “airplanes” (maple seeds) and secure them with a chenille loop. String beads onto the remaining long tip of the chenille and twist the tip of the chenille around the last bead.

It will be better if the first bead is the largest bead, so it will look like a head. Do not take cuttings from maple seeds; they will become natural antennae of a dragonfly.

DIY dragonfly from clothespins

For such a dragonfly you will need:

  • wooden clothespin
  • plastic eyes
  • metallic chenille
  • glue gun
  • felt-tip pens

Using felt-tip pens, apply a beautiful pattern to a wooden clothespin, which will later serve as the body of the dragonfly. Glue the eyes to it. Twist two figure eights from the chenille and, opening the clothespin slightly, pinch the wings.

DIY dragonfly made from pasta

Even if at first glance there is nothing in your house that could serve as material for crafts, know that this is not so! For example, this dragonfly can be made from regular pasta. For it you will need:

  • penne pasta
  • ice cream stick or coffee stick
  • paints
  • plastic eyes
  • glue gun
  • buttons or sequins

Color the paste and stick and let them dry completely. Glue two pasta to the body on each side. Glue eyes on the upper part of the body, and decorate the body itself with small sequins or flat buttons.

DIY dragonfly made of rhinestones

For such an unusually beautiful dragonfly you will need:

  • coffee stick
  • metallic chenille
  • large rhinestone for the head
  • small rhinestones for the body
  • glue gun

Glue rhinestones to a popsicle stick or coffee stick. The largest rhinestone will become the head. Using metallic chenille, twist two pairs of wings of different sizes and glue them between the first and second small rhinestones on the body.

Green dragonfly


* Olive beaded wire
* Green organza
*Glass beads of different shapes
* Green round rhinestones (12 pcs.)
* Green oval rhinestones (4 pcs.)
* Glitter (sparkles) large and small, green
* Decorative green pearlescent glue
* Moment-Crystal glue, PVA glue

* Wire cutters

Operating procedure

1. Take two 30 cm pieces of wire, fold them together and twist them along their entire length. Enlarge the given template and give the wire the shape of a dragonfly wing, leaving the ends 4 cm long. Glue the wire base onto the organza using MomentCrystal glue. Trim off excess fabric. Apply PVA glue to the edge of the wing and sprinkle with large glitter.

2. Place the wing on the template and carefully apply decorative glue to the fabric, repeating the design on the template.

3. Sprinkle the design on the wing with fine glitter while the glue is still wet. Using MomentCrystal glue, attach rhinestones to the wing. Make the remaining 3 wings.

4. Take a wire 40 cm long and string 2 small beads onto it, leaving one end of the wire 15 cm shorter than the other so that the long end of the wire can be passed through the beads a second time. Twist each bead.

5. Place a large bead on both ends of the wire and pass the long end of the wire through it again. Cast on 6 more beads in the same way, passing the long end of the wire through each one twice.

6. Use a teardrop-shaped bead to complete the manufacture of the dragonfly’s body - pass the ends of the wire through the hole crosswise, twist them and cut off the excess.

7. Attach the wings to the body in pairs, twisting the wire so that the dragonfly has the 1st and 2nd pairs of legs.

8. Cut off the excess wire so that the legs are the same length. Using Moment-Crystal glue, attach oval beads to the ends of the legs. From a piece of wire 30–40 cm long, make a loop for hanging, wrapping the ends of the wire at the base of the wings; by the way, this will give additional rigidity to the product.

Using the same technology, you can make a beautiful butterfly from fabric and wire and decorate curtains or a textile lampshade with it. These lovely creatures will look charming on the holiday table. You can also make an original brooch using this technique.

It's quite simple to do. Making it will take a little time, but you can decorate the interior with a beautiful bright figurine. If all the triangular pieces are glued together, the dragonfly can be used as a toy.

To make a dragonfly you will need 63 triangular modules: 8 red, 16 yellow, 7 green and 32 blue.

The body consists of 19 modules: 8 red and 11 yellow. First you need to connect 2 modules, putting the pockets on each other with the long side. You will need 2 of these blanks.

Using three yellow modules, you should connect the red blanks. The modules should also be put on with the long side.

You need to insert one more yellow module into the free yellow side pockets. In the future, dragonfly wings will be attached here.

The fourth row will consist of two red modules. They need to be worn with the long side.

The fifth row consists of three yellow modules. The difference here is that in the yellow pockets you need to hide not only the red modules of the previous row, but also the protruding yellow corners of the third row. Again, one yellow module must be inserted into the side pockets of the yellow modules. The second pair of wings will be attached here.

The sixth row includes 2 red modules, and they need to evenly cover all the corners of the previous row.

To finish making the dragonfly's body, you need to put on 1 yellow module in the middle.

To make one dragonfly wing you will need 8 blue modules. Each module must be inserted at one corner into the corresponding pocket.

The last module, which will be attached to the body, needs to be inserted into two pockets.

According to this principle, you need to assemble two right wings and two left ones.

The tail will consist of 5 green and 5 yellow modules. Alternating them, you need to insert them with two corners into 2 pockets. When finished, bend the tail slightly.

The mustache is very easy to make from two green modules. They need to be screwed onto a pencil or pen so that they become round.

When all the components are ready, you should begin assembling the dragonfly.

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