Why do nails peel and break? Causes and treatment. Splitting of fingernails: causes and treatment Nails are severely peeling, what to do

If your fingernails are peeling, then first of all you should reconsider your lifestyle. Splitting of nails indicates a lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. There is no universal way to solve the problem; nail lamination is solved individually in each case. You can use various masks, start taking vitamins,...

Treatment at home

If your nails are very peeling, then special nail baths that you can use at home will help you cope with the problem.

Olive oil masks

If your nails are peeling, you can try masks based on olive oil - the most affordable and effective way. Olive oil contains many vitamins and nutrients that help improve and restore the structure of the nail. You can make a similar mask twice a week and after some time you will be able to see a positive result.

To prepare, you will need to mix olive oil with lemon juice. Apply a thin layer of the composition to the nail and the skin around it, leaving it for several hours, or even better, overnight. To get the maximum effect from the mask, it is recommended to use special cotton gloves.

Compress with alum

The following compress also helps very well against peeling nails: 35-40 grams of purified water, a spoonful of glycerin and 5 grams of alum. It is important that the mixture is mixed thoroughly. Now soak the cotton pads in the mixture and apply them to your nails, leaving them for at least 20 minutes.

Sea salt bath

Despite the fact that this procedure must be carried out every other day, you will definitely like it. Plus, it's incredibly easy to make yourself. Simply dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a liter of warm water and soak your fingers in the resulting solution for about 20 minutes.

Wine and chamomile bath

And the last, simple, but very popular and effective procedure aimed at improving the general condition of the nails. It is made with white wine and chamomile infusion. To prepare such a bath, you need to brew 100 grams of dried chamomile flowers in water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Such a simple and cheap remedy will allow you to restore brittle, peeling nails, restoring their vitality and beauty after just a few procedures.

Brittleness is one of the common problems with your nails. If nails peel, then they can bring many problems to a woman: they constantly cling to clothes and hair, and the varnish coating does not adhere well to them. Therefore, many women wonder: their fingernails are peeling, what to do? Answer: of course, strengthen it!

Strengthening nails

We must remember that everything is within our power, and even if you have a bad problem, it can be fixed. So, if your fingernails peel, what should you do in this case? There are a few simple rules thanks to which you can soon get beautiful, healthy nails without putting in much effort.

Include the necessary microelements and vitamins in your diet; if the nail splits, it means that the body does not have enough vitamin D and calcium. Large amounts of these substances are found in figs, dates, kefir, cottage cheese and milk.

In addition, it is recommended to eat fish and meat more often, drink freshly squeezed carrot juice containing large amounts of vitamin A. Previously it was believed that gelatin helped strengthen nails. However, to date there is no reliable information about its high effectiveness. For what reason do nails most often begin to peel in winter or with the onset of spring? The thing is that just at this time of year there is a breakdown in the body’s defenses, and the immune system is weakened. Try to eat more vegetables during this time.

Nails need to be nourished with medicated creams and oils. To prevent nails from splitting, you must regularly use special oil and medicated cuticle cream.

Manicure oil must be applied along the contour of the nail plate, and cuticle agent is used to treat the base of the nail. There are a huge number of different nail strengthening products. Some of them contain allatonin and panthenol, which promote rapid healing of the cuticle. The remaining medicinal preparations contain liposomes and nutrients that can accelerate the appearance of new cells in the area of ​​the nail plate. There is a huge variety of creams, including products with vitamin C, protein, keratin, which help increase resistance to negative environmental influences.

These simple rules will allow you to cure brittle, peeling nails without much effort.

Every woman dreams of getting beautiful, healthy nails, but in some cases, their nails become separated. Why fingernails peel, the reasons can be very diverse. How to treat this phenomenon and what to do in general if your nails break?

Nails peel and break - causes and treatment

In fact, there are multiple reasons why fingernails peel, but they can be conditionally divided into two categories: external and internal. Internal ones are those that arise as a result of changes in the body. What do they come from? From vitamin deficiency, previous diseases, lack of microelements. External: nail injuries, temperature changes, negative effects of the external environment.

So, if your nails peel and break, the causes and treatment can be completely different. One reason may be a lack of protein. And here everything is clear, the nail contains protein, and its deficiency has a negative effect on the nail plate. It has been noticed that people who do not eat meat are more likely to encounter nail problems than meat-eaters.

In the risk category for the condition of the nail plate are women who are constantly on a diet with strict restrictions on proteins and fats. Such a diet contributes to the strong leaching of all natural fats from the nail plate, and soon the nail first loses its shine and then begins to peel. A lack of protein in the body can make the nail not only dull, but also very brittle; in addition, protein deficiency can inhibit the growth of the nail plate.

Often, layering of nails occurs as a result of the appearance of grooves on the nail plate. The separation of nails begins from a groove, transverse or longitudinal. Such a nail defect should alert you and make you look more critically at the condition of your own nails.

In almost all cases, nails begin to peel due to a fungal infection of the nail plate or periungual fold. However, nail separation is not the only sign of fungus. If at the same time you notice that your nails have begun to turn yellow, the periungual fold begins to swell, and the nail crumbles, this means that in fact we are talking about the presence of a fungal disease. This is no longer a cosmetic defect, but a medical problem that should be solved with the help of a qualified doctor.

By the condition of the nails and skin of the hands, you can easily determine not only whether a person is neat, but also his state of health. If separation of the nail plate is present, then the appearance as a whole changes, the person becomes irritable and unsure of himself.

Damage to the nail plate as a result of its separation into small scales leads to increased fragility, brittleness, a rough surface and discoloration. Most often, nails peel either longitudinally. or in cross section. The reasons can be completely different: from improper hand care to health problems. To find out what exactly causes the changes, let's take a closer look at the reasons for nail separation.

Causes of splitting fingernails

Conventionally, the reasons can be divided into 3 categories: the impact of external and internal factors, as well as psychological state.

External factors

  • Aggressive effects of household chemicals. Daily use of cleaning products and detergents leads to thinning of the nail plate. To avoid this, you should wear gloves when cleaning, and after washing dishes, moisturize your hands and nails with a nourishing cream. In addition, acetone and the use of nail polishes can also harm the nail. To avoid serious consequences, simply give the nail plate a rest and do not use cosmetics.
  • Hypothermia of the hands, as well as exposure to the sun without protective creams can negatively affect the health of the nails.
  • Mechanical damage. Most often this is due to a person’s professional activity.
  • Damage to the top layer of the plate due to improper removal of gel polish from natural nails with special tools (pusher, grinder or nail file).
  • Frequent nail extensions.
  • Improper removal of artificial nails using a pusher can lead to mechanical damage to the nail plate.
  • If you wear the wrong shoes, your toenails can become deformed and peel.

Internal factors

  • Lack of iron in the body leads to deterioration of the nails. Otherwise it is called iron deficiency anemia.
  • Disturbances in the digestive tract, biliary tract, kidney disease and endocrine system disrupt the metabolism of minerals and their distribution throughout the human body.
  • Poor nutrition or frequent dieting. Due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins in sufficient quantities, the external condition of the nail plate worsens. Most often found in children. The menu should be compiled correctly.
  • Diseases of the skin and hands with pathologies such as lichen ruber, eczema, psoriasis, congenital epidermolysis, fungal diseases.
  • Hormonal disruption of the body during menopause and adolescence.
  • Pregnancy. Due to a lack of certain minerals, in particular calcium, in women during this period there is a sharp separation of the nail plate.

Psychological reasons

  • The bad habit of biting your nails when a person is under stress, banging them on the table, or bending the nail plate while thinking leads to damage and peeling of the nail.
  • Onychotillomania is a pathology in which a person destroys his own nails with the help of special tools.
  • Onychophagia is an uncontrollable condition in which a person bites their nails.
    Depression, nervous agitation

Treatment for peeling nails

Any treatment should begin with a visit to a dermatologist or mycologist. Thanks to research, it is possible to establish not only the cause, but also prescribe medication. Curing the cause will be much simpler and easier than treating defects for a long time using expensive drugs and cosmetic procedures.

Important! Any treatment requires compliance with a number of rules, as well as time.

Most often, after identifying the true causes, doctors prescribe taking a vitamin-mineral complex. Restoring the necessary nutrients in the body will help to compensate for their deficiency in the shortest possible time.

Proper balanced nutrition will also help cope with the problem of brittle nails. Doctors recommend adding proteins, calcium-rich foods to your diet, and increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Treatment can be carried out using special procedures that are performed in a salon or at home.

Salon treatments

Most often, masters in salons offer a number of procedures, after which the nails and skin of the hands will become truly healthy and well-groomed.

  1. Paraffin therapy procedure, which improves blood circulation in tissues. To do this, wax in a molten state is applied to the nails and skin of the hands and left for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Japanese manicure. This procedure is therapeutic thanks to natural remedies and rubs, which after the first use will return a healthy and natural glow, and will also help get rid of delamination.
  3. Spa manicure. Thanks to a set of measures, including aromatherapy, the application of nourishing and strengthening masks, baths, hand massage and paraffin therapy, the treatment is not only quick, but also as pleasant as possible.

Nail treatment at home

If your nails no longer shine with a healthy shine, and the separation of the nail plate brings discomfort, then a number of procedures carried out at home will help you forget about the problems for a long time.

Treatment with professional means

  1. Hand creams. By daily rubbing a small amount of cream into the skin of your hands, as well as into the area of ​​the nail plate with light, massaging movements, it will not only soften and moisturize, but also improve the condition of your nails. It is best to choose natural-based products, or make them yourself. To do this, take a few drops of aroma oil and mix with sea salt. Soak your hands in this solution for several minutes and wipe with a paper towel. The oil will moisturize and add shine, and sea salt with a high iodine content will strengthen your nails.
  2. Wax for nails. You can buy it at any pharmacy, the main thing is that it is made from bees. By rubbing it into the nail plate, it will not only strengthen the nails, but also seal small cracks.
  3. Healing varnishes. The minerals and natural oils they contain will help quickly rid your nails of splitting. A series of varnishes from FIONA, Eveline, Dance Legend are effective.
  4. Healing mud. The composition of such masks containing peat, silt or hill components includes nutrients and minerals. It is enough to apply the mixture for 15 minutes and then rinse with salted water.

Traditional methods

  • Herbal masks. They can be prepared from bananas, potatoes, cabbage, carrots with the addition of sour cream or cream. Grind in a blender and apply to the skin of your hands and nails. After 15 minutes, rinse with water and moisturize with cream. Such procedures will fill the skin with nutrients, and the nails will eliminate excessive splitting.
  • Baths. Dissolve a few drops of nourishing oil in warm water, as well as lemon juice and sea salt. Nails will become stronger after 2-3 such procedures performed at home.
  • Olive oil massage. It is enough to carry out a massage procedure daily, rubbing olive oil into the skin. This will not only moisturize it, but also improve the condition of the nail plate.
  • Edible gelatin. Consuming gelatin will improve growth and prevent nails from splitting.

How to prevent your nails from deteriorating

By following a number of rules, your nail plates will be smooth and beautiful:

  • use high-quality tools when performing manicure and pedicure, as well as use them correctly;
  • cut your nails only with sharp scissors, and then use a file to file from the side to the center;
  • When removing nail polish, it is important not to touch the top layer of the nail with special tools;
  • use only high-quality varnishes and choose removers without acetone, preferably with nourishing oils;
  • eat right, maintaining a balance of vitamins and microelements;
  • in winter, wear mittens or gloves to avoid hypothermia;
  • Cleaning should be carried out in protective equipment;
  • moisturize your hands daily with cream or nourishing oil.

By following simple rules for caring for the skin of your hands and feet, as well as providing daily nail care, you can look great without salon procedures.

Every third woman is dissatisfied with the condition of her nail plates. Sometimes they become brittle, peel and crumble. Let's look at why fingernails peel, what are the reasons and how to cure it at home.

Peeling nails indicate problems in the body

The main reason for fragility is exposure to harmful substances. If you constantly neglect to wear gloves while cleaning and washing dishes, you may notice a deterioration in the condition of your fingernails.

When doing household chores, do not forget to wear household gloves.

Working at a computer and with papers, using nails as a screwdriver lead to injuries to the nail plates, drying out and brittleness.

Improper filing or extension, mechanical damage - all this has a bad effect on the strength of the nails. It will take a long time to treat and restore them.

Internal factors

An unbalanced diet, vitamin deficiency, and some chronic diseases also cause flaking. Fingernails peel and break due to a lack of vitamins A, E, C, calcium and iron deficiency.

Causes of delamination:

  • diabetes;
  • initial stage of fungal diseases;
  • sudden change in climatic conditions;
  • problems with hormonal levels, endocrine diseases;
  • constant stress and overwork, bad habits.

Your doctor will help you determine the cause of your nail problems.

It is possible to find out exactly what is missing in the body only after a complete medical examination. This will help not only restore the beauty of your hands, but also cure serious diseases in time.

Basic rules of care

What to do if increased fragility appears? It is necessary to reduce the destructive impact of external factors. Do all housework only with gloves, especially if you have to come into contact with strong chemicals and metal sponges.

If you constantly do your manicure incorrectly, your nails become brittle. The cause of destruction can be metal files; it is better to replace them with glass ones. Sawing when your hands are wet or damp is strictly prohibited.

If your fingernails are very peeling, then acetone-based nail polish remover is absolutely not suitable. Weakened nails should not be given a square shape - it is better to file them in the form of an oval.

Acrylic extensions and shellac coating have a negative effect. When fragility or crumbling appears, such procedures are strictly contraindicated.

Why do children's nails peel?

The cause of peeling nails in children can be hormonal changes, bad habits, and poor diet.

Children often bite their nails due to anxiety or stress, which leads to a worsening of their condition. The mother’s task is to identify and eliminate the cause of the child’s poor psycho-emotional state.

A baby’s nail plates may peel off after mechanical trauma or damage to the finger. The problem will disappear as the new plate grows.

Sometimes mothers face the problem of peeling nails in children

Vitamin deficiency is the main cause of peeling of the nail plates on the hands from the cuticle itself; it often occurs during the period of active growth. Your child’s diet should include more foods containing calcium, iron, and ascorbic acid.

If the nail not only peels off, but also changes color and shape, this indicates a fungal infection. It is impossible to get rid of the fungus on your own; you need to see a doctor; long-term treatment will be required.

If a child develops lamination for a long time and constantly, and the problem cannot be eliminated, it is better to undergo a medical examination. Fragility may indicate anemia, problems with the adrenal glands, or metabolic disorders.

Proper nutrition

You need to treat layered nails from the inside first. The diet should be reconsidered. To accurately determine the cause, you need to get tested. But there are some general recommendations that will help get rid of increased fragility.

To treat lamination, it is necessary to review the diet

Necessary substances What products contain
Calcium Fermented milk products, low-fat cottage cheese and hard cheese.
Vitamin D The diet should include fish, cabbage, and nuts.
Silicon Boiled green beans, parsley, lettuce, bananas, currants.
Iron Chicken egg yolks, lentils, red meat, buckwheat, liver, pomegranate.
Zinc Seafood, seaweed, tomatoes, ginger, oranges, blueberries.
Chromium Dates, seeds, plums, cherries.

Home Recipes

To treat increased fragility and eliminate the underlying causes of the disease, it is necessary to perform strengthening cosmetic procedures.

Green tea bath

Mix 50 ml of vegetable oil and 200 ml of green tea. Do a hand bath before bed for 7 minutes. After this, thoroughly rub the moisturizer into each nail.

There are many recipes for hand baths. Choose any one and pamper your nails and hand skin

You can store the prepared liquid in the refrigerator for three days.

Oil wrap

Mix 20 ml of olive oil with an ampoule of liquid vitamin A, add a few drops of lemon juice. Rub the mixture into the nail plates with massage movements, starting with the thumb. After this, wrap your hands with polyethylene film and put on gloves. Keep the mask on for at least two hours. The procedure must be repeated every 5 days.

Sea salt

One of the most effective means for treating peeling plates. It is necessary to dissolve 15 g of natural sea salt without dyes in 350 ml of warm water. Immerse your hands in the bath for 20 minutes, then wash your hands with warm water and apply moisturizer to each nail. The procedure must be done daily for 14 days. You should not get carried away with water procedures, since excessive humidity is a common cause of increased fragility.

During treatment, we must not forget about the cuticle - each nail should be lubricated daily with liquid vitamins A, E.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of why fingernails peel and break. To completely eliminate the problem, you need to undergo a medical examination, review your diet, and get rid of bad habits. Often the reason lies in improper care, the use of low-quality varnish and metal files.

It's a rare lady who doesn't dream of having soft, well-groomed hands. However, beautiful hands don’t spoil men either. And the beauty of hands is, first of all, beautiful, healthy nails. That’s why if your nails peel and often break, you need to take measures to combat these unpleasant phenomena. Where to start?

My fingernails are peeling, what should I do?

Do healthy nails peel?

Imagine the picture: a person is turning pale and losing weight, his nails are peeling and his hair is becoming dull, and his health is not good... You don’t need to be a professor of medicine to understand: immediate medical attention is required here!

Well, what if you feel good, have a wonderful sleep, your eyes are sparkling, but your nails are peeling and breaking? Does this indicate ill health or not? To understand this issue, let’s try to “study the hardware,” that is, the structure of the nails.

So, nails are a special appendage of the skin, which consists of a matrix, a nail bed and a nail plate.

The matrix is ​​the invisible part of the nail, in which the rate of growth of nails, as well as their shape, structure and thickness are genetically determined. The matrix contains living nail cells, which, when dying, move onto the nail plate.

The nail plate is a non-living visible part of the nail, which consists of keratin in the form of dense scales (this is what we used to call the nail, and it is about it that we say “nails shine”, “nails flake”, “nails are long”, etc. ).

The nail plate is located on the nail bed, where it is fixed by strong collagen ligaments. The stronger the tension of these ligaments, the more convex the nail will be, and weakened, dystrophic ligaments will determine a flat nail plate.

The nail plate on the bed is surrounded by a skin ridge, a cuticle, which protects the nail from getting all kinds of infections under the plate. Of course, provided that the nail plate itself is intact, shiny and smooth. However, this is not the only reason we think about nail health...

Peeling nails causes, treatment

Nails peeling - alarm signal

If the eyes, according to the classic definition, are the mirror of the soul, then nails can be considered a mirror of the health of the body. Let's give just a few examples.

On the thumbs and index fingers of most healthy people, whitish “crescents” are visible - a sign of good condition of the body. The absence of half moons may indicate overwork or exhaustion. But at the same time, everything is good in moderation: if there are light crescents on all fingers, and at the same time they are large enough, there is a danger of cardiovascular diseases.

Small longitudinal grooves or cracks on the nail plate indicate disorders of the digestive tract. The appearance of thickenings or growths on the nail is a sign of circulatory failure. There are a number of other signs of organ ill health, which are indicated by the condition of the nails.

But still, most often we hear complaints that nails peel or often break. There are many reasons for this trouble.

Nails peel or crumble, for example, due to improper care of hands or feet, or improper trimming or filing of nails. If the nails are peeling only on the feet, the cause may be too tight shoes, prolonged sitting (physical inactivity) and other factors that impair blood circulation. Well, constant contact with various dishwashing or laundry detergents is one of the reasons why fingernails peel. This, of course, does not mean that you don’t need to wash clothes or wash dishes, it’s just that everyone who has peeling nails (or has had this happen before) should do it with household gloves.

What is missing in the body if nails peel?

By the appearance of your nails you can easily determine what is missing in your body. If a person has straight and smooth legs, this is a sign of health. Well, if the nails peel, then this indicates various diseases. To restore health to your nails, you must first determine the cause of these disorders.

External reasons

  • frequent hand contact with water. If your hands are often in water, your nails become thin and brittle; these changes can be observed by every person after taking a bath. But with regular exposure, it will be much more difficult to return your nails to good condition. In this case, it is recommended to apply protective cream and use gloves. And also regularly use medicinal varnishes and other products.
  • chemical reagents. These include detergents, dyes and chemicals, alcohol and acetone. You should be careful with these substances, as they dry out your nails and make them vulnerable. Lovers of beautiful manicures should pay attention to the quality of their varnishes, since using cheap, low-quality ones can upset the water-fat balance of the nail plate.
  • mechanical impact. For example, if you have a bad habit, biting your nails is the key to permanently peeling nails. Also, when using nails as an opener, this severely injures the nail and provokes microcracks, which leads to delamination. The quality of the nail file is also of great importance; it should be glass or specially coated, but in no case metal.

Why do fingernails peel and break?

Internal reasons

  • poor diet or lack thereof. With an irregular diet, a person does not receive the required amount of vitamins, and this is where problems with nails begin. A person should eat enough foods containing calcium and iron. This is, for example, fish, which also contains magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, which contribute to better absorption of calcium. Also, the diet should contain protein foods, fruits and vegetables, which contain folic acid, silicon, zinc, and amino acids.
  • genetic predisposition. Some people have very weak and thin nails from birth. The reason lies in the fact that these people have a low percentage of cysteine, this amino acid is responsible for healthy nails. In this case, you should refuse nail extensions and try to protect your nails from the influence of the external environment.
  • internal diseases. Every doctor can easily determine the state of health and the presence of disease by the external signs of the nail. For example, layering of nails with a bluish tint indicates diseases of the cardiovascular system. If compactions and deepened transverse stripes appear on the nail, this indicates infectious processes.

Nails are peeling - how to treat?

When nails peel, you can treat them from the outside or the inside, and sometimes “along the entire front.”

External remedies - all kinds of creams, gels, lotions, nourishing massages, baths, manicures and other procedures. It is better when they are performed by professionals, but self-care for nails is also very effective. But external remedies do not always lead to the desired result: it happens that all the recommended measures are taken, and the nails peel as if nothing had happened.

Peeling nails: the benefits of the right vitamins

If your nails become peeling, despite attempts to restore their beauty using “improvised methods,” you should visit a cosmetologist, or even a dermatologist (do we remember that nails are an appendage of the skin?). The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests that will rule out organic disorders, check hormone levels and determine what vitamins the body needs. After all, it is the lack of vitamins that is often the main reason why nails peel and become brittle!

The use of ready-made vitamin-mineral complexes is fraught with allergies; in addition, some vitamins are not “friendly” with each other and cannot be taken together. So the principle “there are no extra vitamins” does not apply in this case. But if you know which vitamin is recommended to be used for these problems, you can forget about peeling nails for a long time.

Vitamin B7, also known as vitamin H, also known as biotin, also known as the beauty vitamin, plays a special role in ensuring healthy skin, hair and nails.

Biotin is necessary for the creation of keratin, the “building material” for nails, hair and skin cells. In addition, the presence of sulfur in biotin makes nails strong, hair voluminous, and skin smooth. Sulfur is involved in the synthesis of protein - collagen, which determines the structure of the skin; has the ability to protect the skin from environmental pollution, slows down the aging process. In addition, given that sulfur is part of the skin pigment melanin, an even and lasting tan also depends on sulfur. Therefore, with a pronounced biotin deficiency, the legs flake and become cloudy, the hair splits and becomes dull, and the skin literally withers before our eyes.

Alas, our body does not know how to store biotin: biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, which makes it easily absorbed, well tolerated and does not accumulate in the body. Biotin is necessary to restore the structure of nails, effectively eliminating their fragility and delamination. Studies have shown that biotin helps eliminate fine facial wrinkles, flaking, seborrhea of ​​the scalp and prevents premature graying, hair loss and brittleness.

An interesting additional feature of biotin is that this vitamin does not increase appetite or lead to unwanted weight gain.

Well-groomed and beautiful nails are a sign of the owner’s well-being and self-care. If they become uneven, weak, this fact gives both men and women self-doubt and indicates that malfunctions have appeared in the body’s functioning. Fragile plates are not only a cosmetic and aesthetic problem, but directly affect human health, so it must be solved immediately.

  • dull color;
  • roughness;
  • splitting of ends;
  • significant slowdown in growth;
  • splitting the plate into flakes.

What does a nail consist of?

The plate is made up of keratin horny scales tightly adjacent to each other. Between them there are layers of water, it is needed for elasticity, gives shine and a pleasant color. Growth occurs as follows: in the base (matrix - the white crescent adjacent directly to the skin) the division of germ cells occurs, which push the old ones forward. If microgaps or cracks appear between the plates, this leads to nails breaking and peeling.

External factors:

  • Incorrect manicure or pedicure technique.
  • Regular use of varnishes that contain formaldehyde.
  • Extension.
  • Violation of the technology for correction and removal of artificial nails.
  • Using nail polish remover with acetone, diluting old varnishes with it.
  • Frequent use of alkaline cleaning products without protecting hands with gloves. Typical for women housewives.
  • Injuries.
  • Regular prolonged exposure to cold or low humidity conditions.
  • Professional deformations. Characteristic of musicians, especially guitarists and representatives of other professions, who use the nail plates when working.

Internal factors:

  • One of the main causes of brittle nails is an unbalanced diet. This happens when there is a lack of protein, vitamins A, D, E, and microelements such as sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, and calcium in the food.
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system, biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract or liver. When they occur, improper distribution of microelements in the body occurs and metabolism is disrupted.
  • Anemia.
  • Dermatological diseases that affect the nail or adjacent tissues. This includes fungus, lichen planus, eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body. It can also occur in men, especially during puberty, but is more common in women. Often occurs during menopause.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. In these situations, priority in the distribution of nutrients and microelements is given to the child.
  • A consequence of intoxication with harmful elements, especially heavy metals.

In addition to these reasons, this condition can be caused by depression, bad habits or nervous pathologies: biting the plates, destroying their integrity. This requires visiting a psychotherapist.

What to do and how to treat it?

If a person realizes that he has brittle, unhealthy nails, then any therapy should begin with a trip to the doctor. First, you should visit a mycologist or dermatologist. In some cases, consultation with an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or immunologist is required. The specialist will advise you to do a blood test - biochemical or for hormones, which is most often relevant not for men, but for women. If the cause is a disease of the internal organs, it must be treated first.

1. Normalization of nutrition.

Whatever the cause of the problem, treatment should include nutritional correction. Be sure to eat protein foods regularly. This is meat (it is preferable to take white meat, poultry), dairy products (they are also rich in calcium), eggs, fish. Don’t neglect vegetable protein, which is found in vegetables, especially lentils, peas, and beans.

If your fingernails break, it will be obvious to any specialist what your body is missing: vitamins A and E, as well as ascorbic acid. Regularly eat vegetables, fruits, berries, and unrefined vegetable oils.

Among the large number of products, cottage cheese stands out as a source of high-quality protein, sesame, rich in calcium, nuts and spinach, which is preferably eaten raw.

The lack of vitamins and microelements does not stop immediately. It takes a considerable period of time, after which the body will be able to cope with the causes of the trouble.

2. Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements.

Any specialist will advise you to do the following: go to the pharmacy and buy certain vitamin preparations that you need to take regularly at home. The supply of nutrients from food is not so great as to help if the fragility of the marigolds is severe, so medical help will be required.

Treatment at home

It is possible to tidy up your fingernails and eliminate the cause of their separation by rubbing nourishing creams into them. They often contain valuable oils and vitamins, which will enhance the effect. You can purchase waxes in pharmacies or specialty stores. They are a good and more affordable alternative to similar salon procedures.

Replace your usual varnishes with medicinal ones. They contain growth activators, strengthening and nourishing components. They are often used for decorative purposes, doing their own manicure.

Brittle nails can be eliminated at home using special natural muds. To do this, the drug purchased at the pharmacy is diluted in a warm oven to a viscous state and a compress is applied to the hands for about 15 minutes. The plates must be completely covered with the mixture. Rinse in salted water, then apply nourishing cream. The procedure is carried out daily for a week, after a 10-day break the treatment is repeated.

You can also take care with the help of special baths. To do this, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of sea salt in warm water. Then you need to make an oil preparation: dissolve a couple of drops of essential oil - myrrh, bergamot, tea tree, ylang-ylang, patchouli, pine or cedar - in a teaspoon of almond or apricot oil. Dilute the resulting mixture in water. Place your hands in the bath and soak for 20 to 30 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on how severely the fingernails are injured. After using the cream, massage each finger well. Treatment continues until complete recovery, its frequency is approximately 2 times a week.

Thin plates are successfully healed by applying healing oils. It can be sea buckthorn or olive, coconut or almond, jojoba oil. Any of the selected elixirs should be thoroughly rubbed into the nails and surrounding skin overnight as a treatment.


  • Interact with aggressive agents only with gloves.
  • Protect vulnerable and thin nails from frost in winter.
  • Use ceramic or glass files. Process in one direction.
  • Nail scissors must be sharp.
  • Buy quality varnishes. Use protective equipment before applying them.
  • Fragility can be prevented with a balanced diet.

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