My name is Marina, I am the mortal foam of the sea. Inevitability. I am the mortal foam of the sea. Poem test

“Who is created from stone, who is created from clay...” Marina Tsvetaeva

Who is made of stone, who is made of clay -
And I’m silver and sparkling!
My business is treason, my name is Marina,
I am the mortal foam of the sea.

Who is made of clay, who is made of flesh -
The coffin and tombstones...
- Baptized in the sea font - and in flight
Its own - incessantly broken!

Through every heart, through every network
My willfulness will break through.
Me - do you see these dissolute curls? -
You can't make earthly salt.

Crushing on your granite knees,
With every wave I am resurrected!
Long live the foam - cheerful foam -
High sea foam!

Analysis of Tsvetaeva’s poem “Who is created from stone, who is created from clay...”

After the revolution, Marina Tsvetaeva fully felt all the hardships of life as a Russian intellectual, who was left without a roof over her head and a means of livelihood. During the 5 years that the poetess spent in the plundered and torn apart country before emigrating, she had to mentally say goodbye to her husband, bury her youngest daughter and abandon the idea of ​​​​reaching people's hearts with the help of poetry. Any other woman in such a situation would probably have broken down, but Marina Tsvetaeva was determined to survive at any cost. In addition, there was still a glimmer of hope in her soul that everything that was happening around was a bad dream that was about to end. It is for this reason that in 1920, a few weeks after the funeral of Irina’s three-year-old daughter, Tsvetaeva wrote the famous poem “Who is created from stone, who is created from clay ...”, full of optimism and faith.

In this work, the poetess very successfully plays on her name, because Marina translated from Latin means “sea.” She draws a parallel with Aphrodite, who emerged from the sea foam, noting: “And I will be silver and sparkle!” Attempts to exalt oneself over other people who are created from stone or clay are associated not only with Tsvetaeva’s desire to assert herself. The poetess turns to the origins of her life, trying to find strength in them in order to overcome numerous difficulties. She is convinced that “coffins and tombstones” are not her destiny. After all, still in adolescence Tsvetaeva realized that she was endowed with an amazing poetic gift. Therefore, in this poem she tries to proclaim her superiority over others and states: “Through every heart, through every network, my self-will will break through.”

Indeed, the poetess is determined to prove to the whole world that she deserves a better fate. Tsvetaeva discounts only the fact that fate has destined her for difficult trials. The Lord humbles the obstinate, and every attempt by the poetess to prove her importance will be answered with very strong and painful blows. The poetess was already able to feel the first of them after losing her daughter and losing the support of her husband, who ended up abroad after the revolution. She still doesn’t know that she will soon become an emigrant herself. But apparent freedom will not bring her relief, since Tsvetaeva’s work will be even less in demand abroad than in Soviet Russia. Moreover, homesickness will poison the poetess’s comfortable and cloudless life. But all this will happen much later, but for now Tsvetaeva, having overcome herself, confidently declares: “Crushing on your granite knees, I am resurrected with every wave!” She has no idea that after one of these blows she will no longer be able to recover and will make a rash decision to die.

“Who is created from stone, who is created from clay...” is a poem written during a difficult period for Tsvetaeva. She then lived away from her husband in Moscow, but did not really know what was happening to him. In addition, her existence could not be called comfortable - she had a hard time in the new reality of Soviet Russia. Despite the circumstances, the poem “Who is created from stone, who is created from clay ...” is imbued with optimistic moods, love of freedom, thirst for life and struggle.

History of creation

The poem “Who is created from stone, who is created from clay...” was written on May 23, 1920. It is included in the cycle “N. N.V.,” dedicated to the artist Nikolai Nikolaevich Vysheslavtsev. Tsvetaeva met him in March 1920. A little earlier, the poetess’s youngest daughter, Irina, died of hunger. Marina Ivanovna looked primarily to her new friend for protection and support. Tsvetaeva quickly became interested in Vysheslavtsev and just as quickly became disillusioned with him. Thanks to their relationship, more than 25 poems by the poetess were born. As for Vysheslavtsev, he painted a portrait of Marina Ivanovna and designed her collection “Marches,” published in 1922.

Theme and plot

The poem has no plot. In the center are the thoughts, emotions, feelings of the lyrical heroine. The content of the work is revealed to the reader through two figurative planes. The first is a seascape with waves crashing on the shore. The second is an image of the rebellious soul of the lyrical heroine, a headstrong woman with a changeable mood.

“Who is created from stone, who is created from clay...” echoes Tsvetaeva’s early poem “Soul and Name,” included in the poetess’s second collection, “The Magic Lantern” (1912). The semantic originality of both works lies in the fact that in them the image of the lyrical heroine is revealed primarily through her name. True, in “Soul and Name” it is not named. It just says that God gave the heroine a nautical name, as well as a soul.

Lyrical hero

In the poem “Who is created from stone, who is created from clay...” the lyrical heroine is a woman named Marina. Her character is defined by her name. It is an analogue of the ancient Roman male name Marin, derived from the Latin word “marīnus”, which translated into Russian means “sea”. Throughout the poem, the lyrical heroine contrasts herself with those who are made of stone, flesh or clay. What is its peculiarity? Because she is not destined for tombstones and a coffin. In that she is comparable to the ancient Greek goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite, born from sea foam. Because she has the ability to resurrect with each wave, confronting life’s difficulties and not breaking under the onslaught of misfortune. The fact that her willfulness is able to break through networks and hearts.

Poetic meter, rhymes and tropes

The meter in which the poem is written is amphibrachium. The poetess used cross rhyme and feminine rhymes. The most important means of artistic representation in a work is alliteration. For example, in the final stanza the letter “v” is repeated, and in the last two lines of the first stanza the letter “m” is repeated. In addition, there are often repetitions of words in the poem. In particular, we are talking about the last lines of the work. There the noun “wave” is used three times. Thanks to repetition and alliteration, the poem acquires a special sound. When reading it, you get the feeling that you can hear the sound of sea waves, either washing to the shore, or rushing away from it.

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Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

Who is made of stone, who is made of clay, -
And I’m silver and sparkling!
My business is treason, my name is Marina,
I am the mortal foam of the sea.

Who is made of clay, who is made of flesh -
The coffin and tombstones...
- Baptized in the sea font - and in flight
By your own - constantly broken!

Through every heart, through every network
My willfulness will break through.
Me - do you see these dissolute curls? -
You can't make earthly salt.

Crushing on your granite knees,
With every wave I am resurrected!
Long live the foam - cheerful foam -
High sea foam!

After the revolution, Marina Tsvetaeva fully felt all the hardships of life as a Russian intellectual, who was left without a roof over her head and a means of livelihood. During the 5 years that the poetess spent in the plundered and torn apart country before emigrating, she had to mentally say goodbye to her husband, bury her youngest daughter and abandon the idea of ​​​​reaching people's hearts with the help of poetry. Any other woman in such a situation would probably have broken down, but Marina Tsvetaeva was determined to survive at any cost. In addition, there was still a glimmer of hope in her soul that everything that was happening around was a bad dream that was about to end. It is for this reason that in 1920, a few weeks after the funeral of Irina’s three-year-old daughter, Tsvetaeva wrote the famous poem “Who is created from stone, who is created from clay ...”, full of optimism and faith.

Irina, the youngest daughter of the poetess

In this work, the poetess very successfully plays on her name, because Marina translated from Latin means “sea.” She draws a parallel with Aphrodite, who emerged from the sea foam, noting: “And I will be silver and sparkle!” Attempts to exalt oneself over other people who are created from stone or clay are associated not only with Tsvetaeva’s desire to assert herself. The poetess turns to the origins of her life, trying to find strength in them in order to overcome numerous difficulties. She is convinced that “coffins and tombstones” are not her destiny. After all, even as a teenager, Tsvetaeva realized that she was endowed with an amazing poetic gift. Therefore, in this poem she tries to proclaim her superiority over others and states: “Through every heart, through every network, my self-will will break through.”

Indeed, the poetess is determined to prove to the whole world that she deserves a better fate. Tsvetaeva discounts only the fact that fate has destined her for difficult trials. The Lord humbles the obstinate, and every attempt by the poetess to prove her importance will be answered with very strong and painful blows. The poetess was already able to feel the first of them after losing her daughter and losing the support of her husband, who ended up abroad after the revolution. She still doesn’t know that she will soon become an emigrant herself. But apparent freedom will not bring her relief, since Tsvetaeva’s work will be even less in demand abroad than in Soviet Russia. Moreover, homesickness will poison the poetess’s comfortable and cloudless life. But all this will happen much later, but for now Tsvetaeva, having overcome herself, confidently declares: “Crushing on your granite knees, I am resurrected with every wave!” She has no idea that after one of these blows she will no longer be able to recover and will make a rash decision to die.

"Who is made of stone, who is made of clay..."

In the poem “Who is created from stone, who is created from clay...” M.I. Tsvetaeva deciphers the meaning of her own name. The name "Marina" means "sea". It harmoniously corresponds to the temperament of Tsvetaeva’s lyrical heroine, her mobility, energy and self-will, of which she is so proud. The main thing in the poem is the idea of ​​self-expression, the embodiment of tireless vital energy with which the lyrical heroine throws herself into the sea of ​​life. M.I. Tsvetaeva creates an image of an indomitable element that rages not only in reality, but also in the heart of the lyrical heroine. The heroine is likened to silvery sea foam. She literally merges with it, experiencing a feeling of harmonious unity with the world of the sea elements. The dissolute self-will of the sea font in the poem is contrasted with the salt of the earth, tombstones, granite knees - static, down-to-earth images.

In the poem, sound writing performs an important artistic function. These are, first of all, the bizarre play of alliterative chains (“I turn silver and sparkle” (alliteration “s”, “r”), “Betrayal is my concern, my name is Marina” (alliteration “m”), “I am resurrected with every wave! Long live the foam - cheerful foam - High sea foam" (alliteration "in")).

In addition, there are quite a lot of different repetitions in the poem.

Metaphor becomes the main visual and expressive means, thanks to which the content of the work is perceived in two figurative planes. Firstly, a poetic picture of the sea coast with the rhythmic roll of foaming waves appears before the reader’s eyes. Secondly, the rebellious soul of the lyrical heroine, changeable and headstrong, becomes clear. The sea element helps her to be reborn in the abyss of everyday trials. The poem is filled with optimistic pathos, a spirit of rebellion and free-thinking, and a creative desire to create. Thematically, the work echoes the poem “Soul and Name”, in which M.I. Tsvetaeva also mentions the name’s connections with the sea element. Subsequently, she somewhat rethought her attitude to the image of the sea. In the work “My Pushkin” M.I. Tsvetaeva wrote: “...The illiteracy of my infant identification of the elements with poetry turned out to be an epiphany: the “free element” turned out to be poetry, and not the sea, poetry, that is, the only element to which one never says goodbye.”

Who is made of stone, who is made of clay, -
And I’m silver and sparkling!
My business is treason, my name is Marina,
I am the mortal foam of the sea.

Who is made of clay, who is made of flesh -
The coffin and tombstones...
- Baptized in the sea font - and in flight
Its own - incessantly broken!

Through every heart, through every network
My willfulness will break through.
Me - do you see these dissolute curls? -
You can't make earthly salt.

Crushing on your granite knees,
With every wave I am resurrected!
Long live the foam - cheerful foam -
High sea foam!

Marina Tsvetaeva


Name Marina - female uniform the ancient rare name Marin, derived from the Latin word “marinus” - sea. A good, reliable and joyful name for an outwardly very simple woman. Its sound paints an image of a soft and integral nature, which, like an elastic wave, confidently draws the brightness of its emotions from the depths of feelings.

Marina (Margarita) of Antioch, great martyr. The daughter of a pagan priest, she was taught the faith of Christ by her nurse. At the age of 15, she was beheaded after suffering for the faith of Christ (III century), July 30 (17). Marina of Beria (Macedonian), virgin, recluse, reverend. For more than 50 years she labored in the Syrian cave. She died around 450, on March 13 (February 28).

Anastasia and Marina Tsvetaeva with Nikolai Mironov 1912



NAME COLOR. Sea green, green, combination of light crimson and blue. The main color picture is a crimson sun over a blue sea.


PLANT. Talnik, lily, maple. This name can also be imagined in the image of strong flowers on elastic stems, swaying only under a strong gust of wind.

ANIMAL. Seahorse, trout.

MAIN FEATURES. Excitability, receptivity, sociability, impatience, impulsiveness.

TYPE. Ice and fire - this is how you can define this nature. A neurasthenic choleric person with an unstable nervous system. She is easily disappointed, any failure drives her to despair.

NAME AND CHARACTER. Marina has an extremely high opinion of herself, and for good reason: women with that name have a mysterious charm and a certain magnetism, against which men are completely helpless. Marina is smart, brave, relaxed. With a highly developed sense of self-esteem. Does not tolerate inattention to his person. She feels a certain isolation, feels lonely, even giving herself to her lover. Marin has a particularly complex character with patronymics Vladimirovna, Matveevna and Andrianovna.

FATE. Marina is the darling of fate. She is one of those women who reveal the secrets of life. From early childhood, Marina becomes an object of worship. At school, boys constantly pay attention to her, try to make friends with her, and make dates. In general, Marina either goes through life quietly and completely unnoticed, or she flies through life noisily, brightly and stormily. However, this flight is short-lived. Marina does not like to feel connected to someone, she does not like limitations - it is as if she is playing with her destiny.

PSYCHE. Marina is a free-spirited woman with imagination; she herself does not know what she will do in a moment. These are “women-children” whom you want to protect and protect. If life becomes too difficult for Marina's sensitive nature, she withdraws into herself. Doesn't always keep his word. May retreat in the face of danger. However, she is capable of subordinating emotions to reason. Therefore, all actions related to her personally are performed prudently and deliberately. Often cultivates melancholy and a feeling of loneliness. Sometimes she revels in her love suffering - without them, life seems colorless to her. Her advantages are hidden and invisible to an indifferent glance. She is even and friendly with those around her, but rarely does anyone manage to achieve spiritual intimacy with her. Marina easily wilts and succumbs to feelings of emptiness and melancholy.

INTUITION. Marina has the highest intuition and excitability, which helps her discover new, unknown to others, sources of joy in life and interest in it. Lives in a mysterious world of “signs” and premonitions.

INTELLIGENCE. She is an intellectual, but she acts so quickly that she often makes huge mistakes. Her memory is so weak that she forgets about everything in the world.

MORAL. Marina needs, first of all, love and tenderness. Strict prohibitions are contraindicated for her character; they can cause harm. In relationships with children, she is impulsive: sometimes she pays maximum attention to them, sometimes she leaves them alone for a long time.

Marina Tsvetaeva, Boris Unbegaun. Favier, 1935

SEXUALITY. Marina is always under the desired siege of fans. Falls in love with handsome, charming and strong men. He can give himself to the gentleman he likes from the very first meeting. She enters into sexual contact driven not only by sensuality, but also by physical passion. However, he often deals with partners who are far from ideal. Denis, Mikhail, Sergey, Gleb, Adrian, Evgeniy and Vladislav are most suitable for her. Marina Vladimirovna is the sexiest.

MARRIAGE. In her soul, Marina cherishes the only one. In marriage, he seeks peace and a financially secure life. The husband will have to constantly pay a lot of attention to her, otherwise tension will arise in the relationship. She does not forgive her husband for cheating on her - even to the point of divorce. A happy marriage can be with Anton, Valentin, Vladimir, Denis, Mikhail and Sergei. Unsuccessful - with Anatoly, Boris, Georgy, Nikolai or Stanislav.

Marina Tsvetaeva, Boris Unbegaun, Georgy Efron. Favier, 1935

HOBBIES. She needs admiration for her, compliments, flowers. The kitchen is able to demonstrate the wonders of culinary art and amaze any guests with the sophistication of its dishes.

FIELD OF WORK. Marina is not very active. This is an excellent mother, a gentle and devoted wife. Interested in medicine and preschool education. As a rule, she chooses the profession of nurse, doctor, engineer, hairdresser, actress.

BUSINESS. She is not very concerned about success in business, because her country is a space of the soul. However, on occasion it can give the matter great scope.

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