Menu without animal and vegetable fats. Low-fat diet: which fats to exclude? Possible consequences of a low-fat diet. Stimulates testosterone production

The basis of a low-fat diet is to reduce or exclude the amount of fat from the daily menu, this way you can avoid serious diseases of the liver, heart, and pancreas. It is an effective method in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

What is a low-fat diet

This nutritional system is especially suitable for people over 55 years of age. During such a diet, you will have to exclude animal fats. Vegetables, in turn, are not prohibited, but only in limited quantities. The priority will be protein foods, all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

However, some experts recommend completely removing fat from the diet, while others limit themselves to more precise figures (5-12 percent). But what can the complete exclusion of necessary elements involved in many construction functions lead to? Most likely, to disastrous results. Fats are a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6. They are also integral components of metabolism, and without them some vitamins cannot be absorbed in the body. In addition, it is difficult to imagine creating a diet without fats, since they, even in tiny quantities, are present in most foods.


During such a diet, you will have to forget about meat containing a large amount of fat (pork, lamb, wild animals). You should also not eat the offal of animals and birds, as these products contain large amounts of cholesterol. All sausages and lard should also be left out of the diet of a person who is going to stick to a low-fat diet. There are many more such principles.

Sea fish, which contains many useful substances, cannot be consumed in this food system, since fats harmful to the figure were found in it.

Dairy products containing a large proportion of fat, vegetable oils, seeds and nuts should be excluded from the diet.

Prohibited elements of the diet include flour and sweet delicacies, all fried foods, and various sauces.

But foods high in protein should prevail in a low-fat diet for weight loss. The menu includes complex carbohydrates to maintain the body's energy.

Fiber is the main delicacy of this nutrition system, both soluble and not:

  • bran;
  • fruits and berries (but not bananas or grapes);
  • vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, spinach and many others);
  • all the greens.

Desserts will include all kinds of jams and preserves, but for drinks it is better to drink green tea and very rarely black tea without sugar and milk.

It is advisable to eat 5 times a day. Products must be steamed or blanched. You should eat no more than 500 grams at a time.

Menu options

With a low-fat diet, this is the menu for a week that is possible with this nutrition system:


  • barley porridge;
  • chicken eggs;
  • freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • boiled chicken;
  • vegetable salad of tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • green tea without sugar.
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • omelette;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • tomato juice.
  • vegetable soup without meat and potatoes;
  • boiled breast;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • a slice of bran bread.
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • green tea.
  • curdled milk;
  • apple;
  • chicory drink.
  • steamed turkey fillet;
  • steamed vegetables;
  • rosehip decoction.
  • broccoli cooked in the oven with cheese;
  • egg;
  • tea with mint.
  • oatmeal with apple and cinnamon;
  • fresh juice.
  • pumpkin soup with sesame seeds;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • green tea.
  • steamed turkey;
  • stewed carrots;
  • fruit drink
  • toast with cheese, egg and tomato;
  • Orange juice.
  • baked river fish;
  • boiled rice;
  • compote without sugar.
  • low-fat cottage cheese with unsweetened fruits;
  • green tea.
  • baked potatoes filled with cottage cheese;
  • fruit drink
  • steamed veal;
  • vegetable salad;
  • green tea.
  • fish cutlets;
  • steamed broccoli;
  • compote without sugar.


  • muesli topped with low-fat yoghurt;
  • pear;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruit drink
  • omelette;
  • vegetable salad;
  • green tea.

Indications for a low-fat diet

With an increased content of bad cholesterol in the body, disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system are observed. Hypertension, the possible development of a heart attack, the detection of atherosclerotic plaques and many other diseases are indications for the use of a technique such as a low-fat diet. Excess weight is also a prerequisite for this nutrition system.


In addition to the positive results, this nutritional system can also cause harm to the body. Fats are one of the important components of our diet. They are not only a subcutaneous layer, but also a component of the strength of cell membranes, and they are also part of the brain. A deficiency of fat can negatively affect mental performance.

They play an important role in the metabolism of the human body. Well-known cholesterol helps in the formation of bile acids and hormones. In women, its deficiency can lead to infertility and prolapse of internal organs.

It turns out that a long-term diet low in fat or excluding it is not recommended at all.

Diet goal

The main thing that is supposed to be achieved by reducing fat is losing weight. But along with it is the prevention of the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Goals of a low-fat diet

This diet is aimed either at solving health problems, as mentioned above, or at putting the figure in order.

And the main task of a low-fat diet is not to harm the body. It can affect a decrease in immunity, deterioration of metabolism and cause other troubles. For a low-fat diet for weight loss, you need to competently create a menu for the week. Maintaining the ratio of beneficial elements in the diet is very important for health.

Diet results

The effectiveness of a low-fat diet will be complete only with physical activity, if, of course, the goal is to lose weight and not eliminate body ailments.

Bad consequences can only occur if fats have been completely excluded from the diet.

It is worth sticking to this nutrition system for a short time, around three weeks, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided.

In the modern world, there are a large number of diets with their own principles and basics. Some recommendations can be analyzed using the example of one of them.

The founder of one of these diets is Dr. Dean Ornish. It offers an almost complete elimination of the presence of fats in the diet. Ornish divides foods into subtypes:

  • those that can be consumed without any restrictions;
  • which should be present in the diet in small quantities;
  • strictly prohibited.

The first group includes all legumes, grains, vegetables and fruits. He lists low-fat dairy products, corn flakes, egg whites and crackers as foods that should be consumed in limited quantities. Prohibited foods include meat, butter, mayonnaise and all kinds of sauces, cheeses, egg yolks, avocados, olives and black olives. It is also strictly unacceptable to consume pure sugar and food that contains it in very large quantities. This also includes alcohol and hot spices.

That is, we can conclude that his diet is based on vegetarian products, but rare consumption of egg whites and low-fat dairy products is acceptable.

The ease of the diet is determined by the unlimited number of meals, as well as its volume, but you need to be careful and not forget about the balance of what the body takes: proteins, iron and vitamins should be normal; a deficiency of such components should not be allowed.

Protein in such a diet is replenished with legumes, and there is a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, and those that are healthy.

Dean Ornish points out in his recommendations that, of course, it is necessary to adhere to such a nutritional system for the rest of your life to constantly stay in shape. The results of such a diet cannot be achieved quickly, but they are stable. At first there will be a slight weight loss, but soon everything will return to normal.

This nutrition system will benefit people with and become therapeutic. According to Dr. Ornish, the cholesterol and fat content in food for such health problems should be reduced immediately. And there will be two methods of treatment: strict and a little loyal, the second will be more related to prevention.

The Ornish diet is also a prevention of diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes and cholelithiasis;
  • breast and prostate cancer.

So, when eating according to this system, you don’t have to limit yourself in the amount of food you eat, since the body still receives the bulk of calories from consumed fats, and when they are eliminated or reduced, they are replaced by proteins and carbohydrates.

Dr. Ornish’s therapeutic nutrition system looks like this:

  • Consumption of foods with minimal fat content, which should be completely free of cholesterol.
  • Calorie content - no more than 10 percent.
  • Oils and foods of animal origin are strictly prohibited, except for low-fat dairy products and egg whites.
  • The predominance of dietary fiber in food.
  • Avoiding drinking alcohol and coffee.

The preventative diet looks about the same, only with a more gentle diet, where the consumption of fats is allowed.

Lipid-lowering diet

A lipid-lowering diet is a nutritional system specifically designed to reduce cholesterol levels. This diet excludes foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates, cholesterol and animal fats. The main advantages of the diet are simplicity and effectiveness.

Principles of nutrition

The principle of the diet is to consume less calories by eliminating foods high in animal fat from the diet. As such, there is no specific menu for this weight loss system, but simply a list of products recommended for consumption.

Those who decide to switch to a lipid-lowering diet are recommended to eat at least five times during the day, and the portions should be small. You should avoid fried foods during the diet. It is better to have dinner before seven o'clock in the evening, but before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt.

An hour before your main meal, it is better to drink a glass of purified water.

Rules for a lipid-lowering diet:

  • You should only cook boiled, stewed or baked dishes,
  • reduce salt and sugar intake,
  • drink about one and a half liters of water per day,
  • It is recommended to take multivitamins and calcium supplements,
  • daily calorie intake is 1200, although with an active lifestyle you can increase this figure,
  • should play sports.

Products recommended for consumption: low-starch vegetables, vegetable oil, berries and fruits, herbs, leafy vegetables, fish and seaweed, cereals, whole grain bread, freshly squeezed juices, mineral water, tea and coffee.

Foods that should not be eaten during the diet: fatty meat, sausages, lard, margarine, pork fat, offal, red meat, caviar, sturgeon, crayfish, crabs, canned food and frozen foods, semi-finished products, grapes and bananas, confectionery, baked goods, flour products, beer, vodka and other alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks.


Low fat diet

A low-fat diet is a weight loss technique that includes foods with a minimum content of animal fats.

This approach allows for rapid weight loss and improved health, making it especially popular among women.

Low-fat diet: benefits or harm^

For a long time, doctors spoke extremely negatively about a low-fat diet, arguing that it is categorically impossible to completely give up fat, because it can be harmful to your health.

Since then, the technique has been reworked, and now its main essence is not the complete exclusion of foods containing fats, but the reduction of its amount in the diet.

This nutritional system is used not only by ordinary people, but also by athletes: for example, a low-fat diet in bodybuilding allows you to quickly build muscle mass and reduce the percentage of fat in the body, so it is usually used after drying.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using a low-fat weight loss method has several positive aspects:

  • The daily calorie intake is significantly reduced, resulting in rapid weight loss,
  • It can be followed for a long time, if you do not completely exclude foods containing fats, but only ensure the supply of these substances to a safe minimum - no more than 60 g per day,
  • It has a positive effect on health, because its main rule is to eat only healthy food, and the so-called “food waste” - fast food, fried foods, sweets and smoked foods - are prohibited.

In addition to the advantages, this technique also has disadvantages:

  • It is impossible to completely remove fats from the diet, because... Because of this, the absorption of vitamins deteriorates, and immunity also decreases. In addition, people using such a diet note that their skin begins to peel, hair splits and they often feel chills,
  • As a rule, dishes prepared from low-fat products cannot be called tasty.

How much can you lose?

There is no need to even doubt whether it is possible to lose weight on a diet of low-fat foods, because the dishes it recommends contain a minimum of calories, which means that thanks to them you can lose weight quite quickly.

If you stick to this diet for a month, you will be able to get rid of 10-15 kg. This indicator also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the person’s physical activity, so those who want to lose weight are recommended to visit the gym.

A weight loss menu can be made up of the following products:

  • Lean types of meat: lamb, chicken, beef, veal, and poultry,
  • Low-fat fish: flounder, pike, perch, trout, cod. It can be boiled or grilled without adding oil,
  • Wholemeal bread,
  • Any vegetables, fruits and mushrooms,
  • Low-fat fermented milk products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese, whey, yogurt, etc.,
  • Coffee and tea without sugar.

It is prohibited to consume foods containing fats of animal and vegetable origin in large quantities, as well as alcohol, sausages, offal, egg yolks, nuts, soybeans, beans, sweets and alcohol.


Low-fat diet - review

Low-fat diet. Do you lose weight on a fat-free diet?

I read on the Internet about the benefits of this diet and decided to try it, because it also says that it is good for health.

The diet does not seem to be difficult, the choice of products is large. Drinks you can drink: teas, if anyone drinks tea with milk, then you should give up diets for a while, this also applies to coffee, regular coffee is fine, compotes, fruit drinks, lemonade, water, fresh juices, but a milkshake is not advisable.

Almost everything can be eaten, except fatty meats, fatty fish, fatty poultry, high-fat dairy products, but low-fat foods, sausages.

I didn’t prepare for the diet, I just decided the next day and started eating this way. Within a week of such a diet there were no special changes, my health did not deteriorate, the weight did not go away, my hair did not fall out, and my morzines did not appear.

There is no special menu. For example, for breakfast I had the following dishes: omelette with vegetables, boiled eggs with vegetable salad, porridge with chicken breast, porridge with eggs, oatmeal with dried fruits, oatmeal with fruits, low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch the following dishes: vegetable soup, baked vegetables, lean fish, stew. For dinner, vegetable salad with fish or chicken fillet, salad with eggs, herbs and vegetables. I ate fruit for a snack; according to the rules of healthy eating, you need to eat 400 grams per day, so I ate it for a snack. You can also have low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese or kefir for a snack.

If I bought something in a store, I carefully studied the composition of the product, its KBJU.

It’s a little unclear why my weight hasn’t gone away. I really didn’t intend to lose weight, but it was interesting for the sake of the experiment. I think this is all due to the fact that during the diet I ate the amount of calories, proteins and carbohydrates that I needed. I just removed the amount of fat. Almost to a minimum.

I never thought about the fact that our body needs healthy fats, but in vain, you should also read:

After all, fats are the most important building material for the body, providing mechanical protection and thermal insulation of cells.”

First of all, we need fats to maintain immunity, as well as to fully absorb vitamins and nutrients.

This diet is not a salvation for the body, I do not recommend it. It’s better to advise you to read about the dangers of low-fat foods:

At the end of 2010, scientists from the British Center for Nutrition at the University of Sheffield and the American Dietetic Association proved that regular consumption of low-fat foods seriously disrupts metabolism, and also causes attacks of depression and irritability.

In addition, according to American scientists, low-fat foods can pose a serious threat to the cardiovascular system: regular consumption of low-fat foods reduces the elasticity of blood vessels and negatively affects blood clotting. In supermarkets, the most common low-fat products you can find are dairy products.

And the main question is whether it is possible to lose weight on such a diet, my experience has shown that it is not, and even nutritionists believe that:

According to Tamara Vantsova, a diet based on the exclusion of fats from food contains a serious danger - an increase in insulin in the blood. In turn, this leads to disruption of normal metabolism: a person feels worse and... rapidly gains weight.


Low-fat diet

How to start the weight loss process correctly

Understanding that you need to start losing weight is one thing, but not everyone knows where exactly to start. The first thing it is recommended to pay attention to is your daily diet and the number of meals, including snacks. First you need to train yourself to eat by the hour (five times a day), eliminate all snacks, and reduce the portion. The second step concerns the low-fat diet itself - this will eliminate foods with fats from the diet as much as possible.

Features of a low-fat diet

The advantage of this method is the ability to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, improve the general condition of the body and lose extra pounds. This dietary course is one of the few that not only has a positive effect on your figure, but also on your body.

This method has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is dysfunction of the reproductive system, decreased libido; if abused, it can provoke the development of infertility. These consequences arise due to limited consumption of cholesterol, which is directly involved in the formation of the sex hormone.

This method of losing weight is strictly contraindicated in childhood and adolescence. In any case, before starting to lose weight, you should consult with your doctors. A low-fat diet belongs to the group of “therapeutic fasting”, and it is recommended to adhere to it under the strict supervision of doctors and nutritionists.

How does the fat-free weight loss method work?

During the period of reducing fat intake, the liver stops producing large amounts of cholesterol, which is usually deposited on the walls of blood vessels, and in most cases is the cause of strokes and heart attacks. Studies have shown that if you consume fats in minimal quantities, the body becomes more resistant to cancer. A low-fat diet also has a positive effect on the immune system.

Authorized Products

  • coffee (natural) and tea,
  • whole grain bread,
  • boiled or baked mushrooms,
  • all varieties of vegetables,
  • berries and fruits (exclude bananas and grapes),
  • low-fat fish (cod, pike, trout, flounder, etc.),
  • lean meats (beef, horse meat, poultry).

Prohibited Products

The following foods must be excluded from the diet:

  • fatty poultry meats (duck, goose),
  • fatty meats (pork, lamb, veal),
  • dairy products with a high fat content,
  • sugar,
  • offal (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys),
  • sausages,
  • fatty fish (salmon, herring, tuna, carp, etc.).

Diet and sport

The low-fat diet provides a nutritious diet, therefore, there are no restrictions regarding physical activity. On the contrary, any type of physical activity will have a positive effect on the process of losing weight, tightening the skin, and helping to form a beautiful, slender and sculpted body.

Low-fat diet menu

It is necessary to enter into a low-fat diet gradually; the fasting procedure should be harmless and as comfortable as possible.

Before you start losing weight, you need to understand that the menu will be quite monotonous and can quickly get boring, especially since the menu completely lacks salt, sugar and other spices, which can only stimulate the appetite.

There are a lot of reviews on the forums from athletes who lose extra pounds in this way as quickly as possible. But everyone unanimously insists that the main thing with a diet is to go out correctly and control yourself in order to overcome sudden attacks of hunger.

Approximate example of a one-day low-fat menu

All fermented milk products included in the diet should have a minimum percentage of fat content or be completely fat-free.

Breakfast: an omelette cooked in the oven or steamed (for an omelette you need to take only two whites and one yolk), one glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice (canned is not suitable), a slice of whole grain bread or replace the bread with 100 grams of cottage cheese with fruit and yogurt.

Lunch: vegetable soup without potatoes and meat, one hundred and fifty grams of boiled chicken breast or other lean meat, as a side dish you can boil buckwheat in water without salt or prepare a light vegetable salad with a little olive oil, a small piece of rye bread or bran bread.

Afternoon snack: two hundred grams of fermented baked milk or kefir, one fruit (except banana), a piece of low-fat hard cheese.

Dinner: two hundred grams of cottage cheese casserole, you can add fruit to the casserole, or for dinner you can eat one hundred and fifty grams of stewed cod with fresh or stewed vegetables.

An hour before bedtime, you can drink one glass of one percent kefir.

It is important to maintain a healthy diet with adequate water balance. During the day, it is important to drink one and a half to two liters of water, herbal infusions, water with lemon or ginger juice, tea without sugar, and still mineral water.

Disadvantages of low-fat weight loss

In the first days of therapeutic dietary nutrition, weight loss will be noted, but after some time a “stop weight” effect may be observed. Do not despair, this effect occurs for the following reasons.

A well-known myth is that if you exclude a certain type of food from the diet for a long time, the body will immediately begin to use its “reserves”. But our body is quite complex, and it will do everything possible to save the ballast it has acquired over the years. In the process of losing weight, the body does not receive enough of the necessary substances and automatically goes into saving mode, and usually replenishes the energy deficiency by destroying not fat cells, but muscle mass. The result is the appearance of cellulite, sagging skin, folds, wrinkles, and sagging. In order to prevent the occurrence of such a side effect, it is recommended not to go beyond the duration of the diet, and also to load your body with physical exercise: running, swimming, fitness, etc. If you lose weight using the fat-free method incorrectly, you will experience a decrease in concentration, drowsiness, lethargy, irritability, and the body becomes vulnerable to bacteria.

If you carefully study the pros and cons of a low-fat diet, you can draw a very important conclusion: for the body to function properly, it needs fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The fat-free method for losing weight can be used as short-term express weight loss and nothing more. The maximum duration of a low-fat diet is one week. You can try to create a diet for the week yourself, but it is advisable to seek help from a nutritionist or doctor.

Lose weight correctly, and most importantly, without harming your body!

A large number of people face the problem of excess weight. In this regard, the question often arises - how to effectively and quickly get rid of it.

Some limit their diet, while others begin to actively engage in sports. But sometimes situations arise when only radical measures using a certain type of diet can help solve the problem.

The effect and effectiveness of any diet first of all always depends on the number of calories that the body receives on it. If this rule is included in the daily diet, the result will not take long to arrive. But still, in some cases, limiting energy consumption does not always give quick and lasting results. There are situations that may require giving up a specific type of product.

The most dietary diet

Some nutritionists are of the opinion that it is not only the increased consumption of sweets that harms the figure, but also a diet high in fat. This applies to products of both animal and plant origin, since on average one gram of fat contains a large number of kcal.

A low-fat diet is positioned as one of the ways to effectively lose weight. But you should still understand that the result will be short-term if you do not adhere to some dietary restrictions and do not increase physical activity on the body.

Those people who have already received positive results after using the diet claim that the body adapts quite easily to this type of weight loss. Moreover, the results from such nutrition last longer than with other types of low-calorie nutrition. The effect of weight loss is that the body, sensing a decrease in the amount of fat in the diet, begins to actively use up its reserves.

The main goal of the diet is to reduce the amount of fat in the diet or completely replace it with low-fat foods, then the daily intake will not exceed the permissible value. But you should still understand that an initially healthy diet does not contain a large amount of fat.

Benefits of a low-fat diet:

  • Reducing daily calorie intake;
  • Safe replacement of one product with another;
  • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Eliminating such harmful and unnecessary sweets and “fast foods” from food.

When choosing a diet, you need to understand that such nutrition has its significant disadvantages. The human body is designed in such a way that it is impossible to completely limit fat consumption. Our health depends on a large number of factors and the continuous occurrence of chemical processes.

Thanks to fats:

  • Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed;
  • Energy is being received;
  • Triglycerides are synthesized.

If you completely limit your fat intake, your body can experience severe stress. Against this background, immunity will sharply decrease, weakness will appear, and the skin and hair will become dry. Neurosis and insomnia may appear.

It is also worth noting the fact that the developers of this diet indicate that other foods during the diet can be eaten without restrictions. In fact, this is not entirely true, since the human body should receive proteins and carbohydrates within normal limits, there should be no extremes.

An important rule of any diet is that calories consumed should exceed their intake from food.

Before making any dietary changes, you should consult a nutritionist. This is due to the fact that each person is individual, and what is suitable for one will be unsafe for another.

The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • Lamb;
  • Pork;
  • Fried foods;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Canned food;
  • Chocolate;
  • Nuts.

In addition, during the period of such nutrition it is necessary to avoid drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks. Firstly, they do not provide any benefit to the body, and secondly, they stimulate appetite. Water consumption during such a diet should be no less than the daily norm and be at least two liters per day.

A condition for proper weight loss, regardless of the type of diet, is the obligatory abandonment of bad habits. The result will not be long-lasting if the body only feels relief for a while.

The second important condition is visiting the gym or doing aerobics. Sport should become a daily norm of life, since during such activities the metabolism improves, vitality increases and the body becomes more elastic.

During a low-fat diet, you should additionally take vitamins A and E, as well as fish oil. This is necessary so that metabolic processes do not go astray, and the quality of the skin does not suffer. You can also take various multivitamin complexes.

If you follow all the recommendations and eat low-fat foods, the result will not be long in coming. If you strictly follow the diet, you can lose up to 10 kg in a month, but subject to increased physical activity. If you only need to slightly adjust your weight within 3 kg, then one week of such nutrition will be enough.

The standard menu should include:

  • Lean types of meat;
  • Low-fat fish varieties;
  • Fresh fruits;
  • Various vegetables and berries;
  • Bread without yeast;
  • Low-fat fermented milk products;
  • Tea and coffee without sugar;
  • Cereals.

As for flour, it should be eaten in limited quantities, regardless of diet. You can include biscuits and bran buns in your diet. The daily meal should be divided into several doses, the last one should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

Low-fat diet: menu for the week

Nutritionists have developed an approximate menu for this type of nutrition. Some products in it can be combined or changed, the main thing is not to violate the main rule - low fat consumption.

Day 1 of the diet:

  • Breakfast – green apple, omelet (if you are on a strict diet, yolks are excluded);
  • Second breakfast – baked fruit;
  • Lunch – cream fish soup, vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack – grapefruit;
  • Dinner – boiled meat, any porridge, unsweetened tea.
  • Breakfast – salad with fruits and cottage cheese;
  • Second breakfast – rice casserole with apples;
  • Lunch – mushroom soup, boiled breast, two pieces of toasted bread;
  • Dinner – boiled fish, rice, green salad and compote.

  • Breakfast – protein omelet, glass of tomato juice;
  • Second breakfast – green apple or orange;
  • Lunch – salad with boiled breast, pineapple and cucumbers, baked potatoes;
  • Dinner – rice with mushrooms, vegetable salad and green tea.

Day 5 of the diet:

  • Breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese with fruit, coffee;
  • Second breakfast – banana;
  • Lunch – fish puree soup, vegetable salad;
  • Dinner – rice casserole with mushrooms, boiled rabbit meat, compote without sugar.

Day 6 of the diet:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal with berries and honey, tea;
  • Second breakfast – grapefruit;
  • Lunch – low-fat fish, baked with potatoes, vegetable salad;
  • Dinner – cottage cheese casserole with rice and raisins, green tea.

Day 7 of the diet:

  • Breakfast – fruit salad with yogurt;
  • Second breakfast – green apple;
  • Lunch – wheat porridge with boiled meat, vegetable stew;
  • Dinner – baked potatoes and fish, compote without sugar.

This menu is conditional, if it is difficult to adhere to this diet, you can add a little fruit in between meals. But usually difficulties with diet are present only at the very beginning. With prolonged adherence, the body itself reconfigures itself to a new nutritional system.

Making your own menu

Knowing the approximate list of permitted products, you can create your own menu. This diet can be quite varied, but at the same time have special exceptions. Fruits and vegetables are usually selected based on season and preference.

Such a diet will be convenient especially in the summer, when there is a variety of different vegetables and fruits on store shelves. Particular attention should be paid to tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants. Also, a variety of fruits and berries will make it easier to replace already familiar products.

The main rule when following a diet is the time interval between meals. It is advisable to avoid long breaks and have lunch at the same time. The volume of one serving should not exceed 250 grams. Over time, when the weight returns to normal, the body will no longer need large amounts of food and fat, which will make it much easier to further maintain an optimal weight.

A low-fat diet is one of the methods of alternative weight loss. It is most suitable for those who are accustomed to consuming large amounts of fatty foods every day, when the result will be noticeable almost immediately. In a situation where the main emphasis in nutrition is on carbohydrates, this diet will not give a visible result, since a completely different menu will be needed.

Diet menus with reduced and minimal fat content are usually used in the process of losing weight. Also, a low-fat diet can be prescribed on the eve of diagnostic studies of the body. In people over 55 years of age, reducing the amount of animal fats and trans fats in the diet helps control cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Genetics and fats

Determination of gene markers (ApoE, ApoA, ApoC, LRP1) that affect lipid metabolism makes it possible to assess the individual risk of hyperlipidemia (increased levels of HDL and LDL cholesterol, as well as triglycerides), which underlies coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. In addition, disturbances in the absorption, distribution and mobilization of fatty acids from adipocytes (cells specialized in storing fat deposits) affect the risk of excess body weight and the need to limit certain classes of fats.

Fats are an essential component of the diet; they are the main components of the cell wall, are necessary for the synthesis of many hormones, and also perform many other important functions in the body. There are several types of fats: saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and hydrogenated fats (trans fats).

Variations in the intestinal fatty acid transporter gene (FABP2), which affect its activity, are partly responsible for the effectiveness of weight loss on low-fat diets.

A lack of MUFAs in the body leads to deterioration of brain activity and disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Monounsaturated fats may influence weight loss in people with a certain variant of the PPARG gene and may be particularly beneficial for health. If there is an increased genetic risk of lipid metabolism disorders, careful attention should be paid to limiting the penetration of trans fats into the diet.

Pros of a low-fat diet

When talking about such a dietary regimen, they mean reducing the amount of fat, but not eliminating it completely. Fats make up the protective capsule of internal organs and are part of the structure of cell membranes; they are necessary for the normal functioning of the hormonal system and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, K, E).

However, a low-fat diet does provide health benefits:

  • reduces the load on the liver and pancreas;
  • helps lower LDL levels in the blood (“bad” cholesterol);
  • allows you to reduce the total caloric content of your diet and get rid of excess weight.

Thus, a low-fat diet will be useful for people who control their weight (including athletes), people at risk for cardiovascular diseases, as well as anyone who seeks to improve their health and well-being.

Allowed foods in a low-fat diet

  1. Vegetables. Raw, boiled, stewed and steamed.
  2. Sea kale.
  3. Fruits (apples, peaches, bananas, kiwi).
  4. Mushrooms (baked).
  5. Low-fat dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese).
  6. Lean meat (chicken breast, veal) baked or boiled.
  7. Fish (sea, river).
  8. Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat). Prepared on the water.

According to a low-fat diet, you need to minimize and consume rarely: chicken eggs, offal (liver, kidneys). It is also worth removing alcohol, soy sauce, and honey.

Low-fat diet: prohibited foods

The most strict version of a low-fat diet involves reducing the amount of fat to 10% of the daily diet.

A low-fat diet involves excluding the following foods:

  • fat meat;
  • fried foods;
  • chocolate;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • sugar and sweet baked goods;
  • fatty sauces;
  • condensed milk;
  • margarine, spread, back fat;
  • sausages, wieners, bacon;
  • fast food.

Sample menu for a low-fat diet


  • oatmeal, vegetable salad, coffee or chicory;
  • boiled meat, cottage cheese with fruit;
  • vegetable soup, boiled meat, potatoes stewed with zucchini, dried fruit broth;
  • kefir;
  • baked fish, mashed potatoes, fruit, weak tea or chicory.
  • omelette, millet porridge, coffee or chicory;
  • vegetable salad (for example, cabbage and cucumbers);
  • vegetable broth soup with barley, steamed chicken cutlets, berry broth;
  • cottage cheese and fruit;
  • pumpkin porridge, boiled fish.
  • low-fat cottage cheese, apple or orange, coffee;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • vegetable soup with cheese, steamed meatballs, kelp salad, dried fruit broth;
  • kefir;
  • boiled fish with mashed potatoes, carrot and garlic salad, tea.
  • pearl barley with tomato sauce, cucumber, weak tea;
  • cheese sandwich, tea;
  • borscht, steamed cutlets, fresh vegetables, rosehip drink;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • pilaf, cabbage salad, a glass of kefir.
  • banana, glass of tea;
  • yogurt, fresh apple;
  • cabbage soup, cabbage salad, boiled beets with butter, berry broth;
  • tea with dry cookies;
  • baked fish, vegetable salad, tea.
  • oatmeal, tea;
  • sandwich with low-fat ham, a glass of kefir;
  • beetroot soup, vegetable salad, steamed cutlets, fruit broth;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish bits, cabbage salad, kefir.


  • cottage cheese casserole, banana, chicory;
  • yogurt;
  • soup with low-fat chicken broth, pasta with steamed cutlets, dried fruit broth;
  • kefir;
  • boiled potatoes, fish cutlets, vegetable salad, tea.

According to a low-fat diet, a portion of food should not exceed 150-300 g, and no more than 200-250 g of bread can be consumed per day.

A low-fat diet involves reducing the amount of fat in the diet; with the help of a diet, you can reduce the risk of major serious diseases. This may seem overly promising, but the facts do not lie: reducing the amount of fat in the diet, and especially saturated fat, is known to prevent our main enemy - heart disease, as well as strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones, colon cancer, prostate and mammary glands.

Add to this the weight loss of a low-fat diet, and you can see why health experts believe that the next step after you quit smoking should be to reduce your fat intake - a low-fat diet.

How does a low-fat diet work?

When the amount of fat in the body decreases, the liver begins to produce less cholesterol, especially the harmful LDL cholesterol, which can cause heart attack or stroke when deposited on arterial walls. There is evidence that the less fat in food, the higher the resistance to cancer. This may be because reducing the amount of fat on a low-fat diet strengthens the immune system. This conclusion was contained in a study that revealed increased activity of cancer-killing cells after reducing the amount of fat in the diet.

This fact has also been repeatedly confirmed by other studies on the relationship between nutrition and various diseases conducted around the world. Now you can see why most doctors recommend a lower-fat diet (a low-fat diet). The human body is simply not capable of digesting ninety grams of fat per day, which is the amount most people consume. This is about six times more than what anthropologists think our digestive system was adapted to.

How to switch to a low-fat diet?

How to eat properly? Most people find it very easy to reduce the amount of fat in their diet by up to 30%. You just need to deny yourself some dishes:

  • fatty pieces of pork and beef,
  • butter and margarine,
  • ice cream,
  • cheese,
  • eggs.

Fifty percent or more of the calories in these foods come from fat, so it's best to eat less of it. Considering that the daily diet should contain 30% fat, it is necessary to reduce fat intake to sixty grams. The figure is determined by the average calorie consumption - two thousand per day.

Low-fat diet - menu

A diet limited to 20% fat is more difficult to maintain, but it is quite possible, and without any significant restrictions in food. With an average calorie intake of two thousand, the number of grams of fat should be reduced to forty-four.

This goal is best achieved by switching mainly from food of animal origin to food of plant origin.

This means eating more:

  • potatoes,
  • pasta, pasta
  • beans,
  • rice,
  • vegetables, vegetables
  • porridge,
  • fruits,
  • of bread.

Meats on a low-fat diet should be limited to lean cuts of beef or pork, skinless poultry, lower-fat or low-fat dairy products, egg whites and fish.

Strict low-fat diet

Speaking about reducing the amount of fat to 10%, it is advised to eat only products of plant origin.

Exceptions for a strict low-fat diet:

Skim milk, low-fat yogurt, egg whites.

Oil and high-fat plant products should be excluded from the diet. Most people prefer to transition to this diet gradually. But once they start following this diet, noticeable changes can occur in the composition of the blood and even in the arteries.

Low-fat diet and weight loss

Even if you don't think about your heart, losing your weight is already enough reason to go on a low-fat diet. People following a low-fat diet often notice that they have lost extra pounds. At the same time, the number of calories consumed remained the same.

This is because calories extracted from dietary fat contain more fat than calories extracted from proteins and carbohydrates. Dietary fat is similar to the fat found in the body before digestion begins, so dietary fats are easily digested. To digest one hundred calories of dietary fat, the body requires only three calories of energy. Compare this figure to the twenty-three calories of energy required to digest one hundred calories of carbohydrates.

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