Alena Medvedeva school of seduction. About the book “School of Seduction” by Alena Medvedeva

School of Seduction Alena Medvedeva

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Title: School of Seduction

About the book “School of Seduction” by Alena Medvedeva

“School of Seduction” is a book in the genre of romantic fiction with some erotic inserts. Alena Medvedeva wrote a surprisingly sensual and exciting novel, more reminiscent of a fantastic fairy tale about all-conquering love. This work will be interesting to read for those who believe in the power and forgiveness of true feelings.

The main character of the work is a cute witch, a graduate of the School of Seduction. This unusual educational institution belongs to the category of magic academies, only they train not magicians or sorcerers, but fragile women who can charm any man. Alena Medvedeva reveals interesting techniques that the girl learned, using the example of a relationship with an unusual lover - an evil and insidious werewolf. Either under the influence of the charms of a lovely seductress, or under the influence of the magic of love, our hero changes his principles and becomes completely different. The only thing that invariably accompanies him throughout history is passion, passionately manifested in love scenes.

The events of the book “School of Seduction” take place in a fantasy reality, where the reader meets various races of non-humans: witches, vampires, werewolves, demons. Alena Medvedeva describes the confrontation between two worlds - People and Others. Despite the brutal war, representatives of the two enemy camps found mutual understanding and learned generosity and forgiveness. The lovers had to go through numerous trials, overcome hostility towards each other and trust their feelings. This light book contains deeper ideological layers than it seems at first glance: there will never be destructive wars and disunity in the world if those around us learn to understand and accept each other.

The work “School of Seduction” is written in easy and figurative language. The plot of the story is written very clearly and logically; as you read, all the secrets are revealed and every detail is explained. Picturesque pictures of fairy-tale reality take the reader into the world of magic and ominous otherworldly forces. The book is rich in plot twists, intrigues, and unexpected branches that lead deep into the life stories of fantasy characters. It is impossible to read about the dynamic adventures of the main characters without stopping your heart. Having “swallowed” the novel “School of Seduction” in one breath, you feel its philosophical aftertaste and compare what is happening in the fantasy world with our reality.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online book“School of Seduction” by Alena Medvedeva in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Alena Medvedeva


In the darkness, on the border of the afterlife and the world of the living, two shadows stood motionless.

The exorcist, - with a booming whisper, from which the soul was instantly covered with icy frost, the one who came from the world of the dead broke the silence. - Remember them!

Her interlocutor immediately saw an unexpectedly bright and clear image in the surrounding thick darkness.

A forest clearing flooded with bright daylight. A small group of non-humans, in whom he unmistakably identified a werewolf, a vampire, a gnome, a siren and... a witch! The strikingly feminine, fragile figure of the latter in a bright yellow sundress looked out of place in the dense thicket. She stayed behind, behind her companions, carefully examining the werewolf who was waiting for them.

Torgfrid! The caster unmistakably recognized him as an old enemy.

Ver relaxed, with a deliberately indifferent look, propping up the gigantic tree with his powerful figure. And he also intently studied the girl in yellow with a sharp, bestial gaze. There was something in that look... Intransigence? Mockery? Mistrust?..

Has your decision changed? - the vampire asked the question restrainedly, freezing at a safe distance from the faith.

No, I confirm my choice,” the werewolf responded quietly with a bit of irony in his voice. - And ready to accept the necessary family obligations. I suppose this gentleman is among us now for a reason?

The dwarf immediately handed him the scroll. It wasn't hard to guess What in him. Marriage contract. A special marriage contract for witches.

The vampire is the patroness of the School of Seduction, and the witch turns out to be a graduate? And what they just showed me is nothing more than part of the standard marriage ceremony accepted among them! The shocked caster realized that he was observing serious changes in the personal life of his enemy. His mate. And who? Witch!

He watched what was happening with curiosity that captured his entire being.

What does it mean? - As soon as the man skimmed the text, he bared his teeth furiously and looked up at the vampire with a terrible look. Terrible, promising punishment for deception. - This is not enough! She is not of faith, so oblige her to remain faithful to her mate. And why is there no deadline specified in its terms?

“Witches are not werewolves, as you correctly noted,” the dwarf muttered dryly and monotonously in response. “They don’t make lifelong connections.”

This should be understood as an opportunity for my couple to change me to another life partner in the future? - The slowness of tone and terse phrases of the werewolf did not deceive the observer. The wrath of the beast has been awakened.

“That’s right,” the dwarf confirmed in a measured tone, without flinching.

I disagree! - The enraged roar was intended for the vampire.

The image dissipated, replaced by a gray haze once again surrounding on all sides.

You saw? - The whisper of the one to whom the caster could not help but obey.

Help them. At any cost. - With these barely audible words, his interlocutor disappeared, as if dissolving in an endless haze of lifeless fog.

For several tense minutes the caster tried to comprehend the meaning of it. last words. And even though the voice of his incredible interlocutor sounded soft, even admonishing, he knew that he had no opportunity to disobey.

No matter how much he hated Torgfrid, no matter how much he dreamed of taking revenge on him...

But now he will do everything possible and impossible for the sake of the werewolf and his mate, thereby saving himself.

And not only.

We lived on the islands in an old fishing village. Here everything was subordinated to one task - fishing. I was the eldest of five children, and just today I turned twelve. And as soon as I returned from school and saw my parents, it became clear: my first, truly adult conversation was about to take place.

Both parents waited in the kitchen with some nervous alertness. And it’s unlikely that with such serious faces they were just going to congratulate me. Frozen for a moment in the doorway, I appreciated the unusual picture: the mother and father were at home at this time and were waiting for me.

Lina, come in. - Mom fussily intertwined her fingers and cast a quick glance at her father. - We want to tell you something important.

"I knew it!" - I thought with fear, but I obeyed and also sat down at the table.

Daughter,” the father’s weathered face was stern, “you know, all girls with eyes of different colors, like yours, are tested after birth for the presence of the adaptability gene.”

I nodded. Everyone knew this. Nobody really remembered where and why it came from. The gene allowed its owner to live a much longer life. And its bearers were highly valued. To the point that most men considered it a blessing to marry a girl marked with this gene. But carriers were extremely rare. No one knew where this oddity came from, but excellent longevity was noticed long ago.

They checked you too,” my mother said quietly.

I nodded calmly again, “that’s how they check everyone.” And the irises of my eyes are really a little different. One eye is gray, the other is bluish. However, this is not such a noticeable difference, so it never occurred to me to consider myself special. Heterochromia did not always guarantee the presence of a strange gene. I'm already lucky in life - with my family. I knew I was an adopted child.

And you are the carrier of this gene,” my father explained the essence of the conversation, striking me on the spot.

I? - she involuntarily screamed, not believing her ears.

The parents nodded in unison.

So what now? - I asked already warily.

You can become a student at the School of Seduction. And then a graduate, having received an excellent education and the opportunity to get married successfully. You will shape your destiny.

Well, yes, to have such prospects, a girl must be well educated. That is why this closed “boarding house for noble maidens” exists.

Just a wife? - Nowadays, children grow up early, so my parents’ skepticism and suspicion, not at all childish, were not surprising.

Exactly! - the father confidently confirmed. - It has never happened differently. You agree? Education there begins at the age of twelve, first five years of general education, and then another two years of specialized, more in-depth training. This is something that everyone knows.

I was the eldest of the children, my mother’s assistant, and had a good idea of ​​life in the village. If there is a chance for a better life, I agreed. Moreover, until the age of nineteen there is only training.

And the husband... Well, we'll see. Nowadays people are not forced into marriage.

Now future marriage did not seem like something important. And I nodded:


My parents experienced such obvious relief that I realized that there was simply no opportunity to refuse.

Definitely, I was convinced, there was some kind of secret connected with the School of Seduction!

In the private living room of the School's patroness

Madam assures me that there will be no complaints on my part? - Large, like all werewolves, the nephew of their Lord mockingly stared at the imperious vampire with sparkling greenish eyes, grinning sarcastically and, as if by chance, moving his nose.

But the latter was not for a moment deceived by this external recklessness and deliberate playfulness. Werewolves, for all their impetuosity, hot temper and lack of restraint, are not so simple. And the patroness would not have taken her place if she did not understand this. Especially in the case when in front of her is a representative of the Strongest clan. Especially when he visited her on the issue of choosing a wife (and faiths choose their only girlfriend for life). Therefore, everything said now, and especially not said, was of utmost importance.

Our establishment has a reputation, and we don’t risk it,” the vampire responded dryly, after a short pause. - We provide guarantees for all our students. They are exactly the wives that our clients require. In the entire history of the School, there has not been a single negative result. None of the men who contacted us were left disappointed.

The patroness’s clear and dispassionate answer hung in the air. A shadow of thoughtfulness flashed in Vera’s gaze. He silently walked around the room several times, with constant animal grace, probably noticing the smallest details with a sharp animal gaze. Ruffling with wide fingers the already dark, rather disarrayed long hair, still with the same rustic look, mockingly asked:

Since everything is so mysterious with you and it’s impossible to get to know the students... - The man cast a sharp glance at the patroness sitting decorously in a chair, the vampire nodded in agreement. - First, I would like to hear about the process of differentiation of pupils. On what basis are they distributed among different streams, how is it determined which of them is suitable, for example, for a werewolf, which for the same demon?

Alena Medvedeva


In the darkness, on the border of the afterlife and the world of the living, two shadows stood motionless.

The exorcist, - with a booming whisper, from which the soul was instantly covered with icy frost, the one who came from the world of the dead broke the silence. - Remember them!

Her interlocutor immediately saw an unexpectedly bright and clear image in the surrounding thick darkness.

A forest clearing flooded with bright daylight. A small group of non-humans, in whom he unmistakably identified a werewolf, a vampire, a gnome, a siren and... a witch! The strikingly feminine, fragile figure of the latter in a bright yellow sundress looked out of place in the dense thicket. She stayed behind, behind her companions, carefully examining the werewolf who was waiting for them.

Torgfrid! The caster unmistakably recognized him as an old enemy.

Ver relaxed, with a deliberately indifferent look, propping up the gigantic tree with his powerful figure. And he also intently studied the girl in yellow with a sharp, bestial gaze. There was something in that look... Intransigence? Mockery? Mistrust?..

Has your decision changed? - the vampire asked the question restrainedly, freezing at a safe distance from the faith.

No, I confirm my choice,” the werewolf responded quietly with a bit of irony in his voice. - And ready to accept the necessary family obligations. I suppose this gentleman is among us now for a reason?

The dwarf immediately handed him the scroll. It wasn't hard to guess What in him. Marriage contract. A special marriage contract for witches.

The vampire is the patroness of the School of Seduction, and the witch turns out to be a graduate? And what they just showed me is nothing more than part of the standard marriage ceremony accepted among them! The shocked caster realized that he was observing serious changes in the personal life of his enemy. His mate. And who? Witch!

He watched what was happening with curiosity that captured his entire being.

What does it mean? - As soon as the man skimmed the text, he bared his teeth furiously and looked up at the vampire with a terrible look. Terrible, promising punishment for deception. - This is not enough! She is not of faith, so oblige her to remain faithful to her mate. And why is there no deadline specified in its terms?

“Witches are not werewolves, as you correctly noted,” the dwarf muttered dryly and monotonously in response. “They don’t make lifelong connections.”

This should be understood as an opportunity for my couple to change me to another life partner in the future? - The slowness of tone and terse phrases of the werewolf did not deceive the observer. The wrath of the beast has been awakened.

“That’s right,” the dwarf confirmed in a measured tone, without flinching.

I disagree! - The enraged roar was intended for the vampire.

The image dissipated, replaced by a gray haze once again surrounding on all sides.

You saw? - The whisper of the one to whom the caster could not help but obey.

Help them. At any cost. - With these barely audible words, his interlocutor disappeared, as if dissolving in an endless haze of lifeless fog.

For several tense minutes, the caster tried to comprehend the meaning of her last words. And even though the voice of his incredible interlocutor sounded soft, even admonishing, he knew that he had no opportunity to disobey.

No matter how much he hated Torgfrid, no matter how much he dreamed of taking revenge on him...

But now he will do everything possible and impossible for the sake of the werewolf and his mate, thereby saving himself.

And not only.

We lived on the islands in an old fishing village. Here everything was subordinated to one task - fishing. I was the eldest of five children, and just today I turned twelve. And as soon as I returned from school and saw my parents, it became clear: my first, truly adult conversation was about to take place.

Both parents waited in the kitchen with some nervous alertness. And it’s unlikely that with such serious faces they were just going to congratulate me. Frozen for a moment in the doorway, I appreciated the unusual picture: the mother and father were at home at this time and were waiting for me.

Lina, come in. - Mom fussily intertwined her fingers and cast a quick glance at her father. - We want to tell you something important.

"I knew it!" - I thought with fear, but I obeyed and also sat down at the table.

Daughter,” the father’s weathered face was stern, “you know, all girls with eyes of different colors, like yours, are tested after birth for the presence of the adaptability gene.”

I nodded. Everyone knew this. Nobody really remembered where and why it came from. The gene allowed its owner to live a much longer life. And its bearers were highly valued. To the point that most men considered it a blessing to marry a girl marked with this gene. But carriers were extremely rare. No one knew where this oddity came from, but excellent longevity was noticed long ago.

They checked you too,” my mother said quietly.

I nodded calmly again, “that’s how they check everyone.” And the irises of my eyes are really a little different. One eye is gray, the other is bluish. However, this is not such a noticeable difference, so it never occurred to me to consider myself special. Heterochromia did not always guarantee the presence of a strange gene. I'm already lucky in life - with my family. I knew I was an adopted child.

And you are the carrier of this gene,” my father explained the essence of the conversation, striking me on the spot.

I? - she involuntarily screamed, not believing her ears.

The parents nodded in unison.

So what now? - I asked already warily.

You can become a student at the School of Seduction. And then a graduate, having received an excellent education and the opportunity to get married successfully. You will shape your destiny.

Well, yes, to have such prospects, a girl must be well educated. That is why this closed “boarding house for noble maidens” exists.

Just a wife? - Nowadays, children grow up early, so my parents’ skepticism and suspicion, not at all childish, were not surprising.

Exactly! - the father confidently confirmed. - It has never happened differently. You agree? Education there begins at the age of twelve, first five years of general education, and then another two years of specialized, more in-depth training. This is something that everyone knows.

I was the eldest of the children, my mother’s assistant, and had a good idea of ​​life in the village. If there is a chance for a better life, I agreed. Moreover, until the age of nineteen there is only training.

And the husband... Well, we'll see. Nowadays people are not forced into marriage.

Release date in Russia (or in the World): 17.09.2004

DVD release date: 15.11.2005

Duration: 01:37:42

Oscar is a successful salesman in the women's section of a large department store. His career is rapidly going uphill, as he successfully uses knowledge female psychology. But one morning he finds out that his store is ruined, and he himself is now unemployed. It is at this moment that Fate prompts the young man with a solution: knowledge of the nature of the relationship between a man and a woman will make him rich and famous. Thus, a new educational institution appears in the city - the “School of Seduction”.

Sandra Vega is a renowned psychologist and host of a popular radio program. After a chance meeting with her, Oscar remembers an old grievance - feminist beliefs, promoted by Sandra, were the reason for his breakup with his beloved girl. The plan for revenge matured quickly. A phone call rings live in Sandra's studio, and the audience's attention is literally riveted to the voice of an unknown person. Soon the popularity of this anonymous participant in the program grows so much that Sandra decides to get rid of him. But this is not so easy to do...

Tips from Chinese pickup gurus for dating Asian chicks that are suitable in any country. And also a couple of interesting facts about the school of seduction in China. Chinese boys find it difficult to find girlfriends due to the small number of girls. Inexperienced Chinese boys find it difficult to find a soul mate. Competition is fierce: there are too many men in the country due to the one-child-per-family policy. As a result, the number of those who, wanting to feel more free in communication with the opposite sex, are joining the methods of seduction is growing, writes Le Figaro correspondent in Beijing Cyril Pluett.

For four months now, Xiao Feng has been diligently attending the “seduction seminar.” He feels theoretically savvy after completing the online course (two-hour classes on Wednesdays for 12 weeks). However, his training is far from complete, and he continues to devote his Saturday evenings to “practical studies.” While his parents put more and more pressure on him to get married as soon as possible, he decided to take his destiny in own hands and find a woman to your liking. “My problem is that I spend too much time at work, and my colleagues are mostly men,” he sighs.

Determined to break the deadlock, this 27-year-old Beijing man did not hesitate to shell out about 12 thousand yuan (about 1,500 euros) to benefit from the secrets of the mastery of Ruan Qi, a 48-year-old psychologist, author of three books on the “art of seduction,” the author of the article reports.

Demand for his services continues unabated in China, where, like nowhere else, there are many young people having difficulty finding a soul mate. Competition is especially strong in a country where, at the end of 2015, the male population exceeded the female population by 34 million people. This disparity was one of the catastrophic consequences of the one-child policy, which began in 1979 and ended two years ago, which led to selective abortion, which traditionally favored boys, Plewett explains.

According to a study published in 2010 by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, by 2020, more than 10 million Chinese men will never be able to start a family with a woman, the article says. This is extremely dramatic: no matter how successful he may be, “an unmarried Chinese man is not considered a real man,” emphasizes the famous sexologist Li Yinhe. A man is obliged to provide his wife with material wealth, “and it is logical that the poorest have the greatest difficulties in finding a mate, and many experience this very hard,” the expert clarifies, recalling that in China there are villages where almost all men remain single.

Even for those higher up the social ladder, meeting the woman of your life can be a rocky road. Chinese tradition "doesn't encourage talking to someone you don't know," explains seduction expert Ruan Qi. For centuries, marriages have been arranged by families, and even today, "bachelor markets" take place in parks, where parents lay out leaflets on the ground extolling the virtues of their offspring as they seek a mate, the correspondent describes. Proof of the puritanical tendency of the communist regime is the fact that until 1997, extramarital sex remained illegal.

“Men born in the 1980s are even more inexperienced than previous generations. Because of the one-child dogma, they usually did not have a sister with whom they could learn how women work,” analyzes Li Yinhe.

Theoretical preparation is often not without common sense. Another seminar participant, Liu Ze, now realized that “girls pay very much attention to external details, and internal beauty alone is not enough.”

“Many of my clients are white collar workers, often computer scientists. Even if they have the means, they focus on career and financial success, thinking that this will be enough to attract women,” says Ruan Kee.

The "teacher" insists that his seminar participants take care of their presentation on the mobile communications system WeChat by posting a winning profile photo when appearing with friends or at work, the article says.

Yet many Chinese people struggle to overcome their emotional loneliness, and the government takes depression among bachelors very seriously. In the face of the dangers experts note that too much frustration could spark social unrest and violence - particularly in villages - the regime is already venturing into the role of matchmaker, Plewett writes.

In June, the Communist Party organized speed dating in Zhejiang province to help 5,000 singles of both sexes meet. That same month, the Women's Federation began promoting "family harmony" and launched a similar initiative in Gansu Province. In 2016, a very serious university in Tianjin was the first in the country to include a program on “theory and practice of love relationships” in its course, the correspondent reports.

More and more young people are turning to online dating sites such as Tantan and Momo, which have millions of subscribers. However, according to Ruan Qi, when there is a lack of experience, it is better to engage each other in real life. “In these apps, a girl can talk to tens of guys at the same time, and there is a risk that she will end the conversation at any moment. Apart from the fact that you may be disappointed when you see her live,” he explains to his students. And then he gives his main argument: “Since most men do not dare to talk to women on the street, those who decide to do so will have every chance to achieve their goals... They will have no competitors...”

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