Effective cleansing diets for weight loss. Losing weight before and after the New Year: how to lose weight before the holiday and maintain the result for life Long-term diets for 100 days

Based on the name, a long-term diet is not designed for one week. The weight loss course on the menu below can continue until you completely overcome excess weight. The diet suggests alternating two menu options, with a special diet developed for each week.

The first week of a long-term diet

Menu No. 1

  • First breakfast: a dried piece of white bread with a glass of milk (if desired, you can add 1 teaspoon of natural honey)
  • Second breakfast: a couple of toasts from black bread, greased with a “transparent” layer of butter, as well as green salad leaves and unsweetened tea
  • Lunch: thick vegetable soup (in addition to other vegetables, it is recommended to include green peas), as well as a piece of boiled beef, a couple of jacket potatoes and a fruit salad, seasoned with lemon juice and flavored with 1 tsp. sugar or natural honey
  • Afternoon snack: two ripe tomatoes (they can be replaced with tomato juice) and crackers
  • Dinner: a couple of toasts from black bread, greased with a “transparent” layer of butter and sprinkled with finely chopped herbs, as well as a glass of kefir

Menu No. 2

  • First breakfast: a piece of black bread, a few sprigs of parsley and green tea
  • Second breakfast: radishes - 10-12 pcs. (you can salt it a little), as well as a glass of kefir with a piece of stale white bread
  • Lunch: boiled or steamed fish with horseradish, a couple of boiled potatoes with herbs, green salad leaves with lemon juice and olive oil, and tea
  • Afternoon snack: dry biscuit with a glass of fruit juice
  • Dinner: a couple of white bread toasts with 1 tsp. natural honey and a glass of warm milk

Second week of long-term diet

Menu No. 1

  • First breakfast: crackers with a glass of fruit juice
  • Second breakfast: a couple of slices of black bread, greased with a “transparent” layer of butter, as well as a small slice of feta cheese and tea
  • Lunch: a couple of steamed cutlets made from lean meat, as well as carrot salad and a glass of fruit and berry jelly
  • Dinner: white bread toast with 2 tsp. jam, as well as a glass of low-fat kefir

Menu No. 2

  • First breakfast: a piece of bran or rye bread with 1 tsp. natural honey and a glass of tea with milk
  • Second breakfast: a couple of slices of black bread with boiled chicken, a large tomato and a glass of green tea
  • Lunch: beetroot soup with a boiled egg and steamed fish, as well as a couple of boiled potatoes and green salad leaves
  • Afternoon snack: crackers with a glass of kefir
  • Dinner: radishes, a couple of pieces of low-calorie hard cheese and a glass of tea

Third week of a long-term diet

Menu No. 1

  • First breakfast: black bread toast, 1 tsp. natural honey and coffee
  • Second breakfast: black bread toast with a “transparent” layer of butter, soft-boiled egg, radish and a glass of kefir
  • Lunch: steak fried in a dry frying pan or on the grill, salad dressed with low-fat sour cream and a glass of vegetable juice
  • Afternoon snack: crackers and any fruit
  • Dinner: white bread toast, a glass of warm milk and 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese

Menu No. 2

  • First breakfast: crackers with warm milk and 1 tsp. natural honey
  • Second breakfast: a couple of slices of black bread with two thin slices of lean ham, a large tomato and green tea
  • Lunch: stewed mushrooms with a portion of brown rice porridge, 250 ml of meat broth and a couple of baked apples
  • Afternoon snack: dry biscuit and any fruit
  • Dinner: a piece of black bread with a slice of boiled meat, a green apple and tea

Fourth week of long-term diet

Menu No. 1

  • First breakfast: crackers with tea and 1 tsp. natural honey
  • Second breakfast: a couple of slices of black bread with a “transparent” layer of butter and a slice of low-calorie cheese, as well as a couple of green apples and tea
  • Lunch: chicken fillet with vegetables, a couple of spoons of mashed potatoes, green salad leaves and jelly
  • Afternoon snack: dry biscuit and carrot juice
  • Dinner: a piece of stale white bread and a glass of kefir

Menu No. 2

  • First breakfast: black bread toast with a “transparent” layer of butter and a glass of warm milk
  • Second breakfast: white bread toast with a “transparent” layer of butter, a couple of soft-boiled eggs, green tea and a large apple
  • Lunch: 250 ml of low-fat meat broth, boiled beans with tomato sauce, a couple of potatoes with parsley and a green apple
  • Afternoon snack: crackers with a cup of natural coffee
  • Dinner: a piece of stale white bread with liver pate, as well as radishes and green tea

Throughout the diet, it is recommended to drink a lot of pure or mineral still water. If you feel very hungry, you can snack on a small amount of plant food. It is quite acceptable to replace toast with oven-dried or simply stale bread. The duration of the diet depends on the expected result.

A long-term diet will provide relatively quick weight loss, especially if you combine it with sports. Good luck!

It can be very difficult to choose a weight loss system that will not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but will not harm your health. Experts recommend taking a closer look at long-term methods of losing weight. They have a more balanced diet, which does not harm the gastrointestinal tract, and a wide range of permitted foods, which significantly reduces the likelihood of breakdowns.

What is a long term diet

Over time, everyone who suffers from excess weight comes to the conclusion that express weight loss methods are ineffective. Fast diets help you instantly lose a few kilograms, but the excess also quickly returns. Guaranteed lasting results are obtained by those who are willing to spend more time correcting their figure.

A long-term diet is a method of balanced nutrition that promotes slow weight loss over 3, 4 or 6 weeks. At the same time, the number of kilograms lost is directly proportional to the initial weight: that is, those whose percentage of body fat was much higher than normal will lose more. Long-term methods are described by nutritionists as the safest ways to lose weight.

Advantages and disadvantages

Long-term weight loss occurs by reducing the amount of salt and carbohydrates in the diet. In the first week, the highest weight loss results are achieved - from 3 to 5 kilograms. Then weight loss slows down, but the achieved results last for a long time. The effect will be enhanced if during the diet you regularly visit the gym or exercise at home.

Long-term diets, compared to express methods, have many advantages:

  • The process of losing weight occurs gradually, due to which the body has time to get used to the new diet without experiencing stress.
  • They have a wide list of permitted products. This means that you will not suffer from a lack of vitamins, macro- or microelements.
  • The menu of long-term dietary methods is designed so that you eat an adequate amount of calories per day. This allows you to reduce snacking or completely eliminate it, and prevents the possibility of breakdown.
  • Many long-term regimens not only help you lose weight without harm to your health, but also help strengthen the body - increase immunity, normalize the functioning of the body’s endocrine and digestive systems, and stabilize metabolism.

Even the most popular long-term techniques are imperfect. Some of them have an extensive list of contraindications, others recommend eating one menu for a whole month. Common disadvantages of long-term diet plans include:

  • The risk of developing hormonal imbalance due to a severe calorie deficit over a long period of time.
  • Violation of water-salt balance, if according to the rules of the diet you need to give up salt.
  • The likelihood of developing eating disorders. There are a number of studies whose results show that long-term refusal of habitual foods over time leads to overeating and even greater weight gain.

Popular diets

Long-term weight loss plans won't give you instant results, but they are safer for your health. In many methods, it is necessary to give up only a few foods, so you will not feel severe discomfort and hunger. The most common long-term diets include:

  • Kremlevskaya - it is forbidden to consume a lot of carbohydrates, dairy and meat products, vegetables are allowed.
  • Japanese - protein nutrition with low consumption of fats and carbohydrates.
  • Elena Malysheva - fractional meals, only natural products are allowed.
  • Russian - prohibits the use of spices and seasonings, various sauces.
  • Protein-carbohydrate alternation - involves the cyclic consumption of proteins and carbohydrates.
  • American – a balanced diet that involves a complete abstinence from fast food, alcohol, and fast food.
  • Green - long-term protein nutrition with a low percentage of carbohydrates.


US doctors are actively fighting against excess weight and the population's addiction to fast food. The result of this struggle was the emergence of the American diet. This is not just a method of losing weight, but a long-term scheme of proper nutrition, which American nutritionists recommend adhering to throughout your life. The rules of the long-term American method are simple:

  1. Do not eat pepper, hot spices and sauces, fat, butter and sunflower oil, and alcohol.
  2. You should have dinner no later than 5 pm, and to avoid feeling hungry, you should go to bed no later than 10 pm.

In a month of eating this way you will be able to lose up to 10 kg. Breakfasts are always the same - a piece of grain bread or toast, one unsweetened apple, grapefruit or orange. The menu for lunch and dinner can be slightly varied, it should look something like this:



  • celery salad with apple, seasoned with lemon juice (100 g);
  • fried flounder (200 g);
  • Cup of tea
  • salad of boiled meat, egg yolk and leek (100 g);
  • a glass of milk;
  • toast;
  • apple
  • steamed spinach (200 g);
  • beef liver (120 g);
  • baked potatoes (2 pcs.);
  • yogurt with fruit (1 serving);
  • vegetables with olive oil;
  • toast;
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • slice of ham
  • beef steak (200 g);
  • tomato juice (glass);
  • salad with crouton and lettuce leaves (1 serving);
  • a serving of fruit yogurt;
  • Hard boiled egg;
  • pear;
  • a slice of black bread;
  • 2 tomatoes
  • cabbage salad (1 serving);
  • fried chicken (200 g);
  • curd mass (50 g);
  • a piece of bread;
  • salad of radish, bell pepper, apple, white cabbage – 150 g;
  • a glass of milk
  • boiled meat (150 g);
  • carrot salad (100 g);
  • jacket potatoes (1 pc.);
  • omelette with green onions, spinach, tomatoes (200 g);
  • fresh salad (100 g);
  • Herb tea;
  • apple
  • carrot and cabbage salad (150 g);
  • steamed pollock (200 g);
  • toast;
  • stewed beef (150 g);
  • fresh vegetables (200 g);
  • apple;
  • milk (glass)
  • boiled poultry (200 g);
  • rice (100 g);
  • apple;
  • a glass of milk
  • cabbage cutlets (2 pcs.);
  • yogurt with fruit (80g);
  • toast;

Protein-carbohydrate alternation

A pure low-carb diet can lead to many undesirable consequences - lethargy, loss of energy, decreased performance and quality of mental activity. The developers of the protein-carbohydrate method took these shortcomings into account and included in the diet the days when it is allowed to eat carbohydrate foods. With this long-term regimen, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.

Rules for protein-carbohydrate nutrition:

  • The first day is a balanced diet. You need to eat both protein and carbohydrate foods with a total calorie content of no more than 1500 kcal.
  • The second day is protein. Preference should be given to seafood, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, herbs, fruits, and whole grain cereals.
  • The third day is carbohydrate. Allowed foods are cereals, bread, pasta, vegetables, fruits, and berries. The following items remain prohibited: flour products, yeast baked goods, sweets, and alcohol.
  • Throughout the entire cycle, you need to drink a sufficient amount of liquid - at least two liters. Fresh juices, herbal teas, decoctions, and sometimes natural coffee are allowed.

This three-day cycle must be repeated throughout the month.. It is advisable to build the menu like this:

Protein-carbohydrate day

Protein days

Carbohydrate days

Natural coffee, 3 cheesecakes

200 g low-fat cottage cheese with cinnamon

Muesli with curdled milk (1 serving), any fruit except bananas

Kefir with biscuits, a piece of Tofu

Steamed egg white omelette with shrimp (100 g)

Fruit jelly

Buckwheat porridge with meat (200 g), a piece of rye bread

Boiled fish with stewed cabbage (200 g)

Brown rice with stewed beef (200 g), tea

Curd mass with apple

A glass of curdled milk

A piece of bread, a glass of fermented baked milk

Grilled meat with vegetables (250 g), bran bread, a glass of curdled milk

Boiled poultry (up to 200 g), vegetables in any quantity

Steamed hake (150 g), any vegetable side dish (200 g), tea

Diet of Elena Malysheva

A long-term weight loss plan from the famous doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva suggests that you will not only lose up to 12 kg in a month, but also learn a balanced diet. The diet rules are simple:

  1. Any oil or fat for frying should be completely removed from the diet; salads should be seasoned with lemon juice. Not recommended: potatoes, sweet desserts, rice, flour, beets, carrots, alcohol.
  2. If you feel hungry, eat any fruit or a glass of berries. Hunger only causes the body to accumulate fat, but does not lead to weight loss.
  3. The break between meals should be no more than three hours.

Elena Malysheva builds her menu so that the daily energy balance does not exceed 1200 kcal. Approximate three-day diet:

The first day

Second day

Day three

  • buckwheat porridge (200 g);
  • egg;
  • celery salad with apple (100 grams)
  • cottage cheese casserole with honey (150 g);
  • apple
  • oatmeal with berries (200 g);
  • milk (glass);
  • orange

zucchini puree (100 g)

stewed cabbage with sweet pepper (100 g)

fruit salad

  • chicken breast (150 grams);
  • green beans (150 g)
  • cod (150 grams);
  • stewed cabbage (150 g);
  • rosehip decoction
  • mushroom puree soup (1 serving);
  • 2 croutons;
  • apple

curdled milk

  • baked hake with lemon (200 grams);
  • any vegetables
  • omelette with canned green peas (1 serving);
  • cod (200 g);
  • stewed cabbage (100 grams);
  • vegetable smoothie

For pregnant

Excess weight during pregnancy can lead to serious problems and harm not only the health of the mother, but also the unborn child. In order for the baby to feel comfortable and at the same time receive all the necessary substances, it is important to establish proper nutrition:

  • For the first 12 weeks, you need to increase the calorie content of your food to 2200 kcal. The diet should be based on fresh greens, fruits, natural juices, protein and carbohydrate foods.
  • In the 2nd trimester, calorie content increases to 2600 kcal. At the same time, it is better to exclude flour and baked goods from the diet, and add vegetable fats.
  • In the third trimester, it is important to eat often (up to 7 times a day), but in small portions; the calorie content of meals should be reduced to 1800–2000 kcal. Nutritionists recommend focusing on fish and meat dishes, dairy and plant foods.

Sample menu for the day by trimester of pregnancy:

1st trimester

2nd trimester

3rd trimester

carrot-beet snack with nuts and vegetable oil

curd mass with sour cream, peach, apricots or other seasonal fruits

steam protein omelet with mushrooms and vegetables.


oatmeal with honey and milk

cabbage casserole with cheese

tea with pancakes

chicken soup with egg and herbs

sea ​​fish baked with vegetables, a glass of kefir, fresh vegetable salad

stew with rice and vegetables

piece of chicken with whole grain bread and cheese

liver pancakes, milk

Ryazhenka with cookies

fish with vegetables

piece of meat (up to 200 g), any vegetables

fish with vegetables, tea

By blood type

The essence of this long-term technique is to select foods that will benefit people with a certain blood type. This diet plan was developed by American homeopathic physician James Dadamo. In fact, such nutrition is not a diet for weight loss; temporary adherence to the rules will only give a short-term effect. The doctor recommends following the blood type diet throughout your life.

To follow the long-term blood type eating method, you need to select foods from the table that are classified as healthy. In rare cases, the use of neutral ingredients is allowed, and it is better to completely exclude harmful dishes. If you are trying to lose weight, add low-calorie ingredients to your diet:

First group

Second group

Third group

Fourth group

Useful products

  • lean meat - beef, poultry, rabbit;
  • salmon varieties of fish;
  • olive oil;
  • figs;
  • beet;
  • pumpkin;
  • walnuts
  • seafood;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat;
  • pineapples;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vegetables
  • meat – lamb, rabbit;
  • fish – mackerel, cabbage, cod;
  • olive oil;
  • greenery;
  • oatmeal;
  • cabbage;
  • plums;
  • goat milk
  • meat – turkey, lamb;
  • mackerel;
  • cod;
  • corn oil;
  • fermented milk products;
  • wheat bread;
  • cranberry

Neutral ingredients

  • milk products;
  • melon;
  • potato;
  • pasta;
  • oranges;
  • avocado;
  • olives;
  • tangerines
  • wheat bread;
  • potato;
  • meat;
  • apricots;
  • cranberry
  • goose;
  • chicken;
  • pork;
  • shrimps;
  • buckwheat;
  • tomatoes;
  • grenades
  • bacon;
  • duck;
  • beef;
  • bananas;
  • salmon;
  • flounder;
  • crab meat;
  • beans;
  • buckwheat

Foods that promote weight gain

  • corn;
  • beans;
  • wheat;
  • cabbage
  • meat;
  • milk products
  • lentils;
  • buckwheat;
  • unshelled peanuts
  • red meat;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat;
  • wheat

Products for weight loss

  • liver;
  • red meat;
  • seafood
  • vegetable oil;
  • vegetables;
  • pineapples
  • offal and red meat;
  • green vegetables;
  • seafood;
  • milk products;
  • green vegetables

With apple cider vinegar

This is one of the most controversial and aggressive long-term techniques. Its essence is to drink a cocktail of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 0.3 liters of water before meals every day. If you follow proper nutrition in combination with such a drink, you can lose up to 10 kg of weight in a month. Sample menu for a long-term diet plan with vinegar for three days:




250 g oatmeal with milk, banana

chicken broth with meatballs (1 serving), cucumber and cabbage salad (150 grams), a slice of bread

1 stuffed zucchini, tea

buckwheat porridge with milk (1 serving), coffee

onion cream soup (1 serving), a slice of bread

steamed hake (200 grams), vegetables

unloading (fruits, vegetables allowed)


A technique designed to lose up to 2 kilograms of excess weight per week. The menu includes cabbage soup, fish soup, borscht, soups, cabbage, dairy products and meat. Excluded: spices, mustard, mayonnaise, alcohol. Adherents of this long-term technique recommend combining a diet with moderate physical activity in the gym. Sample weekly menu:





100 g fish, 150 gram salad, tea

portion of borscht, stewed cabbage up to 200 g, apple juice

100 g meat, jacket potatoes (2-3 pcs.), tea

cabbage salad (1 serving), cup of tea

beef stroganoff with carrot puree (200 grams), compote

boiled hake, 2 potatoes, apple

scrambled eggs with green peas and onions (100 g), tea

cabbage soup (1 serving), a piece of black bread

pollock with stewed cabbage (200 g), a glass of curdled milk

a glass of kefir, vegetable salad (150 g)

chicken soup with mushrooms (1 serving), a slice of bread

200 g stewed meat with pea puree

cottage cheese casserole (100 g), tea

beetroot and carrot salad with apple (200 g), orange juice

fried mackerel (150 g), ratatouille (150 g), a glass of berries

150 grams of sauerkraut, a portion of boiled meat, rosehip decoction

vegetarian borscht (1 plate), a slice of black bread

beet salad with prunes and nuts (100 grams), a piece of lean fish


portion of buckwheat porridge, kefir

a plate of green borscht, a piece of black bread

meat stewed with vegetables (200 g), tea

Diet of ballerinas

Involves the complete exclusion of sugar, salt, pastries, baked goods and sweet desserts. The diet is dominated by rice, oatmeal, eggs, fish, vegetable oil, vegetables, and fruits. In a week of such a diet you can lose from two to three kilograms of weight. Approximate daily diet of ballerinas:


A low-carbohydrate diet, the essence of which is to count carbohydrate units. Nutrition is designed for a long-term period and consists of several stages:

  1. The duration of the first period is two weeks. During this time, you must eat any foods so that the daily calorie content does not exceed 20 carbohydrate units (cu).
  2. The second stage lasts up to 6 weeks. At this time, you can expand the diet to 40 cu. e.
  3. The final stage continues until you achieve the desired result. The menu should be designed so that you have up to 60 USD per day. e.

Tables with the number of carbohydrate units should be printed and hung in a visible place. This will make it easier to score each dish. You can find tables in the public domain on thematic websites or forums. Sample menu for 40 USD e.:



Afternoon snack



ratatouille – 100 g, scrambled eggs from two eggs, a piece of hard cheese, a cup of coffee

fried chicken fillet – 100 g, mashed potatoes – 100 g

handful of nuts

Any vegetable snack – 100-150g, a piece of fish, yogurt

scrambled eggs with sausages (2 eggs+1 sausage), 1 tomato, tea

a bowl of soup, 100 g stewed pork, pea-mint puree - 100 g

3 manadrines

100 g sauerkraut, breaded chop, tea

2 hard-boiled eggs, a piece of cheese, tea

borscht, piece of fish, boiled rice – 100 g

handful of peanuts

seafood salad – 150 g, yogurt

150 g cottage cheese with fruit, coffee, 1 kiwi

cheese soup – 1 serving, a slice of bread

200 g cheese, tea

salad with herbs, cucumbers and tomatoes – 150 g, fish – 200 g, tea

two egg omelette, a piece of cheese, tea

sauerkraut cabbage soup – 1 plate, steak with egg – 200 g

seaweed salad – 100 g

yogurt – 200 g, any fruit, 200 g stewed fish


This long-term weight loss diet completely eliminates or limits the consumption of foods that contain high amounts of carbohydrates or starch. You will have to give up sour cream, butter, potatoes, rice, sugar. The basis of the diet is green plant foods. Meals are split 5-6 times a day in small portions. The founders of the system believe that you need to get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger, this is the only way to lose up to 3 kg in a week.

Example menu for three days:




low-fat cottage cheese with avocado and green onions – 80 g, tea

oatmeal in water with grated apple – 100 g, tea

steam omelette of two egg whites with green peas, rosehip infusion

green apple

handful of peanuts

3 crackers with cheese mixture and herbs

broccoli puree – 150 g, chicken roll with spinach – 50 g

vegetable soup – 1 serving, fresh cabbage appetizer with cucumbers and lemon juice – 100 g

lean green borscht – 1 serving, salad with celery root and apples – 100 g

glass of fruit juice

100 g shrimp

glass of curdled milk

stewed cabbage – 100 g, a piece of hake

casserole of broccoli, bell peppers and tomatoes – 150 g, curdled milk – 150 ml


Getting rid of up to 8 extra pounds in 2 weeks – this is the effect promised by the long-term Japanese weight loss method. The basis of a long-term eating pattern is to consume large amounts of protein with low intakes of fat and carbohydrates. While losing weight, salt, sugar, alcohol, baked goods, potatoes, and pasta are completely prohibited. Approximate diet for 3 days:




First day

cup of natural black coffee

fresh tomato or a glass of tomato juice, 2 hard-boiled eggs, cabbage salad - 1 serving

200 g fried pollock, a portion of cabbage salad

Second day

black tea or coffee with a piece of dry rye bread

boiled hake – 200 g, seaweed salad – to fill

stewed beef with tomatoes – 200 g, a glass of curdled milk

Third day

a cup of coffee

baked apple with honey and nuts, salad of roasted parsley root and cucumbers – 100 g

scrambled eggs from two eggs, grilled vegetables – 100 g


Long-term weight loss diets are not ideal and are not suitable for every person. You should refuse such methods of losing excess weight if you have the following contraindications:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation (the only exception is a special nutrition system);
  • diabetes;
  • recovery period after surgery or recent infectious viral diseases;
  • old age or childhood.


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If you consider yourself to be a supporter of those diets that do not give quick results, but try to lose weight over a long period of time and thoroughly, then this diet is just for you. Fast diets give amazing results - 2-3 kg in 1-2 days, but the weight then returns with the speed of a comet. But long-term diets with a developed daily menu lead to smooth weight loss without harmful consequences for the body, and the weight almost never returns after them. Our diet is designed for a month. Nutritionists recommend doing exercises for the abdomen and arms in the morning along with your diet to prevent sagging skin.

Gymnastics for the abdomen

Lie on your back with your knees bent at right angles, the main support being on your heels. Stretch your arms behind your head, you can put them under your head. Slowly raise your upper body (head and shoulders) to an angle of approximately 30°. Repeat 10-12 times.

Lie on your back with your knees and hips bent at right angles. Place your hands on your knees and press hard on them, at the same time as if trying to bring your hips to your stomach. Count to five and relax. Repeat 5-10 times.

Stand with your feet slightly bent, shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips. Push your pelvis forward, while straining your buttocks. Return to IP, relaxing the muscles. Movements should be rhythmic and uniform. Repeat 20-30 times.

For the lateral abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, rest your head on your hands and bend your knees, cross your left foot over your right. Lift the body slightly and turn it to the right. Return to IP. Repeat 5-10 times in each direction (changing the position of the feet).

For the central and lateral abdominal muscles. Lying on your back, raise your right leg and hold it at an angle of approximately 60 degrees to the floor, bend your left leg at the knee and hip joint. Stretch your right arm forward parallel to your right leg, your left arm forward and upward, also at an angle of approximately 60°. After this, straighten your left leg, bend your right leg and change the position of your hands accordingly. Repeat 5-10 times

Lying on your back, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor and cross them. Extend your arms along your body. Leaning on your hands, slightly raise and lower your pelvis again. To begin with, repeat 3-5 times - the exercise is quite difficult.

With your hands on your hips, rotate your hips first clockwise, then counterclockwise (as if you were doing a hula hoop). Shoulders are motionless. Repeat 10-20 times.

Sit down, leaning on your hands behind your back. Raise your outstretched legs about 30 cm from the floor, leaning back slightly. Make several movements with your legs alternately up and down, as when swimming crawl. Repeat 10-20 times.

Lie on your back, relaxing your muscles, with your hands on the floor behind your head. Sit down and, continuing this movement, slowly bend down all the way to the floor until your fingers touch your toes. Legs should be straight at all times. Slowly return to the IP. Repeat 8-10 times.

Gymnastics for arms

Take a dumbbell in both hands, spread your arms to the sides. Then bend and straighten your arms.

Bend your arms so that the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Raise your hands up and return to i. P.

Take one dumbbell in your right hand and extend your arm up. The left hand is on the belt. Begin to bend your right arm to the left so that the dumbbell passes behind the back of your head and touches your left shoulder. And then return to and. n. Repeat the exercise for the right hand several times, and then train the left hand.

Attach one end of any rubber band to a nail on the wall (approximately at chest level). The length of the elastic band is approximately 50 cm. Standing with your back to the wall, raise your hands up, move them slightly back and grab the other end of the elastic band. This is the starting position. And then, stretching the elastic band, move your hands up and slightly forward. It looks as if you took an ax in your hands, raised it above your head and are trying to bring it down. But the elastic band slows down the movement, so you can only move your hands forward a little.

While lying on your back, perform an exercise called a press. Hands with dumbbells at the chest: on “one” - straighten your arms, raise the dumbbells up, on “two” - return to i. P.

Long term diet menu

First week


Breakfast: a sandwich of 70 g of black bread with a slice of low-fat ham, tea without sugar.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Steamed lean beef (100 gr.), 1 piece of rye bread, 1 glass of low-fat sour cream, 2 green apples.
Afternoon snack: unsweetened green tea, a piece of rye bread (100 g).
Dinner: a piece of steamed lean beef (100 gr.), a salad of finely grated carrots, one green apple.

Breakfast: 200 ml coffee without sugar, 70 g rye bread.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. 4 things. jacket potatoes, apple or pear.
Afternoon snack: 200 ml green tea, rye bread.
Dinner: soft-boiled egg, 1 glass of kefir.

Breakfast: no more than 100 g of hard cheese, 1 glass of tea without sugar.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. A slice of steamed beef, 150 g of jacket potatoes, 1 glass of natural fruit juice.
Afternoon snack: 70 g of hard cheese, tea without sugar.
Dinner: salad of two chopped apples with kefir dressing.

Breakfast: tea without sugar, rye crackers.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. A slice of steamed beef (80 gr.), jacket potatoes (80 gr.), a glass of citrus or apple juice.
Afternoon snack: tea without sugar, rye crackers.
Dinner: soft-boiled egg, 1 glass of kefir, 1 apple.

Breakfast: 1 soft-boiled egg, 1 glass of unsweetened tea.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Chicken breast steamed with herbs, a glass of green tea.
Afternoon snack: rye bread, 1 yogurt.
Dinner: fresh vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

Breakfast: 100 g of black bread, toasted in a toaster, a glass of tea without sugar.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, parsley and dill, dressed with olive oil; for dessert - a glass of fruit juice.
Afternoon snack: a slice of steamed lean beef (100 g) with black bread, a glass of tea and one green apple.
Dinner: 250 ml of kefir, kiwi or banana or peach.


Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, a glass of tea without sugar.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. A piece of boiled salmon, garnish - lettuce, fruit juice.
Afternoon snack: rye cracker, a glass of tea and one green apple.
Dinner: 250 ml kefir.

Second week


Breakfast: a glass of unsweetened tea or coffee, one soft-boiled egg.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Fresh tomato - cut into slices, 100-150 g of jacket potatoes, two small green apples.
Afternoon snack: 250g citrus or apple juice.
Dinner: vegetable salad (tomato and cucumber) with vegetable oil, a glass of low-fat kefir.

Breakfast: a glass of unsweetened tea with milk, 1 rye bread.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Cut two tomatoes into slices, 150 g of jacket potatoes, a glass of orange or apple juice.
Afternoon snack: soft-boiled egg, black bread, tea without sugar.
Dinner: a piece of rye bread (100 g), a glass of low-fat kefir or fresh yogurt made from low-fat milk.

Breakfast: one soft-boiled egg, a glass of tea with lemon without sugar.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Jacket potatoes (100 gr.) and a piece of steamed lean beef (100 gr.), natural fruit juice (250 gr.)
Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt with a slice of black bread (70 g).
Dinner: chop tomatoes (2 pcs.) and cucumber, add two boiled potatoes in their jackets and one tablespoon of olive oil. Green tea with mint without sugar.

Breakfast: a piece of hard cheese with black bread (70 g) and unsweetened tea.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Steamed beef slice (100 gr.), fruit juice (250 gr.).
Afternoon snack: a cup of 1% kefir or yogurt, half a piece of black bread.
Dinner: one soft-boiled egg, a piece of rye bread, a small piece of hard cheese, one green apple.

Breakfast: rye bread (80 gr.) and unsweetened tea.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Half a boiled chicken breast without skin (100 gr.), boiled potatoes in their jackets (100 gr.), cut into small cubes with the addition of a tablespoon of olive oil, a glass of natural fruit juice.
Afternoon snack: cheese (70 gr.), glass of tea.
Dinner: cut tomato and cucumber into slices and pour a glass of kefir.

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir and a slice of rye bread (60 g).
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Two potatoes, boiled in their jackets, a slice of hard cheese (50 g), fresh tomato, unsweetened tea.
Afternoon snack: large green apple, 250 g orange juice.
Dinner: one soft-boiled egg with black bread and a tablespoon of mayonnaise. You can put cut fresh cucumber on top of the mayonnaise. Or you can eat it separately. A glass of unsweetened green tea with mint.


Breakfast: rye bread and a slice of cheese, unsweetened tea or coffee.
Lunch: 20 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of boiled or mineral water at room temperature. A slice of steamed lean beef, cabbage salad with olive oil, a glass of natural orange juice.
Afternoon snack: two large green apples.
Dinner: soft-boiled egg with rye bread, two fresh tomatoes, a glass of low-fat kefir.

Third week
- repeat the menu of the first week.

Fourth week
- repeat of the menu for the second week. Along with chicken and meat, you can cook fish, turkey and seafood.

The most effective diet for quick weight loss: a selection of the best systems and techniques with descriptions, rules, advantages, possible difficulties and contraindications.

The most effective diet for losing weight at home

Having decided to lose weight, women reconsider their diet. There are two options: balance your diet and exercise regimen, and bring your weight back to normal by minus 0.5-2 kg per week, or lose weight quickly on one of the extreme but effective diets. Which option do you like better? Many girls choose quick ways to lose weight, because they really want to see results in just a few days!

However, fast effective diets have a downside: the results are short-term. The kilograms lost through fasting return as quickly as they went away. In addition, extreme methods of losing weight are practically one-time use. They help you lose weight once or twice. But over time they stop working. This is due to the fact that periods of acute calorie deficit are stressful for the body, and gradually it “learns” to resist it. Therefore, more and more girls prefer not extreme methods of weight loss, but a healthy, balanced diet that guarantees long-term results.

But sometimes you still need to lose weight quickly: before sports competitions, special dates or events. The list of requirements for some professions includes weight standards, and if you fall outside the standard, only a quick and effective diet can solve the problem. We have collected the most popular diets that help you get rid of 5-10 extra pounds. But exercise reasonable caution! Drastically restricting your diet can have side effects.

TOP 5 most effective diets

The easiest and fastest way to lose a few kilograms at home is mono-diets. They have several disadvantages: the monotony of dishes, causing a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, the rapid return of lost kilograms, the need to consult a doctor. And yet they are among the most effective diets for rapid weight loss.

Kima Protasova

Suitable for those who love vegetables and can easily do without meat. The diet compiled by Protasov is designed for 5 weeks. It is based on raw vegetables with a small addition of fermented milk products. The menu looks something like this:

  • breakfast: unsweetened coffee, low-fat yogurt, apple;
  • second breakfast: cucumbers with homemade cheese;
  • lunch: tea, apple, salad with grated cheese;
  • afternoon snack: carrots, lettuce, apple;
  • dinner: boiled egg, tomatoes with herbs and kefir.

Diet for the lazy

Sometimes there is no time for cooking and complex recipes. The good news is that there are effective diets that don't require fancy cooking. The main principle of the “lazy” diet: before meals you need to drink 2 glasses of clean warm water. Be sure to only warm! The idea is simple: warm water will extinguish the feeling of hunger, while at the same time preventing you from overeating.

As part of this method of quickly losing weight, you need to eat three times a day; there are practically no food restrictions. Although it is better to avoid sweets, fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol and carbonated drinks.


With this mono-diet you can lose up to 10 kg in a week. However, buckwheat porridge should not be boiled, but steamed. Because of this, it becomes not so tasty, but it helps to lose weight. First, rinse the grains, pour boiling water over them and wait until the grains are completely swollen. This takes a lot of time, so you need to steam the porridge 12 hours in advance. It is best to do this in the evening. Add a little salt, spices, and a spoonful of soy sauce to the buckwheat.

Divide the resulting amount of cereal into 5 meals and eat throughout the day. The last meal should take place no later than 5 hours before bedtime. Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water. You can also drink unsweetened green tea. But you should not abuse this effective diet, otherwise you risk developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ducan's diet

This is a protein diet, which is based on an almost complete rejection of carbohydrates. Pierre Dukan assured that you can eat this way all the time, diversifying the menu. And yet, the diet created by Dukan is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who need to lose 10 kg or more, and who are willing to wait a month or longer for results.

The transition to a low-carbohydrate diet occurs in several stages. First, you completely give up carbohydrates, replacing them with protein. Then alternate vegetables and protein, stabilizing your weight. Then you can introduce carbohydrates into your diet a little at a time, but their share should still not exceed 10% of the total number of foods.

The simplest diet

Mono-diets are not suitable for everyone: they can be difficult to maintain due to the monotony of the diet, a sharp reduction in the amount of carbohydrates, and the need to search for special foods. But there are ways to lose weight without having to go through a lot of complicated cooking.

Kefir diet

One of the most popular options for emergency weight loss is the kefir mono-diet. It’s not easy to maintain, but there are no difficulties with planning your diet and eating schedule. The point is that you drink 1.5 liters of kefir per day, even if it’s fatty, and that’s all. This way you can lose up to 5 kg per week. However, you cannot sit on kefir alone for more than 3-5 days, otherwise the body will begin to suffer from exhaustion.

Fast weight loss regimen

Severe food restriction is effective in the short term. Therefore, when you sit down on kefir or buckwheat porridge alone, you need to be prepared for the fact that the lost kilograms will quickly return. But you can rearrange your own diet so as to reduce weight and fix it at the same level, plus or minus 2 kg. To do this, you should eat fractionally: not in large portions three times a day, but in small doses 5 times. You will also have to give up all high-calorie foods:

  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • desserts;
  • fried and baked potatoes;
  • fatty red meat;
  • sausages and frankfurters;
  • cereals, instant breakfasts;
  • fast food;
  • muffins and other baked goods made from white wheat flour.

The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits, lean fish and white meat, cereals with the exception of white rice. It is useful to keep a food diary, taking into account all meals, even the smallest ones. You should also calculate the daily calorie intake for your weight and lifestyle, subtract 300-500 units from it, and stick to exactly this calorie content.

Effective ways to lose weight

In addition to the listed methods of emergency weight loss, there are others.

Diet for 5 days is effective

“Ladder” is a method of losing weight by 3-8 kg in 5 days. It is based on five stages of nutrition, equal to 5 days of the week:

  1. Cleansing day: fasting with regular consumption of clean water.
  2. Restorative: you can eat fermented milk products.
  3. Energy: you need to please the body with glucose using raisins, honey and other natural products.
  4. Construction: at this stage we eat protein.
  5. Fat burning: you need fiber that satisfies and satisfies hunger.

The most effective diet for a week

The easiest way to lose weight in a week is with a diet of only buckwheat porridge and kefir. Yes, it turns out monotonous, but you lose up to 5 kg. Buckwheat should be prepared in the same way as for the buckwheat method: steamed, not boiled. We drink up to 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir per day.

Effective diet for 10 days

The essence of a super diet for weight loss: in one day you can eat only one product in an amount of up to 1 kg. Weight loss lasts up to 10 days, so you can lose about 8 kg. However, doctors warn: although this method helps to lose weight, it is not safe for health. Therefore, at the first signs of discomfort, you should consult a doctor. And to avoid illness, adhere to these principles:

  • choose natural products;
  • exclude fatty, sweet, smoked, red meat, and alcohol from your diet;
  • Make a meal schedule and stick to it;
  • reduce the amount of salt you consume with food.

Product options that are suitable for this method of weight loss: boiled potatoes, fresh cabbage, boiled beets, raw carrots. Fresh cucumbers, apples and boiled rice are also recommended. You can arrange “kefir” and “milk” days.

You can also try a vegetarian diet. This is a safer option, but you will lose up to 3 kg. The essence of the method is to eat only vegetables and fruits, giving up all other foods, including cheeses, eggs and milk.

Diet for 2 weeks is effective

In just fourteen minutes you can try an extreme method of weight loss, which involves almost completely giving up food. You need to eat very little healthy food to avoid feeling full. You will constantly feel hungry, you will lose the main kilograms in the first week of fasting, then the rate of weight loss will slow down.

However, this diet is not suitable for everyone, to put it mildly. Fasting is stressful for the body, and two weeks of malnutrition has a whole bunch of side effects. Therefore, we recommend a less radical way to normalize body weight: an already familiar diet of one product for one day. It can be extended for 14 days, the main thing is not to forget to drink up to 2 liters of water per day and alternate foods.

Diet effective for losing weight for a month: food menu

The BeFit service offers a ready-made weekly diet and a menu of healthy products that help normalize weight. We have developed a balanced and tasty diet, you will not only lose weight, but also enjoy healthy and appetizing food. In a month of eating according to our system, you will lose up to 10 kg. The result will be better if you combine a healthy diet with physical activity.

The most effective diets for losing weight by 10 kg

There are three types of ways to reduce body weight by 10 kg: hard, cleansing and gentle. We advise you not to resort to harsh methods unless absolutely necessary, because they have many side effects. But if you urgently need to lose weight, you can try this option: completely giving up high-calorie foods and switching to a low-calorie diet. The maximum daily calorie intake is 1300 calories. To avoid a constant feeling of hunger, you need to divide your food into 7-8 meals.

A more gentle option: a cleansing method, which involves avoiding animal products, as well as fried, fatty and smoked foods. They should be replaced with vegetables, fruits, cereals, and low-fat dairy products. But even in this case, it is important to eat small portions 5 times a day.

The gentle diet is the easiest to tolerate; it is designed for a loss of 10 kg within a month. There are no strict restrictions, but high-calorie foods, fast food, desserts, baked goods, sweet and carbonated drinks should be completely excluded. We also refuse fatty, fried, smoked foods. Instead, we eat black and yeast-free bread, slightly stale unsweetened buns, butter, celery, milk, vegetables and fruits. You can also eat grains, legumes, lean meats and fish. We drink green tea, kefir, fruit juices. But not from packs, but squeezed out with your own hands!

Secrets of a light diet

To lose weight, it is important to stay motivated: remember your goal. Also try to make this period enjoyable: don’t isolate yourself, communicate, walk in the fresh air, play sports. Do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of pure mineral water per day, eat small portions, and then the diet will be easier to accept.

In their quest for an ideal figure, most women have tried a great variety of ways to lose weight. Today, long-term diets are the most commonly used: thanks to a professionally formulated diet, they do not deplete the body, but help each woman gradually, month after month, get rid of the annoying burden of extra pounds and remain cheerful, full of strength and optimism.

Principles of long-term diets


You cannot sharply limit your usual diet, so as not to harm your health; you should very slowly and gradually accustom yourself to proper nutrition until it becomes habitual for you. Weight loss should not exceed 1 kg in 7-10 days.


The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should not be violated in favor of any of these components, and the caloric content must correspond to the daily energy intake.


Following a long-term diet through a variety of dishes should bring you joy and relief, and not a feeling of hunger.


If you feel worse, you should immediately stop the diet.

Efficiency in combination with physical education

You should start with very little daily exercise and gradually increase it to get fit and improve your health.


When you reach your ideal weight, you should introduce high-calorie foods into your diet very slowly, in small portions, but try to follow the rules of healthy eating throughout your life.

Separate meals for 90 days

This diet gives fantastic results: you will get rid of 25 kg in three months! This is achieved through the method of separate nutrition: the diet is compiled for 4 days, on each of which only certain foods are allowed, then the cycle resumes. Only breakfast is always the same - unsweetened tea (coffee), a couple of fruits or a handful of berries. The body should receive at least two liters of water per day. Every 29 days of this system you can’t eat anything, you can only eat unlimited amounts of water.

Day one, protein

You can eat after 4 hours.

During the day you can eat:

  • Meat, fish in any form, except fried, smoked, salted;
  • Dairy;
  • Fresh vegetables in the form of salad or stewed in water.
  • Instead of meat, cottage cheese or a couple of eggs are suitable. You should also have chicken broth for lunch.
  • In the evening you need to eat the same thing, but half as much and without broth.

Day two, starchy

Available in 3 hours.

During the day you can eat:

  • Rice cereals, potatoes, boiled legumes;
  • Fresh vegetables, some bread. Vegetable broth is recommended.
  • In the evening - half the same without broth.

Day three, carbohydrate

Take food every 3 hours.

During the day you can eat:

  • Pasta, baked goods made from yeast-free dough.
  • In the evening – dark chocolate, pastries with cream or ice cream.
  • Allowed consumption of sweets allows you to relax and enjoy your diet!

Day four, vitamin

You can eat every 2 hours, at least 5 times a day.

Only fruit, fresh or baked. And 100 g of roasted seeds or nuts in 4 doses.

Diet for women after 30

This diet is designed taking into account the physiological characteristics of a mature female body. You should stick to it in cycles of 3 weeks with breaks of a month and a half.

Daily menu

1 breakfast

100-150 g of cottage cheese, vegetable salad, bread, tea/coffee.

2 breakfast


The first dish is vegetable in water, boiled/stewed beef with peas.

Afternoon snack


Cottage cheese, a mix of fresh vegetables with vegetable oil, bread.


Be sure to follow the drinking regime - 2-2.5 liters of water per day.

Sometimes there are situations when you need to lose weight quickly, no matter the cost. Then mono-diets, based on only 1 product, come to the rescue. They provide a loss of 5-7 kg per week due to their low calorie content. We warn you: such diets can be harmful to your health! Metabolism is disrupted, gastrointestinal diseases worsen, well-being and mood worsen, and a loss of strength appears. If you still need such a diet, we recommend buckwheat, kefir or pre-holiday diet.

Ways to lose weight quickly

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