Diet "4 table" - features, nutritional recommendations, menu. Diet “Table 4” - features, nutritional recommendations, menu Table 4 recipes for children

Table No. 4 is indicated for acute intestinal diseases and exacerbations during the period of ongoing diarrhea. The goal of the diet is to provide the body with the necessary nutrients without irritating the intestines or causing fermentation in it. Table No. 4 refers to strict medical diets. It is prescribed for 2-5 days during periods of exacerbation of dyspeptic disorders, chronic intestinal diseases and after operations.

Table No. 4 assumes a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, but a reduction in carbohydrates and fats to the lower limits in order to reduce intestinal inflammation and prevent damage to its mucosa. To do this you need:

  • Reduce portion sizes.
  • Eat 5-6 times a day.
  • Boil or steam all foods.
  • Take food in liquid, semi-liquid, or ground form.
  • Exclude foods that cause fermentation in the intestines (fresh vegetables and fruits, sweets, legumes and coarse cereals, milk).
  • Avoid foods that stimulate bile secretion (spices, sauces, snacks).
  • Avoid cold and hot foods (calorizer). The food should be warm.

On diet No. 4 they limit, add,. According to new WHO rules, the amount of salt in the average person's diet should not exceed 5 g.

Restrictions on diet No. 4 apply to all foods that can mechanically, thermally or chemically damage the intestinal mucosa, cause fermentation processes and increase inflammation. This:

  • All flour and bakery products, except those permitted;
  • Soups with fatty broth, with vegetables or cereals;
  • All types of fatty meat, fish and poultry;
  • Ready meals: snacks, semi-finished products, canned food, smoked meats;
  • Coarse cereals: pearl barley, barley, millet and all types of legumes;
  • All fresh vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • All types of sweets, confectionery, carbonated drinks.

  • Flour products: stale white bread, white bread crackers.
  • Meat and fish: Lean parts of veal, beef, chicken or turkey, minced and cooked into steamed cutlets, soufflés or meatballs. Low-fat varieties of fresh fish, steamed or boiled in water.
  • Eggs: 1-2 eggs per day, soft-boiled or steamed into an omelet.
  • Dairy products: pureed cottage cheese, fresh calcined cottage cheese.
  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, boiled and ground.
  • Vegetables and fruits: in the form of purees or decoctions.
  • Oil: vegetable, butter for dishes.
  • Drinks: tea, cocoa, water coffee, diluted juices, jelly, decoction of rose hips, currants, blueberries.

Table No. 4a

Table No. 4a is indicated for colitis with a predominance of fermentation processes.

The composition is the same as in diet No. 4, but they sharply limit foods and dishes containing large quantities of carbohydrates (porridge; bread no more than 100 g per day; sugar no more than 20 g per day); increase the protein content through meat dishes, pureed cottage cheese, etc.

Meals on diet No. 4a are fractional, but the portion size is smaller and the calorie content is lower than on No. 4. Table No. 4a is prescribed for the period of exacerbation of colitis, so the duration of such nutrition is 2-5 days, and then the patient is transferred to another medical diet.

Table No. 4b

Table No. 4b is indicated for chronic colitis in the stage of fading exacerbation. It is prescribed to patients whose intestinal diseases are accompanied by disorders of the stomach, biliary tract, liver or pancreas. The goal of the diet is to restore intestinal functions and the digestive process in case of non-acute disorders.

  • The nutritional rules are the same as on diet No. 4, but the following products are added to the composition:
  • Flour products: white bread, yesterday’s baked goods, savory cookies, dry biscuits.
  • Soups: cereal soups with weak fish or meat broth, broth with meatballs.
  • Cereals: heavily boiled or pureed porridge, except millet, barley, pearl barley, in water with the addition of 1/3 milk.
  • Vegetables and fruits: boiled and steamed vegetables, pureed. Boiled and chopped cauliflower, carrots, and potatoes are recommended. Ripe sweet fruits without peel are allowed. If the dynamics are positive, you can include a small amount of ripe tomatoes.
  • Dairy products: mild cheese, kefir, yogurt. You can add milk, cream, sour cream to food, and also prepare sauces based on sour cream. Béchamel sauce and dairy desserts with grated fruit are allowed.

The basis for the diet is the composition of table No. 4. Add , . Meals 4-6 times a day. Food is served warm.

Table No. 4b

Table No. 4c is indicated for acute intestinal diseases during the recovery period as a transition to a balanced diet; chronic intestinal diseases during the period of attenuation of exacerbation, as well as outside exacerbation with concomitant lesions of other digestive organs.

The diet is prescribed to provide adequate nutrition in case of some insufficiency of intestinal function, which will help restore the activity of other digestive organs. This is a physiologically complete diet with a slight increase in protein content and moderate limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the intestines, excluding foods and dishes that increase fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, sharply increase its secretory and motor functions, secretion of the stomach, pancreas, and bile secretion.

The basis of the table consists of products from diet No. 4 and 4b, but now it is allowed:

  • There is slightly dried or yesterday's bread.
  • Add finely shredded cabbage, green peas, beets, young beans, chopped vegetables and well-boiled cereal to soups.
  • Cook meat and poultry chopped, not minced, and bake fish.
  • There are crumbly porridges and small pasta.
  • Prepare sauces using fish or weak meat broth.
  • Add oranges and tangerines, sweet fruits and berries within 200 g per day, and finely chopped greens to your diet.
  • Marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows.

Food is prepared uncut, steamed, boiled in water or baked. You need to eat small portions 5-6 times a day.

In addition to following the rules of nutrition for intestinal disorders, you need to drink - an average of 1.5 liters per day (calorizator). You should also promptly adjust your diet in case of intolerance to certain foods. A doctor should prescribe a diet and vitamins based on the patient’s tests and diagnosis.

Diet table number 4 according to Pevzner is the most gentle nutritional system for adults and children with acute and chronic intestinal diseases (colitis, enterocolitis, gastroenterocolitis), accompanied by intense diarrhea. Also, therapeutic nutrition is appropriate for typhoid fever, intestinal tuberculosis in the first 5-7 days of the disease and hypertrophic gastritis after surgery.

Diet number is aimed at eliminating chemical, thermal and mechanical irritants of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, nutrition creates conditions for eliminating inflammatory processes during gastritis and restoring impaired functions after intestinal surgery.

The fourth table in terms of energy value hardly fits into the lower threshold of the physiological norm of calories - 1700-2000. Calorie intake is reduced by reducing carbohydrates and fats from the diet. This amount of calories is sufficient for the normal functioning of the body while the patient is in bed.

Chemical composition of the diet:

  • 230-250 grams of carbohydrates (30-40 grams of sugar);
  • 65-70 grams of protein (30-40% plant origin);
  • 50-60 grams of fat (50 grams of butter).

The table also requires you to reduce the amount of table salt you consume to 8 grams.

With diarrhea and constipation, which are “bonuses” of intestinal diseases, the absorption function of the small intestine is reduced, so the intake of vitamins must be increased.

What is possible, what is not

Allowed for use:

  • Stale white bread and rye bread made from wheat flour;
  • Black and green tea, cocoa, herbal infusions and lightly concentrated coffee;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and milk, provided it is well tolerated;
  • Slimy pureed soups made with water, possibly with the addition of meatballs, dumplings, pureed meat;
  • Lean and lean meat, skinless poultry;
  • Lean varieties of fish (hake, carp, pollock, perch, pike perch) steamed or boiled in water, jellied fish and lightly salted granular caviar;

  • You can have 1 soft-boiled egg per day, in the form of a steam omelet, or as an ingredient in dishes, if recipes require it;
  • Heat-treated vegetables;
  • Fruits and berries in the form of mousses and soufflés, jellies and jelly, fresh once a week and then in grated form.

Table number 4 excludes all foods and dishes that contribute to diarrhea (fermentation and clay processes in the gastrointestinal tract) and disrupt the normal functioning of the intestines.

The following are prohibited:

  • Rye bread and hot baked goods; pancakes, dumplings and pies are also prohibited;
  • Coffee with milk, compotes, sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • Soups with fatty meat and fish broths, milk and cheese soups;
  • Barley, pearl barley, corn and millet cereals, all legumes;
  • Fatty meats and poultry, fried in whole pieces, processed meat products in the form of sausages and semi-finished products;
  • Fatty fish;
  • Eggs, fried in fat or hard-boiled or eaten raw;
  • Various dressings, spices and;
  • Chocolate, ice cream, sweets, jam;
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

Varieties of table

Diet No. 4 for intestinal diseases, in addition to the main therapeutic nutrition, includes 3 more branches:

  1. Table No. 4a is observed for any intestinal diseases with pronounced fermentation processes, as well as after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. used after diet No. 4. Indications for compliance: chronic colitis and enterocolitis in the phase of mild exacerbation, acute enterocolitis in remission;
  3. indicated after diet No. 4b for acute intestinal diseases (colitis, enterocolitis) during improvement of health, as an intermediate diet and introduction of the patient to a balanced diet.
  • We recommend reading:

Menu for every day

For any intestinal diseases and after gastrointestinal surgery, nutrition is the main component of complex treatment. The diet menu is prescribed by the attending physician, but if you follow his recommendations, you can create a therapeutic diet for the week yourself.

Possible menu option for 3 days:

1 day:

  • Breakfast: steamed protein omelette, natural coffee;
  • Lunch: with a piece of homemade chicken sausage;
  • Lunch: pureed carrot soup with crumbled oatmeal;
  • Afternoon snack: 1 soft-boiled egg, blueberry jelly;
  • Dinner: fish with wheat crackers.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: manna with yogurt, herbal tea;
  • Lunch: pureed cottage cheese, decoction of bird cherry fruits;
  • Lunch: with rice cereal;
  • Afternoon snack: oatmeal broth with biscuits;
  • Dinner: boiled beef with baked zucchini.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: pureed milk;
  • Lunch: baked apple;
  • Lunch: vegetarian puree soup with semolina dumplings;
  • Afternoon snack: cocoa with rice water;
  • Dinner: curd pudding, chamomile tea.

The exact number of calories and chemical composition of the menu is allowed to be planned and adjusted only by a gastroenterologist. He is the one who knows how chronic enterocolitis will manifest itself, when to expect remission from gastritis, or what degree of health the patient has after surgery. All these facts allow the treating specialist to create a healthy diet strictly aimed at recovery and advise patients on appropriate recipes.

The fourth table for gastritis in children

Therapeutic nutrition for a child with gastritis, other gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, enterocolitis) and their painful manifestations (constipation and diarrhea) begins with a fasting day. During the first 24 hours, children should not be fed; they are only allowed to consume an unlimited amount of free liquid in the form of clean still water, various decoctions and unsweetened compotes.

On the second day of the disease, the young patient can already be switched to dietary nutrition. Diet No. 4 for children has identical features and recommendations with diet No. 4 for adults. The only exception is that the energy value of foods, the daily caloric intake and the size of a child’s consumed portions are significantly less than those of an adult.

It is tolerated easily and naturally if they have previously adhered to the principles of proper nutrition. True, limiting the consumption of sweets always upsets kids.

Dish recipes

Table No. 4 imposes restrictions not only on products, but also on methods of their preparation. It is allowed to boil, stew and bake, and serve food in liquid, mushy and pureed form. It is strictly forbidden to include fried foods in the menu for gastritis and after gastrointestinal surgery. But for all its severity, table 4 can be tasty and varied; for this you just need to use dietary recipes, of which there are many options.

To prepare tasty and healthy dishes, you also need a list of permitted products, the recommendations of which cannot be deviated even one step. For people who monitor their diet, a calorie table will be needed even after completing a therapeutic course of nutrition for intestinal diseases.

First course recipes

Every day in the lunch menu, especially after gastrointestinal surgery, it is necessary to include warm liquid dishes that activate the intestines and help to quickly reach a state of remission. First there will be lean puree soups, and then main courses with rich broths, dumplings and pieces of lean meat.

Meatball soup


  • 200 grams of minced chicken;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • A pinch of salt.


Throw the potatoes and carrots cut into large cubes into boiling water. When the vegetables are ready, the broth must be ground until smooth and put back on the fire. Form the minced meat into meatballs, add them to the boiling soup, add salt and cook for another 10 minutes.

Protein recipes

Fish quenelles


  • 400 grams of hake fillet;
  • 100 grams of rice cereal;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • A pinch of salt.


Pre-cook the rice, drain in a colander, and after cooling, pass through a meat grinder twice along with the fish fillet. Add egg, salt to the resulting minced meat and mix thoroughly. Put water on the fire and when it boils, quickly add a teaspoonful of all the minced meat. After 10-15 minutes, the fish dumplings can be removed from the broth, seasoned with sour cream and served.

Dessert Recipes

Curd steam soufflé


  • 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 tbsp. l. stevia.


Separate the egg yolk from the white and use a blender to mix it with all the other ingredients. Turn the whites into a thick foam (to make them beat better, you can add a pinch of salt to them). Carefully add the whites into the homogeneous curd mass, put the future soufflé in the mold and send it to the multicooker for half an hour, set to the “Steam” mode.

Diet No. 4 for gastritis, acute and chronic diseases of the digestive tract (colitis, enterocolitis) and its painful manifestations (constipation and diarrhea) directs the patient on the right path of remission. After just a week, table 4 can be changed to 4a or 4b, followed by a fairly light diet 4c and complete recovery.

Therapeutic diet 4 (table 4) is prescribed for acute and chronic colitis, enterocolitis, in the initial stage of acute gastroenterocolitis, as well as for dysentery, typhoid fever and intestinal tuberculosis. The diet helps reduce fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines, stop the inflammatory process and restore impaired functions of the digestive tract, as well as transfer its functioning to a more gentle mode. Diet 4 is prescribed by doctors in order to reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates in the patient’s diet. The diet is designed to ensure the supply of food that will not cause thermal or mechanical irritation of the digestive organs, and will not increase the secretion of bile. In Diet 4, food is boiled or steamed. To make food easier to digest and digest faster, it is ground or pureed.

The energy value of the diet at table 4 should be about 8583 kJ (no more than 2050 kcal). Of these, fats should be no more than 70 grams (50 g butter), proteins - 100 grams (about 70% animal proteins), carbohydrates - 250 grams (40-50 g sugar). Sodium chloride should be no more than 8-10 grams in the diet, and free liquid should be no less than 1.5 liters. During the diet, it is very important to maintain bed rest. Food on diet 4 should be taken warm up to five to six times a day.

With diet 4, it is allowed to eat thinly sliced ​​and not toasted crackers from two hundred grams of wheat bread and savory cookies. Fresh and rye bread, pastry products, pancakes, and pancakes are prohibited.

It is allowed to eat boiled vermicelli, rice, semolina, oatmeal, pureed buckwheat porridge, cooked in low-fat broth or water, as well as in the form of steam puddings. During diet 4, you cannot eat pearl barley, barley porridge, legumes, or pasta casseroles.

It is allowed to consume lean varieties of veal, beef, rabbit meat, turkey, and chicken. The meat is first degreased, tendons and fascia are removed. The meat is used to prepare meatballs, quenelles, and cutlets boiled in water or steamed. Instead of bread, add boiled rice to the minced meat for cutlets, and then pass it through a fine grinder three to four times. A soufflé is prepared from boiled meat. During diet 4 (table 4), it is prohibited to use fatty types and varieties of meat, fried and stewed meat in pieces, smoked meats, and sausages in cooking.

Soups on diet 4 are cooked in a weak low-fat fish or meat broth with rice or semolina, pureed or boiled meat, meatballs and steamed quenelles, and egg flakes. During this diet, you should not consume milk soups, as well as soups made with fatty and strong broths with vegetables and pasta.

Diet 4 menu may include dishes from low-fat fish (in the form of quenelles, meatballs, cutlets). Fish dishes can be boiled in water or steamed. You cannot eat salted fish, fatty fish, canned food, or caviar. You are allowed to eat one or two eggs daily. Eggs can be soft-boiled, steamed omelettes prepared from them, and added to various dishes.

You can add a small piece of butter (5 g) to ready-made dishes. Cooking and animal fats should not be used for cooking.

Diet 4 is prohibited from including dairy products. You can only eat freshly prepared pureed unleavened or calcined cottage cheese.

During therapeutic diet 4, you cannot eat berries and fruits in their natural form, as well as compotes, dried fruits, jam, honey and other sweets. You can make jelly and jelly from dogwood, blueberries, quince, pears, and bird cherry. Sugar can be added to dishes in limited quantities (no more than 50 grams per day). Vegetables can only be consumed in the form of decoctions added to soups. Snacks, spices and sauces are excluded from the diet.

You are allowed to drink tea, cocoa with water, coffee, juices of non-acidic fruits and berries diluted with water. It is allowed to use decoctions of dried blueberries, dogwood, rose hips, quince, and black currants. You cannot drink cocoa and coffee with milk, cold and carbonated drinks, grape juice, kvass.

Diet 4 menu might look like this:

  • first breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water, freshly prepared grated cottage cheese, tea with one teaspoon of sugar;
  • second breakfast: applesauce;
  • lunch: meat broth with rice cereal, steamed meatballs, semolina porridge, jelly.
  • afternoon snack: unsweetened blackcurrant decoction;
  • dinner: steam omelette, buckwheat porridge cooked in water (mashed), tea.
  • jelly before bed.

General characteristics of the therapeutic diet 4b

Therapeutic diet 4b is prescribed for exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases, as well as for acute intestinal diseases at the stage of improvement. Diet 4b helps reduce inflammation and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. With this type of diet, foods that aggravate fermentation and putrefaction in the intestinal area, irritate the liver and sharply stimulate the secretion of the pancreas and stomach are prohibited. Diet 4b involves eating five or six meals a day. The energy value of diet 4b should be no more than 2600 kcal. Of these, proteins should account for 100-110 grams, fats - 80-90 grams, carbohydrates - 350-400 grams, 8-10 grams of salt and one and a half liters of free liquid. In terms of chemical content and energy value, therapeutic diet 4b is not complete, but the amount of protein is slightly increased.

With diet 4b, it is allowed to eat dried or day-old wheat bread made from first- or highest-grade flour, dry biscuits, and dry cookies. Rye bread, puff pastry or pastry products, and wheat bread made from wholemeal flour are prohibited.

Low-fat and low-fat types and varieties of meat are allowed. Therapeutic diet 4b prohibits fatty varieties and types of meat. It is not allowed to eat goose or duck meat, various sausages, smoked products, and canned food. You can add cutlets, dumplings, and meatballs from low-fat fish to your diet. The consumption of salted, smoked, fatty fish and canned food is prohibited. You can add milk, cream, and sour cream to dishes. You can eat acidophilus, kefir and other fermented milk drinks. It is allowed to eat curd paste, fresh cottage cheese, puddings, and mild cheese. Well-cooked porridge is allowed. When preparing porridge, you can add a third of the milk to the water. With diet 4b, you are allowed to eat fresh and ripe tomatoes (50-100 g per day). Sweet and ripe fruits, previously peeled, are recommended for food (up to 100 g per day). Sauces based on vegetable broth or weak meat broth are recommended. Fruit sauces and milk sauces are allowed. You can add dill, parsley, cinnamon, vanillin, and bay leaf to dishes.

If the doctor informed a patient with an intestinal disease about switching to the Pevzner Table 4b therapeutic diet, then complete recovery is close. This therapeutic diet is prescribed for remission of acute attacks of intestinal diseases and during the period of retreat of diseases of the digestive system. Dietary Table 4b provides for minor relaxations in the diet.

The Diet 4b menu is designed to facilitate the patient’s transition from a therapeutic to a normal diet after serious diets for intestinal diseases. Doctors recommend Table 4b as a physiologically complete diet that will help gradually restore all the functions of the digestive system, which is limited in its functioning during a strict diet.

The diet under Diet Table 4b includes a slight increase in proteins. Avoid the consumption of salt, fried foods, cold and hot foods. Solid food is gradually being included in the therapeutic diet, but the methods of preparing it are still limited: boiling in water and steam, baking. Products for Diet Table 4b should be chosen that are low in fat and do not irritate the intestinal walls, limiting as much as possible the possible processes of increased secretion, fermentation and putrefaction.

In what cases is Table 4b prescribed?

Therapeutic Diet Table 4b is prescribed after acute attacks or exacerbation of intestinal diseases at the initial stage of remission. Sometimes the disease is associated with ailments of the liver, stomach, pancreas or biliary tract, in which case dietary nutrition is also prescribed according to this principle. The diet is designed to gradually return the digestive organs to normal working condition by feeding them with healthy foods. Most often, dietary Table 4b is prescribed after two to four weeks of a strict regimen of the therapeutic Diet 4b.


  • How to follow the diet Table 1a and 1b for ulcers and gastritis - principles and menu
  • Diet 4b for intestinal diseases - menu for the week
  • Diet Table 5a - recipes and menu for the week
  • Therapeutic Diet Table number 13 according to Pevzner

The Pevzner diet for intestinal diseases provides for a system of fractional meals in small portions up to 6 times a day. During exacerbations of intestinal diseases, products can be served exclusively warm.

It is important to remember that products used to restore the intestines should not contain chemical and mechanical irritants. The amount of spices and salt when preparing medicinal dishes according to the Table 4B Diet menu is minimal. Products are not treated with oil or smoke during cooking.

It is allowed to prepare meat products in pieces or chopped form. When treating intestinal diseases, dairy products are recommended to be used in dishes rather than raw. Fresh fruits, according to the menu norm, consume up to 150 g per day.

To completely restore the intestines and get rid of the disease, doctors recommend strictly following the basic principles of therapeutic nutrition of the Table 4b Diet, namely following the list of what you can and cannot eat.

List of allowed foods in Diet Table 4c:

  • Among baked goods, a stale product made from wheat flour that is slightly stale is allowed; dry biscuits, biscuits. In the menu of Diet 4c for intestinal diseases there is a medicinal pie with meat, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits.
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Mild varieties of cheese;
  • Buckwheat, semolina, rice cereals with a minimum amount of salt or sugar;
  • Soups are prepared without meat using a second broth;
  • Lean chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef and veal;
  • Low-fat fish: pike perch, blue whiting, cod, hake, pollock, pike, carp.
  • Vegetables and fruits on the menu for treating the intestines: zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, white cabbage, beets, green peas; apples, pears, strawberries, oranges, tangerines, watermelon.
  • Recommended drinks: tea, cocoa, coffee with milk; freshly squeezed juices, diluted with water; berry decoctions.
  • Sauces: low-fat homemade sauces made with broths, decoctions and milk.

List of prohibited foods of Table 4b for intestinal diseases:

  • Fresh wheat and rye bread, pastry and puff pastry;
  • Dairy products with high acidity, salty and spicy cheese;
  • Barley, pearl barley, wheat cereals;
  • Legumes in any form;
  • Rich meat broths, borscht, cabbage soup, pickles, okroshka, legumes;
  • Sausages, pickles, smoked meats;
  • Mushrooms, cucumbers, onions, garlic, spinach, radishes, turnips, sorrel;
  • Plums, figs, apricots, dates are also prohibited on the treatment menu for intestinal diseases;
  • Patients with intestinal lesions should not take juices from plums, grapes, or apricots.

No one is immune from problems with the digestive system. Even the smallest children can be affected by exacerbations of intestinal diseases, and, in addition to treatment with medications, for a speedy recovery, they will have to follow a dietary diet and strictly draw up a treatment menu.

Diet Table 4c for children provides the same relaxations after Pevzner’s strict dietary tables as for adults. If the doctor has given permission to proceed to this stage, then the baby can now eat some baked goods, drink diluted fruit juices and eat meat not only in the form of minced meat. The remaining tips correspond to the recommendations for Table 4b for adults, taking into account the possible intolerance of children to certain products.

The period of adherence to dietary Table 4b for children is determined by the doctor depending on the state of health at the initial stage of the disease. It is important to know that you need to move from therapeutic nutrition to a more rational one gradually, which means that you do not need to introduce foods that are more difficult for the intestines to process into the menu right away.

Menu for the week

An approximate menu for a week with the Table 4b Diet for adults and children is followed according to the principle:

  • eating every 2 hours;
  • small portions;
  • The last appointment is at 7 pm, taking into account that lights out is at 9-10 o'clock.

Diet Table 4c - menu for the week:


  • semolina porridge with water, crackers with sweet jam, green tea;
  • carrot-apple puree;
  • soup in weak chicken broth with meatballs, buckwheat porridge with steamed chicken quenelles;
  • beet salad;
  • oatmeal jelly, crackers;
  • pilaf with boiled meat, green pea salad;
  • rosehip infusion.


  • buckwheat porridge in water, soft-boiled egg with a teaspoon of sour cream, cocoa;
  • milk jelly;
  • vegetable broth with rabbit meat, rice cutlets with meat, cauliflower salad with fresh tomato;
  • blueberry jelly, savory bun;
  • vegetable stew, steamed carp, cocoa;
  • kefir.


  • rice porridge with milk, dry cookies, honey, black tea;
  • fresh mashed cottage cheese with strawberries;
  • cream soup of potatoes, carrots, zucchini, steamed cod cutlets, baked potatoes
  • cottage cheese casserole with apples;
  • chicken roll with steamed zucchini, buckwheat;
  • Ryazhenka


  • rolled oats with milk and water, steam omelette, herbal infusion;
  • baked apple with honey;
  • low-fat veal broth, pilaf with boiled meat, grated carrots and beets;
  • pear and apple puree;
  • cottage cheese and carrot casserole, egg salad with sour cream;
  • rosehip infusion.


  • egg-rice pudding, boiled egg, green tea;
  • pureed cottage cheese with pear;
  • chicken soup with noodles, buckwheat with carrots;
  • seasonal fruit jelly;
  • potato, cottage cheese and turkey fillet salad;
  • kefir.


  • oatmeal, crackers with honey and a piece of butter, cocoa;
  • soft-boiled egg, spoon of sour cream;
  • beetroot soup with sour cream, baked zucchini with chicken breast in curd and sour cream sauce;
  • rosehip infusion, yesterday's bread with honey;
  • buckwheat porridge, steamed chicken dumplings, grated carrots and beets;
  • Ryazhenka


  • cottage cheese soufflé with pumpkin, crackers, cocoa;
  • pear jelly;
  • soup with meatballs, veal with steamed vegetables;
  • oatmeal jelly, crackers with jam;
  • mashed potatoes, steamed cod, cauliflower and fresh tomato salad;
  • rosehip infusion.

The duration of treatment of intestinal diseases in this mode is regulated by a doctor and can range from 3-4 weeks to several months, subject to strict adherence to all recommendations for drawing up a dietary menu.


The following dietary recipes are suitable for preparing dishes according to the Table 4c Diet at home.




  • Beetroot - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Salt, sugar, dill - to taste.

Boil water. Peel, chop the vegetables, place in a saucepan, add some water, and bring to a boil. Add pasta, juice, sugar and salt, simmer until done. Add the dressing to the second half of the water and let it boil. Add dill, let cook for 1 minute, turn off the heat, cover with a lid, let it brew.
This beetroot soup is suitable for adults and children when treating intestinal diseases with Diet Table 4c.

Curd and carrot casserole

Curd and carrot casserole


  • Carrots - 500 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp;
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Butter - 75 g;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt, sugar - to taste.

Grate the carrots, put in a saucepan over medium heat, add milk, add butter, simmer until tender. Add cereal, cook for 7 minutes, stirring. Remove from heat. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat, add the yolks to the carrots, stir, let cool. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender, add sour cream, and add to the carrots along with the whites. Place the mixture in a greased form in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
The casserole provided in the Diet 4c menu is suitable for a dietary breakfast for intestinal diseases.

The “Table No. 4” diet according to Pevzner creates conditions for the attenuation of inflammation in the intestine due to thermal and mechanical sparing of the digestive system, as well as a decrease in the usual level of calorie consumption. That is, anyone who has been prescribed such a diet should absolutely not eat not only hard-to-digest foods, but also foods that are too hot, cold, thick or spicy.

This therapeutic diet involves split meals (at least 5 times) and the use of pureed (to a puree or coarser), boiled or steamed food. It is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid (about one and a half liters) in the form of tea, compotes or ordinary purified water.

Provided that all the rules are followed, the diet will eliminate inflammation in a few days, strengthen the digestive system, eliminate negative processes within it, and relieve pain in the intestines.

What foods can you eat?

The menu for the week is compiled according to the list of acceptable products, which looks like this (can be hung above the table in the form of a table):


  • Semolina, buckwheat, rice groats, oatmeal cooked in low-fat broth or water;
  • Meat dishes (meatballs, cutlets) only from lean types (rabbit, turkey, chicken, etc.);
  • Fish - pike perch, perch or something like that, always lean;
  • Eggs - maximum 2 pieces (not hard-boiled, raw or fried, even better - just white);
  • Vegetables and fruits are in a porridge-like form (but not fresh!): beets, carrots and potatoes, pears and apples.
  • Wheat crackers, savory cookies;
  • Lenten soups with meatballs (using lean meats and fish!);
  • From dairy in its pure form, low-fat cottage cheese is allowed;
  • Compotes (blueberry, quince, currant, rosehip, bird cherry), jelly, jelly;
  • Non-concentrated juices (pear, berries, apples);
  • Only green herbal tea;
  • Cocoa (cook without milk).

It is forbidden


Therapeutic diet No. 4 is quite strict and lasts an average of a week, since the list of non-prohibited foods is extremely limited. However, the seven-day diet can be quite varied, it all depends on the desire to find recipes and culinary abilities.

As an option, the following dishes are offered for each day (for a 7-day diet):


  • Morning: rice water, cottage cheese, oatmeal;
  • 2nd breakfast: jelly (can be made from blueberries);
  • Lunch: semolina porridge, ground chicken fillet, juice;
  • Snack: blueberry compote;
  • Evening: crushed rice, steamed omelette, pear drink;
  • Before bed: rosehip tea.
  • Morning: mashed egg, pureed vegetable soup, green or black tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: manna;
  • Lunch: chicken dumplings with a side dish of buckwheat, compote;
  • Snack: rosehip tea;
  • Evening: apple or pear puree + low-fat cottage cheese, non-sour fruit drink from any berries;
  • Before bed: berry jelly.
  • Morning: soup with wheat croutons;
  • 2nd breakfast: rice pudding;
  • Lunch: liquid oatmeal, steamed fish, jelly;
  • Snack: egg white;
  • Evening: chicken cutlets with rice, bird cherry broth;
  • Before bed: warm compote or tea.
  • Morning: semolina, cottage cheese, compote;
  • 2nd breakfast: blueberry and currant jelly;
  • Lunch: steamed fish cutlets, diluted mashed potatoes, tea (chamomile);
  • Snack: rice broth;
  • Evening: veal soufflé, chopped buckwheat in beef broth, berry drink;
  • Before bed: lean broth.
  • Morning: rice porridge, quince jelly;
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese and applesauce;
  • Lunch: chicken meatballs with rice, lean soup, coffee (black);
  • Snack: two soft-boiled eggs;
  • Evening: fish ball, crushed rice, herbal tea;
  • Before bed: crackers, cocoa.
  • Morning: cottage cheese and pear pudding, quince compote, liquid semolina;
  • 2nd breakfast: compote or currant jelly + wheat crackers;
  • Lunch: steamed chicken dumplings, chopped rice, compote or bird cherry broth;
  • Snack: grated apple;
  • Evening: egg soup in lean fish broth, compote;
  • Before bed: fruit puree.


  • Morning: chopped buckwheat in chicken broth, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: dogwood jelly;
  • Lunch: beef meatballs with buckwheat, broth with semolina, pear compote;
  • Snack: jelly from any berries;
  • Evening: chicken salad, mashed potatoes, herbal tea;
  • Before bed: berry compote.

Diet for children

For intestinal diseases in children, a slightly different diet is prescribed. In this case, the diet includes a large number of drinks - herbal tea, mineral water (but still), compotes.

The diet in the “children’s” version offers approximately the following daily menu:

  • Breakfast: compote, semolina porridge;
  • 2nd breakfast: lean broth with crackers;
  • Lunch: rice water, cottage cheese soufflé, omelet;
  • Afternoon snack: meatballs, lean meat cutlets;
  • Dinner: soup with any low-fat broth, tea or compote, fruit puree;
  • Before bed: warm drink (at your discretion).

By following this diet, very soon you will forget about intestinal disorders and associated inconveniences.

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