What helps for lactation. How to improve milk lactation in a nursing mother: we restore breastfeeding without problems. After breastfeeding, the baby sleeps little, and after a bottle - for several hours

Breastfeeding is a natural process programmed in the body of every woman who has given birth. Babies who are fed fully and for a long time with mother's milk have stronger immunity than children who are bottle-fed. They bond strongly with their mother, as breastfeeding brings mother and baby closer together. Breastfeeding babies are actively developing and growing quickly.

Breastfeeding is much healthier than formula

Each woman has her own physical characteristics, and milk may remain in small quantities, especially after a cesarean section, anesthesia, during periods of stress or illness. What should you do so that you can fully feed your newborn and not resort to artificial formula? The simplest thing is to eat foods that increase breast milk production in a nursing mother (we recommend reading:). To enhance lactation you need to eat right.

Why is lactation decreasing?

After the baby is born, the mother needs to rest more and be in comfortable conditions. A woman, if she is not too physically strong, is able to feed her baby to the full only if she has adequate sleep and an adequate daily routine.

Childbirth is a difficult test for the body, and it can experience various disruptions, which, in turn, affects lactation.

There are also serious hormonal disorders. In this case, lactation can be established only with the help of hormonal therapy, but such milk will no longer be beneficial for the baby. There is also a hereditary predisposition to lack of lactation. Why does the amount of milk in my mother's breast decrease? Let us highlight the main reasons for decreased lactation in a nursing mother:

  • Unfaithful to the chest. These may be too frequent or infrequent attachments, painful sensations during feeding, etc.
  • Improper nutrition and mother's daily routine during breastfeeding.
  • Stressful situations, a tense situation at home, going to work, or a daily routine that is too difficult for the mother.
  • Psychological barriers to breastfeeding reduce lactation. Conscious or hidden fear of spoiling the shape of the breast, of being dependent on the child.
  • Taking medications.

In a stressful situation, the amount of milk may decrease sharply

Proper food is the key to good lactation

If you do not have serious illnesses or disruptions in the functioning of the body, try to normalize lactation with proper nutrition. What a mother eats affects not only the quality of milk, but also the quantity. The mother needs to adhere to a certain diet so that the baby does not have allergies or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so that enough milk comes in. A nursing mother does not need to eat a lot. Eat in moderation, healthy foods. Calculate your diet and be sure to include the following products:

  • up to 300 gr. fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt);
  • up to 200 gr. per day of meat or fish (will provide your body with protein);
  • up to 150 gr. cottage cheese;
  • up to 30 gr. hard cheese.

The quality of the prepared food matters. Do not snack in pastry shops or restaurants; buy food in trusted stores. Before eating yogurt, especially in warmer months, check the expiration date. It is better to use starter cultures or make fermented milk yourself in a yogurt maker or thermos. It is better to eat vegetables and fruits from your own garden or purchase from regular sellers, because often the “gifts of nature” are pumped with nitrates. Drink enough liquid (up to 3 liters per day), because this is a prerequisite for increasing lactation. This could be liquid fermented milk products, tea, compote, water, herbs, and a little milk. It’s good if the liquid is warm overnight.

Dairy products are good for nursing mothers

Why is it so important for a nursing mother to eat right? On the one hand, the child needs this. Everything you eat ends up in your milk. Food should contain enough carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and microelements. On the other hand, the mother must support her body, which is not yet strong after childbirth, stressed by breastfeeding and constant worries about the newborn. If your milk is not enough, you feel that the baby is not getting enough, do not rush to run to the pharmacy for formula. Try to increase lactation by introducing certain foods into your diet.

What is best not to eat for a nursing mother?

A nursing mother should not be on a strict diet. Rather, she should eat like a person who cares about her health, who does not know what fast food, alcohol and food from public catering are, according to Dr. Komarovsky. The following ingredients should be strictly prohibited in the diet of a nursing mother:

  • alcoholic drinks (including beer) (we recommend reading:);
  • smoked sausage, meat, fish;
  • chips, hot crackers;
  • hot spices and store-bought seasonings;
  • buns and cakes in large quantities;
  • some spices (sage and parsley);
  • store-bought mayonnaise;
  • active and passive.

Products that increase lactation

Let us consider in detail the question of which foods actively stimulate milk production in a nursing mother. The list shows products that increase milk production, the microelements they contain and the consumption rate (calculated per serving). This is healthy and tasty food, not medications. It is much better to resort to natural methods of treatment.

100-150 gr.Watermelon, fermented baked milk, kefir.
  • Watermelon contains B vitamins, calcium and magnesium.
  • Ryazhenka and kefir, in addition to lactic acid bacteria, contain calcium, iron, amino acids, vitamins B, PP, E.
70-80 gr.Pure carrots and freshly squeezed juice, beef.
  • Carrots are extremely high in beta-carotene and various minerals.
  • Beef will provide the body with potassium, magnesium, and choline.
40-60 gr.Buckwheat, natural honey, pure cottage cheese, beef tongue, oatmeal.
  • Buckwheat porridge is rich in protein, vitamins PP, group B, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.
  • Oatmeal is rich in proteins and carbohydrates, contains potassium and magnesium, and vitamins.
  • Honey contains potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.
  • Cottage cheese is rich in protein, vitamins B, A, E, PP, and folic acid.
  • Beef tongue is a storehouse of protein and B vitamins.
30-50 gr.Chicken or chicken broth, rice and barley porridge, low-fat fish, hard cheese, black currants, lettuce.
  • Chicken is rich in protein and contains many vitamins.
  • Rice and barley will saturate the body with B vitamins, iron, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Fish is a storehouse of phosphorus and potassium.
  • Hard cheeses contain a lot of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Blackcurrants and lettuce are rich in vitamin C.
5-20 gr.Walnuts, virgin oil, radishes, beets and freshly squeezed beet juice, dill or fennel, garlic.
  • Nuts are rich in potassium and magnesium.
  • Oil, beets and radishes contain vitamins, potassium, magnesium.
  • Dill and fennel contain large amounts of vitamin C, carotene and magnesium.
  • Garlic contains a lot of ascorbic acid.

What's the healthiest thing?

The most popular foods that enhance milk production are fennel and walnuts. Fennel infusion is also given to babies with colic, so drinking it is doubly useful. Improvements in the amount of milk will not keep you waiting if you regularly drink a cup of warm tea with a spoon of honey at night (more details in the article:). An infusion of walnuts in milk not only enhances lactation, but also improves the condition of the body as a whole. Great if you love fermented milk products, which help stimulate milk production and improve digestion.

Walnuts are not only tasty, but also healthy. But in moderation!

Beware of allergens!

Some foods that prolong lactation in a nursing mother are not only healthy, but can cause allergies - everything is individual here. Doctors do not recommend consuming it in quantities greater than the specified daily intake. If you yourself do not suffer from food allergies, the baby’s body may experience an opposite, negative reaction to the following foods:

  1. Walnut is a fairly active allergen, although it is a storehouse of vitamins and perfectly improves lactation. You shouldn't eat more than a handful a day.
  2. Do not overuse milk in its pure form. It often causes gastrointestinal problems and dyspepsia in babies. Add milk to your tea or drink a quarter cup at night. Kefir and yogurt are good for your gastrointestinal tract and increase lactation no less than fennel.
  3. Another strong allergen is honey. You shouldn’t completely eliminate it, much less replace it with sugar. A spoonful of honey in tea that stimulates lactation is your option. Natural honey, undiluted, without impurities, will help both you and your child get sick less, strengthen hair and nails, and improve skin condition. Falsified honey will not bring you any benefit, so monitor its quality and buy beekeeping products from trusted sellers.
  4. Vegetables and fruits that increase the amount of breast milk are useful, but you need to introduce them into your diet carefully, because they are active allergens, especially red berries. It is better to consume strawberries, raspberries, and red currants in minimal quantities, in compote or jelly. It is better to eat green or yellow fruits in their pure form: apples, gooseberries, yellow raspberries, grapes (we recommend reading:).
  5. Do not rush to eat the first watermelons and melons - they often contain a lot of nitrates, you can poison not only yourself, but also the baby.

Think about your health

Increasing lactation is not easy, but possible. Eat foods that improve milk production, put your baby to the breast often (this promotes the production of prolactin), drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest. The mother of a newborn should, first of all, not clean the house or prepare a menu for the whole family, but take care of the baby. The first year of your child's life will fly by quickly. You will still have time to stand at the stove or run around with a vacuum cleaner in your hands in all subsequent years, but you will not return the period of breastfeeding.

Remember that your milk is the key to your child’s health for decades to come. Think about your health, and let your loved ones help you in this good goal.

Many mothers face a shortage of milk. Let's figure out what the amount of milk depends on and how you can increase lactation.

Attaching to the breast

The hormones prolactin and oxytocin are responsible for milk production. These hormones begin to act actively from the effect on the breasts, on the nipples, that is, while the baby is sucking on the breast. The main reason for good lactation is frequent breastfeeding, especially at night. If you feel that your baby is not getting enough, feed him more often. You should not follow the regime and feed by the hour if you have problems with lactation. Milk arrives in the same quantity as it left. With frequent and prolonged breastfeeding, the body will understand that it needs to produce a little more milk. But don’t think that now you will feed your baby for days. As soon as you manage to establish breastfeeding, you can gradually increase the intervals between feedings and, if desired, even switch to a regimen, that is, feed every 3 - 3.5 hours for 10 minutes.

Night feedings

Why are night feedings so important for good lactation? The fact is that it is at night and in the morning that prolactin, the lactation hormone, is most actively produced. In the absence of breastfeeding at this time, the hormone will gradually subside and lactation will decrease. The time from 2:00 to 7:00 is especially important; try to wake up the baby if he does not wake up on his own and apply it at least once during this period. To get enough sleep without losing breastfeeding, you can practice co-sleeping during the period of establishing guards. Constant skin-to-skin contact will have a positive effect on lactation, and during feeding you will not need to get up, you will be able to feed lying on your side and rest all night. The only disadvantage of co-sleeping is the baby's possible addiction. If you don’t want co-sleeping to become your permanent norm, try to accustom your baby to his crib as early as possible.

Increasing lactation - nutrition for a nursing mother while breastfeeding

Analyze your diet - are you consuming enough calories and nutrients? Often, mothers in the first months of a child’s life eat incorrectly, do not eat enough healthy foods, or are completely malnourished. The diet during breastfeeding should increase by an average of 700 kcal per day and include a variety of foods. If there is a lack of calories for a long time, lactation will decrease and the mother’s health will deteriorate.

Products to increase lactation

Must be consumed every day:

  1. Meat, poultry or fish (your choice);
  2. Fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt);
  3. Butter and vegetable oil;
  4. Fruits and vegetables in small quantities;
  5. Liquid - at least two liters per day.

Reduce intake while breastfeeding:

  1. Coffee;
  2. Chocolate;
  3. Sugar;
  4. Bakery products;
  5. Nuts, citrus fruits (may cause allergies);
  6. Onions, garlic (make the taste of milk specific, which can lead the child to refuse breastfeeding).
  1. To increase lactation, you need to drink more liquid, especially warm liquid. The amount of fluid per day is at least 2 liters. Try drinking a cup of tea (maybe with milk) half an hour before feeding.
  2. Frequent latching of the baby to the breast, especially at night and in the morning, is the main reason for good lactation. Prolactin (the hormone responsible for lactation) is especially actively produced at night. Nature has designed the mother's body so that milk is produced as needed - the more the baby eats, the more milk comes again.
  3. Taking a hot shower and bath before feeding;
  4. Breast massage and skin-to-skin contact with the baby. While feeding, press your baby's tummy against your skin, leave all other things and thoughts, spend this time only with your baby.
  5. Taking multivitamins and specialized products to enhance lactation (dry milk formulas, dietary supplements, vitamin-mineral complexes).
  6. Ginger is an excellent spice that helps increase lactation, especially in the first month. You can make teas and other drinks from ginger, as well as gingerbread. But use carefully, observing the baby’s reaction.

Do not drink alcoholic beverages under any circumstances and avoid smoking. Alcohol and nicotine have a bad effect on lactation and can harm the baby.

Traditional medicine drinks that help increase lactation:

Ginger drink. Grate the ginger root, pour boiling water over it and let it brew. You can add honey, lemon, sugar. Can also be added to regular tea.

Fenugreek tea. Fenugreek seeds are brewed with tea.

Anise infusion. 2 tsp. Pour anise seeds into 1 cup of boiling water and leave to steep for 1 hour. Cool and drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Cream with cumin. Add 2 tbsp to 2 cups of 10% cream. l. caraway seeds, pour the resulting mixture into a ceramic pot, close the lid and place in the oven to simmer (at low temperature) for 30-40 minutes. Cool the drink; drink half a glass for breakfast and dinner.

Carrot juice. Grate well-washed carrots on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and drink half a glass 2-3 times a day. You can add milk, cream, berry and fruit juices to the juice (no more than 2 tablespoons).

Caraway kvass. Cut 1 kg of rye bread into small pieces, dry, lightly fry, add 10 liters of water and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain the infusion, add 25g of yeast, 0.5kg of sugar, 40g of caraway seeds and place in a warm place to ferment for 10-12 hours.

Drink made from anise, fennel and oregano. Mix 10 g of crushed anise fruits, fennel fruits and oregano herb. Take 1 tsp. mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.

Radish juice with honey. Infuse 100g of radish with 100g of water, add salt.

And remember, in order to increase lactation, it is very important to avoid stress and experience negative emotions as little as possible, so try to protect yourself from many advisers and bad news.

Often, breastfeeding mothers are concerned about a decrease in milk supply. At the same time, women are in a hurry to supplement their feeding or even switch it to artificial nutrition. However, breastfeeding is called natural because it is provided by nature, and there is no better nutrition for the baby. Experts say that in 98% of cases, a decrease in lactation is a temporary and completely normal phenomenon. In addition, this phenomenon is cyclical and can be repeated every two to three months. Therefore, there is no need to rush to feed your baby. With a little effort, the milk supply will increase again. And, first of all, products that increase lactation will help with this.

First of all, to maintain or increase lactation, you need to increase the amount of fluid you drink per day. The body of a nursing mother produces about 900 ml daily. milk, which means you need to drink about a liter more liquid than usual. These can be drinks, juices, tea, milk and even soups. But you shouldn’t overdo it with liquid either; its amount per day should be no more than 2 liters. Otherwise, the volume of milk may indeed increase, but its quality will suffer - the amount of vitamins, proteins and fat will decrease. Instead, experts advise including foods for your diet - milk, green tea, and fermented milk products. For example, before feeding, it is recommended to drink a cup of freshly brewed green tea, always hot, you can add milk to it. Instead of tea, you can drink kefir or yogurt. It is also recommended to drink black during the day. It is advisable to drink 0.5 liters of milk daily.

Products that increase lactation are also nuts, seeds, carrots, fennel, feta cheese, honey, some seasonings, in particular anise, cumin and ginger. Not only milk drinks stimulate lactation, but also walnut syrup, carrot juice, and natural blackcurrant juice. Products to increase lactation include apilak, which mothers are advised to use, among other things, to strengthen the body. However, apilak should be used with caution, since bee products can cause allergies in a child.

In addition, products that increase lactation include many medicinal herbs that were successfully used by our great-grandmothers. These include nettle, oregano, hawthorn, anise, and dill. The benefits of consuming herbs are obvious, because many of them not only have lactogenic properties, but also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help strengthen the immune system. By the way, there are many recipes that include both lactogenic herbs and products that increase lactation.

Folk recipes

20 gr. Nettle leaves (dry) are poured with boiling water (1 liter) and infused. Take 1 tbsp infusion. spoon three times during the day.

Crush the fruits of anise and dill (25 grams each) and mix. Then pour 1 teaspoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. The infusion is taken three times a day, before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.

50 gr. oat flakes are mixed with dried apricots and walnuts (100 g each). The mass is poured with fermented milk drinks or milk.

Buckwheat is fried in a frying pan and eaten like seeds throughout the day.

Take half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice three times a day.

100 ml. radish juice and cooled, salted boiled water are mixed with honey (1 tablespoon). Drink this solution three times a day.

Ginger decoction is effective for increasing lactation. Take a tablespoon of ginger (ground) per 1/2 liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Take the decoction three times a day, one-third of a glass.

2 tbsp. spoons of walnuts (shelled) are poured into a thermos with two glasses of milk (first bring to a boil). Leave the mixture to infuse overnight. In the morning, divide the solution into 4 parts, drink the entire volume per day.

100 gr. Grind figs, dried apricots and raisins and mix with ground walnuts (1 cup). Add 100 gr. honey and butter, mix again. Take the mixture 15 minutes before feeding, one tablespoon at a time.

Mix 4 cups of kefir with a liter of milk, add 10 g. walnuts, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed dandelion petals and dill leaves. Beat the mixture with a mixer, take half a glass with breakfast.

Sometimes breastfeeding can be associated with some problems. And the point is not only that a woman does not want to breastfeed, but that sometimes hypolactia occurs - insufficient milk production. But this condition can be prevented.

Why does milk deficiency occur?

As practice shows, a true lack of milk is quite rare, affecting only 5% of women who seek help, and this is associated with serious hormonal disorders. In other cases, all causes of hypolactia can be easily eliminated by prescribing a special diet for breastfeeding mothers, working with the mother, and teaching proper latching and feeding. And only if these methods are ineffective, special tea or even drug therapy is prescribed.

Basic nutrition for a nursing mother to increase lactation

First of all, the menu of a nursing mother when breastfeeding should include:

  • various types of meat: poultry, fish;
  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • cottage cheese, cheese;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • different types of oils: vegetable and butter.

The listed products should be included in the daily diet, only in this case it can be called balanced.

In addition to the healthy group, there is a group of foods that need to be excluded from the diet, or at least reduce their consumption:

  • carbohydrates - confectionery products, bakery products containing large amounts of margarine;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • known allergenic products: chocolate, coffee, nuts, exotic foods;
  • hot spices and additives.

Products that specifically increase the milk supply of a nursing mother

There are a number of products that specifically increase milk production, for example:

  • Lettuce leaves. As a rule, experts recommend making salads with leaves, dill, and adding a few nuts. You can use butter or sour cream as a dressing.
  • Carrots are a universal remedy from which you can prepare quite a lot of “dishes” - juices, salads, mousses.
  • Watermelons also help stimulate lactation, but when choosing them you need to be extremely careful, because... they can be dangerous due to the content of nitrates and pesticides.
  • Nuts, such as almonds, will stimulate lactation. Just a few nuts every few days are enough to establish normal milk production. Walnuts and pine nuts may be recommended, but it is worth remembering that they can increase the fat content of milk.
  • Caraway. To increase the lactation of a nursing mother, you can use products containing it, such as bread, or prepare your own decoctions and infusions.
  • Proper breakfast. The correct breakfast for improving lactation for a nursing mother should be porridge from the following products: rolled oats, buckwheat, milk, dried fruits, nuts, but without added sugar.

Correct drinking regime

In addition to feeding a breastfeeding mother, a sufficient amount of liquid in the diet is also important in increasing lactation. Experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters per day, and 10 - 15 minutes before feeding you need to drink a glass of warm liquid, this can be sweet compotes, tea with milk (preferably green). There is a list of products that increase milk production in a nursing mother, for example, carrot juice, or a “cocktail” consisting of juice and cream/milk.

Caraway kvass, which you can prepare yourself at home, will be useful: a kilogram of black bread, 40 g of caraway seeds, half a kilogram of sugar, 25 g of yeast per 10 liters of water. The preparation method is no different from preparing regular kvass.

Since ancient times it has been known that umbrella plants - dill, anise, fennel - will stimulate lactation. These plants can be used in the form of infusions. Dandelion, nettle, oregano, and ginger also belong to the group of products that stimulate lactation.

An excellent way to increase milk production and provide the baby with all the necessary vitamins is sweetened dried fruit compote. Dried apples, plums, and a small amount of pears can be used as ingredients. Low-fat meat broths, even soups and milk can be used as drinks.

Often milk secretion decreases due to the wrong approach to breastfeeding. For example, a baby is bottle-fed and breastfed alternately. The child quickly chooses an easier sucking option - a bottle, and is lazy to suck milk from the breast. As a result, the mother's body reduces the production of nutrient fluid. The use of a pacifier and feeding “on a schedule”, without taking into account the needs of the child, also have an effect.

In addition, your milk supply naturally decreases over time. In the first time after childbirth, the mammary glands work in an enhanced mode, creating a kind of “reserve”. The body then adapts to the child's needs, producing as much nutrition as he needs. Another common occurrence during breastfeeding is a lactation crisis. In this condition, milk is not produced for several days, and then lactation resumes.

The baby's health status also affects the amount of milk. Infant jaundice, a short frenulum of the tongue, and even naturally increased drowsiness prevent the baby from completely sucking milk from the breast.

But the most important factor is the mother's well-being. Often, lactation stops in women with anemia, hypothyroidism, hormonal and postpartum problems. Chronic fatigue, taking certain medications and smoking have a negative impact.

Products with lactogenic properties help improve the secretion of mother's milk. They speed up metabolism and increase the level of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin, which are responsible for lactation.

How to check the volume and fat content of breast milk at home

On average, the mammary glands of a healthy woman produce up to 1.5 liters of milk per day. This amount fluctuates at different periods of feeding, and depends on many factors - age, health and, of course, the mother’s diet.

The nutrient fluid is conventionally divided into “front” and “back”. The first has a thinner consistency and contains more water, minerals and carbohydrates. It enters the baby's stomach at the beginning of feeding, quenching thirst and stimulating appetite. The “back” portion is yellowish in color, thick and highly saturated with fats and proteins.

At home, it is impossible to measure exactly how much milk a baby sucks. But you can find out if he has enough nutrition based on 3 signs:

  • The baby looks relaxed and satisfied after feeding.
  • There is a constant increase in weight. It is 130 - 230 g in the first 4 months, 115-130 g at the age of 5-8 months.
  • The child urinates at least 10 times a day.

However, not only the quantity matters, but also the fat content of the product - at least 4%. You can measure it yourself by expressing 0.5 cups of hind milk. It is poured into a transparent container and placed in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours. During this time, the milk fat will concentrate on top, forming a layer of cream. Its thickness is measured with a ruler. Each millimeter equals 1% fat content.

What foods increase lactation?

One of the key factors for successful breastfeeding is the mother's correct diet. It should include proteins, poly- and monounsaturated fats, complex carbohydrates and fiber. For weak lactation, you need to use the most effective lactogens:

  • Cereals. The most useful are oatmeal, pearl barley, brown rice and. They accelerate the synthesis of prolactin and provide energy to mother and child.
  • Whole wheat bread. It is rich in vitamins B and E, which enhance the secretion of breast milk, as well as complex carbohydrates.
  • Meat. To increase the protein content in milk, a nursing mother needs to eat turkey, chicken, and lean veal.
  • Spinach and beet tops. Vitamin C and iron contained in leafy vegetables help restore lactation in anemia.
  • Carrot. This root vegetable contains beta-carotene, which speeds up the production of mother's milk and improves its taste.
  • Apricot. Potassium in the fruit works as a metabolism stimulant.
  • Fatty fish. Salmon, mackerel, salmon enrich the mother's body with Omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
  • Garlic. Just 1-2 slices of the spicy vegetable per day will increase lactation by 5%. To reduce the intensity of the odor, you can add garlic to stews or soups.
  • Nuts. Particularly effective for lactation are those saturated with Omega-3 fats.
  • Cow's milk. It contains a special secretion called iga, which forms antibodies that are useful for the baby’s intestines.
  • Black . It not only stimulates the production of breast milk, but also saturates it with calcium.
  • Dill and basil. Fragrant greens contain a lot of lactogenic substances and vitamin C.

Some drinks also increase the secretion of breast milk - barley decoction, coconut water, artificial coffee made from chicory or dandelion roots.

The lack of fat in a baby's diet affects, first of all, its growth and development. But it is not so much the quantity as the type of fatty acids that is important. Poly- and monounsaturated fats help absorb vitamins and proteins, which accelerate cell division in a growing body.

A mother's diet cannot affect the fat content of breast milk, but it can determine the type of substances that are passed on to the baby. Here are the most valuable fatty acids that should be included in the menu of a nursing woman:

  • Omega-3. These organic substances stimulate the growth of the child’s muscle mass, accelerate the development of the brain and retina, and strengthen the immune system. Omega-3 fats can be obtained from walnuts, flax seeds, soybeans and fatty fish. You should eat 2-3 dishes from these products per week.
  • Omega-6. They promote brain cell division. Large amounts of Omega-6 are found in sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and olive oil.
  • Monounsaturated fats. They lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and are responsible for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Monounsaturated fats are found in poultry, avocados, nuts, peanut oil and olive oil.

To increase the nutritional value of milk, it is useful for mom to drink special drinks - for example, milkshakes with protein powder and hot tea with walnuts and condensed milk without sugar.

What foods should you not eat while breastfeeding?

Modern doctors believe that a nursing mother should not limit her diet to strict limits. You can eat everything that a woman is used to, the main thing is that the calorie content of the diet is 3200 - 3500 kcal per day. However, there are a number of products that are extremely harmful for lactation:

  • Alcohol. Ethyl alcohol quickly passes from the mother's blood into breast milk. It produces a dangerous effect on all organs and systems of the baby, but especially on the brain and digestive tract.
  • Caffeine. It overstimulates the baby's nervous system, causing insomnia, unreasonable crying and even convulsions. Therefore, coffee and chocolate are excluded from the menu in the first 4 months, and then consumed no more than once a day, in the intervals between feedings.
  • Parsley, mint, sage. These herbs have the property of reducing lactation. They can help with hypersecretion when breast milk is in excess.
  • Certain varieties of fish. The meat of shark, mackerel, eel and dorado concentrates mercury, which is toxic to children.

Several more products are considered conditionally harmful - they cause negative consequences only in certain cases. Among them:

  • Hot spices. Mustard, horseradish, and red pepper bother some babies. If a woman often used hot spices while pregnant, the baby does not show negative reactions.
  • Garlic. The aromatic vegetable enhances the production of breast milk, but gives it a unique smell and taste. It does not affect children whose mothers ate garlic frequently during pregnancy.
  • Potential allergens. This group includes eggs, nuts, citrus fruits, fish, soy, dairy products, and gluten from cereals. They should be excluded from the diet if, 12-24 hours after feeding, the baby shows allergy symptoms - runny nose, cough and skin rash. Allergies are also indicated by colic, diarrhea, gas and vomiting. If the child tolerates the products normally, the mother can consume them in moderation - 2-3 times a week.

Herbal remedies - leaves, fruits and seeds of medicinal plants - help to enhance milk production. Here are 5 proven remedies:

  • Cocktail with sesame seeds. For it, mix a glass of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of black sesame, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 0.5 tsp. cinnamon powder. Drink once a day, preferably in the morning.
  • Caraway infusion. Rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus, cumin grains accelerate metabolic processes. For infusion 2 tbsp. spoons of seeds are brewed with a glass of boiling water, poured into a thermos and left overnight. The strained infusion is drunk 6 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Raspberry leaf tea. Raspberry leaf contains high levels of iron and vitamin C, which accelerate the synthesis of lactogenic hormones. 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh or dry leaves are brewed with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, drink 0.5 cups 3-5 times a day.
  • Nut smoothie. It is prepared from 200 g of chopped walnuts and 0.5 liters of boiling milk. The ingredients are combined in a thermos and left for 4 hours. The finished smoothie is filtered through cheesecloth and drunk half an hour before each feeding.
  • Fenugreek decoction. The seeds of this plant contain a lot of phytoestrogens that stimulate lactation. To obtain a healing remedy, pour 2 teaspoons of grains into a glass of cold water, leave for 3 hours, then boil for 10 minutes in a water bath. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day along with seeds.

Ordinary culinary dishes also help improve lactation - chicken soup with barley, beet salad, oatmeal with dried fruits.

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