What does a dandelion tattoo mean? Dandelion tattoo meaning or what does a dandelion tattoo mean? What does a dandelion symbolize in a tattoo?

Tattoos do not lose their relevance, because all designs carry a certain charge and secret meaning. You need to choose an image carefully, because some symbols can influence a person’s fate. In ancient times, tattoos were worn by shamans and healers. Dandelion is a delicate and light flower, which tends to crumble even with a slight blow of wind. In Christianity, the weed is considered a sign of the Passion of Christ. Artists from Holland often used the weed as part of the decoration in paintings of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. With a historical background, the plant symbolizes bitterness and impotence.

The image of the flower is often associated with cooking and medicine, because for many years it was considered medicinal. Therefore, due to its healing properties, people gave themselves tattoos with dandelion. In the culinary field, everything is a little more complicated, because the weed has a pronounced bitterness and unpleasant taste.

Those who dream of becoming famous and becoming a famous chef need to get a dandelion tattoo. In the Victorian era, such a design was endowed with the ability to fulfill even the most cherished desires.

In other cultures it meant sorrow. The tattoo is most often applied in black, although this depends on the wishes of the client.

The guys

Dandelion tattoos are popular among the male population, as well as among the female population. This pattern is often chosen by proactive people who are looking for themselves and cannot sit in one place for a long time. The plant can make its way through even a small crack in the asphalt and survive in harsh conditions.

The meaning of a dandelion tattoo for men is a great desire for life and overcoming any obstacles. Due to the fact that the flower can take root anywhere, a tattoo with its image is often associated with stubbornness and perseverance. Dandelion is considered a symbol of military personnel, because they, like the seeds of a plant, visit many places, stay for a while and set off again.

For girls

Applying the image of a dandelion to the body on the fair sex means some kind of love frivolity or flirting. A tattoo with this plant is a symbol of tenderness and romantic nature. Birds flying away from the flower show attachment to the freedom of the owner of such a tattoo. Basically, girls and women apply the design to the shoulder and back area.

When choosing the most realistic image possible, standard colors are followed, but for those who want to stand out from the crowd, it is worth paying attention to purple and pink shades.

The plant is also called “flower of the sun” due to its shape and rich color. Even while radiating fun, the drawing conveys fragility, innocence and feminine chastity.

Value on the "Zone"

In places of deprivation of liberty, it is not uncommon to get tattoos with dandelions. Basically, the picture shows a faded plant without yellow petals and a fluffy crown. Such a tattoo denotes bitterness and sadness for days gone by, because a person feels that life has passed and all the good things are left in the past.

Floral motifs have been popular in all centuries. They were used in ornaments, embroidery, room decoration, and painting. People even came up with a symbolic meaning for almost every flower. Naturally, tattoo culture is also not without a floral theme.

Today we will talk about dandelions. In recent years, these cute and familiar flowers have become almost as popular as roses or peonies. One of the most frequently implemented ideas is a dandelion tattoo with birds. Usually a dandelion is depicted, whose seeds scatter due to a gust of wind and rush upward, turning into birds.

This picture looks sublime and peaceful.

The meaning of a dandelion tattoo can be different, it all depends on what period of its life cycle a flower is depicted.

Symbolism and folk beliefs

In the Christian tradition, this flower is considered a symbol of grief and sorrow. However, pre-Christian ideas about it are radically opposite. The bright yellow dandelion was associated with the sun, warmth, light and the happiness it gives. Based on this, the designation of a dandelion tattoo may well come down to the cheerfulness of its wearer.

This flower was often used to prepare medicinal mixtures; many legends and folk signs are associated with it. For example, our ancestors believed that dandelion could protect against the evil eye and other troubles of supernatural origin. Flowers were placed near children's beds, and amulets were made from them, which were designed to attract good luck and fulfill wishes.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that this flower gives good health, brings money and protects from troubles. That is, a dandelion tattoo on the arm, for example, can serve as a protective amulet.

Previously, the root of this plant was often placed under the bed of newlyweds. It was believed that this would make the union strong and ensure the conception of healthy children. In general, our ancestors did a lot of things with dandelions: they made amulets, brewed love potions, and told fortunes. It was also believed that seeing this flower in a dream is one of the most auspicious signs.

Some traditions and signs associated with dandelions are still alive today. Everyone, probably in childhood, picked a dandelion, made a wish and blew on it as hard as they could. If after this there were no seeds left on the flower, happiness knew no bounds, because this meant that the wish would certainly come true.

Dandelion Tattoos

So, let's talk in more detail about what a dandelion tattoo means:

  • Playfulness and coquetry. Since this flower is considered an exclusively female symbol, a representative of the fair sex who, for example, decided to get a dandelion tattoo on her arm, wants to emphasize the ease with which she approaches life.
  • Perseverance. Dandelion is essentially a weed. Its seeds can take root in almost any soil, and if the flower has already sprouted, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it.
  • Cheerfulness. Bright yellow dandelion is a symbol of joy and happiness. This tattoo is suitable for people for whom life’s adversities are just temporary difficulties that cannot plunge them into sadness and despondency.
  • The frailty of existence. Seeds scattered by the wind can symbolize the transience of life, the perishability of all things. This tattoo is suitable for romantic people prone to melancholic moods.

Questions of color and style

Colored watercolor works can look really luxurious. A dandelion tattoo on the back, side or thigh, made like a real large-scale watercolor painting, will emphasize the romance and expressiveness of its owner. Works in this style evoke fond memories from childhood, when we first experimented with paints.

A small bright dandelion tattoo on the leg or wrist will look original and very elegant.
Works in the dotwork style look interesting and extraordinary. Scattering flower seeds in this design seem even lighter and airier.

I was
I became -
like a cloud

S. Pshenichnykh

“Dandelions bloom along large roads, along small forest paths, in wide green meadows, even at the very thresholds of village houses. Everyone knows these simple flowers that look like a small sun with golden ray petals. Dandelions bloom all summer, and their ripened seeds are collected in a light fluffy ball. If you blow on the ball, light, flying seeds will float and fly in the air. That’s why the flower is called “dandelion,” as I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov introduces readers to these flowers in his stories.

Photo by Yu. Churilova

Photo by A. Salkutsan

The encyclopedia gives the Latin name for dandelion - “Taraxacum”, which refers to a type of medicinal plant. And they began to call it dandelion from the verbs “to blow” or “to blow.” Popularly, this yellow flower is called puffy flower, milkweed, milkweed, air flower, butter flower, gredunitsa, Jewish cap and Russian chicory. The English name "dandelion" was borrowed from the French and literally translated as "lion's tooth" due to the shape of the rough-toothed leaves.

Bell with dandelions. Author Mila Arkhipova. Collection of Yu. Churilova

In our flower calendar, the dandelion will be the flower of July, although it pleases with its beauty almost from April until September. All sunny day we can admire dandelions; at sunrise, their petals begin to open, and in the evening, when the sun sets, the petals curl up and the flowers fall asleep.

Dandelions. Pereslavl-Zalessky. Photo by L. Franzek

There is an old legend why this happens: many, many years ago, the goddess of flowers descended to earth, she wandered through the fields, meadows, forests, and mountains in search of the most beautiful flower. And then in one park she met a red tulip and asked him: “Where would you like to live most?” “I would dream of living in the velvety grass in a meadow near an ancient castle,” answered the beautiful flower, “a princess would admire me and talk about my beauty every day.” The goddess looked sadly at the flower and turned to the rose. “And I would like to grow and climb along the wall of this castle, I need help and support,” answered the rose. The goddess of flowers got up and hurried into the forest, where she discovered a violet. She answered her: “I want to live in the forest away from prying eyes, the stream will cool my legs, and the tall trees will protect me from the bright sun.” Then she talked to the sunflower, but he only wanted to bask in the sun, with the orchid, who dreamed of dancing, with the daffodils, who did not even answer anything, as they were busy admiring themselves in the reflection of the water. The girl walked on the earth for a long time and one day, in a meadow, she met a strong and strong dandelion. Having asked the same question, she heard: “I would like to grow up where happy children run and play, it would be wonderful if on the way home they found me and gave me to their mothers. I would like to grow by the road, in the fields filled with bright sunlight, among the stones in the yard. The main thing is to bring joy and happiness to people with the help of my bright yellow color.” The goddess of flowers was delighted, placing her hand on the curly head of the dandelion, she admitted that it had become her favorite flower. “You will bloom from spring to autumn, and you will become loved by all the children,” whispered the sorceress.

Bell with dandelion. Collection of I. Koltakova

Therefore, when dandelion flowers shine around with thousands of suns, your mood rises and you feel the joy of a sunny day.

The flower meaning of dandelion is that it is a gift for a loved one, bringing happiness and fidelity. And in the language of flowers, dandelions mean joy, smile and devotion.

Dandelion - not only beautiful flower, but also an amazing plant, you can make salad, jam, wine, coffee and even honey from it. Remember how Ray Bradbury described dandelion wine? - “Caught and bottled summer.” And thanks to its numerous healing properties, dandelion is also called the “solar pharmacy.”

We bet you didn't know that:

  • . Dandelion is the only flower that represents three celestial bodies. The yellow flower symbolizes the sun, the white fluffy ball symbolizes the moon, and the seeds symbolize the stars;
  • . You can tell fortunes about your beloved not only using daisies. It is enough to blow strongly on the lush white ball of a dandelion, and if you blow away all the seeds, then you love and are loved with all your heart, if a few seeds remain, then it means there is a rival or lover on the side, if most of the seeds remain, then love and it wasn't at all;
  • . dandelion, for its inexhaustible life-giving power, was called the “elixir of life”, “grandmother’s grass”;
  • . one dandelion inflorescence produces up to 200 seeds, and the entire plant - up to three thousand;
  • . Goethe was a big fan of dandelion salad.

The fact is that a tattoo with the image of a dandelion initially cannot be considered as a serious symbol. Such tattoos are usually tattooed for aesthetic reasons by people who move through life easily. They say about such people that they fly on the wings of fate. We can say that owners of dandelion tattoos are carefree creative individuals who find joy and inspiration in a variety of things. And the dandelion tattoo is one of the creative tricks of such individuals in in a good way this word.

Such a tattoo should be considered as an original body decoration or a talisman for good luck. But you shouldn’t look deeper for the meaning of this tattoo, since the interpretation of the symbol can be very contradictory. For example, for Christian culture, dandelion is a symbol of the torment that Jesus experienced when he carried the cross to Calvary. But don’t panic right away - dandelion has other interpretations, such as:

But, as we have already said, you can come up with a composition with dandelion yourself and give it your own philosophical definition.

Places and ideas

Where to get a dandelion tattoo? Considering that such tattoos are mostly done by girls, we offer such original locations as:

  • Forearm and shoulder;
  • Inner side of wrist;
  • Calf muscle area;
  • Back;
  • Small of the back.

The floral theme is surprisingly diverse, so it makes sense to display entire bouquets of wildflowers on the body. Today, with the rise of ethno-culture, such tattoos look especially authentic.

Another current idea is to apply a tattoo in the form of an entwining wreath. These tattoos will look cool around the neck, on the wrist or behind the ear. Take this idea to heart!


Alas, stars do not favor dandelion tattoos. They prefer anything - crowns, scorpions and even the names of pets - but everyone flatly refuses to get a dandelion tattoo. All except for American singer Jenna Ashkowitz.

Tattoo on hand, watercolor photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BfDajQShl6r/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

The romantic dandelion has received a well-deserved place among the symbolism of tattoos. It personifies childhood dreams, bright thoughts and the desire for joy. The shape of the flower head during the ripening period is a regular circle.

The rest of the plant consists of lines. The flower is suitable for creating a beautiful composition. When you look at the fluffy head of a dandelion, bright associations and positive emotions are born in your soul.

Dandelion tattoo meaning

For some, a dandelion tattoo is a symbol of childhood, which will always be in our souls. Others perceive him as an image of bright changes. Most people associate the flower with positive emotions.

Hundreds of variations have been created on the theme of the flower. For example, the meaning comes from finding your place in life. Full head means creative person doing what he loves. The second interpretation is the preservation of warm memories associated with childhood.

Colored flying umbrella heads mature flower denote rainbow emotions, the joy of life. The flying away dandelion seeds are associated with the sharing of love and happiness with the surrounding World.

For the tattoo wearer, life is woven from many bright events that make him a full-fledged person. A tattoo brings pleasure and joy; it is tattooed by people with an optimistic character.

Dandelion tattoo meaning for girls and men

For girls, a blossoming dandelion signifies the blossoming of youth. A lush corolla of golden petals symbolizes inspiration, happiness and self-realization. A flower reaching towards the sun is associated with the ascension of the spirit, the conquest of creative heights.

A man stuffs a ripe dandelion with scattering seeds on his body. What a tattoo means is up to each individual to decide. Most often, this flower is assigned the meaning of rebirth or achievement of moral maturity.

The drawing is filled with philosophical meaning. The carrier has realized himself as an adult individual but does not part with childhood. Thus, he is a fully developed personality. This is a person who lives according to the principle of achieving happiness as the highest good.

A special place among interpretations from the cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog.” An animal holding a dandelion in its paws symbolizes the search for oneself. It can be depicted with a blossoming flower or a round cap of not yet ripened seeds. If the fluff flies away, the person has achieved his goal of finding the meaning of life.

Image options

The most popular and original tattoo is a dandelion with birds. A skilled craftsman will create a unique composition with colorful effects. Birds and flying fluff will be inscribed in the muscular relief, complementing the image of a vulnerable and spiritualized personality.

Dandelion is combined with objects:

  • butterfly, dragonfly;
  • leaves, bird feathers;
  • oriental patterns;
  • strokes and strokes of paint;
  • sky background with clouds;
  • curls and ribbons;
  • kitty;
  • full moon;

You can clarify the meaning of dandelion through. In this case, the lettering and second techniques chosen for the dandelion drawing will be combined. The master's job is to express the message as emotionally as possible.

The drawing technique and the layout of the image are related to the purpose for which the tattoo is made. If the owner wants to emphasize and enhance memories of childhood, the drawing is best done in the techniques of watercolor, graphics, and realism.

Delivering a specific message is best done through monochromatic work. You can decorate the body using any technique, complementing the design with color and additional elements.

Place of application

A dandelion tattoo looks equally attractive on the arm, leg or side. The plant seems to be created for application to the skin. The colorful effect of flying fluff can be arranged in any pattern in an upward or downward direction. At the same time, the airy effect will be maintained.

The wrist serves as the ideal place to create a compact and charming design. A blossoming dandelion will suit the image of a gentle girl and a romantic young guy. Even on the hand of a mature man, the image is transformed, emphasizing the dreamy nature of the owner.

  • Tattoo on shoulder

  • Side tattoo, black and white style

  • Tattoo on shoulder blade, watercolor

  • Tattoo on shoulder
  • Tattoo on shoulder

  • Tattoo on leg
  • Dandelion and birds tattoo, shoulder

  • Hedgehog and dandelion tattoo

  • Tattoo on the lower leg, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BQlozuVAmar/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

  • Tattoo on the forearm, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bc7xYVcB7zH/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

The work done on the forearm looks beautiful. The composition can be placed in 3 positions: horizontally, vertically and along an oblique line. Flying fluff turning into silhouettes of birds is stuffed along the shoulder line from the shoulder blade area. Similar work is done on the ankle.

Dandelion can be stuffed along the lumbar area with transition to the ribs. Miniature works are stuffed on the neck, base of the neck and above the chest. The wildcard can be used for . Among tattoo artists, the sign is considered the best for such work.

A sketch of a dandelion tattoo will look elegant if done with light lines. The line art or dotwork method is ideal for this type of work. Blurred silhouettes with colorful strokes are best done using watercolor techniques. Realistic compositions copied from photographs are performed in realism.

The plant will bring good luck and bring in updraft energies if the fluff of the plants flies upward. A cap of light fluff scattered around the head will create a space-filling effect.

It is better to build such a composition in spacious areas. The perception of the feeling of movement will depend on the direction of the flying fluff. It can be directed in a spiral or linearly in one direction.

Video - dandelion tattoo

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