Topics for debate and discussion. The most interesting topics for discussion. How to Suggest an Interesting Topic for Conversation List of Discussion Topics

Choosing a topic for a blog is perhaps the most crucial moment in the fate of those who decide to try their hand at conquering the Internet. It is obvious that covering unpopular and less relevant topics will never lead to success and fame on the Internet. How to determine the most popular topics for a blog, concentrate on information in search of which thousands of users will come to your site? This is the question that will be answered in this review.

To determine the top topics for a blog, you shouldn’t “reinvent the wheel.” Search giants have long developed convenient tools for analyzing the popularity of queries, words and topics. Google has KeywordPlanner - powerful tool with wide possibilities.

A direct “competitor” from Yandex is a tool called Wordstat - easy to use, understandable and convenient. Since we assume that the reader can take his first steps in mastering the blogosphere, we will analyze the popularity of blog topics using the example of working with Wordstat. In our opinion, it is easier to use. Which of these two tools to use in the future is, of course, up to you to decide. Of the obvious advantages of Google Keyplanner: if you are going to create a blog on English, then it is much better suited for analyzing foreign requests. Yandex is popular among Russian-speaking users; the rest of the world is still more likely to give preference to Google :)

Let us finally get to the heart of the matter. Next, we will present examples of word analysis in Yandex.Wordstat with query frequency. By what criteria were these examples included in this review? It is necessary to understand that for the long-term development of a site, it needs a “reserve” in the number of visits. Therefore, the following are words from queries for which the viewing statistics reach several million monthly, as well as their derivatives.

The most popular blog topics: reviews, ratings and list articles

List articles are constantly popular among users. They help you make a choice and consider alternative options. Such articles include various “Tops”, ratings, and comparisons.

Example of search frequency for the word “Top”:

If you suddenly decide to compete with Kinopoisk, then you may well choose the subtopic “Top films” :) A potential reserve of 600 thousand monthly visitors is an indicator of a very, very successful site. Considering that the film industry produces films, TV series and other products in incredible quantities, there will be a lot of ideas for various rating articles, such as “Top 10 films in the noir genre” or “The best TV series of the 90s”.

Recipes are a great choice for a blog topic.

The request “Recipes” is addressed to Yandex more than 29.5 million times per month. This niche is incredibly popular even in narrower areas:

For example, an “Easy Recipes Blog” could ideally get 1.8 million monthly visits. But seriously, this topic for a blog is really very attractive. Firstly, here you can not limit yourself only to text articles - you can also develop a video blog. Of course, you will have to be in a fierce competition mode, but on the Internet now there is no other way.

Popular topics on the Internet: health

Popular blog topics cannot be considered without the topic “Health” - it is always relevant. Given the love of the Russian-speaking Internet audience for “self-diagnosis,” requests for certain aspects of health will definitely not decrease in the coming years.

If a blog is created for the purpose of monetization, then the topic of health should definitely be highlighted as one of the most profitable. Even with not the most significant traffic, such sites, filled with quality content and having a user-friendly interface, can bring good income to their owner. Again, this topic for a blog is quite realistic to implement in video format.

Popular blog topics: travel is always in demand

The “travel” theme is also very convenient for combining different formats - be it a video blog or the usual articles and reviews with illustrations.

The “travel” niche is quite capacious. The main thing here is not to force yourself into a narrow framework, thereby limiting the audience. If you start a blog about travel around Buryatia, it obviously won’t get as many visitors as a broader area such as “travel around Russia” could. This requires a detailed analysis of narrower areas, be careful with this.

Popular blog topics: humor

Users spend a significant amount of time on the Internet for entertainment. Everyone wants to cheer themselves up - with funny pictures, funny videos, witty quotes.

Due to the popularity of this Internet niche, you need to be mentally prepared for very tough competition - with content from social networks, with already known and authoritative ones.

Considering popular topics for a blog and focusing on entertaining and humorous topics, you can focus on something “core” (for example, humorous congratulations, jokes for BD), or act comprehensively (in this case you will have to generate very large number content!).

Go for it - who knows, maybe a new adme or Pikabu will soon appear on the RuNet, only with even more original, fresh and interesting content :)

Politics is an “extreme” topic for a blog

Eternally alive, and most importantly - a widely popular popular topic for a blog, in which it is very important to be “on the cutting edge”. Those. have time to release up-to-date information whose content does not fall under the description of extremist or offending the feelings of anyone.

The competition in this media field is very serious, you will need to put in a lot of effort to ensure that your blog earns a certain weight and authority. On the other hand, examples of video blogs of very mediocre quality and content on Youtube demonstrate the opposite: even “knocked together” videos that touch on topics that resonate in the minds of viewers become popular. However, if such a blog/video blog is made for the sake of making money, you will have to “sweat” here: there is not so much targeted advertising on political issues, you will need to work hard on the “visitor portrait” and attracting sponsors. Well, if you just decided to become a “mouthpiece of the truth” and think that money doesn’t buy happiness, go for it! And, of course, may you have the strength to resist the hordes of political bots if they suddenly decide to take a liking to the comments on your blog :)

Reviews - Popular Blog Topics

Reviews are another bottomless niche on the Internet. People will always be interested in knowing someone’s opinion about a game or movie, seeing how a popular gadget actually works, which car is worth buying for 500 thousand, and which ones are worth driving around for a kilometer, etc.

Please note: if you are going to create a review blog “about everything”, it will be quite difficult to “build” your audience. It is necessary to look, as in the topics discussed earlier, for a more specific direction, analyze its popularity and develop it directly. For example, “game review” can potentially bring more than 100,000 monthly visitors from Yandex alone. And if we remember the wild popularity of gaming video blogs on YouTube, it becomes even more obvious that even this “niche” topic has inexhaustible potential. The same can be said about smartphone reviews – both in the format of regular text blogs and in video versions. Your goal when choosing a “review” topic for blogs is to analyze its relevance and degree of relevance over a long period of time. Well, when it comes to monetization, reviews are perhaps the most profitable area.

Beauty is a topic for a popular beauty blog

The topic of beauty is another “imperishable” topic that clearly will not lose its relevance over a long period of time. The standards of beauty, ways of maintaining this very beauty, self-care, etc. are changing.

When choosing this popular topic for a blog, you won’t have to limit your flight of imagination – there will always be plenty of ideas for reviews. The topic of beauty fits well into any format - both a text review blog with media inserts, and a full-fledged beauty video blog (this area is one of the most visited on Youtube). Excellent monetization, which is also important point for those who consider creating a blog not only as a means of self-expression, but also a resource for earning money.

There is probably no point in further listing potentially popular topics for blogging - we are sure that our readers have already understood the “scheme”: using a keyword analyzer, we select something to suit your taste :)

However, a couple more tips for novice bloggers should still be given. These tips will cover those topics that are exactly no need choose.

News blog is not a good idea

Yes, news is one of the hottest types of content on the Internet. Absolutely everyone reads the news.

But the problem with such content is that it is “perishable.” If you are just starting your journey in blogging, you simply will not keep up with current events: while search engines “walk” through your site, index the content and show you in the search results, the news may lose relevance and become of no interest to anyone. This means there will be no visits. Another point is that you will have to produce a lot of news content. So many. And regularly. Only in this case will you be able to get regular, and not random, readers, who will delight you with stable visitor statistics. And one blogger is unlikely to cope with such a task. What is needed here is a team of writers capable of covering various news agendas, filling out sections and doing all this in a high-quality and interesting way. It is quite possible that you are ready to “take this burden” onto your shoulders and try to create a successful news project on your own. But don’t say later that we didn’t warn you :)

“About my beloved self” is an excellent topic for an unpopular blog

If you are not a media person with 5 thousand followers on social networks, if your Instagram is not “liked” to pieces, then the idea of ​​​​creating a blog about your life needs to be carefully analyzed. Should you tell the world how you live day after day? Will it be interesting to read, and in the case of a video blog, will it make a spectacular show? No, on video hosting sites you can actually find a lot of content in the style of “Here I woke up, here I am having breakfast, and here I am walking down the street...”. But who is watching this? For the most part, such videos are unbearably boring and only make you want to freeze for a long time in the “facepalm” position. Are you sure you won’t evoke exactly the same desires? Of course, you can take risks. And there is a certain chance that this will make you popular. “But this is not certain,” as one famous video blogger likes to say :)

A “hype” topic that you don’t understand at all

The Internet is littered with content created by people with a clear lack of competence in the topics they address. They are also called “rewriters”. Just kidding, not all rewriters and copywriters write meaningless texts. But some are guilty of this... The fact is that on the Internet, thanks to the algorithms of search engines, the main emphasis is on the uniqueness of the content, and not its content (this, of course, is also evaluated, but is not a priority). This is how articles on the topic of blockchain appear, written by housewives and humanitarians sitting in maternity leave(this is a general example, we ask housewives in the humanities who understand blockchain and are reading us now, not to be offended :)).

When choosing popular topics for your blog, try to choose one in which you have some knowledge. Well, or, at least, you should have a desire to understand this topic well. Then there is a chance that, gradually mastering your chosen topic, you will bring invaluable benefits to your readers or viewers.

Dear readers, we wish you to become successful, prosperous bloggers who love the work they do!

Article Popular blog topics – how to choose the one that will “pop” was modified: November 12, 2019 by Netobserver

All the topics for conversation have run out, and you don’t know what to talk about now with the guy you like? When dating, how can you find a topic that will be of interest to both? In fact, it’s easy to find common ground with a stranger! And we will tell you how to do it. In addition, you will find here a list of universal topics for conversation with any guy at the first meeting, and you will learn how to properly maintain a conversation and what it is better to remain silent about.

How often have you seen girls who are able to practically carry on a conversation with a complete stranger, who know how to listen and ask the right questions? There are few of them, because the ability to conduct a conversation is a complex art that can be learned throughout your life. A beginner immediately has many questions. What to talk about with guys? Which topics to choose? What should not be discussed?

The first thing to think about is the topic of conversation. But how to choose it if you practically don’t know the interlocutor? A great chance to find out more about a guy is to ask him directly about his hobbies. Perhaps your passions will coincide.

Here's what you should unobtrusively ask him at the first meeting:

  1. what he does in his free time, his interests, hobbies;
  2. favorite movie, book;
  3. how he spends his time more often - hanging out at clubs with friends, or prefers a relaxing holiday at home;
  4. what are your plans for the future;
  5. you can ask if he has ever committed crazy, rash acts;
  6. where he likes to spend his holidays/holidays.

It is quite possible that already at this stage you will find several points of common interest.

Universal topics for conversation with any guy

If there is no intersection of interests, don’t be upset, there are several win-win topics of conversation that are suitable for communicating with any guys. These are the topics:

  1. Sport. What kind of sport does he do? Does he go to a gym, fitness club, or swimming pool? Does it lead healthy image life?
  2. His family, relatives and friends. Are there any brothers and sisters? Favorite uncles and aunts? Who does he get along with best? Perhaps he will tell a few interesting stories from my childhood. You will be able to tell something about your childhood. This brings people together very well.
  3. Animals. Does he have any pets? If not, does he dream of having someone?
  4. Technique. Many guys are interested in technology and are well versed in electronic innovations. You can ask for advice, help in choosing a new phone, setting up a computer, etc.
  5. Gastronomic preferences. All guys love to eat, and this can and should be taken advantage of.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

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Another inexhaustible topic for conversation with any guy is latest news and events in your city. Here are some examples:

  • new movies;
  • theatrical premieres;
  • concerts held in your city;
  • music festivals;
  • sporting events.
  • latest news;
  • discussion of interesting places you have visited;
  • trendy nightclubs;
  • beaches;
  • parties.

When talking with a guy, don’t forget about the ability to listen to your interlocutor. You shouldn’t exclaim after every phrase: “It can’t be”, “Wow!”, “Cool!” Such “clichéd” cries often sound forced. Try to listen calmly and very carefully to your interlocutor, you can ask relevant questions.

This should be avoided

Obviously, you cannot continue the conversation on a topic if you see that the man is not interested in it.

In addition, there are so-called “forbidden topics”. Discussion of them is undesirable if the guy is not your friend. These are the topics:

  1. His and your past relationships. The main danger of such conversations is comparison of former and current relationships, which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste and hurts pride. You should not touch on this topic, especially if you practically do not know your interlocutor;
  2. His failures. Guys take any troubles very hard: failures at work, losses in sports competitions - they perceive them very painfully. Talking about past troubles affects self-esteem. In such a situation, it is better to switch his attention to something positive;
  3. Bad habits, weaknesses. If you start discussing his bad habits in a negative way, he will perceive it as a gross interference in his life. This topic should not be brought up at the very beginning of a relationship. In the future, when you become closer, you can return to this.
Additionally, bad topics are:
  • Policy
  • Religion
  • Nationalism

Your views on these topics may differ significantly, so these topics should be avoided at first.

In general, if you are on a first date with a guy, it is better to talk about something fun and positive. It is better to leave too serious topics for conversation for later.

There are a few more in this video useful tips:

Finding an interesting general topic for conversation is half the success; the conversation still needs to be skillfully conducted. Here are some helpful tips for keeping the conversation going:

Many girls make mistakes when communicating with guys. Here are the most common ones:

  • Talk about several things at once. You should not quickly and often “jump” from topic to topic. This will tire the interlocutor. Focus on one thing at a time.
  • Interruption. Many girls make this mistake, trying to make the conversation more “live,” but guys perceive this behavior as aggression. You need to learn to listen.
  • Conversation in hints. This is a “feminine” way of having a conversation. If you want to make a good impression, speak directly. Hints are perceived as a way of manipulation.
  • Don't complain. No need to complain right away bad life, lack of finances, bad friends, neighbors. Such behavior can cause pity. It's much more pleasant to communicate with positive person. Focus on your achievements and successes.

Do you want to be an interesting conversationalist? What to talk about with a girl, friends or a stranger? Random questions to help you have an interesting conversation with anyone. Interesting topics for a passionate conversation.

Running out of topics to talk about? They say that silence is golden. But this is the only gold that girls don't like. Sometimes we don’t know what to talk to a person about, and silence is annoying. Here is a list of topics and questions that you can ask your interlocutor. They are great for face-to-face communication, over the phone, and even online. An interesting and exciting conversation is guaranteed. Keep a list of “things to talk about or chat about” so you don’t rack your brains later.

Interesting topics for conversation with your interlocutor

1. How would you spend a million or 100 million dollars?

2. Which country would you like to visit?

3. What's your craziest thing?

4. What is the most interesting, spicy or scary dream you've ever had?

5. Who did you want to be in childhood, youth and now?

6. What is your favorite quote?

7. What ridiculous thoughts came to mind?

8. What makes you happy?

9. When was the last time you laughed or had fun?

10. What is your strangest habit?

11. What job would you never be able to work as?

12. If you won the lottery, what would you buy first?

13. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in life?

14. What animal would you like to be?

15. Favorite color and why?

16. How often do you feel nostalgic for your childhood?

17. What is your biggest regret in life?

18. What does no one know about you?

19. How would you like to become famous?

20. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

21. What is your favorite and least favorite holiday?

22. Do you cry while watching movies and which one brought them to tears?

23. What is your favorite joke or story?

24. What is your first or most vivid memory from childhood?

25. What makes you most proud of yourself?

26. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

27. Who is your favorite and hated celebrity?

28. Who influenced you the most?

29. What is the last thing you did or bought just for yourself?

30. What would you like to learn?

31. What would you like to work with right now?

32. What do you do when you can’t sleep?

33. If you were immortal, what would you do right now?

34. What do you do alone?

35. What foreign language do you dream of learning?

36. What do you hate most about people?

37. In what era or country would you like to live?

38. Have you ever gotten into scrapes, fights or big troubles?

39. What is the most beautiful thing about you and what don’t you love?

40. What is your favorite movie?

42. Which song best describes you?

43. Do you believe in aliens, god or fate?

44. What skeletons do you have in your closet?

45. What do you like to eat most?

46. ​​What is the biggest fear in life?

47. What worries or angers you most in life?

48. What is the most beautiful and ugliest part of the human body?

49. What are yours last words this world?

50. What is your favorite animal?

51. What prank or action would you do if you didn’t have anything to do with it?

52. Who is your favorite star most like?

53. What color can the sky or sea be besides blue?

54. What is the most ridiculous or funny thing you have ever done in your life?

55. What would you like to leave behind in this world?

Which one best topic for conversations you know? What was the most interesting conversation you've ever had?

Our life. How to make it fun and enjoyable? For various reasons, not all people are able to start, develop and maintain a natural conversation. Especially if you have to talk with a stranger or someone you are in love with. What to do? There is only one way out - to learn the art of casual conversation. This article contains the most interesting topics and ideas for discussion that will help you navigate any situation and get maximum pleasure from communicating with people.

Start a conversation

For many people, this is the most difficult part of the conversation. Not knowing what to talk about, they begin to internally panic, become embarrassed and pronounce phrases out of place. To avoid this, first, calm down. Communication should be fun, not painful. In addition, your interlocutor may be no less embarrassed and try to come up with interesting topics for discussion in the same way.

The British say that the best opportunity to start a casual conversation is to discuss the weather. It sounds trivial, but in some cases it really helps overcome the feeling of awkwardness. As an option, you can attract the attention of your interlocutor to something happening nearby or outside the window (unusual clothes of a passerby, an interesting sign).

However, no one can guarantee that the other person will be interested in your remark. Therefore, it is better to act for sure. Most people are happy to share their opinions or talk about how they live. This will not only provide interesting topics for discussion, but will also make communication comfortable.

If you don't know the person well, ask:

  • about his attitude to any situation;
  • about what is connected with his life (where he was born, studied, worked, traveled; what was remembered in those places);
  • about children, if your interlocutor is a parent;
  • how he met the owners of the house (if you met at a party).

When talking to someone you haven't seen for a long time, ask:

  • what you did, what changed in your life during this time;
  • about family, children, work;
  • Have you seen mutual friends?

When talking with someone you see often (colleagues, fellow students, classmates), ask this person:

What is the most interesting thing to talk about with most people?

Find a common topic:

Good communication is impossible without genuine interest between the interlocutors in each other and in the topic of conversation. There won't be any problems between friends, but what about people you don't know well?

Be sincere

If you want to make a good impression on your interlocutor, you need to be sincere in what you are told about. Impeccable but cold manners and a forced smile are unlikely to win you over. Uncontrollable chatter - too; who likes to listen to a twenty-minute monologue without the opportunity to get a word in?

Make the person feel comfortable talking to you. Look for both of you interesting topics to discuss, be interested in the person’s opinion, and talk less about yourself and only when asked. You can alternate: a remark about your own affairs - a question to your interlocutor.

A good way to win sympathy is a compliment, but one made from the heart and not trivial.

Discuss current

If you don't know how to offer interesting topic for a conversation, think about what you would like to discuss with the person you are talking to. Sociable people will suggest a topic to you, all you have to do is support it with questions. With less talkative interlocutors, you can discuss current news (choosing something pleasant), new film releases, or something related to the situation (work, food, skills, a cute wardrobe item, etc.).

Interested in a question

You can use these or any other interesting questions for discussion, to learn something new about your interlocutor, and to make the conversation more unpredictable and exciting. Just don't use too many questions, as this will make the person feel awkward. The ideal option is to link the question to the topic currently being discussed. Start a conversation about something, and alternate questions to your interlocutor with small pieces of information about you.

Know the pitfalls

Which topics are best avoided:

  • illness;
  • bad habits;
  • diets;
  • troubles;
  • relationships, marriage, children (if you don’t know the person);
  • parents (what if the interlocutor has problems in the family?);
  • money matters;
  • religion, politics, sex and other “slippery” topics in which you can offend a person with a random remark.

Focus on your interlocutor

If you are communicating in a group, involve all participants in the conversation. Give interesting topics for discussion through questions and don’t get carried away by long monologues.

If you see that your interlocutor is bored, change the topic and remain silent for a while, allowing him to take the initiative. You should not be afraid of pauses in the conversation, because it would be much worse to say something stupid or offend a person with a thoughtless phrase. A short silence will help you relax and think through the further course of the conversation.

If you notice that a certain topic has aroused the interest of your interlocutor, remember it so that you can talk about it again next time. If a person, on the contrary, clearly didn’t like something or found it boring, take note not to raise this issue again.

Brief conclusions

The main thing in communication is genuine interest in the person you are talking to. In any situation, the most interesting topics for discussion boil down to the following:

And although communication is one of the most difficult activities in our lives, it can still be learned if you show sincere interest in what other people are talking about and what they want.

About what…. What to talk about? Yes about everything! Such an answer! Have you ever tried to talk about absolutely everything? There is nothing complicated in such conversations. All you need is a so-called “hook”.

  1. Listen to your interlocutor! See what topics he enjoys talking about.
  2. Don't interrupt whoever is speaking. Then you won't have to rack your brains about topics. The person who pours out his soul to you will himself “dissolve” in the topics of conversation.
  3. Remember what the person talked to you about before (if, of course, you have communicated before). And start “leaning” on old topics.

Didn't find anything great?

Didn’t see “interesting topics” in the tips?

Especially if you don't use a camera. “Invisibility” liberates people.

I met my husband on the Internet. It so happens that I am incredibly sociable, just like him. But since I found it... Even the conversational initiative was “attached” to me. I never fiddle with words, so I knew what to say and when. My habit is “questioning rain”. I added Stasik to Friends (in social network) and immediately started asking questions about many things. He probably got tired of me in the first seconds. But he didn’t admit it. What topics were covered?

Our first conversation was more like a very detailed questionnaire:

  1. How old are you?
  2. Who are you according to the Zodiac?
  3. What do you like to do in life?
  4. What do you like?
  5. Who do you work for?
  6. Is that you in the photo?
  7. Where are you from?
  8. Where do you live now?
  9. What nationality are your parents?
  10. Do you have a brother or sister?
  11. Where do you work?
  12. What are your food preferences?
  13. Do you have a favorite color?
  14. What kind of women (girls) do you like?
  15. What do you like to do on the Internet?
  16. How do you feel about coincidences?

I can continue listing the questions for a long time, but you will simply get bored reading them. Speak! And the theme will appear by itself!

How to find an interesting topic?

What if the interlocutor is very uncommunicative? Ask directly what the person would like to talk about. This way your time will be much more interesting.

Interesting topics of conversation are topics that will delight not only your soul, but also the souls of those with whom you like to talk. Do you find this or that topic unpleasant? This does not mean that the person next to you will have the same “feeling” for her. Try to support all topics, not just those that inspire you exclusively! This way, you will earn a positive reputation and a positive opinion about yourself.

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