Knit a sweater for a boy - fashionable patterns. Simple knitted blouse with a hood for a boy Children's knitted blouses for boys

A huge number of women simply love to knit children's things. If you are the mother of a wonderful baby and, like most modern women, know how to use knitting needles, we suggest you knit this simple, but at the same time very effective blouse with a hood for your son.

Boys' blouse

This pattern is knitted very simply and quickly, so knitting will not take much time. But by spring, your boy will have a fashionable sweater that his mother knitted. This product is complemented by a fairly voluminous hood and drawstring, which will give the look a sporty, casual style.


This jacket is suitable for a boy with a height of 104 to 110 centimeters.


Light green thread - 150 - 200 grams. Purple yarn - 1 skein of 50 grams. Remaining lilac and eggplant yarn - 25 grams each.

In addition, you will need knitting needles suitable for the thickness of the yarn you prefer. In this case, the product was knitted with knitting needles No. 3.5.


1. Elastic band 1x1 (alternate one knit stitch and one purl loop until the end of the row, and in the purl rows knit all loops according to the pattern)

2. Elastic band 2x2 (two knit loops and two purl loops).

3. Pattern for knitting a hood: alternate three rows knitted in stockinette stitch (all knitted rows should be knitted) and one row knitted in purl stitch.


First you need to make a small sample. To do this, you need to pick up twenty-four loops with knitting needles and knit thirty-four rows with a 2x2 rib pattern. As a result, you should get a square with sides ten by ten centimeters.


Cast on 90 stitches using light green thread. Purl six rows. Then proceed to making the diagram shown above. To do this, knit twice from the first to the thirty-second loop and once from the first to the twenty-fifth. When the jacket reaches a height of thirty centimeters, close the armholes with seven loops for the bevels. Continue knitting until the work reaches forty centimeters. Here you will need to close the middle seventeen loops for cutting out the back neckline, and you will finish the resulting two hangers separately. In order for the back neck to acquire a rounded shape, close two loops in each front row three times. At a height of forty-three centimeters from the beginning of knitting the back of the sweater, close the loops of the left and right shoulders. The back is ready.


The front of your baby's sweater is done in the same way as the back with minor changes. When the knitting reaches thirty centimeters, close both edges for bevels of the armholes of the blouse with 7 loops. At the same time, begin to separate the halves for the future lace. To do this, go to the middle of the work and knit two from the middle loop. Divide all the loops in your work in half, and finish the sides separately.

Now move on to working on the plank. To do this, make five loops from the center in a garter pattern using eggplant-colored yarn. In every fourth row it is necessary to make holes for the lace. The bar should be six centimeters in height. After this, proceed to knitting the front neckline. To do this, in each purl row of the proposed blouse pattern, close two loops with knitting needles six times. Close the remaining loops at a height of approximately forty-three centimeters from the beginning of knitting the front. Be sure to make sure that the resulting front and back pieces are the same length.


Using purple yarn, cast on forty-four stitches to make the sleeve of the blouse. The first three centimeters should be knitted with 1x1 elastic. Next, move on to knitting a 2x2 elastic band with green thread. Don't forget that the sleeve is constantly expanding slightly. In order to make these extensions, you will need to increase from two edges in every sixth row by one loop fifteen times. You will get seventy-four loops. The sleeve length will be thirty-five centimeters. After this, bind off all remaining loops.


First, sew the seams of the left and right shoulder. Now it's time to work on the hood. The favorite and easiest way to do it for most women is the following scheme: cast on ninety stitches with purple thread from the front side along the edge of the front and back necklines. Then you attach the loops that belong to the bar here.

On the placket you will continue knitting garter stitch. Of the forty-four loops of the back piece with a hood on the right and left, 5 loops each will need to be made according to pattern No. 2. The remaining loops related to the sides should be made with a pattern for the hood. When you approach the border of the back of the head with the side parts, you will need to add one loop four times in every fourth row. After working on the hood of a boy's sweater reaches sixteen centimeters, put aside side knitting and work only on the back of the head. Here you need to knit one loop in the front rows with the last loop of the right side. The same thing is repeated with the left side panel. When all the loops on the side parts of the hood are finished, make nine rows with a scarf pattern. Decrease 4 stitches evenly and attach the remaining plank loops to the work. Close all the loops.

All that remains is to finish the side seams of the front and back, as well as the sleeve seams. Most women make the lace with air loops. Insert the resulting lace into the holes on the slats. Before you go for a walk, be sure to steam or wash the blouse in slightly warm water with the addition of detergent for washing delicate fabrics. Washing will give your finished work completeness and even out the entire design. Dry horizontally on a terry towel.

A jacket or jumper with a hood can be worn in any weather, it is practical, comfortable, and if you choose a good pattern or knit an ornament, it will also be stylish and beautiful.

Jacket with jacquard pattern and hood

A cute sweater with large knitted soccer balls around the pockets is sure to please the avid soccer fan.


122/128 (134/140)


Yarn (96% cotton, 4% polyester; 160 m/50 g) - 350 (400) g blue, 100 g cornflower blue and 50 g gray; 1 pair each of straight and circular knitting needles No. 3,5 and 4; 6 blue buttons with a diameter of 20 mm.


Odd number of loops.
1st row: chrome, * knit 1, 1 p. slip with 1 yarn over, as in purl knitting, from * repeat, knit 1, chrome;
2nd row: chrome, * slip 1 p. with 1 yarn over, as in purl knitting, knit a loop with 1 yarn over together with the front one, from * repeat, remove 1 p. with 1 yarn over, as in purl knitting, chrome. ;
3rd row: chrome, * knit a loop with a double crochet together, remove 1 stitch with a double crochet, as in purl knitting, from * repeat, 1 stitch with a double crochet together with a knit stitch, chrome.
Start with the 1st row, then constantly repeat the 2nd and 3rd rows.


Knit in stockinette stitch according to a counted pattern, using several balls and when changing colors, cross the threads with each other on the wrong side to prevent holes from forming. Embroider gray lines according to the finished motif using a loop-to-loop stitch.

"TORJÄGER" INscription

Embroider on the finished product according to the counted pattern using a loop-to-loop stitch.


Emphasize subtract 2 points:
at the beginning of the row = chrome, 2 stitches of patent elastic and knit 3 stitches together with a tilt to the left (= remove 1 stitch, as in knitting, knit 2 stitches together, then pull the removed loop through the knitted ones);
at the end of the row = knit until the last 6 sts, then purl 2 sts together and return to the left knitting needle, then pull the next loop through the knitted ones and transfer it to the right knitting needle, 2 sts of patent elastic and edging.


22 p. x 35 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted in stockinette stitch with needles No. 4;
22 p. x 36 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a pearl pattern;
19 p. x 48 r. = 10 x 10 cm, tied with patent elastic.


On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 82 (90) loops with cornflower blue thread.
For the strap, knit 5 cm with blue thread using elastic band 1, while in the last purl row, evenly distributing, add 10 sts = 92 (100) sts.
Then switch to needles No. 4 and knit with a pearl pattern.
After 25.5 cm = 92 r. (29.5 cm = 106 r.) From the bar, close raglan bevels on both sides, 2 sts, then in every 2nd r. decrease 28 (31) x 1 p.
After 41.5 cm = 150 rub. (47 cm = 170 r.) close off the remaining 32 (34) sts from the bar.


On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 36 (40) loops with cornflower blue thread. For the strap, knit 5 cm with blue thread using elastic band 1, while in the last purl row, evenly distributing, add 8 sts = 44 (48) sts.
Then switch to needles No. 4 and continue knitting as follows: 40 sts of the “Soccer Ball” motif, 3 (7) sts with a pearl pattern with blue thread and edging.
After 4 cm = 14 r. (5.5 cm = 20 r.) From the placket, knit the first 21 (23) sts to enter the pocket, leave the remaining 23 (25) sts temporarily.
For the first 21 (23) p., additionally cast on 20 (22) p. for the burlap pocket with cornflower blue thread. On these 41 (45) p. knit 34 (38) p. in stockinette stitch, then leave all stitches temporarily. Take 23 (25) left loops again and also knit 34 (38) r. according to the pattern.

In the next right row, place 20 (22) sts of pocket burlap behind the working needle and knit 1 st from each knitting needle together.
Now again continue to knit directly on all 44 (48) stitches and, at the end of the “Soccer Ball” motif, knit all the loops with a blue thread in a pearl pattern.
After 25.5 cm = 92 r. (29.5 cm = 106 r.) From the bar, close raglan bevels along the right edge 2 p., then in every 2 r. decrease 26 (29) x 1 p.

At the same time after 36.5 cm = 132 r. (42 cm = 152 rubles) close 6 (7) stitches from the placket for the neckline along the left edge and close in every 2nd row to round the neck. another 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 p. After 40.5 cm = 146 r. (46 cm = 166 rubles) close the remaining 2 sts from the bar.


On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 45 stitches with cornflower blue thread. For the strap, knit with blue thread 5 cm with elastic band 1. Then switch to knitting needles No. 4 and continue knitting with a patent elastic band.
After 3 cm = 16 r. (4 cm = 20 rubles) from the bar, divide the work into 3 parts and continue knitting separately: leave the outer 11 stitches temporarily (= 1st and 3rd part), continue knitting on the middle 23 stitches with stockinette stitch, when add 1 chrome on both sides. = 25 p. At a height of 22 cm = 76 r. In stockinette stitch temporarily leave stitches. Now continue knitting the 1st part with a patent elastic band, with the last loop becoming an edge stitch.
At the same time, add sleeves for bevels along the right edge in the 23rd row. from the bar and again every 22nd r. 5 x 1 p. (alternately in every 16th and 18th p. 7 x 1 p.) according to the pattern.
After 25 cm = 120 rub. (26 cm = 124 r.) Temporarily leave loops from the bar. Continue the 3rd part symmetrically to the first.
Next, continue knitting on all 3 parts, while in the 1st row. knit edges adjacent to each other together. Continue knitting with a patent rib and continue making increases for the sleeve bevels.
After 30 cm = 146 rubles. (32 cm = 154 r.) From the bar, close the raglan bevels on both sides for 2 sts, then subtract emphatically in every 6th r. along the right edge 11 (12) times, along the left edge 10 (11) times, 2 p.
After 43.5 cm = 210 rub. (47 cm = 224 r.) from the bar, close for rounding along the left edge 4 p., then in every 2 r. close off another 1 x 3 and 2 x 2 sts.
After 45 cm = 218 rub. (48.5 cm = 232 rubles) from the bar, all loops will be used up.
Sew the middle part to the outer parts using a mattress stitch, then embroider the inscription on the middle 17 stitches.


On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 45 stitches with cornflower blue thread and knit for the placket with blue thread 5 cm with elastic band 1. Then switch to knitting needles No. 4 and continue knitting with a patent elastic band, while for the sleeve bevels add 23 p. 1 st from the bar on both sides and another in every 22nd p. 5 x 1 p. (alternately in every 16th and 18th p. 7 x 1 p.) according to the pattern = 57 (61) p.

After 30 cm = 146 rubles. (32 cm = 154 rubles) from the bar, close 2 stitches on both sides for raglan bevels, then in every 6th row. along the right edge 10 (11) x 2 p. and emphatically decrease along the left edge 11 (12) x 2 p. After 43.5 cm = 210 r. (47 cm = 244 rubles) close from the bar along the right edge to round 4 sts, then in every 2nd row. close another 1 x 3 p. and 2 x 2 p. After 45 cm = 218 r. (48.5 cm = 232 rubles) from the bar, all loops will be used up.


Embroider the “Soccer Ball” motif on both shelves and sew pocket burlap on the wrong side. Stretch the parts according to the dimensions indicated in the pattern and cover with a damp cloth and leave to dry. Sew raglan seams, side seams and sleeve seams.
For the hood, cast on circular needles No. 4 along the edge of the neckline with blue thread 79 (83) sts. Knit 1 purl row with elastic band 1, starting with the edge. and 1 purl, then knit with a patent elastic band. At the back, mark the middle 9 sts with a thread of a contrasting color.
To expand the hood, add 9 sts on both sides of the marked rows in every 6th r. 3 x 2 p., for this, in the front row, perform 1 yarn over, and in the purl row, knit 1 knit and 1 knit crossed = 91 (95) p.
Continue knitting straight and at a hood height of 24 cm = 116 r. (26 cm = 124 r.) Divide the loops in half and distribute them onto 2 knitting needles, close the middle loop. Place the knitting needles parallel to each other and, from the wrong side, knit together 1 stitch from each knitting needle and close them at the same time.
For the fastener straps, cast on circular needles No. 3.5 with blue thread along the sides of 101 (113) sts and along the edge of the hood - 110 (118) sts = 312 (344) sts. Knit with an elastic band 2, while in the 1st purl row start with chrome. and 2 purl.
At 4 p.m. (= front row) make 6 button holes on the left front placket as follows: knit 211 (235) sts, purl 2 sts together, 1 yarn over, knit 14 (18) sts, * purl 2 sts , 1 yarn over, knit 18 stitches, from * repeat 3 times, purl 2 stitches together, 1 yarn over, knit 3 (7) stitches. At a placket height of 3 cm, close all loops with cornflower blue thread. Sew buttons.

Pullover with hood and "Kitten" motif

An interesting pullover with a cat's face, knitted from fancy yarn. An interesting detail: a voluminous hood, decorated with a long braid imitating a cat's tail.


122/128 (134/140)


Yarn 1 (100% wool; 160 m/50 g) - 300 (350) g ​​sulfur;
yarn 2 (85% cotton, 15% polyamide; 150 m/50 g) - 50 g black and 50 g white; knitting needles No. 3,5 and 4; circular knitting needles No. 4, 60 cm long.


Knit according to the given pattern, each colored section from a separate ball. To prevent holes from forming in the knitted fabric when changing colors, cross the threads on the wrong side of the work.


21 p. x 29 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted in stockinette stitch using needles No. 4, yarn 1.


Using knitting needles No. 4, cast on 94 (102) sts crossed with double gray thread and knit for the bottom bar 3 cm = 10 r. with an elastic band. Continue working with stockinette stitch.
After 42 (46) cm = 124 (134) r. From the bottom bar, close the middle 30 stitches for the neckline and finish the left side first. To round the neck, close the inner edge in every 2nd r. 2 times 1 p. Then bind off the remaining 30 (34) shoulder p. in one row. Finish the second side symmetrically.


Perform the bottom bar as on the back. Continue the work using knitting needles No. 4, distributing the loops and thread colors as follows: 18 (22) stitches gray, 58 stitches according to the diagram, 18 (22) stitches gray. Having completed the pattern, knit in stockinette stitch with gray thread on all stitches.
After 37 (41) cm = 110 (120) r. From the bottom bar, close the middle 24 stitches for the neckline and finish the left side first. To round the neck, close the inner edge in every 2nd r. 4 times 1 p. and in the next 4 p. 1 more time 1 p. After 7 cm = 20 r. from the beginning of the neck, close off the remaining 30 (34) shoulder stitches in one row. Finish the second side symmetrically.


Using knitting needles No. 4, cast on 42 stitches crossed with double gray thread and knit 3 cm = 10 r. with an elastic band. Continue working with stockinette stitch, while in the 1st row. evenly add 6 sts = 48 sts. In the 7th r. add 1 stitch on both sides for bevels, then in every 6th row. another 11 (14) times 1 p. = 72 (78) p. After 27 (32) cm = 78 (92) p. From the elastic band, close all the loops in one row.


Sew shoulder seams. Using circular knitting needles No. 4, cast on 120 sts along the edge of the neckline with gray thread. At the same time, in the middle of the front, cast on the first 5 sts on the outside, the last 5 sts on the inside = behind the first 5 sts. Knit in rows in forward and reverse directions on the outer and inner 5 stitches for the strap with an elastic band, on the remaining loops - with stockinette stitch.
After 18 cm = 54 r. from the set of loops, close the row = 120 sts and then knit alternately 4 rows on all loops. black, 4 rub. white (if necessary, switch to stocking needles as you decrease).
For decreases in the 1st r. mark every 29th stitch and knit each marked loop with the previous and next loops together with a tilt to the left (= 2 stitches, slip as in knitting, knit the next loop and pull the removed loops through the knitted one) = loop formed = marked loop . Repeat these decreases in the 1st row. each strip (in each such row, 8 points are decreased). Complete 13 stripes in total = 8 stitches remain, knit 4 more stitches on these stitches. white thread, then tighten the loops with working thread.
For a braid, take 30 white and black threads each 80 cm long, pass them through the knitted fabric of the upper part of the cap and braid the braid. Twist the braid at the bottom with black thread, leaving a tassel 3 cm long.


Sew in the sleeves. Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Knitted sweater with a tree pattern


104/110 (116/122-128/134)


Yarn (60% sheep wool, 40% polyacrylic; 85 m/50 g) - 450 (500-550) g ​​smoky blue; knitting needles No. 5 and 5.5; circular knitting needles No. 5.5, 40 cm long; 5 brown-blue buttons with a diameter of 22 mm.


Knit according to the given patterns A and B. Distribute the loops according to. instructions. Repeat in height 6 (7-8) times from the 1st to the 8th row, then perform 1 time from the 9th to the 40th row.


17 p. x 24 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch;
32 p. x 24 r. = 16.5 (= from 1st to 8th row) and 13.5 (= from 9th to 40th row) x 10 cm, knitted according to patterns A and B. Samples are made on needles No. 5 ,5.


Using double thread on needles No. 5, cast on 62 (66-76) stitches crossed and knit 1 purl. purl row. Next, knit with an elastic band. After 5 cm = 11 r. from the cast-on row, knit on needles No. 5.5 in the following sequence: chrome, 14 (16-21) sts in purl stitch, 32 sts of the “Tree” motif A, 14 (16-21) sts in stockinette stitch, chrome.
At the end of the motif, knit on the middle 32 sts in purl stitch. After 39 (41-43.5) cm = 94 (98-104) r. from the bottom bar, close 19 (20-24) sts of shoulders on both sides and temporarily leave the middle 24 (26-28) sts for the neckline.


Using double thread on needles No. 5, cast on 40 (42-47) stitches crossed and knit 1 purl. purl row. Then knit with an elastic band, and after the chrome. start with k1, p1. (knit 1, purl 1 - purl 1, knit 1)
After 3 cm = 5 r. From the cast-on row, make the 1st hole for the button (= knit the 5th and 6th from the end of the loop together, make 1 yarn over). Make the next button holes in the same way with an interval of 9 (9.5-10) cm.
After 5 cm = 11 r. from the cast-on row, knit on needles No. 5.5 and distribute the loops in the following sequence: edge, 0 (2-5) sts in stockinette stitch, 32 sts of the “Tree” motif A, * k1, purl 1, from * repeat 3 times, chrome. At the end of the motif, knit 32 stitches in purl stitch.
After 35 (37-39.5) cm = 84 (88-94) r. from the bar temporarily leave for the neckline from the left edge 2 times 17 (18-19) sts and in every 2nd p. close 4 times 1 p.
After 39 (41-43.5) cm = 94 (98-104) r. From the bar, close off the remaining 19 (20-24) shoulder stitches from the right edge.


Knit symmetrically to the left front, while knitting the “Tree” motif B and not making holes for the buttons.


Using double thread on needles No. 5, cast on 36 stitches crossed and knit 1 purl. purl row. Then knit with an elastic band. After 5 cm = 11 r. From the cast-on row, knit on needles No. 5.5 in stockinette stitch. For bevels, add 9 p.m. on both sides. from the bar 1 time, 1 p., then in every 8th r. 2 (4-1) times and every 6th r. 5 (4-9) times 1 p. = 52 (54-58) p. After 25 (29-32.5) cm = 60 (70-78) p. close all loops from the bar.


Sew shoulder seams. For the hood, cast on another 10 stitches = 78 (82-86) stitches on circular needles No. 5 between the set-aside front and back neck stitches and knit in stockinette stitch.
To give shape, knit from the broach in the next 2nd r. on both sides of the middle 4 sts, knit 1 each. crossed = 80 (84-88) p. Perform these increases similarly in every 2nd r. 7 more times = 94 (98-102) p.
After 20 (22.5-24) cm = 48 (54-58) r. from the cast-on row to give shape, the last 2 stitches before the middle 2 stitches, knit together and 2 stitches after the middle 2 stitches, knit together with a slant to the left (= 1 stitch, remove as in knitting, knit the next stitch and pull through it through the removed loop) = 92 (96-100) p. Perform these decreases similarly in every 2nd r. 7 more times = 78 (82-86) sts.
Turn the work inside out and distribute 78 (82-86) stitches of the hood on 2 knitting needles. Now knit 1 stitch from one knitting needle and 1 stitch from the other knitting needle together purlwise and cast off at the same time. Sew in the sleeves. Sew sleeve seams and side seams. Sew buttons.

Jacket with pockets in the form of sneakers


116/122 (128/134) 140/146


Yarn 1 (62% sheep wool, 18% polyamide, 10% viscose, 10% polyacrylic; 200 m/50 g) - 250 (300) 300 g sulfur;
yarn 2 (100% sheep wool; 150 m/50 g) - 50 g each of white, dark blue and blue-gray;
yarn 3 (100% polyamide; 100 m/50 g) - 50 g white; knitting needles No. 2,5 and 3; circular knitting needles No. 2.5, length 80 cm; two-way gray zipper, length 42 (44) 50 cm.


Knit according to the given counting pattern. In height, knit 1-46 r. 1 time.


Using gray mixed thread on knitting needles No. 2.5, cast on 105 (115) 123 loops and knit for a 6 cm strap = 27 r. with an elastic band, while in the 1st p. = purl row start after chrome. knit 1, purl 1 and finish symmetrically.
Then switch to needles No. 3 and knit in stockinette stitch. After 23 (25.5) 29 cm = 88 (96) 110 rub. close from the bar on both sides for armholes 1 x 3 p., then in every 2nd r. 1 (2) 2 x 2 p. and 7 (6) 6 x 1 p. = 81 (89) 97 p.
After 15.5 (17) 19 cm = 58 (64) 72 r. from the beginning of the armhole, close on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 x 8 (8) 9 p., then in every 2nd p. 2 x 7 (8) 9 p. In the next 2nd p. close off the remaining 37 (41) 43 sts for the neckline on both sides.


Using a gray mixed thread on knitting needles No. 2.5, cast on 49 (54) 58 loops and knit for a 6 cm strap = 27 r. with an elastic band, while in the 1st row = purl row, start after the edge. with 1 purl, 1 knit. Then knit with needles No. 3 in stockinette stitch.
After 1 cm = 4 r. from the bar, starting from 2 (8) 11th p., knit a snickers motif. For entrances to pockets, close at 12 p.m. = purl row of the motif being performed, 11th stitch = double arrow, leave 35 stitches of the motif knitted to this point temporarily and continue knitting only on the remaining 13 (18) 22 stitches, then leave the work temporarily. Now in the next front row, cast on 36 stitches along the left edge for the burlap pocket with a gray mixed thread and knit in stockinette stitch. Finish the toe of the Snickers along with the remaining 3 rubles. motif, then, like the rest of the loops, knit with gray thread.
After 10 cm = 45 rub. Leave all the loops from the bar. Now continue knitting the front side of the pocket on the remaining 35 stitches, starting from the 12th row, while continuing the motif being performed and the indicated decreases from the 12th stitch or from the double arrow = 17 stitches in the 41st row.
In the 42nd r. = knit the purl row again on all loops, for which place the remaining 17 stitches behind the last 17 stitches of the pocket burlap and knit together with the purl side 1 stitch of burlap and 1 stitch of the front side, while performing the motif.
Then knit 43-46 rows. motive and then knit with a gray mixed thread on all loops. After 23 (25.5) 29 cm = 88 (96) 110 rub. close from the bar along the right edge for the armhole 1 x 3 p., then in every 2nd p. close another 1 (2) 2 x 2 p. and 7 (6) 6 x 1 p. = 37 (41) 45 p.
After 11.5 (13) 15 cm = 44 (50) 58 r. from the beginning of the armhole, close for the neckline along the left edge 1 x 6 (8) 9 p. and in every 2nd r. 3 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 p. On the right edge after 15.5 (17) 19 cm = 58 (64) 72 r. From the beginning of the armhole, make a shoulder bevel, as on the back.


Using a gray mixed thread on knitting needles No. 2.5, cast on 58 (58) 62 loops for each sleeve and knit for a 6 cm strap = 27 r. with an elastic band. Then switch to needles No. 3 and knit in stockinette stitch.
For bevels, add 13 (11) 9 rows on both sides. from the bar 1 x 1 p., in every 12th r. 2 x 1 p. and in every 10th p. 6 x 1 r. (in every 10th row 6 x 1 p. and in every 8th row 5 x 1 p.) in every 8th row. 14 x 1 p. = 76 (82) 92 p.
After 28 (31.5) 34 cm = 107 (119) 129 rubles. close from the bar on both sides to roll up the sleeves 1 x 3 p., then in every 2nd p. 1 x 2 p., 10 (13) 17 x 1 p., 1 x 2 p., 1 x 4 p. and 1 x 5 p. = 24 (24) 26 p.
After 8 (9.5) 11.5 cm = 30 (36) 44 r. From the beginning of the okat, close the loops.


Using a gray mixed thread on needles No. 3, cast on 167 (177) 189 loops and knit in stockinette stitch.
To round the cutout of the shelves, close on both sides * in every 4th r. 1 x 1 p. and in every 2nd r. 1 x 1 p., from * repeat 4 times and in every next 2 p. close 1 x 1 p. (* in every 4th row 1 x 1 p. and in every 2nd row 1 x 1 p., from * repeat 4 times and in the next 4th row close 1 x 1 p.) * in every 4th r. close 1 x 1 p. and in every 2nd p. close 1 x 1 p., from * repeat 4 times and in the next 6 p. close 1 x 1 p. = 149 (159) 171 p. After 13 (14) 15 cm = 50 (54) 58 r. From the beginning row, bind off the middle loop and finish the left side first.
For the upper rounding of the hood along the inner edge, close in every 2nd r. 8 x 1 p. and 4 x 2 p.
At the same time after 3 cm = 12 r. from the division of knitting, close along the outer edge 1 x 4 p., then in every 2nd p. 1 x 4 p. and 6 x 3 p. (3 x 4 p. and 4 x 3 p.) 6 x 4 p. and 1 x 3 p. = 32 (35) 38 p. After 7.5 cm = 28 R. from the division of knitting close the loops.


Using gray mixed thread on needles No. 3, cast on 4 sts and knit 42 (44) 50 cm = 160 (168) 190 r. facial stitch. Close the loops.


Along the edges of the pocket entrances, use dark gray thread on needles No. 2.5, 31 sts each, and knit 2 cm = 8 r. with an elastic band, with the last 2 p. knit with blue-gray thread. Close the loops.
Embroider the holes for the laces with white thread using a stem stitch. Embroider the stitching on both sides of the holes for the laces with white thread 2 p. stitches of the seam “forward needle”, while moving the top stitches on each side in a parallel row. Down along the top edges of the Snickers at 37 and 39 r. motive to embroider 1 rub. stitches of the seam “forward needle” are shifted relative to each other. On the pocket strips on the front between the blue-gray and dark blue areas, lay 1 row with white thread. stitches "forward needle". Thread the laces from white polyamide thread: pass the needle into each hole for the lace and, so that the threads do not slip, on the fixed edge of the bar, pass the needle between the walls of the loops and on the wrong side, bring the needle out immediately under the fixed edge.
Sew the narrow sides of the strip to the shelves. Sew the top seam of the hood. Sew shoulder seams. Sew the hood into the neckline, see the alignment marks on the pattern, and press the edges in slightly.
Along the edges of the front fasteners and the front neckline of the hood, cast on 413 (448) 488 sts with a gray mixed thread on circular needles No. 2.5 and knit 1.5 cm with an elastic band. Close the loops. Using gray sewing thread, sew a zipper between the fastener strips connected with an elastic band (outer strips) and the zipper strips (inner strips), then sew the parts with the zipper to the edges of the front fastener. Sew in the sleeves. Sew sleeve seams and side seams.

Jacket with colored stripes


110/116 (122/128) 134/140


Yarn (50% alpaca wool, 30% wool, 14% acrylic, 6% viscose; 65 m/50 g) - 200 (250) 300 g taupe and 200 (250) 250 g light blue; knitting needles No. 9 and 10; Tunisian crochet hook No. 8; 5 (5) 6 light blue buttons.
Knit a bar (knitting needles No. 9) alternately 2 stitches in stockinette stitch, 2 stitches in purl stitch.


Knit (knitting needles No. 10) according to the pattern. It contains front and back rows. Start with a loop before the rapport, repeat the repeat constantly and finish according to the pattern. From the 1st to the 20th row, constantly repeat, while knitting alternately with thread A = light blue and thread B = gray-brown.


With a gray-brown thread, cast on 44 (48) 52 sts on the knitting needles and knit between the edges 5 cm with a pattern for the strap, in the last row add 1 st. Next, knit with a striped pattern. After 36 (40) 44 cm from the neckline, close off the middle 15 stitches and knit both shoulders separately. After 38 (42) 46 cm from the bar, bind off the remaining shoulder loops.


With a gray-brown thread, cast on 20 (22) 24 stitches on the knitting needles and knit between the edges 5 cm with a pattern for the strap, in the last row add 1 stitch. Next, knit with a striped pattern.
After 31 (35) 39 cm from the neckline from the left edge, close 1 x 4 sts and then in every 2nd r. bind off 2 x 1 p. At back height, bind off remaining shoulder loops straight.


Using a gray-brown thread, cast on 20 stitches on the knitting needles for each sleeve and knit between the edges 5 cm in a pattern for the placket, in the last row add 1 stitch. Next, knit in a striped pattern. For sleeve bevels every 4th r. on both sides add according to the pattern 10 (11) 12 x 1 p. After 28 (30) 33 cm from the bar, close all the loops straight.


Lightly moisten the parts, stretch them according to the dimensions indicated on the pattern and leave until dry. Sew shoulder seams. For the hood, along the edge of the neck, inserting a knitting needle into the front link of the loops, cast on 42 sts and knit 3 r. in stockinette stitch, then set aside all stitches.
Now, inserting a knitting needle into the back link of the loops, also cast on 42 sts and knit 3 r. facial stitch. Then knit 1 row, knitting 1 loop from the front needle together with 1 loop from the back needle.
Next, knit in stockinette stitch alternately 2 rows. gray-brown thread and 2 r. Using a light blue thread, mark the 4 central loops at the back at the same time. Then on both sides of the marked loops, increase 1 time in the 5th row. and every 4th r. 5 x 1 p. (= 1 p. knit from the broach with the front crossed).
After 29 cm from the beginning of the hood, in the last purl row, fold the loops in the center with the right sides, knit 1 st from the front and back knitting needles together purlwise, closing them at the same time.
Along the edges of the shelves and along the edge of the hood, crochet for Tunisian crochet 148 (156) 164 sts and knit 4 r. pattern for the bar, while in the 2nd row. On the left shelf strip, make, evenly distributed, 5 (5) 6 holes for buttons (= 2 stitches, close and pick them up again in the next row). Then close all the loops.
Sew in the sleeves so that the middle of the sleeve coincides with the shoulder seam. Sew the side seams and sleeve seams, while sewing the lower sections of the sleeves, 8 cm long, in such a way that the seam is not visible when turned up. At the end, lightly steam all seams. Sew buttons.

Jumper with pockets and a hood knitted inside

Spacious pockets and a comfortable hood - what else is needed to feel free and comfortable while playing outside.

SIZES - 116/122 (128/134) 140/146


Yarn (60% polyacrylic, 20% wool, 20% polyamide; 165 m/100 g) - 500 g gray, 100 g each red, green and blue; knitting needles No. 4 and 4.5, short circular knitting needles No. 4; hook number 4.


Alternately knit 2, purl 2.


Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.


In the front rows, at the beginning of the row, knit 1 edge, 1 knit, knit 2 stitches with a slant to the left (= remove 1 loop, as in knitting, 1 knit, pull the removed loop through it), at the end of the row - knit 2 stitches together , 1 front, 1 edge.
In the purl rows at the beginning of the row - 1 edge, 1 purl, 2 purl loops, at the end of the row - 2 purl loops crossed, 1 purl, 1 edge.


18 p. x 25 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted in stockinette stitch with needles No. 4.5.


On needles No. 4, use green thread to cast on 66 (74) 78 stitches. For the strap, knit 4 cm between the edges with an elastic band, then switch to knitting needles No. 4.5 and knit with gray thread in stockinette stitch.
After 14.5 cm = 36 r. (17 cm = 42 rub.) 20 cm = 50 rub. Temporarily leave the work for the pocket from the strip.
For the burlap pocket, dial on the front from the middle 36 p. 9 (15) 23rd p. from the bar with gray thread 36 p. and knit with stockinette stitch, while on both sides in the 3rd p. and another 6 x in every 4th r. underlined, decrease 1 p. = 22 p.
At pocket height 11.5 cm = 28 rubles. place the pocket burlap loops on 22 front stitches and continue knitting on the remaining stitches, while knitting 1 pocket burlap stitch from 1 front stitch together.
After 20 cm = 50 rub. (23 cm = 58 rub.) 28 cm = 70 rub. from the bar on both sides, emphasize the decrease for armholes 5 (7) 7 times in each row and 2 x in every 2nd row. 1 p. = 52 (56) 60 p.
After 29 cm = 72 r. (32 cm = 80 rub.) 38 cm = 96 rub. From the placket, close the middle 8 (10) 10 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.
To round the inner edge, close in every 2nd r. 1 x 4, 1 x 3, 1 x 2 and 1 x 1 p. After 36 cm = 90 rub. (40 cm = 100 rub.) 46 cm = 116 rub. From the bar, close off the remaining 12 (13) 15 shoulder stitches.


Knit symmetrically to the front, but without a pocket and with a shallower neckline. To do this, after 34 cm = 86 rubles. (38 cm = 96 rub.) 44 cm = 112 rub. from the bar close the middle 22 (24) 24 p. and both
finish the sides separately. To round the cutout along the inner edge, close in the 2nd row. 1 x 3 sts. At the height of the front, close off the remaining 12 (13) 15 sts of the shoulder.


On needles No. 4, use red thread to cast on 38 (42) 42 loops. For the strap, tie 4 cm between the edges with an elastic band.
Then switch to knitting needles No. 4.5 and continue knitting with gray thread in stockinette stitch.
For sleeve bevels from the placket, add 4 x on both sides in every 6th r. and 6 x in every 8th r. (10 x in every 8th r.) 4 x in every 6th r. and 8 x in every 8th r. 1 p. = 58 (62) 66 p.
After 32 cm = 80 rub. (34 cm = 86 rub.) 38 cm = 96 rub. from the bar it is emphasized to reduce for a flat sleeve edging 5 (7) 7 x in each r. and 2 x in every 2nd r. 1 p. = 44 (44) 48 p. After 36 cm = 90 r. (39 cm = 98 rub.) 43 cm = 108 rub. close all loops from the bar.


Using blue thread on needles No. 4, cast on 106 (114) 122 stitches. For the front strip, tie 3 cm with an elastic band between the edge strips. Then continue knitting with gray thread in stockinette stitch using knitting needles No. 4.5.
For a side bevel from the plank, it is emphasized to decrease on both sides in the 3rd row, and then another 3 x in every 4th row. and 14 (16) 18 x in every 2nd r. 1 p. each
At the same time after 8.5 cm = 22 r. (9.5 cm = 24 r.) 10.5 cm = 26 r. From the plank, divide the work in the middle and finish each side separately, while continuing to perform a side bevel.
Along the inner edge, emphasize the decrease in the 1st row. and in every next 2nd r. 12 (13) 14 x 1 p.
After 18 cm = 46 r. (20 cm = 50 rub.) 22 cm = 54 rub. close off the remaining 23 (24) 25 sts from the bar.


Pin the details onto the pattern and cover with a damp cloth and leave until completely dry. Sew the shoulder seams.
Along the edge of the neckline, cast on 76 (80) 80 sts with green thread on circular needles and knit 3 cm with an elastic band for the placket. Then close all the loops.
Sew in the sleeves, then sew the side seams and sleeve seams. Fold the hood and sew the back seam. Then sew the hood to the wrong side of the neckline.
Along the edges of each pocket, cast on 28 stitches with blue thread and knit with an elastic band between the edges, then bind off all the loops. Sew the short edges of the strips.
Finally, crochet all the strips with thread of the corresponding color 1 p. “crawfish step” (= st. b/n, perform in the direction from left to right).

Jacket (d) 24*68 Phildar

Sizes: a) 2 years - b) 4 years - c) 6 years - d) 8/10 years - e) 12/14 years

Yarn AVISO (60% cotton, 40% acrylic, 50 g / 68 m)

Color ANTHRACITE (gray) a) 6 - b) 8 - c) 10 - d) 12 - e) 16 skeins

Yarn PHIL TALASSA (75% cotton, 25% lyocea, 50 g / 81 m)

Color DENIM (denim blue) a) 1 - b) 1 - c) 1 - d) 1 - e) 1 skein

Needles No. 5 for garter stitch elastic and 2/1 elastic

Knitting needles No. 4.5 (for elastic band 1/2)

Knitting needles No. 3.5 (for stalemate)

Marking rings

A) b) c) 10 - d) e) 11 buttons with a diameter of 18 mm


Rib 1/2: k1, purl 2.

Garter stitch elastic: (see diagram) number of loops is a multiple of 3+2

1st r. : purl all stitches

2nd r. : * 2 p.p., 1 knit.p. *, repeat from * to *, finish 2 p.

Rib 2/1: K2, P1.

Garter stitch


10 cm with garter stitch rib, knitting needles No. 5 = 16 sts and 20 cm = 55 r.

Cast on: a) 53 sts - b) 59 sts - c) 65 sts - d) 71 sts - e) 83 sts on needles No. 4.5 with ANTHRACITE color and AVISO yarn, knit with 1/2 rib, starting and ending the 1st r. and all odd rows (front side of work) 2 p. within 4 cm.

Continue with garter stitch rib on size 5 needles, starting from stitch 1 of the chart.

Through a) 18 cm - b) 20 cm - c) 22 cm - d) 25.5 cm - e) 30 cm from the elastic 1/2, form armholes, closing 1x7 sts on both sides.

Remains: a) 39 p. - b) 45 p. - c) 51 p. - d) 57 p. - e) 69 p.

After 8 cm from the beginning of the 2/1 elastic band, form shoulder bevels, closing on both sides in every 2nd r. :

B) 1x4 p. and 2x5 p.

C) 2x5 p. and 1x6 p.

E) 1x7 p. and 2x8 p.

At the same time, form a neckline, closing the central ones a) 5 p. - b) 7 p. - c) 7 p. - d) 9 p. - e) 9 p., then continue each side separately, closing 2 p. from the neck side. above a) b) 1x5 p. - c) d) 1x6 p. - e) 1x7 p.

Finish the second side of the neckline in the same way.


Cast on: a) 25 sts - b) 28 sts - c) 31 sts - d) 34 sts - e) 40 sts on needles No. 4.5 in ANTHRACITE color with AVISO yarn, knit with 1/2 rib, starting at 1 -th r. and all odd rows (knit side of work) 2 knit stitches. and 2 p.p. (finishing 2 p.p.) for 4 cm.

Continue with garter stitch rib on size 5 needles, starting from stitch 2 of the chart.

Through a) 18 cm - b) 20 cm - c) 22 cm - d) 25.5 cm - e) 30 cm from the elastic band 1/2, form an armhole, closing 1x7 stitches from the left edge.

Remains: a) 18 p. - b) 21 p. - c) 24 p. - d) 27 p. - e) 33 p.

After a) 22 cm - b) 26 cm - c) 30 cm - d) 35 cm - e) 43 cm from elastic 1/2, continue with elastic 2/1, starting with 1 knit stitch. and 1 p.p. (finishing with 1 purl and 1 knit stitch).

After a) 5 cm - b) 5 cm - c) 4 cm - d) 4 cm - e) 3 cm from the beginning of the 2/1 elastic band, form a neckline, closing from the right edge in every 2nd r. :

A) 2x2 p. and 2x1 p.

B) 1x3 p., 1x2 p. and 2x1 p.

C) 1x3 p., 1x2 p. and 3x1 p.

D) 1x3 p., 2x2 p. and 2x1 p.

E) 1x3 p., 2x2 p. and 3x1 p.

After 8 cm from the beginning of the 2/1 elastic band, form a shoulder bevel, closing from the left edge in every 2nd r. :

B) 1x4 p. and 2x5 p.

C) 2x5 p. and 1x6 p.

E) 1x7 p. and 2x8 p.

Tie the left shelf symmetrically to the right.

Cast on: a) 30 sts - b) 32 sts - c) 34 sts - d) 36 sts - e) 40 sts on needles No. 4.5 in ANTHRACITE color with AVISO yarn, knit with 1/2 rib, starting and ending the 1st r. and all odd rows (front side of work) a) d) 1 purl. - b) 2 p.p. - c)e) 1 person.p. (P2 in the center) for 3 cm.

Continue with garter stitch rib on size 5 needles, starting with a) 2nd st. - b) 1st st. - c) 3rd st. - d) 2nd st. - e) 3rd st. scheme.

Increase on both sides (gradually incorporate added loops into the pattern):

A) every 12th r. 4x1 p.

B) every 10th r. 6x1 p.

C) every 10th r. 5x1 p. and in every 8th p. 3x1 p.

D) every 10th r. 4x1 p. and in every 8th r. 6x1 p.

E) every 10th r. 2x1 p. and in every 8th p. 11x1 p.

We get: a) 38 p. - b) 44 p. - c) 50 p. - d) 56 p. - e) 66 p.

After a) 21 cm - b) 25 cm - c) 29.5 cm - d) 35 cm - e) 42 cm from the elastic 1/2, mark the edge loops with a thread of a different color and continue knitting straight.

After a) 25.5 cm - b) 29.5 cm - c) 34 cm - d) 39.5 cm - e) 46.5 cm from the elastic, close all the loops.

Knit the second sleeve in the same way.


Cast on: a) 55 sts - b) 58 sts - c) 64 sts - d) 67 sts - e) 70 sts on size 5 needles with color ANTHRACITE using AVISO yarn, knit with rib 2/1, starting and ending with 1 -th r. and all odd rows (knit side of work) knit 3. for 8 cm, then bind off all loops.


Cast on: a) 60 sts - b) 66 sts - c) 72 sts - d) 81 sts - e) 94 sts on size 5 needles with color ANTHRACITE using AVISO yarn, knit with rib 1/2, starting and ending with 1 -th r. and all odd rows (knit side of work) 2 knit stitches. for 3 cm, then knit 1 knit. on the front side of the work and several rows of yarn of a different color.

These rows will need to be unraveled to the main yarn when the model is assembled.

Tie the second strip in the same way.


Cast on 15 sts on size 5 needles in color ANTHRACITE with AVISO yarn, knit with garter stitch rib, starting from the 2nd st of the pattern for 8 cm, then cast off all stitches.

Knit the second pocket in the same way.

Cast on 7 sts on needles No. 3.5 in DENIM color with PHIL TALASSA yarn, knit in garter stitch for 7.5 cm, then bind off on both sides in every 2nd r. 3x1 p., secure the remaining loop with a working thread.

Tie 3 more patas in the same way.

Pin the pieces to the patterns and steam.

Sew the shoulder and side seams of the jacket. Sew the sleeve seams and sew the sleeves into the armholes.

Sew the fastener strips along the fronts using a line stitch on the front side of the jacket.

Sew the collar by placing the edges of the collar in the middle of each clasp strip.

Work a) b) c) 6 - d) e) 7 buttonholes, spreading the stitches in the 4th row. strips, 1st - 4 p. from the neckline, others at a distance of a) 9 p. - b) 10 p. - c) 12 p. - d) 11 p. - e) 13 p. from each other. Sew the buttons opposite the eyelets.

Sew the patches in the center of the bottom edge of each shelf, starting the seam on the wrong side of the model at the beginning of the 1/2 elastic band, then turn the patches to the right side and secure by sewing on a button (see photo).

Sew the patties along the bottom edge of each sleeve in the same way.

Place the pockets on each shelf 3 stitches from the edge and the top edge at the place where the patterns change (see photo).
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A hood or bonnet can be either a separate part of your clothing or an addition to a regular sweater/jacket. Children and teenagers love hoods very much. The hood looks especially natural on children's sweaters, fashionable hoodies, jackets and coats. Coat, jacket with a hood, is not only fashionable, but also functional. In snow, rain, and strong wind, the hood will save you from unpleasant weather conditions. Today we will tell you how to knit a hood with knitting needles.

You can knit a hood with knitting needles in different ways. The easiest way is to knit a rectangle and sew it along one side.

We knit the hood separately from the jacket. Cast on the required number of stitches on straight knitting needles. There should be exactly as many loops as there are loops along the entire length of the neck plus strips for fasteners. We knit a rectangle up to the height of the head plus 3-4 cm. The pattern can be used the same as on the jacket.

Hood pattern with knitting needles:

interesting selection for the site A selection of children's models

The second method is to lift the loops along the neckline of the sweater and start knitting the hood with the main pattern according to the method described above.

How to knit a hood-collar with knitting needles

In knitting, along with the classic hood, which resembles the shape of the heel of a sock, the hood-collar is especially common. There are several ways to do this. Here is the simplest of them.
The neck line on the base pattern for the back and front remains unchanged, only the dimensions of the fastener and hood are outlined. Knit the back and front pieces, leaving the neck loops open. Sew the product, place the neck stitches on one needle and, starting from point A, knit a row of knit stitches along the right side of the work. Slip the loops up to point A onto the right needle without knitting. Next, make the hood with a placket pattern, such as garter stitch, adding loops in the middle of the hood at the back (see the “+” sign) or along the edge of the hood.

When the height of the fabric reaches 35-38 cm, finish the work with an auxiliary thread, after ironing, unbraid it and sew the open loops with a loop-to-loop stitch.

There is another way to knit a hood.

For a classic hood, you need to pick up loops along the edge of the neckline. In order to be accurate, you should type on the front side. Fasten the thread at the beginning of the row and, using a knitting needle (or hook), begin to pull the working thread through the loop on the product. The loops remain on the knitting needle. Having cast on the loops, you need to knit 2 rows with a simple stockinette stitch.

Next, the hood is knitted in short rows. To do this, knit the next front row not completely, turn the knitting, yarn over, and again without purling the row, turn the knitting. Thus, first one side part of the hood is knitted, then the second is knitted. Thus, we knit a hood of the required length. Then close the loops on the sides.

After this, the middle part is knitted. When knitting the middle part, pick up the side loops and finish knitting. Several rows along the edge of the hood can be knitted with an English elastic band or crocheted openwork. This is what an approximate diagram of the hood looks like.

Interesting models with a hood from the Internet

Blue coat with hood

Beautiful and stylish model. The coat is decorated with large flowers and twigs with leaves at the back, while at the front it is a simple model.
Bust: 86 (97.105. 113, 120) cm. Size: XS (S, M, L, XL).

You will need: 12 (12. 13. 13. 14) skeins of Briggs & Little Atlantic yarn (100% wool. 124 m/11Zg), color – 73, red
- circular knitting needles No. 10-12, length 40 and 80 cm or another size to achieve the required knitting density
- Loop holder for braids
- 6 large buttons
- Markers for knitting
- Yarn needle
- 5 buttonhole pins or leftover yarn.

Size 43*61 cm.

This is a trending model from Vogue Knitting magazine.

Knitted Mocha Hoodie Hat by Sandi Prosser

The hood is knitted crosswise, starting from the front to the back and then a vertical seam is made.

Size 55 – 56, 57 – 58. Circumference at the bottom of the product (neck) – 47.5 (52.5). Height 25cm.

Hood with ears

For knitting you will need: Lana Gold Plus yarn (51% acrylic, 49% wool, 140 m/100 g) - 200 g beige, knitting needles No. 5, 3 buttons, hook, padding polyester.

Knitted hooded shrug

Sizes: 116/122-128/134-140/146 152/158. You will need 650-700-750-800 g of yellow yarn Schachenmayr SMC Cotton Time (100% cotton. 88 m/50 g); knitting needles No. 3 and No. 3.5; circular knitting needles No. 3.5; auxiliary knitting needle; 7-8-7-8 buttons.

Knitted scarf-hood

Scarf dimensions: length 210 cm, width 30 cm. Hood dimensions: 72x84 cm.

To knit a scarf-hood you will need 10 skeins of yarn (75% wool, 25% silk; 220 m/10 g); knitting needles 7 mm, auxiliary needle for braids, hook 7 mm, holders for loops.

Basic matings.

Garter stitch: knit stitches on each row;

Knit stitch: knit stitches in knit rows, purl stitches in purl rows;

Braids: knit 16 loops according to patterns A and B where only the front rows are shown (in the purl rows, knit according to the pattern), repeat rows 1-10 vertically;

Edge loops: knit in each row.

Knitting density:

13 p. and 20 r. = 10x10 cm with stockinette stitch thread in 2 folds;

16 stitches of braided pattern = 7.6 cm wide.

Interesting models with a hood on our website:

Yellow cape with hood

Sizes: 42(46).
Materials: 1000 (1,150) grams of “Merinos Otto” yarn (100% merino wool, 50 grams = 90 meters), knitting needles No. 3.5 and No. 4, hook No. 2.
Types of knitting: hollow elastic, 2×2 elastic, knit. satin stitch, purl smooth surface

Knitted tunic with hood

To knit a tunic you will need: CATANIA yarn (100% cotton; 50 g/125 m): 250 (300; 350) g ​​No. 00106 white, 300 (350; 400) g No. 00164 dark blue. Knitting needles No. 2.75 and 3. Circular knitting needles No. 3.

Vest with hood, knitted

Vest sizes: 36/36 (40/42) 44/46.

For knitting you will need: 400 (400) 450g. lilac Windsor yarn (55% merino wool, 31% royal mohair, 14% polyamide, 110 m/50 g); knitting needles No. 4.5; hook number 4.

Scarf with hood

The hit of this winter is a hood that smoothly turns into a scarf. The thing is not only fashionable, but also very comfortable.

You will need: yarn “Secret of Success” (100% wool, 250 m/100 g) – 200 g purple, knitting needles No. 4.

Coat with hood

You will need: 1700 g 1700 g of nut-colored yarn MONDIAL MERINO MAXI (50% merino wool, 50% acrylic, 60 m/100 g); straight and auxiliary knitting needles No. 8.

Melange jacket with hood

Jacket with a hood, knitted in two threads.

Size: S-M-L-XL – XXL – XXXL.

You will need: 350-400-450-450-500-550 g of Fabel yarn from Garnstudio color No. 161 (rose dream) and 350-400-450 450-500-550 g of color No. 153 (tex mech): Knitting needles 5 mm, 6 -6-6-7-7-7 metal buttons.

Coat size: OG 90 cm.
To knit a coat you will need: 700 g of thread, knitting needles No. 5.5; 4 large buttons.

Vest with hood

Vest sizes: 38-42

You will need: 750 g of blue yarn Linie 270 Faro (60% wool, 40% polyacrylic. 80 m. 50 g) double-sided transparent zipper 50 cm long straight needles No. 5 and No. 6 long circular needles No. 5 crochet hook No. 5.

Knitted models with a hood for children

Striped sleeveless vest with hood

Sleeveless sizes: 92 (104). You will need: 100 g each of orange and hot pink, 50 (100) g of cyclamen-colored yarn (100% polyamide, 90 m/50 g); straight knitting needles No. 3 and 4; fugue knitting needles No. 3.

Coat for girls with hood

Size: 68/74 (74/80) 80/86.

You will need: 300 (400) 400g of Linie Miranda melange yarn and 200g of Linie Champ orange yarn (100% merino wool, 70m/50g); knitting needles No. 7-7.5; hook No. 5.5; 3 buttons.

Size 2-3 years. You will need: “Popular” yarn (50% wool, 45% acrylic, 5% bulk acrylic, 133 m/100 g) - 400 g gray, the remains of thin gray yarn, knitting needles No. 4.5 and No. 2.5, 4 buttons.

Jacket with hood for boy

Size: 110/116. You will need: 450 g of beige Cool Wool yarn (100% merino wool, 160 m/50 g); knitting needles No. 4; hook No. 3.5; zipper 40 cm long.

If you have a free minute or two, and your son or grandson has outgrown an old pullover or sweater, it’s time to knit a zip-up sweater for a boy. We offer the most interesting children's knitted sweaters for boys and will be glad if you choose what you need. All models with diagrams and descriptions.

First of all, it will be easier for you to knit if you immediately decide on the sizes, since much depends on the height and other data of the child. Using a centimeter, measure the length of the product, the volume of the hips, the length of the sleeve, starting from the neck to the palm, and write down all the data.

This interesting knitted sweater with a hood for a boy is suitable for young people 7-8 and 10 years old. The front of the sweater is decorated with intarsia (a cat's face), and the hood is a striped cat's tail ending in a braid of thread.

We knit a cat according to the pattern below. The easiest way to knit such patterns is from separate balls, each section has its own ball. To avoid holes in the pattern, cross the thread on the wrong side, but do not tighten it too much. We always make sure that the drawing does not decrease as we work.

To work you will need:

  1. 100% cotton yarn (10 (7-8 years old) and 12 skeins (8-10 years old) - 50 g/50 m). light gray color.
  2. Wool yarn, black and white - 100 g each.
  3. Knitting needles 3 and 3.5 mm thick.
  4. Additional 3.5 mm knitting needle.
  5. Pins or stitch markers.

We knit in 2 threads. It would be ideal to knit a 10/10 cm “tester” to determine how many stitches you need to cast on, since the description does not indicate the exact name of the threads. Most likely, these are “violet” type threads.

The knitting density is indicated as: 21 p. / 29 r. Corresponds to 10/10 cm. Designations: knit - knit, purl - p, loop - p. Main knitting - knit stitch.

For 3 mm knitting needles. cast on 94 (102) sts with light gray yarn, knit 1 p/1 rib. Elastic band 3.5 cm - 10 rows. We switch to 3.5 mm knitting needles. Next, knit in stockinette stitch. Knitted 123 (134) rubles. - 42 (46) cm. From the elastic we close the middle 32 sts for the neckline. Find the middle of the row and decrease 16 sts on one side and the other from the center. Next, leave one half of the work for additional work. knitting needle, and on the other half we close from the inside in every second r. 2 times 1 p. Next, close in this r. remaining 28 (32) shoulder stitches. Knit the second half symmetrically from the auxiliary needle.

Make the elastic band the same as we did on the back. Next, we begin to make a drawing of a cat: on 3.5 mm knitting needles. Next, we stop at the front river. and make a pattern: 18 (22) sts in light gray, 58 sts according to the pattern, 18 (22) sts in light gray. For convenience, find the middle of the picture and mark it with a pin (arrow in the picture). Next, we knit according to the pattern. When the pattern is completed, use stockinette stitch in light gray (primary) color.

We knit 110(120) rows 37(41) cm. From the elastic we close the middle 24 sts to decorate the neck of the product. First we will make the left side of the shelf. To create a rounded neckline, you need to close it on the inside at the beginning of each r. 1 p. So we close until (20 r.) until 30 (34) p. remain on the knitting needles, this is the shoulder. Close these steps. Make the right part symmetrically with the left.


We cast on the knitting needles 3 mm. light gray thread 44 p. and knit 10 r. elastic band 1/1. Next comes the stockinette stitch. In the first r. add 6 p., you get 50 p., then in every 5th p. add 1 stitch on both sides. We knit this way until there are 78 (92) sts on the knitting needles. It turns out 27 (32) cm. From the elastic we cover all the sts of the shoulder. The second sleeve is similar to the first.


We sew the shoulders together with a large needle and gray thread. Next, find the middle of the back and mark it with a pin. for 2 knitting needles 3.5 mm. Along the edge of the neckline we cast on 116 stitches with a light gray thread, (58 stitches on each knitting needle) first we knit on the 1st knitting needle, then on the 2nd and at the end of the work we will sew these 2 halves. In the middle of the front, on the 1st needle, we make a bar with a 1/1 rib on the first 5 loops. We knit the rest of the hood using stockinette stitch. From the back we will add loops and knit them with black and white yarn. If you want to make a regular hood, you can simply knit without adding anything until the height of the 56th row and close all stitches. If you want a striped hood, add white and black stripes to the left. Add 1 point in each row. You will get 4 rubles. black yarn, 4 r. white, several stripes. We do this:

  • 1st row: 58 sts. gray yarn, add 1 stitch of black yarn.
  • 2nd row: 2 p. Black Ave., 58 p. gray ave.
  • 3rd row: 58 sts. gray ave., 3 p. persons. black ave.,
  • And so on.

They tied it up to 56 rubles. and close the st. On the 2nd knitting needle, do the same as on the 1st. Don't forget 5 stitches of elastic at the beginning. Next, we make, if desired, a braid of 20 threads of 2 or 3 colors, tied at the bottom with black thread.


Sew our hood inside out, not forgetting to insert a pigtail. Next, unfold the sleeves and sew them to the front and back. Sew the inside seams of the sleeves, and then the side seams of the product.

A sweater for a boy made of blue yarn with knitting needles is an excellent option for cool weather. Convenient button closure makes it convenient and versatile. We tried to explain everything in detail, so that the master class is understandable even for beginners. Cardigan sizes for boys: a) 4 years old, b) 5-6 years old, c) 8-9 years old, d) 10 years old, e) 12-13-14 years old.

Abbreviations: row - p., knit - knit., purl - purl., loop - pet., together - vm., edge - hem.

To work you will need:

  1. Alpaca cashmere yarn (48% alpaca, 52% acrylic), 100 g. - 133 m. - 8-9-11-14-16 skeins.
  2. Knitting needles 3 mm thick. and 3.5 mm.
  3. Buttons 5 pieces 20 mm. diameter, buttons 10 mm.
  4. Needle with a large eye.

The main pattern is the stockinette stitch, the bottom of the sleeves and the bottom of the jacket is 1 k/1 p rib, the pattern on the front and collar is patent ribbing.

Patent gum, sample.

Scheme for patent gum, option 1.

Patent elastic can have several options, but we chose option 1, it is knitted like this:

We dial an odd number of p.

1st r.: hem., *1 p. and yarn over - remove as purl., knit 1*, repeat from * to *, finish: 1 p. and yarn over - remove, hem.

2nd r.(wr.): edge, * 1 p. and yarn over - knit in. knits., 1 p. and yo* - remove as purl, repeat from * to *, finish: 1 p. and yo - knit in. faces, edges

3rd r.(face r.): edge, * 1 p. and yarn over - remove as purl, 1 p. and yarn over - knit in. persons*., repeat from * to*, finish: 1 p. and yarn over - remove as purl, hem.
Repeat rows 2 and 3.

In principle, the collar can be knitted with a simple elastic band, k1/p1. or you can use a patent, whichever you prefer.

10/10 cm faces. satin stitch - 23 p./30 r.,
10/10 cm with patent elastic - 22 p./50 r.

We cast on needles with a thickness of 3 mm. a) 79 p., b) 85 p., c) 91 p., d) 97 p., e) 111 p., knit with 1/1 elastic band. At the beginning and end of the first river. - 1 purl. We knit 6 rows like this (2 cm).

Next, we switch to 3.5 mm knitting needles and knit in satin stitch to a height of 24-26-28-31-34 cm, which corresponds to 120-130-140-154-170 r. from the elastic band, we make armholes, on both sides you need to close 10 sts: on one side - close 5 sts, 1 in each r., and on the other - 5 sts, 1 st in each r. Knit to the starting point of the shoulder only 14-16-17-18-21 cm, including the armhole. Remaining on knitting needles: 69-75-81-87-101 sts.

We divide the back in half and mark this place with a pin. At a distance from the elastic: 38-42-45-49-55 cm. (162, 178, 192, 212, 234 rubles) we make a neckline, while closing the st in the center of the back: 13-15-17-17-21 p., then remove one half (6,7,8,8,10 p.) onto an additional knitting needle, close on the working knitting needle 2 more times, 5 p. each. Then return to the additional knitting needle. knitting needle and knit symmetrically the second half of the neck. Then we decorate the shoulder: at a distance from the elastic 38-42-45-49-55 cm. (166-182-196-216-238 rubles) close on the side. armholes in each second row:

  1. 2 times 9 p.,
  2. 2 r. 10 p. each,
  3. 2 r. by 11p.,
  4. 2 r. 12 p. each,
  5. 2 r. 15 p. each

Right shelf

We cast on needles with a thickness of 3 mm. 37-41-43-47-53 p., perform an elastic band 1/1 6 r. (2 cm). Next, we switch to 3.5 mm knitting needles and perform patent elastic:

  1. 15 rows,
  2. 16 rub.,
  3. 18 rub.,
  4. 20 rub.,
  5. 22 rub.,

Then, at a height of 26-28-31-34-37 cm (130-138-154-170-172 r.), make 1 decrease (beginning of the neckline). To get a beautiful neckline, we must remove it evenly: 9-11-11-15-17 stitches along the neckline, leaving the shoulder alone for now. Therefore, we remove every 4th r. 1 p. (for all sizes).

Forming a shoulder. At a distance from the elastic band 38-42-45-49-55 cm. (RUR 166-182-196-216-238) close on the side. armholes in each second row:

  1. 2 times 9 p.,
  2. 2 r. 10 p. each,
  3. 2 r. by 11p.,
  4. 2 r. 12 p. each,
  5. 2 r. 15 p. each

We knit the left shelf symmetrically to the right one.


We cast on the knitting needles 3 mm. 48-50-52-54-58 sts and knit 5 cm with a simple 1/1 rib. Next, we continue with satin stitch on needles 3.5 mm thick. Our task is to add 16-22-26-28-38 sts along the sleeves. On the sleeve add: in every 4th r. 1 p. This should be done in the middle of the row. We tie it to a height of 20-25-29-32-38 cm, not counting the elastic band. It will be 62nd-76th-88th-98-114 r. from an elastic band.

It turns out in the end at the starting point of the okat - 64-72-78-82-96 sts.

Then we must design the sleeve cap, to do this we decrease on each side:

  1. 3 times three sts, 4 times two sts, 2 times three sts.
  2. 2 times four p., 1 p. three p., 3 r. two p., 2 r. three p., 1 r. four p.
  3. 2 times 4 p., 2 r. 3 p., 1 r. 2 p., 2 r. 3 p., 2 r. 4 p. (abbreviation verbatim: 1 time - 1 p.)
  4. 1 time 5 p., 1 r. 4 p., 2 r. 3 p., 1 r. 4 p., 1 r. 5 p.
  5. 1 time 6 p., 1 r. 5 p., 1 r. 4 p., 1 r. 5 p., 1 r. 6 p.

We tied it to a height of 26-31-35-38-44 cm and closed the rest in one r. - 17-18 p. Make the second sleeve symmetrically to the first.

Fastener strip

For knitting needles 3 mm thick. cast on 13 sts and knit with a simple 1/1 rib. All odd r. start and end with two persons. p. We knit a strip with a height of 29-32-35-39-44 cm. Make the second strip similarly to the first.

Shawl collar

For 3.5 mm knitting needles. cast on 93-99-103-107-113 sts and knit with patent elastic. After making 14 r. (3 cm), then close each. sides like this:

  1. In each 2nd row: *1 time 1 p. and 2 times 2 p.* repeat from *to* a total of 7 times.
  2. In each 2nd row: *1 time 3 p., 2 times 2 p., then in each. 2nd row: *1 time 1 p. and 2 times 2 p.* - repeat from *to* 6 times.
  3. In each 4th row: 5 times 2 p and further in each. 2nd 14 times 2 p.
  4. In each 2nd r.: 1 time 3 p., 2 times 2 p., then in every 2nd r.: *1 r. 1 p. and 2 times 2 p.* - repeat from * to * 6 times, then, 1 p. 1 p. and 1 p. 2 p.
  5. In each 2nd row: 1 time 3 p., 2 times 2 p., each. 2nd row: *1 time 1 p. and 2 p. 2 p.* repeat from* to* 6 times, then 2 times 2 p.

Knitted to a height of 11-11-12-12-12 and cast off 23-25-27-27-31 sts.


Sew first the shoulders and sleeve seams, then the side seams. Sew the sleeves into the armholes. Then we sew the strips to the shelves on one side and the other. Find the middle of the back neckline. We are looking for the middle of the collar. We combine these points and pin them together. We sew the shawl collar to the neck, the ends to the straps. We make 5 buttonholes, spreading the 8th stitch first 1 cm from the bottom and the rest - in places of 2 p. persons iron. We sew the buttons opposite the p. To make the collar cover the throat, you can sew buttons in addition to the buttons. The pattern is suitable for boys of all ages, as well as for three and five years old.

An excellent children's knitted sweater for a boy, decorated with 2 types of braids, with a comfortable hooded collar, will come in handy in cool weather. Knitting a sweater for a boy is very simple; it can be made from wool, wool with acrylic, or yarn with cotton.

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy exactly the yarn that is recommended for this particular blouse - choose threads of the same thickness. If the thread is thin, knit in 2 threads. The main thing is that your “sample” matches the knitting density of this sweater.

Knitting density is:
10/10 cm with 5 mm knitting needles. stockinette stitch - 18 stitches/25 rows.

The description and pattern are given for a boy of 4, 2, 6, 8 years old.

To work you will need:

  1. New York yarn (50% wool, 25% alpaca, 20% polyamide), 50 g./110 m. 250-200-300-350 g.
  2. Knitting needles 4.5 and 5 mm thick.
  3. Thick needle for sewing.
  4. Additional knitting needle for the pattern.

The patterns used in this product are often used for jumpers:
Pearl Pattern:

1st row: *K1, P1* - repeat from* to *to the end of the row.
2nd r.: *P1, k1* - repeat from * to * to * until the end of the r. That is, above persons. - purl, and vice versa.

Double elastic band:

1st row: k2, p2 - repeat until the end.
2nd row: how the knitting looks - faces. p. we knit with knits, purl. - purl.

Braid type number 2.

Braid number 2 is performed according to pattern 2. All even rows are knitted the way the knitting looks (that is, over the knit stitches - purl stitches, over the knit stitches - knit stitches). All other rows should be read from right to left.

Cast on 4.5 mm needles. 62-56-68-74 sts. First knit 14 rows with double rib. Next, change the knitting needles to 5 mm. and knit 8-5-11-14 p. with a pearl pattern, k1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1., 7 p. with pearl pattern, k1., 14 p. “braid pattern number 2” ”, k1, 7 p. with pearl, k1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1, 8-5-11-14 p. with pearl knot.

We continue until 27-23-31-35 cm from the beginning of the back. To decorate the armhole, close 3 stitches on each side, then 2 stitches, and 1 stitch. Then, without decreasing. Knit up to 43-38-48-53 cm from the beginning of the back and close off the remaining stitches.


We take 4.5 mm knitting needles. and dial 62-56-68-74 p. Knit 14 r. double elastic band. Change the knitting needles to 5 mm. and knit like this: 8-5-11-14 p. with a pearl knot, k1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1, 7 p. with a pearl knot, k1, 14 p. according to “braid pattern number 2”, k1, 7 p. with a pearl knot, k1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1, 8-5-11-14 p. with a pearl knot. We knit with this pattern to a height of 27-23-31-35 cm from the beginning of the front. Then for the armhole we close on both sides 3 points, 2 points, 1 point each. After we have reached 40-36-44-48 cm from the beginning of the front, we close 12 points in the center of the front under the neckline. Next, on both sides of the neckline we close 3 sts, 2 sts, 1 st. After we knit to 43-38-48-53 cm, we close all the remaining sts.


We cast on needles with a thickness of 4.5 mm. 28-24-32-36 p. We perform 14 p. double elastic band. Next, change the knitting needles to 5 mm. and do this: 10-8-12-14 sts with a pearl pattern, k1, 6 sts according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1, 10-8-12-14 sts with a pearl pattern. knot Then we knit with this pattern, not forgetting to add eight times on both edges in every sixth row.

After 28-25-31-34 cm are knitted from the beginning of the sleeve, close 3 stitches on both sides of the sleeve, and then close 1 stitch on both sides in every 2nd r. 9 times. This is the cuff of the sleeve. When the length reaches 38.5-34-42-47 cm, close all sections. We knit the second sleeve in the same way.


We take 5 mm knitting needles. and cast on 64-58-70-76 sts and perform the following pattern: 3 sts with a double elastic band, 7-4-10-13 sts with pearls. pattern, knit 1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, knit 1, 28 p. with pearl knot, knit 1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, knit 1, 7-4 -10-13 p. pearl pattern, 3 p. with double elastic band. So we continue to knit 3 cm (8 r.) from the beginning of the hood. Next, on both sides of the 2 central sts, add 1 st in every 2nd r. 3 times.

Next, we reach 20-18-22-24 cm from the beginning of the hood and begin to decrease 1 st on 2 sides from the 2 central sts in every 2nd r. 4 times. Fold the hood in the middle and distribute the sections of the hood evenly onto 2 knitting needles. Close the stitches of the 2 halves of the hood, purlwise, using the 3rd knitting needle.


First we sew the shoulder seams. Sew the hood along the entire neckline. Sew the side. seams of sleeves and back with a shelf. We make 2 pom-poms and sew them in the place indicated in the diagram.

Knitted sweater with a zipper for a boy 6-8 years old. Decorated with jacquard with horses. Description and knitting pattern are included.

Knitted sweater for a boy 2-3 years old. Knitted from multi-color yarn (wool with acrylic) with 4 mm knitting needles. For a sweater for a 3-year-old boy, a zipper with a length of 48 cm is suitable.

A gray jacket for boys 5, 6, 8-10, 12, 14-16 years old is decorated with simple braids and yellow trim. Suitable for both toddlers and teenagers. To enlarge the picture, click on the arrow.

It’s very easy to knit such a sweater for a child or teenager; descriptions and diagrams are included.

A wonderful jacket for a 1 year old boy. The pattern is also given for ages 3, 6 months, one and two years. The bear's face is embroidered with straight stitches.

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