How to persuade a man to give a fur coat for the New Year? Are you demanding of yourself?

I've been asking myself this question for a long time. To begin with, I would like to formulate a little the idea that will be discussed here. And it lies in the fact that for some reason, men must certainly buy expensive gifts for them (no matter what). This includes that notorious fur coat.

The very fact of this is annoying, that it is presented as obligatory, something so common in the order of things! And if not, then he doesn’t love you.

This often results in serious conflicts with consequences. Well, only if the man is normal and does not fall for this whim. Otherwise, I know many examples of mattresses who do not have the strength to say a man’s NO! For example, in one couple I know, the wife bought herself a fur coat at the moment when the husband had to go get his teeth done for the money. Is it normal?

I think so - of course, if you are wealthy, then allocating a couple of thousand dollars for your loved one will not be difficult. Well, if you give your last, and not even your last, extra money for these excessive whims, then what kind of man are you?

Some expressions and statuses on social networks on this topic cause laughter:

  • “A fur coat for the wife, a tie for the husband!” – it’s just like justice. Especially considering that today men still earn and work more than women. In this situation, we should spend more on ourselves, and not vice versa.
  • “The wife’s fur coats are the husband’s face.” - No no and one more time no! First of all, a man’s face is his wealth, a good car, a luxurious house, expensive and practical watches and the like, but not this clothes. Now, if a man is successful and has everything he needs, then in this case you can throw away part of your funds on such whims.

And in general, women, wear things that do not require killing living beings to make.

And in conclusion, the strength of a man is not to give in to a woman’s whim, but to refuse and firmly say no, if at the current moment in time this is inappropriate.

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you incorrectly assess the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to the surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are planning to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), in the near future you will not have problems with finances. To make this period last as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or ripping it apart, torn it), get ready for your relationship with one of your relatives or friends to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Interpretation of dreams from

While today's men are running around in search of treasured tulips or trying to cook scrambled eggs for their beloved in the kitchen, we decided to remember how their fathers and grandfathers congratulated their ladies on March 8th. How did they surprise their women? Olga Ivanova, the ex-head of the department store in the capital, the wife of a retired lieutenant colonel, told about the treasured perfume “Red Moscow” and lace underwear.

Olga Semenovna is 77 years old. A Siberian, she traveled across half of the USSR with her military husband and worked everywhere in trade: in a warehouse for fabrics and fur products, at the Rosgalantereya wholesale warehouse, in the Voentorg warehouse. She was even in charge of the fur section.

- My husband and I moved to Minsk in 1977,- says Olga Semyonovna. - Around this time, I came to work in the fur section of the Belarus department store. This section was then considered “thieves”.

Expensive goods, reputable buyers. A muskrat hat, for example, cost 200-250 rubles, while the salary was 120. A mink hat was even sold for 300. In general, giving a lady a mink hat on March 8th was a very luxurious and chic gift. Not everyone could afford this.

As are fur coats. According to Olga Semyonovna, the price tag here was also “biting.” And if an artificial fur coat cost about 39-40 rubles (which is a third of the salary), then a natural one could reach 300-600. The French leopard print item was considered the pièce de résistance of fur coat fashion in the USSR. These were quite expensive - about 420 rubles.

- But among fashionistas, sheepskin coats were most popular,- Olga Semyonovna is sorting through the photographs. - This would also be a great gift for March 8th. Llama sheepskin coats were especially prized. They were rarely brought. I really wanted such a sheepskin coat, so I tried it on on the evening of delivery. But they couldn’t sell it to me just like that: I had to wait in line. So early in the morning I came to the department store and became the first in line at the cash register. I was dressed, in general, like a buyer (I didn’t work that day). I remember there was a huge crowd on the street. How did people know that these sheepskin coats would be brought in?

They opened a department store. The crowd immediately poured into the department, and here I stood. They started shouting at me, saying, “you weren’t standing here,” and so on. And they tear my sheepskin coat from my hands. The saleswoman saved me. She shouted at everyone: “This woman was standing in line. She was the first to come. I can’t help but serve her, so she’ll buy the sheepskin coat first.” So, with a fight, I got my “llama”. 600 rubles, as I remember now. My husband then gave me money for it; he had a very good salary.

For a fur coat, a wealthy Soviet man could buy Italian or Austrian boots. Soviet women said that they fit their legs like a glove. And they cost the same as an engineer’s salary at a factory.

“French perfumes were terribly expensive - half your salary for 5 milliliters”

Another solid gift that a woman could receive on March 8 is jewelry. For example, “heart” earrings, which many people still keep in their jewelry boxes, or a ring with a synthetic ruby. Or a gold watch.

- You know, we had a jewelry section nearby, but before the holiday there weren’t particularly large queues there, not like now there are a lot of people flocking to buy gold or silver, Gold was not considered a scarce commodity. It was simply expensive, so not everyone could afford it. In the seventies and eighties, simple gold earrings were sold for 120-130 rubles. In the eighties, wedding rings cost about the same as a gold watch. In the seventies, with my 240 ruble salary, I, the head of a section with such experience in trade, could not even afford to buy something beautiful.

Therefore, beauties at that time did not disdain jewelry. Every self-respecting fashionista at that time had pearl beads, cupronickel or brass brooches, metal earrings and other jewelry.

- Not every woman had perfume either. The Soviet “Red Moscow” was especially valued at that time; later there was the perfume “Natalia”,- recalls Olga Semyonovna. - But my husband gave me completely unique foreign Mystere Rochas. They are terribly expensive - 120 rubles for 5 milliliters. They smelled so much that on the bus on the way to the department store they periodically said to me: “Woman, what a pleasant smell you smell!”

Soviet young ladies also did not refuse imported mascara in a tube - usually English or French. Getting it was considered a huge success.

- My husband asked me to bring this mascara from his friends,- Olga Semyonovna explains. - When I worked at the Rosgalantereya base in the Primorsky Territory, I had to travel to Moscow to purchase goods. There we lived in the Rossiya Hotel, where Pugacheva and other celebrities stayed. It was a shame to use ordinary “spit” mascara there. I was one of the few who wore imported makeup. For trips to Moscow, I had an expensive Japanese robe and beautiful underwear. Yes, yes, my husband once gave me lace lingerie from Germany.

By the way, beautiful underwear for women in the USSR was in short supply from wartime until the eighties. Minister of Culture Ekaterina Furtseva tried to reverse this female injustice. At the next meeting of the Politburo she said: “Every Soviet woman has the right to a quality bra.” On her instructions, they even built a special factory in Cheryomushki, not far from Moscow. True, women's underwear still did not differ in variety: brushed pantaloons and baggy bras.

In general, if a Soviet boyfriend managed to please a lady with a lace combination from France, the GDR or the Czech Republic, then it was one hundred percent amorous success, even despite the synthetic fabrics and thorny lace. A similar triumph awaited the gentlemen who presented the ladies with nylon tights or nylon stockings.

- Even at that time, everyone wanted to buy a Japanese folding umbrella. Well, one that could fold in three. Convenient, lightweight, can be put in your purse,- Olga Semyonovna smiles. - I remember at the department store we knocked out these umbrellas for our girls from the section. Oddly enough, there was also a shortage of Orenburg down scarves. The song sang “I’ll throw it on my shoulders.” So, in order to throw it on, you had to stand in line for a long time.

In addition to women's items and flowers, many housewives expected quite mundane, but no less scarce, gifts from their men.

- Leningrad iron with steamer, food processor, juicer, vacuum cleaner,- Olga Semyonovna lists the coveted things. - They were not as expensive as, for example, gold or fur. A vacuum cleaner cost 42-50 rubles, an iron - 14-20 rubles.

But here the main problem was precisely to get these devices. They didn’t bring many of them, just like refrigerators and televisions. Often managers distributed goods among themselves or their friends. We, the sellers, got practically nothing. Although they said about trade that we were making money. There was nothing like this, at least in Belarus.

Olga Semyonovna takes out unusual corals from the Yugoslav wall, which was once in great short supply. It turns out that one day they were given to the whole team.

- Look, look what they gave,- Olga Semyonovna takes out a bag embroidered with bright beads. - That's what was missing. This is a Japanese bag. I still keep it as a memory of my sister. And we gave relatives something necessary, but not very expensive: gloves, vases, scarves, and so on.

“Girls, my man categorically refuses to buy me a fur coat! She says I don't need her. The down jacket is no worse, and there is no money. But I know that there is. What do i do? How can I put pressure on him so that he fulfills my wish - to receive a fur coat as a gift for the New Year?

Perhaps someone may be familiar with this situation. Do you dream of a chic, warm fur coat, but your loved one ignores your request and puts it off for later? Dont be upset! Today you will learn several effective ways to influence your partner and make sure that the treasured gift ends up under the tree in a timely manner.

A luxurious fur coat - mink or fox, sable or lynx - is one of the brightest events in life that will be remembered by both of you.

1. Hint?

As a rule, you shouldn’t put too much pressure on your partner and beg hard for a fur coat. You need to try to start a conversation from afar on the topic of fur new clothes.

Men like to be praised and given compliments. “How wonderful you are to me! How smart, quick-witted, strong you are!” - never stop stroking their pride and reminding them that you love and value them. This can be a great place to start to move on to the subject of gifts.

It's best to hint. For example, you “accidentally” found yourself in a fur salon together or walked past its windows. We saw amazing models of fur coats. Be amazed or pretend to be upset. Your loved one will ask what's going on. It turns out that that fur coat is what you need for complete spiritual harmony. Believe me, the hint will be understood!

Suitable for melancholic: easily vulnerable, prone to worries. Be gentle and don't push. The more you praise, the more you will receive in return.

2. It's necessary!

Another way is to let him know that you need it for specific reasons. For example: “Winter this year promises to be harsh. Down jackets are not able to warm you up like natural fur!” Or: “Darling, I haven’t bought anything for myself for so long! And there are so many interesting events ahead, the Christmas holidays. You need to look the part!” Let him think that he is buying not only a beautiful, but also a useful thing.

Another option for melancholic, if in the first case they do not understand you quite correctly. Don't worry, this is completely normal!

3. You are for me, and I am for you.

If you want to receive, you need to be able to give. Of course, we are not talking about giving your partner a gift on a par with a fur product. A man should feel like a warrior who is ready to win all victories for your sake, and a woman is a fragile, very gentle creature. However, everyone appreciates the attention and values ​​those things that are truly made with love and warmth. You can delight your companion with homemade surprises. This could be a cute sweater knitted by you or secret messages, the receipt of which would preferably be arranged in an original way. Then the man will have no doubt that in return he can please you with a nice gift.

Sanguines - alive, hot, moving. They are the ones who always want interesting events and difficult ways to resolve the situation.

4. Envy?

If your chosen one is endowed with a degree of self-confidence, and his friends even consider him narcissistic, you can try to influence him with envy. Usually, it is always important for this type of man to be in the center of attention, and to live a little better than others. If you tell him that your friend was given a gorgeous fox cape by her husband, he will seriously think about making a fur purchase for you! Only you can already have a fur coat that will definitely be better than a fox cape. In this case, you should not forget to tell your chosen one that everyone will admire his generosity and will simply die of envy when they see this amazing gift on you. Finally, remind him that others like to judge a man by his woman.

Suitable for choleric people: passionate, impetuous, with sharply changing moods. Don't spare your emotions!

5. Directness.

We talked about hints, and men do not always understand them. Many people prefer to know all your desires without any riddles. Then we will do things differently. Say directly that the other day you were out shopping, saw the fur coat of your dreams and now you are definitely expecting it as a New Year’s gift! Be softer: “Darling, you know, I’ve got my eye on such a beautiful fur coat. Shall we watch it together? This could be the perfect gift for the upcoming holiday!” At the same time, remember that you need to talk about your desires in time, having caught his good mood.

Ideal approach for phlegmatic: calm, persistent and persistent workers of life. They know clearly what they want from life, and they demand the same in return. More pressure!

Let's hope that our recipes will serve as a reminder for you that you will use in practice J

The fur factory “ELENA FURS” congratulates all women and their beloved men on the upcoming New Year! Give each other the right gifts, because by doing this you strengthen your union and show how valuable everything that is between you is.

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