The best photoepilators for hair removal according to user reviews. Photoepilator or epilator, which is better? Laser or photoepilator for home, which is better?

Just some 10-20 years ago, women all over the world used hair removal products that were not far removed from medieval methods. Endless tugging and shaving - that's all the beauty industry could offer ladies. But the emerging technology of photoepilation gave hope not only for painless, but also permanent hair removal. And the opportunity to buy a photoepilator for home has brought this dream closer for many women.

What is photoepilation

As often happens, the idea of ​​photoepilation was suggested by nature itself: in those places on our planet where the sun shines most intensely and for the longest time, say, in Africa, people have much less hair on their bodies, for example, men often do not even grow a mustache. This is due to the fact that melanin, which is in the structure of the hair (namely, melanin is responsible for its color - the more of it, the darker the hair), absorbs light energy and converts it into heat. Heating inside the hair follicle gradually destroys it and atrophies. But in nature this process takes a long time. For people living close to the equator to become less hairy, they need to be exposed to the sun for more than one generation.

In photoepilation, this principle of exposure to light is greatly enhanced to obtain quick results. The light flash created by a professional photoepilator increases the temperature inside the follicle to 80 degrees Celsius, which leads to blood clotting in the capillaries much faster. Naturally, without nutrition, the hair follicle will soon die, and the hair from it will fall out and will not grow again.

However, it is impossible to get rid of all hair in one procedure, and here’s why: all hair follicles on the human body can be in one of the phases:

  • active when the follicle allows hair to grow;
  • in the sleep phase, when hair does not grow.

The light flash affects only active hair follicles, no more than 30% of the total number, however, after 3 or 5 weeks, dormant follicles will begin to wake up and give rise to new hair. Therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated to destroy them too. On average, it will take 3 to 5 such procedures to completely get rid of hair in the desired area.

Subtleties of the procedure

Anyone planning to undergo photoepilation needs to know certain nuances regarding this procedure so as not to be disappointed later.

Despite the fact that advertising talks about completely getting rid of unwanted hair once and for all, after about 5 years you will have to undergo a full course of hair removal again. During this period, new viable follicles will have time to form, which will give rise to new hair. Supportive procedures are also important and should be done approximately every six months.

It is also worth considering that not all hair can be removed using photoepilation. As already noted, melatonin plays the main role in light absorption, and the more of it, the more heat is generated in the pouch. Therefore, dark hair is removed easier and faster than, say, light brown hair. But, alas, it is impossible to remove completely light or gray hair in this way.

Remember that you should not sunbathe for at least 3 weeks before epilation - hair is removed much better on light skin. By the way, after the procedure it is better to refrain from sunbathing for at least a couple of weeks. You will not be able to use cosmetics for the same amount of time (if they were removed with antiperspirants (if you had armpit hair removal). Also, when preparing for the procedure, remove hairs only with a razor and do not resort to methods based on pulling out (epilator, tweezers, sugaring, wax, etc.). ).

Before buying a photoepilator, do not forget to study doctors' reviews and consultation to determine whether you have any contraindications to the procedure.

Pros of the procedure

Of course, this method has a lot of advantages. And the most important thing is painlessness. This is confirmed by numerous reviews. This is especially pleasing when it comes to the bikini area or armpits, because hair removal in these places, for example, with wax or sugar, is not a procedure for the faint of heart. Even the use of a laser causes significant discomfort, while photography does not feel at all.

The second plus is the quick effect, which, according to experts, is noticeable after the first procedure. And of course, the good news is that the effect lasts for years. No other hair removal product can compare with this method, because it can only permanently destroy hair follicles.

Another advantage is the absence of irritation, redness, and damage to the skin, which so often happens after sugaring or waxing, not to mention razors. There is no problem of ingrown hair after photoepilation, which often happens after


True, photoepilation has a lot of disadvantages, for example, it is helpless for dark and tanned skin or for very light and thin hairs. Disadvantages include the need for several expensive procedures, as well as their periodic repetition.

But the main reason to doubt is, of course, the high price. Indeed, one procedure, for example, on the legs, can cost 10-12 thousand rubles. You will have to pay no less than 20 thousand rubles for the device itself - this is how much home photoepilation will cost you.

Contraindications and consequences

Since the photoepilation procedure involves exposing the skin to a powerful beam of light, it should not be done by those who have problems with the skin. These are, for example, eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis. The presence of a birthmark, large mole or tattoo in the place where photoepilation is planned will also be a contraindication.

Contraindications and consequences should be of particular interest to those with sensitive skin. In this case, it is better to do a test flash on one area of ​​the body and observe the reaction for 24 hours. If, apart from slight redness, no unpleasant symptoms appear, the procedure can be done without fear.

It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women to take the course due to their unstable hormonal levels. However, according to experts, the photoepilator cannot cause any harm to the mother or child. Reviews from doctors are direct confirmation of this. Still, consultation is necessary.

An absolute contraindication is such serious diseases as cancer, insulin-dependent diabetes, severe damage to the cardiovascular system, and keloid disease.

Difference from other types of hair removal

When studying a new technology for the first time, you can’t help but compare it with the ones you’re used to. The closest thing to photoepilation is laser hair removal. This method appeared a little earlier, but its essence is approximately the same. The main difference is that photography uses light waves of different lengths, while laser uses only one. This means that the laser does not have the ability to individually adjust, while a professional photoepilator allows you to select the power for each type of skin, hair and area of ​​treatment.

An alternative and most modern hair removal method is the E.L.O.S. system, in which radio frequency radiation is added to light pulses, that is, it is, in fact, an improved photoepilation system. This is an even safer and faster hardware method

If we compare photos and traditional mechanical methods, such as sugaring, waxing, the use of epilators or creams, we can conclude that they are inferior to modern technologies. Firstly, almost all of them (with the exception of razors and creams) are extremely painful, provoke ingrown hairs and can lead to serious skin problems. Creams and razors cause irritation and are very poorly tolerated by sensitive skin. Not to mention constant procedures, because even complete hair removal from the root needs to be done every 3-4 weeks.

The only advantage is that they are cheap compared to photos; however, in the long term, constant salon sugaring procedures or spending on creams and high-quality razors are incomparably more expensive than several photoepilation procedures or purchasing a device for it.

At home or in the salon?

Several years ago, the photoepilation procedure was available only to clients of beauty salons, but today there are a large number of photoepilators on the market intended for home use.

Their difference is that the salon device has the function of adjusting the power of the light rays so that the specialist can choose the right one depending on the type of hair and skin of the client. Therefore, the maximum power of such devices can be very high. But for home devices this figure cannot exceed 19 kJ, which will protect an inexperienced user from getting burns or other skin damage.

Fine-tuning the device is especially important if it is necessary to treat areas with delicate and thin skin, for example in the deep bikini area, or if a photoepilator is used for the face. Careless handling of the device or too strong an impulse can make the procedure painful, which is why doctors recommend taking the course in a salon, and with a qualified and experienced specialist.

However, modern photoepilators intended for home use are more and more similar to professional ones and remove hair better and better. In addition, buying a home device is more profitable than undergoing several sessions in a good salon. And if you want to get rid of hair all over your body, salon services will cost a pretty penny. But dermatologists and professional hairdressers still argue that home devices are only good for maintaining the effect, and hair removal itself should be done in a salon, where the equipment is more powerful and advanced.

Now let’s discuss the question of what professionals and their clients say about such a device as a photoepilator.

Reviews from doctors, clients and buyers

Many are concerned about the safety of this procedure, which uses flashes of light. Especially when it comes to the bikini area and armpits. Can a photoepilator harm the mammary glands or reproductive system?

Reviews from doctors (for example, gynecologists and dermatologists) allow us to conclude that experts in general do not criticize photoepilation, but note that this procedure should only be carried out by experienced cosmetologists with the necessary knowledge. Otherwise, burns and skin damage cannot be avoided. On the other hand, complex, powerful devices can only be purchased for a beauty salon, while home models are completely safe.

Laser and photoepilation are the most popular and modern methods of hair removal. Despite the fact that the mechanism of action is similar, each method has its own specifics. In both the first and second cases, the melanin contained in the hair is heated, which leads to its destruction. It is necessary to approach the issue of removing vegetation using such methods selectively. To understand what is better for each individual person - a laser epilator or a photoepilator, it is necessary to take into account some factors and characteristics of the skin.

From a very early age, girls and women are concerned about the problem of excess hair. Modern technologies make the hair removal procedure painless and without consequences. Both laser and photoepilator will allow you to get rid of unwanted hair for a long time. Let's take a closer look at the differences between the methods.

Laser hair removal

The principle of operation of a laser epilator is the action of a laser wave on melanin. In this case, the pigment heats up and is destroyed along with the hair follicle. The light beam has a certain wavelength, and the radiation is narrowly directed. This is the main distinguishing parameter in comparison with the photoepilation system. The laser acts exclusively on the melanin of the hair, but does not affect hemoglobin and melanin, which is contained in the skin around the hair.

Home laser epilator NO!NO! PRO5!

After a few days, the hair falls out and the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Taking into account the peculiarities of hair structure and color, 90% of unwanted hair can be removed in 5 procedures. If the hair is thick and dark, the number of manipulations will be greater and they will last longer.

The laser wave has a limited coverage area. When treating the skin on your legs, you need to be patient, as the procedure takes a lot of time.


The action of a photoepilator differs from a laser one in that it emits a lot light waves of different lengths. Due to this specificity, it simultaneously has a destructive effect on an entire area of ​​hair follicles. The number of procedures in this technique is greater than when working with a laser epilator. Due to the different wavelengths of light, the degree of its effect on melanin is not the same, and it may be necessary to treat the same areas in several sessions, on average 2-3 times with a break of 3 weeks.

Photoepilator Philips Lumea IPL SC1992/00

The use of photoepilation has many restrictions associated with the presence of diseases and skin characteristics. It is also impossible to perform manipulation while taking medications. Before doing the procedure, it is advisable to consult with your doctor regarding the safety of hair removal.

How to make the right choice

Hair removal can be done at home using a portable epilator. If you are afraid of harming yourself, it is better not to doubt it, but to consult a cosmetologist. If there is a need to purchase a device for home use, it is necessary to compare the initial data (hair color and thickness), as well as financial capabilities.

The photoepilator has a wider coverage area and processes more hair in one action. The power of the heat beam can be adjusted in the device. If the skin is dark, the power must be reduced. Problem may occur with gray hairs: hair removal with such a device will not be very effective. In this case, when choosing a laser or photoepilator, you should lean towards the first option.

The difference with a laser device is the regular replacement of the lamp. It needs to be changed every 2-3 sessions.

A photoepilator differs in its action from a laser in that it is equally effective for blondes and brunettes, and there is no difference what color the skin is, and this is its great advantage. Considering the fact that hair removal is carried out faster due to a larger hair coverage area in one flash, the device can be considered almost universal. The most popular models among users are HPLight and Sensepil.

Photoepilator Silk'n SENSEPIL XL 65

Thus, it is obvious that laser and photoepilation are highly effective methods for combating unwanted hair. Which epilator is better to choose is up to you to decide, guided by your own preferences and the specifics of your body.

Regular hair removal is a scourge not only for men, who have to shave almost every day, but also for women. Moreover, for the fair half of humanity, who need to not only take care of their face, but also rid the rest of their body of unwanted hair, choosing the appropriate method and means is even more difficult. There are several types of hair removal devices on the market today. The principle of operation of a mechanical device, for example, is to pull out hairs using special tweezers. In addition to the usual mechanical ones, there are photo and laser epilators. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Let's find out, photoepilator or laser epilator - which is better?

Using a laser - features:

  • A laser beam with a wavelength of 755 nm is used to remove hairs. This is a standard value. However, there are epilators that emit light with a different wavelength. The device has a “point” effect on the hair, while the skin remains undamaged.
  • But there is also a minus: it takes a lot of time to epilate, since it will require exposure to each of the hairs. In professional devices this drawback is completely eliminated. The epilator acts not on one hair, but on a relatively large area.
  • To prevent skin heating, beauty salons use a special cooling gel.
  • To completely get rid of hair, it will take 5 to 6 sessions.

Important! Thus, there are two options: either use the laser on each hair without the slightest discomfort, or treat a large area of ​​skin with an epilation device - in this case, all the advantages of the laser method are negated: the skin heats up.

Photoepilation - features of the procedure:

  • To eliminate unwanted hair, it is not a laser that is used, but a light beam. At the same time, the light wavelength varies within the range of 550-1200 nm.
  • The light source is a special lamp.

Important! Due to the large variability of light wavelengths, the effectiveness of the procedure is lower.

  • Professional devices are quite powerful, so there is a risk of skin burns. This does not apply to home photoepilators - they are low-power and therefore safe.
  • Modern models are equipped with filters that cut off short-wave light. This increases the efficiency of the device.

The difference between photo and laser epilator

The main thing that distinguishes the two devices from each other is the wavelength of the light:

  • in a “laser” the wavelength is certain;
  • for lighting devices this indicator fluctuates within certain limits.

Hence the scope of application of the devices:

  • Light waves with a length of 755 nm are well absorbed by dark hair, and much worse by light hair.

Important! For fair-haired people, an electroepilator with a laser beam is not suitable. It will simply be useless. Blonde hair contains little melanin pigment, so there is nothing particularly warming up.

  • A photoepilator is better suited for people with blond hair. However, a photoepilator can be called a universal option: it is suitable for removing both dark and light hair.

As a result, the question of which is better - an epilator or a photoepilator is not entirely correct. What is much more important is which device is right for you.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • The main advantage of a laser device is that there is no need to replace the lamp.
  • As opposed to a laser, the advantage of a photoepilator is the large area of ​​the lamp window - 10 times larger than that of a photoepilator. This means that the procedure will be 10 times faster.
  • The disadvantage of photoepilators is that the lamps have to be changed every 2-3 sessions. The cost of the lamps is low, but for obsolete models it is not easy to get them.

Video material

It's up to you to decide which is better - a laser or a photoepilator. It all depends on your hair color, as well as the price segment of the device. There is no fundamental difference between the two types of electroepilators. Prices are approximately the same. Therefore, the final decision is yours!

For many centuries in a row, smooth skin has been the standard of female beauty. Modern cosmetology offers a whole range of services for removing excess hair. However, after they are carried out, the hairs return sooner or later, and each of the procedures must be carried out regularly. Not so long ago, truly radical methods of hair removal appeared, leading to the destruction of the follicle using light energy. We are talking about photoepilation and laser hair removal. Novelty and similarity often puzzles the fair sex about which method to choose.


Operating principle

Both methods are based on radical hair removal using light radiation. This similarity often confuses the patient: what is better - photoepilation or laser hair removal. To make the right choice, you need to know the main differences between the procedures and how suitable each of them is in a particular case.

Both photoepilation and laser hair removal affect hair that is visible above the skin, that is, hair that is in the active growth phase. Under the influence of light radiation, the dark pigment, melanin, located in the trunk and root of the hair, is heated. This leads to heating and destruction of the capillaries feeding the follicle. After some time, the hair falls out along with the follicle, and a new one will never appear in this place.

The photoepilation device is customized individually for each patient. The settings depend on the color and thickness of the hair in the depilated area, on the density of its growth, and on the color of the skin. If the power is insufficient, the procedure will have no effect; if the power is too high, you can get a burn.

Laser hair removal uses one beam (as a rule, it is alexandrite or diode, which are most suitable for the phototype of Russians). For very dark hair, a diode laser is often used, but it is considered more painful. The Alexandrite laser is not as aggressive, but it cannot cope with some types of hair.

No additional settings are required for laser hair removal. In addition, modern devices are equipped with a special melanin scanner, which allows you to set the exact power automatically. Such devices completely prevent the possibility of negative effects on the skin.

The effectiveness of photo and laser hair removal

Until recently, laser action was effective only for dark hair on light skin, but the development of laser cosmetology has made it possible to use the method for almost any hair color. However, for gray and very light hair, as well as fine vellus hairs, the laser is not effective enough.

Of particular importance is the beam chosen. After treatment with an alexandrite laser, hair falls out almost immediately; after diode laser, slight swelling remains around the hairs, and they themselves begin to fall out 5-10 days after the procedure.

Photoepilation is applicable to any hair type, except gray hair, since gray hair does not contain the pigment melanin. Immediately after the procedure, charred white dots remain in place of the hair, which are clearly visible under the magnifying glass of a cosmetologist. For some time after the session, it may seem that the hair continues to grow, but the disruption of the follicles’ nutrition does its job, and after 1-2 weeks the hairs begin to actively fall out.

It is important to know: In case of unstable hormonal background (for example, when taking hormonal drugs, including contraceptives, for gynecological diseases), photo and laser hair removal is ineffective.

Video: Principles and effectiveness of laser hair removal in the “Live Healthy” program

Number of sessions and course duration

The laser acts directly on the melanin contained in the hair. In one pulse, an area from 4 to 19 mm in diameter is processed. The area depends on the depilation zone. During photoepilation, broadband light is used; the area of ​​the treated skin surface depends on the working tip of the device and on average ranges from 3 to 5 cm2.

Photoepilation will take several times less time than laser hair removal. Thus, laser hair removal of the upper lip takes 15-20 minutes, while photo hair removal will last from 3 to 7 minutes. Photoepilation of a deep bikini will be carried out on average in 15 minutes, laser hair removal can take up to 2 hours.

The interval between the first and second photoepilation procedures is 2-3 weeks. Each subsequent procedure is carried out with an increase of 2 weeks: after 4, 6, 8 weeks and so on. After five procedures, most people experience permanent hair removal.

The effect of the first laser hair removal procedure lasts 1-1.5 months. The specific interval depends on individual characteristics and when new hairs begin to appear from dormant bulbs. To obtain the desired effect, 5-7 sessions are necessary. The entire course will take about a year, for some people it lasts up to 1.5-2 years.

After a full course of photoepilation or laser hair removal, it is necessary to carry out maintenance procedures, the frequency of which also depends on the hair growth characteristics of a particular person. For some, it is enough to remove emerging hairs once a year, while others will need 2-3 visits to a cosmetologist in the same period of time.

Epilation zones

With laser hair removal, the area of ​​skin surface treated at a time is smaller, since only one laser beam is used. The directionality of this beam is higher, and hair removal occurs with greater precision. Thanks to this, hair removal can be performed on any part of the body, but due to the duration of the procedure, it is most often used on the face (eyebrow area, above the upper lip), chest and armpit area.

With photoepilation, the area treated at a time is much larger, so it is extremely rarely used on the face. If necessary, the procedure can be performed above the upper lip. It is never used to remove eyebrow hairs, since there is a high probability of corneal burns.

When can hairs remain after the procedure?

There are cases when, after photo- and laser hair removal, single hairs remain on the treated skin surface. Many people think that these are missing hairs, but this is not entirely true. Hair can remain for several reasons:

  1. Sometimes hair follicles are located in fatty tissue. In this case, the laser cannot penetrate the follicle, and such hair cannot be removed. Such cases are rare.
  2. Red hair remains during laser hair removal because it contains the pigment pheomelanin, which has a reddish tint that the beam does not see.
  3. Ingrown hairs also remain if it is time to become overgrown. If such a hair is removed before the procedure, the procedure will be effective for it too.

Painfulness of the procedure and side effects

Many salons claim that laser hair removal is painless. In fact, during both photoepilation and laser hair removal, the skin is exposed to light radiation, so the sensations with any of these methods will be approximately the same.

Before photoepilation, a transparent gel is applied to the treated surface, which serves as a contact medium. It conducts light, thereby achieving the best effect. In addition, it cools the skin, relieving pain and preventing burns.

Modern laser devices are equipped with a built-in head (cooling sapphire, vacuum attachment) that has an anesthetizing effect. However, in particularly sensitive areas (bikini area, for example), many patients experience quite severe pain. People with a low pain threshold can take a mild pain reliever before the procedure.

Side effects include redness and irritation that appear immediately after the procedure. It is worth noting that after laser hair removal the recovery period is shorter, swelling and redness disappear after a couple of hours, and decorative cosmetics can be used after half an hour.

Laser hair removal has a less aggressive effect on the skin, and burns are practically excluded. But when carrying out photoepilation, they are a fairly common complication due to incorrectly selected device power. Often, pigmentation subsequently appears at the burn site. That is why, when choosing a salon, special attention should be paid to the qualifications of the specialist who will carry out the procedure.

Video: Live photoepilation. Carrying out the procedure, sensations and impressions

Contraindications for procedures

Absolute contraindications to photo and laser hair removal are:

  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • redness, irritation, herpetic infection in the acute stage at the site of hair removal;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Laser and photoepilation should not be performed on skin that is too dark or tanned. At least 2 weeks must pass from sunbathing.

Cost of services

The cost for one hair removal session is calculated by each clinic and salon individually. This depends on the cost of equipment and medications used during the procedure. As a rule, devices for photoepilation are universal and are in great demand in the service market, which is why the price for the photoepilation procedure is higher than for laser hair removal.

For example, laser treatment of the upper lip or chin will cost approximately 1.5 times less than photoepilation. Photoepilation of the bikini line will cost almost twice as much as laser hair removal of the same area. Treating the armpits with a photoepilator is 500-800 rubles more expensive than laser treatment, and both legs will cost 2-3 thousand rubles more.

When choosing a hair removal method, you should remember that both methods are used to achieve different goals. Which one is more suitable depends on the area of ​​depilation, hair and skin color, the presence of a tan and the time of year, as well as the individual characteristics and preferences of the patient.

With both photoepilation and laser hair removal, it is necessary that the visible hairs are no more than 1-2 mm, then the energy will be directed inward, to the follicle, without wasting money on the outer part. The temperature of the impact on the follicle will be higher, and the effect will be better. To do this, 2 days before the procedure, the hair in the area where the removal will be performed must be shaved.

It is important to remember that neither photoepilation nor laser hair removal provides a 100% guarantee that after a full course of procedures, hair will disappear forever. Their growth slows down significantly, but the remaining dormant bulbs can enter the active phase at any time. Hairs, if they appear, become thin and weak. You should not shave such hairs, as this can lead to strengthening of the follicle. It is better to visit the salon again and carry out a maintenance hair removal procedure.

Video: Expert opinion on photo and laser hair removal: what determines the choice of method

For many years, women have been striving to make their bodies beautiful and their skin smooth. Thanks to the development of cosmetology, representatives of the fair half of humanity can fulfill their dreams. Most procedures must be carried out constantly, because after some time the hairs reappear on the skin.

There are 2 methods that allow you to destroy follicles with light energy - photoepilation or laser hair removal; What is better to choose, you need to figure out.

Each hair removal method has advantages and disadvantages. Based on these criteria, a person decides which one suits him best. Laser and light hair removal procedures are similar in result and essence, but there is still a difference, the differences are as follows:

  • method of influence - destruction of follicles during laser hair removal occurs taking into account the color of the client’s skin and hair, and when choosing the second option, the device is universal;
  • Duration of the procedure - laser treatment will take longer;
  • number of sessions - the number of laser procedures is less than with light exposure;
  • functionality of the devices - with photoepilation, the area of ​​skin treated at a time is larger than with a laser procedure;
  • cost - the price for both types is high, but the client will pay almost 2 times more for the light exposure.

Laser or photoepilation destroys follicles. Laser exposure causes rapid destruction due to its precision. For the second procedure, equipment is used where there is a spectrum of light radiation with high power, and the inclusion and disabling of additional functions is selected individually. The danger of light waves is eliminated due to the presence of special filters in the lamps.

The difference between laser hair removal and photoepilation is that to carry out the former, the type of laser must be selected depending on the color of the client’s skin and hair. Women who have little time to visit salons will appreciate the speed of the light procedure. Before visiting the salon, it is recommended to find out how photoepilation differs from laser hair removal and study the principle of their operation in order to choose the best option.

Which method is more effective?

Before hair removal, you need to determine what is better - laser or photoepilation. The procedure, performed using a laser, was previously effective for dark-colored hair on fair skin. Further development of cosmetology led to the fact that the method began to be used for any type of hair. Insufficient effectiveness is observed in the presence of light, gray or thin hairs.

The result of photoepilation and laser hair removal (which is better is chosen by the client) depends on the beam that is used for the procedure. After an alexandrite laser, hair loss begins immediately, but due to the diode beam, swelling appears in the treated area, and hair begins to fall out after 5-10 days.

Photoepilation can be used for any hair color except one. Gray hair lacks a pigment called melanin. At the end of the procedure, under a magnifying glass, you can see a charred white dot in the hair area.

Over the course of 2 weeks, it may seem that hair growth continues, but later it begins to fall out, since photoepilation disrupts the feeding process of the follicles. Photoepilation or laser hair removal is ineffective in the presence of unstable hormonal levels.

What is more painful: photo or laser hair removal?

Thanks to devices that feature powerful cooling systems, hardware hair removal causes minimal pain. Mild discomfort or burning may occur from the effect of a light pulse on the skin. The intensity of unpleasant sensations is influenced by the following factors:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • flash power;
  • processing area;
  • pain threshold.

The procedures are similar in terms of pain severity. If the patient experiences discomfort when exposed to the laser beam, photoepilation will also be painful for him. For this reason, you can choose the method you like. It doesn’t matter whether it is photoepilation or laser hair removal - the pain threshold of the procedures is at the same level.

Number of sessions

Photoepilation requires more procedures than the laser method. In the first case, to eliminate hair growth, you need to visit the salon at least 4 times. Laser hair removal will require fewer sessions to achieve your goal. Within 1-2 visits, hairs may completely disappear or their growth may slow down. This indicator indicates that the use of the laser method is more effective.

The action of the laser beam is concentrated, so every hair that is in the growth stage is affected. When exposed to light from a photo device, the effect on the hairs is different. Some are fully processed, while others may be left untouched. This fact shows which hair removal is better.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Contraindications for laser and light methods are the same, since the procedures are similar in principle of influence. Relative contraindications are:

  • colds;
  • tanned skin;
  • skin diseases (lupus erythematosus, eczema, psoriasis);
  • presence of cuts, cracks or scratches;
  • pigment spots and moles in the treated area;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • allergy;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • age up to 18 years.

These contraindications are relative. Laser and photoepilation can be performed after consultation with a doctor. It is worth considering a number of factors under which the procedure is prohibited:

  • herpetic rashes;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

The procedure can be harmful to health if the prohibitions are not taken into account. Various parts of the body can be treated, but special care must be taken when treating the bikini area. There are additional restrictions for it:

  • presence of sexually transmitted infection;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • fungal diseases.

In addition, general contraindications are taken into account. Complications after laser or light exposure are divided into early and late. Early ones can make themselves felt immediately after hair removal. In most cases, they are safe, do not require treatment and are caused by increased skin sensitivity.

Side effects may result from non-compliance with recommendations. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. Early complications include:

  1. The appearance of swelling and redness in the treated area of ​​skin. The phenomenon is a natural reaction of the body.
  2. Burns may occur due to dark skin or heavy tanning.
  3. Folliculitis occurs in women who visited the pool after hair removal.
  4. Due to a predisposition to the occurrence of herpes, an exacerbation of the disease is observed. To avoid this, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs before hair removal.
  5. Young girls may develop acneiform rashes that go away on their own and do not require treatment.
  6. Inflammation of the eyes, decreased vision and conjunctivitis are the result of neglecting glasses. Basically, the problem makes itself felt after hair removal to correct the shape of the eyebrows, in which the protective agent interferes with the procedure.
  7. If allergies occur, take antihistamines. The phenomenon may be in the form of urticaria, dermatitis or cyanosis. An allergic reaction is caused by cosmetics or painkillers used to remove hair.

Late complications arise due to non-compliance with recommendations for hair removal. The consequences are difficult to treat. Among the late complications:

  • decreased or increased pigmentation (manifested in women with dark skin who neglect recommendations for the use of cosmetics that lighten the epidermis);
  • scar formation occurs when the skin is damaged and sometimes leads to the formation of scars;
  • Increased hair growth is observed with the wrong choice of flow.

Negative consequences of the procedure include nevus dysplasia, tissue degeneration or impaired sweating due to improper use of hair removal technology. Negative consequences can be avoided if you visit the clinic in advance and talk about your illnesses. The doctor will decide whether the procedure is worthwhile or not.

Cost comparison

The cost of one session depends on the device and aids used. If the device is effective and has several functions, then the cost of the procedure will be higher. There are devices that can help you not only get rid of annoying hairs, but also skin defects. Such a device is more expensive, which affects the cost of the session. If a client is looking for a cheap hair removal option, he may receive a poor-quality procedure or be left with a skin burn.

Many salons offer sessions at a discount or promotion. If you track this process, you can get hair removal profitably, but you should pay attention to the discount. Often it is given only for the first procedure, and for further procedures the client pays the full amount. A comparison of prices for services shows that the cost of one photoepilation session is slightly more than for laser treatment. The difference is visible when carrying out the full course.


With both types of hair removal, there is no complete guarantee that hairs will not appear again. Their growth process slows down, but the remaining bulbs are in a dormant phase and can begin to actively grow again. At the same time, the hairs grow weak and thin. The main thing at this moment is not to shave them off, but to visit the salon again for a maintenance session.

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