Spring, summer, autumn, winter - what is your color type of appearance? Color types of appearance Warm color type

Each person has a unique appearance and a corresponding color scheme. Based on this, there is such a thing as appearance color types, the characteristics of which we will learn about today.

Previously, all types of appearance were divided into four color types, but over time it became clear that there are many more of them and there are types that are middle options, that is, they combine the features of two other color types. That is why the types of appearance were divided into twelve types.

Twelve color types of appearance were obtained due to the fact that the existing four were distributed and disassembled, which acquired new colors. Thus, middle options have appeared - among which there are warm, soft, bright, cold, light and dark colors.

In order to most accurately determine and find out your color type of appearance, you need to focus on your natural hair color (without dyeing), skin tone, as well as its undertone, which can be either warm or cold, as well as eye color. To most accurately determine your color type, you need to analyze your appearance in the most natural and natural light possible.

In addition, there should be no makeup on your face. You also need to pay attention to your hair, it should be dry and clean, even hairspray or foam can change the natural shade.

Determining your type

Step 1

Hands: First, clench your hand into a fist and look at the color of the knuckles, whether it has a yellowish tint or is more close to a bluish-pinkish color. Take a look at the color of your veins and pay attention to what color they are, usually there are 2 shades of veins - blue and green.

If you have identified pinkish and blue shades, then most likely your appearance is of a cold type, and if yellow colors and the color of your veins tend to green, then welcome to the club of warm colors.

Face: look at your face with daytime color and without makeup, if your complexion has a peach tint, it’s a warm color, if it’s pink, it’s cool.

Hair: let's find out what your natural hair color is - ash blonde, grayish light brown, cold brown or black - cold type, your natural hair color has red tints, honey, light brown, warm shades - warm color type.

Eyes: the presence of coolness indicates a cool appearance - gray, blue, blue. Brown tones, walnut shades, green indicate a warm type.

Step 2

When you have decided based on these characteristics which color range you belong to, warm or cold, we can determine which of the seasons of nature you can attribute yourself to.

So - if your blonde hair, then the color type Spring or Summer the types most suitable for you. If your by nature dark shades then you most likely match the characteristics of the color Winter or Autumn.

Step 3

To further decide, take from your closet clothes in which warm colors predominate and clothes with cool colors, as well as something very bright and colorful, and we will try on or apply these things to ourselves one by one to determine what suits us best and harmonizes with the appearance to identify its season, which corresponds to the seasons.

Spring— Warm and light shades suit you.

Summer—You look best in light and cool colors.

Autumn— dark tones highlight your appearance in the most favorable way.

Winter- contrasting, dark, somewhere bold colors that highlight your spectacular appearance.

Characteristics of the WINTER color type

Signs in appearance: The distinctive feature of this color is contrast. Girls with the Winter type of appearance look very impressive and unusual. They have a clearly visible contrast of facial tone with hair color. Contrast is the key indicator.

Suitable colors: Winter refers to the most contrasting colors; as a rule, the colors of Winter are dark and deep, blue, gray, black. Mustard, yellow, and muted shades should be avoided.

This color is divided into three types for dark, cold and bright Winter.


Dark Winter is characterized by the presence of dark hair and dark eyes, while the skin should be quite light, as if porcelain.

Basically, the typical characteristics of this color can be considered a certain coolness in shades, and one of the components of the type may have a warm undertone - eyes or hair.

Quite often there are girls with the dark Winter color type, but at the same time they have naturally tanned skin with a correspondingly warm undertone, this is what confuses many when determining the color type.


The Cold Winter coloring is characterized mainly by porcelain skin, or skin with a distinctly pinkish tint. The coldness of this type can be seen in the color range of the eyes, which emphasizes the cool tone of the skin and darker hair, also with a cool tint.


The most impressive type of appearance, since it has the highest contrast between the components of the appearance. Brightness serves as the main guideline. Coldness can be seen in everything, while particles of warmth in this case are extremely rare, because they are completely unusual for this color type.

Characteristics of the SPRING color type

Signs in appearance: For the Spring color, a characteristic feature is the purity of shades and colors, while Spring has brighter data than, for example, Autumn. This color type is characterized by light colors, which may have warm shades.

What color of clothes does not suit: colors that are not suitable for you are gray, faceless and colorless, cool and black. Cream color is a good alternative to white for your type.

This color type is divided into bright, warm and light Spring.


A completely uncharacteristic feature of this color type are cold tones. All colors and shades are soft and warm. There is a contrast between hair color and skin tone, which can have varying degrees of sharpness. Bright Spring is characterized by clean and bright colors, without any cloudiness or complex undertones.


Cold shades in any of their manifestations are completely absent. This color type includes those with light shades of skin, hair and eyes. The eyes should have a uniform light color without any tints, tints or inclusions. As for the color scheme of hair shades, in this case the warm yellow undertone is noteworthy; the sand undertone is less common, but it does exist.

Bright spring

A distinctive feature of this color type is light or even pale skin, possibly the presence of freckles. A characteristic feature of Light Spring is the presence of light shades in appearance. The most common hair shades are blonde, but hair can also have sandy and reddish shades.

Characteristics of the SUMMER color type

Appearance: A characteristic feature is a light, cool color palette. In this case, due to the wide range of colors, representatives of this type can be very different from each other in terms of appearance. A cold undertone is characteristic in all components of the appearance, while colors can vary significantly from the lightest to medium dark.

Cloth: For Summer, it's best to avoid warm oranges, yellows and beiges and instead opt for cool colors like blue.

This color type is divided into light, soft and cold Summer.


It has contrast, but it is almost invisible, that is, it does not have a bright appearance. As for hair color, it appears in all light brown and cold blonde shades. There may be a slight, almost imperceptible shade of gray in the color of hair, eyes and skin.


This coloring is characterized by contrast in eye color, which cannot be said about hair and skin tone; they usually come in grayish-pale shades. A warm skin tone is completely uncharacteristic of this color scheme. Cold notes predominate in appearance.


All colors are soft and cold, there are contrasts, but they are not bright. In almost all cases, olive shades are present in the appearance. There are light warm notes that can simultaneously be present throughout a woman’s appearance.

Characteristics of the Autumn color type

Appearance: a very warm color type, for which cold tones and shades are completely uncharacteristic. Among the representatives of this color type there are often quite spectacular women and girls.

Tips for choosing clothing colors: It is better to avoid black, red and blue colors in clothes and makeup. For makeup, do not use blue and white eye shadow, because... they will make you look pale. A warm and deep color palette is an excellent option for you.

This color type is divided into soft, warm and dark Autumn.


It is a combination of Cold Summer and Warm Autumn. That is, both warm and cold shades and tones can be present equally. Contrasts in this case are uncharacteristic, which is why the appearance is calm and even.


Distinguished by dark hair and dark shades of eyes. Cold colors and tones are practically never found; warm shades are much more common.


All components of the appearance have a warm shade. Characteristic features are dark skin and dark hair. The skin can be quite light, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

All color types differ to one degree or another, they are as different as women, but each of them is beautiful in its own way and has individual advantages and highlights.


Each girl has her own color palette.
You need to know exactly what color type you belong to, because... The choice of clothing depends on this.
The most popular is considered "theory of seasons", in which the color type is determined by analogy with the seasons ( spring Summer Autumn Winter).


Women of spring color type often natural blondes or light brown-haired women.
Hair color has golden, “wheat” or amber tint.
The hair is slightly curly, its structure is thin and fluffy.
The skin is light, translucent, peach or milky in color, little exposed to sunlight.
Eyes blue, gray or light green.
Bearers of this color type are suitable for delicate tones in clothes - color young greenery, turquoise, emerald, golden, coral, peach, terracotta. It is in this color scheme that “spring” girls should choose their wardrobe and accessories. Too light and, on the contrary, too dark tones will make the skin look tired and lifeless, so it is better to avoid them.
Unsuitable shades:
Dark colors.
Pastel “summer” shades.
Dazzling white, black, cool shades of red.
Dark shades of blue, blue-green and green (pine needle color, bright bottle green).
Pinkish shades of brown, cocoa color.
Berry shades of raspberry, cherry.
Indigo color, bright blue.


The summer color type, according to experts, is most common among Russian women.
In the summer color type, the degree of contrast in skin and hair tones is of great importance. The lighter the skin and darker the hair, the more contrasting the “summer” will be. Accordingly, there are three subtypes - contrasting, medium and non-contrasting.
People of this color type brown or ash hair,gray, green, watery blue or light brown eyes and light skin - grayish or olive, with closely spaced blood vessels and redness.
Suitable for people of summer color calm, muted, soft tones - different shades of gray, blue, purple (from light lilac to rich plum) and pink.
Jewelry includes silver and “dull pearl” items.
Unsuitable shades:
Black, warm shades of red: orange, red fish color;.
Too rich yellows and juicy greens are not suitable: yolk, honey, rich light green.
It is worth giving up warm brown shades: milk chocolate, camel, brick, as well as poisonous winter colors: fuchsia, indigo, lemon peel color.


The autumn color type is warmer than the spring one.
If in “spring” the tone is set by yellowness, autumn is mainly red.
Girls of this color type are characterized by green, amber or cognac-brown eye color and hair of all shades of red - copper, chestnut, fiery, brown with a reddish tint. The structure of the hair is thick, elastic, and often curly. The skin is usually beige, dark, with freckles, and reacts painfully to the sun - it turns red and inflames.
“Autumn” girls are not suitable for cool colors - gray, black, blue and white. Clothes and accessories in earthy tones and shades of fading greens will help them emphasize the “warmth” of their appearance: brick, brown, carrot, mustard, marsh green, turquoise and gold. In the “autumn”, jewelry made of gold, bronze and copper will look harmonious.
Unsuitable shades:
Screaming cold tones of Winter.
Bright purple pink, deep blue, deep purple, lemon.
White and black.
Pastel and cool shades of the summer range.
Cool gray-brown from the summer range is not suitable, beige shades from the summer range are mixed with pink and gray.
Shades with an admixture of blue are undesirable: deep blue, denim blue, indigo.
Dark purple is also not a fall color.


This type of appearance is most common in eastern countries. The carriers of this color type are dark-skinned brunettes or deep brown-haired women. Eye color - dark brown.
Depending on the degree of contrast in hair and skin color in “winter,” two subtypes are distinguished - contrasting and non-contrasting. Contrasting winters are characterized by blue-black, often straight hair, very light skin with bluish veins and transparent blue or dark brown eyes. The complete opposite of this “frosty” option is a low-contrast winter: dark thick, often curly hair with a chocolate or copper tint, olive-gray skin and brown or green-brown eyes.
Winter is the only color type that is not spoiled by black and white. It is better to avoid rich, bright shades (orange, bright green, yellow) in favor of dark pink (raspberry, ruby, burgundy), inky purple, turquoise and coffee shades.
Unsuitable shades:
Warm shades of red: orange, the color of red fish;
warm blues: turquoise, sea green.
Too saturated warm yellow and juicy green shades are not suitable: yolk, honey, rich light green, turquoise, sea green.
It is worth giving up warm brown shades: milk chocolate, camel, brick.
Too dusty summer shades will not decorate Winter either: smoky blue, pink with a touch of gray, cocoa shade.

Appearance color type: spring, summer, autumn, winter. How to determine color type?

Why is it necessary to separate people by appearance color types?

This is very convenient for women who, knowing their color type, successfully choose color shades and ranges for themselves. As a result, they look harmonious.

All people, depending on their eye, hair and skin color, can be divided into four color types according to the seasons: spring and summer, autumn and winter.

This theory is based on the fact that in nature the ratio of cold (winter and summer) and warm (autumn and spring) colors changes from one time to another. The color palette of nature in all seasons has green-blue and red-yellow tones, so they can be worn by every type of appearance by choosing the right shades of these tones.

Spring color type

Color type Spring- the lightest of all color types.
The hair color is light with a warm straw tint. Eyelashes and eyebrows are slightly darker, or to match the hair.
Eye color is yellowish-green or blue, gray-green.
The skin is light with a warm peach or beige-pink tint, often with golden-brown freckles. Tans well, acquiring a “coffee with milk” shade.

Why is it necessary to separate people by appearance color types?

This is very convenient for women who, knowing their color type, successfully choose color shades and ranges for themselves. As a result, they look harmonious.

All people, depending on their eye, hair and skin color, can be divided into four color types according to the seasons: spring and summer, autumn and winter.

This theory is based on the fact that in nature the ratio of cold (winter and summer) and warm (autumn and spring) colors changes from one time to another. The color palette of nature in all seasons has green-blue and red-yellow tones, so they can be worn by every type of appearance by choosing the right shades of these tones.

Spring color type

Color type Spring- the lightest of all color types.
The hair color is light with a warm straw tint. Eyelashes and eyebrows are slightly darker, or to match the hair.
Eye color is yellowish-green or blue, gray-green.
The skin is light with a warm peach or beige-pink tint, often with golden-brown freckles. Tans well, acquiring a “coffee with milk” shade.

Both in clothes and in makeup you need to avoid cold shades. Warm colors should be present.
The color of lipstick and blush should be peach, golden bronze, coral, terracotta, beige brown.
It is not recommended to use black for eye makeup - pencil and mascara should be gray-brown.
Highlighting shadows can be beige-golden or milky-creamy.
Darkening shadows - olive, taupe, beige-orange.
Bright representatives of the spring color type of appearance are Kim Bessinger and Anna Kournikova.

Summer color type

At color type Summer hair color is either light or dark (but not black) with a cold, ashy tint.
Eye color is blue, gray, blue-gray or greenish.
The skin is delicate, either a light olive cool color, or light pink with a bluish tint. Freckles on such skin never have a golden or reddish tint - only gray or ashen. Tans well, acquiring a delicate peach tint.

Cold, blurry and muted primary colors are suitable: lilac, blue-blue, smoky blue, graphite, ripe cherry colors. Lilac, violet, pistachio and pink tones are especially suitable.
The color of lipstick and blush should be pinkish-coral, the color of a withered rose. Lilac and soft cherry shades are also suitable.
For eye makeup you need to select mascara, pencil and liquid eyeliner in blue, purple or gray-brown tones. Black color is not desirable.
But the shadows can be: brightening - grayish-blue or grayish-lilac, silver-golden or milky plum. And darkening colors are indigo, dark gray, gray-brown, gray-lilac.
Representatives of this type of appearance are: Uma Thurman, Mila Jovovich, Elena Yakovleva.

Autumn color type

At color type Autumn hair color: red or brown with a honey tint.
Eye color: light brown, brown, dark gray, green.
The skin is dark or light, often with red freckles.

This color type is characterized by rich colors and shades of red and yellow, the colors of golden autumn.
Clothes and makeup should be bright, soft and warm colors. Yellow, orange, gold, olive, khaki, brown with copper and golden hues, apricot and turquoise.
Bright white, black, blue, gray, blue and silver colors are not suitable for the autumn color type of appearance.
The color of lipstick and blush for this type should be brick red, terracotta, golden bronze, red fish color or tomato paste color.
For eye makeup, you need to choose mascara and pencil in dark gray-brown tones. Black color for eye makeup is not recommended for the “Autumn” color type of appearance.
Highlighting shadows can be the color of butter, milk, peach, or beige.
Darkening shadows: marsh, olive, brownish, golden brown.
Representatives of the autumn color type of appearance: Maya Plisetskaya, Julia Roberts, Penelope Cruz.

Winter color type

Color type Winter- the brightest type of female appearance with a predominance of contrasting, bright, cold colors.
Hair color is black or dark brown with a cool ash tint. But natural platinum blonde can also belong to this color type.
Eye color is dark brown, green, dark gray or dark blue.
Skin can be of two types: either very light, transparent, without blush - like porcelain. Or dark, with a cold olive tint. Tans quickly, acquiring a delicate olive tone.

In clothes - bright and cold colors of maximum or medium saturation - black, white, bright blue, gray, lemon yellow. All options in pink and blue look great.
This is where color contrasts in makeup, such as black mascara, light powder and bright lipstick, would be appropriate.
For the “Winter” color type of appearance, the following colors of lipstick and blush are suitable: pink and dirty pink, burgundy and lilac-burgundy, beige and brick-terracotta.
Dark blue, purple, taupe, eggplant and chocolate tones are ideal for eye makeup.
Highlighting shadows can be white, milky plum, peach, golden-silver.
Darkening shadows - lilac, violet, indigo, dark blue, gray-blue, gray-brown.
Representatives of this color type are Natalia Varley, Natalia Oreiro, Elizabeth Taylor.

How to determine color type?

Try to classify yourself as a warm or cool color type of appearance. Pay attention to the shade of your skin - is it warm, reddish-yellow or bluish-pink, cold?

And determine what tones your skin harmonizes with - warm or cold, this will help determine your color type. In daylight, sit in front of a mirror and apply fabrics in red, yellow, green, blue, brown and purple tones to your face without makeup. You will immediately feel the color that particularly suits your face, because it will immediately make you more impressive and brighter.

And those colors that do not harmonize with your appearance give you a tired look.

So, if a golden, yellowish-pink color gives a positive effect, it means you belong to a warm color type (autumn or spring). And if olive or bluish-pink color gives a positive effect, you have a cold color type (summer or winter).

So, you have determined whether you are a cold or warm color type. Now we need to be more specific, paying attention to the nuances.

Warm color types: “spring” and “autumn”. In spring, yellow-based colors are brighter than in autumn. In autumn, the palette is redder, and autumn tones are richer and more earthy than spring.

Cold color types “summer” and “winter” also differ in their nuances. Winter colors have a blue base, which is brighter than the blue base found in summer. In summer, the blue color is more washed out and muted compared to the shades of winter.

Lilia Yurkanis
website for women's magazine

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Each person by nature has an individual color scheme that does not change throughout his life, despite what external changes we try to make to ourselves: dyeing our hair, removing freckles, wearing colored lenses or whitening our faces with special lotions. The color scheme greatly influences not only our appearance, but also our mood, well-being, even work and career. After all, living your whole life surrounded by “foreign” flowers that do not suit you can be very uncomfortable. Not knowing your color type makes you doubt your choice of clothes for a long time, make unsuccessful attempts to create successful makeup, make mistakes in choosing shades for your basic wardrobe, and think for a long time about whether to dye your hair and what color. As a result, we do not know how to dress and look stylish, correctly, and stand out from the crowd effectively, emphasizing our strengths and not highlighting our shortcomings.

Many of you know about the existence of appearance color types, which, thanks to artists, are conventionally divided into seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. They know something, but few have taken the trouble to determine their color type and successfully use their knowledge in choosing the color scheme of clothing and makeup palette. Knowing your color type, you will know for sure, even without trying on, whether this thing suits you or not. Using “your” colors, you will look stylish and attractive, and your appearance will only benefit from this.

There are four color types, and each person belongs to one of them. Fortunately, there are no mixed color types, so you will only need to choose your color type from 4 categories: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Therefore, let's get down to the task of completely unambiguously determining our color type of appearance.

How to determine your color type?
There are several rules and recommendations that will help you determine your color type:

1. You should not try to determine your color type alone; assessing yourself in the mirror is difficult to be objective. There inevitably comes a time when we begin to confuse the colors that really suit us with those that we just like. Therefore, it is better to evaluate your own appearance among friends who have a sense of style.
2. It is more difficult to determine the color type in the evening under artificial lighting, which distorts colors and shades. It is better to conduct a color type test during the day in good natural light and look in a large mirror.
3. Before testing yourself, wash your face and completely clean your face of cosmetics and makeup.
4. If you dye your hair, hide your hair under a white or neutral light scarf or headband.
5. Take a closer look at yourself and try to objectively evaluate the natural color of your face and lip color, eye shade and hair color. Answer yourself these questions:
- Are your natural colors warm or cool?
-What shade does the skin have: yellowish, pale blue, soft pink, peach or olive?
- What shade does the hair have in the light? Maybe they have a reddish tint? Or do they give off a little blue? Or maybe it's ashy or taupe?
- Do you have freckles or age spots? What color are they?

6. Prepare pieces of fabric, scarves or cuts of different colors. They will help you determine your color type.
7. Look at yourself in the mirror, and take turns applying a cloth to yourself, first warm peach, and then cool pink. Step away from personal preferences and don't try to judge which color you like best. It is better to determine which of the two shades favorably emphasizes your natural colors and facial features. If peach is clearly more your style, then your colors are the warm tones of Spring and Autumn. If you are simply irresistible when surrounded by a cool pink palette, then your colors are the cool shades of Winter and Summer. If you do not have clothes or fabrics in the suggested colors, choose two colors that are close to each other, but let one of them be warm and the other cool.
8. If you have decided that your color scheme, for example, is warm, then now you need to find out whether you are Spring or Autumn. For this you will also need pieces of fabric of different colors. Should be suitable for spring - grassy green, lemon, electric blue (bright blue). But Autumn colors are suitable - olive, ocher, dark blue. In winter there are bright colors - hot pink, bright yellow, black, but in summer - calm pink, steel-blue, burgundy. Apply these colors to yourself alternately and see what is closer to you.

To be confident in the correct interpretation of the test results, it will not hurt you to also know the features of your appearance that relate to a particular season, that is, the color of your skin, eyes, and hair. Regarding a person’s appearance, colors are divided into 4 groups:

Warm and bright – Spring color type
cold and muted – Summer color type
warm and muted – Autumn color type
cold and bright – Winter color type

In determining the color that suits you, it is important to find the right shade. Let's take the color brown for example. They say this color suits everyone. But everything depends on the shade of the color, and if you mix it up and wear the wrong shade, you can ruin all the beauty of the color. Golden brown is suitable for Spring, yellow-brown with a touch of ocher for Autumn, cool pink or gray-brown for Summer, and bright black-brown for Winter.

Let's take a closer look at all the color types of appearance.

The Autumn girl has light, peach-colored skin with a golden tint. Such skin tans poorly, often turns red and is susceptible to the appearance of age spots. There may be many moles and freckles on the body, many of them are red in color.
Autumn hair is typically light brown, auburn, golden brown, auburn or red.
The eyes are characterized by pure colors: green, blue, brown. The iris may be speckled.
“Autumn” girls need to choose bright, rich, warm colors. Yellow-red, chocolate, brown-yellow, golden, yellow-orange, ocher, red, deep blue and olive shades work very well. The purer and brighter the color, the more impressive and expressive your image will be.
For eye makeup, you should use brown, sand colors, all shades of red and yellow, green and orange shadows. Gold, eggplant, turquoise, bronze and warm pink colors will also suit you.
For lips and cheeks, use warm light pinks, coffee and caramel browns, peach, shades of red, copper and red-brown. Brick red lipstick is the perfect choice that you can't go wrong with.

Summer comes with cool, muted colors. The appearance of the Summer girl also has the same colors.
The skin is usually pale with a cold tint and a dull blush, and may be light olive. When sunbathing, it becomes beautiful with a golden tint, but it burns quickly.
The eyes are watery, as if powdered, the whites are opaque, the iris is of mixed colors, gray-blue, dark gray, light gray-green or light brown. The iris may have hazel-colored spots or flecks.
The hair is light, but of indeterminate colors - from very light and almost white to dark brown.
In general, the image of a “summer” girl gives the impression of a translucent grayish veil, which makes all the colors a little muted and dull. The look is unclear and somewhat blurry. These eyes are referred to as “glazed eyes.”
Many girls of the summer color type, trying to make their appearance brighter and more expressive, begin to dye their hair in bright blond, red or ashy shades.
For summer, clothes in cool, soft shades are suitable: calm pink, lilac, gray-blue and silver, burgundy, pink-brown, dark blue, cherry, plum.
For eye makeup, use violet-pink-lilac, gray-blue tones, silver and metallic.
Also choose blush and lipstick from purple-pink-lilac tones.

The “winter” type has two contrasting opposites when it comes to skin. Winter includes fair-skinned girls with an olive complexion and, conversely, dark-skinned girls with a brownish complexion. Both eyelashes and eyebrows are very dark in both cases. The eyes are bright, rich colors: blue, bright blue, dark or black-brown, the color of ripe cherry.
Hair can be not only dark or black. These are also ash shades: from light blond to dark blond and ash gray, as well as dark chestnut, blue-black. The well-known Snow White with bright blue eyes and white skin belongs to the first winter type. Elizabeth Taylor, for example, has the same appearance.
A “winter” girl should not dye her hair or do makeup in warm shades. Her range is cold.
In clothes you should choose bright and cool colors: black, black-brown, snow-white, hot pink, bright yellow, rich purple, scarlet, etc.
In makeup, prefer the colors of snow-white, blue, cold pink, black, emerald shades, blue and gray tones. Lipstick in cool shades will suit you: red, pink, crimson. And the blush is a cool pink color.

The Spring Girl is often confused with the summer type of appearance, but in fact they are very different. In spring, the color of skin, hair and eyes is clear, bright, and rich. The hair is not muted gray, but a warm golden or honey shade, even if it is dark. The skin is light, marbled white, peach with a warm golden or golden brown tint. Sometimes there are freckles on the skin or age spots appear. “Spring” skin tans quickly and easily, and the tan lasts a long time. Vesna's eyes are light shades: gray, gray-blue, blue, gray-green, light brown (hazel) or a rare yellow-brown color, which is characteristic of the spring color type.
Hair: from very light to dark blond and chestnut, but certainly with honey, golden and reddish shades.
Clothing for a warm Spring should also be chosen according to skin tone, eye and hair color. All warm pastel colors, shades of apricot, peach, beige, cream, golden orange will suit you. The main colors for a basic wardrobe can be: black, warm golden brown, blue, cream, beige, peach, aqua, anthracite, red.
Makeup should be based on bright contrasts, with emphasis on either the eyes or the lips.
For makeup, use sky blue, peach, yellow-gold and orange, green and turquoise, soft pink and light blue, gray, beige and apricot shades depending on the color of your eyes. Lipstick can be peach, soft pink or muted red.

Try to determine your color type, the results will surprise you and will allow you to correct most style mistakes in your wardrobe. Wear your colors and life will seem brighter to you!

What color type are you??

Surely every woman has found herself in a situation where a fashionable, beautiful, well-tailored thing, which it would seem should fit perfectly, does not suit her at all. Wearing it as if you are getting old, your face takes on a tired look, your skin looks uneven, and bags and circles under your eyes appear especially clearly. The reason for this is not at all the cut or style of the clothes, the reason lies in its color. Yes, precisely in color, and not in the fact that you didn’t get enough sleep or got sick. It turns out that the right tone of an item and even makeup helps highlight all the best that nature has given you and at the same time look younger. But if this is done incorrectly, the effect will be completely opposite. Of course, you can choose the most suitable color through trial and error, but this will be a very long and tedious process. Determining your color type of appearance will greatly simplify the task.

How to determine your appearance color type

It is customary to distinguish four color types of appearance corresponding to the season. They are determined based on the combination of skin color, iris and hair in appearance. Having correctly set her color type, every woman can easily choose a palette of tones for her wardrobe that will best highlight her appearance and make her look even more impressive and attractive.

Determining the color type using draping

The term draping refers to the application of various color samples to the face. This is the method that professionals prefer to determine the color type of appearance.

Stock up on scraps of fabric that have different colors and shades; the more there are, the better; if it is difficult for you to find scraps, you can use things from your wardrobe and the wardrobe of your loved ones; in extreme cases, you can take colored paper. Next, cleanse your face of all cosmetics and stand with a mirror near a window so that daylight hits you. Now alternately apply different colors to your face. When doing this, pay attention only to your face, and not to the fabric you are applying.

The color suits you if:

  • makes minor imperfections invisible;
  • does not dominate, but rather harmonizes with the appearance;
  • evens out skin tone.

The color doesn't suit you if:

  • gives the face an unhealthy tint, making it too dark, dull, pale, reddish or greenish;
  • dominates, that is, the color is visible first and only then only you;
  • emphasizes wrinkles, unhealthy blush, dark circles under the eyes, etc.

Thus, select the tones that suit you best. Try to determine which colors are closer to you: warm or cool. If they are warm, then you belong to the autumn or spring color type, if they are cold, then your color type is summer or winter. Then, with the selected shades, repeat the procedure again. Compare the colors selected after this with the tones corresponding to a particular color type. More detailed tables with such tones will be presented below.

This procedure can be simplified by using a computer. To do this, you need to take a photo of yourself (but keep in mind, the photo must be high-quality and clear, with undistorted colors), then upload the photo to your computer. After that, using paint or Photoshop, apply different colors to your image. But keep in mind that this method is not as effective as the previous one, since the camera can distort the shades.

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How to determine your color type by external signs

For many, determining a color type using darping may seem like a very troublesome task. To simplify the task somewhat, you can use another method. First you need to determine whether your skin tone is warm or cool. To do this, prepare a sheet of white paper, then, as in the previous method, remove all makeup from your face and stand with a mirror in daylight. Place the sheet on your face. If after this the skin acquires an olive, bluish or brownish color with a pink tint, its type is cold, this is inherent in the summer and winter color types. If it turns golden, yellowish, light peach or brown with a golden tint, its type is warm, this is inherent in the autumn and spring color types. After this, you can determine your belonging to a specific color type. Let's consider the features inherent in each of them.

Among Russian women, the summer color type is very common. Its owners, as a rule, are fair-haired; the shade of their curls can be very light or almost brown, but always with an ashy tint; there are no red tones in it.

The skin of such women is quite light with barely noticeable transparency and often with a slight blush; it can be pinkish, milky pink, milky white with a bluish highlight, with an olive or grayish tint.

The eyes are usually grey-blue, green, hazel, green-grey, blue or green-blue. Eyebrows are often light, but ash and dark brown are often found.

When choosing outfits, representatives of the summer color type should give preference to cool, “watery” tones. All shades of gray, muted green and blue tones, turquoise, smoky blue, sky blue, lilac, lilac, lemon yellow, raspberry, mallow, raspberry red, pink, bright plum, brown pink, are perfect for them. ripe cherry, gray-violet, aquamarine color. But such women should avoid beige, golden, orange, apricot, red, brick, rich green, snow-white and black colors.

For makeup, it is recommended to use soft and natural tones. Shadows of pastel, gray and cold-smoky shades, combined with dark brown and blue mascara, are well suited. For lip makeup, you should not use warm and very bright colors; it is better to give preference to soft plum, red-coral and pink shades.

Snow White can be considered a bright representative of the winter color type. Such women have dark hair, the shade of which can range from dark brown to black with a bluish tint. Their skin is very light, porcelain or milky tones, sometimes it can have an olive or bluish undertone. The eyes are usually bright with intense pigmentation, the color of the iris can be blue, light blue, green, gray, dark brown, black.

For “winter” women, outfits in cool colors are best suited. It can be black, silver, emerald, blue, gray, turquoise, steel, cold purple, inky violet, white, ruby, coffee, burgundy, deep pink, blue-violet, aquamarine. Warm green, orange, light yellow, golden, and red-brown shades are considered unsuitable.

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