Women who don't leave. Respecting his sexual needs

They don’t abandon women who are manipulators - and not just any manipulators, but skilled ones.

Women who are NOT dumped

A woman who knows how to skillfully manipulate chooses her victim correctly and skillfully regulates the length of the man’s leash. Going from one extreme to another (from excessive weakness to severe pressure), it creates constant emotional stress for a man, which leaves him no opportunity to understand the current situation and search for a way out.

Independent, willful women do not fall into the category of risk of abandonment. The difference between these instances and the manipulators described above is that the latter demand the fulfillment of any whim, and responsibility for what happens is placed on men. This category does not include women who build their own lives and achieve their own goals - for example, businesswomen.

It is usually very difficult for such women to keep a man close to them, since they often have “male strength”, as they are accustomed to independence, solving complex problems and leadership. In this case, we are talking about women who use their independence to find a suitor solely in order to use him and throw him away when he is no longer needed.

The third type of women are women who do not use, control or manipulate men. Such a woman works hard on herself and lives a full life, without trying to change her partner or demand anything from him.

She will not be abandoned precisely because she knows: to be afraid of being abandoned means to be abandoned. She does not seek to make a man her property and does not make him feel that he owes her anything. Such a woman knows that she can only control herself, and that thoughts about which men are... do not bring happiness.

Let me sum it up. While the majority of abandoned women psychologically torture themselves with questions like: “What’s wrong with me? What did I do wrong to be abandoned?”, the first two categories of “unabandoned” women would never even think of this. Of course, this is a plus - no unnecessary stress, however, there is 0 constructiveness in this approach!

It is the third category of women who are able to combine both approaches: they will ask themselves the right questions that will help them understand themselves and the situation without feeling guilty, and will make the most of even a seemingly negative and stressful situation.

It is this category of women that is the rarest, but, I believe, this will not last long. Our society has already clearly demonstrated that the extremes to which the fair half of humanity fell - infantile weakness or life on an equal basis with men - have long become obsolete.

Modern life, changes in morals and traditions require women to be able to easily adapt to new things, flexibility of thinking and strength of character at the same time. And wise women strive precisely for the combination of all these qualities in themselves and their development.published

“In this world, love has many manifestations, but no two of them are exactly alike” - Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

He will never leave you if he knows that he cannot find another woman like you.

And it doesn’t matter at all what stands in your way and how illogical the current situation may be. If your smile was able to brighten the sky at the end of the day for him, if you showed him what true love is, which he did not even know existed, then he will never leave you.

Love comes and goes, it slowly disappears or just dies a quiet death.

At times, there are outbreaks of passion and feelings in a relationship, but they are not what makes a man stay. What holds him back is that he knows, no matter how much he looks around, no matter how far he goes from you, he will not be able to find another woman like you.

We have already heard before that in order to become an unforgettable woman, we need to be contradictory, then a man will always try to solve our riddle. Not because of complacency on our part, but because the man will grin inside himself in anticipation of the new thing that you decided to present to him.

A woman with a kind heart and a beautiful soul who can dance to the rhythm of life, moving seductively in the glow of the moon.

This woman’s cheeks will light up with a sensual blush as warm tears flow down them. A woman who doesn't like to defame people. She is a lioness alone with a man, but humbly stands before the Creator.

This woman is able to satisfy all the needs of a man, and not just some of them.

There are millions of people in the world, and with many of them we could develop some kind of relationships and attachments, but not all of them would be unforgettable.

No matter how many times a man tries to forget his woman, he will never be able to do this if she is the only one for him, and he will never find anyone like him.

He won't turn his back on her and won't let her slip through his fingers like warm summer sand. He will not be able to free himself from her magic and will never agree that she looks like a pockmarked sparrow who plays her hackneyed melody outside his window.

Such a woman comes into a man’s life, but she may not have all the qualities that he expected to see in his ideal love. It might be wrong, or maybe he didn't know what love really should be. She can be confusing and infuriate him at times, but it is all those characteristics that make her capable of satisfying all his desires.

With him she is different - and he knows it.

This is the truth about this woman. She will never show her cards to others.

And when she shows some of them, nothing special is visible in her hands, because she saved the best part of herself for him. Others may admire her and even lose their minds over her, but they don’t know the real her.

In her imagination, she creates another world, but no one can understand this world, and for him she opened those rooms into which no one has ever set foot. She created beautiful flowering gardens on land that was once dry and overgrown with weeds.

A man will not leave a woman whom he knows he cannot replace with another.

Each person has their own preferences and expectations from love. Love is not a one size fits all standard. There are many different languages ​​and tastes, colors and sizes in the world, and they all play and shimmer, inviting you to come. What delights one may go unnoticed by others; What may be too much for one person will be just enough for another.

All women are unforgettable, but for different men. Not everyone is able to appreciate their individuality.

One may be quiet, while the other will like to attract the attention of others to herself. One will be a housewife, the other will order food from a restaurant. It doesn't matter who she is, it matters what she is.

It's hard to describe such a woman.

There is nothing better than the feeling that we have met someone special, because we all, regardless of our personal preferences, want to know that we have found a real treasure, we want to be sure that we have given our heart to the person who truly deserves it. worthy and there is no one better for us than him.

A man will not leave the woman for whom he is inflamed with sincere love.

Nobody says that everything will be easy, this does not happen in love stories, but we don’t want this. We don't go to the cinema to see the happy ending of the film at the very beginning. On the contrary, we like it when passions heat up to the limit, and then there is a resolution to problems, when it seemed that everything was lost and there was almost no hope left.

The greatest love stories became great not because they were extremely simple, but because they were fraught with difficulties that their heroes were able to overcome. The difficulties and trials that stand in our way if we really strive to get what we want, as well as the reward that follows them, are the best proof that our relationships and feelings are worth the effort spent on them.

Nothing disappears without a trace. If he really managed to let you go, then it is only because there is some other man in this world who is also looking for a woman like you.

Over time, everything becomes clear. And if you fall asleep alone tonight, then remember that you cannot force a man to appreciate you, you cannot initiate him into the secrets of your magic.

But he himself and you also know that he will never in his life be able to find a woman like you.

And he will become a person who cannot let you go.

What women have never heard in their lives the devastating words “I’m leaving you”?

1 They have their own point of view on all issues

Women who have their own opinion can and are not afraid to defend it with arguments; a priori, they cannot be “abandoned.” Firstly, because having their own position on many issues, they admit that others may also have their own opinion, which sometimes does not coincide. And parting for them is not the end of the world, but just confirmation that they had little in common with their partner. Secondly, they are interesting, most importantly, to themselves. This means that it is impossible for such women to find themselves “without support”: their main support is always themselves.

2 They know their worth

Those who have never heard the words “I’m leaving you” know exactly what they deserve. Feeling a cooling or discord in the relationship, they will try to immediately respond to the current situation, and if reconciliation fails, they will never “step over themselves.” Such women do not “hold on” to men, do not cling to them with a death grip. They have a sense of inner dignity and a deep conviction that they are entitled to the best.

3 They know how to take care of themselves

Of course, the ability to look attractive, stylish and well-groomed in any life circumstances and at any age is a characteristic feature of women who love themselves. They do not allow any other attitude towards themselves other than love from a man. This is the secret that not a single representative of the strong half of humanity dares to say “I’m leaving.”

4 They are grateful for the attention

It's no secret that when men give compliments, they count on “feedback”: an embarrassed smile, a downcast gaze, a compliment in return. Women who have never heard the phrase “I'm no longer interested in you” know how to accept attention with dignity. They will never “make excuses” after hearing a compliment. Such women know how to receive gifts. And it is they, as practice shows, who most often receive male attention in all its manifestations.

5 They know how to forgive and accept everything as it is

The ability to not complicate the simple and accept circumstances is a hallmark of the strong and wise. If we add to this quality the unique ability to sincerely forgive, then we get practically a “superwoman” who does not destroy herself with negative thoughts, but goes through life with her head held high and a smile on her lips. This helps such girls to perceive even the most “ugly” divorce easily and naturally, without unnecessary anger and resentment.

Surely among your friends there are smart, beautiful and charming women who find themselves in roles or mistresses. Looking at them, you most likely asked yourself more than once: why is this happening?

Why do unremarkable “gray mice” quickly find husbands and rejoice, while much more attractive girls suffer from loneliness?

If you don’t want to find yourself in the role one day, try, if possible, to adhere to the recommendations developed by professional psychologists.


Practice and learn how to manipulate a man. To do this, you need to take a closer look and understand - what are his weaknesses, what are his deeply hidden desires, what is he afraid of in this life?

This is quite difficult, but doable if you take the time to study the man as best as possible.

Heart-to-heart conversations, unobtrusive questions, and sometimes confidential conversations with his friends, sister or brother help.


Learn to alternate demonstrative attacks of female weakness with demonstrations not on the topic “I am strong and confident.”

Let these transitions be as unexpected as possible for the man.

Just before him there was a defenseless air creature that needs affection and support, when suddenly a metamorphosis occurs, and the heavenly creature suddenly turns into a reinforced concrete lady who prefers force.

For men, such transformations act as a contrast shower, that is, they invigorate and prevent boredom.

Main- don’t put pressure on him roughly, in the style of impenetrable, let your strength be emphasized feminine.


Love yourself as much as possible! You shouldn’t call a man forty times a day or send touching SMSs like “I can’t live without you,” “I miss you to death,” “I adore, love, kiss,” etc.

All this “pink drool” gets boring pretty quickly, and the man begins to get irritated when he receives another message.

In addition, the absolute confidence that you love him and would be lost without him makes him feel like such an irresistible male, and treat you like an obedient kitten.

Nooo, let him feel something completely different: that you can get by without him, that you have no less fun in other companies, that you have no shortage of friends.


Pamper him with delicious dishes from time to time. The way to a man’s heart, no matter how trite it may sound, really often lies through his stomach, and there’s nothing you can do about it!

A real man is not averse to a tasty and satisfying meal, and is unlikely to leave a woman who knows his tastes and knows how to please him.


Don't get hung up on your loved one, find interesting thing and plunge into it headlong! It could be a job in which you achieve success, or a hobby.

You can take a foreign language course, take up ballroom or Latin American dancing, organize a sale of fresh flowers - you never know what! You won’t have time to think about whether to quit or not to quit?


Don’t let yourself go even at home, even on weekends, even when you’re sick!

Hair should always shine clean, instead of a filthy robe you should wear something more beautiful and sexy, and in bed don’t deny him anything - let him know that he won’t find such a “hot thing” anywhere else!


Don't forget that men too love compliments– sometimes no less than women. Constantly tell him how talented, smart, attractive and irresistible he is. Only unobtrusively and preferably so that someone else can hear it.

And now - attention. Even if you strictly follow all these tips, you cannot be completely sure that he will not leave you. And why shouldn't he leave? After all, he is a free person, and has the right to love another. Just like you can one day fall in love with another man.

Do you have the right to blackmail him, try to keep him, manipulate him? Can you tie him to you by force, without taking into account his wishes? And how will you feel next to a man who is tired of you, who can hardly stand you? Isn’t it better to make an effort on yourself and let him go - let him be happy!

You ask: what should we do? He will be happy, but what about me? And you learn to be happy without him!

A real woman is a self-sufficient person who is happy just because she lives.

Don’t think about the question: will he quit or won’t quit, will he leave or won’t he leave? Improve yourself every day, be in interesting companies more often, start a business, learn a new business, read books and go to the theater or cinema. A woman who spends her days in this way will always be of interest to many men, among whom the one and only one will probably be found.

Live for yourself! Let all your strength and energy be directed to constantly working on yourself.

Don’t waste precious time gossiping with girlfriends and sucking energy out of a man, hysterics and insults. If you are afraid to be, you will definitely be abandoned! Therefore, after finishing reading this article, stop reading all materials on this topic. Better do something interesting!

Women who have their own opinion can and are not afraid to defend it with arguments; a priori, they cannot be “abandoned.” Firstly, because having their own position on many issues, they admit that others may also have their own opinion, which sometimes does not coincide. And parting for them is not the end of the world, but just confirmation that they had little in common with their partner. Secondly, they are interesting, most importantly, to themselves. This means that it is impossible for such women to find themselves “without support”: their main support is always themselves.

2 They know their worth

Those who have never heard the words “I’m leaving you” know exactly what they deserve. Feeling a cooling or discord in the relationship, they will try to immediately respond to the current situation, and if reconciliation fails, they will never “step over themselves.” Such women do not “hold on” to men, do not cling to them with a death grip. They have a sense of inner dignity and a deep conviction that they are entitled to the best.

3 They know how to take care of themselves

Of course, the ability to look attractive, stylish and well-groomed in any life circumstances and at any age is a characteristic feature of women who love themselves. They do not allow any other attitude towards themselves other than love from a man. This is the secret that not a single representative of the strong half of humanity dares to say “I’m leaving.”

4 They are grateful for the attention

It's no secret that when men give compliments, they count on “feedback”: an embarrassed smile, a downcast gaze, a compliment in return. Women who have never heard the phrase “I'm no longer interested in you” know how to accept attention with dignity. They will never “make excuses” after hearing a compliment. Such women know how to receive gifts. And it is they, as practice shows, who most often receive male attention in all its manifestations.

5 They know how to forgive and accept everything as it is

The ability to not complicate the simple and accept circumstances is a hallmark of the strong and wise. If we add to this quality the unique ability to sincerely forgive, then we get practically a “superwoman” who does not destroy herself with negative thoughts, but goes through life with her head held high and a smile on her lips. This helps such girls to perceive even the most “ugly” divorce easily and naturally, without unnecessary anger and resentment.

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