Basma drawings on hands at home. Henna tattoos on hands and body - how to do them at home. The process of preparing the coloring mass

Henna for mehendi in cones

Ready-made paste for creating designs on the body is sold in cones. In them, henna is already mixed with the necessary components and is completely ready for application. But the attitude towards ready-made cones is ambiguous; many argue that their composition is not the best and the matter is not without additives and preservatives.

Moreover, ready-made henna can be stored for no more than 3 months if it is not frozen. Choose henna in cones that have the inscription “Natural henna for mehendi” on them, with a shelf life of no more than six months. The natural color of henna ranges from orange to dark brown, sometimes with a reddish tint.

If the composition is black, pink or any other color, then in addition to the powder from the lawsonia plant, it contains artificial dyes, which can be allergenic and even dangerous for the skin. Pastes of various colors in cones delight with their variety, but do not please with their composition.

Therefore, experienced craftswomen advise preparing the paste yourself from henna powder; only in this case can you be sure of the safety and usefulness of the procedure.

Henna for mehendi powder

Henna powder is dried and crushed leaves of Lawsonia nonprickly. Henna for body painting is made from the same plant as henna for hair, but leaves from high branches, younger, and finely ground are used for painting, as they have a stronger coloring ability (Wikipedia).

Henna recipe for mehendi

There are many ways to prepare henna for mehendi, with the addition of wine, tea or basma. The one I will describe is the classic method of preparing the composition at home, suitable for both beginners and professionals. So, how to dilute henna for painting mehendi?

My method of making mehendi paste at home

Preparation must be done a day before the actual drawing, in order to allow the henna to open up and begin to release paint.

We will need:

  • glass or ceramic bowl, cling film, wooden spoon, fine strainer, as for sifting flour. It is not recommended to use metal utensils and utensils, as henna oxidizes and you can get an unpredictable result.
  • 3 tbsp. l. henna (henna for painting is more finely ground than for hair coloring)
  • juice of one lemon
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • essential oils of tea tree, orange and others, if desired.


  1. Before mixing the mass, the henna powder must be sifted to get rid of large particles and lumps that may subsequently get stuck in the skirt of the cone.
  2. Pour 3 liters. sift the powder into a bowl and add 6-9 tablespoons of lemon juice. Why isn't water added? The more henna oxidizes, the better the color it gives off. Add the juice gradually, not all at once, as you need to monitor the consistency. At this stage, the henna should be quite thick and homogeneous, since more ingredients will be added to it.
  3. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. sugar and mix thoroughly. Sugar is added so that the henna applied to the skin first begins to caramelize and then only hardens. The more henna dries on the body, the longer its exposure time, therefore, the brighter and more durable the design will be. Adding sugar makes the composition more flexible and prevents early cracking of henna on the skin.
  4. At the final stage, add 15-20 drops of essential oil. Mix. Henna itself and lemon juice have a drying effect, so adding oil comes in handy, it softens and nourishes the skin, making the composition non-aggressive.

We put a film on the henna so that no air gets on it and put it in a dark place for 10-12 hours.

The next day, mix, add 1 more spoon of sugar and look at the consistency. For drawing, the thickness should be like sour cream, so that it does not pour out of the cone, but can easily be squeezed out through a small hole. If the mixture is thick, add lemon juice, if liquid, add a little powder. Cover and set for another 2-4 hours until fully ripe. Mehendi paste is ready.

How to make a cone for painting henna on the body?

A cone for painting henna on the body is simple and quick to make. To do this you will need wrapping paper and transparent tape. The paper should be durable, but easily crumpled, like the kind used to make Christmas tree garlands or pack flower bouquets.

Cut out a 10x10 cm square from wrapping paper and roll it into a bag. Not wide so that it is comfortable to hold with your hand, but not narrow either so that you can put the paste into it without any problems. Place the bag on your index finger and cover it with tape. Place the paste in a bag more than half the height, and then carefully fold the edges, wrap them, and tape them to the cone. It must be completely sealed so that when pressure is applied, nothing leaks through its cuts. Now the most important thing is to cut off the tip of the cone with scissors, literally a few millimeters. It's better to cut less than more. The paste should come out of the skirt freely and lay on the surface in an even sausage. The cone is ready.

Now, after such a long preparation (a day long), you can safely move on to drawing a sketch and painting with natural henna - mehendi.

The process of preparing henna itself is a kind of ritual, failure to comply with which can nullify all efforts. The composition simply will not stain the skin. Properly prepared henna will create a long-lasting and bright design; all that remains is to choose it from the whole variety. You can do it on our website. Good luck to you in your creative endeavors!

What is mehendi? Decoding the most popular mehendi symbols. How to do mehendi at home? Sketches and stencils of mehendi for hands and feet?

  • Mehendi is body painting using special henna. The henna used for mehendi designs has nothing in common with the ordinary henna that our women use to dye their hair.
  • To paint the body, you need to purchase special henna that can color the skin for a long time
  • It is sold either ready-made in tubes that you just need to open and start painting with, or in bags in the form of a dry powder that still needs to be properly diluted
  • Mehendi is suitable for those people who like tattoos, but have not yet dared to take this decisive step. The fact is that a mehendi design is not eternal - it only lasts from two weeks to a month. Therefore, indecisive fans of permanent tattoos can wear mehendi a little, and understand whether they want to live their whole lives with such an image on their body
  • It is often customary to decorate the kisli and palms of the hands, as well as the feet and upper legs with mehendi designs.
  • Mehendi designs are made in various styles and carry different meanings.

The meaning of mehendi design symbols: photos with inscriptions

  • There are four main styles of performing mehendi. The difference between them is where they are distributed.
  • The fact is that in the Middle East it is more common to draw floral motifs. Such designs are to some extent reminiscent of Arabic embroidery. Their implementation is more spontaneous in nature, and never corresponds to any sketches or patterns
  • North African mehendi designs are typically drawn in geometric shapes with floral motifs. Such drawings must necessarily follow the shape of the body on which they are performed.
  • Pakistani and Indian craftsmen do not stop only at the palms and feet of people, acting as canvases. They stretch the designs much higher, thereby creating a kind of stockings or gloves woven from their designs. Indian-Pakistani mehendi combines drop-shaped patterns, ornaments and smooth lines
  • Indonesian and South Asian mehendi have incorporated some of the ornaments of the masters of the Middle East and India

Here are some meanings of mehendi designs:

A bracelet is the key to success in love affairs

Grapevine - loyalty and devotion

The disc for representatives of the stronger sex is dominance over others, a sign of masculinity

The disc for the fair sex is a symbol of chastity

Five-pointed star - a symbol of the five elements

Six-pointed star - harmony between woman and man

Star - divinity and hope

Grain is a symbol of abundance

The square is a symbol of honesty and constancy

Whip - self-confidence and calmness

Chariot - a large amount of knowledge and good mental development

The cross is the link between heaven and earth

Circle - one turn of life

Curved line - luck, overcoming obstacles, career growth

Swan - success

Liana - determination that helps you achieve success

Bow and arrow - happiness in personal life, overcoming difficulties

Crescent (Moon) - stunning beauty

Small dots are a sign of the love a woman feels for her husband

Peacock - passion, love, desire

Parrot - messenger

The shell is a talisman against all adversity, a symbol of victory

Rose - a symbol of chastity

Fish - passion

The sun is the gateway to the world of knowledge and eternal life

The trident for men is courage, bravery and heroism, the trident for women is the maternal principle, female inner strength, energy

Triangle - a totem against natural disasters, illnesses and worries

The flag is a symbol of prosperity and home

Lotus - a talisman that brings good luck

Flowers - new life

Turkish cucumber is a sign of development, energy, happiness, prosperity and immortality

Elephant - strength, power, dominance, intelligence, dignity, fertility, immortality, happiness and all-encompassing kindness

Shri Ganesha is a symbol of wisdom, kindness and prosperity

Spiral - a symbol of self-knowledge

How to draw mehendi on your hand step by step?

As mentioned above, it is better to purchase henna for mehendi in special packages in ready-made form. This will be a one hundred percent guarantee of rich color and long lasting effect. In addition, you can apply this henna directly from the package by simply cutting off its tip.

If you still decide to prepare their henna paste yourself, then you need to know a few rules:

  • It is better to buy henna in hermetically sealed packages, since henna in bulk loses its coloring ability due to constant contact with air
  • henna for dyeing hair is not suitable for dyeing skin
  • It’s better to buy natural henna - synthetic henna can cause allergies

The process of preparing henna mehendi paste:

  1. Brew strong black tea (three teaspoons of tea per half liter of water)
  2. Boil the tea over low heat for five to ten minutes.
  3. Straining the tea
  4. Gradually pour brewed tea into forty grams of henna, continuously stirring the resulting slurry.
  5. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and a couple of drops of eucalyptus or mehendi oil to the henna solution.
  6. The resulting mixture, the consistency of toothpaste, should be placed in the refrigerator for four hours.
  7. The paste can be stored in an airtight container for up to three weeks, and frozen for up to four months.

To prepare henna paste, you can use simpler methods: mix tea and lemon juice in a one-to-one ratio and add henna to them. You can use coffee instead of tea. Some mehendi artists add sugar to the paste to increase its viscosity.

In general, it must be said that each master has his own recipe for preparing mehendi paste. Many of the mehendi creators keep the subtleties of preparing their stable henna solution a closely guarded secret.

Step-by-step execution of mehendi design on the hand:

  1. Before applying the design, we conduct a skin sensitivity test to the henna solution. To do this, apply a small amount of paste to the inside of the elbow and wait half an hour. If during the test no reaction of the skin to henna was detected, we begin preparing the area of ​​skin on which the drawing will be performed directly.
  2. We wash the skin thoroughly with soap, you can even use a scrub for this purpose.
  3. We remove excess hair from the desired area of ​​skin
  4. Before applying the design, lubricate the skin with eucalyptus oil or special oil for mehendi
  5. We start drawing the drawing with large main lines, and then we complement the drawing with small elements
  6. You can apply mehendi directly from the package, or you can use special brushes or sticks
  7. The layer of paste applied to the skin must be at least two millimeters
  8. If any mistake is made during the drawing process, remove it with a cotton swab
  9. After completing the design, leave the henna on the skin for one hour.
  10. At the end of the specified time, use the blunt side of a knife or a special scraper to remove the dry paste from the skin.
  11. You can wet the mehendi design only after eight hours, so it is recommended to do it before bed

Stencils on the leg for mehendi

Stencils on the leg for mehendi

Stencils on the leg for mehendi

Beautiful mehendi on hands and feet: photo

White mehendi on hand: photo

White mehendi is done with white acrylic paint, the so-called glitter. This dye is made without the use of henna, so the design will not last as long as a design made with henna.

  • If you follow all the recommendations after the procedure, the mehendi can last at least two weeks. The maximum drawing period is four weeks.
  • In order for the mehendi design to last as long as possible, it should not be wetted, scratched, rubbed or scrubbed for as long as possible.
  • If mehendi is made with glitter, it will last until the first contact with water, since acrylic paint does not penetrate the skin, that is, it does not stain it

It is almost impossible to completely remove mehendi immediately after the procedure. But you can weaken the color and blur the drawing. The following manipulations contribute to discoloration and removal of the pattern:

  • going to the bathhouse
  • steaming in the bathroom and rubbing the area of ​​the drawing with lemon juice
  • intensively rubbing the mehendi area with a washcloth
  • skin scrubbing
  • wiping the drawing area with alcohol
  • wiping the area of ​​the design with nail polish remover and acetone
  • wiping the drawing area with hydrogen peroxide

Women are considered the most ardent fans of the art of mehendi. They love to transform their bodies with the help of such beautiful designs for various kinds of events, vacation trips, photo shoots and even weddings.

However, in addition to women, men can also decorate their bodies with beautiful designs with meaning. For them, the mehendi collection will also contain ornaments and patterns that emphasize their strength, courage, self-esteem and heroism.

Video: How to make mehendi at home?

Using natural dyes you can create designs in red-brown tones. Temporary tattoos last from 5 to 14 days. This article is devoted to how henna is prepared for mehendi at home; several proven recipes are discussed.

Options for preparing henna for mehendi

Henna with tea and lemon

What you will need:

  • powder henna - the required portion, depending on the area of ​​skin being treated;
  • highly concentrated infusion of black tea - half a glass;
  • juice squeezed from half a lemon;
  • granulated sugar - 2 large spoons.

Mix tea with juice and sugar, use the resulting liquid to dilute henna. It is necessary to achieve a thick substance. Leave the paste to infuse for 20 minutes, then transfer it to a working tube and begin drawing. The product can be stored in a cold environment for up to 2 days.

Henna with oil and lemon juice


  • henna - a quarter glass;
  • juice squeezed from a whole lemon;
  • very strong infusion of tea - a quarter glass;
  • vegetable oil - 1 drop.

Mix the juice and tea thoroughly, then carefully combine it all with the rest of the ingredients. Beat the products intensively to obtain a viscous thick mass. After infusion for 4 hours, the composition is ready for use.

Henna with essential oils

You will need the following ingredients:

  • henna - approximately 1 glass;
  • natural instant coffee without additives - 2 bags;
  • fresh lemon juice - 2 large spoons;
  • clove and eucalyptus oil - 5 drops of each essential preparation.

Take a glass of sifted henna. Brew coffee by adding one and a half cups of water and keep it boiling until the volume reaches ¾ cup. Combine coffee broth with henna, essential preparations and juice. The composition should not have excessive density or a liquid flowing consistency; it should be left for about 2 hours, then used for body painting.

Coffee-oil henna


  • henna - 5 large spoons;
  • hot coffee - 1 glass (can be replaced with tea);
  • lemon juice - 3 small spoons;
  • olive oil - up to 3 drops.

Mix the drink with lemon juice, add oil, then make a thick paste with coloring powder. This henna for mehendi at home can be stored for up to 20 days.

Henna for mehendi: you can prepare a mixture for temporary tattoos in different ways, for example, henna powder is often mixed with essential oils, sugar, citric acid, tea and coffee

Traditional way of creating a tattoo

Composition of purchased henna, packaged in tubes:

  • persistent, ready-to-use henna paste;
  • lemon acid.

Henna, sold in convenient tubes, is easy to use; you first need to knead the contents and minimally cut off the tip. The contents should be squeezed out evenly.

Recipe for large temporary tattoos

Components of the coloring composition:

  • water - half a liter;
  • black tea - 3 small spoons (ground coffee will work similarly);
  • henna powder - 35-45 grams;
  • lemon juice - a few drops;
  • lime juice - 1 teaspoon.

To make a large painting, you need to bring water to a boil, mix it with tea or coffee, continue cooking for an hour, stirring the composition. At the end of the process, filter the mixture. Henna powder needs to be sown three times, then combined with a hot decoction. For brightness, the thick composition should be enriched with lemon and lime. To avoid lumps, the paste is passed through a sieve. The mixture is cooled for 4 hours, the finished product is used to create drawings using a syringe tube, stick, brush or toothpick.

Henna with juice and tea

Composition ingredients:

  • red henna powder;
  • an infusion of black tea aged for several hours;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • rose water - for pre-treating the skin (you can use orange water instead).

Mix henna with black tea until a thick mass is obtained, add juice. The working area is washed with rose water in advance. The paint paste applied to the skin should dry within a couple of hours.

Henna together with basma for mehendi designs

Composition of paint for mehndi creativity:

  • henna and basma - 1 large spoon of each powder;
  • granulated sugar - 1 small spoon;
  • lemon juice - a quarter glass;
  • Black tea;
  • eucalyptus oil.

In addition to the products listed, you need a syringe without a needle, brush and syringe bag. Herbal dyes are mixed with lemon juice, and granulated sugar is also added to them. Instead of juice, it is better to take plain water, since the coloring pigment is correctly activated only in an acidic solution. The proportions may not be as listed as the absorption properties of coloring powders vary. The mehendi mixture, ready for further processing, resembles thick mashed potatoes. To complete the process, pack the composition in a plastic bag in such a way as to prevent the entry of air. The holding time of the mixture in a warm environment is about 12 hours. Mix the ripened composition with the strongest possible decoction made from black tea. The amount of brewing is determined individually, but the brewing time of the drink should exceed 1 hour. Mix the mixture thoroughly and wrap it in a bag for another hour. The cooled dye is ready for use.

Getting truly attractive temporary tattoos takes practice. To start, you can experiment by applying a simple design to your stomach, ankle or forearm. Openwork Indian script on the back of the hand, palms, feet or instep of the leg is organically combined with professional manicure and pedicure, complemented by decorative elements.

The art of mehendi, which was originally one of the ways to decorate your body in the east, has now gained popularity all over the world. The rich red-brown color combined with exquisite ornaments involuntarily attracts admiring and interested glances to the owner of such an unusual piece of jewelry.

What is mehendi and how did this art appear?

Mehendi is henna designs. They are applied to various parts of the body: arms, shoulders, legs, back and stomach. The tradition of decorating oneself with elegant ornaments appeared in India and the Middle East. At first, masters and self-taught amateurs painted women’s legs with henna, and then they began to apply designs to other parts of the body. Moreover, mehendi was prohibited for unmarried girls. At the same time, in India, the wedding ceremony was closely intertwined with the tradition of decorating the bride with henna designs. Before the wedding, the groom gave his future wife a gift - a box of henna. And on the eve of the celebration, the female half of the family painted intricate designs on the bride’s hands and feet, which carried secret messages to the future spouse and were considered sacred. An Indian wedding was celebrated as long as the mehendi was kept on the bride's body.

Often, Indian and Arabic patterns appear similar, but upon closer inspection, differences can be seen. Arabic designs are dominated by floral motifs that cover the entire hand. Indian masters love to depict animals, and most often these are either stylized elephants, symbols of well-being, or peacocks, symbols of beauty.

The meaning of symbols in mehendi designs

The art of drawing henna on the body has roots in the distant past and is closely related to the beliefs of eastern peoples. Geometric patterns, floral patterns, and images of animals applied to the body served as a kind of amulets. Therefore, it is not surprising that the elements of mehendi are deeply symbolic and can contain secret messages that are understandable to those who know how to “read” them.

Here's what the most popular symbols in mehendi mean:

  • Peacock - beauty;
  • Swan - success;
  • The bird is a messenger between heaven and earth;
  • Butterfly - upcoming changes;
  • The parrot is the messenger of love;
  • Dragonfly - renewal, rebirth;
  • Fish - women's eyes;
  • Scorpio – love and romance;
  • Elephant - greatness, prosperity;
  • Flower - joy and happiness;
  • Leaves and vines - longevity, devotion, vitality;
  • Turtle – protection and fertility;
  • Snake – enlightenment;
  • Ivy – financial well-being;
  • Blooming lotus - beauty, grace, sensuality, purity, femininity;
  • Sun, moon and stars - long-lasting deep feelings between two devoted partners;
  • Cucumber – wealth and luck;
  • Bud, bud - the beginning of a new life (usually after the wedding);
  • Ripples are water that purifies and brings new life;
  • Square – healing from diseases;
  • Triangle – protection of body and spirit;
  • Circle - stability in life;

Advantages of mehendi over regular tattoos

Traditional tattoos and henna designs are one of the types of decoration of the human body, but mehendi has a number of undeniable advantages compared to tattoos:

  • If you want to get a tattoo, but are unsure about which design to choose, you can do mehendi with henna for two to three weeks. During this time, you will understand whether you even want to have a design on your body, and whether you like the one you have chosen.
  • People with a low pain threshold, who also dream of getting a tattoo, but are terrified of pain, can apply a henna design. It doesn't hurt at all and is even pleasant.
  • Those who are afraid of infection when applying a traditional tattoo can also try this alternative option.
  • Parents whose teenage children ask permission to get a tattoo can offer their child mehendi first. After all, the henna design will disappear after a certain time, and with a tattoo, especially a bad one, you will have to live with it.

Types of henna for drawing mehendi

There are two types of henna for tattooing: store-bought and home-made.

The finished artificial mixture contains synthetic dyes, which often cause allergic reactions on the skin of the hands and feet. Therefore, before applying a design to the body, you should check how the skin will react to the composition of the paint. Apply a small amount of henna to the palm or back of your hand and observe how your skin behaves. If the area where henna was applied itches or “burns,” you should immediately remove the composition and treat the irritated area with a soothing cream.

In this case, we can advise you to prepare the mixture for applying mehendi yourself. The paint will turn out natural and will not cause any unpleasant sensations in the tattoo area.

You can distinguish natural henna by color: all dyes that have a shade other than orange or brown are artificial. Such compositions are not used for applying mehendi to pregnant women and children under 14 years of age..

How to prepare mehendi dye at home

You can prepare the mixture for body paintings yourself. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml water;
  • 2 tsp. natural ground coffee;
  • 2 tbsp. l. black leaf tea;
  • 100 gr. natural henna, which is sold in pharmacies or from mehendi artists;
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar, which can be replaced with fructose or powdered sugar. They will give the mixture thickness and it will be easy to apply to the skin;
  • 5 drops of any essential oil. It could be clove, eucalyptus, lavender or tea tree. You can use only one oil, or you can use 2-3 in combination with each other.

It should be noted that special henna is used for drawing, so store-bought henna for hair coloring is not for mehendi.

Metal utensils are not suitable for preparing the mixture, because... the mixture will simply color them. It is better to take a glass bowl for kneading, and a plastic spoon for stirring.


  • Place tea and coffee in a saucepan with water and cook for 1 hour.
  • Strain the resulting broth. Place the grounds in a mixing bowl.
  • Add henna, butter and sugar to the thickener, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Distribute the mehendi paint among cones prepared in advance from foil. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator for 4 months.

How to properly hold a henna cone while drawing

For those who are just beginning to master all the intricacies of applying designs to the body, it is very important to learn how to hold the henna cone correctly. If your hand is uncomfortable, it will quickly get tired and the lines will turn out uneven.

  • Before working, you need to cut off the tip of the henna cone, from which the paint will flow out during the work. If the tip of the cone is dirty and henna is difficult to come out of it, you need to clean it with a paper napkin.
  • You need to rest your entire hand or the edge of your palm on the table when painting your hands or on your body when painting your stomach or back.
  • The paint cone should be placed between the thumb and index finger, at a distance of 4 cm from the tip of the cone. The thumb holds the cone in your hand, and it also regulates the intensity of paint extrusion. You cannot press hard and sharply on the tube of henna, otherwise it will pour out of the cone unevenly, which will ruin the whole job.
  • The rest of the hand is relaxed to freely control the drawing process.
  • The tip of the cone rests on the middle finger of the hand, and the index finger presses the cone on top. To make the drawing easier, you can additionally lean on your free little finger.
  • You should not clamp the tube of paint in your fist, because in this case the hand becomes too tense and the drawing comes out blurry.
  • When drawing, the cone should be perpendicular to the surface of the drawing. This is how all the elements of mehendi are performed.
  • By holding the cone at an oblique angle, you can only outline the future drawing or draw thin straight or wavy lines.
  • When applying mehendi, the cone should be kept at a short distance from the surface of the skin so that the henna flows freely from it and lies in an even layer. If you move the cone, pressing it against the surface, the pattern will be smeared and the skin will be scratched.

What you need to make a henna design

Before applying mehendi, you should prepare the necessary tools and accessories:

  • cone with paint;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • paper napkins;
  • sketch of a drawing or stencil for mehendi;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Stages of applying mehendi

The process of drawing henna on the body consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing the skin for drawing. First you need to clean the area of ​​​​the future image and moisturize it with any essential oil. Then apply lemon juice to a cotton pad and wipe the surface to make the design more vibrant.
  2. The first mehendi is easiest to draw using special stencils. They can be purchased at the store or made yourself from self-adhesive film. After the skin is prepared for painting, you need to paste the stencil. If drawing is done according to a previously prepared sketch, you can outline the image with thin lines, which are applied at an oblique angle of a cone to the surface of the skin.
  3. The next stage is the actual drawing itself. Using the correct position of the cone in the hand, a henna design is made in a thick layer without scratching the skin. If a mistake is made while drawing, the paint can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  4. After completing the work, the stencil is removed and the mehendi is left until the paint dries completely. After just 15-20 minutes, the henna begins to dry and crumble, leaving an imprinted pattern on the skin. Crusts can be easily removed with a paper napkin. Under no circumstances should they be washed off with soapy water. This will cause the drawing to become discolored. At this time, you can apply a mixture of lemon juice and sugar to the tattoo, it will moisturize and become even darker. Although you can reapply a layer of paint, for the same purpose - to make the drawing brighter.
  5. After the paint has completely dried and the remaining henna has been removed, the design is moistened again with oil or cream, because dried henna tightens the skin.
  6. The color of mehendi appears within 24-72 hours after it is applied to the body.

How to remove henna tattoo

The red-brown color of mehendi, depending on the quality of the henna, remains on the body for 1-3 weeks. At this time, the drawing can be wetted, but do not rub it with a scrub or sponge too much.

Over time, the mehendi will fade, and most likely you will want to remove it. This can be done in the following ways:

  • erase the remaining drawings with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or hydrogen peroxide;
  • wash your hands thoroughly with a sponge and soap;
  • apply toothpaste to the mehendi and rub thoroughly, then rinse the paste with water;
  • Mix baking soda with lemon juice, apply the mixture to the drawing and leave until completely dry. Then wash your hands with warm water.

After removalhenna drawing, it is advisable to treat the skin with moisturizing cream or essential oil, because all waysremovalMehendi dries the skin.

Each mehendi artist has his own secrets for preparing the mixture for drawings on the skin, the technique of applying the image and how to care for it. Here are just a few of them:

  • The intensity of mehendi color varies on different parts of the body. The patterns on the palms are always very dark, even black, but on the back, on the contrary, they are lighter. Henna also gives a less intense color on the forearms and legs.

Natural henna powder has a distinct herbal odor and green color, and the coloring mixture it produces is brown or orange. Under no circumstances should it be black.

  • Before you start drawing mehendi on the skin, you should practice performing individual elements of the patterns and determine the correct position of the henna cone in your hand. It's best to practice on a piece of paper first. Don’t skimp on henna, buy one tube of henna specifically for training and use it right away to “put your hand on it.” When you begin to get more or less neat lines on paper, you can try drawing on any glass surface. The more you practice, the steadier your hand, the clearer your lines, and the neater your patterns.
  • You should start mastering the art of mehendi with the simplest images, consisting of straight and wavy lines, polka dots and geometric shapes. Over time, having become skilled at simple patterns, you can take on more advanced designs.
  • If you are not allergic to a store-bought mehendi mixture, you can safely use it for drawing. Moreover, artificial henna has a huge number of colors: black, blue, green, cherry, etc. However, keep in mind that designs made with natural paint, prepared independently, retain their brightness longer.
  • If you apply a drawing to yourself, for example, on your hand, then you should move from the farthest point towards yourself, i.e. from fingers to wrist. Likewise, if you are drawing on another person's body, work your way towards applying the mehendi from the furthest edge towards you. If it is a hand, then from the wrist to the fingertips.
  • Drawings made with henna-based paint dry completely after a few hours. It all depends on the composition of the painting mixture. To make your tattoo brighter and last longer, give the henna 6-8 hours to dry. You can do mehendi in the evening and leave it overnight. This will make the drawing more saturated. Again, in the first few hours the tattoo will not come into contact with water, which is also good for mehendi.
  • The duration of wearing a henna design depends on many factors: the quality of the mixture for drawing, and the drying time of the mehendi and its care. As for skin type, in this case girls with dry skin are lucky, because their henna tattoo lasts much longer. The location of the pattern also matters: on the arms and legs, mehendi retains its brightness longer, because these parts of the body are warm and slightly damp. As for the climate, this decoration loves warmth.

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Beautiful but simple mehendi that even beginners can handle

Mehendi is the ancient art of applying beautiful henna patterns and designs to the body. Such patterns stay on the body for up to three weeks. In addition, they can be applied independently in. There are ready-made pastes and stencils for drawing on sale.

You can prepare the paste for drawing yourself. To do this, you will need powdered henna, lemon juice, eucalyptus oil and a cone or syringe to apply the mixture. But it is better to use ready-made henna in a cone or tube.

You will also need oil, cotton pads for applying it and cotton swabs for quickly removing excess paint. If you are good at drawing, then you can apply the patterns yourself, redrawing them from pre-prepared pictures. Even if you don’t have drawing skills, don’t worry, you can use special stencils for mehendi.

How to draw mehendi

Before applying the design, the surface should be well prepared and epilated. Hairs should be removed a few days before applying henna, because... The chemicals it contains may cause irritation. Henna should be applied to skin that is well cleansed and rubbed with mehendi oil.

To prepare the paint, mix powdered henna from a bag with water and lemon juice until it becomes a thick paste. To make the dye more durable and darker, coffee or black tea is added to henna. For easy application, place the resulting mixture in a cone or syringe without a needle. You can use ready-made paints in or tube.

You need to choose in advance the pattern that you will apply to the skin. If you are not sure that you can draw by hand, then it is better to use a stencil or apply a ready-made outline.

Using light pressure on the cone, apply the mixture in a medium thickness, as... After drying, the thickness of the pattern on the skin becomes a little thinner. During the application process, the cone must be held vertically, do not press too hard so as not to apply excess paint. If the drawing turns out uneven, it can be corrected by removing unnecessary lines with a cotton swab dipped in mehendi oil.

The design should be applied carefully, starting from the area farthest from you and gradually applying the pattern from top to bottom, so as not to smear the henna while working.

Leave the applied paint to dry completely. Ready-made mixtures in tubes or cones usually dry in an hour. But to achieve a darker and more lasting color, henna can be left in place for as long as possible.

After complete drying, remove the remaining mixture with a cloth and, to consolidate the result, wipe the design with a mixture of lemon juice and sugar or special mehendi oil. Immediately after removing the henna, the design will be bright orange; the true color of the tattoo will appear in about a day.

It is not recommended to wet the mehendi within 10 hours after applying the mehendi paint. To make your tattoo last longer, try to expose it less to water and avoid rubbing or washing it with cleaning products.

Mehendi is a very beautiful and safe type of tattoo. Today, everyone can learn how to draw mehendi. To do this, you don’t need to have any special skills; your desire and stencils with designs and henna purchased in the store are enough.

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