Japanese Asahi facial massage correct technique. Japanese Asahi massage will tell you how to restore your former beauty and youth. Lifting to create a clear face shape

The desire to slow down the formation of age-related wrinkles, cope with the problem of jowls and sagging skin, which has lost its elasticity with age, has been characteristic for centuries for women who want to remain young and attractive for as long as possible. The Japanese zogan (or asahi) facial massage technique will help solve all these problems ), which is discussed later in the article.
The main advantage of this technique is the ability to restore lost elasticity, silkiness and smoothness to your facial skin on your own, without resorting to expensive plastic surgery and the services of professional massage therapists.

The history of Japanese massage Zogan Asahi

The “two-finger” massage technique, which dates back centuries, has been passed down from one generation of Japanese women to another. It is called “two-finger” because when performing a massage, only two fingers on each hand are used (middle and ring or middle and index).

She was made widely famous by cosmetologist Hiroshi Hisashi, who received the skills to perform her basic techniques from her own grandmother.

Interested in such a simple but effective technique, stylist Yukuko Tanaka, the author of numerous books and creator of massage techniques, which is very popular in Japan, described it in her book “Special Facial Massage - Back 10 Years.” Having become an active popularizer of the newly discovered technique, Yukuko Tanaka made many videos teaching the basics of massage art. The magical effects of lymphatic drainage massage make it possible to rejuvenate the skin.

Our compatriots learned about Japanese facial massage thanks to the Estonian specialist Laina Butter-Pavlovskaya, who is equally passionate about the issues of therapeutic and health massage. Having come across one of the videos featuring Yukuko Tanaka on the Internet, she gave the massage a poetic name: “Asahi” (“morning sun”, translated from Japanese). Another name for this technique is “zogan”, which exactly translated into Russian means “creating a face.”

Indications and contraindications

Japanese Asahi massage is shown:

  • If there is swelling of the face, which occurs exclusively in the morning and is evidence of disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system (thanks to a massage that promotes the outflow of lymph, its functioning will return to normal).
  • For age-related correction of facial contours distorted by the presence of a double chin, deep folds and jowls.
  • Those with an unhealthy (grayish or sallow) complexion.
  • In the presence of wrinkles of any depth and etiology: from facial to age-related.

According to reviews, the first positive results are noticeable after the second session.

Also check out the contraindications for general body massage by going.

Zogan massage is very effective a technique that affects:

  • connective tissue structure(they regain lost elasticity);
  • deep facial muscles(their activation occurs);
  • skull bones(in the presence of any pathological deviations from the norm, they take a physiologically correct position).

Considering the seriousness of these effects on many structures of the body, Japanese facial massage is contraindicated for:

  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • pathologies of ENT organs;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • the presence of any rashes on the skin;
  • any acute respiratory infections;
  • the presence of rosacea (the use of any massage techniques in the cheek area is prohibited);
  • too thin or sensitive skin;
  • general malaise.

We offer you recipes for masks for facial skin rejuvenation at home.

Video recipe for lifting face mask for you

Possible consequences and their solution

  • Those who have a very thin face with sunken cheeks, whose skin has practically no fat layer, can perform massage techniques with great caution and only in relation to the upper part of the face, since otherwise they risk making it even thinner and emaciated.
  • Some women who have undergone Japanese facial massage complain that instead of the expected smoothing of the skin, they acquired even more wrinkles. Most likely, this happened due to a violation of the massage rules (it was performed either without using a massage base at all, or this base was not slippery enough). To improve skin tone, it is useful to perform special facial exercises developed by Carol Maggio, Laine Butter or Benita Cantieni. In order for your fingers to glide well over the skin, it is necessary to apply a sufficient amount of massage base to it.
  • If performing an Asahi massage provoked the appearance of morning swelling, this indicates that the session was performed at night and using an oil-based cream. The situation can be corrected by moving the procedure to the morning (it’s not for nothing that massage is called the “morning” sun) and replacing the massage cream with something lighter.

Find out the indications and contraindications for the procedure.

How to perform lymphatic massage correctly, flow chart

In order for a Japanese self-massage session to bring maximum effect, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules and the scheme for their implementation:

  • Only very clean skin can be massaged. Before a massage session, you must wash your face thoroughly and remove decorative cosmetics using a cleanser.
  • The skin must be completely dry (moisture remaining after the washing procedure can be blotted with a cloth).
  • Asahi massage will be more beneficial if the skin is first cleansed with a scrub (scrubbing should be done weekly).
  • A good knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes and vessels on the neck and face is the main condition for the success of self-massage, so before you begin the procedures, you need to thoroughly study the special map.
  • Each massage technique must be practiced until it becomes automatic, strictly following the direction specially developed for it.
  • The pressure of the fingers at the moment of impact on the skin should be such that some pressure is felt, but no pain would arise.
  • It is better to perform Zogan massage while standing or sitting on a chair, keeping your back very straight (some cosmetologists recommend performing it while lying on your back).
  • The optimal duration of the session is no more than a quarter of an hour.
  • Frequency of execution: twice a day (morning and evening).
  • Before the session, be sure to apply a sufficient amount of massage cream, previously tested for allergenicity, to your face and hands.

See also head massage techniques for headaches.

Watch a video of massage at home

Asahi 2 self-massage technique for the face by age group

Stylist Yukuko Tanaka modernized the technique of ancient Japanese massage by developing different complexes designed for owners of different face types (elongated, round or square) and belonging to different age categories. The modernized technique was called “Asahi 2”.

Complexes designed to affect mature skin take into account and help cope with age-related changes that occur in it towards certain age:

  • Thirty-year-old beauties get rid of dark circles under their eyes;
  • women over forty years old - from pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • fifty-year-old women manage to improve the tone of the skin covering the chin and lower part of the face;
  • women who have crossed the threshold of sixty years of age get rid of jowls and sagging cheeks.

All Asahi 2 massage techniques should be performed slowly and smoothly; movements should be smoothing. When contacting your fingers with the skin, you should avoid excessive force that could stretch it. It is recommended to repeat each movement three times.

Technique for performing the final movement of a facelift procedure

Each technique should end with a final movement directed along the lymph flow: from the parotid lymph nodes (located between the temple and the tragus of the ear), lingering at this point for a couple of seconds, with a gentle movement they pass along the sides of the facial contour, bypassing the jaw joint (you cannot put pressure on it).

Having reached the location of the deep cervical lymph nodes (2 cm distant from the lower jaw), hold your fingers at this point for two seconds. After this, slowly move your fingers along the sides of the neck.

The movement ends in the area of ​​the lymph nodes located at the jugular cavity and the inner edge of the clavicles.

Gymnastics for the face after 30 years

The massage is designed to eliminate puffiness, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

  • The fingers, placed on the edge of the eye socket (from the side of the nose), slowly move along its contour to the ears, after which they rush down, performing the final movement. Repeat three times.
  • Place your fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and slowly move them towards your nose along the contour of the lower eyelid, smoothly moving towards the bridge of your nose. Moving your fingers to the base of the eyebrows and returning to the starting points, perform a circular movement to the inner corners of the eye sockets. From them, the movement of the fingers is performed in the opposite direction (along the lower eyelid) - towards the ears. This is followed by the finishing movement. Repeat three times.

They provide invaluable assistance in matters of skin care.

Anti-wrinkle rejuvenation massage after 40

The massage is aimed at smoothing nasolabial folds, toning the lower part of the face and overcoming sagging cheeks.

  • This technique is performed with the index fingers folded together with the thumbs in a closed ring. Having placed the resulting rings at the base of the nasolabial folds, slowly move them along the lines they form towards the corners of the mouth, and from them to the center of the chin. Without looking up from the face, they unfold their clenched fists and stroke the lower edge of the jaw with them, moving towards the ears to perform the final movement. Repeat three times.
  • Pressing your fingers to your chin for a couple of seconds, move them to the corners of your mouth for the same amount of time, and then to the wings of your nose. With a smooth movement of all fingers, sliding to the ears, they perform the final technique. Repeat three times.
  • Having placed the fingers of one hand at the beginning of the buccal muscle, place the fingers of the other hand on top (this will increase the pressure) and move them to the auricle. After this, perform the final movement with one hand, and with the other, stroke the lower edge of the chin, moving towards its center. After performing three repetitions, similar manipulations are performed on the opposite side of the face.

Lymphatic drainage massage after 50

The techniques of this massage help prevent the formation of jowls and sagging cheeks.

After 60

The purpose of the massage is to tighten the chin and smooth the skin on the neck.

  • The fingers of one hand slowly slide from the center of the chin to the ear. After three repetitions, the final technique is performed. The same manipulations are performed on the opposite side of the face.
  • A natural cotton napkin is pressed to the chin for 5 seconds. After this, move from the center of the chin along the lower contour of the face with your fingers pointing forward. After three repetitions, the final move follows. The exercise is performed alternately on both halves of the face.
  • Grasping the lower part of the chin with an open palm, slowly move down the neck. Perform three repetitions.

Various methods for a facelift at home can be found.

Lifting for women for thin faces

Since Asahi massage contributes to significant weight loss of an already thin face, it can only be used to eliminate existing swelling. After solving this problem, you should abandon the procedure, opting for special gymnastics for the face.

Tsogan massage was created by Japanese stylist and cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka (田中宥久子). While working as a makeup artist for film and television, she noticed that many people over 40 had a youthful body but were unable to improve their facial condition. She had to make people look young and fresh in front of the cameras.

At first she tried to achieve this with the help of an aesthetic facial massage before applying makeup, but this did not help. Yukuko Tanaka spent many years studying the relationship between skin, bones, muscles and lymph glands. Finally, she developed her own Tsogan Anti-Aging Facial Massage. This technique is also called Y-Method massage, because it is performed mainly with two fingers - the index and middle or middle and ring fingers.

Massage Tsogan

Tsogan massage is very different from classic aesthetic facial massage. Aesthetic massage is done by light circular movements on the skin. While the massage from Yukuko Tanaka is performed deeply using all 10 fingers and palms, with great pressure.

Stylist Yukuko Tanaka - you see a photo of this 62-year-old Japanese woman - described the massage in the book “Facial Massage” (Yukuko Tanaka’s Face Massage, 田中宥久子の造顔マッサージ (DVD付) (単行本)). In Japan, Mrs. Tanaka herself and her methods are extremely popular. Her book “Facial Massage” topped the “Top 10 Books” in Japan in 2007. Over the past few years, this massage technique has attracted continued interest among women of all ages.

This massage includes manual techniques, it helps to accelerate the removal of toxins, improve tissue nutrition and relieve them of excess fluid, relax muscles, have a beneficial effect on the skin, blood vessels and facial muscles, helping to maintain them in good condition. This is an effective, simple and accessible remedy for preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Yukuko Tanako claims that getting a massage every day will make you look 10 years younger!

Video results before and after 2 months of Tsogan massage

Main benefits of massage

  • Improved lymph circulation
  • Reducing puffiness under the eyes
  • Improves complexion and contour of the face
  • Smoothes wrinkles on the face
  • Removes double chin

Disadvantages of massage

If your face is prone to acne, then a Tsogan facial massage can make it even worse. If this happens, but you still want to continue using it, you can try using it instead of face cream - a good lotion, it helps some.

Massage from Yukuko Tanaka frees the face from swelling, so a thin face becomes even thinner. People with a small amount of fat on the face need to perform the massage very carefully and stop for a long time as soon as the effect of facial slimming occurs. If you are familiar with all the steps, then you can remove from them techniques that worsen your facial contours.

You must remember that Tsogan massage works your face very hard. If you do it too often, it can cause unpleasant changes to your face.

You should adapt it to your own face and perform it only once a day. For example, you can focus on draining lymph around the eyes and skip some of the movements that focus on the lower part of the face. Remember that Tsogan massage was designed for Asian face types, which have a slightly different bone structure and are more prone to lymphatic blockages around the jaw.

It may take you several days to remember all the movements and learn how to do them correctly. But once you become familiar with the steps of massage, then it will not take much time to perform; the entire self-massage takes no more than five minutes.

Contraindications for massage

Inflammations or diseases of the facial skin, diseases of the lymphatic system, ENT diseases (runny nose, inflammation of the tonsils, etc.), poor health.

Mandatory preliminary cleansing of the facial skin.

Self-massage of the face is performed on skin generously lubricated with cream or oil, as you will have to press hard. The cream should be in sufficient quantity so as not to injure the skin and not cause wrinkles. In the original, a special composition of cosmetic cream with cotton was developed for self-massage. You can also use makeup remover milk, foam or oat milk, as well as other products for your skin type, the only main thing is that your hands glide easily over your face.

The main rule of Tsogan facial massage: stroking the skin along the lymphatic pathways - from the periphery to the center. You need to massage the lymphatic system carefully and delicately, calculating the effort, applying only slight pressure along the entire path of the lymph flow. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on the lymph nodes themselves. Pre-examine the locations of the lymph nodes.

Japanese self-massage of the face Tsogan

Before starting the massage, apply a fairly large amount of cream to the entire face, as you will have to apply a lot of pressure. It is best to use a special massage cream.

Tsogan massage is performed using force, but it should not be done very harshly. Particular care must be taken in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Painful sensations are a sign that the massage is being performed too harshly. At the same time, you should not be afraid that the skin will stretch and new wrinkles will appear from the impact on the deep tissues of the face.

This movement prepares the face for massage. To make the lymph flow better. In Tsogan self-massage, all exercises, except one, end with this particular movement.

With both hands at the same time, using three fingers resting on the middle and ring fingers, lightly press at the point in front of the ears on the parotid lymph nodes for two seconds. Not with your fingertips, but with the entire length of your fingers. Then slowly lower them down along the sides of the face contour, paying attention to the deep cervical lymph nodes, they are located about two centimeters under the lower jaw. After stopping, we continue to slide along the neck to the collarbone. Finish the massage in the area of ​​the supraclavicular lymph nodes. This movement is performed three times.

Video on execution technique

Step 1. Smooth out the forehead and wrinkles between the eyebrows

This massage movement smoothes out wrinkles on the forehead.

Place the index, middle and ring fingers of both palms flat against the center of the forehead and press them firmly against the skin. Hold for two seconds and apply pressure to your temples. Turn your palms ninety degrees down and, reducing the force of impact, move them along the sides of the face to the ears, then, from the ears to the supraclavicular lymph nodes, driving lymph away from the face. Then perform the basic movement of Tsogan self-massage. Repeat everything slowly three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, eliminates swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes.

Place the pads of your middle fingers at the outer corners of the eyes, apply light pressure and move under the eyes to the inner corners of the eyes. After stopping, we move along the bone under the eyebrow and return to the outer corners of the eyes - line 1. Next, we lead again to the inner corners of the eyes, pressing lightly. Then we slowly return back along the lower edges of the eye sockets, fix our fingers above the infraorbital edge, after that we lead to the temples and complete everything with the basic Tsogan movement - line 2. There is no need to put pressure on your eyes. Repeat everything slowly three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement tightens a tired face and drooping corners of the lips.

Place the middle and ring fingers of both hands in the center of your chin. Hold for three seconds. Without releasing pressure, move your fingers around your lips, pressing on your gums, and bring your fingers together in the center under your nose. Hold the pressure for three seconds. Then we start all over again from the beginning, repeating all three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement smoothes nasolabial folds and removes impurities from the nose.

Place your fingertips near the wings of your nose and massage these places with arched movements five times - line 1. Then the bridge of the nose from top to bottom at an angle three times - line 2. At the end, spread your arms with pressure towards your temples and complete with the main Tsogan movement - line 3.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement fills the cheeks, lifts the cheekbones and corners of the mouth, and tightens a haggard face.

Place your fingers on the middle of your chin, pressing firmly, circle your fingers around your lips and move straight from the wings of your nose to the inner corners of your eyes and stay there for three seconds. When doing this, use the first and second phalanges of your fingers. After stopping, we continue moving to the temples and finish with the main Tsogan movement. Repeat everything again - the center of the chin, the corners of the lips, the wings of the nose and lift the muscles up. If you only work with your fingertips, the muscles will not lift, so use your entire palm. The massage movement is performed three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement corrects the oval of the face, lifts the lower part of the face and cheeks, and smoothes out smile wrinkles.

We support one side of the face - rest the center of the palm on the lower jaw bone. On the other side of the face, we move our palm forcefully along the skin from the corner of the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. After stopping, easing the pressure, we move to the temple and complete with the main Tsogan movement.

Repeat the exercise for one side of the face three times in a row. Do the same steps three times for the other side of your face.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement removes fat accumulated near the wings of the nose. Strengthens the midface.

Place your fingers horizontally on either side of your nose. Next, with strong pressure, we move our fingers to the temples, then loosen a little and finish with the main Tsogan movement. The massage movement is performed three times.

Video on execution technique

Step 8. Smooth the middle and lower part of the face

This massage motion lifts the midface and smoothes the lower face.

Start by smoothing the middle part of the face. Place the raised area under the thumb in the space between the wings of the nose and the cheekbones. With pressure we slowly lead to the ears and finish with the main Tsogan movement. The massage movement is performed three times.

Then the lower part of the face. Place a raised area under your thumb on either side of the corners of your lips. With pressure, we slowly move along the oblique to the cheekbones and finish with the main Tsogan movement. The massage movement is performed three times.

Why do the age of a woman’s soul and her appearance almost never coincide? This is to blame for the endless and inexorable time that draws wrinkles, spots on faces, and leaves traces in the form of small scars and unevenness. Of course, women do not sit with their hands folded, they invent various ways to remain young and beautiful for a long time, but not all methods are effective, and some are even unsafe.

And yet there is no need to despair, because relatively recently the land of the rising sun gave the whole world a very old and effective method of restoring youth - Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage. The technique of this massage has been honed over centuries of use, and its effectiveness has been proven by more than one thousand rejuvenated beauties.

Yukuko Tanaka and Zogan two-finger massage

The Japanese rejuvenating massage was revived by Tanaka Yukuko, one of the most popular Japanese stylists. Yukuko was taught the sequence of movements and pressure force by her own grandmother, and the stylist herself brought the massage to perfection. Tanaka systematized all her work in this direction and in 2007 her book entitled “Facial Massage” was published.

Residents of the post-Soviet space were able to get acquainted with the lessons of the Japanese stylist a little later, and the translators came up with a name for it that was different from the original - Asahi massage (morning sun massage). How does Japanese facial massage differ from its European counterpart?

First of all, the effect on the deep tissues of the face. A standard massage is the application of massage oils or creams to the skin and light stroking movements along the massage lines. The cosmetologist acts only on the skin, the underlying tissues remain indifferent.

Japanese facial massage is a deep impact in which the master involves the skin, muscles, connective tissue, and even the bones of the skull in the process. In addition, Asahi massage is performed not with the fingertips, but with the entire palm.

Another significant difference between Japanese massage is its detoxifying effect on the skin and deeper tissues. After all, the movements of the massage therapist’s hands go along the lymphatic vessels, actively working in the areas where the lymph nodes are located. As a result, lymph flow from the face and neck improves, which leads to improved removal of toxins from this area.

Zogan massage - another name for the described technique - has a good effect on the muscles of the facial part of the head, toning and strengthening them. Thanks to this effect, the oval of the face acquires clearer contours, the severity of wrinkles decreases, and the appearance of the skin improves.

Japanese massage is great for preventing aging, but in some cases its effectiveness is especially clearly visible:

  1. If you need to get rid of swelling.
  2. To improve lymph outflow.
  3. To tighten facial contours and improve skin color.
  4. To combat expression wrinkles.
  5. To get rid of a double chin.

What results can be achieved?

Basic rules for performing the massage “Become 10 years younger”

Like other cosmetic procedures, rejuvenating lymphatic drainage massage is performed on previously cleansed skin. Wash your face with warm water and any cleanser and pat your skin dry with a napkin. Some experts recommend using a scrub for a deeper clean.

Before you start practicing Zogan massage, you need to thoroughly study the anatomical atlas - the section that describes the localization of lymph nodes and vessels. This knowledge is needed in order to fulfill one of the prerequisites for proper massage - improving lymphatic drainage. Remember the main groups of lymph nodes located on the face and neck:

  1. Parotid.
  2. BTE.
  3. Occipital.
  4. Mandibular.
  5. Sublingual.
  6. Lymph nodes of the angle of the lower jaw.
  7. Anterior cervical.

Massage movements must have a strict focus, which is individual for each exercise. The force of pressure on the skin and soft tissues is more intense than during a regular massage, but when the massage therapist works in the area where the lymph nodes and blood vessels are located, the movements are not so energetic. Remember that you should not experience pain during the procedure.

Yukuko Tanaka recommends performing the massage while standing or sitting, maintaining an even posture. Since the duration of the procedure is short - about 10-15 minutes, this rule is not so impossible to implement. But if you find it difficult to keep your back straight, take a horizontal position.

To make your hands glide easily over the skin, it must be lubricated with a sufficiently large amount of massage oil or cream. In some salons, cosmetologists prepare special massage mixtures that help deliver nutrients to the skin.

Every person who decides to master the Zogan massage technique must first learn the main massage element - the final movement. It is not difficult to perform, but it is what completes every Japanese massage exercise. Here is a detailed description of this important technique:

  1. Using three fingers (index, middle and ring) of both hands, lightly press on the point located near the shells of the ears - in the area where the lymph nodes are located.
  2. Apply pressure not with your fingertips, but with the entire length, pressing your fingers tightly to the skin.
  3. The duration of pressure is 2 seconds.
  4. Next, smoothly go down to the collarbones, without changing the intensity of the pressure.

This technique is designed to improve lymphatic drainage from facial tissues.

Contraindications to massage

Japanese Zogan facial massage is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. If the client has diseases of the lymphatic system.
  2. Pharyngitis or other ENT pathologies.
  3. Skin rashes of various etiologies.
  4. ARVI.
  5. Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  6. Use carefully for people who have a very thin subcutaneous fat layer on their face.
  7. Cuperosis.

Japanese massage technique

The first technique was described above - they are the ones who need to complete each stage (exercise) of the massage.

Smoothing the forehead

Three fingers of each hand - index, middle and ring - are pressed tightly against the skin in the center of the forehead. After 3 seconds, move them smoothly towards your temples, without stopping the pressure. At the temporal part of the face, turn your palms 90 degrees and move them downward, performing the final exercise.

Relieving swelling from the eyes

With the pads of your middle fingers, touch the outer corners of your eyes and, without pressing, slide to the inner corners, as if resting on the bridge of your nose - these are the beauty points (stay at the point for 3 seconds). Next, you should increase the pressure and run your fingers in a circle just below the eyebrows - where the edge of the eye socket is located. Stop at the outer corners and hold the pressure for 3 seconds.

The next stage is to ease the pressure and return to the inner corner along the lower eyelid. Then we increase the pressure and return along the lower orbital bone to the outer corner of the eye, linger at the point, pressing slightly, ending with a final movement.

Raising the corners of the lips

Place the ring and middle fingers of both hands in the center of the chin, apply moderate pressure and hold at the point of pressure. Then, move your fingers around your lips, continuing to apply pressure to the skin. We complete the technique in the center above the upper lip, hold the pressure at this point for several seconds,

Smooth out nasolabial folds and shape the nose

Place your middle fingers in the depressions near the wings of the nose and make 5 sliding movements from bottom to top and back. Then, adding your ring finger, rub the back of your nose, moving towards your cheeks. Don't forget about the finishing movement.

Massage the corners of the mouth, cheeks, cheekbones, entire upper jaw

The three middle fingers should be pressed quite firmly towards the center of the chin. Next, without relaxing the pressure, move towards the eyes, going around the corners of the mouth. Fix for 3 seconds near your eyes, turn your palms and spread them towards your temples. Final movement.

Raise the lower part of the face and cheeks

Massage each side of the face separately. The center of the palm of one hand rests on the lower jaw bone on one side. The second palm moves from the corner of the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. Fixation for 3 seconds and continue moving from the corner of the eye to the tragus, completing the movement. The exercise is performed 3 times for each side of the face.

Strengthening the middle third of the face and cheeks

Press the fingers of both hands on both sides of the nose and forcefully spread them towards the temples. Final movement.

We lift the cheeks and correct their sagging

Place your elbows and palms together in front of you. Open your hands with your palms up, placing the bases of your palms to your lips. Lift them with pressure towards your nostrils and cover your cheeks with your palms. Hold for 3 seconds. Press your palms towards your temples and perform the final element of the massage.

Smooth the middle part of the cheeks and form a lip line

Place the heels of your palms in the center of your chin and, with pressure, move them towards the tragus of your ears. The final stage is required.

Fighting a double chin

Place the base of one of your palms under your chin and apply pressure from the center to the tragus of the ear, then do the final move. Do the same exercise, but in the opposite direction, with the other palm.

Down with nasolabial folds

The thumbs are located under the chin, the rest clasp the nose. We forcefully spread our palms, stretching our face, and fix it for 3 seconds. The final reception is required.

Forehead massage

Alternately, with both hands, we massage the forehead from right to left and vice versa with zigzag movements. Remember the finishing move.

Problems after Japanese massage and their solutions

If rashes appear after the massage that are not associated with hormonal imbalance or infection, you must stop the procedure. After the acne disappears, change the massage product, and also pay more attention to cleansing the skin after the procedure.

There are often cases when a person notices a thinning of the face. To prevent this process from progressing, use special massage techniques or reduce the number of sessions. Sometimes it is enough to reduce the pressure. If these techniques do not help, the massage will have to be stopped.

You began to notice that swelling appears after the massage. This consequence is caused by the fact that an oil base is used for the massage or it is carried out before bedtime. To prevent swelling from occurring, use light massage products and postpone the procedure itself to the morning.

It happens that clients complain about the deterioration of their skin - it sags and loses elasticity. This is due to the fact that during the massage you used little massage base and your hands did not slide well over your face.

If you have signs of rosacea, but insist on Japanese facial massage, use the following techniques:

  1. Areas of rosacea are not massaged.
  2. The massage base must contain hesperedin.
  3. It is recommended to perform special facial exercises.
  4. Consultation with a doctor is required.
  5. Adhere to the principles of healthy eating.
  6. Eat foods containing silicon.
  7. Use products with UV protection.
  8. Scrubs and peelings should not be used.
  9. Ban on visiting bathhouses and saunas.

By adhering to the rules of preparation for the procedure and correctly performing all the techniques, you will not only improve your general condition, but will also be able to regain your lost youth. No wonder there is a popular saying: get a Japanese facial massage and become 10 years younger!

Detailed video of Japanese facial massage techniques

Have you ever noticed how Japanese women look? If so, then you probably paid attention to their skin, transparent, well-groomed, as if porcelain. The reason for this state of appearance of women from the Land of the Rising Sun is tireless work on themselves plus proper nutrition. Facial massage is very popular among cosmetic procedures in Japan. Today we'll talk about Asahi massage, reviews of which are very contradictory. Let's try to figure out what Zogan facial massage is (this is the original name of Japanese massage), and find out who it is suitable for and who should not resort to it.

Zogan massage (Asahi) - history

They say that once a famous beautician in Japan, Hiroshi Hisashi, saw her grandmother performing strange manipulations on her face and asked what kind of technique it was. Then she brought knowledge to the masses. Massage has taken root in the country because it has actually proven to be an effective remedy in the fight against aging. Another famous lady, Yukuko Tanaka, a stylist and developer of all kinds of massage techniques, became interested in such a simple and at the same time unusual massage technique. Having discovered a new type of facial massage, Tanaka described it in her book “Facial Massage – Back 10 Years,” calling it a real breakthrough in appearance rejuvenation. She then began making videos teaching massage techniques to women.

This technique came to Russian women not from Japan, but from Estonia. The local specialist Laina Butter-Pavlovskaya, having seen the videos, was delighted and introduced the Asahi method everywhere, considering it an unsurpassed way of facial rejuvenation without the intervention of plastic surgeons. By the way, it was she who gave it the name “Asahi”, which translated from Japanese means “morning sun”.

Thus, a very large number of people have already learned about Zogan. Let’s try to evaluate the effectiveness of Asahi’s facial massage, because the reviews about it on the RuNet are ambivalent: some are completely delighted with Asahi, while others treat it with restraint, believing that Shiatsu (another Japanese massage) is much better and more effective, and some even deny Zogan completely.

A little about massage technique

Videos of Asahi massage techniques can be easily found on the Internet. The technique is slightly different for different ages, but is always aimed at improving lymph flow. Lymph is a fluid that moves due to muscle contraction, otherwise called ichor. There are no red blood cells in it, but there are enough lymphocytes, through which the tissues are supplied with blood. For example, after 45 years, the lymph flow is not as active as in youth, the lymph moves upward much worse, and its conductivity fades every year.

Asahi is based on the movement of lymph, so all manipulations begin from the lymph nodes. The massage technique is two-finger, that is, the entire process is performed with only two fingers of both hands - the index and middle or middle and ring fingers. To improve the contours of the face, you need to press on the felt lymph nodes and make smooth movements from them in the direction of the lymph flow:

  • from the submandibular nodes - up to the ears;
  • from the parotid - also upward, to the temples;
  • the deepened folds near the nose (nasolabial) are massaged to the sides, starting with pressing on them with two fingers;
  • frontal wrinkles are massaged, starting from the temporal lobes.

All facial manipulations are carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations of cosmetologists, who explain the entire massage technique step by step. They also give advice on the rules for conducting it.

General rules for Asahi massage

Like any other type of massage procedure, Asahi massage has rules, following which you can get exactly the result for which it is designed. Let's consider the main recommendations:

Why not everyone appreciated the effectiveness of Japanese massage

Probably, women who speak negatively about Asahi performed the manipulations incorrectly, or they had contraindications to its implementation. Perhaps they began to do the procedure on their own, without finding the point where they needed to start manipulating the face.

By observing the rules described above and following the instructions, you yourself will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the Zogan (Asahi) massage.

Positive aspects of massage noticed by women who followed all the rules and left their reviews:

  • can remove circles under the eyes;
  • improves overall skin tone in adulthood;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • makes deep folds less noticeable;
  • evens out complexion;
  • rejuvenates without plastic surgery;
  • it makes your face thinner and your chin sharper.

And these reviews are from those who violated the instructions and did not follow the advice:

  • acne appeared;
  • there are wounds on the chin and in the T-zone after two weeks of massage;
  • vessels have become more visible;
  • the skin seemed to have gathered into lumps;
  • The already thin face became even thinner.

Based on the reviews described above, we can conclude that the negative experience is mainly caused by violation of the massage rules.

Performing Japanese Zogan (Asahi) massage: video in Russian

In 2007, the book “Facial Massage” was published; its author, makeup artist Yukuko Tanaka, described in detail how the massage should be performed, for what purposes it serves, and presented a lot of video materials. Thanks to this book, many cosmetologists around the world began to use Japanese massage techniques to make their clients’ facial skin younger. You can perform this procedure yourself, but it is important to perform the technique correctly.


To achieve the desired result, cosmetologist and stylist Yukuko Tanaka had to seriously study various massage techniques for a long time. She was interested in questions of anatomy, and she paid much attention to the structure and functioning of the lymphatic system.

After meticulous work and studying the necessary data, she developed a unique technique, thanks to which age-related changes in facial skin were reduced. Now this technique is known not only in Japan, it is also successfully used in other countries. The massage technique is very popular among women of different age categories.

This technique is called "Asahi", meaning "morning sun" or Zogan (Tsogan, Zogan), which means "creating a face". Another name for this technique is “ten years ago,” and this is true if you look at what its creator looks like at her age, and what most Asian women look like. Yukuko Tanaka received her first massage skills as a child from her grandmother, but then she had to make every effort to get the desired result.

This massage cannot be considered ordinary, which can be done in any beauty salon or on your own. Conventional massage assumes that movements during the procedure should be smooth and soft, not causing discomfort. Using the Asahi method, when performing it, a certain pressure is applied to the skin, muscles and bones, since during the procedure it is necessary to press on certain points, because the massage is based on manual technique.

The essence of the procedure is that the effect on muscles and skin occurs in the areas where the lymph nodes are located. After such a procedure, lymph outflow occurs, as a result of which toxins are removed, muscles are strengthened, and wrinkles are reduced.

Thanks to Asahi massage, the complexion becomes better and the oval shape improves.

This procedure consists of two types of massage.

  • Lymphatic massage. Thanks to it, excess fluid is removed from the skin, swelling is removed, and a lifting effect occurs.
  • Deep massage. Thanks to manual techniques, muscles relax, metabolic processes in cells improve, the lifting effect increases, and the oval of the face is leveled.

According to the author, if the procedure is performed regularly and correctly, you can look several years younger. In addition, this procedure is quite simple, and you can carry it out not only in the salon, but also at home yourself. Considering that the skin on the face is particularly sensitive, the procedure should be performed carefully, trying not to injure it, since any new manipulations can lead to complications.

Before any cosmetic procedure, it is important to study its features, find out whether there are contraindications, and consider types of massage.


When performing a deep massage, the skin is applied with little force. When treating the area where the lymph nodes are located, you should refrain from applying strong pressure. If painful sensations occur, it means that the procedure technique is incorrect.

Yukuko Tanaka's technique is suitable for women of different ages. It is especially popular among women aged 40-45, when age-related changes become more noticeable. It is recommended for use by women after 50 years of age, because thanks to it you can do without surgical intervention and not have to do facelifts.

Rejuvenating massage has many benefits, including:

  • During the procedure, lymph flow accelerates and toxins are eliminated;
  • blood circulation improves, while a blush appears on the face, and the skin acquires a healthy color;
  • improved cell nutrition occurs;
  • you can get rid of wrinkles;
  • there is an increase in skin tone and turgor;
  • you can get rid of a double chin;
  • swelling decreases;
  • the skin becomes more youthful and the signs of aging are reduced.

When performing a Zogan massage, you need to understand that for each age you need to spend more time working on certain areas.

  • For girls 20 years old, it is enough to carry out only neutral manipulations to maintain their beauty and youth.
  • For ladies about 30 years old, it is important to remove bags and dark circles under the eyes.
  • For 40-year-old clients, it is important to remove facial wrinkles and also get rid of nasolabial wrinkles. Therefore, they should pay more attention to massaging the lower part in the area of ​​the chin and cheeks.
  • For ladies 50+, it is important to pay attention to designing the oval of the face.

Massage should be performed regularly, the procedure lasting 10 minutes or a little more.

The massage should be carried out for 2 or 3 weeks every day, then you can reduce the intensity and do it every other day or two days.

If the manipulations are performed correctly, after a short time you can enjoy the result of the work done, and the reflection in the mirror will be more and more pleasing every day.


This procedure may not be suitable for everyone: such a kind of gymnastics can lead to the fact that the face becomes excessively thin with sunken cheeks. To avoid this, you can perform manipulations only on the upper parts of the face, without moving down, or not massage at all.

Japanese cosmetologists recognize lymphatic drainage massage as rejuvenating, but when starting it, it is better to consult a doctor or cosmetologist, because there are contraindications to the cosmetic procedure.

Massage should not be performed on people:

  • with diseases of the ENT organs and lymphatic system;
  • for CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • when feeling unwell;
  • feeling unwell;
  • with inflammation of the skin, rosacea;
  • massage is not performed on critical days.

You should refrain from performing the procedure during colds, respiratory infections, or laryngitis.


To prepare your face for an anti-aging procedure, it needs to be cleansed. This cleaning will definitely be carried out in a beauty salon; it should be done during a home procedure. To cleanse your face, you need to remove your hair, relax and use a damp cloth to cleanse. Immediately apply a damp cloth to one side of the face, starting from the top and ending with the neck, then move to the other part and cleanse.

Facial skin cleansing occurs before and after the procedure. To remove makeup, you should take soft products in the form of cream and milk.

Indeed, in this case the procedure will have to be postponed. The skin should be wiped with an alcohol-free toner or hydrosols based on floral water.

After such cleansing, massage oil should be applied to the face. They do this pointwise, applying it in 5 places so that the oil is on the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. If desired, massage oil can be replaced with cosmetic oil or a rich cream can be used. It is worth giving preference to flaxseed, almond or apricot oil. During the procedure, it is important how well your hands glide over the skin, so the right amount of oil is applied to them. Carrying out a massage with oil will be most effective.

To get the greatest effect, it is important to follow the technique correctly and perform actions following certain rules.

  • Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the face and prepare it for manipulation; for this, the skin should be rubbed, maintaining medium intensity.
  • When performing all massage movements, it is necessary to carry them out in a certain direction.
  • When performing manipulations, the index and middle fingers are used.
  • To massage the forehead, use 3 fingers; to carry out the procedure under the eyes, use 1 finger. When rubbing the cheeks, use the entire palm.

  • Massage movements should be intense, but at the same time they should not be allowed to be painful.
  • When carrying out manipulations, you should not press hard on the areas where the lymph nodes are located. It is only necessary to lightly stroke them towards the outflow of lymph.
  • It is better to sit or lie down during the procedure. If the procedure is performed in a sitting position, it is necessary to monitor your posture.
  • It is recommended to carry out a rejuvenating massage from 5 to 15 minutes.

For quick results, you should do the procedures daily.

When performing a Japanese massage, you should pay attention to the areas where the lymph nodes are located: the parotid zone, occipital, sublingual, in the lower part of the jaw, cervical lymph nodes.

After the next step, the final action is carried out to remove lymph. To do this, you need to place your fingers near the temples, below the ear and move them along the jaw to the chin, moving along the neck, bringing the lymph to the node under the collarbone.

How to do?

Although the Japanese Asahi massage is quite simple, it is necessary to study the materials showing how it should be performed. For many clients of the salon, relaxing music is played during the procedure; it is worth trying to carry out the procedure with music at home, this will allow you to tune in to the massage and relax.

The procedure can be divided into specific areas and worked on them.

Forehead area

It is recommended to start a rejuvenating massage by working on the forehead. During this action, three fingers are pressed to the forehead. After 2-3 seconds, the fingers are moved to the temples. Next, turn your palms 90 degrees, continuing a smooth movement across the face.

Working on the eye area

Few people are comfortable with bags under the eyes and dark circles, so by performing a Zogan massage, you can try to get rid of them. To do this, using your middle fingers, apply moderate pressure to the area around the eyes, while moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. When your fingers are at the end points, you need to hold for 3-4 seconds.

After this, you should increase the pressure by running your fingers between the eyebrows and eyelids. Do this in a circular motion. You need to stop and hold for three to four seconds at the inner and outer corners of the eye.

Lip work

Many women begin to notice with age that the corners of their lips begin to droop. The face begins to look sad and haggard, which adds age. During the massage, the middle and ring fingers are used. Two hands should be used. The fingers are placed in the middle of the chin and, applying moderate pressure, are held at the desired point. Next, pressure is applied to the skin around the lips. Complete the action at the central point of the upper lip; to do this, press it for 3 seconds.

Nasolabial folds

After 30 years, many ladies begin to notice emerging problems in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, they become more noticeable. The problem only gets worse with age, so it is important to work on this area well.

To carry out the procedure, place your middle fingers in the cavity at the wings of the nose, then move them up and down. Next, using the ring and middle fingers, rub the skin on the nose, moving towards the cheeks.

Lower face massage

To work out the lower part of the face, movements are carried out alternately on the right and left sides. To do this, the palm of the left hand is placed on the jaw on the left side. The right palm is moved from the jaw to the corner of the eye. After 3 seconds, the movement continues, moving from below to the temple. For the right and left halves you need to carry out the procedure 3 times.

Cheek work

You can cope with the problem of sagging cheeks with the help of Japanese Asahi massage. The procedure is carried out in a certain way. To do this, you need to put your palms and elbows together. Next, the hands are opened, with the palms looking up, and the base of the palms being applied to the lips. When pressed, they are raised to the nostrils and cover the cheeks. After three seconds, the fingers move to the temples and complete the movement.

Often, when performing massage exercises, many people complain of discomfort; this is a consequence of the fact that the manipulations are carried out incorrectly, so it is worth finding out what the cause of the discomfort is.

Possible complications

In order to perform all the steps correctly, you should watch the videos and get acquainted with interesting information on this matter. But it will be more effective to purchase and read the book by Yukuko Tanaka, in which she described in detail how to perform it. There are no trifles here; during the procedure, everything is important - from well-being to mood.

To avoid possible errors and complications, it is important to fulfill several important requirements.

  • Before the procedure, the skin must be cleansed. It is necessary to remove makeup and cleanse the face.
  • Before performing a massage, the skin must be completely dry. It must be thoroughly blotted with a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture.
  • To achieve maximum effect, you should use a scrub once a week.
  • For massage to be effective, it is important to study where the lymph nodes are located in order to influence them.

  • Movements are made in strictly specified directions.
  • The pressure applied should be sufficient to not cause discomfort.
  • The massage is performed while sitting or lying down. For those who cannot keep their back straight, it is better to do the manipulations while lying down.
  • Before the procedure, a massage cream is applied to the hands, which must be checked for allergies.

The mistake many women make is that they do not always perform the massage technique accurately. It’s worth studying all the materials well, watching the video several times and then trying it on yourself.

Many women, not seeing quick results, after several procedures stop doing rejuvenating massage, believing that it does not help. To achieve lasting results, it is necessary to carry out procedures regularly for 2-3 months. For the first 2 or 3 weeks, you need to do an Asahi massage every day, after which you can perform the procedures a little less frequently, every other day or two.

According to cosmetologists, the first signs of skin aging appear on the face. Despite professional cosmetics, it becomes increasingly difficult to hide this with age. Japanese rejuvenating massage, when used correctly, can slow down the process, making the face 8 or 10 years younger.

The massage that Tanaka offers is aimed at solving the problem with lymph outflow. When fluid accumulates, persistent swelling occurs, as a result of which the oval of the face becomes unclear and the folds become deeper.

Folds on the face will reveal age much more than wrinkles, so it is important to remove puffiness.

To carry out such a technique, strict adherence to recommendations is required.

  • During the massage, the person should be in a calm state. He should not be distracted, be in an excited state, or focus on his problems. If it is impossible to bring yourself into a calm state, it is better to refuse manipulations.
  • You should not massage during colds, so as not to cause swelling.
  • Manipulations are not performed for diseases of the lymphatic system, as this can harm health.
  • Asahi massage is not recommended for women with a thin face. During the procedure, adipose tissue is reduced, as a result of which the cheeks may become sunken.
  • Manipulations are not carried out for herpes, acne, acne and comedones, since during the procedure there is a possibility of damaging the ulcers, which will lead to more severe inflammation.

Asahi massage is quite popular, and a large number of women have already tried it on themselves. Many of them experienced positive results, as evidenced by their reviews.

Women over 40 years old received good reviews after the procedure. But in order to get results, you need to do manipulations regularly.

Improvement can be seen after the first week, the first results for many were visible on the forehead, it became smoother, wrinkles looked less deep. I was very pleased that my complexion also quickly began to change. If earlier the face was yellowish and dull, then after a week of massage procedures a blush became noticeable on it, its color changed.

I was pleased with the review of a 35-year-old woman; she gained a lot of weight after giving birth, and her face became very round. Thanks to regular massage, she managed to make her face thin, while her cheekbones became pronounced and beautiful.

But there are cases when they tried to tighten their face, but did not like the result. For a woman with a thin face, after several procedures, her face became even more drawn out, and her nasolabial folds became deeper.

As a last resort, she advises massaging only the upper part of the face.

Another negative review of this procedure was from a woman who had a massage without applying moisturizer or oil to her face and hands, as a result of which the procedure was unpleasant and she was unable to get results. Considering the above, it is worth saying that when carrying out any manipulations with your face or body, you should carefully study the technique and find out the presence of contraindications. If Japanese rejuvenating massage is not suitable, you can choose any other facial care techniques.

Judging by the large number of positive reviews, you can try massage with spoons, it is very simple, you can do it yourself, this procedure has no obvious contraindications.

To perform a massage with spoons, you must thoroughly clean your face of makeup. Any makeup remover, milk or cleansing gel is suitable for this. Apply any cosmetic oil to a clean, dry face. It can be coconut, olive, flaxseed oil; grape seed oil, jojoba, or shea butter will nourish the skin well.

You need to start the massage from the forehead, gradually moving to other areas. Movements should take place only along massage lines. If the spoons are difficult to move, you can add a little extra oil to them.

To do this, you should put two containers: with warm water up to 50 degrees Celsius, and with cold water into which you can throw ice. The spoons are alternately lowered into different containers and a massage is performed. Manipulation with cold spoons will reduce puffiness and circles under the eyes. Hot spoon massage provides a lifting massage.

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