Care for the neck and décolleté area. Caring for your neck and décolleté at home How to care for your neck after 30 years

Girls and women pay due attention to their facial skin and figure, but completely forget about caring for the décolleté and neck area. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, small creases and rings of Venus appear on the neck. Due to the fact that in the listed areas the dermis is often dehydrated, care becomes difficult. Let's look at the basic principles that will prevent early skin aging.

Why does the skin of the neck and décolleté area wither?

Skin ages for many different reasons. Among them are external and internal factors.

  1. Due to the weak activity of the sebaceous glands, lipid metabolism is difficult. The chest and neck area does not receive enough subcutaneous fat, causing dehydration and loss of nutrients.
  2. The human body is constantly exposed to irritating environmental factors. These include chlorinated rough water, ultraviolet radiation, and other conditions. If you combine them with missing or insufficient skin care, it begins to age.
  3. There are muscles in the neck and chest area that help this area look beautiful and fit. In the absence of physical activity, collagen production becomes difficult, the skin loses tone and fades. The first signs are the rings of Venus on the neck.
  4. Genetics also play a crucial role when it comes to skin care. The passage of time leaves its mark, the skin will age in proportion to the person’s age.
  5. Dehydration and poor nutrition are fundamental aspects. The skin becomes dull due to lack of hydration. Also, harmful substances accumulate in the lower layers of the dermis, making it difficult to cleanse itself.

Stage No. 1. Cleansing and toning

  1. Make it a habit after waking up to rinse your neck and chest area with cold water, then rub with a hard towel. Toning is an important step.
  2. Also, the skin in these areas must be cleansed. An ordinary foam or gel for washing the face is suitable as a means for carrying out such procedures.
  3. When washing your face, do not forget to treat the back of your neck with water, since only 5% of girls and women perform such manipulations. Join them to always remain young and beautiful.
  4. After washing, wipe with tonic, lotion or milk. Apply a little product to the cosmetic disc, wipe your face, neck on all sides, and chest area.
  5. When you use the toner, you should then wipe the above sections of the body with cosmetic ice based on chamomile or rosemary infusion.
  6. The cleansing stage includes peeling 2 or 3 times a week. As a base, choose a product based on fruit acids. Use it to remove dead skin particles.

Stage No. 2. Protection and hydration

  1. After the first stage, namely toning and cleansing, you should apply a cream for your skin type. Choose a moisturizing hydrogel that also protects against ultraviolet radiation (SPF at least 30 units).
  2. Ultraviolet rays destroy collagen and elastin fibers, thereby leading to early skin aging. Choose a day cream that contains retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E), vegetable oils, water, silicon and various plant extracts.
  3. Application is carried out taking into account massage lines. Do not rub the product, but tap it in with your fingertips. Move from top to bottom, first treat the décolleté, then the neck and face.

Stage No. 3. Nutrition

  1. Nourishing procedures include the use of targeted masks (anti-aging, tightening, moisturizing). For this purpose, any components are used, but not for oily skin.
  2. An egg, honey, gelatin, vegetable mask ideally tightens and nourishes the skin. Apply the composition to the neck and chest area, then lie down to rest in a relaxed position.
  3. Nutrition also includes massage using vegetable oils. At least twice a week, rub olive, burdock, almond or sunflower oil into the skin of your neck and décolleté, but first make sure there are no allergies.
  4. Rub the oil thoroughly until absorbed for 10 minutes, remove excess with cosmetic wipes. Such simple manipulations will prevent the formation of folds and wrinkles in such delicate areas. It is worth remembering that if you have skin problems, oils cannot be used.

Stage No. 4. Fighting the rings of Venus

With age-related changes, the so-called rings of Venus appear on the skin, which are long creases. They reveal the girl’s true age, so it is necessary to urgently begin the fight.

Most often, rings appear due to insufficient physical activity, lack of special gymnastics for the neck and dehydration of the skin in this area.

There are exercises from Brigitte Bardot that will help you always look good. Do the following daily:

  1. Sit upright, lower your head, turn your chin down alternately towards your left and right shoulder, moving along your chest. Repeat 20-25 times.
  2. Move your chin forward to tighten your neck muscles. Stay in this position for 15 seconds, return to your previous position. Do 25 reps.
  3. Tighten your neck, then make circular movements with your head, making a figure eight in the air. Perform 20 repetitions for 10 seconds.

Stage No. 5. Elimination of wrinkles

  1. Everyone gets wrinkles, regardless of age and gender. To prevent and eliminate them, it is necessary to treat the décolleté area with a contrast shower, and also use compresses.
  2. Everything is clear with contrast ablutions. For compresses you will need 2 basins: one with cold water, the other with hot. Lower the terry towel into the first basin, squeeze, pat the skin of your neck and chest for 2 minutes.
  3. Repeat the same steps with warm water for 1 minute. You need to carry out the procedure every other day for 10 minutes.

Folk remedies

Lemon and vodka

  1. The product is a moisturizing lotion for the care of the skin of the neck and décolleté. Grind the egg yolk and 100 g in one container. homemade sour cream. Achieve a homogeneous mass from the components.
  2. Add 12 ml to the main ingredients. vodka, cognac is suitable as an alternative. Add the juice of half a lemon and the pulp of 1 fresh cucumber to the mixture. Mix again until smooth.
  3. The resulting product should be placed in the refrigerator for 2 days. After the specified period, the composition is used for its intended purpose. The lotion should be applied every morning after waking up instead of the usual washing.
  4. It is worth knowing that the shelf life of the lotion does not exceed 1 week, so try to use it to the maximum. Store the product in an airtight container and remove a new portion each time with a clean spoon.

Herbs and cottage cheese

  1. The mask has a smoothing effect against wrinkles and small creases. Place 5 grams into a blender bowl. fresh dandelion leaves, lemon balm, nettle and mint. Get a homogeneous slurry from the raw materials.
  2. Combine raw materials with 50 gr. cottage cheese and 15 gr. honey. Mix the ingredients. Before application, the skin must be cleansed with any targeted cosmetic product.
  3. Distribute the composition over problem areas. Wait a quarter of an hour, rinse off the mask with warm water. To achieve a positive result, the product must be applied twice a week.

Sea buckthorn milk and oil

  1. The mask has a lifting effect; to prepare it you need to combine 60 ml. warm milk and 30 gr. yeast. The amount of liquid should be added as needed, the result should be a creamy mixture.
  2. Add 15 g to the finished composition. flower honey. Achieve homogeneity from the components. Close the container with an airtight lid and wrap it with a warm cloth. Wait for the mixture to sit for half an hour.
  3. After the allotted time, add 30 ml to the product. sea ​​buckthorn oil and 1 egg yolk. Distribute a homogeneous mass over the neck and décolleté. Wait a quarter of an hour and rinse off. Use the mask twice a week. The result will amaze you.

Cream and avocado

  1. The mask is intended for older women. The product has an anti-aging effect. To make the mask, wash the avocado, peel and remove the pit. Try to choose ripe fruits.
  2. Turn the avocado into pulp using any available method. Add 12 ml. peach oil and 30 gr. cream. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Distribute the product onto problem areas of the skin.
  3. Wait 20 minutes, then wash your face in the classic way. The active components in the products slow down aging due to collagen synthesis. It is recommended to carry out the procedure about 3 times a week.

Glycerin and olive oil

  1. The product is intended to restore and nourish the skin. Boil 2 jacket potatoes in the usual way. After the procedure, remove the skin and turn the root vegetable into a hot puree.
  2. Combine the gruel with 12 g. glycerin and 15 ml. high quality olive oil. Get a homogeneous mixture from the products. Spread the product in a thick layer onto a gauze cloth. Place the napkin on problem areas of the skin.
  3. Cover yourself with a thick cloth. Keep the compress on for 20 minutes. Dispose of the product and rinse. Wipe your skin with your usual toner. Moisturize with nourishing cream. The procedure is carried out once a week.

Apricot oil and lemon juice

  1. Heat 30 ml in a water bath. apricot oil. Add 10 ml to the composition. citrus fresh juice. Stir the ingredients. Distribute the product over the décolleté and neck area and wait half an hour.
  2. After the specified time has passed, rinse your skin with non-hot water. Systematic use of the mask prevents the appearance of creases and eliminates existing wrinkles. The skin is fully toned. Carry out the procedure twice a week.

Banana and avocado

  1. To fully moisturize the dermis and give freshness, you need to prepare a simple mask. Grind 90 g in a common cup. banana pulp, 60 ml. avocado oil, egg yolk and 12 gr. flower honey. For convenience, use a blender.
  2. If the mass turns out to be thick, it can be diluted with cream or homemade milk. Apply the product in a thick layer to the décolleté and neck. Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes. Rinse off the composition with warm water.
  3. A banana mask is recommended for aging and sagging skin with increased dryness. Visible results are achieved after several procedures. Carry out the procedure every other day for 1-2 months.

It is easy to care for the skin of your neck and décolleté at home. To do this, it is not at all necessary to resort to expensive cosmetics. No less benefit can be obtained using natural ingredients and folk recipes.

Video: oriental massage for rejuvenating the décolleté and neck area

A woman at forty reaches her mature beauty, but the neck and décolleté area can reveal her true age. You can’t argue with nature and the biological processes of aging are inevitable. Caring for the skin of the neck and décolleté deserves no less attention than the skin of the face. The set of activities can be carried out independently at home, or you can alternate them with cosmetic procedures in salons. In the publication we will talk about what should include skin and décolleté care after 40 years.

Why does the skin of the neck lose elasticity?

To select effective methods to combat the aging process, it is necessary to understand the essence of the changes occurring inside the body, which negatively affect the external state of the dermis. The causes of skin aging may be the following:

  • the lack of subcutaneous fat tissue in the décolleté and neck area leads to dehydration and rapid exhaustion;
  • poor nutrition and lack of water;
  • negative effects of direct sunlight, gases, ultraviolet radiation (solariums).

A set of measures to care for the skin of the neck and décolleté

When caring for yourself after the age of 40, you should use an integrated approach. Intensive nutrition, plenty of drinking, moisturizing procedures, mechanical and chemical cleaning, the use of masks, compresses - all this will be the key to eternal youth and unfading beauty. .jpg" alt="care for the face and décolleté at 40 years old" width="450" height="252" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 827w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Creams are the best sources of nutritional moisture, vitamins and collagen

Daily care for the face and neck consists of cleansing, nourishing and regenerating cells. Cosmetics - creams, etc. will come to the rescue. The product must include:

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Product components must be only natural, without genetically modified substances and harmful additives. Preference should be given to cosmetic products that not only moisturize, but also protect the epithelium. Apply the cream in a circular motion twice a day: morning and evening to previously cleansed skin.

For some more useful tips on caring for the skin of your neck and décolleté using creams, watch the video:

DIY masks for 40+

Taking care of the skin of your neck and décolleté is quite inexpensive. A clear example of this is masks made independently. They are different: nourishing, moisturizing, rejuvenating or tightening. Of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid aging, but it will definitely be possible to slow down and delay this process. The action of any mask is aimed primarily at eliminating wrinkles. We offer several recipes for effective masks for mature skin:

  • Egg white mask. Beat the chilled white of one egg into a foam and apply it to the décolleté area using a cosmetic brush.
  • Peach pulp mask. Stir a couple of tablespoons of fruit pulp into 50 ml of chamomile infusion. We apply the resulting pulp to areas that need care. After 30 minutes, rinse with plenty of water and nourish the skin with cream.
  • Gelatin mask helps reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones. Add 1 tablespoon of dry mixture to half a glass of water at room temperature. After the gelatin swells, mix in 20 grams of milk and two level spoons of starch. Bring it to thick sour cream. Apply to the décolleté and neck area, remove the remaining mask with water after 15 minutes.
  • Sour cream has unique nutritional properties. Mix 100 grams of sour cream with 1 egg yolk until smooth. At your discretion, you can add grated cucumber for moisturizing or lemon juice for a whitening effect. It is recommended to store the resulting composition in a cool place.
  • Fat cottage cheese mask with the addition of orange juice and olive oil. Apply a puree mixture of the above ingredients to the neck and décolleté, apply a gauze towel, leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse with water and moisturize the skin.
  • Yeast mask. To prepare it you will need dry yeast (11 grams), half a teaspoon of flaxseed oil and 2 tablespoons of water. Apply a homogeneous mass in several layers to the neck and décolleté. When the texture dries, rinse with warm water.
  • Will help give the skin freshness and velvety honey based mask.

Scrubs and natural peeling

You can remove dead skin cells and cleanse the skin of impurities using peeling. To prepare it at home, coffee grounds, sea salt, and oat bran are suitable. The range of cosmetic products is amazing in its diversity. Ready-made scrubs containing apricot kernels, grapes or almonds are well suited for mature skin.

For delicate skin in the décolleté and neck area, it is recommended to use delicate, gentle products. If the upper layers of the dermis are dry, then you can always add a couple of drops of olive oil to your belongings. You need to subject your skin to mechanical cleansing regularly 2-3 times a week.

Wraps – cleansing and nourishing the skin

Peeling and mask procedures should be alternated with vitamin wraps. They help cleanse the skin, saturate it with nutrients and moisturize. When choosing components, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the possibility of allergic reactions. Most often, oils, honey, berries, and fruits are used for wrapping. .jpg" alt="vitamin wrap" width="450" height="278" srcset="" data-srcset=" 681w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

The essence of the procedure is that during the application of active components, the skin intensively absorbs all kinds of beneficial substances, and blood circulation processes also improve. To increase the effectiveness of natural ingredients, it is recommended to perform the procedure after peeling the skin.

Boosting Natural Collagen Production Through Massage

Massage has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, activates lymphatic flow processes, increases collagen production, and improves muscle tone. This procedure is especially important over the age of 40 years. Every woman can master the technique. The main thing is to decide on the type of massage:

  • French;
  • Japanese;
  • cosmetic;
  • relaxing;
  • vacuum.

At home, you can do hydromassage while taking a shower: alternate a cold stream with water at room temperature. Massage procedures using a decoction of herbs: chamomile, mint, linden are also effective. .jpg" alt="ice cubes for mature skin" width="450" height="331" srcset="" data-srcset=" 680w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Gymnastic exercises for the neck at 40+

Exercising and playing sports have always had a beneficial effect on a person’s health and impeccable appearance. The décolleté and neck area is no exception. Daily gymnastics will give your skin a well-groomed appearance and elasticity:

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The exercises will take only 10-15 minutes, and stunning results are guaranteed after two months of regular gymnastics.

Our skin loves attention and wants to be pampered. Therefore, it is so important not to bring the condition to a critical moment, to take preventive measures that will help slow down the aging process and its external manifestations. Follow simple rules:

  1. Watch your posture.
  2. Eat more vegetables and fruits, foods rich in fiber and beneficial elements, take vitamin complexes.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day.
  4. Avoid excessive consumption of sweets and starchy foods, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
  5. Control your weight. A sharp decrease or gain in weight negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face and neck.


Caring for the skin of the neck after 40 years and maintaining the décolleté area in good shape is, of course, work. However, the result turns out to be worthy. If you carry out the above procedures daily, after just a few months you will be able to see rejuvenated and tightened skin in problem areas, and those around you will not be able to determine your age.

The topic of the article is proper neck care depending on age, recipes for anti-aging masks, tonic infusions and creams.

How to provide emergency assistance to a flabby neck at home, restore and restart skin regeneration processes after a long and cold spring.

Neck care

Neck care is simple, but requires regularity. Rings and wrinkled folds around the neck, the so-called necklace of Venus, are the first sign of fading.

But this is not only a symptom of age-related changes. Rings around the neck indicate problems with the thyroid gland. Therefore, to exclude pathology from this organ, visit an endocrinologist.

Dry neck skin type

There are four types of skin: dry, oily, combination and very rare nowadays - normal skin. Each type needs proper care.

The dryest skin type is the hungriest - it is more susceptible to aging factors, as it is dehydrated.

It is important for owners of dry skin to know whether this property is congenital or acquired. Depending on this, a program with additional care features is built.

Remember the condition of your skin on your décolleté and neck 10 years ago. If it was sensitive, thin, matte, and had a delicate color, then most likely you have a congenital type of dry skin.

From the video you will learn about the secret muscle of the neck, which is responsible for the appearance of wrinkles.

Dry acquired skin of the neck, aging, with slight wrinkles and frequent peeling. When caring for dry skin on the neck and décolleté, avoid aggressive soaps and alcohol-containing toners. Choose care products for sensitive skin with a moisturizing effect.

Oily neck skin

It is less common and later begins to age and fade. It feels elastic and tight to the touch, and before the age of 30, it is problematic to see circles and wrinkles on it. It gets dirty quickly through open pores, so pay attention to cleansing. Wipe your neck with moisturizing matting wipes throughout the day, especially in summer

Such skin needs not only constant cleansing, but also hydration. During procedures with a cosmetologist, take a complex of facial cleansing along with care for the neck and décolleté area.

The video talks about two effective, inexpensive neck care products.

Neck skin care after 30

It comes down to a simple formula and consists of three components: cleansing + toning + nutrition/moisturizing.

The first rule of neck skin care is cleanliness (take a tonic shower in the morning with gentle soap - neutral pH). If you don’t have time, soak a towel or napkin in warm water with 3-5 drops of lavender oil (soothes the skin).

Use milk or micellar water that suits your skin type. Do peelings and scrubs every two days.

Cleansing the neck skin

This is the basis for both caring for aging skin and young skin. Without it, all other procedures are useless.

You will need 1 tsp. semolina and 1 tsp. heated olive oil in different bowls:

  • moisten your neck skin with water;
  • dip your fingers in oil and dip into semolina;
  • massage the skin of the décolleté and neck along the massage lines;
  • After the procedure, rinse with warm water.


Ice cubes. Before freezing, add lemon juice, peppermint leaves, chamomile or a couple drops of essential oil to the water. Rub along the massage lines of the neck and décolleté for 10 minutes and it will quickly tone up.

Tonics made from calendula, chamomile or green tea. Brew 1 tbsp. spoon of calendula petals with boiling water and after 15-20 minutes, wash or wipe the skin of your neck with a cotton pad. Green tea contains calcium, copper, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin C and D, moisturizes, cleanses, mattifies and has antiseptic properties.

Neck care after 40

If after 30 years the skin resists harmful external and internal factors, then after 40 you will need heavy artillery. When a double chin appears, we master new means, change care and take new milestones.

The care formula remains the same: cleansing + toning + nutrition/moisturizing, only the products should have a deeper effect, keep the masks on for at least 30 minutes. Practice contrasting compresses in the morning, alternating a cold and hot towel, alternately applying it to the neck and décolleté.

Make moisturizing warm compresses with sunflower or olive oil (place a napkin or gauze soaked in oil and wrung out on the neck, cover with cellophane or foil on top, then wrap in a towel for 15-20 minutes, pre-warm the skin).

Do not overuse solarium, diets or natural tanning. In summer, use a daily moisturizer with UV protective filters. Make nourishing masks 1-2 times a week.

How to tighten your facial skin at home - read.

Skin care after 50 years

It is already very difficult to restore the elasticity of the neck, but it is possible. And modern cosmetics create fertile ground for this. And homemade ones serve as an excellent addition.

Massage your neck with clean hands every day 2-3 times a day, relieve excess tension, relax for 5 minutes - take a break from business. Replace scrubs with gentle peels and use gentle soap with a neutral pH when washing your neck.

In masks, use honey - a storehouse of valuable natural vitamins and microelements (after the mask, be sure to apply a nourishing cream).

Neck care masks

The magic recipe for caring for sagging neck skin is simple. It is famous for its regenerating, drying and pore-tightening effects.

Sea salt mask recipe. Prepare filtered, boiled and cooled water. Add a teaspoon of sea salt (plain) and stir. After dissolving the salt, soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to the skin of the neck, décolleté and chin. Cover with a terry towel for 30 minutes. Do it 2 times a week.

Applications of sea salt solution improve skin tone, texture, and complexion. The skin tightens, gains elasticity, and the pores narrow.

Recipe for a mask with flaxseed. The second recipe is “Botox” at home, as experts in the home beauty industry call it. Take a tablespoon of flaxseed, pour a glass of boiling water, cover the bowl and leave for 10-12 hours (until the evening). The mixture becomes viscous and is applied with using a cotton pad on the skin of the neck and décolleté.

After drying, after about 5 minutes, apply layer by layer up to 6 times, drying each layer. After 5-10 minutes, wash off.

Olive oil mask recipe. The mask recipe consists of one tablespoon of heated olive oil and 2-3 drops of lemon juice - it nourishes, smoothes and whitens a little. After mixing the components, apply the mixture using a cotton pad along massage lines on the skin of the neck and décolleté for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Use other basic cosmetic oils - grape seed, almond, peach, wheat germ oils.

Recipe for a mask with sour cream. Mix 1:1 potato starch and sour cream or cream until creamy. Keep on the skin for 20-30 minutes lying down without talking. Has an excellent lifting effect.

Alginate mask. Created on the basis of alginic acid contained in seaweed. It is suitable for any skin type and solves many problems, but most importantly, it whitens, nourishes, rejuvenates, and tightens the skin after the first use.

Apply a mask diluted 1:1 with warm water to a creamy consistency on cleansed skin of the neck and décolleté for 30 minutes. After time has passed, remove it with your hands. There is no need to wash your face, use toner and nourishing cream.

Neck care masks can be used both in emergency cases and systematically to keep the skin of the neck young, elastic and toned.

Gymnastics for the neck

Smooth tilts of the head to the left, right, forward, backward 16 times (do not make sudden or circular movements, maximum semicircle from left to right and back).

Lie on the edge of the bed with your head hanging over it (keep your neck muscles tense and touch your chin to your chest; gradually increase the number of lifts, start with 5).

While sitting or standing, stretch your neck muscles upward, lifting your chin 8-10 times.

An important rule for caring for the skin of the neck and décolleté is to touch it strictly along the massage lines. We move our hands up along the front wall of the neck, down along the sides of the neck, and from the center to the shoulders along the décolleté.

The right pillow. You can choose an orthopedic pillow in the salon, or take a simple pillow based on buckwheat husk. It adapts to the body of the neck and supports the head in the correct horizontal position during sleep.


So, today you learned that neck care is an important daily procedure. Using masks will help you always keep the skin of your neck and décolleté in good shape. Always walk with your head held high.

Love and take care of yourself and your skin. Share the article with friends and family, leave comments. See you again on the pages of my blog.

Best regards, Tina Tomchuk

One of the most vulnerable parts of the female body is the neck. The thing is that it has very little fat and slow blood circulation, which means its minimal nutrition, rapid loss of elasticity and firmness. That is why neck care must be started in a timely manner in order to prevent its rapid aging.

As you know, the skin of the neck ages much earlier than the face. It is on it that the first small wrinkles appear, which can darken the owner’s mood. Therefore, in order not to give away your real age and maintain youthful skin, neck and face rejuvenation should take a long time, starting from the age of 25.

Such early care is necessary in order not to miss the moment when the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, hated folds and wrinkles appear on it, and possibly a double chin. But even if you have already missed something, and your neck has managed to partially lose its divine appearance, there is no need to be upset, but start taking care of it. We will show you exactly how to do this in this article.

I would like to initially note that neck care does not require a lot of effort and time, but the resulting effect is amazing. For complete care, you need to acquire healthy habits, carry out external neck skin care daily, as well as perform a set of exercises and massage. This comprehensive approach will help keep the neck skin elastic and fresh, and also prevent the formation of a double chin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Morning neck care

When you wake up in the morning, don’t forget to smile at your reflection in the mirror, and then you can wash your face and neck with cool water. And when taking a morning shower, do not forget to direct a stream of cool water to your neck. It is best to finish taking it by applying a day cream, which should be rubbed into the skin with smooth movements from bottom to top.

Evening neck care

The skin should be cleansed with water and gel or foam for washing, and then covered with a thin layer of cream (for a maximum of 1.5 hours), do a light massage and remove any remaining cream with a dry cloth. Before taking a shower or bath, it is advisable to make a compress for the skin of your neck: apply a little moisturizing cream to your neck, wrap it in a warm, damp towel, and while bathing, wet the towel with water.

Does your neck need additional nutrition?

The answer is categorical - yes! The skin of the neck requires the use of creams with a high water content. With age, such cosmetics need to be supplemented with biocreams, fortified, which stimulate the renewal of epidermal cells, as well as creams that have a moisturizing effect.

What about masks?

You need to pamper your neck with cosmetic masks or lotions at least twice a week. For example, curd lotion has beneficial properties, and it is quite easy to make. To prepare it, you need to mix fat cottage cheese (two tablespoons) with the juice of half an orange or tangerine, then add vegetable oil (one teaspoon). Mix the ingredients well, put in double-folded gauze and keep on your neck for 20 minutes (it is recommended to hold with a bandage). Then rinse with warm water.

The next mask will also please aging skin. For it you need to mix one protein, the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Leave on the skin of the neck for no more than 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

A few words about massage

Complete neck care is impossible without high-quality massage. In addition to being very pleasant, it is also quite useful. After all, with its help you can improve blood circulation, strengthen and cleanse the neck skin of deposits and toxins.

It's not hard to do at all. First you need to purchase a massage brush, which you will use to massage problematic parts of the body, in particular the skin of the neck. Before starting the procedure, you need to lubricate your neck, shoulders and upper back with vegetable oil. Then you can start doing it from the chest, from the chest to the back, and from the back to the left forearm and again to the The duration of the massage should not exceed 5 minutes, and it should be done daily in the morning and evening.

As you can see, caring for your neck at home is not at all difficult. All you have to do is follow our simple tips and be optimistic about the results and the reward will not be long in coming.

It has long been noted that a woman’s age can reveal the condition of the skin on her hands and neck. And if we perform all cosmetic procedures for the face regularly, then we remember that our neck and décolleté area need the same attention only when elasticity decreases and transverse wrinkles appear.

To prevent the neck from showing our age, it is necessary to care for it just as carefully as for the skin of the face: regular cleansing and toning, moisturizing and nutrition, massage, masks and gymnastics will help keep it smooth and young.

After all, the skin of the neck loses elasticity much faster - this is due to the increased load on the muscles, and the fact that very often our work involves keeping our heads down for a long time. As a rule, it is more prone to dryness than the skin of the face, more delicate and vulnerable - when excited, it is the first to become covered with red spots. Therefore, it needs careful care after 35 years, just like the décolleté area.

First of all, you need to monitor your posture and get used to controlling the position of your shoulders and head, throwing your shoulders back and straightening your chest for deeper breathing. When the head is often lowered, the neck muscles gradually lose their elasticity, wrinkles appear, and the chin becomes flabby. In addition, a woman with an athletic posture always looks younger.

Bad habits can lead to deterioration of the skin condition: sudden movements of the head, sleeping on a high pillow, which leads not only to deepening of transverse wrinkles, but also to the appearance of a double chin, unnecessary movements - tilting and turning the head, the habit of walking with the head down.

Basic rules of care.

Rule 1.

Cleanse your neck and décolleté every day as thoroughly as you cleanse your face. Cleansed skin rests and recovers more effectively during sleep, and quickly absorbs all the beneficial substances from night cream or masks.

Rule 2.

To maintain elasticity, choose the right care products: special and nourishing creams. The fact is that the condition and type of skin on the neck may differ from the type of skin on the face. All high-quality cosmetics series now produce special care products for the décolleté and neck area. If your face is dry, you can use your usual cosmetics and regular masks and massage. If your facial skin is of normal type, then special creams can be used 1-2 times a week. And be sure to use care products for the neck area if your face is oily and you use.

Rule 3.

To keep the neck skin elastic, special gymnastics have been developed, which is recommended to be performed in the same 10-day courses as this. This will help not only restore elasticity, but also correct the oval of the face. But it is advisable to perform 2-3 movements every morning.

Rule 4.

In order for creams and masks to have the greatest effect, it is recommended to apply light pinches along the neck, over the entire surface, without affecting the area where the thyroid gland is located. This micromassage will improve blood circulation, and all nutrients will be absorbed faster.

Rule 5.

Masks for the neck and décolleté area, if you prefer “homemade” cosmetics, must be prepared from fresh vegetables and fruits containing biologically active substances and fruit acids: orange and lemon juice, grapefruit and apple, kiwi and bananas, strawberries and apricots, potatoes, containing starch, tomatoes, the juice of which has a nutritious and slight bleaching effect.

Rule 6.

If a double chin has appeared or the skin under the chin has lost its elasticity, a simple procedure performed in the morning will help restore it and the shape of your face. Soak the middle of a terry towel in cold salted water. Using stretching movements, apply a few pats under the chin, 10-20.

Wet the towel again and apply it to the décolleté and then to the neck, holding each position for 2-3 seconds, from the chest to the chin. Then you can moisten your face with a decoction of herbs or wipe with an ice cube. Make a few light patting movements with your fingertips - a little vibration massage and the moisture will be absorbed faster. After 10-15 minutes, you can apply daytime cosmetics.

Oil compress and contrast procedures.

After 35, to prevent age-related changes, it is recommended at least once a month, in a 12-day course, to carry out oil wrap procedures in the evening, which alternate every other day with contrast compresses.

Almond and apricot oils in their pure form and jojoba oil mixed with base oil have an excellent effect.

The skin of the neck must first be thoroughly cleaned and warmed with a compress: moisten a terry cloth in warm, but not hot water with the addition of 1 tsp. sea ​​salt per liter of water. Apply for a couple of minutes to feel that the skin has become more flexible and warm.

Then, using a cosmetic disc or a wide soft brush, apply the oil to the neck area, including the area under the chin and décolleté. Place a rectangular piece of soft polyethylene or tracing paper on top. Straighten thoroughly so that there are no wrinkles. Secure the compress with a wide bandage or scarf.

Since it is advisable to lie down for 20-30 minutes so that the muscles are completely relaxed, you can prepare it for your face and cover your eyelids with cosmetic pads soaked in chamomile or green tea.

Blot the remaining oil with discs, rinse off all masks with warm water and finish by rinsing with cold water with the addition of salt or lemon juice. Then wipe your face with an ice cube made from an infusion of rosemary, linden or sage, depending on your skin type. Allow any remaining moisture to be absorbed by applying a light finger “shower” and patting the chin area with the back of your hand.

Grasp the neck area with your hand and, using light pressing movements, lift it from the collarbones to the chin, first on one side, then on the other. After this, press your palms just above your chest and with the same pressing movements, maybe a little circular, moving the skin a little, not your hand, lightly massage the décolleté area. Finish with stroking movements from the chest to the chin. Straighten your shoulders, tilt your head back a little. Let this become habitual for you.

Contrast compresses also help restore the elasticity of the neck and décolleté, as well as the face. You will need 2 containers: with moderately hot water and cold, 2 linen or terry napkins. Start with a hot compress and end with a cold one. A hot compress is applied for 1-2 minutes, and a cold compress for 20-30 seconds. After compresses, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Gymnastics complex for the neck.

Start by moving your shoulders in a circular motion, moving them as far back as possible. Perform 10-15 movements, straightening your shoulders and chest as much as possible.

Exercise 1.

Slow rotation of the head, and then tilts left and right, back and forth, 5-10 movements.

Exercise 2.

Tilt your head back as far as possible. Close your upper lip with your lower lip, feeling the neck muscles tense. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Lower your head and relax your muscles. 5-10 movements.

Exercise 3.

The shoulders are lowered, the chin is slightly raised. Lower the corners of your lips down as much as possible, hold for 5-7 seconds, relax your muscles. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise 4.

Open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue as much as possible for 5 seconds, then relax and lower your head. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise 5.

With the back of your hand, begin to throw your head back, but tense your muscles and resist this movement. Each movement lasts 5-7 seconds, repeat 5-8 times. This exercise strengthens the chin muscles.

Exercise 6.

The set of exercises for the neck ends with a simple but effective exercise. Place your hands on your shoulders and in a circular motion, lifting your shoulders up and moving them back and down, straighten your chest. Now, leaving your hands on your shoulders, begin to simultaneously try to lower your shoulders even further and stretch your neck up as much as possible. Maintain tension for 5-7 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5-10 times.

All gymnastics exercises for the neck, when performed regularly, strengthen the muscles and restore firmness and elasticity to the skin, correct the oval of the face, smooth out wrinkles, and the double chin decreases and disappears over time.

Masks for nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the neck.

In principle, you can use recipes for nourishing face masks for dry and normal skin. Therefore, I will give only 3 recipes, the most effective for nourishing and moisturizing the neck and décolleté area.

Oatmeal mask.

You can steam 1 tbsp. oat flour 2 tbsp. water or milk, or rosemary infusion. Add 3 drops each of almond, apricot and wheat germ or grape seed oils to a tablespoon. cold pressed olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and add tsp. citrus juice. Apply the warm mixture for 15-20 minutes.

Honey and curd mask.

Grind tbsp. cottage cheese with tsp. sour cream, add 5 drops of any aromatic oil from the previous recipe, tsp. honey and a few drops of lemon juice, which not only contains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process, but also brightens the skin, restoring its elasticity and dullness.

Baked apple mask.

If you prepare baked apples with honey for your family at least once a week, you will get a 2 in 1 effect: a delicious vitamin dessert rich in nutrients and pectins, and for yourself an effective anti-wrinkle mask.

Core the apple and fill it with honey. You can add raisins and chopped walnuts to the remaining apples. Bake for only 15-20, until half cooked and leave for 10 minutes in the cooling oven.

Mash the pulp soaked in honey, add citrus juice and a few drops of aromatic oils. Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes. After such a mask, the skin becomes not only more elastic, but also smooth, almost silky.

I also recommend masks made from potatoes boiled in milk: mix mashed potatoes with sour cream or butter, or from semolina porridge with butter and a few drops of carrot juice. This mask will give you a light tan in the spring. But large amounts of juice can cause a yellow tint to appear for a while, so start experimenting with 3-4 drops.

The main thing is not to forget that every centimeter of your body is you. And take care of yourself. Then your neck will safely store your age.

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