“Our teachers are people of different nationalities, but they are united by one common cause - the desire to educate real people, patriots,” - Sergei Kornilov. The children are all different, but their childhood is united by Ibrahim Hamato - plays tennis without hands

We envy, but don't think about why they can survive in a difficult situation, but we can't. In fact, anyone can become strong if they behave differently. Strong people:

1. They communicate to exchange ideas, not to convince someone of something.

They express ideas, justify their feasibility, but do not put pressure or defend themselves. They share information freely and openly with others, are good listeners, and value the wisdom and advice of others.

Strong people are confident in themselves, they know about their weak points. They recognize that in some situations it is better to seek support from more skilled, experienced, or educated friends and colleagues. They believe that there is no shame in asking for help.

3. Adequately perceive reality

They notice obstacles in their path, but do not focus on them for too long because they understand that difficulties are a prerequisite for moving forward. They evaluate the situation taking into account different possibilities and see the future in any situation.

4. Live in the moment

They are aware that the past cannot be changed. The strong learn from the mistakes of the past and move forward, rather than wasting hours on regrets and thinking about what could have been done yesterday or a year ago.

5. They work a lot

They know that nothing happens by itself, they are ready to work both on their careers and on relationships. They are envied, but the envious cannot imagine how much effort has been put into projects and difficulties overcome on the way to the goal.

6. These are grateful people

They understand that their happiness and success depend not only on themselves. Without the participation and support of other people, a business project will not be truly successful. And a family cannot be strong only thanks to one of the partners. Such people appreciate those who help them, know how to express gratitude and often do this.

7. Able to cope with serious problems

No matter what happens, the death of a loved one, divorce or loss of business, they do not allow this event to become a part of them. In other words, they separate themselves from the sad event, but recognize that it has become part of their life. And they know that life goes on, despite all the adversity. This attitude makes them stronger.

8. They know how to endure pain

They don't try to avoid problems. They have the courage to be fully present in the moment when they are hurt, offended or unpleasant. They perceive this pain as an important lesson and do not try to use anesthesia or escape from the crisis, for example, with the help of alcohol. And this does not mean that they are insensitive. They are aware of the pain, but do not identify with it.

Yes, it has happened. The children's television folk dance competition "Baik" celebrated its 5th anniversary. And in this short time, he took a special place in the cultural space of our republic. “Baik” preserves dance culture, discovers new names that inspire hope, and unites amateurs and professionals of the world of dance from small and large cities, towns and villages.

Gift from guests - tradition of “Baik”
Despite its young age, this competition already has its own traditions. One of them is the participation of guests from other regions who show their culture and perform their folk dances. Since 2010, they have given a separate concert on the central square of the district center on the eve of the main event of the children's dance festival. This year the Mrakovsky audience saw them on July 18th.

For the second year in a row, the Tulpar ensemble from the Astrakhan region comes to Baik. This time they presented two dances: “Turkish” and the dynamic Nogai “We Honor Traditions”. The participants from North Ossetia were magnificent in their grace and stature. The viewer seemed to freeze, watching the beautiful lyrical dance performed by the duet of the Terek ensemble.

The Chuvash are a special nation. The dance culture of this people, developing under the influence of the Tatar, Bashkir, Ukrainian and other Volga peoples, managed to acquire its own unique image. Looking at the performance of the Suvaryata ensemble, you clearly understand this. They were great this evening. Girls from Tatarstan joked and played on stage. Their cheerful dance “Typyr-typyr bierga” excited everyone.

The guests from Kyrgyzstan received thunderous applause. The little five- to seven-year-old artists were inimitable in their childlike spontaneity. Their team did not quite fit into the format of the competition - they are not dancers, but small actors of the theatrical choir “Ak Shoola” (“White Ray”), that is, they dance, sing, and act at the same time. And they do it wonderfully.

The concert ended with a song about friendship performed by Madina Rakhmatullina.

"Baik" dances and rejoices!
Folk dances reflect the history of the people, their philosophy, worldview, and character. Bashkir folk dances delight the whole world with their diversity and originality.

On July 20, a grand Gala concert took place in the bosom of the Muradymov Gorge. Already at the entrance there was a sense of celebration, and the pleasant music sounding throughout the clearing immediately lifted the mood. Guests and participants of the holiday had the opportunity to get acquainted with the exhibition dedicated to the Year of Environmental Protection, which was organized by educational institutions of the region. Throughout the clearing, yurts of the district's agricultural enterprise were placed for young dancers and their leaders, where they could refresh themselves, change clothes, and get themselves in order. The stage was decorated colorfully, and a screen was installed on the back of it for a better view.

This year, about 350 young dancers presented a great holiday to the audience. Colorful, captivating from the first minute, causing indescribable delight, the prologue composition “Ak Tirmalar” to the song “Bashkortostan” performed by Gulnaz Arsaeva forced the audience to sit in the pouring rain with umbrellas in their hands. No one left, but on the contrary, there were more and more people who wanted to see the grandiose event. But then the rain stopped, the sun came out from under the clouds, and everyone immediately became more cheerful.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan Liliya Gumerova arrived at the competition to share the joy with the fans of the children's Baik. She read out a congratulation from the President of the Republic of Belarus R. Khamitov and said with admiration: “Today “Baiku” turned 5 years old. This is his first big high five. Perhaps this is one of the competitions where there are no losers, and we are all winners - the multinational people of Bashkortostan and Russia. So let's give applause to the main characters of this holiday - our little talented dancers. Let Baik prosper!

The children's "Baiku" is five years old. I wonder if at this age a child can already dance? It turns out he can. It was symbolic that the first number of the Gala Concert was rightfully given to four-year-old Aliya Mukhutdinova from the Abzelilovsky district. She appeared before the audience in the image of a “burzyanochka”. She coped with all the difficult elements and captivated the audience. Rufina Khafizova, also from the Abzelilovsky district, had a fun time in the forest in her dance, picking berries and communicating with little forest dwellers. She deservedly received a sea of ​​applause. Oh, how delicious is the aromatic tea from a samovar in a summer meadow. The girls from Sibay (the ensemble “Yaygor”) invited everyone to drink this wonderful drink.

From time immemorial, the Bashkir people were famous for their hospitality. Thanks to this, the playful and comic dance “Bishbarmak” was born. A young performer from Ufa, Leila Sattarova, was able to accurately convey the uniqueness of the plot of this magnificent dance. Oh, these girls are naughty. As soon as they are left alone at home, they start trying on outfits and jewelry for themselves - so Guzel Urazova from the Zianchurinsky district could not restrain herself. Artistic, sweet, cheerful, she very reliably took on the role of a little coquette. The choreographed dance “When I’m Alone at Home” performed by her was liked by everyone. The theme of a happy, carefree childhood was evident in the performances of groups from the Gafuriy (“Byҙybyt”) and Khaibullinsky districts.

The development of Bashkir folk dance is inextricably linked with the name of Fayzi Gaskarov. This year the Gala concert was dominated by dance in his production. One of them is “Koroҡsolar” performed by the ensemble “Oҙonkul” from the Uchalinsky district. It seemed that the dancers were incredibly light; they almost did not touch the floor, but simply flew, performing this half-comic dance.

Another famous dance, full of tragedy, “Seven Girls,” staged by the legendary Bashkir choreographer, was presented at this year’s competition by members of the “Ynyylar” ensemble from the Abzelilovsky district. They boldly declared themselves by showing it, and even if they have not yet reached such a high level, the dance undoubtedly has a future. The picture on stage was complemented by a song of the same name performed by Rita and Regina Vakhitov.

Men's dances are a separate category in Bashkir dance art. By the way, as a member of the jury of the “Baik” competition, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Zinfira Gabdulkhakova, noted, men’s dances have developed over the five years of the competition’s existence, made a big step forward, the technique and the performance itself have become richer and more diverse, even new elements have appeared. One could be convinced of this by watching the performance of boy soloists Almaz Gabitov from the Burzyansky district and Rifat Saitgalin from the Abzelilovsky district. Everyone was delighted with the composition “Bayik”, accompanied by a song performed by Zagir Isyanchurin and Rustam Shagbalov. The boys danced with spears in their hands, portraying either glorious warriors or hunters. The objects in the dance put an additional burden on the performers, but everyone coped with it and did not lose synchronization of movements.

A dynamic, strong and clear hunting dance was presented by Iskander Abelguzin from the Gafuriy region. The trio of Ramzil Aitkulov, Ramzil Safargalin and Ibragim Baymurzin from the Kugarchinsky district performed their routine cleanly and easily. "Bravo!" - the spectators shouted to them. With bated breath, everyone watched the collective dance “Azamat” performed by the exemplary ensemble “Yondoҙ” from the Karmaskalinsky district.

Unfortunately, very few duet compositions are presented on “Baik” (author’s note). At this concert, the audience was able to watch only one pair dance, “Kodasa,” which deserved special attention. The charming Zulhiza Nurgalina and Aidar Buranov from the Burzyansky district were incomparable.

There were many bright moments at the festival. This is a performance by guests from Tatarstan, Chuvashia, North Ossetia, the Astrakhan region, who presented the Nogai culture, as well as small singing actors from Kyrgyzstan. And another amazing suite performed by them. In a short time, thanks to the efforts of stage directors, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Belarus Rais Nizametdinov and Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus, artistic director of the Sibay State Philharmonic Society Fanil Asadullin, they learned unfamiliar movements and demonstrated their love for Bashkir dance to the public. It seems that this dance of friendship was the culmination of the holiday.

But the surprises didn't end there. The audience saw two more brilliant, fantastic suites, where the Grand Prix winners of previous years performed solos. Indira Sibagatullina and Azalia Ryzvanova once again showed themselves in all their glory. For the boys, Rafis Idrisov, Ainaz Nizametdinov, Fidel Karimov and Denis Akhmetov executed all the movements professionally, accurately and laconically. A real holiday was presented to all those present by the members of the ensemble “Iremel” from the Uchalinsky district. "Baik" danced! "Baik" rejoiced!

Sesen Aidar Baik became the first to dance in honor of the winners. Young Bashkir brave warriors and graceful beauties continue his traditions. More than once the earth will tremble under their firm heel.

The absolute winners of “Baik-2013” ​​were Iskander Abelguzin from the Gafuriy district in the “Solo” nomination, and the trio of Ramzil Aitkulov, Ramzil Safargalin and Ibragim Baymurzin from the Kugarchinsky district in the “Small Ensemble” nomination. The exemplary dance ensemble of the Russian Federation “Iremel” from the Uchalinsky district also won the Grand Prix. And their leaders Aida Karimova and Fanis Karimov were awarded as the best choreographers of 2013. The director of the Salavat Dance Ensemble, Raila Khafizova, also deserved this title.

The creativity of the dancers was assessed by the chairman of the jury, People's Artist of the Republic of Belarus Radmir Badretdinov; teacher of the Bashkir Choreographic School named after. R. Nureyeva, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Zinfira Gabdulkhakova, laureate of the Sh. information of the Republic of Belarus, author of the project Rita Umetbaeva.

Guests' opinions
Chairman of the jury, People's Artist of the Republic of Belarus Radmir Badretdinov: “A Bashkir cannot help but dance, sing, and play the kurai. This is our culture. To be honest, I am very happy and proud, we have talented children, in general, education and cultivation of abilities is primarily the responsibility of parents. They are the ones who must notice something unique in the child and be able to develop it. Studying and teaching Bashkir dances revives the human spirit. As for our “common child” “Baik”, I will say that in five years it has grown both culturally and in terms of the breadth of its participants.

Chief production director of “Baik - 2013” ​​Rais Nizametdinov: “I am immensely proud that the Iremel ensemble became the winner this year, the winner of the Grand Prix, because I was once at the origins of this ensemble. As for the holiday itself, I will say that we tried and the children gave themselves one hundred percent to this process. All our ideas came true. How the Gala concert went is for the viewer to judge. Without a doubt, I wish the competition a long life. This project is necessary, now it is the dance that needs to be revived. Singers and musicians can use various resources to popularize their ideas: radio, television, the Internet. And the dancer needs live communication with the audience, he must feel how he is perceived.”

Honored Worker of Culture of Russia and Chuvashia, founder of the dance group “Suvariata” Anatoly Muzykantov: “I am familiar with the culture of Bashkir dance. It is rich, original, and has its own traditions. This is our first time at such a festival. Its scale is amazing. I would like a similar event to be held in our region.”

Source - Kugarchinskie news No. 87 (9376) dated July 25, 2013

A glass of lemon water in the morning helps awaken mental and physical energy and improves digestion. It is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and potassium. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add water. It is not recommended to drink pure lemon juice - it is dangerous for tooth enamel. Drink on an empty stomach to ensure complete absorption, and start breakfast no earlier than 15-30 minutes later.

2. Do exercises

Perhaps someone considers early rises and exercise an unnecessary pain, but not Tim Cook and Richard Branson. Those who achieve success usually get out of bed before six in the morning and immediately start moving. After just 10 minutes of physical activity, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is released, which calms the mind and promotes focus.

Research from the Eastern Ontario Institute has shown that people who exercise at least twice a week for 10 weeks or more are better socially, professionally and physically. And research from the University of Bristol has proven that daily exercise promotes increased energy, a positive attitude and, as a result, greater efficiency.

3. They don’t immediately get involved in work

If, as soon as we wake up, we dive into Facebook or email, we quickly lose focus and spend our morning time on the problems and needs of other people. It is better to spend the first minutes of the day doing something pleasant: this will create a positive mood for the whole day. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz writes motivational emails to employees early in the day, then devotes time to family and exercise.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast

This way we get advantages over those who go to work on an empty stomach: stable blood sugar levels, no hunger pangs during the day. Breakfast gives you energy for several hours, improves short-term memory and the ability to concentrate on work.

5. Meditate

Many leaders practice mindfulness meditation, which increases productivity and promotes self-acceptance. It helps combat stress by transforming the fight-or-flight mechanism, improves the ability to focus, awakens creativity and increases emotional intelligence.

6. Plan your day

If we carefully plan our day, the chances of achieving our goals increase many times over. It is better to plan immediately after meditation, when the mind is calm and clear. Benjamin Franklin, for example, was a big fan of planning: he woke up at four in the morning and meticulously made a schedule for the day.

7. They say no

This will protect your morning time. The main thing is not to try to replace it with phrases like: “I’m not sure” or “I don’t think I can.” Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco have found that those who avoid the word “no” are more susceptible to stress, burnout and even depression.

They are all different, but they are united by faith in something.
Religion in most cases serves as conscience. She does not allow them to do what they will be “punished” for. Religion provides universal answers to any questions that science has not yet found an answer to. But this does not mean that having religion, you can abandon science.
The disadvantages are the consequences of the advantages. The main disadvantage is people’s feigned interest in faith. Their "faith" is shown only on the outside, but does not live on the inside. The second disadvantage is the use of people's faith in God for selfish purposes.
And the most pressing problem in our time is the numerous persecutions associated with differences in faith.

They are all different, but they are united by belief in something. Religion in most cases serves as conscience. She does not allow them to do what they will be “punished” for. Religion provides universal answers to any questions that science has not yet found an answer to. But this does not mean that having religion, you can abandon science. The disadvantages are the consequences of the advantages. The main disadvantage is people’s feigned interest in faith. Their "faith" is shown only on the outside, but does not live on the inside. The second disadvantage is the use of people's faith in God for selfish purposes. And the most pressing problem in our time is the numerous persecutions associated with differences in faith.

Detect language Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Chinese Traditional Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Filipino Finnish French Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati Haitian Creole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Klingon Klingon (pIqaD) Korean Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian Nepali Norwegian Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Spanish Sundanese Swahili Swedish Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish Yoruba Zulu Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Chinese Traditional Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Filipino Finnish French Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati Haitian Creole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Klingon Klingon (pIqaD) Korean Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian Nepali Norwegian Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Spanish Sundanese Swahili Swedish Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish Yoruba Zulu From: To:

Results (English) 1:

They are all different, but they share a belief in something. Religion in most cases serves as a conscience. It does not give them to what their "punish". Religion gives universal answers to any questions that have not yet found the answer. But that doesn't mean that having a religion, you can abandon science. Cons-these are consequences of the pros. The biggest minus is feigned interest of people to faith. Their "faith" is only shown on the outside but not living inside .The second minus is the use of faith in God. And the most urgent problem of our time is the many persecutions associated with differences in faith.

Being translated, please wait..

Results (English) 2:

They are all different, but they share a belief in something.
Religion in most cases is the conscience. It does not allow them to make something for their "punish". Religion provides universal answers to any questions that are still unanswered science. But this does not mean that having a religion, it is possible to abandon science.
Cons - the consequences of advantages. The main drawback - it is feigned interest of people to the faith. Their "faith" appears only from the outside, but do not live in. Another minus - is the use of people's faith in God for selfish purposes.
And the most urgent problem of our time - the numerous persecutions associated with differences in faith.

The first youth meeting of the education workers' union, which took place in August, set a high bar for its work. And it looks like he doesn’t intend to stop there. The next workshop proved this. According to the already established tradition, all participants were registered, given a program and (importantly!) a voucher for lunch. Well, and of course, multi-colored badges with full names, which again indicated some creative ideas of the seminar organizers.

The event was opened by O. N. Salamatova, leader of the regional trade union organization of education workers. “We are all different, but we are united by the trade union,” these words became the key theme of the entire seminar. In fact, the goal of the entire event was to unite the trade union organizations of the region. Well, since the youth organization of educators gathered initiative and creative people, they prepared the seminar in such a way that there was no time to be bored.

To begin with, a trade union quest was proposed. All seminar participants were divided into four teams, according to the colors of their badges, and they went on a journey through stations, where they had to pass rather difficult tests. For example, at the “Battle of Intellectuals” station, led by O. N. Salamatova, the teams had to not only show their knowledge in various areas of professional activity, but also the most important ability - to quickly find a way out of a problem situation. The participants showed knowledge of the correct drafting of employment contracts, how they navigate the collective agreement, because they must be able to convey the essence of this document to their colleagues.

At the “Trogatelnaya” station, where V. Vorobyova was the main one, they learned to work harmoniously, which requires complete mutual understanding. Teachers were able to demonstrate their mastery of verbal means of transmitting information at the Chatty Station. Here, one of the participants was given a stack of cards, turning them over, in one minute it was necessary to explain what was depicted there. The team must guess the words by going through options, asking questions, and clarifying. I must say that many explained it very clearly, because the teams guessed a large number of words. It was a lot of fun at the Mine Field station.

The premise of this game was that in professional work there are many problems, that is, we often walk through a minefield. But the union can come to your defense. For help to be effective, you need to be able to listen and hear. So the participants learned to do this. Blindfolded, one of the participants had to overcome the “minefield”, carefully listening to the commands of the trade union leader. Not everyone was able to clearly explain where to step so as not to step on a mine.

The whole team helped and supported, which, of course, contributed to the unity of practically strangers. You could also feel like a team at the Profsoyuzny Beat station. M. Limonova, who led this station, gave the teams lyrics and two melodies; after choosing music, the teams had to prepare a performance in four minutes. Rap is not easy to read for inexperienced people, but not for union leaders. The crowd was creative, cheerful and active, so the rap was expressed expressively and contagiously. Leaving this station, everyone should have understood that a trade union leader must be able to motivate people to join the trade union, clearly and effectively conveying information; boring and tedious lectures will not interest anyone.

The sixth station was called "Attentive". The name spoke for itself: M. Chirkova proposed to find cups with marks among 15 overturned cups in five minutes. Moreover, your actions had to be reflected on the diagram. Thus, the participants were tested for attentiveness, because in life you need to notice every little thing. Teachers cannot be accused of lack of attentiveness, and therefore everyone coped with the task well.

After such an energetic charge, the participants went into sections. Everyone was able to realize their interest; some were interested in psychological training. Well, isn't it interesting to know how not to burn out at work? And then they taught me how to relieve fatigue, although first they found out the reasons for its occurrence. Someone was interested in the section “Taking into account the opinions of the trade union organization”; there were those who wanted to take part in the work of the section “Do-it-yourself gift”.

That is, the activists who prepared the seminar took into account the diverse interests of the participants. The result of the event is that the trade union leader must have such qualities as activity, determination, responsibility and mobility. Undoubtedly, he must have knowledge in the field of labor legislation and be able to convey information in an interesting and complete manner. The organizers of the seminar tried to convey all this to the participants in an accessible form and, in my opinion, they succeeded.


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